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         Sacrobosco Johannes De:     more detail
  1. 1195 Births: Pope Urban Iv, Pope Clement Iv, Anthony of Padua, Xia Gui, Johannes de Sacrobosco, Roger de Quincy, 2nd Earl of Winchester
  2. Johannes de Sacrobosco: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. 1256 Deaths: Jacob Anatoli, William Ii of Holland, Kujo Yoritsune, Alice de Lusignan, Countess of Surrey, Johannes de Sacrobosco, Sartaq Khan
  4. Sphaera Mundi by Johannes de Sacrobosco, 1482-01-01
  5. Joannis De Sacrobosco: Sphaera (1647) (Latin Edition) by Johannes De Sacrobusco, 2009-07-17
  6. Joannis De Sacrobosco: Sphaera (1647) (Latin Edition) by Johannes De Sacrobusco, 2010-09-10
  7. Joannis De Sacrobosco: Sphaera (1647) (Latin Edition) by Johannes De Sacrobusco, 2010-09-10

81. Chumakova
The first book of an Englishman to find in Russia was Tractatus de sphera by Johannesde sacrobosco, which was the clearest, most elementary, and most used

Up Foreword Jones ... Mozgovaia [ Chumakova ] Mikeshin Kerkhof Rosaye Tropp ... Catalog Site Map Chumakova T. V. (St.Petersburg) British Books in Russia: The Seventeenth Century. Until the time of Peter the Great English works played an almost negligible role in the development of Russian culture. At the beginning of the 17th century Muscovite bookmen began to recognize English sources. The first book of an Englishman to find in Russia was Tractatus de sphera by Johannes de Sacrobosco, which was the clearest, most elementary, and most used textbook in cosmography and astronomy from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century. One of commentators of Sacrobosco's Sphere was Michael Scot (1217-1240). Gregory IX had in 1227 recommended Michael Scot to the archbishop of Canterbury as one who knew Arabic and Hebrew and had a broad acquaintance with Latin learned authors. Michael Scot's treatise De secretis naturae sive de proceactione hominis et phisiognomia (in Slavonic: O estestvovani… ) was translated into Russian in the 17th century. Russian bookmen knew not only translations, but also original English books. For example, Dmitrii Rostovskii (1651-1709) read books by Francis Bacon. Âïðî÷åì, õîòÿ ðóñè÷åé íåñîìíåííî èíòåðåñîâàëè «àãíÿíå» è «Âðèòàíèÿ», íî êóëüòóðíûå êîíòàêòû ìåæäó Ðîññèåé è Áðèòàíèåé áûëè íåçíà÷èòåëüíû âïëîòü äî XVI âåêà

82. Pedro Nunes, 1502-1578: Conhecimento Europeu Da Obra
Translate this page 4845 P. johannes de SACRO BOSCO, ca. destaca-se entre estes a Esfera de Sacroboscoque em quase todas as edições preparadas por Elie Vinet vem acompanhada da
JOHANNES DE SACRO BOSCO, ca. 1190-1256 BM (STC FR) 389. - Comentador Elias Vinet. - Ilustrado. - Marca de impressor na folha de rosto. - Assin. : a 2, b-n 8 BN RES. 4845 P. - Faltam folhas 3 a 8. - Notas manuscritas marginais. - Nota manuscrita na folha de rosto "Esta expurgado plo nouo expurg. Lusit. do ano de 1624". - Pert. na folha de rosto: "Da liuraria de S. Ioseph" ; Na p. 9 : "Livraria de São Jozé de Riba Mar". Encadernação em pele, sobre pastas de cartão, em mau estado de conservação
Atalhos para: Sala de Imprensa A VIDA Cronologia da Vida Documentos D'Arquivo A OBRA Manuscritos FONTES Com marcas de posse Outras CONHECIMENTO EUROPEU ESTUDOS Autores Principais Impressores Marcas de Posse

