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  1. The Meditation of the Sad Soul (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization) by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1984-06-21
  2. La Obra Forma De La Tierra De R. Abraham Bar Hiyya ha-Bargeloni by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1956-01-01
  3. Sefer Megilat ha-megaleh (Hebrew Edition) by Rabbi Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda, 2007-12-10
  4. LA OBRA ENCICLOPEDICA; YESODE HA-TEBUNA U-MIGDAL HA-EMUNA, DE R. ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA HA-BARGELONI. Edicion Critica Con Traduccion, Prologo Y Notas, Por Jose Maria Millas Vallicrosa by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1952-01-01

61. Re: À âñ¸ æå íå óäåðæóñü îò êîììåíòàðèÿ
First Abraham bar Chiyah savasorda 14 noticed c. 1123 that in a medieval (c. 776)text known as Baraita d Shmuel 15 there is no trace of the 73 parts but
Re: À âñ¸ æå íå óäåðæóñü îò êîììåíòàðèÿ
Àâòîð ñîîáùåíèÿ: (c) Michael. Äàòà è âðåìÿ ñîîáùåíèÿ: 14 July 2003 at 22:12:12: ß ïðèâåäó îòðûâîê èç ñòàòüè Àðè Áåëåíüêîãî "JEWISH CALENDAR IN THE ROMAN PERIOD" The Baraita in Tractate Rosh Hashana 25a says:
"Once the sky was clouded and the image of the moon appeared on the 29th day. People decided that it should be the beginning of a new month and asked the Bet Din to confirm this. However, Rabban Gamliel said: According to tradition from my father's house the moon does not renew itself for less than 29 days and a half and two thirds of an hour and 73 parts."

Rabban Gamliel (d. 116 CE) was president of the Supreme Jewish Court in Yavne after the destruction of the Second Temple. Though Rabban Gamliel was an older contemporary of Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, he passed away some time before Almagest (c. 150 CE), in which the Greek astronomer gave the above value as the length of the mean lunar month,[11] was published. However, that value has an earlier history. Ptolemy himself attributed its discovery to Hipparchus of Rhodos (c. 150 BCE), claiming that the latter deduced this value from a comparison of his own eclipse observations with observations made by Babylonians
some 350 years before. However, German scholars of the 20th century, notably Franz Xavier Kugler and Otto Neugebauer,[12] have shown that this value had been the basis of Babylonian luni-solar calendar, in use at the beginning of the Seleucid era (c. 280 BCE).

62. Z Historie Matematiky A Fyziky (2)
Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi, vetšinou uvádený pod latinským jménem savasorda,napsal v roce 1145 knihu Liber embadorum , která byla první prací v
Z historie matematiky a fyziky (2)
zpracovali: Jiøí Svršek, Roman Bartoš Typografické poznámky k matematickým vztahùm jsou uvedeny na konci tohoto textu. 4. Historie èísla p Ve Starém zákonì v Bibli lze nalézt zmínky, napøíklad pøi popisu velkého chrámu krále Šalamouna postaveného kolem roku 850 pø.n.l, z nichž vyplývá, že èíslo p bylo odhadováno èíslem 3. Egypané a obyvatelé Mezopotámie odhadovali èíslo p hodnotou 25/8 a (10). Na obranu Šalamounových øemeslníkù je tøeba uvést, že pøi stavbì chrámu byly používány velké kvádry kamene, pøi jejichž usazování na místo nebyla nutná velká pøesnost. Skuteènost, že pomìr délky kružnice k jejímu polomìru je konstantní, byla známa velmi dlouho. První odhady èísla p byly získány mìøením, jako v pøípadì "biblické" hodnoty 3. V egyptském papyru, který objevil A. Henry Rhind je odhad èísla p dán èíslem 4.(8/9) První teoretický výpoèet èísla pí pochází od Archiméda ze Syrakus (287 - 212 pø.n.l.). Archimédes získal odhad p Archimédes vìdìl, že èíslo pí není rovno 22/7 a netvrdil, že objevil pøesnou hodnotu. Jeho nejlepším odhadem je 3.1418, jehož chyba je asi 0.0002. Archimédes pro odhad èísla p použil metodu vepsaných a opsaných mnohoúhelníkù kružnici s jednotkovým polomìrem. Nalezl vztahy pro odhad èísla pí pomocí obvodù tìchto mnohoúhelníkù a nalezl iteraèní vztahy mezi obvody n-úhelníkù a (n+1)-úhelníkù.

