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Sacrobosco Johannes De: more detail | |||||||
41. Sala De Fondo Antiguo. Biblioteca De La Universidad De Navarra johannes de sacrobosco. VERFOTOGRAFÍA VER CATÁLOGO. de los talleres franceses destacan http://www.unav.es/biblioteca/hufaincunables.html | |
42. Juliuse Kalender - Vikipeedia johannes de sacrobosco järgi olid kuude pikkused jaanuarist detsembrinijärgmised 31, 29(30), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ja 30. http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliuse_kalender | |
43. P.G.J. - Chronologie De L'Histoire De L'Astronomie Translate this page (1168 ou 1175/1253). Projet de réforme du calendrier Julien. johannes de sacrobosco.( fin XIIè/ 1244 ou 1256). Traité de la Sphère. Tables Alphonsines. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pgj/chrono2.htm | |
44. A Selection Storia Della Scienza - History Of Science Copenhagen; Einstein Archives Online. Jerusalem Pasadena. sacrobosco,johannes de. Editions of the Tractatus de Sphaera. Brazil. http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/~tsettle/ | |
45. Sacrobosco In Spanish. John of Holywood or johannes de sacrobosco, his Latin name, was an astronomy andmathematics professor in the University of Paris in the thirteenth century. http://www.ivh.au.dk/kollokvier/marta_gmez_martnez_18_09_03.dk.html | |
46. Marginalia - Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Triv. Inc. C25 Translate this page 1. johannes de sacrobosco. Sphaera mundi. Seguono johannes de Monteregio.Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Georgius Purbachius. http://www.marginalia.it/postillati/schede_tmp/C25_gp.htm | |
47. Pedro Nunes, 1502-1578: Fontes: Outras Translate this page inglês John of Holywood, latinizado johannes de Sacro Bosco designar-se por literaturade sphera, constituída dos assuntos tratados por sacrobosco, mas com http://bnd.bn.pt/ed/pedro-nunes/obras/fontes-p-nunes/pn_fontes_outras_44.html | |
48. Results Of Query Picardia (?); johannes de sacrobosco; johannes de sacrobosco; johannesde sacrobosco; johannes de sacrobosco; johannes de sacrobosco; http://dpg.lib.berkeley.edu/scripts/idc/ds/dsauthor.idc | |
49. Untitled Document Translate this page NATUREZA DO ESPAÇO E DO TEMPO, STEPHEN HAWKING / ROGER PENROSE, GRADIVA,U. 22,00. TRATADO DA ESFERA, johannes de sacrobosco, UNESP, U. 8,00. http://www.bibliomania.com.br/ciencias/astronomia.htm | |
50. Biblioteca Virtual De Andalucía - Búsqueda Por Autor Translate this page Jiménez, Pedro (1). Jiménez Pelayo, Jesús (1). Joannes Hispanus (1). johannesde sacrobosco (1). johannes de Sancto Geminiano (1). johannes de Victoria (1). http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/autor |
51. History Of Mathematics: Europe Alexandre de Villedieu (c. 1225); John of Halifax (sacrobosco) (c. 12001256); Campanus Johnof Meurs (johannes de Muris) (c. 1343); Albert of Saxony (c. 1316-1390 http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/europe.html | |
52. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken Translate this page johannes (de Sacro Bosco), geru79800. johannes (de Siccavilla) (Fachbibliothek),phic54430. johannes (von sacrobosco), geru79800. http://sun.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/allhtml/system/pj.htm | |
53. Simon Finch Search Results Items found 93. Title Sphaera mundi. GERARDUS de SABLONETA.Theorica planetarum. Author sacrobosco, johannes de. More details.. http://www.simonfinch.com/pages/alpharesults.php?selLetter=S |
54. Los Símbolos Astrológicos Translate this page En cuanto a las operaciones matemáticas básicas uno de los textosmas difundidos era el Algorismo de johannes de sacrobosco. La http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/1277/espana/espana.htm | |
55. Twilit Grotto -- Esoteric Archives johannes Trithemius (14621516) Master cryptographer and magician Le Petit AlbertSecrets merveilleux de la magie reads your future; The Sphere of sacrobosco. http://www.esotericarchives.com/esoteric.htm | |
56. Universitätsbibliothek Graz | Inkunabelkatalog | Detailansicht Translate this page Basel Bartholomaeus 1509 (defekt erst ab Blatt 97 erhalten). NachgebundenI 8660a johannes de sacrobosco Opus sphericum. Köln Quentel 1505. http://webdb.uni-graz.at/~ubsosa/detail.php?language=de&active=M&page=1 |
57. KONRAD um die Übersetzung der »Sphaera mundi« des johannes de sacrobosco; 2. des http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/k/Konrad_v_me.shtml | |
58. Johannes Regiomontanus: Calendar showing eclipses of the moon and the sun from sacrobosco s Sphaera mundi of Regiomontanus Calendar is this astronomical treatise by johannes de Sacro Bosco http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/exhibns/month/aug1999.html | |
59. DAS ASTROLAB Translate this page 3.6 johannes von sacrobosco (John of Holywood, ca.1195-1256), de sphaera.Das am weitesten verbreitete astronomische Lehrbuch des Mittelalters. http://www8.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/IMMD8/Services/Astrolab/html/konstruktion | |
60. Lecture 4 Teaching PtolemySphæra Mundi. sacrobosco (? 1256) also knownas John Halifax, John of Holywood, or johannes de Sacre Bosco; http://eee.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/ExploringtheCosmos/lecture4.html | |
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