83. Melanchthons Astrologie
Translate this page Astronomische und astrologische Übersetzungen und eigene Werke Melanchthons Johannesde sacrobosco, Claudius Ptolemäus, Initia Doctrine Physicae in der
Melanchthons Astrologie
Der Weg der Sternenwissenschaft
zur Zeit von Humanismus und Reformation
Historische Wanderausstellung, erstmals gezeigt im Herbst 1977 im
Reformationshistorisches Museum Lutherhalle Wittenberg
Melanchthon und die Sterne
Grundgedanken der Ausstellung Ausstellungsdokumentation, Struktur Fachliche Begleitung, Publikationen ...
Zum Seitenanfang
1 - Melanchthon und die Sterne
Zum Seitenanfang
2 - Grundgedanken der Ausstellung
D causae
D iese causae I n der Ausstellung soll den verschiedenen causae
Zum Seitenanfang
3 - Ausstellungsdokumentation, inhaltliche Struktur
Quadrant I
  • Initia Doctrine Physicae in der Auflage 1550, gedruckt von Hans Lufft]
  • Praktika Teutsch und das Geburtsstundenbuch des M. Pegius, Fehldeutungen wie z.B. Carions Prophezeiung eines sintflutartigen Untergangs in Berlin]
Quadrant II
  • Melencolia I Apokalypse
  • Massenweise Verbreitung von astrologischen Inhalten in Schrift und Bild nach der Erfindung des Buchdrucks. [Kalender, Flugschriften, medizinische Ratgeber usw.]
  • Auseinandersetzung der Kirche mit der Kunst. Melanchthon und Luther im Diskurs um das rechte Bild. [Darstellungen zum Bildersturm der Reformation, katholische versus protestantische Kunst in der Kirche]

84. Carte Face Visible
Translate this page Cratère (58 km). sacrobosco 23,7S, 16,7E - John de Holywood (JohannesSacrobuschus) (1200-1256). Mathématicien et astronome anglais.
Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune, Lune, lune AZOPHI
Région continentale fourmillant de cratères, où il est assez difficile de s'orienter. On peut toute fois se référer au couple de cratères Azophi - Abenezra et aux cratères bien dessinés Almanon Geber, Playfair et Apianus. La chaîne de cratères Airy - Argelander - Vogel se distingue également des alentours.
Abenezra [21,0S, 1 1,9E] - Abraham Bar Rabbi ben Ezra (v. 1092-1167). Erudit juif d'Espagne, théologien, philosophe, mathématicien et astronome.
Cratère hexagonal (42 kml3 730 m) Abulfeda, Catena [17S 17E] - Baptisée d'après le cratère Abulfeda (carte 45).
Chaîne de cratères, de 210 km de long (voir aussi carte 57) Airy [18,1 S, 5,7E] - George B. Airy (1801-1892). Astronome anglais, nommé astronome royal en 1835.
Cratère à remparts très démantelés (37 km) Almanon [16,8S, 15,2E] - Abdalla AI Mamun (786-833). Calife de Bagdad, fils d'Harun al Raschid, contribua à l'évolution de la science.

85. Galerie J. Kugel
Translate this page L’un des traités les plus populaire du Moyen Âge, Sphere de Johannesde sacrobosco est illustré au XVe siècle par une sphère armillaire.
armilla Tel. +33 1 42 60 86 23 Fax. +33 1 42 61 06 72

86. Von Humboldt Lecture: Extra-terrestrial Geography - Denis Cosgrove 1999-00 (page
johannes Kepler The platonic solids, 1619 As Kepler s Lunar Dream (Somnium seude astronomia lunarii) of Sphaera Mundi from an early printing of sacrobosco.
III. Modernity and the crisis of cosmography
10. Kaspar David Freidrich "Walker in the Sea of Fog" 1818. I t was both forms of geocentricity that modern thought came to reject, and the consequences are apparent in the structure of Von Humboldt's Volume Two of Cosmos . His 'subjective' account of cosmography -'from the sphere of objects to that of sensations' - is itself divided into two parts, distinguished historiographically as well as textually. Volume Two opens with an account of stimuli to the aesthetic contemplation of nature, tracing 'its image, reflected in the mind of man, at one time filling the dreamy land of physical myths with forms of grace and beauty, and at another developing the noble germ of artistic creations'. This account summarises a global heritage of poetic and artistic descriptions of the natural world, and implies a transhistorical and transcultural connection between the human spirit and the material order of nature: an aesthetic, but not necessarily ethical, imperative within cosmography. It bears the strong influence of German Romanticism's attempt to re-enchant a secular nature [Slide 10. Kaspar David Freidrich "Walker in the Sea of Fog" 1818 ]. Von Humboldt's second part gives an historical account of cosmographic science which, as I have indicated already, is a progressive narrative of empirical observation overcoming myth and speculation. Von Humboldt resolves any tension between these accounts with the suggestion that 'at periods characterised by general mental cultivation, the severer forms of science and the more delicate emanations of fancy have reciprocally striven to infuse their spirit into one another'. These 'delicate emanations of fancy' carry no moral charge. The most significant of such periods, occupying more than one third of the volume, comprises the quarter-millennium between the Latin translation of Ptolemy's

