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         Schwinger Julian:     more books (55)
  1. THE WIDTHS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY LEVELS. by Julian, J. H. Manley and H. H. Goldsmith. SCHWINGER, 1939
  2. Differential equations of quantum field theory: A set of lectures given at Stanford University during the summer of 1956 by Julian Seymour Schwinger, 1956
  3. Sin-Itiro Tomonaga: Quantum Electrodynamics, Nobel Prize in Physics, Richard Feynman, Julian Schwinger, Kyoto University, Hideki Yukawa, World War II, Nuclear Physics, Cavity Magnetron
  4. Schwinger?Dyson Equation: Julian Schwinger, Freeman Dyson, Quantum Field Theory, State Vector, Path-Ordering, Density Matrix, Correlation Function, Perturbation ... Theory, Feynman Diagram, DeWitt Notation
  5. Schwinger model: Julian Schwinger, Euclidean, Quantum Electrodynamics, Dirac Spinor, Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Fermionic Condensate, Instanton, Photon, Toy Model, Color Confinement
  6. Introduction and selected topics in source theory by Julian Seymour Schwinger, 1979
  7. Quantum dynamics by Julian Seymour Schwinger, 1955
  8. Electromagnetic Radiation. by Kimball A./ Schwinger, Julian. Milton, 1980
  9. Quantum Kinematics and Dynamics by Julian Schwinger, 1991
  10. Nuclear physics: Lectures by Julian Seymour Schwinger, 1952
  11. The theory of the fundamental interactions by Julian Seymour Schwinger, 1957
  12. Discontinuities in waveguides: Notes on lectures by Julian Seymour Schwinger, 1945
  13. Particles, Sources, and Fields. Vol. 3 by Julian Schwinger, 1998
  14. Particles and Sources Documents on Modern Physics by Julian Schwinger, 1969

41. Springer-Verlag - Quantenphysik
Translate this page Quantum Mechanics Symbolism of Atomic Measurements schwinger, julian Englert,Berthold-Georg (Hrsg.) 1st ed. 2001. Corr. 2nd printing, 2003, XIV, 468 pp.,10735,1-10111-22-2080154-0,00.
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Alle Autor/Hrsg.

42. OAC:
Finding Aids Browse UC Los Angeles Special Collections, Young Research Library schwinger (julian S.) Papers. schwinger (julian S.) Papers. View options
Schwinger (Julian S.) Papers Finding Aids Browse UC Los Angeles Special Collections, Young Research Library Schwinger (Julian S.) Papers
Schwinger (Julian S.) Papers
View options: Standard Entire finding aid (271K bytes) Contents: Descriptive Summary Administrative Information Biography Scope and Content Indexing Terms ... Container List
Descriptive Summary
Julian Seymour Schwinger Papers, 1920-1994 . Collection number:
Schwinger, Julian Seymour, 1918- Extent:
28 cartons (28 linear ft.) and 1 oversize box
University of California, Los Angeles. Library. Department of Special Collections.

Los Angeles, California 90095-1575

Julian Seymour Schwinger (1918-1994) worked with J. Robert Oppenheimer in developing the atomic bomb, and taught at Harvard University (1945-72) and UCLA (1972-88). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1965 for his contributions in the field of quantum electrodynamics. The collection consists of correspondence, lecture notes, problem sets, manuscripts, speeches, reports, research subject files, videotapes, films, notes, computations, and printed material related to Schwinger's research and teaching activities in physics.
Physical location: Stored off-site at SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact the UCLA Library, Department of Special Collections Reference Desk for paging information.

1. schwinger, julian Seymour + (UCLA) PAPERS STUDENTS Ph.D. advisor Rabi, IsidorIsaac Ph.D. institution Columbia U. (1939) Undergrad City Coll., NY http, Julian S.

