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Sacrobosco Johannes De: more detail | |||||||
81. Chumakova The first book of an Englishman to find in Russia was Tractatus de sphera by Johannesde sacrobosco, which was the clearest, most elementary, and most used http://ideashistory.org.ru/almanacs/alm09/18Chumakova.htm | |
82. Pedro Nunes, 1502-1578: Conhecimento Europeu Da Obra Translate this page 4845 P. johannes de SACRO BOSCO, ca. destaca-se entre estes a Esfera de Sacroboscoque em quase todas as edições preparadas por Elie Vinet vem acompanhada da http://bnd.bn.pt/ed/pedro-nunes/obras/p-nunes-na-europa/pn_conhecimento_manuscri | |
83. Melanchthons Astrologie Translate this page Astronomische und astrologische Übersetzungen und eigene Werke Melanchthons Johannesde sacrobosco, Claudius Ptolemäus, Initia Doctrine Physicae in der http://www.astrologix.de/melanchthon/ | |
84. Carte Face Visible Translate this page Cratère (58 km). sacrobosco 23,7S, 16,7E - John de Holywood (JohannesSacrobuschus) (1200-1256). Mathématicien et astronome anglais. http://r.aberlin.free.fr/lune/cartographie/visible/cartes/56.htm | |
85. Galerie J. Kugel Translate this page Lun des traités les plus populaire du Moyen Âge, Sphere de Johannesde sacrobosco est illustré au XVe siècle par une sphère armillaire. http://www.galerie-kugel.com/c/a.htm | |
86. Von Humboldt Lecture: Extra-terrestrial Geography - Denis Cosgrove 1999-00 (page johannes Kepler The platonic solids, 1619 As Kepler s Lunar Dream (Somnium seude astronomia lunarii) of Sphaera Mundi from an early printing of sacrobosco. http://www.geog.ucla.edu/Department/Humboldt/VHL2000_3.html | |
87. Ptolemy: Iconography Of His Portrait - Ptolémée: Iconographie De Son Portrait Textus de http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r14310/Ptolemy/Sources.html | |
88. Celebrating The Liturgy's Books Smith Western Add. MS 01, ff. 60v61A 14th century Italian manuscript of Johannesde sacrobosco, Computus with a diagram of the celestial bodies. http://www.columbia.edu/itc/music/manuscripts/computus.html | |
89. Biblioteca Panizzi : Mostre Virtuali (che latinizzò il proprio nome in sacrobosco), fiorito nella prima metà http://panizzi.comune.re.it/mostre/incu/sacrobusco.htm | |
90. Astronomie Um 1200 Translate this page Ptolemäus, http//www.fh-zwickau.de/~gg/prowo/astro/ptolemus.htm. Kalender,http//www.kis.uni-freiburg.de/~ovdluhe/Vorlesungen/Einfuehrung_Pt1.html. http://www.gymnasium-zwettl.ac.at/projekte/wissen1200/astronomie/astro.htm |
91. Kursdata s. 286 329. 21-22. 6 maj. Aritmetiken under medeltiden. Leonardo Pisano, Johannesde sacrobosco, Cardano, Viete. s. 330 - 369. 23-25. 11 maj. 1600-talet. http://www.hgo.se/teknik/Matematik/Mathist/Detaljplan_matematik_Sys_ak3.htm | |
92. Untitled Document einem Garten (um 1470), das ganz nett zeigt, was man sich so unter einem http://www.musiklustgarten.de/cd.htm | |
93. Sacrifice Bibliography Bibliography See R. J. Daly, Christian Sacrifice (1978); H. Hubert and M. Mauss, Sacrifice (tr. 1964, repr. 1981); M. I. Siddiqui, Animal Sacrifice in Islam (1981); Walter Burkert, Homo Necans http://www.slider.com/enc/46000/sacrifice_Bibliography.htm |
94. Sacrifice History History The Paleolithic evidence for sacrifice is unclear, and it has not been observed in contemporary huntergatherer societies. It has been observed, however, in pastoral and agricultural http://www.slider.com/enc/46000/sacrifice_History.htm |
95. Marginalia - Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Triv. Inc. D84 http://www.marginalia.it/postillati/schede_tmp/D84_gp.htm | |
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