63. Re: Abraham Ben Ezra + Hebrew Alphanumerics By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
Those belonging to the 11th and 12th centuries are of the stature of Avempace, Abrahamibn Ezra and savasorda, while those of later ages appear to have earned
Re: Abraham ben Ezra + Hebrew alphanumerics by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
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Subject: Re: Abraham ben Ezra + Hebrew alphanumerics Author: Date: The Math Forum

in Spain itself were Dominicus Gondisalvi, Hugh of Santalla, and a group of Jewishscholars including Petrus Alphonsi, John of Seville, savasorda, and Abraham
Hugh Bibbs, B.A.
Scriptorium Series: Volume 3
First Edition

The scholasticism of medieval Catholic Europe, focussed
entirely as it was upon ancient authority, was unable to inform
scientific inquiry until the revolutionary libraries of Islam were
made available to the Catholic world.
All western advances in civil engineering, mathematics,
chemistry, medicine and astronomy were founded upon the medieval sciences of Islam, which were themselves built upon the classical traditions lost to the west during the Germanic destruction of the Roman Empire. This text clearly details the huge contribution of Islamic civilisation to the Later European Renaissance, and is an edited version of a paper once written for a university course. At that time, the professor examining the History of Science held that since any Islamic contribution to Western science was unknown to him it was therefore irrelevant to his subject, and he refused to read the paper. Comically, his subject dealt at length with the resistance

65. Publications Page
Cloud; Witelo; Gerard of Cremona; alKazin; al-Karki; al-Kuhi; al-Mahani; Mahavira;Plato of Tivoli; Richard of Wallingford; Samaw al; savasorda; Abraham bar
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M I S C .

Last updated
July 2003
Magazine Articles
  • 'Spinning Web Tales', North and South , December 2001.
  • 'Weird, Wild, Wacky', North and South , October 2001, p.29.
  • 'Web Pets', North and South , August 2001, p.28.
  • 'List Lurkers', North and South , April 2001, p.29
  • 'Web Radio', North and South , March 2001, p.25
  • 'Unreal Estate', North and South , October, 2000, p.35
  • NZ Listener , November 1-7, 2003, p.35. This was a competition winning essay in their "The Greatest Dinner Party Ever Competition".
  • 'Just the Bright Stars', in Coastlines, prose and poetry from Wellington to Foxton , Selected by Dame Kate Harcourt, Greater Otaki Library Trust, December, 2001.
Textbook Essays
  • 'The Video recorder', and 'Fractal Theory and Benoit Mandelbrot', in Science and Its Times 1950-1999: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery , Vol. 7, Gale Group Publishers, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2000.

66. Jewish Science And Technology Books: Personalities
Abraham bar, Hiyya HaNasi savasorda, mathematician and astronomer, born1070, Barcelona, Spain; died 1136, Provence, France. more-1, more-2.
click for... sales catalogue personalities prisms links ...
Contact: Compiled by Roger Shlomo Harris URL:
Most of us build on the achievements of those who have gone before us - this list is largely based upon the Dictionary of Jewish Biography by Geoffrey Wigoder (ISBN: 0-13-210105-X) History In Their Hands - A Book of Jewish Autographs by Harvey Lutske (ISBN: 1-56821-290-9) Vallentine's Jewish Encyclopaedia The Jewish 100 by Michael Shapiro (ISBN: 0-684-81934-1) , a growing number of entries from The Jewish Encyclopedia The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia , edited by David Crystal, published by Cambridge University Press, 1998. Internet search engine reports have provided rich veins of information.
Sources of additional information are indicated by clickable links, e.g. [ more ]. These lead to independent web-sites, each of which is the result of the work of one or more often unsung learned people. Words on an Internet web page may easily be found by invoking the Windows FIND function - press simultaneously Ctrl and F
In compiling this list it has been interesting to note the many Jews who have been involved either as mother or as midwife at the birth of significant branches of science.

