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         Romanus Adrianus:     more detail
  1. Mathesis Polemica (1605) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Van Romanus, 2009-08-27
  2. Speculum Astronomicum Sive Organum Forma Mappae Expressum (1606) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Romanus, 2009-08-10
  3. Speculum Astronomicum Sive Organum Forma Mappae Expressum (1606) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Romanus, 2010-09-10
  4. Mathesis Polemica (1605) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Van Romanus, 2010-09-10
  5. Mathesis Polemica (1605) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Van Romanus, 2010-09-10
  6. Speculum Astronomicum Sive Organum Forma Mappae Expressum (1606) (Latin Edition) by Adrianus Romanus, 2010-09-10

41. Index
Fedorovitsj, tsaar IIIV, VII-XVI, XVII; zie ook Michaël; Romanow Romanowa, IrinaXII-XVI Romansia VIII romanus, adrianus II, III Romaszkiewicz, tolk XII
HOME REACTIE SITEMAP HULP ... VERWIJZINGEN PROJECTMENU Home Addenda Index log in ... Z Raad, de: zie Radaeus
Raad, Geheime: III, VIII
Raad van Holland en Zeeland, Hoge: zie Holland en Zeeland
Raad van State: zie Republiek
Raaf: zie Rawa Mazowiecka
Raaphorst, Albreght van, heer van Spanbroek: X
Raaphorst, Clara van: V
Raaphorst (Raephorst), dr. Matthijs Willemsz. van: III
Rabanus Hrabanus, Maurus: I, V
Rabardeau, Michel: XVII
Rabatta, Anton von: X Rabenhaupt, Karl, baron van Sucha: XII Rabenhaupt, Ludwig von: XI Raccagni (Racagni), Cesare: XI Rachel: V Racine, Jean: VII Racket, Johanna: I, II Radaeus, Abr.: I Radaeus, Assuerus: I Radaeus, Livinus: I Radbod (Redbod): IV Radboud, koning der Friezen: XI Rade vorm Wald (Radevormwald): XI, XII Radermacher, Joh.: I Radford, Joshua: XVII Radicke (Raticken), Joachim: XI Radolti, Clement: VII Raduit de Souches, Louis: IX, X Radulphus: zie Radolti, Clement Radziwill, Albrecht (Albrycht): VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV Radziwill, Boguslaus: IX, X, XII, XVII Radziwill, Catharina: XI Radziwill, Christophorus (Krzystof): IV, V, VIII-XII

42. Para Paus Gereja Katolik
Marinus I dari Gallese (882884); Santo adrianus III dari Rome (884-885); StephenV romanus dari Gallese (897); Theodore II dari Roma (897); Yohanes IX dari Tivoli
Buka lebar pintu-pintu bagi Kristus Bacalah juga: Anda bisa jadi evangelis? Poin penting sejarah Gereja Katekismus: Persatuan Gereja Santa Maria dari Kazan ... Misa dan Kitab Wahyu Pindah ke menu..... Halaman Muka Editorial Seputar Gereja Katekismus Devosi Kita Ziarah Maria Santo/Santa Kesaksian Artikel-artikel Multimedia Rohani Kami menyediakan rekaman video rohani yang sulit dicari di Indonesia. Berikut adalah beberapa diantaranya: No Price Too High Dinner With Alex Jones Mary Of Nazareth Our Lady Of Soufanieh ... Dead Sea Scrolls Dari Anda Untuk Anda Rubrik Konsultasi Rohani Pesan dan kesan anda setelah mengunjungi situs ini Undang teman anda untuk mengunjungi website ini! Lain - Lain Jadwal Misa Kudus di Indonesia Link Situs-situs Katolik Para Paus Gereja Katolik Kepala Gereja Katolik di dunia dipanggil dengan sebutan Paus (dari bahasa Yunani pappas , atau bahasa Italia papa , panggilan akrab seorang anak kecil terhadap ayahnya) karena otoritasnya yang superior dan karena dilaksanakan dengan cara yang paternal, mengikuti teladan Yesus Kristus. Paus Pertama Dan Aku berkata kepadamu: Engkau adalah Petrus dan di atas batu karang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku dan alam maut tidak akan menguasainya. Kepadamu akan Kuberikan kunci Kerajaan Sorga. Apa yang kauikat di dunia ini akan terikat di sorga dan apa yang kaulepaskan di dunia ini akan terlepas di sorga.