1. Arnowitt, Richard L. (Texas AM) PAPERS STUDENTS Ph.D. advisor schwinger,julian S. Ph.D. institution Harvard U. (1953) Undergrad Rensselaer Poly., Julian Seymour

45. Schwinger
julian schwinger Wikipediajulian schwinger. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. julian schwinger (February12, 1918 July 16, 1994) was an American theoretical physicist.
Julian Seymour Schwinger
Born: 12 Feb 1918 in New York, USA
Died: 16 July 1994 in Los Angeles, California, USA
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Julian Schwinger progressed rapidly through the public school system of New York City. He was an undergraduate at the City College of New York where he published his first physics paper at the age of sixteen. Isidor I Rabi, the professor who led the molecular beam laboratory at Columbia University at this time, persuaded Schwinger to study for his doctorate at Columbia. He received his doctorate in 1939 at the age of 21 for a dissertation in physics On the Magnetic Scattering of Neutrons. However, his thesis had been written two or three years before he was awarded the degree, there being problems in completing the formalities. Uhlenbeck [4] explained about Schwinger's problems in obtaining his doctorate:- I was in Columbia in and Schwinger was in trouble; he couldn't get his Ph.D. because he didn't go to lectures of the mathematicians and he didn't have enough credits. So Rabi had told Schwinger that he had to go to my lectures at Columbia; of course, he didn't because it was early in the morning, and I asked Rabi, 'What shall I do?'. I was of course perfectly willing to give him an 'A' on the course because he needed the credits. ... He clearly knew as much as I did - we talked as complete equals. ... Rabi said, 'No, you shouldn't do that, you should give him an exam and make it a tough one.' So I did. We made an appointment, and of course he knew everything. He somehow had got the notes.

46. Schwinger
schwinger, julian Seymour. (19181994).
Schwinger, Julian Seymour
Americký fyzik zabývající se kvantovou teorií. Navazoval na práce Diraca a byl spolutvùrcem kvantové elektrodynamiky. Za její vytvoøení získal spolu s Feynmanem a Tomonagou Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1965.

47. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe
Translate this page schwinger, julian Quantum mechanics symbolism of atomic measurements/ julian schwinger. Ed. by Bertold-Georg Englert. - Berlin

48. Einstein's Legacy - By Schwinger, Julian
Time Physics Book Review. AUTHOR schwinger, julian ISBN 0486419746 Compareprice for this book. Einstein s Legacy Book Review, by schwinger, julian.
Einstein's Legacy
AUTHOR: Schwinger, Julian
ISBN: 0486419746
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Physics Editorial Review from Amazon
Einstein's Legacy
- Book Review, by Schwinger, Julian
From Book News, Inc.

Originally published as no.16 in the "Scientific American Library Series" (Scientific American Books), this replication features a Nobel Laureate's lucid explanations of Einstein's theories in historical and biographical contexts.
Book Description
A Nobel Laureate relates the fascinating story of Einstein and the development of relativity theory. Eschewing technical terms in favor of ordinary language, this splendidly lucid and profusely illustrated volume is perfect for readers without a scientific background. Discussions include the meaning of time and the paradoxes of space travel at speeds close to that of light; gravity and its effect on light; non-Euclidean geometry and the curving of space-time; and the impact of radio astronomy and space-age discoveries upon Einstein's model of the universe. 189 b/w illus. Index.
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49. UCLA Nobel Laureates: Julian Schwinger
Generations of physicists benefited from the foundation work done by julianschwinger. julian S. schwinger. 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics Born Feb.

Welcome Nobel Schwinger Generations of physicists benefited from the foundation work done by Julian Schwinger Julian S. Schwinger 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics
Born Feb. 12, 1918; died July 16, 1994
Julian Schwinger was a professor in UCLA's department of physics from 1972 until his death in 1994. "Julian Schwinger will be remembered as one of the great intellectual leaders of UCLA," said Charles E. Young, chancellor during Schwinger's time here. "His contributions to the academic community have made a lasting impression on research, teaching and the role of the university in advancing knowledge."
"Julian was a gentle, cultivated man and one of a handful of scientists whose magnificent contributions made science the great intellectual adventure of the 20th century," said David Saxon, UCLA professor emeritus of physics and former University of California president.
In 1965, Schwinger was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, an award he shared with Richard Feynman and Sin-itiro Tomonaga, for their independent contributions to quantum electrodynamics. The theoretical achievements of Schwinger and Feynman in the late 1940s and early 1950s provoked a revolution in theoretical physics (quantum field theory) and laid the foundations for the spectacular progress made in physics since that time.