67. Mathem_abbrev
Samawal, Ibn al savasorda (A bar Hiyya) Schoenberg, Isaac Schrödinger, Erwin Schwartz,Laurent Schwarz, Stefan Scott, Sheila (Macintyre) Selberg, Atle Serenus
Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
(a) Any wars etc.
(b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
(c) Major discoveries of the time
(d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

68. Astrologie : Stratégies Autour De L’astrologie : La Question Et Les Réponses
Translate this page On pense notamment à un Abraham Bar Hiyya (savasorda) dit Le Prince, juif de Barcelone,mort vers 1136 et qui avait, assez vainement, désigné, reprenant les

Editions RAMKAT

par Jacques Halbronn
ipso facto lien Iliade Au fond, a contrario Mashiah x y le facteur historique. Il se peut que x soit correct et que y ne le soit pas ou l’inverse comme il se peut que ni x ni y ne le soient. C’est dire que le nombre de formules possibles est infini. x comme la y (quelle histoire ?). x y monoethnie y x y x en question. Jacques Halbronn
Cf. Retour Retour Le monde juif et l’astrologie, histoire d’un vieux couple Retour Retour L’astrologie selon Saturne , Paris, La Grande Conjonction, 1994. Retour Retour Retour Retour
Retour Astrologica

69. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens
Translate this page Sarton (George Alfred Leon), Américain (1884-1956). Savage (Leonard Jimmie),Américain (1917-1971). savasorda (Abraham Bar Hiyya), Espagnol ( ? -v.1136).
Abel (Niels Henrik) Agnesi (Maria Guetana) Italienne (1718-1799) Alembert (Jean Le Rond d') Alexander (James Waddell) Alexandroff (Pavel Sergeevich) Russe (1896-1982) Apian (Peter Benneuwitz, dit) Allemand (1495-1552) Apollonios de Perga Grec(v.~262-v.~180) Appel (Paul) Grec (~287-~212) Aristote Grec (~384-~322) Arzela (Cesare) Italien (1847-1912) Ascoli (Guilio) Italien (1843-1896) Babbage (Charles) Anglais (1792-1871) Banach (Stefan) Polonais (1892-1945) Argand (Jean Robert) Suisse (1768-1822) Barrow (Isaac) Anglais (1630-1677) Bayes (Thomas) Anglais (1702-1761) Bellavitis (Giusto) Italien (1803-1880) Beltrami (Eugenio) Italien (1835-1900) Bernays (Paul) Suisse (1888-1977) Bernoulli (Daniel) Suisse (1700-1782) Bernoulli (Jacques) Suisse (1654-1705) Bernoulli (Jean) Suisse (1667-1748) Allemand (1878-1956) Bernstein (Sergei Natanovich) Russe (1880-1968) Bertrand (Josepn) Bessel (Friedrich) Allemand (1784-1846) Birkoff (George David) Bliss (Gilbert Ames) Bochner (Salomon) Allemand (1899-1982) Bolyai (Janos) Hongrois (1802-1860) Bolzano (Bernhard) Bombelli (Raffaele) Italien (1522-1572) Bonnet (Ossian) Boole (George) Anglais (1815-1864) Bourbaki (Nicolas) Braikenridge (William) Anglais (v.1700-1762)

70. Skeleton DRAFT Of Selective Bibliography
Works on Individual Mathematicians. Abraham bar\d Hiyya. 447 Levey, Martin. \arsavasorda, Abraham and His Algorithm A Study in Early European Logistic.

71. Excmo
Translate this page interés que puedan tener para los amantes de la historia de la ciencia a orillasdel Mediterráneo, no podemos dejar de citar a Pedro Alfonso ya savasorda.
Molt Honorable Sr. President de la Generalitat Valenciana, Excmo. y Mgfco. Sr. Rector, excmas. autoridades, Il Saggiatore mathema Bertrand Russell dice: Mathematical Reviews (Estados Unidos) y infinito. infinito actual infinito potencial igual mayor o menor p p ; esto es, p Hekademeie Elementos Elementos La divina comedia , el Fausto y el Quijote Elementos Elementos quinto postulado Los Elementos constan de trece libros, a los que casi todos los editores agregan otros dos, cuya autenticidad es dudosa. De lo que no cabe duda alguna es de que la historia de los Elementos p De la esfera y del cilindro De los conoides y esferoides De las espirales espejos ustorios Equilibrio a b c d La decadencia y Almagesto Sobre la naturaleza de las cosas Elementos Elementos No es posible que un principiante pueda comprender los Elementos funciones circulares algoritmo Hisrab al jabar wa-al-mugabala , se cree que deriva la palabra Los mosaicos de la Alhambra de Granada Liber abaci Disciplina clericalis Liber embadorum La galaxia Gutenberg Elementos Divina proportione Sobre las disciplinas braquistocrona El movimiento renovador renovador El Colegio Imperial de Madrid Parnaso antiguos y modernos Valencia Geometria magna in minimis centrum minimum centro de gravedad Elementos La obra del padre Tosca y su plano de la ciudad de Valencia y Compendium philosophicum Cursos Curso siglo xix analysis situs Matematischen Annalen o el Bulletin Astronomique de France Revista Hispano-Americana