87. Ptolemy: Iconography Of His Portrait - Ptolémée: Iconographie De Son Portrait
Textus de
Iconography of Ptolemy's Portrait
Other sources to consider
Francis Herbert , Curator of Maps, Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers. Bruno Roy Giancarlo Truffa , Milan. Robert H. van Gent , Utrecht.
Allgemeiner Bildniskatalog von Hans Wolfgang Singer (Leipzig : Hiersemann,1930-34 ; reprinted Stuttgart : Hiersemann ; Neudeln : Kraus, 1967); includes the 'Nachtrag' and reprint consists of 14 vol. in 7 'Neuer Bildniskatalog von Hans Wolfgang Singer' (Leipzig : Hiersemann, 1937-38 ; reprinted Stuttgart : Hiersemann ; Neudeln : Kraus, 1967); reprint consists of 5 vol. in 2. "The 'Allgemeiner Bildniskatalog von Hans Wolfgang Singer' is a reference work, that I have consulted in The British Library. It is a list of portraits of persons, giving medium (wood-cut, engraving, etc.), artist, date, etc.; there are *no* images. You will have to search library catalogues (on-line, or by personal enquiry) of institutions most likely to hold an art reference work that is useful to art historians!" (Francis Herbert) AUJAC Germaine

88. Celebrating The Liturgy's Books
Smith Western Add. MS 01, ff. 60v61A 14th century Italian manuscript of Johannesde sacrobosco, Computus with a diagram of the celestial bodies.
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Computus in its simplest definition is the art of ascertaining time by the course of the sun and the moon. This art could be and was a theoretical science, such as that explored by Johannes of Sacrobosco in his De sphera a science based on arithmetical calculations and astronomical measurements derived from use of the astrolabe or, increasingly by the end of the 13th century, the solar quadrant. In the context of the present exhibit, however, computus is understood mainly as the practical application of these calculations. To reckon time in the broadest sense and to determine the date of Easter became one and the same effort. And for most people, understanding the problem of correct alignment of solar, lunar, yearly and weekly cycles to arrive at the date of Easter was simply reduced to a question of "when?" rather than "why?". The result was a profusion of calculation formulae, charts and memory devices. Accompanying these handy mechanisms for determining the date of Easter were many other bits of calendrical information that faith, prejudice and experience leveled to the same degree of acceptance and necessity: the lucky and the unlucky days for travel or for eating goose; the prognostications of rain or wind; the times for bloodletting; the signs of the zodiac; the phases of the moon; the number of hours of sunshine in a given day; the feasts of the saints; the Sundays in a perpetual

89. Biblioteca Panizzi : Mostre Virtuali
(che latinizzò il proprio nome in sacrobosco), fiorito nella prima metà
JOHANNES DE SACROBUSCO Il trattato dell'astronomo e matematico inglese John Holywood (che latinizzò il proprio nome in Sacrobosco), fiorito nella prima metà del XIII secolo, fu tra i primi testi di astronomia ad essere stampati e divenne una delle opere basilari per l'insegnamento dell'astronomia fino a quasi tutto il Seicento. L'illustrazione iniziale, di cui sono autori gli stessi tipografi, raffigura l'Astronomia in trono con ai lati la "musa celeste" Urania e il "principe degli astronomi" Tolomeo, sotto una volta stellata con la luna e il sole. Sphaera mundi. Venezia, Johann Lucilius Santritter e Girolamo de Sanctis, 1488. Anche questa edizione, come quella del 1488 di cui riproduce, con lievissime varianti, il frontespizio, è illustrata da figure astronomiche e diagrammi: di particolare interesse alcune silografie raffiguranti i moti dei corpi celesti stampate a tre colori. Sphaera mundi. Venezia, Guglielmo de Tridino, 1491.

