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         Russell Bertrand:     more books (98)
  1. The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)
  2. Our Knowledge of the External World: As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy (1914) by Bertrand Russell, 2009-06-12
  3. Bertrand Russell in 90 Minutes (Philosophers in 90 Minutes) by Paul Strathern, 2001-06-25
  4. A critical exposition of the philosophy of Leibniz, with an appendix of leading passages by Bertrand Russell, 2010-07-30
  5. An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (Classic Reprint) by Bertrand Russell, 2010-08-31
  6. Dear Bertrand Russell: A selection of his correspondence with the general public 1950-1968; by Bertrand Russell, 1969
  7. Bertrand Russell as a Philosopher. Lecture on a Master Mind by A. J. Ayer, 1972-01-01
  8. Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays by Bertrand Russell, 2010-03-07
  9. The good citizen's alphabet by Bertrand Russell, 1958
  10. Human Society in Ethics and Politics (Routledge Classics) by Bertrand Russell, 2009-08-17
  11. Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare (Routledge Classics) by Bertrand Russell, 2009-08-13
  12. The Prospects of Industrial Civilization (Routledge Classics) by Bertrand Russell, 2009-08-17
  14. The Bertrand Russell case by John Dewey, 1941

101. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Society > ... > Philosophers > R > Russell, Bertra
russell, bertrand Subjects Society Philosophers R russell, bertrand. Browse, Sponsored Listings in russell, bertrand (what s this?).

102. Russell, Bertrand (Philosophistry)
russell, bertrand. bertrand russell Good Quote. Wisdom Quotes. Posted by phil on Friday Aug 29, 2003 0938 PM russell, bertrand permanent link to this post.
Russell, Bertrand
Bertrand Russell - Good Quote Wisdom Quotes What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires desires of which he himself is often unconscious. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
Posted by phil on Friday Aug 29, 2003 09:38 PM
Russell, Bertrand
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Bertrand Russell on Christianity Why I Am Not A Christian (Bertrand Russell)
Posted by phil on Saturday Aug 9, 2003 10:31 PM
Russell, Bertrand
religion join the conversation 0 so far ... permanent link to this post
Am I An Atheist Or Agnostic Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic? (Bertrand Russell). // Basically said: "I'm an agnostic in philosophy but an atheist in practice" // Agree...
Posted by phil on Saturday Aug 9, 2003 10:29 PM

103. Bertrand Russell Quotes - The Quotations Page
Quotations by Author. bertrand russell (1872 1970) English author, mathematician, philosopher more author details. bertrand russell.

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Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)

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Showing quotations 1 to 10 of 58 total Read the works of Bertrand Russell online at The Literature Page
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.
Bertrand Russell
All movements go too far.
Bertrand Russell
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
Bertrand Russell
Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise.
Bertrand Russell
I think we ought always to entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. I shouldn't wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not even mine.
Bertrand Russell
- More quotations on: Opinions Doubt
I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.
Bertrand Russell
- More quotations on: Belief
If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence.

104. Russell, Bertrand
uk/) is edited by Denis Howe . Previous russell s Paradox Next rusty iron. russell, bertrand. bertrand russell.
The Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( Previous: Russell's Paradox Next: rusty iron
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Bertrand Russell

105. Russell, Bertrand In UK Directory: Library: Philosophers
russell, bertrand Find biographies, bibliographies, online texts, further reading and links for the British philosopher. Web Search russell, bertrand.,44537,670334,681845,918626

106. CogitoSearch - Philosophie - Auteurs - Russell (Bertrand)
russell (bertrand) Problèmes de philosophie 1 Premier chapitre de l ouvrage de bertrand russell.

107. Russell
A brief discussion of the life and works of bertrand russell, with links to additional information. John G. Slater, bertrand russell (St.
F A Q Dictionary ... Locke

Bertrand Arthur William Russell
Life and Works


Logical Atomism
Internet Sources
Orphaned at the age of four, Bertrand Russell studied both mathematics and philosophy (with McTaggart ) at Cambridge University, where he later taught. As the grandson of a British prime minister, Russell devoted much of his public effort to matters of general social concern . He was jailed for writing a pacifist pamphlet during the First World War and attacked Bolshevism and Stalin in 1920, after visiting the Soviet Union. Russell supported the battle against Fascism during World War II but continued to protest Western colonialization and publicly deplored the development of weapons of mass destruction, as is evident in " The Bomb and Civilization New Hopes for a Changing World (1951), and his untitled last essay . Throughout his life, Russell was an outspoken critic of organized religion as both unfounded and deceptive; he detailed its harmful social consequences in " Why I Am Not a Christian " (1927) and defended an agnostic alternative in " A Free Man's Worship " (1903). His

108. Russell, Bertrand - Message Boards -
Click here to visit our advertiser. Art Culture Message Boards russell, bertrand. russell, bertrand topics (1). Show Polls Only.