50. Casa Del Libro - Comprar Libros: Arte, Literatura, Economía, Derecho, Diccion
schwinger, julian, Libro del autor 1 libroencontrado, 1. QUANTUM MECHANICS Editorial SPRINGER-VERLAG , 2001, 68.06 €.,1463,SCHWINGER32JULIAN,00.html
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51. Lexikon - Julian Schwinger Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist julian schwinger - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von julian schwinger.Logo Net-Lexikon, Suche Google News zum Stichwort. julian schwinger.
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Julian Schwinger
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Julian Schwinger 12. Februar in New York 16. Juli in Los Angeles Kalifornien ) war ein US-amerikanischer Physiker. Schwinger erhielt zusammen mit Richard P. Feynman und S. Tomonaga den Physik Nobelpreis "f¼r ihre fundamentale Leistung in der Quantenelektrodynamik , mit tiefgehenden Konsequenzen f¼r die Elementarteilchenphysik" B¼cher bei zum Stichwort: Julian Schwinger Info:
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52. Auteur - Schwinger, Julian
Translate this page Auteur schwinger, julian, 2 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier,Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Selected papers

53. Fiche Document -Selected Papers (1937-1976) Of Julian Schwinger

54. Online Encyclopedia - Julian Schwinger
, Encyclopedia Entry for julian schwinger. julian schwinger(February 12, 1918 July 16, 1994) was an American theoretical physicist.......Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Entry for Julian Schwinger
Dictionary Definition of Julian Schwinger

Julian Schwinger February 12 July 16 ) was an American theoretical physicist . He formulated the theory of renormalization and posited a phenomenon of electron-positron pairs known as the Schwinger effect . He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in for his work on quantum electrodynamics QED Schwinger was born in New York City, attended the City College of New York as an undergraduate, and received his doctorate from Columbia University in where he studied under I.I. Rabi . He worked at the University of California, Berkeley and was later appointed to a position at Purdue University During World War II Schwinger worked at the Radiation Laboratory at MIT , providing theoretical support for the development of radar . During this time, Schwinger began to apply his understanding of radiation to quantum physics After the war, Schwinger left Purdue for Harvard University , where he taught from 1945 to 1974. He married in 1947. During this time, he developed the concept of renormalization , which explained the Lamb shift in an electron's magnetic field. He also realized, in his study of particle physics, that

Translate this page total de 1 resultados. 1.- Selected Papers on Quantum ElectrodynamicsTema Fisica Moderna QC-115 schwinger, julian 1ª edicion.

56. Julian Schwinger :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
julian schwinger. Online Encyclopedia julian schwinger (February 12,1918 July 16, 1994) was an American theoretical physicist.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Julian Schwinger
Online Encyclopedia

Julian Schwinger February 12 July 16 ) was an American theoretical physicist . He formulated the theory of renormalization and posited a phenomenon of electron-positron pairs known as the Schwinger effect. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in for his work on quantum electrodynamics QED Schwinger was born in New York City, attended the City College of New York as an undergraduate, and received his doctorate from Columbia University in where he studied under I.I. Rabi . He worked at the University of California, Berkeley and was later appointed to a position at Purdue University During World War II Schwinger worked at the Radiation Laboratory at MIT , providing theoretical support for the development of radar . During this time, Schwinger began to apply his understanding of radiation to quantum physics After the war, Schwinger left Purdue for Harvard University , where he taught from 1945 to 1974. He married in 1947. During this time, he developed the concept of renormalization , which explained the Lamb shift in an electron's magnetic field. He also realized, in his study of particle physics, that

57. Julian Seymour Schwinger, Doctor Of Science, Purdue University 1961
julian Seymour schwinger, Doctor of Science, Purdue University 1961.julian S. schwinger shared a Nobel Prize in physics in 1965
2002 Distinguished Alumnus:
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Messages Events ... Alumni Resources (PAA, Continuing Education, Employment Opportunities, Giving, Purdue Information, Sports, Travel to Campus) Julian Seymour Schwinger, Doctor of Science, Purdue University 1961 Julian S. Schwinger shared a Nobel Prize in physics in 1965 for his contributions to quantum electrodynamics with Richard Feynman and Shin-Itiro Tomonaga. What follows is an excerpt from the Purdue honorary degree nomination letter by Professor Hubert James written in 1960. While at the Radiation Laboratory Schwinger invented important methods in electromagnetic field theory, which were extensively employed in the development of the theory of wave guides. He developed variational techniques that produced major advances in several fields of mathematical physics. Still more important were his contributions to the development of the modern form of quantum electrodynamics, through introduction of the "renormalization" technique. For this work he received the Nature of Light Award of the National Academy of Science, and shared with Kurt Godel the first award of the $15,000 Albert Einstein Prize for achievement in Natural Science. A recent review in Fortune of the work of American physicists says of him, quite justly, "Schwinger and Feynman ... are probably the most gifted theorists to be trained wholly in America. The work of Schwinger, Feynman, Dyson and Tomonaga represents the first major addition to quantum mechanics since its appearance in the twenties. These four physicists restructured its equations so that they are now fully consistent with the concepts of special relativity."

