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81. Die Elemente Der Analytischen Geometrie Des Raumes. Zum Gebrauche An Die elemente der analytischen geometrie des raumes. Zum gebrauche an höheren lehranstalten, technischen hochschulen, sowie zum selbststudium dargestellt und mit zahlreichen übungsbeispielen http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ABN8095.0001.001& |
82. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of R There are 3628 mathematicians whose last name begin with R. Rötteler, Martin. Universität Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe. 2001. Raab, Albert. The University of Chicago. 1932. Raab, Joseph. University of http://www.genealogy.ams.org/html/letter.phtml?letter=R&fShow=1 |
83. University Of Michigan Historical Math Collection CSULBCOAST /Juvenile(Previous Page) (Next Page) (Extended Display) (Start Over) (AnotherSearch) (Encyclopedia) Keyword, Journal http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=umhistmath;idno=ABN8095 |
84. Congettura Di Catalan http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~schoof/catacorso.html | |
85. Groupe Histoire Des Maths http://www.apmep.asso.fr/nvgal03.html | |
86. WhoWasThere Reply Emile Picard was 64 this year and would die in a further 21 years. FerdinandRudio was 64 this year and would die in a further 9 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1920 |
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