109. Russell, Bertrand - ICQ Interest Groups -
ICQ Interest Groups russell, bertrand. Most Active Groups Newly Added Groups Popular Groups, ICQ bertrand. 1 Group in russell, bertrand,

110. Modern History Sourcebook Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) A Free
Back to Modern History SourceBook. Modern History Sourcebook bertrand russell (18721970) A Free Man s Worship, 1917. To Dr. Faustus

111. Alibris: Bertrand Arthur Russell
Used, new outof-print books by author bertrand Arthur russell. 9. Wisdom of the West more books like this by russell, bertrand Arthur buy used from $3.90!, Bertrand Arthur
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Browse for author " Bertrand Arthur Russell " matched 95 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 4 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price History of Western Philosophy more books like this by Russell, Bertrand Arthur Since its first publication in 1945? Lord Russell's "A History of Western Philosophy" has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosophy from the rise of Greek civilization to the... buy used: from buy new: from Problems of Philosophy more books like this by Russell, Bertrand Arthur

112. Alibris: Bertrand Russell
Used, new outof-print books by author bertrand russell. 12. Wisdom of the West more books like this by russell, bertrand Arthur buy used from $3.90! 13. Russell
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Browse for author " Bertrand Russell " matched 205 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 9 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price History of Western Philosophy more books like this by Russell, Bertrand Arthur Since its first publication in 1945? Lord Russell's "A History of Western Philosophy" has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosophy from the rise of Greek civilization to the... buy used: from buy new: from Why I am not a Christian, and other essays on religion and related subjects

113. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3d Earl (Philo reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on russell, bertrand Arthur William russell, 3d Earl, Philosophy, Biographies.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 01, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Philosophy, Biographies ... Russell, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3d Earl
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  • 114. Home Page Of The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
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    115. Fredsakademiet: Freds- Og Sikkerhedspolitisk Leksion R 67 : Russell, Bertrand
    russell, bertrand. 660 s. ISBN 0-415-24998-8 russell, bertrand Appel til den amerikanske samvittighed (Om krigen i Vietnam). Forlaget Terma, 1966.
    Russell, Bertrand
    F. D. 1970
    fra . Bertrand Russell underskriver Romain Rolland Atompacifist fra Bertrand Russell og Albert Einstein rundsender i Aktiv Direct Action Committee The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament og Pugwash Conferences of Sciences and World Affairs
    Fortaler for anvendelse af civil ulydighed
    Modstander af Vietnamkrigen; appel til den amerikanske samvittighed 1966. Deltager i Russell-tribunalet i Roskilde i . Nobels litteraturpris 1950. Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation , og Det internationale Russell-tribunal er opkaldt efter ham.
    The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell : The public years 1914-1970 / edited by: Nicholas Griffin. - Routhledge, 2001. - 660 s. - ISBN 0-415-24998-8
    Russell, Bertrand: Appel til den amerikanske samvittighed (Om krigen i Vietnam). Forlaget Terma, 1966. - 16 s.
    Russell, Bertrand: Atomkrig og sund fornuft
    Russell, Bertrand: Autobiography I-III
    . 1967-1969 s.
    Russell, Bertrand: The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russel : Vol. 14: Pacifism and Revolution, 1916-18 , London : Routledge, 1995.

    116. Bertrand Russell Store
    our online store. Click here for bertrand russell and bertrand russell related products. bertrand russell Store Buy bertrand russell
    For Age: 4 years and up
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    This talking book comes with an interactive ''magic pen'' that works like a hand-held computer mouse pointer. Children can opt to turn the paper pages and listen to the story read with different voices for each character. Or they can interrupt the read-aloud session to play with the magic pen (permanently attached with a wire). They can point the pen tip to any word on a page and hear it pronounced, or touch a picture and hear a sound effect (such as ''Strike one!'' for the baseball bat). Very similar to the popular Living Books computer games, this 10-by-11-inch book is more portable than a home computer. Stories in this set include Lil's Loose Tooth, Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, and Winnie the Pooh in A Sweet Good Morning. The set also includes a paper piano keyboard and map and human anatomy games. Gail Hudson
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    117. Phorum - Russell, Bertrand

