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         Rota Gian-carlo:     more books (91)
  1. Finite Operator Calculus by Gian-Carlo Rota, etc., 1976-02-09
  2. Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science and Philosophy by Mark Kac, Gian-Carlo Rota, et all 1993-06-01
  3. Introduction to Geometric Probability (Lezioni Lincee) by Daniel A. Klain, Gian-Carlo Rota, 1997-12-13
  4. Classic Papers in Combinatorics (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
  5. Biography - Rota, Gian-Carlo (1932-1999): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2005-01-01
  6. Invariant Theory and Superalgebras (Cbms Regional Conference Series in Mathematics) by Gian-Carlo Rota, and Joel A. Stein Frank D. Grosshans, 1987-12-31
  7. Lecture Notes on Ordinary Differential Equations (2 Parts) by Garrett Birkhoff, Gian-Carlo Rota, 1960-01
  8. Science and Computers (Advances in mathematics)
  9. Ordinary Differential Equations by Garrett/ Rota, Gian-Carlo Birkhoff, 1989
  10. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications Volume 21: Graph Theory by W. T. Tutte, 1984-12-28
  11. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society [Volume 79 Number 3 Issue 744 May 1973] by Gian-Carlo [ed.] ; Kelley, John L. [ed.] ; Weinberger, Hans F. [ed.] Rota, 1973-01-01
  12. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society [Volume 78 Number 6 Issue 741 November 1972] by Gian-Carlo [ed.] ; Protter, M.H. [ed.] ; Weinberger, Hans F. [ed.] Rota, 1972
  13. Bulletin of the American Mathmatical Society Volume 74, Number 1. by Gian-Carlo, M. H. Protter Rota, 1111-01-01
  14. "An Exposition of the Structure of Solvmanifolds" (first title) (Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 79, number 2, March 1973) by Louis Auslander, Donald Sarasan, et all 1973

21. Professor Gian-Carlo Rota, 1932-1999
In recognition of giancarlo rota's long service and contributions to the M.I.T fund for the purpose of honoring gian-carlo rota's legacy. Assuming that the funds raised
Gian-Carlo Rota, 1932-1999
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Philosophy,
Norbert Wiener Professor of Mathematics
In recognition of Gian-Carlo Rota's long service and contributions to the M.I.T. department of mathematics, there will be a one day conference devoted to Rota's memory. This event will take place on October 9th, 1999, and will be part of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Moore Instructorship M.I.T. has established a memorial fund for the purpose of honoring Gian-Carlo Rota's legacy. Assuming that the funds raised are sufficient, we plan to use the money to underwrite the construction of a ``Rota Reading Room'' in the M.I.T. library. This room would house a selection of the many books which Rota contributed to M.I.T. over the years as well as some of the other interesting and rare volumes in the M.I.T. archives. It is our intention to create an attractive space which will be a resource for everyone. If you would like to contribute, please make your checks payable to MIT/Gian-Carlo Rota Memorial Fund and send it to:
Paula Duggins, Administrative Officer

22. Gian-Carlo Rota And His Ph.D. Students
giancarlo rota and his Ph.D. students. Students gian-carlo rota s advisor wasJacob T. Schwartz (Yale MA 1955, PhD 1956). Schwartz advisor was Dunford.
Gian-Carlo Rota and his Ph.D. students

23. Rota, Gian-Carlo --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Year in Review 1999 obituary rota, giancarlo Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLAstyle rota, gian-carlo. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004.

24. Gian-Carlo Rota
The cause of death was ruled as artherosclerotic cardiac disease by the Middlesex County Medical Examiner. giancarlo rota. Internationally recognized mathematician and beloved professor, gian-carlo rota died last weekend, apparently
Gian-Carlo Rota
Internationally recognized mathematician and beloved professor, Gian-Carlo Rota died last weekend, apparently in his sleep. He was 66 years old. Rota was found Monday afternoon after he failed to arrive in Philadelphia Sunday afternoon, where he was to give a three-part lecture series at Temple University earlier this week. The cause of death was ruled as artherosclerotic cardiac disease by the Middlesex County Medical Examiner. Rota held appointments at MIT as professor both of applied mathematics and philosophy, the only MIT professor in history to do so. He taught several courses in both fields. As a mathematician, Rota helped lay the foundations for modern combinatorics and develop the field into a respected discipline within mathematics. Rota was also a philosopher working in the 20th century continental tradition of phenomenology. His most recent book Indiscrete Thoughts, published by Birkhauser has been nominated by the 1999 Edwin Goodwin Ballard Book Prize in phenomenology presented by the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. A great teacher At MIT, however, Rota is probably best known as a great teacher.

