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         Romanus Adrianus:     more detail
  1. Mathesis Polemica (1605) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Van Romanus, 2009-08-27
  2. Speculum Astronomicum Sive Organum Forma Mappae Expressum (1606) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Romanus, 2009-08-10
  3. Speculum Astronomicum Sive Organum Forma Mappae Expressum (1606) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Romanus, 2010-09-10
  4. Mathesis Polemica (1605) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Van Romanus, 2010-09-10
  5. Mathesis Polemica (1605) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Van Romanus, 2010-09-10
  6. Speculum Astronomicum Sive Organum Forma Mappae Expressum (1606) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Romanus, 2010-09-10

81. Index Authors Nomenclator
Translate this page G3v Blyenburgus, adrianus M1r Bockenbergius, Petrus M3r Boethius, AMS H3r Bonfinius RomanusC2v Cotta, Joannes L4r Crusius, Martinus G3v Cuchlinus, Joannes M2v
Universiteitsbibliotheek Bijzondere collecties Nomenclator Index authors
Index of authors mentioned in the Nomenclator compiled by Jan Just Witkam
Abraham Hebraeus, R.
Aelianus, C1.
Aelius Spartianus
Aeneas Gazaens
Aeneas Sylvius
Aerodius, P. Aeschines Aetius Agapetus Agathias Agnellus Alciatus, Andreas Alcimus Avitus Alcuinus Aldhelmus Alexander Aphrodisias Alexander Trallianus Alexius Comnenus Alfonsus rex Hispaniarum Algerus Alhasenus Alphonsus a Cartagena Alpinus, Prosper Amasaeus, Romulus Ambrosius Ammianus Marcellinus Ammonius Alexandrinus Ammonius Saccas Amphilochius Anastasius Alexandrinus Anastasius ep. Nicenus Anastasius patr. Antiochenus Andreas Hierosolymitanus Andocides Antiphon Antoninus archiep. Florentinus

82. LA PREISTORIA, Materiale Pagina 963
Translate this page Rex ad Urbem tendens, circa Viterbium castrametatur. Quo romanus antistes Adrianuscum cardinalibus suis veniens, ex debito officii sui honorifice suscipitur., la preistoria
Tesina numero
Titolo: la preistoria
Ma concedendo ancora che lo storico mitrato non fosse collo Svevo nella sua prima venuta in Italia, come certamente ei non vi fu nella seconda, un fatto così pubblico e solenne, qual si è quello narrato di sopra, non potea rimaner nascoso ad un uomo nel quale era tanta nobiltà di sangue e altezza di grado. È forza quindi confessare che mentirono alla posterità il vescovo e limperatore.
(84) Il cardinale Ottaviano di Santa Cecilia, di nazione Romano, fu per segreti maneggi di Federigo opposto a Rolando da Siena, prete-cardinale del titolo di San Calisto, il quale prese il nome di Alessandro III. Ottaviano antipapa assunse quello di Vittore III, e ciò diede cagione ad un orribile scisma: costui, invasato dalla voglia di esser papa, quando si vide deluso, non avendo ottenuto che due miseri voti, strappò ad Alessandro il manto pontificale, e sel mise egli furiosamente addosso: ma toltogli questo da un senatore, se ne fece subito portare un altro preparato da un suo cappellano: e frettolosamente se ne coprì, ma al rovescio, mettendosi al collo ciò che dovea andare da piedi; il che dicono checcitò le risa di tutti Appunti della tesina la preistoria
Collegamenti inerenti:
luigi sturzo
i simboli della teoria degli insiemi robotica europa e stati uniti nella seconda meta dell ottocento ...