90. Astronomie Um 1200
Translate this page Ptolemäus, http// Kalender,http//

91. Kursdata
s. 286 329. 21-22. 6 maj. Aritmetiken under medeltiden. Leonardo Pisano, Johannesde sacrobosco, Cardano, Viete. s. 330 - 369. 23-25. 11 maj. 1600-talet.
Matematikens historia 5 p Inlämningsuppgift i Matematikens historia, 5 p, vt 2004 Uppgiften ska vara klar och inlämnad den 4 juni 2004. Den får skrivas för hand och lämnas in personligen eller i dator och mailas till mig. Lämpligt omfång: 4 8 sidor. Ni ska välja ett mindre tema och skriva en självständig uppsats kring det. Det kan vara ett område som inte alls behandlats i undervisningen eller kursboken, t.ex: Mayafolkets talsystem, de amerikanska folkens ”bokhållningssystem” med knutar (quipus), äldre matematik i centrala Afrika, metrologiska system från någon äldre kultur, hur man använder en abacus… Det kan också vara fråga om en personhistorisk uppsats, t.ex. en kvinnlig matematiker (ex. Noether, Robinson, Chisholm Young, Péter). Koncentrera er gärna på det sociala samman­hanget (nyare matematik kan bli mycket svår att sätta sig in i). Eller ett visst matematiskt arbete, t.ex. ”Hauksbok” från norsk medeltid, eller någon äldre svensk räknebok (förutom den som nämns i kursboken), eller ett mer modernt arbete. Eller de första räknemaskinerna (ex. Leibniz, Babbage, Christoffer Polhem…), eller räknedosans historia osv. osv.

92. Untitled Document
einem Garten (um 1470), das ganz nett zeigt, was man sich so unter einem
Die CDs von MusikLustgarten Musiklustgarten - Musiklustgarten
"...Die Lust am Musikmachen wird bei dieser erfrischenden Einspielung spürbar und macht beste Laune." Das Cover zeigt ein Gemälde von Johannes de Sacrobosco mit dem Titel "Musik in einem Garten" (um 1470), das ganz nett zeigt, was man sich so unter einem Musiklustgarten vorzustellen hat...
Titel RealMedia Narrenaufzug - Tielman Susato 1,1 MB 0,2 MB Il estoit une fillette - Jannequin/Susato 2,0 MB 0,3 MB La mantovana - Zanetti 1,1 MB 0,2 MB Mas vale trocar - Juan del Encina 2,2 MB 0,4 MB Den Heboeckendans - Tielman Susato 0,9 MB 0,2 MB Trotto - anonym 1,4 MB 0,2 MB VokalArt 99 Bei dem Wettbewerb VokalArt 99 der im Rahmen des Kultursommers Rheinland-Pfalz stattfand, gingen wir mit unserem Gesang als einer von drei Siegern hervor. Insgesamt hatten 30 Ensembles an dem Wettbewerb teilgenommen. Gemeinsam mit den beiden anderen Siegergruppen, den "Hoboes" und "Die Schmachtigallen" bekamen wir vom SWR die Produktion einer CD spendiert: A Titel RealMedia Riu, Riu, Chiu

93. Sacrifice Bibliography
Bibliography See R. J. Daly, Christian Sacrifice (1978); H. Hubert and M. Mauss, Sacrifice (tr. 1964, repr. 1981); M. I. Siddiqui, Animal Sacrifice in Islam (1981); Walter Burkert, Homo Necans

94. Sacrifice History
History The Paleolithic evidence for sacrifice is unclear, and it has not been observed in contemporary huntergatherer societies. It has been observed, however, in pastoral and agricultural

95. Marginalia - Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Triv. Inc. D84
Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Triv. Inc. D84 Descritto da Giancarlo Petrella
Codifica elettronica a cura di Chiara Colombo
Elaborazione XML/XSLT: Alberto Cordone Scheda IGI rivista su ISTC Hyginus, Caius Julius . Poeticon Astronomicon. Venezia, Erhard Ratdolt, pr. id. oct. [14 X] 1482 (D 84/1).
Johannes de Sacrobosco . Sphaera mundi. Venezia, Adam Rotweil, 10 IX 1478 (D 84/2).
Gerardus Cremonensis . Theorica planetarum. Venezia, Adam Rotweil, 10 IX 1478 (D 84/3).
Mela, Pomponius . Cosmographia, sive De situ orbis. Venezia, [tip. Del Mela, c. 1477] (D 84/4). Bibliografia D 84/1: H-C-R: H *9062 Goff: BMC: V,286 IGI:
D 84/2: Goff: IGI:
D 84/3: H-C-R:
H 5825, R V,97 GW: Goff: IGI:
D 84/4: H-C-R:
H 11012 Goff: BMC: V,261 (IA. 24844) IGI: Incunabolo. Materia: Carta. Misure fogli: mm 200 x 150 Misure specchio: mm 140 x 95 (D 84/1) Misure specchio: mm 130 x 90 (D 84/2) Misure specchio: mm 140 x 95 (D 84/3) Misure specchio: mm 110 x 80 (D 84/4) Legatura: Coeva Decorazione: Iniziale con puttino disegnata a penna a c. 1 (num. mod) di Johannes de Sacrobosco Sphaera ; iniziale con angelo disegnata a penna a c. 1 (num. mod.) di Pomponius Mela

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