25. References For Rota
References for giancarlo rota. Books gian-carlo rota on combinatorics (Boston,MA, 1995). BD Taylor and M Waterman, gian-carlo rota (1932-1999), Notices Amer.
References for Gian-Carlo Rota
  • Gian-Carlo Rota on combinatorics (Boston, MA, 1995). Articles:
  • C Bernardi, Gian-Carlo Rota: a mathematician reflecting on the activity of mathematics (Italian), Archimede
  • E F Beschler, D A Buchsbaum, J T Schwartz, R P Stanley. B D Taylor and M Waterman, Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999), Notices Amer. Math. Soc.
  • K P Bogart, The Rota generation, in Gian-Carlo Rota on combinatorics (Boston, MA, 1995), xi-xiii.
  • W Y C Chen, Gian-Carlo Rota : philosopher, psychologist and mathematician, in Gian-Carlo Rota on combinatorics (Boston, MA, 1995) xiv-xv.
  • H H Crapo, Rota's "combinatorial theory", in Gian-Carlo Rota on combinatorics (Boston, MA, 1995) xix-xliii.
  • J-M Kantor, Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999) (French), Gaz. Math. No.
  • G B Kolata, Gian-Carlo Rota and combinatorial math, Science
  • F Ulam, Conversations with Rota, Stanislaw Ulam 1909-1984, Los Alamos Sci. No. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR May 2000 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 26. Ten Nobels For The Future
    C. Physics, 1996 Richter, Burton Physics, 1976 Rifkin, Jeremy Rodbell, Martin Medicine,1994 Rohrer, Heinrich Physics, 1986 rota, giancarlo Rotblat, Joseph

    Allais, Maurice
    Economics, 1988
    Altman, Sidney
    Chemistry, 1989
    Arber, Werner
    Medicine, 1978
    Arrow, Kenneth J.
    Economics, 1972
    Baltimore, David
    Medicine, 1975
    Becker, Gary S.
    Economics, 1992
    Black, James W.
    Medicine, 1988
    Brown, Lester R.

    Buchanan, James M.
    Economics, 1986
    Charpak, Georges
    Physics, 1992 Dahrendorf, Ralf Dausset, Jean Medicine, 1980 Economics, 1983 de Duve, Christian Medicine, 1974 Dulbecco, Renato Medicine, 1975 Ernst, Richard R. Chemistry, 1991 Esaki, Leo Physics, 1973 Fo, Dario Literature, 1997 Gell-Mann, Murray Physics, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee Physics, 1979 Guillemin, Roger C.L. Medicine, 1977 Hoffmann, Roald Chemistry, 1981 Jacob, François Medicine, 1965 Kindermans, Jean-Marie Peace 1999 Klein, Lawrence R. Economics, 1980 Kroto, Harold W. Chemistry, 1996 Lederman, Leon M.

    27. Dieci Nobel Per Il Futuro
    Translate this page C. Fisica, 1996 Richter, Burton Fisica, 1976 Rifkin, Jeremy Rodbell, Martin Medicina,1994 Rohrer, Heinrich Fisica, 1986 rota, gian-carlo Rotblat, Joseph Pace

    Allais, Maurice
    Economia, 1988
    Altman, Sidney
    Chimica, 1989
    Arber, Werner
    Medicina, 1978
    Arrow, Kenneth J.
    Economia, 1972
    Baltimore, David
    Medicina, 1975
    Becker, Gary S.
    Economia, 1992
    Black, James W.
    Medicina, 1988
    Brown, Lester R.

    Buchanan, James M.
    Economia, 1986
    Charpak, Georges
    Fisica, 1992 Dahrendorf, Ralf Dausset, Jean Medicina, 1980 Economia, 1983 de Duve, Christian Medicina, 1974 Dulbecco, Renato Medicina, 1975 Ernst, Richard R. Chimica, 1991 Esaki, Leo Fisica, 1973 Fo, Dario Letteratura, 1997 Gell-Mann, Murray Fisica, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee Fisica, 1979 Guillemin, Roger C.L. Medicina, 1977 Hoffmann, Roald Chimica, 1981 Jacob, François Medicina, 1965 Kindermans, Jean-Marie Pace, 1999 Klein, Lawrence R. Economia, 1980 Kroto, Harold W. Chimica, 1996 Lederman, Leon M.