43. Kwartierstaat Van Luuk En Anna KRETZSCHMAR
WOLDRINGH * 3011-1852 Breede (Warffum) + 27-01-1882 Amsterdam, romanus STEGGERDA* 11-01 adrianus de BEUS * 15-05-1811 Schalkwijk + 04-03-1899 Bunnik, Anna Maria
Kwartierblad van

Burkhart Ludwig Benjamin KRETZSCHMAR

* 05-01-1901 Lauchammer
+ 19-07-1944 Monteille (Normandie) - Canteloup
Marianne Johanna STEGGERDA

* 28-07-1909 Amsterdam
+ 06-07-1980 Leiden
Petrus Johannes van HAM

* 20-05-1923 Borgerhout (Belgie)
+ 14-08-1997 Nieuwegein Cornelia Christina de BEUS * 06-06-1923 Utrecht + 01-02-2001 Utrecht Jacob Johannes MATTHIJSSE * 17-01-1896 Nisse + 13-10-1979 Goes Neeltje BOSMAN * 10-10-1896 Nisse + 28-11-1955 Goes Cornelis MURRE * 09-04-1897 's Heer Arendskerke + 01-10-1962 's Heer Arendskerke Maria de KOK * 14-09-1897 's Heer Arendskerke + 29-10-1966 's Heer Arendskerke x 08-07-1939 Brugge x 14-11-1945 Utrecht x 16-12-1920 Nisse x 28-04-1921 's Heer Arendskerke Peter Johannes Ludwig KRETZSCHMAR Christine Cornelia van HAM Jacob Johannes MATTHIJSSE Catharina MURRE Maarten Johannes KRETZSCHMAR Astrid MATTHIJSSE Luuk en Anna KRETZSCHMAR Kwartierblad van Burkhart Ludwig Benjamin KRETZSCHMAR Ludwig Anton KRETZSCHMAR Marianne Charlotte Ernestine GALLER * Mulhouse (Elzas) + voor 1897 Benjamin Gotthelf HULTZSCH Johanne Marie Hedwig KRAMER Johannes Richard Ludwig KRETZSCHMAR * 29-11-1870 Chemnitz Hedwig Juliane Elisabeth HULTZSCH * 27-10-1876 Lauchhammer x 27-10-1897 Lauchhammer Burkhart Ludwig Benjamin KRETZSCHMAR * 05-01-1901 Lauchammer + 19-07-1944 Monteille (Normandie) - Canteloup Kwartierblad van Marianne Johanna STEGGERDA Albertus Hendrik KRAMP * 18-07-1804 Amsterdam + 04-02-1869 Amsterdam Jeanne Wilhelmine BUIJS * 11-02-1818 Amsterdam + 09-11-1868 Amsterdam Jan WOLDRINGH * 17-10-1801 Breede

44. Kwartierstaat Van Lucas Johannes KRETZSCHMAR
Petrus METS Gerbrand Lambert METZ Herke Lambertus adrianus Margaretha Catharina JohannesNicolaas Marianne Johanna Nicolaas Petronella romanus STEIJNS Gerard
Namenindex AARTS
Anna Maria Cornelia

Pieter Cornelisse




ADRIAANS Maecken ADRIAENS Geeraert Janneken ADRIAENSDR Nelleke AERNOUTSDR Cornelia ALDEWERELT Maatje Philips Philips ALEM, van Anna Arien Arien Janse Dirck Ariensz ... Wilhelmus ALLAARD Neeltje Jacobse ALMEKINDERS Cornelis Janse Cornelis Willemse Jan Jacobse Marinus ... Willem Cornelisse ALSBORGH (ARTSBERGEN), van Anna Hedwigis AMERONGEN, van Cornelia Roelof Pieters AMSTEL, van Guyote ANDELES Geertje ANDRIESDR Janneke Leijntje ANTHEUNIS Maecken ANTHONISSE Jacobus Jacomina Jacoba Willem ARENDSVELD, van Cornelis Maria ARKEL, van Jan V Maria Otto AUBANEL AUCHIN Anna Barbara Georg Frederich AYTON Elisabeth BAECKEROUD Andries BAIN N BAKEROET Janna Davids BAKEROETS David Andriessen BAKKER Aagtje Dirk Marijtje BAR-PIERREPONT, van Elisabeth BARTS Catalijntje Jacobsdr BASJES Antje Dirk Herksz Herke Herreke Dirks BASTIAANS Maatje BASTINGS Tanneke BASTINK Michiel BAVECO Katharina BEECKMAN Cornelis Lucia BEINJES Dieuwerke BENNEMA Pieter BERCKEL, van Yda BERG, van den Aart BERGH, van den Huijbertje BEUS, de