la preistoria

83. Lycosjan - Aqwg196
She married romanus VAN BEL on 14 Feb 1914 in Zelem (Limburg), BEL. M, i, AdrianusAert VAN LAARHOVEN (LAERHOVEN) died 11 Nov 1758 in Teteringen (N.Br.), NL.
Decendants of Blasius Swerts, the ancestors of my children and a lot more about other families too.
Felix SAENEN was born EST ABT 1825. He married Juliana SELLENS. Juliana SELLENS was born EST ABT 1831. She married Felix SAENEN. They had the following children: M i Josephus Alphonsus SAENEN was born 15 Feb 1857 and died 13 Feb 1936. Felix SAENEN [ Parents was born 27 Jun 1884 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. He married Maria Elisabeth JANSSENS on 04 Apr 1908 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. Maria Elisabeth JANSSENS was born 19 Sep 1886 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. She married Felix SAENEN on 04 Apr 1908 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. Romanus VAN BEL was born 26 Mar 1890 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. He died 20 Dec 1972 in Vorst Kempen (Antwerpen), BEL. Romanus married Maria Clemetina SAENEN on 14 Feb 1914 in Zelem (Limburg), BEL. Maria Clemetina SAENEN [ Parents was born EST ABT 1888. She married Romanus VAN BEL on 14 Feb 1914 in Zelem (Limburg), BEL. Living Maria Josepha SAENEN [ Parents was born 12 Nov 1889 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. She married Living on 18 Nov 1913 in Tessenderlo (Limburg), BEL. Joannes Baptist SAENEN was born EST ABT 1857. He married Angelina BERINGS.

84. Pausen
I adrianus II adrianus III adrianus IV adrianus V adrianus VI Agapitus I PontianusRomanus Sabiniamus Sergius I Sergius II Sergius III Sergius IV Severinus
Pausen van A tot Z Pausen van Adeodato tot en met Bonifatius Adeodato I
Adeodato II
Adrianus I
Adrianus II
Adrianus III
Adrianus IV
Adrianus V
Adrianus VI
Agapitus I
Agapitus II
Agathon Alexander I Alexander II Alexander III Alexander IV Alexander VI Alexander VII Alexander VIII Anacletus Anastasius Anastasius III Anastasius IV Anicetus Anterus Benedictus I Benedictus II Benedictus III Benedictus IV Benedictus V Benedictus VI Benedictus VII Benedictus VIII Benedictus IX Benedictus IX Benedictus IX Benedictus XI Benedictus XII Benedictus XIII Benedictus XIV Benedictus XV Bonifatius II Bonifatius III Bonifatius IV Bonifatius V Bonifatius IX Bonifatius VI Bonifatius VIII okt 615 - nov 618 april 672 - juni 676 nov 772 - dec 795 dec 867 - dec 872 mei 884 - sept 885 dec 1154 - sept 1159 juli 1276 - aug 1276 aug 1522 - sept 1523 mei 535 - april 536 mei 946 - dec 955 juni 678 - jan 681 okt 1061 - april 1073 sept 1159 - aug 1181 dec 1254 - mei 1261 aug 1492 - aug 1503 april 1655 - mei 1667 okt 1689 - feb 1691 van 76 – 88 nov 496 - nov 498 april 911 - juni 913 juli 1153 - dec 1154 nov.235 - jan 236

85. The Galileo Project
ruler and compass. In 1595 he began corresponding with adrianus Romanusover a problem proposed by him in 1593. adrianus was so
Viète [Vieta], Francois
1. Dates
Born: Fontenay-le-Comte, Poitou (now Vendée), 1540
Died: Paris, 23 February 1603
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Lawyer, Government Official
Viète's father, Etienne Viète, was an attorney in Fontenay and a notary in Le Busseau. He was also a procureur du roi in Fontenay. Viète's grandfather was a merchant in the village of Foussay in Lower Poitou. Viète's mother was the first cousin to Barnabé Brisson, President of the Parlement de Paris under the League.
All the evidence places the Viète family among the most distinguished in Fontenary. At least by the age of twenty, Viète was Sieur de la Bigotière. His two brothers both had distinguished positions. I do not see how to avoid the conclusion that the family was wealthy.
3. Nationality
Birth: French
Career: French
Death: French
4. Education
Schooling: Poitiers, L.D.
He made his early studies with a tutor in Fontenay. In 1555 he began his studies in law at the University of Poitiers. In 1560 he received his bachelor's degree and his license for practicing law. I treat this as the equivalent of a B.A., and I list the law degree.
5. Religion

