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21. Seforim Online Yisodei HaTevuna uMigdal HaEmunah éñåãé äúáåðä åîâãì äàîåðä,R Avraham Bar Chiya savasorda - ø àáøäí áø çééà äðùéà, http://www.seforimonline.org/seforim5.html | |
22. Deuxieme Partie Ch. 4 La Place De La Geometrie De Boysset Dans de savasorda ou d Abû Bekr pour donner à voir l éclairage que la science http://boysset.ifrance.com/boysset/AA2pch4.htm |
23. SOURCES Translate this page Vivait de 1232 à 1316. Liber de nova et compendiosa geometria, écrità Paris en 1299. En latin. savasorda. Liber embadorum. Edition http://boysset.ifrance.com/boysset/Sources.htm |
24. TIMELINE 11th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE Arabic works on the subject. DE Smith, p.206 The foremost of these Jewish scholarsAbraham bar Chiia Abraham Judaeus, commonly known as savasorda c.1070 http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline11.html | |
25. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Kit¯ab alhujjah. Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204. Dal¯alat al-h¯a ir¯in.Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda, ca. 1065-ca. 1136. Philosophy, Jewish. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,947,389/search/d?Abraham bar |
26. Calendar Controversy The most direct source of Maimonides Sanctification was the work of Abraham benHiyyah, known as savasorda of Barcelona (b. 1065) who wrote Sefer haibbur http://www.giveshare.org/HolyDay/calcont.html |
27. Quadratic Formula Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi (also known by the Latin name savasorda) was the firstto introduce the complete solution to Europe in his book Liber embadorum. http://www.fact-index.com/q/qu/quadratic_formula.html | |
28. Toledo And All That to the Barcelona of around 1145, we find another Italian, Plato Tiburnensis (of Tivoli),translating with the help of the Jewish interpreter Abraham savasorda http://www.fut.es/~apym/on-line/studies/toledo.html | |
29. Hispanic Translation History, 12th Century 1145 Robertus Ketenensis, in Segovia, translates alKhwarizmi s Algebra. 1145 PlatoTibernensis, in Barcelona, translates Abraham savasorda s Liber Embadorum. http://www.fut.es/~apym/on-line/chronology/12.html | |
30. Abraham His name is Hebrew for the prince but he is also known by the Latin name savasordawhich comes from his job description showing that he held an official http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/Abraham.htm | |
31. The Meditation Of The Sad Soul - Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda http://blueblaubleu.com/def_019710018X.html | |
32. 20 Matematicos Celebres - Francisco Vera Translate this page romano y las Etimologías del arzobispo de Sevilla eran las únicas fuentes de conocimientosmatemáticos, superadas en el siglo XII por savasorda en España http://www.geocities.com/veintematematicoscelebres/cap10.html | |
33. Abraham Ibn Ezra Rabbi Abraham barChiya (known in science books as savasorda) of Barcelona, wroteand published in Hebrew the encyclopedia entitled Source of Intelligence and http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Palais/1067/ibn_ezra01.html | |
34. The Quadratic - Page Two Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi, often known by the Latin name savasorda, is famed forhis book Liber embadorum published in 1145 which is the first book published http://www.vimagic.de/hope/2/quadratic_two.html | |
35. La Ciencia Hispano-árabe / Margarita Bernis / Temas Españoles 235 / Madrid 195 Translate this page países. De esta época son Pedro Alfonso, el aragonés, y savasorda,procedente de una corte de Taifas aragonesa o catalana. Pedro http://www.filosofia.org/mon/tem/es0235.htm | |
36. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations 15th Cent 1 Abrabanel Isaac 1437 1508 See Abravanel Isaac 1437 1508 1 AbrahamAbram Kenneth See Abraham Ken 1 Abraham Bar Hayya savasorda Ca 1065 Ca http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,10,156/search/a?Abraham bar Hiyya Savaso |
37. Page Three Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi, often known by the Latin name savasorda, is famed forhis book Liber Embadorum published in 1145 which is the first book published http://www.k12.nf.ca/discovery/curriculum/math/famous/pagethree.htm | |
38. Earliest Uses Of Symbols From Geometry Arc. The arc symbol appears in the middle of the twelfth century in Plato ofTivoli s translation of the Liber embadorum by savasorda (Cajori vol. http://mail.mcjh.kl.edu.tw/~chenkwn/mathword/geometry.html | |
39. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (A) of its etymology, it took an extra r, as if it had to do with metric. So we findPlato of Tivoli, in his translation (1116) of Abraham savasorda, speaking of http://mail.mcjh.kl.edu.tw/~chenkwn/mathword/a.html | |
40. Judeus Medievais - Matemática Translate this page Monumental matemático e astrônomo judeu, conhecido no mundo não judaicocom o nome de Abraão savasorda ou oficialmente de Sahib es-Sorta. http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/jud.html |
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