45. Genealogische Informatie
20 augustus 1886 te Klerken Darras, Zulma Maria Darras, Hector Renatus romanus Geslacht Man Vader Wullepit, adrianus Moeder Van Belle, Barbara Apollonia.
Terug naar de startpagina
Vanhoutte, Philippe Cyriel
Geslacht : Man
Geboren : 03 september 1964 te Gent
Ouders Vader: Vanhoutte, Paul Alouis
Moeder: Vandeputte, Mariette
Familie: Getrouwd: 12 augustus 1989 te Gent
Verwante: Rizello, Anna-Maria
Geslacht : Vrouw
Geboren : 01 juli 1961
Kind(eren) Vanhoutte, Daryl
Geboren : 19 oktober 1989 te Gent Familie: Getrouwd: 05 mei 2001 te Drongen Verwante: Cnockaert, Sabine Geslacht : Vrouw Geboren : 31 januari 1967 te Soest , Duitsland Kind(eren) Vanhoutte, Quinten Jan Geslacht : Man Geboren : 01 januari 2002 te Gent Gedoopt : 23 maart 2002 te Drongen
Terug naar de startpagina
Wullus, Isidore Gustave Geslacht : Man Geboren : 19 juni 1866 te Bambecque , 59 FN Overleden : 14 april 1936 te Roesbrugge - Haringe Ouders Vader: Wullus, Petrus Carolus Moeder: Vermerre, Rosalie Amelia Familie: Getrouwd: 15 april 1890 te Watou - Abeele Verwante: De Sagher, Leontine Eveline Geslacht : Vrouw Geboren : 11 juni 1867 te Watou - Abeele Overleden : 29 maart 1908 te Roesbrugge - Haringe Ouders Vader: De Sagher, Augustus Henricus

46. The Geometric Period
of 393216 sides. 1593 adrianus romanus (15611615, Netherlands) 15digits with a polygon of 2 30 sides. 1596 Ludolph van Ceulen
Click here for a Postscript version of this page and here for a pdf version)
The geometric period
Up to the Seventeenth Century, approximations of p were obtained by mean of geometrical considerations. Most of the methods were dealing with regular polygons circumscribed about and inscribed in the circle. The perimeter or the area of those polygons were calculated with elementary geometrical rules. During this period the notation p was not used and it was not yet a constant but just a geometrical ratio or even just implicit.
Ancient estimations
In one of the oldest mathematical text, the Rhind papyrus (from the name of the Egyptologist Henry Rhind who purchased this document in 1858 at Luxor), the scribe Ahmes copied, around 1650 B.C.E., eighty-five mathematical problems. Among those is given a rule, the problem 48 , to find the area of a circular field of diameter 9: take away 1/9 of the diameter and take the square of the remainder. In modern notation, it becomes
d (A is the area of the field and d it's diameter): so if we use the formula A= p d /4, comes the following approximation