86. Julius Echter, Gründung Der Uni Würzburg
Translate this page Die medizinische Fakultät bekam 1593 mit der Berufung des damals berühmtenAdrianus romanus aus Löwen großen Auftrieb. Die Würzburger
Homepage Julius Echter(Titelseite)
Die Schulen auf dem Land
Homepage Julius Echter(Titelseite) by Michael Becker

87. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Francois Vieta, Seigneur De La Bigottiere
councillor. He was a Catholic at his death. His kindly treatment ofAdrianus romanus, a rival scholar, indicates a generous nature.
Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... Z
(master of requests) and royal privy councillor. He was a Catholic at his death. His kindly treatment of Adrianus Romanus, a rival scholar, indicates a generous nature. To Vieta as a mathematician Huygens, Halley, Chasles, and Fourier have given high rank. He made the use of letters as symbols of quantity a general custom. He was highly skilful in the treatment of equations, knew the relations between the positive roots and the coefficients, and devised solutions for the equations of the second, third, and fourth degrees by methods different from the existing ones. He enumerated the principle of homogeneity. He extended the tables of Rheticus, gave formulae for the sine and cosine of a multiple angle, and attempted to find the value of pi by means of infinite series. To a considerable extent he applied algebra to geometry and trigonometry and geometry and trigonometry to algebra. His collected works were published by Van Schooten, "Opera Mathematica", Leyden, 1646. BERTRAND in Revue des Deux Mondes (15 May, 1897), or Eloges Academiques, new series, 143-76 (Paris, 1902); CHASLES, Comptes rendus de L'Acad. Des Sci., XII, XIII (1841); FILLON ET RITTER, Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Francois Viete (Nantes, 1850); GAMBIER, Le mathematicien Francois Viete, Genealogie de sa famille (La Rochelle, 1911); HUTTON, Tracts on Math. And Phil. Subjects, II (London, 1812), 260-74; RITER, Bullettino di Bibliografia e di Storia delle Sci. mat. E fis., I (Rome, 1868), 223-27.

88. Trigonometric Functions References
References for The trigonometric functions. P Bockstaele, adrianus Romanusand the trigonometric tables of Georg Joachim Rheticus ( Basel, 1992).
References for The trigonometric functions
  • P Bockstaele, Adrianus Romanus and the trigonometric tables of Georg Joachim Rheticus ( Basel, 1992).
  • (Leipzig, 1900-03).
  • (Leipzig,1908), 403-450.
  • P H Espenshade, A text on trigonometry by Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344), Math. Teacher
  • I Grattan-Guinness, An overview of trigonometry and its functions, in I Grattan-Guinness (ed.), Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences (London, 1994), 449-503.
  • I Grattan-Guinness, Work for hairdressers : The production of de Prony's logarithmic and trigonometric tables, Annals of the History of Computing
  • N G Hairetdinova, On spherical trigonometry in the Medieval Near East and in Europe, Historia Mathematica
  • J Hamadanizadeh, The trigonometric tables of al'Kashi, Historia Mathematica
  • L C Karpinski, Bibliographical check list of all works on trigonometry published up to 1700 A. D., Scripta Math.
  • L C Karpinski, The place of trigonometry in the development of mathematical sciences, Scripta Math.
  • 89. Aspecten Van Sociale Mobiliteit Binnen De 18de-eeuwse Aalsterse Ambachtswereld.
    Luycx Jacobus fs. Frans, L, 15 jan 1772, I, D Haene Jan Bapt, Moreels AdrianusEmanuel fs. De Hert Judocus, ja, D, 17021704, De Hert romanus, ja, D+B, 1744,
    Aspecten van sociale mobiliteit binnen de 18de-eeuwse Aalsterse ambachtswereld. E en prosopografische benadering . (Sven De Schryver) home lijst scripties inhoud vorige ... volgende
    1. Verantwoording prosopografische studie Bij het aanleggen van de database opteerden we voor een 14-tal parameters (kolommen) ter systematische ordening van deze prosopografie. Achtereenvolgens waren dit: bronnaam, uniforme naam, aanspreking met “Sieur”, ambacht, functie, al of geen bestuurslid, datum van inschrijving, vrijwording of mandaat, status, cumulatie, leermeester, datum van overlijden, bron, varia. Uiteraard was het onmogelijk om bij elk onderzocht ambacht elke record in te vullen, vandaar dat het aantal kolommen varieert naargelang van het ambacht. We zijn ons echter bewust dat deze lijsten niet feilloos zijn, laat staan vrij van foutloze interpretaties of vergissingen. Met deze repertoria dient m.a.w. met de nodige omzichtigheid omgesprongen te worden. 2. Prosopografie van de geselecteerde ambachten

