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Rudolff Christoff: more detail | ||||
41. Historia Del álgebra Translate this page Jhon Widmann 1849.- idea los signos + y - . christoff rudolff 1525.- comienzaa usar el signo radical. Robert Recorde 1557.- introduce el signo =. http://www.mate.com.mx/proyectos/histalgebra0002.htm | |
42. Las Matemáticas En El Renacimiento Translate this page Por su parte, el alemán christoff rudolff empleó en 1525 el símbolo actual dela raíz cuadrada, mientras que el bávaro Adam Ries (1492-1559) publicó http://www.satd.uma.es/matap/personal/pablito/Renacimiento.html | |
43. The Birth Of Algebra for radix). Therefore he writes. In Germany, christoff rudolff (1499 1555) wrote a book in 1525 called simply Coss. The Italian http://cerebro.xu.edu/math/math147/02f/algebra/algebra.html | |
44. Part II Outline and sixteenth centuries in Europe; examples of this development appear in Francein the work of Nicholas Chuquet, in Germany by christoff rudolff, and in http://cerebro.xu.edu/math/math147/02f/part2/part2.html | |
45. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Rudio, Ferdinand (1856 - 1929). rudolff, christoff (1499 - 1545). Ruffini,Paolo (22.9.1765 - 10.5.1822). Runge, Carl David Tolme (1856 - 1927). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
46. The Ship Leathley Passenger List 1753 christoffel (X) Termel, Johann Nicklaus Klein. J. christoff (X) Bremer,Caspar Ludewig Sievert. C. rudolff (+) Rechner, Johann Henrich Sievert. http://germanroots.home.att.net/penngermanpioneers/leathley1753.html | |
47. Geschichte_algebra Translate this page Fleiß an. 18. christoff rudolff, geboren um 1500 in Jauer in Schlesien.Er studierte an der Universität Wien. Sehr bekannt wurde http://home.arcor.de/sjschaper/geschi1.htm | |
48. 1498 A.D. operation in 1514. The first publication with the radical sign init was christoff rudolff s, DieCoss, in 1525. Probably it was http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/1498AD.html | |
49. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Georg (1816 - 1887) Roth, Leonhard (1904 - 1968) Routh, Edward (1831 - 1907) Rudio,Ferdinand (1856 - 1929) rudolff, christoff (1499 - 1545) Ruffini, Paolo http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
50. Êâàäðàòíûé êîðåíü èç 2 The history of the famous sign ? goes back up to 1525 in a treatise named Cosswhere the German mathematician christoff rudolff (14991545) used a similar http://algolist.manual.ru/maths/count_fast/sqrt2.php | |
51. UPF - Àrea D'Història De La Ciència Universität der Bundeswehr München The reduction of theoretically possible 27 typesof quadratic equations to eight by christoff rudolff mirrors the concern http://www.upf.es/huma/hciencia/abstracts.htm | |
53. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Peter Roth Nuremberg philomath who owned manuscripts from Peter Roth, amongst them one whiththe solutions of all the problems contained in the Coss of christoff rudolff. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/sep98/0078.html | |
54. Lesson Six Radicals The word radical comes from a Latin word radix, meaning root. A Germanmathematician named christoff rudolff who first used it in 1525 invented it. http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/j/x/jxt18/Math21_WEB/Lesson6/lesson_six.htm |
55. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Rota, GianCarlo (1420*) Roth, Klaus (706*) Roth, Leonard (97*) Routh, Edward (152)Rudin, Mary (1857*) Rudio, Ferdinand (268*) rudolff, christoff (172) Ruffini http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
56. TIMELINE 16th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE a book on Cartography in 1524 1522 The first Arithmetic book published in England,by Cuthbert Turnstall 1525 Die Coss by christoff rudolff, one of the http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline16.html | |
57. Hansestadt Rostock Hausgeld-Register 1688 Steuer Bürgerschaft Translate this page Hanß Borkholt 1-0. Mattiaß Möller. Hinrich rudolff Bobst 4-0. Clauß Münster2-0. Johan Föge 2-0. christoff Hartigs Witwe. Jacob Kohlhagen. Friedrich Schröder. http://www.vigerust.net/by/rostock1688_hausgeld.html | |
58. Hansestadt Wismar: Türckensteuer 1689 St. Georg Kirchspiel 1 Translate this page Tohmas Beutiche 1. Jochim Drefahl 5. rudolff Wagener 4. Hans Oldenborgs witwe 60. Lubsche-Straß1. christoff Gröningk 20. Jochim Blumentahl 30. Bartelmes Dümmer 2. http://www.vigerust.net/by/wismar1689_georgkirchspiel1.html | |
59. Human Indexes Of My Books On Mathematics; Ru Re Ro In Japanese 6, II.6, ?, ?3, ?, ?1.4.1, 2.2.5, 3.9.1, ?, ?7, 11, 14, ?2? ?(christoff rudolff, 1500?1545). http://www.com.mie-u.ac.jp/~kanie/tosm/humanind/jinmeir3.htm | |
60. La Page Des Mathematiques Au Lycee Claude Fauriel, Classes Preparatoires, Saint Translate this page christoff rudolff (1499-1545) introduit le symbole pour désignerla racine carrée. François Viète (1540-1603) polynôme. http://mathematiques.fauriel.org/doc-mots.html | |
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