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         Rydberg Johannes:     more detail
  1. People Connected to Lund University: Lars Hörmander, Arvid Carlsson, Ernst Wigforss, Gustaf Retzius, Etzel Cardeña, Johannes Rydberg
  2. Ueber die Spectra von Zinn, Blei, Arsen, Antimon, Wismuth. with: KAYSER & RUNGE. Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Linien-spectra. with: Johannes Robert RYDBERG (1854-1919). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Linienspectren. by Heinrich Johannes Gustav (1853-1940) & Carl David Tolmé RUNGE (1856-1927). KAYSER, 1894-01-01
  3. Rydberg, Johannes: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Chemistry: Foundations and Applications</i> by Todd W. Whitcombe, 2004
  4. Rydberg term tables by F Paschen, 1928

21. Rydberg, Johannes Robert
rydberg, johannes Robert (18541919). Swedish physicist who discovered a mathematicalexpression that gives the frequencies of spectral lines for elements.

22. Infoplease Search: Lund Atla
of Lundrydberg, johannes Robert ( Encyclopedia)rydberg, johannes Robert , 18541919, Swedish physicist. rydberg was a Atla

23. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
rydberg, johannes Robert (18541919). The Hutchinson Dictionary ofScientific Biography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE

24. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
rydberg, johannes Robert (18541919) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography;January 1, 1998 rydberg, johannes Robert (1854-1919) was a Swedish

25. Biografia De Rydberg, Johannes Robert
Translate this page rydberg, johannes Robert. (Halmstad, 1854-Lund, 1919) Físico sueco.Miembro de la Royal Society británica y profesor en la Universidad
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Rydberg, Johannes Robert (Halmstad, 1854-Lund, 1919) Físico sueco. Miembro de la Royal Society británica y profesor en la Universidad de Lund, estableció una relación entre las rayas espectrales de los distintos elementos e introdujo la constante que lleva su nombre. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

26. Rydberg, Johannes
rydberg, johannes Robert. (1854 1919). Švédský matematik a fyzik,objevil nekteré zákonitosti mezi spektrálními cárami prvku.
Rydberg, Johannes Robert
Švédský matematik a fyzik, objevil nìkteré zákonitosti mezi spektrálními èárami prvkù. Pokoušel se z tìchto zákonitostí odvodit vnitøní strukturu atomù, ovšem bezúspìšnì. Na jeho poèest je pojmenována Rydbergova konstanta - energie prvního stavu elektronu v atomu vodíku.

27. MSN Encarta - Robert Johannes Rydberg
Translate this page Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesión arriba. Robert johannes rydberg. Másinformación sobre Robert johannes rydberg de, Otras funciones de Encarta.
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28. Rydberg Constant
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Johannes Rydberg
Johannes Rydberg , commonly known as Janne Rydberg ), was a Swedish physicist mainly known for devising the Rydberg formula , which is used to predict the wavelength s of photon s (of light and other electromagnetic radiation ) emitted by changes in the energy level of an electron in an atom. The physical constant known as the Rydberg constant is named after him. Excited atoms with very high values of the principal quantum number, represented by n in the Rydberg formula , are called Rydberg atoms, and a crater on the moon is also named Rydberg in his honour. He was active at Lund University for all of his working life. See also: Rydberg formula Rydberg constant List of Swedish scientists Books about 'Johannes Rydberg' at: or Note: This article from Wikipedia is made available under the terms of the GNU FDL
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30. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Johannes Robert Rydberg (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclo reference and encyclopedia resource provides completeinformation on johannes Robert rydberg, Physics, Biographies.
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    32. Johannes Robert Rydberg [Pictures And Photos Of]
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    A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
    For more information visit our home page Johannes Robert Rydberg Description middle age; three-quarter view; moustache; gold seal at lower left corner; "Head of physics Dept. at the State University in Lund 1900-1919." Item ID Rydberg A1

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    Catalog No. rydberg A1 johannes Robert rydberg middle age; threequarter view;moustache; gold seal at lower left corner; Head of physics Dept.
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    Johannes Robert Rydberg
    middle age; three-quarter view; moustache; gold seal at lower left corner; "Head of physics Dept. at the State University in Lund 1900-1919."
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    34. Viktor Rydberg --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    teaching of , rydberg, johannes Robert Swedish physicist for whomthe rydberg constant in spectroscopy is named. , rydberg constant

    35. Johannes Robert Becher --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    culture for , rydberg, johannes Robert Swedish physicist forwhom the rydberg constant in spectroscopy is named. , spectral

    36. Les Hommes Des Unités : Johannes Rydberg
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    Johannes Rydberg
    Johannes Rydberg , more known as Janne Rydberg ) was a Swedish physicist mostly known for creating the Rydberg formula , which is used to predict which wavelengths that photons (i.e. light ) emitted from shifts in the energy level of a certain electron around a certain atomic nucleus will have. The physical constant known as the Rydberg constant is named after him, and a crater on the moon is also named Rydberg in his honour. He was active at Lund University for all of his life. ''See also: Rydberg formula Rydberg constant List of Swedish scientists
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    rydberg, johannes Robert (1854 1919) Švédský matematik a fyzik, objevilnekteré zákonitosti mezi spektrálními cárami prvku.

    Ref, Richardson, sir Owen Willians (1879 1959), zaregistruj se - uvidíšto. Lex, rydberg, johannes Robert (1854 - 1919), zaregistruj se - uvidíš to.

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