    90. Stadtgeschichtsforschung
    Translate this page Von anderen Autoren wurde die Bezeichnung kritiklos übernommen. adrianus Romanusleitete Helenopolis ab von Helena, der Mutter Konstantins d. Gr.
    Bericht über die 38. Jahrestagung des Südwestdeutschen Arbeitskreises für Stadtgeschichtsforschung „Stadt und städtische Mythen“, Worms, 12.-14. November 1999 Der südwestdeutsche Arbeitskreis für Stadtgeschichtsforschung hatte sich für seine 38. Tagung mit dem Thema „Stadt und städtische Mythen“, die vom 12. bis 14. November 1999 in Worms stattfand, einen passenden Ort gesucht. Auf das Thema stimmte die „Nibelungen-Führung“ durch die Stadt ein, die der Vorsitzende des die Tagung mitausrichtenden Wormser Altertumsvereins, der frühere Wormser Archivleiter Fritz Reuter sachkundig und humorvoll leitete.
    Eine Diskussion des Abendvortrags war aus organisatorischen Gründen nicht möglich, doch griff Bernd Roeck (Zürich), der Vorsitzende des Arbeitskreises, in seiner Eröffnungsrede der Tagung auf Inhalte von Bönnens Vortrag zurück. So unterstrich er nochmals die Bedeutung nicht-schriftlicher Quellen für das Tagungsthema und gab als Anregung für die Diskussionen den Hinweis auf aktuelle historische Debatten über die „invention of tradition“. Der Glaube an oder die Dekonstruktion von Mythen, deren Selbstfortschreibung, Umdeutung oder Verschwinden sowie ihr Einfluß auf das Leben der Menschen im Rahmen der Mentalitätsgeschichte sollten im Auge behalten werden.
    Vor diesem Hintergrund schlug Bernd Roeck in seinem Schlußwort ein für alle behandelten Themen geltendes Element einer Definition von Mythos vor, nämlich die Verdichtung vertrauter Sachverhalte zur jederzeitigen Konsumfähigkeit. Eine exakte Definition des schillernden Begriffs konnte die Tagung selbstverständlich nicht leisten. Doch demonstrierten die Vielfalt der Referatsthemen und die Interdisziplinarität des Plenums erneut die Offenheit und vielschichtige Relevanz moderner Stadtgeschichte, wie sie in den Tagungen des Arbeitskreises wiederholt bewiesen wurde.

