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         Russell John:     more books (100)
  1. Big John Turkle (Hoban, Russell. Ponders Series.) by Russell Hoban, Martin Baynton, 1987-06
  2. University Reform: A Letter to Lord John Russell by Edward Arthur Litton, 2010-03-23
  3. Letters To The Right Honorable Lord John Russell, On The Expediency Of Enlarging The Irish Poor-Law To The Full Extent Of The Poor-Law Of England (1846) by George Poulett Scrope, 2010-09-10
  4. The book of seamanship by John Russell, 1979
  5. The unrealists;: William James, Bergson, Santayana, Einstein, Bertrand Russell, John Dewey, Alexander & Whitehead (Essay and general literature index reprint series) by Harvey Wickham, 1971
  6. The Book Of Nurture By John Russell, The Book Of Keruynge By Wynkyn De Worde, The Book Of Nurture By Hugh Rhodes (1867) by John Russell, Wynkyn De Worde, et all 2010-09-10
  7. Lord John Russell,: A study in civil and religious liberty, by A. Wyatt Tilby, 1931
  8. Recollections and suggestions, 1813-1873 / by John Earl Russell by John Russell, Earl (1792-1878) Russell, 1875-01-01
  9. Rulers Of India: John Russell Colvin, The Last Lieutenant-Governor Of The Northwest Under The Company by Auckland Colvin, 2007-07-25
  10. The Life Of Lord John Russell V2 by Spencer Walpole, 2007-07-25
  11. Letters to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, on the Expediency of Enlarging the Irish Poor-Law to the Full Extent of the Poor-Law of England by George Poulett Scrope, 2009-12-29
  12. An Account of Some of the Descendants of John Russell, the Emigrant from Ipswich, England, Who Came to Boston, New England, October 3, 1635, Together with ... Families of Wadsworth, Tuttle, and Beresford by Gurdon Wadsworth Russell, Edwin Stanley Welles, 2010-01-12
  13. The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's Administration, Volume 2 by John Russell Russell, Henry George Grey Grey, 2010-03-08
  14. John Russell, First Earl of Bedford (Royal Historical Society Studies in History) by D. Willen, 1981-01-01

101. Russell, John Singleton Papers
18691934 includes the following January 18, 1869, from Joseph F. McAllen, New York City, to john russell, Berryville VA, 2 pages, manuscript April 14, 1873, John Singleton Papers 2

102. John Scott Russell And The Solitary Wave
Department of Mathematics. john Scott russell and the solitary wave. Over one hundred and fifty years ago, while conducting experiments
Department of Mathematics
John Scott Russell and the solitary wave
Over one hundred and fifty years ago, while conducting experiments to determine the most efficient design for canal boats, a young Scottish engineer named John Scott Russell (1808-1882) made a remarkable scientific discovery. As he described it in his "Report on Waves": (Report of the fourteenth meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, York, September 1844 (London 1845), pp 311-390, Plates XLVII-LVII).
Cet passage en francais
This event took place on the Union Canal at Hermiston, very close to the Riccarton campus of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Following this discovery, Scott Russell built a 30' wave tank in his back garden and made further important observations of the properties of the solitary wave. Throughout his life Russell remained convinced that his solitary wave (the ``Wave of Translation'') was of fundamental importance, but ninteenth and early twentieth century scientists thought otherwise. His fame has rested on other achievements. To mention some of his many and varied activities, he developed the "wave line" system of hull construction which revolutionized ninteenth century naval architecture, and was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1837. He began steam carriage service between Glasgow and Paisley in 1834, and made one of the first experimental observations of the "Doppler shift" of sound frequency as a train passes. He reorganized the Royal Society of Arts, founded the Institution of Naval Architects and in 1849 was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London. He designed (with Brunel) the "Great Eastern" and built it; he designed the Vienna Rotunda and helped to design Britain's first armoured warship (the "Warrior"). He developed a curriculum for technical education in Britain, and it has recently become known that he attempted to negotiate peace during the American Civil War.

103. Russell, John E. Company
Table of Private Acts (1867 to December 31, 2003) PATENTS Source http// russell, john E. Company.

