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Sacrobosco Johannes De: more detail | |||||||
61. Engelbert Von Admont Translate this page Hier mußte ein Baccalaureus die Kenntnis der Sternkunde des johannes de sacrobosco,der Algebra und des ersten Buches Euklids nachweisen, der Lizentiat die http://www.astro.univie.ac.at/~agb/TP/Zinner.html | |
62. Museo Della Specola, Bologna - Storia Cap. 4 The Tractatus de sphaera mundi, written around 1240 for the students of the Universityof Paris by the Englishman johannes de sacrobosco (end XII cen.1244 or http://www.bo.astro.it/dip/Museum/english/sto1_04.html | |
63. Museo Della Specola, Bologna - Storia Cap. 6 sacroboscos Sphera was read in the second year along with the Canons for theuse of the astronomical tables drawn up by Jean de Lignières (johannes de http://www.bo.astro.it/dip/Museum/english/sto1_06.html | |
64. History Of The Estense Library astrological researches of Pellegrino Prisciani and Guido Bonatti, subsequently sustainedby the teaching of the foreigners johannes de sacrobosco and Puerbach http://www.cedoc.mo.it/estense/info/storia/b_story.html | |
65. Krieger Translate this page Antonius Andreas, determinismus, Disposition, Pierre Duhem, Erlebnis, Furcht, Gefühl,Habitus, johannes Buridanus, johannes de sacrobosco, Konkret, Annelise http://www.uni-trier.de/uni/theo/Krieger.html | |
66. Astronomins Historia I Uppsala visar att undervisningen i astronomi grundades på johannes de sacroboscos bok Libellusde sphaera ( En liten bok om himmelssfärerna ). sacrobosco (d. 1256 http://www.astro.uu.se/history/history_swe.html | |
67. PERSONAGGI FORMAZIONI Translate this page sacrobosco A. sacrobosco A - Jean de Halifax (dit johannes Sacrobusco). (). sacroboscoB. sacrobosco B - Jean de Halifax (dit johannes Sacrobusco). (). http://www.arcturus.len.it/Didattica/Personaggi/personaggi__formazioni_S_Z.htm | |
68. Unbenanntes Dokument Translate this page Iohannes Rothe 1185. johannes Rucherath von Wessel 1186. Iohannes Rusbrochius(Jan van Ruusbroec) 1189. Iohannes de sacrobosco (of Holywood) 1190. http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/Philosophie/Infotek/phil/view/repij |
69. Library johannes de sacrobosco, Tractatus sphaere mundi. Tractate of geography,Geography 7, Humanistic knowledge 2, Astronomic knowledge 2. http://www.arsmagica.it/Cliffheart/libreria-en.htm | |
70. Présentation Du Fonds Ancien Du CESR Translate this page comme Aldrovandi (Bologne, 1606), des mathématiciens anciens (Euclide, Bâle, 1546),des astronomes médiévaux (johannes de sacrobosco, de sphæra, Lyon, 1607 http://www.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Documentation/fondsancien/FondsAncien.asp | |
71. A Budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtár Vetustissima Gyûjteménye / Bene Sándorné asztronómiai, asztrológiai muvek, Claudios Ptolemaios, Albubather, Alfraganus,Mela Pomponius, johannes de sacrobosco, johannes Regiomontanus, Georg Purbach http://www.konyvtar.elte.hu/kincseink/regi_nyomt/tanulmanyok/tan_bene_vetus.html | |
72. The Schoyen Collection: 2 History-- 2.6 Medieval History johannes de sacrobosco TRACTUS de SPHERA; HISTORY OF BRITAIN FROM CAESARTO GUTHLAC, POSSIBLY EXCERPTED FROM BEde S HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA; http://www.nb.no/baser/schoyen/4/4.2/426.html | |
73. SOURCES johannes de Murisautograph of the de arte mensurandi lat. JEAN de sacrobosco. Algorisme. http://boysset.ifrance.com/boysset/Sources.htm |
74. Ausstellung Vom 24 Translate this page Die Thematik schließt mit der Kosmologie des johannes de sacrobosco, die noch dengeschlossenen Ordo der mittelalterlichen Weltvorstellung repräsentiert. http://www.eab-paderborn.de/aus_natmed.htm | |
75. W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books Bibliopoly search books in database stock catalogue of antiquarian booksellers, for rare editions, manuscripts, incunabula the Machina Coelestis of johannes Hevelius Together with an KEPLER, johannes de Stella Nova in pede Serpentarii KEPLER, johannes and Jakob BARTSCH Tabulae manuales http://www.polybiblio.com/watbooks | |
76. Rymer, Thomas To St. Clair, Arthur. Alphabetic Index To Entries. The Columbia En Sacramento, river, United States. SacréCur. sacrifice. sacrobosco, Johannesde. sacrum. Sacsahuamán. Sacy, Antoine Isaac, Baron Silvestre de. Sadat, Anwaral-. http://www.bartleby.com/65/index208.html | |
77. Ptolemy: Iconography Of His Portrait - Ptolémée: Iconographie De Son Portrait de Ptolémée. 1500Johannes de sacrobosco, Textus de Sphera. image to get I image à obtenir. http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r14310/Ptolemy/Sacrobosco.html |
78. GEO.de - Interview: Zu Flach Gedacht Translate this page Dieses Argument nimmt das einflussreiche Buch Liber de Sphaera des Engländers Johannesde sacrobosco (John of Holywood) wieder auf, das aus der ersten Hälfte http://www.geo.de/GEO/kultur_gesellschaft/geschichte/2003_01_GEO_skop_erdgestalt | |
80. Universidad De Navarra /Navarra Translate this page 001 7418466 008 760728s1499 it a 000 0 lat cam1 040 UNAV 100 0 johannes de Sacrobosco245 10 Sphaera mundi, cum commentis Cicchi Esculani, Francisci Capuani et http://www.unav.es/search*spi/cFA 130.029/cfa 130 029/-5,-1,0,B/marc&FF=cfa 130 | |
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