    91. Lista Di Autorità (autori Persone) A-F
    Bastiaensen, Antonius adrianus Robertus,
    A-F G-M N-Z Legenda
    In grassetto le forme accettate
    In corsivo le qualificazioni da inserire nel sottocampo " c " dei campi del 7xx, ad eccezione delle date per gli autori personali
    Tra <uncinate> le date per gli autori personali che vanno inserite nel sottocampo " f " Lista completa Rinvii Abadal i de Vinyals, Ramón d' Vedi: Abadal y Vinyals, Ramón de Abadal y Vinyals, Ramón de Abaelardus, Petrus  Abailard, Pierre Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abbattuti, Giovanni Alessio Vedi: Abbattutis, Gian Alesio Vedi: Abelard Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abélard, Petrus  Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abelardo Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abelardo, Pietro  Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Aben Guzmán Vedi: Ibn Quzman Abravanel, Judah Vedi: Abro, A. d' Abu Bakr `Abd al-Malik Vedi: Ibn Quzman Accademico Ozioso Incognito  Vedi: Errico, Scipione  Achmadulina, Bella  Vedi: Ahmadulina, Bella 

    92. Würzburger Mathematikgeschichte: Der Humanist
    bedeutendste Mathematiker seiner Zeit, als Professor der Medizin berufen.
    Startseite 17. Jahrh.
    Barock Der Humanist 17. Jahrh.
  • Der Humanist Universalisten
  • 18. Jahrh. 19. Jahrh. 20. Jahrh. ... Adrianus Romanus
    Medizin Mathematik und der Astronomie
    Er korrespondierte mit den bedeutendsten Mathematikern und Gelehrten seiner Zeit.
    1593 hatte das Domkapitel Adrianus Romanus zu seinem Mathematicus Theoria Calendariorum Prognosticon Astrologicum Weiter

    93. Untitled
    GERMAN, AUSTRIAN SWISS ATLASES OTHER BOOKS WITH MAPS( pre1946) 01-Mar-04 pls. Baskes. 7268. Ht. Other. Author or Mapmaker. Date. Title or Short Title. Ed. Place. Publisher. maps. A NL Call
    pre-1946) 01-Mar-04 #pls Baskes Ht Other Author or Mapmaker Date Title or Short Title Ed Place Publisher maps A# NL Call # or other Baskes data cm Information Amthor, Eduard Fuhrer durch Tirol Augsburg Amthor ed:NZwickh;C:Hentzner;Lith:HKohler Zwickh Volks-atlas uber alle theile der erde Gera C:WIssleib Volks-atlas uber alle theile der erde Gera of24;edHolland,M2,OttoPetri Volks-atlas uber alle theile der erde Gera Volks-atlas uber alle theile der erde Gera Volks-atlas uber alle theile der erde Gera Deutscher schul-atlas Gera HofmannTh Riecke Deutscher schul-atlas Gera HofmannTh Deutscher schul-atlas Leipzig HofmannTh Deutscher schul-atlas Leipzig HofmannTh KeilW Andree, Richard Physikalisch-statistisch atlas Deutschen Reichs Bielefeld PeschelO Andree, Richard Allgemeiner handatlas Bielefeld Espenhorst Andree, Richard Allgemeiner handatlas Bielefeld Espenhorst Andree, Richard Allgemeiner handatlas Bielefeld NL Map 6C 68 Andree, Richard Allgemeiner handatlas Bielefeld Espenhorst Andree, Richard Allgemeiner handatlas Bielefeld Espenhorst Andree, Richard

    94. Personnages Célèbres Ou Méconnus : François Viète
    AdrianusRomanus n en nomme pas un de Français dans le catalogue qu il en fait.
    de la rubrique Personnages
    Cliquez ici !
    F formules A T (de species P
    L I L Francisci Vietae opera mathematica M Harmonicon, celeste D Isagoge , ou V
    de la rubrique Personnages
    Cliquez ici !