Main Page
Glossary Important Note How to link ...
Federal and Provincial Case Law

Annual Statutes Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers Table of Private Acts Index of Statutory Instruments
Table of Private Acts (1867 to December 31, 2003)

Russell, John E. Company revival of patent, 1925, c. 71 revival of patent, 1925, c. 72
Important Notices

104. John Russell Bio
LAWMAN. Asked at the 1998 Charlotte Film Festival about his best recollections of Lawman, Peter Brown answered, john russell, john russell, john russell.
The Basics:
John Russell was born January 3, 1921 in Los Angeles, California. He was raised in a family with four other children, two sisters and two brothers, all of whom survived him. He attended the University of California where he was both a drama student and a student athlete. In 1942, he joined the Marine Corps where he received a battlefield commission and was decorated for valor at Guadalcanal. In 1943, he married his first wife Renata. [The marriage would last over twenty years.] He was honorably discharged from the Corps in 1944. In 1945, he was "discovered" by an agent in a Beverly Hills restaurant which led to roles in a number of B-movies [ see credits list ], generally as a villain or secondary lead. Yellow Sky In 1955-1956, he costarred in the syndicated half-hour series Soldiers of Fortune with Chick Chandler.
TV Guide pic from Soldiers of Fortune John played the handsome lead, Tim Kelly, adventurer for hire. Chandler played his humorous sidekick Toubo Smith through the series 52 episodes. Although the series was set in a constantly changing series of exotic locations, it was strictly a backlot production. After Soldier of Fortune

105. Beers: Russell P. 456
john russell, p. 456. john russell. In May, 1866, john russell was united in marriage with Elizabeth G. Morrison, a native of Chartiers township.
John Russell, p. 456
JOHN RUSSELL. This highly prosperous farmer represents one of the oldest pioneer families of Washington county. His grandfather, Andrew Russell, was born in 1732, in Scotland, and came to America in 1758. He was married in this country to Isabelle Mays, a native of Ireland, and the young couple settled near Oxford, Chester Co., Penn., afterward moving to Canonsburg, this county, where they resided till 1782. Andrew then bought the farm in Chartiers township, which is yet owned by his grandson. He was a blacksmith by trade, having brought his tools from eastern Pennsylvania, and, being the only one for miles around, his services were in constant demand. Text taken from page 456 of:
Beers, J. H. and Co., Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania Transcribed February 1998 by Karen Souhrada of Pittsford, NY as part of the Beers Project
Published February 1998 on the Washington County, PA USGenWeb pages at Back to Beers Table of Contents Back to Beers Project Page

106. University Of Akron Track & Field- Official Athletic Site
john russell. Class Sophomore. Hometown Glendale, Ohio. PERSONAL Son of john russell and Carol Greene majoring in secondary education born 10/9/83.
navbuilder("window","boldnav","mainleftbold","leftnavbold",150,11,"ffffff","003366","003366",2); navbuilder("window","regnav","mainleftnav","leftnav",150,11,"ffffff","003366","003366",2); Men's Sports
Women's Sports



John Russell Class:
Glendale, Ohio High School: Princeton HS Event: Pole Vault Experience: PRIOR TO UA: Holds the Princeton HS record in the pole vault at 15-9, set at the adidas National Outdoor Championship in 2002 where he finished second ... 2002 OHSAA pole vault champion (Div. I) with a jump of 15-6 ... also the district, league and regional pole vault champion in 2002 ... also an all-league selection in soccer. PERSONAL: Son of John Russell and Carol Greene ... majoring in secondary education ... born 10/9/83. navbuilder("mensports","mnav","mlinks","popnav",150,12,"","999966","ffffcc",3); navbuilder("womensports","wnav","wlinks","popnav",150,12,"","999966","ffffcc",3);

107. Search: Search Sepia Results
Showing photographs for russell, john L., Jr. Sep01005.jpg Photographer russell, john L., Jr. Sep01006.jpg Photographer russell, john L., Jr.,