72. Definic A
Translate this page ab). Abraham Bar Hiia, Cuyo apodo era savasorda, judío españolque nació por los años 1070, y con el cual se le conoce. Es una
A Primera letra del abecedario de mayúsculas, utilizada para indicar nombres de conjuntos o nombres de matrices. Los romanos primitivos le asignaban el valor 500 que posteriormente asumió la D.- a Primera letra del alfabeto en minúsculas, se utiliza para designar elementos de un conjunto o una cantidad constante cualquiera, en el sistema métrico representa a la unidad de área (a).- Primera letra del alfabeto GRIEGO en minúsculas, se utiliza para designar ángulos o coeficientes. En el primitivo sistema de numeración griega representaba la unidad.- Primera letra del alfabeto hebreo( Alef), que GEORG CANTOR propuso, y se acepta universalmente, para designar los números cardinales transfinitos. Es también la inicial en hebreo de la palabra alemana: abzählbar que significa numerable.- Aamulí Behaeddín Mohámed Abenhusain, matemático sirio que vivió en el período (1547-1622), que escribió una obra de Aritmética y Álgebra traducida al alemán por Nesselman:"Essenz der Rechenkunst von Mohamed Beha-eddin ben Alhosain aus Amul, Berlín, 1843, en la que se ocupa de la regla de doble falsa posición, que llama "Regla de los platillos de la balanza", y de la suma de progresiones, entre ellas la de los números pares y la que con nuestra notación es: abacista Calculador con el ábaco. Sinónimo, en la Edad Media de

73. The Meditation Of The Sad Soul - Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda ( ISBN 019710018X )
The Meditation of the Sad Soul Abraham Bar Hiyya savasorda - 019710018X- 102813 buy online. title The Meditation of the Sad
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74. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives
Muhammad Jabir ibn Aflah alIshbili (Geber) (c. 1125) *SB John of Seville (c. 1125)Domingo Gundisalvo (c. 1125) Abraham bar Hiyya ha-Nasi (savasorda) (c. 1125

75. BSHM: Abstracts -- H
the sum of its four sides and the area—from its first appearance in an Old Babyloniantext (C–18), through alKhwarizmi, Abu Bakr, savasorda, Leonardo of
The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search
BSHM Abstracts
A B C D ... Z These listings contain all abstracts that have appeared in BSHM Newsletters up to Newsletter 46. BSHM Abstracts - H Habib, S Irfan and Dhruv Raina, ‘The introduction of scientific rationality into India: a study of Master Ramchundra—Urdu journalist, mathematician and educationalist’, Annals of science
The contradictions shown in Ramchundra’s projects were the products of contradictions in the political and ideological thinking of the period. He gave a critique of prevalent systems, and also a call for social transformation from a stance close to that of Comtean positivists, which can be located within the context of C19 colonial politics. Hackmann, Willem, ‘Mathematical instruments’, in John Fauvel, Raymond Flood and Robin Wilson (eds), Oxford figures: 800 years of the mathematical sciences , Oxford University Press 1999, 62-75
A striking aspect of the development of practical mathematics from C16 to C18 is the importance of the craft base, the ease with which skills in paper engraving were translated into those of instrument making, and the cohesion of the circle of scholars, practitioners and instrument makers. Hadley, John and David Singmaster, ‘Problems to sharpen the young’

76. À¯´ë±³ÀÇ Ã¶ÇÐ
Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda, a mathematician, astrologer, and philosopher, outlinedin Megillat hamegalle ( Scroll of the Revealer ) a view of Jewish history
  • 1. The literature of Judaism
      5. Jewish philosophy
      The term Jewish philosophy refers to various kinds of reflective thought engaged in by persons identified as being Jews, in one sense or another. At times, as in the Middle Ages, this meant any methodical and disciplined thought, whether on general philosophical subjects or on specifically Judaic themes, pursued by Jews. In other eras, as in modern times, concentration on the latter has been considered a decisive criterion, so that philosophers who are Jewish but unconcerned with Judaism or the Jewish heritage and destiny in their thought are not ordinarily classified as Jewish philosophers.
      i) Bible and Apocrypha.
      Philosophy arose in Judaism under Greek influence; however, a kind of philosophical approach may be discerned in early Jewish religious works apparently subject to little or no Greek influence. The books of Job and Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) were favourite works of medieval philosophers, who took them as philosophical discussions untinged by theological preconceptions. The book of Proverbs introduces, in an apparently theological context, the concept of Wisdom ( H
      ii) Philo Judaeus.