    95. Bell Catalog - Rs
    Reisch, Gregor, d. 1525. Margarita philosophica. Friburgi i.e. Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany per Ioannem Schottum, 1503. 602 p. ill. ( incl. music), diagrams (2 folded), 1 folded map ;
    R. B., 1632?-1725? London, For N. Crouch, 1700. [4], 179 p. illus. 15 cm.
    Call Number: 1700 Rb R. B., 1632?-1725? A view of the English acquisitions in Guinea, and the East Indies. London, For N. Crouch, 1686. 182 (i.e. 206) p. front., plates. 15 cm.
    Call Number: 1686 Cr R. S. [n.p., 1707.] 4 p., 33 cm.
    Call Number: 1707 fRS Stockholm, Henrich Keyser, 1679. 8 p. l., 330, [38], 93, [11] p. ; 23 cm.
    Call Number: 1679 Ra Augusta, 1756. 2 v. ; 20 cm.
    Call Number: 1756 Ra Radoteur, pseud. Bergamo, Francesco Locatelli, 1770. 42 p. ; 22 cm. (in case 24 cm.)
    Call Number: 1770 Ra Radziwill, Mikolaj Krzysztof, ksicafzce, 1549-1616. [Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn : bey Johann Saurn, in Verlegung Francisci Nicolai Rothen, 1609] p. 139-243 (vol. 2) ; 32 cm.
    Call Number: 1609 fRe Rae, John, 1813-1893. Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846 and 1847.
    Call Number: 1850 Ra Ragionamento sopra il commercio generale. Manuscript. Vienna, 1750. 1 v. ; 35 cm.
    Call Number: 1750 fRa Ragueneau, Paul, 1608-1680. [Autograph letter signed, addressed to Vincentia Caraffa.] Manuscript in French, photocopy.

    96. Roomen, Andriaan Van
    Catalog of the Scientific Community. Roomen, Andriaan van. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates. Born Louvain, 29 Sept. 1561
    Catalog of the Scientific Community
    Roomen, Andriaan van
    Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
    1. Dates
    Born: Louvain, 29 Sept. 1561
    Died: Mainz, 4 May 1615 He died in travel, as he returned from Würzburg to Louvain.
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Merchant
    Same name, a merchant.
    No indication of financial status.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: Belgian
    Career: Belgain, German, Polish
    Death: German
    4. Education
    Schooling: Louvain; M.A., M.D.
    He studied at the Jesuit College in Cologne.
    One source says that he studied medicine at Louvain and then somewhere in Italy (no university mentioned), where he completed an M.A. and M.D. It appears obvious from his career that he had an M.D., and thus the story appears plausible. I assume a B.A. or its equivalent.
    5. Religion
    Affiliation: He had to have been Catholic.
    6. Scientific Disciplines
    Primary: Mathematics
    Subordinate: Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Medicine
    In Würzburg, where he was a professor of medicine and where he really created the medical faculty in a new university, he published a continuing series of medical theses defended by his students. They are all wholly traditional, and there is no indication at all that Roomen contributed to medical science. A prolific author, Roomen wrote also on astronomy and natural philosophy. As with medicine, his opinions in these fields were wholly traditional. After some thought, I list the three as subordinate disciplines.

    97. ThinkQuest : Library : Mathematics History
    The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    Index Math
    Mathematics History
    An extensive history of mathematics is at your fingertips, from Babylonian cuneiforms to advances in Egyptian geometry, from Mayan numbers to contemporary theories of axiomatical mathematics. You will find it all here. Biographical information about a number of important mathematicians is included at this excellent site. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Korean Students Hyun-jin Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Kyung-sun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South So-young Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Coaches Jae-yun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Jong-hyun Jong-hyun Lee(Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Dea-won Dea-won Ko (Seoul Yo Sang), Kwan-ak Gu, Korea, South Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

    Teil 1 (= Lib. I-VII): 4026 v. Chr. - 37 n. Chr.
    Teil 2 (= Lib. VIII-IX): 37 n. Chr. - 1314 n. Chr.

    Teil 3 (= Lib. X): 1314 n. Chr. - 1633 n. Chr.

    Teil 4 (= Supplementa): 1633 n. Chr. - 1667 n. Chr.