108. NETHERLANDS. Publisher: Russell, John
NETHERLANDS. Publisher russell, john, $35.00. Original color. 4.7 x 6.1 . A nice copperengraved map of the Netherlands, by the London engraver john russell.
Home I Antique Map and Print Gallery I Articles I About Us I Contact Us I Mailing List I Useful Links Africa Asia Australia/Oceanica ... Northern Europe Polar Regions South America Southern Europe United States Western Europe ... World
Go back to: Main Catalog Antique Maps of Western Europe View Cart NETHERLANDS. Publisher: Russell, John Item Number: 1118 Published 1795. Original color. 4.7"x 6.1".
A nice copper-engraved map of the Netherlands, by the London engraver John Russell. Better known for his American Atlas , also published in 1795, Russell produced clear, detailed maps, and the present map, with attractive outline hand-coloring, is no exception. Though small, produced for the compact Compendious Geographical Grammar, it depicts cities, towns, and natural features in excellent detail. Two vertical folds as issued, and in fine condition.
152 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897 USA - Phone: (203) 762-3474 Fax: (203) 762-5545

109. Russell, John Lewis (1808-1873). Drawings Of John Lewis Russell, 1852-1859: A Gu
russell, john Lewis (18081873). Drawings of john Lewis russell, 1852-1859 A Guide. Repository Botany Libraries Title russell, john Lewis (1808-1873).
Russell, John Lewis (1808-1873). Drawings of John Lewis Russell, 1852-1859: A Guide
Archives, Gray Herbarium, Harvard University Herbaria
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 c 1999 The President and Fellows of Harvard College
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Botany Libraries
Title: Russell, John Lewis (1808-1873). Drawings of John Lewis Russell, 1852-1859: A Guide
Administrative Information
Processing Information: Processed by Lynn McWhood
Acquisition Information: The provenance of the Russell papers is unknown.
John Lewis Russell was born on Dec. 2, 1808, in Salem, Mass. After receiving his early education in Salem, Newburyport and Amesbury, he went to Harvard, where he completed his A.B. in 1828 and a divinity degree in 1831. From 1831-1854 he was a Unitarian minister in various places, including Fishkill, N.Y.; Burlington, Vt.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Kennebunk, Me; Chelmsford, Mass.; and Hingham, Mass.. On Oct. 4, 1853, he married Hannah Buckminster Ripley. In the same year, he moved back to Salem, where he remained for the rest of his life. He was apparently in poor health in his later years. He died in Salem on June 7, 1873. Russell was interested in botany and nature study for most of his life. He joined the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1831 and was Professor of Botany and Horticultural Physiology there from 1833 until his death. He was appointed Librarian and Cabinet Keeper of the Essex County Natural History Society when it was formed in 1833 and was elected the Society's president in 1845. He served as vice president of the Essex Institute from 1848, the year the Essex County Natural History Society and theEssex Historical Society merged for form the Institute, until 1861. Russell's special botanical interest was cryptogams, particularly lichens. His library, which was "especially rich in works on cryptogamic botany," was bequeathed to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.

110. Lakeland Times Obituaries
OBITUARIES. russell, john. john R. russell died on Feb. on March 17, 1922. His parents were the late john Dale and Elsie Hattery russell.

111. Lake County, IL Sheriff's Office Sex Offender Registry
Registry. Back to Sex Offender List. russell, john W. Address, 438 S. Lincoln Waukegan, Illinois 60085. Date of Birth 08/13/1971. Offense

112. Russell, John Scott
russell, john Scott. (18081882). Pred 150 lety, v dobe kdy se provádely experimenty pro navrhnutí optimálního tvaru plavebního
R ussell , John Scott
Pøed 150 lety, v dobì kdy se provádìly experimenty pro navrhnutí optimálního tvaru plavebního prùplavu, mladý skotský inženýr John Scott Russell udìlal nevšední vìdecký objev. “Pozoroval jsem pohyb loïky, která byla rychle tažena podél úzkého kanálu párem koní, a která byla prudce zastavena, ne tak voda v kanálu, která byla uvedena do pohybu, shromáždìná okolo pøídì plavidla a která ji náhle opustila a valila se dopøedu velkou rychlostí, nabývající tvaru velkého samostatného vzdutí, zakulaceného, hladkého a jasnì urèeného množství vody, které pokraèovalo ve smìru podél kanálu, oèividnì bez ztráty tvaru a velikosti rychlosti. Sledoval jsem ji na koòském høbetu a pøedbìhnul jsem ji, stále valící se rychlostí pøibližnì kolem 8 až 9 mil za hodinu, si udržela tvar okolo 30 stop. Její výška se postupnì zmenšovala a po jedné až dvou mílích, jsem ji ztratil v ohybu kanálu. Až v mìsíci v srpnu, jsem mìl první šanci pohovoøit o tomto pozoruhodném a krásném úkazu, který jsem nazval Wave of Translation“. Tuto událost zažil na Union prùplavu v Hermistonu, v blízkosti areálu university Riccartonu, vysoké školy Heriot-Watt v Edinburghu.