    28. AIM Reprint Library:
    Listing for rota, giancarlo. Viewing Theory. Barnabei, Marilena Brini, Andrearota, gian-carlo. 2. On the Exterior Calculus of Invariant Theory.;mode=display;BrowseT

    29. Fine Hall In Its Golden Age: Remembrances Of Princeton In The Early Fifties, By
    A Century of Mathematics in America, Part III, History of Mathematics, Volume 3, P. Duren, Ed., pp.223236, American Mathematical Society, 1989. gian-carlo rota was born in Italy, where he went to school through the ninth grade.
    A Century of Mathematics in America, Part III, History of Mathematics, Volume 3, P. Duren, Ed., pp.223-236, American Mathematical Society, 1989. Gian-Carlo Rota was born in Italy, where he went to school through the ninth grade. He attended high school in Quito, Ecuador, and entered Princeton University as a freshman in 1950. Three years later, he graduated summa cum laude and went to Yale, where he received a Ph.D. in 1956 with a thesis in functional analysis under the direction ofJ. T. Schwartz. After a position at Harvard, in 1959 he moved to MIT, where he is now professor of mathematics and philosophy. He has made basic contributions to operator theory, ergodic theory, and combinatorics. The AMS recently honored him with a Steele Prize for his seminal work in algebraic combinatorics. He is a senior fellow of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
    Fine Hall in its golden age: Remembrances of Princeton in the early fifties*
    GIAN-CARLO ROTA [*The present article is a draft for a chapter of a book which the author is under contract to write for the Sloan science series. ]

    30. Rota
    Biography of giancarlo rota (1932-1999) gian-carlo rota. Born 27 April 1932 in Vigevano, Italy gian-carlo rota's father, Giovanni rota, was a civil engineer and architect who specialised in
    Gian-Carlo Rota
    Born: 27 April 1932 in Vigevano, Italy
    Died: 18 April 1999 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Gian-Carlo Rota 's father, Giovanni Rota, was a civil engineer and architect who specialised in anti-earthquake structures. Giovanni Rota was a prominent anti-fascist and his name appears on a death list constructed by Mussolini. Gian-Carlo was born into a talented family in Vigevano, many members of his family had achieved fame in their areas of expertise, for example one of Gian-Carlo's uncles, Flaiano, wrote scripts for Federico Fellini's films, including La Dolce Vita. Gian-Carlo was educated in Italy up to the age of thirteen in 1945. This was near the end of World War II and, due to Giovanni Rota's anti-fascist views, the family was forced to leave Vigevano to escape Mussolini's death squads. Giovanni Rota took his family to northern Italy where they hide for a time before crossing the border into Switzerland. The family eventually escaped to Ecuador where Gian-Carlo completed his secondary school education. The positive side to this remarkable escape story was that Rota was fluent in English, Italian, Spanish and French. Rota entered the United States in 1950 at the age of eighteen to undertake his university studies. He entered Princeton University in 1950 and received a BA summa cum laude in 1953. After graduating, Rota entered Yale University where he studied for his Master's Degree in Mathematics which was awarded in 1954. He then undertook doctoral studies, supervised by Jacob T Schwartz, and he was awarded a PhD from Yale in 1956 for his thesis

    31. Auteur - Rota, Gian-Carlo
    rota, gian-carlo (Co-auteur) Blaisdell publishing Co.

    32. Fiche Document -Gian-Carlo Rota On Analysis, Convexity, And

    33. Auteur - Rota, Gian-Carlo
    Translate this page VIDEO. Auteur. rota, gian-carlo rota, Gian Carlo rota, GC rota, GC, Livre. rota,gian-carlo CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , 1963, p. 62.

    34. Rota Reflects On Math And Mathematicians
    unrecognized. giancarlo rota, professor of applied mathematics and philosophy the sole MIT claimant to that title is not silent. His
    Published by the MIT News Office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
    October 28
    Tech Talk Search MIT News ... MIT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1998
    Rota reflects on math and mathematicians
    By Denise Brehm
    News Office Behind most great science and engineering discoveries stands the work of a host of mathematicians. But their research, like the support of a silent consort, often goes unrecognized. Gian-Carlo Rota, professor of applied mathematics and philosophy the sole MIT claimant to that title is not silent. His interest in communicating with mathematicians, as well as the rest of us, has manifested itself in some very public ways. He spoke at Family Weekend this year ("Ten Predictions about Science") and last year ("Ten Lessons of an MIT Education"), was the Killian Lecturer in 1997 ("Mathematical Snapshots"), speaker at the Provost's Seminar in 1998 ("Ten Remarks on Husserl and Phenomenology"), and presenter of the 1998 American Mathematical Society (AMS) Colloquium Lectures a series of three talks presented each year by one of the world's most eminent mathematicians, according to the AMS. Professor Rota also engages people, very graciously, on an individual level. He's known among students for his accessibility and his clear presentation of material in his math and philosophy courses. He's also respected for his deep understanding of those subjects and revered for his love of communicating.

    35. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member
    rota, giancarlo. Date of Birth April 27, 1932. Electedto NAS 1982. Date of Death April 19, 1999.