    Einführung: Johann Clüver wurde am 16.2.1593 als Sohn eines Handwerkers in Krempe (unweit Glückstadt, Unterelbe) geboren. Von seiner Mutter im Lesen und Schreiben unterrichtet und von dem Lateinschulrektor seines Heimatorts als hochbegabt erkannt und gefördert, konnte er von 1607 bis 1610 die Hamburger Gelehrtenschule und ab 1611 die Universität Rostock besuchen. Hier erwarb er, nachdem er auf einer mehrmonatigen peregrinatio academica protestantische und katholische Universitäten Deutschlands kennengelernt hatte, im Oktober 1613 den philosophischen Magistergrad.
    Seine Laufbahn als Theologe begann er 1614 als Diakon (Prediger) in Meldorf in Dithmarschen. Im selben Jahr heiratete er eine Pfarrerstochter. Seine erste Pfarrstelle erhielt er 1621 in Marne (Dithmarschen). Von dort berief ihn Ende 1623 sein Landesherr, der dänische König Christian IV., als Professor an die neu gegründete Ritterakademie in Sorø auf Seeland. Den theologischen Doktorgrad erwarb Clüver 1623 in Rostock und 1626 noch einmal in Kopenhagen. Von Sorø kehrte er 1630 nach Meldorf zurück, um dort das Amt des Superintendenten zu übernehmen. Der Ärger in diesem Amt, die schwere Krankheit seiner Frau (gest. 1632), mit der er 9 Kinder hatte, und die angestrengte gelehrte Arbeit untergruben seine Gesundheit. Er starb am 25.12.1633.

    99. Mathematik Im Barock
    Mathematik im Barock
    Johann von Egloffstein
    Friedrich von Wirsberg
    Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Kaiser Maximilian
    II und 1576 von Papst Gregor
    2. Mathematik als Teil der universalen Bildung im Barock
    3. Adrianus Romanus
    Adrianus Romanus
    4. Athanasius Kircher und Kaspar Schott
    Ab 1629 lehrte Athanasius Kircher
    Kaspar Schott Huygens, Leibniz, Torricelli Kaspar Schott (1608-1666), der einige Jahre in Palermo Mathematik und Moraltheologie gelehrt hatte und dann 3 Jahre bei Kircher in Rom gewesen war. Otto von Guericke (1602-1686), mit dessen Halbkugeln er auch experimentierte.
    Kaspar Schott wurde von Umberto Eco in seinem Roman, Die Insel des vorigen Tages , in der Figur des Pater Caspar Wanderdrossel dargestellt.

    100. Untitled Document
    Translate this page Pulkowa Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte der Mathematik Vol. II - 1875. 1593. AdrianusRomanus. Ideal Mathematical Pars Prima. 1593. Francis Vieta. Responsorum. 1601.
    radix quadratum 9 aequalis 3. Do latim: Entende-se melhor radix
    • radix quadratum 16 aequalis 4
      radix quadratum 25 aequalis 5

    ) que sofreu uma metamorfose
    r , primeira letra da palavra r adix.
    "O lado do quadrado de área 9, vezes o lado do quadrado de área 9, é igual a 9". Ficou fácil entender o "sumiço da raiz" na multiplicação!
    Perceber que:
    Quadractus radix 3 aequalis 9. Do latim: Observe outro exemplo: Cubus radix 2 aequalis 8 Do latim: Quadractus radix 3 et quadractus radix 4 aequalis quadractus radix 5. Do latim: (et)

    Cabe uma pergunta fundamental: Para que serve isso tudo? Curso Prandiano
    Radix Quadratum, Latus Quadratum Notae Decursus Praxis ANNUS AUCTORIS SIGNA NOTAE OPUSERIS RELATIONIS Palto De Trivoli latus quadratum 9 (lado do quadrado) Liber Embadorum Petri Ramus (latus) Arithmetica Libri Duo Et Geometrie Johannes Regiomontanus Radix quadratum 9 (lado do quadrado) Iohann Widman ra . 9

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