113. AIM25: King Alfred School: RUSSELL, John (1855-1937)
russell, john (18551937). IDENTITY STATEMENT. Reference code(s) GB 2179 russell. Held at King Alfred School. Title russell, john (1855-1937). Date(s) 1876-1937.

114. AIM25: King Alfred School: RUSSELL, John (1855-1937)
ARCHON Contact details. russell, john (18551937). IDENTITY STATEMENT. Held at King Alfred School. Title russell, john (1855-1937). Date(s) 1876-1937.

115. Russell, John L.
John L. Russell


John L. Russell
John L. Russell
John L. Russell
John L. Russell

116. Icehousebooks (author: Gablik, Suzi; Russell, John)
Author Gablik, Suzi; russell, john Books (etc ). 1 russell, john GABLIK, SUZI Pop Art Redefined, Thames Hudson, London, 1969. 006836. We buy and sell all kinds of new, second-hand and antiquarian books.
Our special interests include socialist / marxist / progressive fiction and non-fiction.
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Updated 5 May 2004/88

117. John Russell Pope - Great Buildings Online
Architect, john russell Pope. Search the RIBA architecture library catalog for more references on john russell Pope. Web Resources, Links on john russell Pope.
Architect John Russell Pope Great Buildings Search Advanced Search Buildings ... Store Works Temple of the Scottish Rite , at Washington, D.C., 1910. Biography John Russell Pope (b. New York, 1874; d. 1937) Born in New York in 1874, John Russell Pope studied architecture under William R. Ware at Columbia University. He graduated in 1894, at which time he won two university awards, one to the American Academy in Rome and one for travel. During his two year sojourn through Italy and Greece, Pope made measured drawings of antique edifices. Late in 1896, Pope went to Paris, where he attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He returned to New York in 1900 and established an office. In his practice he designed houses, master plans, and public buildings. With eclectic styling, Pope revived the Gothic, the Georgian, the eighteenth-century French, and the classical styles. Pope displayed particular skill with his classical buildings which possessed clear forms and grand spirit. Pope was the foremost inheritor of McKim's severe classicism. As a result, he earned the title "the last of the Romans." Pope died in 1937.

118. BNQ-Revues Anciennes - Russell, John
Translate this page russell, john (1). NO 3080. Illustrateur(s) russell, john 1. ©Bibliothèque nationale du Québec http//
Russell, John
NO 3080 Gravure 512 x 768 pixels 1020 x 1536 pixels Sujet(s): Onomastique: Shediac, Baie de (N.-B.) [1] Illustrateur(s): Russell, John [1]

119. John Russell : D'ART - Artist Resource And Discussion Forum
view US $2,375.00 russell, john. view US $950.00 russell, john. view US $350.00 russell, john. view US $950.00 russell, john. view US $800.00 russell, john.

120. MOH Citation For John Russell
Medal of Honor. to. russell, john. Rank and Organization Seaman, US Navy. Born 1852, New York, NY Accredited to New York. GO No. 326, 18 October 1884.
The President of the United States
in the name of
The Congress
takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to RUSSELL, JOHN Rank and Organization: Seaman, U.S. Navy. Born: 1852, New York, N.Y. Accredited to: New York. G.O. No.: 326, 18 October 1884. Citation: For jumping overboard from the U.S.S. Trenton, at Genoa, Italy, 21 September 1880, and rescuing from drowning Hans Paulsen, ordinary seaman. Citation Courtesy of Medal Of Honor Feature Sites
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