47. Iohannis Neplachonis Chronicon
Translate this page V. Ad DCCCLXXXV adrianus romanus sedit anno uno, mensibus tribus.Ad DCCCLXXXVI Stephanus romanus sedit annis VI, diebus IX. Ad NEPLACHONIS CHRONICON.htm
Incipit prologus. Alpha et . Hoc verbum habetur apocalipsis primo capitulo. A, a, a, domine deus: nescio loqui, quia puer sum, Jeremie I o , et VIII o q. I. In scripturis. Ego inquam, sum puer in sapiencia cum intellectus obscuritate, puer experiencia cum memorie debilitate, puer sine eloquencia cum lingue balbucitate, puer sine subsistencia cum membrorum instabilitate, et ideo nescio loqui. Quapropter ad illum volo habere recursum, qui est fons misericordie et graciarum largitor, qui merito in principio cuiuslibet actus venit invocandus. Unde Isaie LVIII o : Invocabis, et dominus exaudiet, et clamabis, et dicet: ecce assum. Et Joelis III o : Omnis, qui invocaverit nomen domini, salvus erit. Et habentur hec verba de penitencia d. I a : Adhuc instant, post medium. Sed non sufficit ipsum invocare, nisi et omnia fiant in eius nomine. Unde apostolus ad Colocenses III o , et I a ad Corintios X o , et habentur XXVI q. I a : Non liceat: Omnia quecunque facitis in verbo vel in opere, omnia in nomine domini facite. Ad quod bene facit de consecracione d. I a : Omnis christianus, ubi sic dicitur: Ad ipsum prius confugiendum est, qui nostre curare possit anime passiones; ipsius enim adiutorio circumscripto eciam virtus corporalis cuipiam nequit inesse. Hoc ultimum patet XXIII

48. Oeuvres
orbis construendum proposuit adrianus romanus, Francisci Vietae responsum. ViÃ
ÂŒUVRES PUBLIEES DE VIETE 3. L'Art analytique. Canon mathematicus seu ad triangula cum adpendicibus. Francisci VietÂœi universalium inspectionum ad canonem mathematicum liber singularis. Paris, Mettayer, 1579, 164 fol. extrait disponible 3. L'Art analytique. Francisci Vietae in artem analyticem isagoge.Tours, Mettayer, 1591, 9 fol. extrait disponible) Francisci Vietae Fontenaeensis in artem analyticem isagoge. Ejusdem ad logisticem speciosam notae priores. Paris, Baudry, 1631, in 12, 233 p. Francisci Vietae Zeteticorum libri quinque. Tours, Mettayer, 1591, 24 fol. extrait disponible) De numerosa potestatum ad exegesim resolutione. Paris, Le Clerc, 1600, 36 fol. extrait disponible) Francisci Vietae Fontenaeensis de aequationum recognitione et emendatione tractatus duo per Alexandrum Andersonum. Paris, Laquehay, 1615, in 4, 135 p. extrait disponible) Effectionum geometricarum canonica recensio. Sd, 7 fol. Francisci Vietae Supplementum geometriae.Tours, 1593, 21 fol. Traduction de [3c] Cet ouvrage est la traduction de [3a] et [3c]. Frontispice de Ad problema quod omnibus mathematicis totius orbis construendum proposuit Adrianus Romanus, Francisci Vietae responsum. Paris, Mettayer,1595, in 4 , 16 fol.

49. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page 1470 - 1530) Rodrigues, Olinde (1794 - 1851) Rohn, Karl (1855 - 1920) Rolle, Michel(21.4.1652 - 8.11.1719) romanus, adrianus (1561 - 1615) Roomen, Adriaan van
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

50. Roomen
Adriaan van Roomen is often known by his Latin name adrianus romanus. After studyingat the Jesuit College in Cologne, Roomen studied medicine at Louvain.
Adriaan van Roomen
Born: 29 Sept 1561 in Louvain, Belgium
Died: 4 May 1615 in Mainz, Germany
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Adriaan van Roomen is often known by his Latin name Adrianus Romanus. After studying at the Jesuit College in Cologne, Roomen studied medicine at Louvain. He then spent some time in Italy, particularly with Clavius in Rome in 1585. One of Roomen's most impressive results was finding to 16 decimal places. He did this in 1593 using 2 sided polygons. Roomen's interest in was almost certainly as a result of his friendship with Ludolph van Ceulen Roomen proposed a problem which involved solving an equation of degree 45. The problem was solved by who realised that there was an underlying trigonometric relation. After this a friendship grew up between the two men. proposed the problem of drawing a circle to touch 3 given circles to Roomen (the Apollonian Problem) and Roomen solved it using hyperbolas, publishing the result in 1596. Roomen worked on trigonometry and the calculation of chords in a circle. In 1596

