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Romanus Adrianus: more detail | ||||||
61. Mirabilia Urbis Romae post sanctam Trinitatem; arcus Stillans ante Septemsolium; arcus romanus ante Aventinumet Hii sunt pontes pons Milvius, pons adrianus, pons Neronianus, pons http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/mirabilia.html | |
62. Achternaam 00. Cloots, Petrus romanus, 67, Maria Francisca van Dijke, 05feb-00. 00.Coppens, Elisabeth Cornelia, 80, Johannes adrianus Linders, 22-feb-00. http://www.jpp.tmfweb.nl/overlijden/c.htm | |
63. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With R ABT 1720 ABT 03 NOV 1752 Heist op den Berg) RAES, adrianus ( - 13 DEC NOV 1816 Vremde- 13 JAN 1883 Edegem) ROGGMAN, Mary Louise (06 JAN 1888 - ) romanus, . http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/9487/BOSSPERS/idxr.htm | |
64. 32 Dial., 3.1-4 adrianus et 4 {*10 MzNaReZn} q. 6 {*3 NaMzPeReZn} {*c. add. Pe} catholicuset romanus potest intromittere se in {*de MzNaRe} spiritualibus. http://www.britac.ac.uk/pubs/dialogus/w32d3acl.html | |
65. Vous êtes Sur WWW.STRATISC.ORG Le Site De La Stratégie Dans L Translate this page vol. in-4°, Paris, 1768, 1770. romanus (adrianus), auteur flamand,l. lat., Pyrotechnie en trois livres, Francfort, 1611. RONDELET http://www.stratisc.org/partenaires/cfhm/micro/cfhm_bardin_dico_18.html | |
66. Parenteel Van Petrus Cunnen Maria Margaretha Maria Maria Monika Alida Nicolaas adrianus Niels Rick van CornelisCornelis Pieter Elisabeth Maria Margaretha romanus Engelbertus Romny Wilms http://wjk.fol.nl/petrus/pgindex.htm |
67. Otto Von Freising - Ottonis Et Rahewini Gesta Friderici I. Imperatoris Translate this page Quo romanus antistes adrianus cum cardinalibus suis veniens ex debito officiisui honorifice suscipitur gravique adversus populum suum conquestione utens http://www.abaelard.de/abaelard/060009ottogesta.htm | |
68. Education World® - *Math : Mathematicians : General Resources Adelard of Bath. Adler August. Adrain Robert. Adrian Marie Legendre (1752 1833) .adrianus romanus. Aepinus Franz. Agnesi Maria. Ahlfors Lars. Ahmed ibn Yusuf. Ahmes. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=2843 |
69. Februari Paus adrianus II menunjukkan rasa kagum serta terimakasihnya kepadakedua misionaris tersebut. 28 Februari. S. romanus dan S. Lupicinus. http://www.indocell.net/yesaya/id270.htm | |
70. M I 1 Translate this page Harlemi, adrianus romanus, 1636. - Provenienz Fürstpropstei Berchtesgaden DucalisEcclesiae Berchtesgadensis. Vorbesitzer Jo(hannes) Cyriacus Tanner (?). http://www.ubs.sbg.ac.at/sosa/Fragmente/77133II.htm | |
71. I INTRODUCTION Translate this page venant a Fontainebleau, dit à Henri IV quaucun français ne figurait sur leslistes des personnages excellents en mathématiques dadrianus romanus. http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/degaulle/lycee/projets/maths2001/equation.htm | |
72. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With K 2 July 1814 Tilburg 7 May 1884 Tilburg) KERSTENS, Bernardus adrianus (10 June 7August 1888 Den Helder) KERSTENS, Bernardus Johannes romanus Josephus (11 http://www.htmterbeek.com/gen/www/idx4b0.htm | |
73. III Dial., Tr. 2, Lib. 3, Cap. 5-7 Translate this page 63, c. adrianus, non solus sed ipse et Synodus celebrata Romae, in qua plures Etideo, licet imperator ex hoc quod est catholicus et romanus habuerit ius http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/w32d3btx.html | |
74. CSL Author List: A 800875); Adrian I, Pope (see adrianus); adrianus (d. 795); Adso Dervensis(10th cent.); 123 - ca. 170); Aquila romanus (3rd cent.); Aquilius Comic. (fl. http://www.forumromanum.org/literature/authors_a.html | |
75. BREWER: Dictionary Of Phrase And Fable, 1067-1068 Giulio Pippi, Giulio Romano (14921546). Adrian van Roomen, the mathematician,adrianus romanus (1561-1615). Most learned of the Romans. http://www.bootlegbooks.com/Reference/PhraseAndFable/data/1067.html | |
76. Humanisme En Neolatijn In zijn jeugd had hij een reis door Europa gemaakt, waarbij hij een aantal grotegeleerden ontmoet had onder andere de wiskundige adrianus romanus en de http://www.murmellius.com/paper/h01.html | |
77. Familie Van Laere Naudts, Joannes, relatie, 1. Naudts, romanus, relatie, 1. Peyrl, Michael,1964, 0. Poelman, adrianus, 1803-1660, Lochristi, 09-05-1727, Lochristi,relatie, 5. http://www.tjoff.be/vanlaere/_volledige_personenlijst.html | |
78. Math-Net Links: Collection Math.museum.hist.math Sie enthalten kurzgefaßte Biographien der bedeutendsten Würzburger Mathematiker,beginnen bei adrianus romanus, der im Jahre 1593 berufen wurde. http://www.math-net.de/links/content?xxx=YYY&collection=math.museum.hist.math |
79. Genealogie Pagina Van Familie Pasma SCHOUTEN, adrianus, Angelique, born 9 Sep 1980, Benji, born 16 Jan 1984, NicolaasJohannes, born 6 Apr 1886, Nicolaas romanus, born 11 Jul 1903, died 6 Mar 1972. http://home.wanadoo.nl/jmpasma/names19.htm | |
80. RM Fonti - Chronica S. Benedicti Casinensis 21-26 1, mens. 4, d. 1. Iste adrianus cecavit Georgium de Abentinum et Mariam superistanamnudam per totam Romam fusticavit. Stefanus ann. 1, mens. 2. romanus mens. http://www.storia.unive.it/_RM/didattica/anto_cam/chromonca/21-26chromonca.htm | |
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