58. Julian Schwinger - InformationBlast
julian schwinger Information Blast. julian schwinger. julian schwinger (February12, 1918 July 16, 1994) was an American theoretical physicist.
Julian Schwinger
Julian Schwinger February 12 July 16 ) was an American theoretical physicist . He formulated the theory of renormalization and posited a phenomenon of electron-positron pairs known as the Schwinger effect. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in for his work on quantum electrodynamics QED Schwinger was born in New York City, attended the City College of New York as an undergraduate, and received his doctorate from Columbia University in where he studied under I.I. Rabi . He worked at the University of California, Berkeley and was later appointed to a position at Purdue University During World War II Schwinger worked at the Radiation Laboratory at MIT , providing theoretical support for the development of radar . During this time, Schwinger began to apply his understanding of radiation to quantum physics After the war, Schwinger left Purdue for Harvard University , where he taught from 1945 to 1974. He married in 1947. During this time, he developed the concept of renormalization , which explained the Lamb shift in an electron's magnetic field. He also realized, in his study of particle physics, that neutrinos would come in multiple varieties, associated with

julian schwinger THE PHYSICIST, THE TEACHER, AND THE MAN edited by YeeJack Ng (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill) In the postquantum
Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Keyword Author Concept ISBN Series New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Join Our Mailing List JULIAN SCHWINGER: THE PHYSICIST, THE TEACHER, AND THE MAN
edited by Yee Jack Ng (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
In the post-quantum-mechanics era, few physicists, if any, have matched Julian Schwinger in contributions to and influence on the development of physics. A deep and provocative thinker, Schwinger left his indelible mark on all areas of theoretical physics; an eloquent lecturer and immensely successful mentor, he was gentle, intensely private, and known for being "modest about everything except his physics". This book is a collection of talks in memory of him by some of his contemporaries and his former students: A Klein, F Dyson, B DeWitt, W Kohn, D Saxon, P C Martin, K Johnson, S Deser, R Finkelstein, Y J Ng, H Feshbach, L Brown, S Glashow, K A Milton, and C N Yang. From it, one can get a glimpse of Julian Schwinger, the physicist, the teacher, and the man. Altogether, this book is a must for all physicists, physics students, and others who are interested in great legends.
  • Recollections of Julian Schwinger (A Klein)
  • Schwinger's Response to the Award of an Honorary Degree at Nottingham
  • Schwinger's "The Greening of Quantum Field Theory: George and I" (F Dyson)
  • The Uses and Implications of Curved-Spacetime Propagators: A Personal View (B DeWitt)
  • Overview of Density Functional Theory (W Kohn)
  • Julian Schwinger Memorial Tribute (D Saxon)

60. Julian Schwinger: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price
julian schwinger Compare new and used books prices among 98 book stores ina click. Find the lowest price. Searched in books for julian schwinger.

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Searched in books for Julian Schwinger More than titles matched your search. Search took seconds. Classical Electrodynamics
By Julian Schwinger
Hardcover / July 1998 / 0738200565
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Discontinuities in Waveguides
By Julian Seymour Schwinger D. Saxon
Hardcover / January 1968 / 0677018401
Books Similar to Discontinuities in Waveguides Compare Prices Book Reviews By Julian Schwinger Paperback / January 2002 / 0486419746 Books Similar to Compare Prices Book Reviews By Julian Schwinger Paperback / January 1969 / 0677020651 Books Similar to Compare Prices Book Reviews By Julian Seymour Seymour Schwinger Paperback / October 1998 / 0738200530 Books Similar to Compare Prices Book Reviews By Julian Seymour Seymour Schwinger Paperback / October 1998 / 0738200549 Books Similar to

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