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78. ”ŠwŽj
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79. ”ü¯’¬@¯‚̃f[ƒ^ƒx[ƒX
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¡ l–¼Ž«“Ty‚³z ƒy[ƒW@ ‚P ƒUƒCƒfƒ‹ Seidel, Philipp Ludwig von i1821`1896j ƒhƒCƒc‚Ì“V•¶ŠwŽÒC”ŠwŽÒD1840”Nƒxƒ‹ƒŠƒ“‘åŠwCƒP[ƒjƒqƒXƒxƒ‹ƒN‘åŠw‚ðŒo‚ă~ƒ…ƒ“ƒwƒ“‘åŠw‚ÅŠwˆÊ‚𓾂½D”ނ͍P¯C˜f¯‚ÌŒõ“xŒvŽZC–]‰“‹¾‚ÌŒõŠwŒn‚ÌŒ¤‹†C–]‰“‹¾‚̉ü—Ç‚ðs‚È‚Á‚½D“Á‚ÉŒõŠw‚É‚¨‚¯‚éCƒUƒCƒfƒ‹‚ÌŽû·‚Í–¼‚‚¢D1855”Nƒ~ƒ…ƒ“ƒwƒ“‘åŠw‚Ì‹³ŽöC‚Ì‚¿‚ɍ‘‰¤‚̌ږâ‚Æ‚È‚Á‚½D‘åŠw‚Å‚Í“V•¶Šw‚Ì‘¼‚ɐ”Šw‚àŽó‚¯Ž‚Á‚½‚ªCI¶ Šô‰½Šw‚ð”F‚ß‚È‚©‚Á‚½D ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒTƒ”ƒFƒŠƒGƒt Savelyev,A,S. i¶–v”N•s–¾j ƒEƒBƒŠƒAƒ€Eƒn[ƒVƒFƒ‹ ‚̐„‘ª‚ðŽxŽ‚µ‚½D1890”N‚É‘¾—z’萔‚ð3.47‚Æ‹‚ß‚Ä‚¢‚éD ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒTƒEƒX South, James i1785`1867j ƒCƒMƒŠƒX‚Ì“V•¶ŠwŽÒDŠO‰Èˆã‚¾‚Á‚½‚ªC1816”N‚ɈãŽÒ‚ð‚â‚ß‚Ä“V•¶Šw‚É‘Å‚¿ž‚ñ‚¾Dƒƒ“ƒhƒ““V•¶Šw‰ï‚̏‰‘ã‰ï’·‚ð‚‚Ƃ߁C‰¤—§“V•¶Šw‰ï‚Ö‚Æ”­“W‚³‚¹‚½Dƒƒ“ƒhƒ“‚É“V•¶‘ä‚ðì‚èC ƒWƒ‡ƒ“Eƒn[ƒVƒFƒ‹ ‚Æ‹¦“¯‚µ‚āC ƒEƒBƒŠƒAƒ€Eƒn[ƒVƒFƒ‹ ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒUƒmƒbƒeƒB Zanotti, Eustachio i1709`1782j ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒTƒn Saha, Megh Nad i1893`1956j ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
Savasorda Abraham bar Hiyya ha-Nasi j i1189”NˆÈ‘O‚ÉŠˆ–ôj ƒAƒ‹ƒoƒbƒ^[ƒj[ ‚Ì—ï–@‚ð‰ž—p‚µ‚½uƒvƒŠƒ“ƒX–@v‚È‚Ç‚ª‚ ‚éD ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
ƒT[ƒrƒgEƒCƒuƒ“EƒNƒbƒ‰ Thabit ibn Qurra ibn Merwan al-Harrani, Abu al-Hasan

80. úåôñéí âìéí
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àáøäí áø-çéà äðùéà - Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi
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