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Romanus Adrianus: more detail | ||||||
81. Index Authors Nomenclator Translate this page G3v Blyenburgus, adrianus M1r Bockenbergius, Petrus M3r Boethius, AMS H3r Bonfinius RomanusC2v Cotta, Joannes L4r Crusius, Martinus G3v Cuchlinus, Joannes M2v http://ub.leidenuniv.nl/bc/nomenclator/index_authors.html | |
82. LA PREISTORIA, Materiale Pagina 963 Translate this page Rex ad Urbem tendens, circa Viterbium castrametatur. Quo romanus antistes Adrianuscum cardinalibus suis veniens, ex debito officii sui honorifice suscipitur. http://www.tesinestudenti.net/materiale/73pu_la_preistoria_bv_.html | |
83. Lycosjan - Aqwg196 She married romanus VAN BEL on 14 Feb 1914 in Zelem (Limburg), BEL. M, i, AdrianusAert VAN LAARHOVEN (LAERHOVEN) died 11 Nov 1758 in Teteringen (N.Br.), NL. http://membres.lycos.fr/asweerts/aqwg196.htm | |
84. Pausen I adrianus II adrianus III adrianus IV adrianus V adrianus VI Agapitus I PontianusRomanus Sabiniamus Sergius I Sergius II Sergius III Sergius IV Severinus http://www.heiligen.net/pausen/pausalf.htm | |
85. The Galileo Project ruler and compass. In 1595 he began corresponding with adrianus Romanusover a problem proposed by him in 1593. adrianus was so http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/viete.html | |
86. Julius Echter, Gründung Der Uni Würzburg Translate this page Die medizinische Fakultät bekam 1593 mit der Berufung des damals berühmtenAdrianus romanus aus Löwen großen Auftrieb. Die Würzburger http://www.ijon.de/echter/biogra07.html | |
87. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Francois Vieta, Seigneur De La Bigottiere councillor. He was a Catholic at his death. His kindly treatment ofAdrianus romanus, a rival scholar, indicates a generous nature. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15425b.htm | |
88. Trigonometric Functions References References for The trigonometric functions. P Bockstaele, adrianus Romanusand the trigonometric tables of Georg Joachim Rheticus ( Basel, 1992). http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ1958.htm | |
89. Aspecten Van Sociale Mobiliteit Binnen De 18de-eeuwse Aalsterse Ambachtswereld. Luycx Jacobus fs. Frans, L, 15 jan 1772, I, D Haene Jan Bapt, Moreels AdrianusEmanuel fs. De Hert Judocus, ja, D, 17021704, De Hert romanus, ja, D+B, 1744, http://home.planetinternet.be/~sintlod2/aalst_mobiliteit/aalst_mobiliteit_deel_I | |
90. Stadtgeschichtsforschung Translate this page Von anderen Autoren wurde die Bezeichnung kritiklos übernommen. adrianus Romanusleitete Helenopolis ab von Helena, der Mutter Konstantins d. Gr. http://www.stadtgeschichtsforschung.de/bericht38.htm | |
91. Lista Di Autorità (autori Persone) A-F Bastiaensen, Antonius adrianus Robertus, http://biblio.adm.unipi.it/AF_persAF.html | |
92. Würzburger Mathematikgeschichte: Der Humanist bedeutendste Mathematiker seiner Zeit, als Professor der Medizin berufen. http://www.didaktik.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/history/mathematik/humanist.html | |
93. Untitled GERMAN, AUSTRIAN SWISS ATLASES OTHER BOOKS WITH MAPS( pre1946) 01-Mar-04 pls. Baskes. 7268. Ht. Other. Author or Mapmaker. Date. Title or Short Title. Ed. Place. Publisher. maps. A NL Call http://www.baskes.com/german.htm | |
94. Personnages Célèbres Ou Méconnus : François Viète AdrianusRomanus n en nomme pas un de Français dans le catalogue qu il en fait. http://www.france-pittoresque.com/perso/44.htm | |
95. Bell Catalog - Rs Reisch, Gregor, d. 1525. Margarita philosophica. Friburgi i.e. Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany per Ioannem Schottum, 1503. 602 p. ill. ( incl. music), diagrams (2 folded), 1 folded map ; http://www.bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/bib_r.html | |
96. Roomen, Andriaan Van Catalog of the Scientific Community. Roomen, Andriaan van. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates. Born Louvain, 29 Sept. 1561 http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/Files/roomen.html | |
97. ThinkQuest : Library : Mathematics History The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://library.thinkquest.org/22584/tmh3027.htm | |
98. JOHANNIS CLUVERI HISTORIARUM Totius Mundi EPITOME http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/cluever/clueverkopf.html | |
99. Mathematik Im Barock http://www.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/History/texte/barock.html | |
100. Untitled Document Translate this page Pulkowa Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte der Mathematik Vol. II - 1875. 1593. AdrianusRomanus. Ideal Mathematical Pars Prima. 1593. Francis Vieta. Responsorum. 1601. http://www.prandiano.com.br/html/m_aula3.htm | |
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