    118. The Pacifism Of Bertrand Russell By Sanderson Beck
    Beck home. The Pacifism of bertrand russell. Life cooperation. We must learn to think of the human race as one family. bertrand russell.
    Beck home
    The Pacifism of Bertrand Russell
    "Life and hope for the world
    are to be found only in the deeds of love."
    Bertrand Russell
    "Either man will abolish war, or war will abolish man."
    Bertrand Russell
    "War can only be abolished
    by the establishment of a world government."
    Bertrand Russell
    "The time has come, or is about to come,
    when only large-scale civil disobedience,
    which should be nonviolent, can save the populations from the universal death which their governments are preparing for them." Bertrand Russell "For love of domination we must substitute equality; for love of victory we must substitute justice; for brutality we must substitute intelligence; for competition we must substitute cooperation. We must learn to think of the human race as one family." Bertrand Russell One of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell, was an active pacifist who spent considerable energy working for world peace, especially in his eighties and nineties. Bertrand Russell was born in England on May 18,1872, and he died on February 2, 1970. Both of his parents died while he was a small child, and he was raised by his grandmother Russell. Bertrand was well educated; he was an outstanding student at Trinity College, Cambridge. In addition to his expertise in mathematics and philosophy he studied and lectured on economics and political science. Although he believed that the intellect maintained his sanity, he considered the emotions and passions fundamental in human life. He married four times. His skeptical attitudes and questioning of authority and popular tradition made him seem scandalous to many people.

    119. Bertrand Russell - A Bibliography, Part 1
    A select bibliography of bertrand russell part 1. Book 1. Book 4. Author russell,bertrand (1872-1970) Title The autobiography of bertrand russell.
    Down to bottom of page Russell bibliography part 2 Lynne's Bertrand Russell page Friedrich Froebel ... Back to Lynne's index
    A select bibliography of Bertrand Russell - part 1
    Book 1
    Author: Russell,Bertrand (1872-1970)
    Title: The ABC of relativity
    Edition Revised ed
    Phys.desc: 140p.,23cm b5808637
    Notes Previous ed. 1925.
    Book 2
    Author Russell,Bertrand (1872-1970)
    Title Authority and the individual
    Phys.desc 125p, plate
    Publisher London:Allen and Unwin,1949 x3419596
    Notes "The Reith lectures for 1948-9" - title page.
    Book 3
    Author Russell,Bertrand (1872-1970) Title Authority and the individual/(by) Bertrand Russell Phys.desc 3-95p;20cm Publisher London:Allen and Unwin,1977 0041700309 Notes Originally published: 1949.
    Book 4
    Author Russell,Bertrand (1872-1970) Title The autobiography of Bertrand Russell. -vol 1:1872-1914 Part vol 1:1872-1914 Phys.desc 230p.,ill.,25cm Publisher London:Allen and Unwin,1967 b6706659
    Book 5
    Author Russell,Bertrand (1872-1970) Title The autobiography of Bertrand Russell. -Vol.3:1944-1967

    120. Glossary Of People: Ru
    Trotsky in the Moscow Trials. See Otto Rühle Archive. russell, bertrand (18721970). British philosopher and populariser and historian
    MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
    Rubel, Maximilien (1905-1996) French sociologist, Marxist humanist and with T.B. Bottomore, a prolific publisher and translator. Ruge, Arnold (1802 - 1880) Arnold Ruge Young Hegelian . Editor of Hallische Jahrbücher , then published Marx's first really comprehensive political treatise. With Marx, Feuerbach, and Bakunin, founded the newspaper Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher . Broke with Marx in quarrel over Herwegh. German Left Communist. Joined German Social Democratic Party in 1900 and voted with Karl Liebknecht against the war credits in the Reichstag in 1915 and was a member of the Spartakus Group until 1917. He did not join the USPD. He was a leader of the IKD (International Communists of Germany) in Dresden and the founding Chairman of the Dresden Workers and Soldiers Council and a delegate to the founding congress of the German Communist Party (KPD). He was among those who split to the left in 1919. See Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) British philosopher and populariser and historian of philosophy, mathematician (leading exponent of Logicism), pacifist (jailed for 6 months in 1918 anticonscription campaign) and Fabian socialist; leader of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, co-organiser of International War Crimes Tribunal convened in 1966 to focus opposition to US war in Vietnam. Russell is easily the most famous and widely read British philosopher of this century, a member of the British Peerage, he was a consistent fabian/pacifist critic who was a frequent figurehead for broad left campaigns, and an exceptionally prolific writer and pamphleteer.

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