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Sacrobosco Johannes De: more detail | |||||||
21. Sacrobosco: Sundials The Tractatus de quadrante derives in some measure Thus, while sacrobosco s treatisewas inadequate in this the Quadrans vetus of johannes Anglicus, written in http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/sacrosund.html | |
22. Brief Chronology Of Holywood, Dumfriesshire, Scotland c1210 John of Holywood (11951256) or johannes de sacrobosco, famous medieval authorof de Sphaera and other mathematical texts in use for four centuries, was http://www.btinternet.com/~e.johnston/holywood/chronology.html | |
23. Detailed Record Contents The Sphere of johannes de sacrobosco; Latin text.The Sphere of sacrobosco;English translation.The Commentary of Robertus Anglicus; Latin text http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/4ef58928e34b4a57a19afeb4da09e526.html | |
24. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Saccheri, Giovanni Girolamo (5.9.1667 - 25.10.1733) sacrobosco, johannes de (1195- 1256) de Saint-Venant, Adhemar (1797 - 1886) Saint-Vincent, Gregorius (1584 http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
25. (Biografía De Hiparco) Translate this page del Almagesto constituyeron las fuentes básicas del primer texto occidental deastronomía, el Tractatus de Sphaera de johannes de sacrobosco, un inglés de http://www.astrocosmo.cl/biografi/b-e_hiparco.htm | |
26. AIM25: University College London: De Sacro Bosco's 'De Sphera' And Other Tracts and in translation, to the modern period (eg The Sphere of sacrobosco and its Personalnames Sacro Bosco johannes de d 1244 or 1256 mathematician and http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=1612&inst_id=13 |
27. GULDIN - BIBLIOTHEK Translate this page 1544. II. 3978e. R1. sacrobosco, johannes de de sphaera. Alacalá. Eguia. 1526.II. 3978f. R1. sacrobosco, johannes de de sphaera. Paris. Colinaeus. 1538. III.3983. R1. http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/ub/sosa/Guldin-bibliothek.htm | |
28. Globusbibliographie Translate this page johannes de sacrobosco de sphaera mundi, in Lynn Thorndike The «Sphere»of sacrobosco and Its Commentators, Chicago 1949. Gossouin http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/schwitters/149/globusbibliographie.html | |
29. Globalisierung - Raumbewußtsein Und Erdkugelmodell Im Europäischen Mittelalter Translate this page Jahrhundert von johannes de sacrobosco und Gossouin de Metz - und zeigen eineglobal gedachte Seefahrt und eine ebenso global gedachte Wanderung des http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/schwitters/149/arenosus_globus.html | |
30. Malcolm Bull's Trivia Trail : Foldout Rastrick. He was also known as johannes de sacrobosco, John of theHoly Wood, John Holywood, John of Halifax, or John Halifax. He http://www.halifax-today.co.uk/specialfeatures/triviatrail/mms19.html | |
31. Publikationen Fritz Krafft Artikel In Lexika Und Handbüchern Translate this page Parmenides, Peurbach, Piazzi, Pickering, Platon, Plinius, Poseidonios, Ptolemaios,Pythagoras, Riccioli, Romer, johannes de sacrobosco, Scheiner, Schiaparelli http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~krafft/artikel.htm | |
32. Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600) johannes de sacrobosco (1195-1256 http://www.eresie.it/id564.htm | |
33. Dizionario Di Eresie, Eretici, Dissidenti Religiosi, Confessioni Translate this page S. Sabbatarianismo. Sabellianesimo. Sabellio. sacrobosco, johannes de. SacroMacello in Valtellina. Sadoleto, Jacopo. Sagarelli, Gherardo. Sagramentari. http://www.eresie.it/id35.htm | |
34. Biblioteca Histórica Marqués De Valdecilla De La UCM Translate this page 500 AÑOS de LA BULA CISNERIANA. johannes de sacrobosco Opusculum de spheramundi cum additionibus et familiarissimo comentario Petri Ciruelli http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/foa/500UCM/pagina/johannes42.htm | |
35. Sánchez Mariana Translate this page adelante, al comienzo del Tratado de la Esfera, la podemos encontrar un año antesen la edición de la Sphaera mundi de johannes de sacrobosco (Paris, Guy http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/diosc/compost.htm | |
36. History Of Astronomy: Persons (J) johannes de sacrobosco de Sacro Bosco; John of Holywood (c.11951256)Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.); Short http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_j.html | |
37. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On March 17, 1999 The Solar Tower. Persons. J johannes de sacrobosco de Sacro Bosco;John of Holywood (c.11951256) Short biography and references. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990317.html | |
38. Slide #261 Monograph TITLE Tractatus de Sphaera Mundi DATE 13001500 AUTHOR johannes de sacroboscoJohn Halifax of Holywood deSCRIPTION A fitting end to this volume, this map http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/LMwebpages/261mono.html | |
39. Index Of Late Medieval Maps 261, Tractatus de Sphaera Mundi, johannes de sacrobosco, 13001500.261A, Tractatus de Sphaera Mundi, johannes de sacrobosco, 1300-1500. http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/LMwebpages/LML.html | |
40. Ailly sacrobosco, johannes de Sphaera Mundi Venice Bonetus Locatellus for OctavianusScotus 1490 An assembly of these basic texts of preCopernican astronomy http://www.stephan-selle.de/Buchgarten/Kolumbus/Karten/Ailly/ailly.html | |
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