    36. Rota - Encyclopedia Article About Rota. Free Access, No Registration Needed. Wha
    . Click the link for more information. . giancarlo rota. gian-carlo rota(1932-1999) was an Italian-born American mathematician and philosopher.
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition This is a disambiguation page.
    • Rota Rota was one of the Valkyries. Together with Gunn and Skuld she attended the battle fields and chose those who were to be slain and taken to Valhalla.
      Click the link for more information. was a Valkyrie This article is about the Valkyries, figures of Norse mythology. There is another article on the North American XB-70 Valkyrie aircraft. The Valkyries ("choosers of the slain", alternative spelling: Walkyries) are figures of Norse mythology. Lesser goddesses (Disas) and generally held to be daughters of Odin, they are usually depicted as beautiful warrior-maidens on winged horses, armed with helmets and spears.
      Click the link for more information. in Norse mythology
      Norse mythology represents the early pre-Christian religion, beliefs and legends of the Scandinavian people. The name also refers to Germanic mythology in general, as it is part of the old Germanic belief system. In Scandinavia, it held on the longest, and in rural areas, fragments of the belief lingered until modern times. It was not a formalized religion based on a book written by a prophet, but a collection of similar beliefs shared by Germanic tribes. The information about the gods, their roles and their relationships was transmitted orally. Today, the mythology is a source of inspiration in literature (see Norse mythological influences on later literature), and as a system of belief it has been revived as the Ásatrú or Odinism.

    37. Giancarlo Rota
    gian-carlo rota on Combinatorics

    38. Convegno Su Gian-Carlo Rota
    Translate this page Convegno internazionale gian-carlo rota memorial conference gian-carlo rota (1932-1999)è stato uno dei più grandi matematici della seconda metà del ‘900.
    Convegno internazionale
    Gian-Carlo Rota memorial conference 25, 26, 27 aprile 2002
    Centro Turistico San Colombo
    Via Provinciale Km.4, Barisciano (AQ)
    sine qua non for survival, the ineptness of the mathematical community in making the message of mathematics heard beyond their narrow confines is a forerunner of doom. Unless a resolute action is taken, mathematics risks to becoming a curiosity we will take our children to watch in a odd zoo, side by side with other relics of bygone ages like classical music, sonnets, oil painting, calligraphy and the classics.”
    Sono previsti interventi di: Andrea Brini (Univ. di Bologna ), Henry Crapo (E.H.E.S.S. Parigi), Ottavio D'Antona (Univ. di Milano), Fabrizio Palombi (Univ. della Calabria), Giuseppe Pirillo (CNR, Firenze), Domenico Senato (Univ. della Basilicata), Bruno Simeone (Univ. di Roma La Sapienza) Mauro Cerasoli
    Centro Turistico San Colombo , via Provinciale, Km.4 (Barisciano): tel. 0862899017; 3357588602;

    39. Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999)
    giancarlo rota (1932-1999) One of gian-carlo rota s virtues lay inthe fact that he was welcoming not just to a few intimates, but
    Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999) One of Gian-Carlo Rota's virtues lay in the fact that he was welcoming not just to a few intimates, but to a large community of mathematicians. In that sense, there is nothing ``special'' about the following recollections, however precious I find them. Any of his students and very many who were not will recognize their experiences here. all of them.'' But one of the first papers I do remember reading was Rota's paper with Joni on coalgebras and bialgebras in combinatorics; I still remember the excitement I had seeing children's puzzles put into an algebraic framework. It was the ability to ask ``Why?'' in mathematics and actually get a solid answer that first attracted me to math. It was Rota's attention to answering that ``Why?'' in as deep a way as possible that convinced me to be a combinatorialist. I remember Rota's characteristic generosity: The research problems he shared freely, not just with his graduate students, but with anyone he talked to or taught; the dinners out at good trying to hide your techniques from your readers?'' By the time that weekend was over, the techniques, and the paper were clear.

    40. Errata For Memorial Article: Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999)
    (My object lesson in why one should read galleys early.) Errata asof 1/2/00 for Memorial Article giancarlo rota (1932-1999). The
    My object lesson in why one should read galleys early.)
    Errata as of 1/2/00 for Memorial Article: Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999)
    The original article appears in the Notices of the AMS February, 2000, volume 47, number 2 , pages 203-216. It is also available in postscript format.
    This list pertains only to the section (from page 210 to page 216) written by Buchsbaum and Taylor.
    • On page 210, in the final display of the 2nd column:
      Insert a negative sign in front of the left-hand-side of the equation. On page 211, 1st column, in Equation 1:
      On page 212, 2nd column, in the 3rd line from bottom:
      On page 213, 2nd column, in the 7th line of the 2nd full paragraph:
      One should replace "a polar" with "apolar".
      Switch the words "row" and "column".

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