51. Primer Rayo De Luz Parte 1
Cauchy, Chales, Bernouilli, Moigno, adrianus romanus, Hermite, Pusieux
3 Contrarréplica J.B. PODESTA
Septiembre 26
Convencido estoy ya, a esta altura de la controversia que vengo sosteniendo con el señor Montemayor, de que éste es incapaz de disentir en forma correcta y respetuosa. Desde su primera exposición comenzó a valerse de recursos subalternos, tales como la chanza de mal gusto y a las veces agresiva. Agregó después la tergiversación de mis conceptos, hecha audaz y torpemente; y, concluye apelando lisa y llanamente a la mistificación, para procurar salir de la situación desairada en que le han dejado mis respuestas, claras, serenas y concluyentes.
Donosa ocurrencia, en verdad, la de ese señor, al pretender hablar en nombre de la ciencia, con injurias, chistes de arrabal, desplantes ridículos y falsedades evidentes, que ni siquiera tienen el mérito de la habilidad. Cierto es, por otra parte, que esas son las armas de la impotencia, y que, supuesto que, “el estilo es el hombre”, no se puede esperar del señor Montemayor otro lenguaje que el que adopta. Tengo, sin embargo, por mi parte, el derecho y el deber de exigirle que lo modifique, ya que lo que hemos concertado es una controversia entre personas cultas y no un pugilato.
Reincide, también, el adversario, en la incorrección de hablar un poco de todo, en vez de concretarse a un punto determinado, requisito indispensable para la posibilidad de una discusión ordenada y provechosa. Habla, en efecto, hasta de la “historia negra” de la iglesia, cuando aun le queda por probar que, según “la Ciencia”, Dios “no es más que un fantasma”, hijo de la superstición.

52. Neue Seite 1
Translate this page Rohn, Karl (1855 - 1920). Rolle, Michel (21.4.1652 - 8.11.1719). romanus, adrianus(1561 - 1615). Roomen, Adriaan van (1561 - 1615). Rosanes, Jakob (1842 - 1922).
Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

53. Jacqueline RYDANT, B: Living -
ROLIN, Isabella Ludovica ( ABT 1810 BEF 1866) ROMAN, adrianus ( EST ABT 1710 -) ROMAN, Joanna Maria ( Chr. 1742 - ) ROMAN, Mariette ( Living - ) romanus, .
Bosschaerts Genealogical Research A B C D ... INDEX R Surnames R(tm)PCKE, Johanna Elzelina Geertruida RABAULT, Péronne ( EST ABT 1560 - ) RACHIEL, Sylvester RAEMAECKERS, Jacqueline RAEMAECKERS, Jeanine RAEMAECKERS, Juliana ( ABT 1840 - ) RAEMAECKERS, Lucia RAEMAECKERS, William ( Living - ) RAEMAEKERS, Sarah ( Living - ) RAEMDONCK, Augusta Amelia RAEMDONCK, Petrus Alfons ( EST ABT 1866 - ) RAERS, Joannes Franciscus ( Chr. 1750 - ) RAES, . ( Living - ) RAES, Adrianus ( ABT 1720 - ABT 1752) RAES, Adrianus ( Chr. 1745 - 1783) RAES, Anna ( Chr. 1781 - ) RAES, Anna Elisabeth ( Chr. 1777 - 1777) RAES, Arlette ( Living - ) RAES, Guilielmus ( Chr. 1780 - ) RAES, Julie ( Living - ) RAES, Kevin ( Living - ) RAES, Maria Theresia ( Chr. 1778 - 1784) RAES, Maria Catharina ( Chr. 1783 - 1871) RAES, Maria ( ABT 1916 - AFT 1955) RAES, Pieter ( ABT 1715 - ) RAES-VAN THILLO, Anke ( Living - ) RAES-VAN THILLO, Tim ( Living - ) RAES-VAN THILLO, Victor ( Living - ) RAEVENS, Maria ( ABT 1630 - ) RAEYMACKERS, Ludovicus ( 1877 - AFT 1956) RAEYMAECKERS, Franciscus ( ABT 1850 - 1890) RAEYMAECKERS, Gustaaf

54. Josephus Pancratius FLORUS, B: 1888 -
FEO VAN HELEMONT, Francisca FRANCQS, Maria ( ABT 1660 ) FRANS, adrianus ( 1816- 1896 FRANS, Joanna Maria ( ABT 1730 - ) FRANS, Josephus romanus ( 1919 - 1984
Bosschaerts Genealogical Research A B C D ... INDEX F Surnames FABRI, . ( Living - ) FABRI, Jan ( Living - ) FABRI, Jef ( Living - ) FABRI, Joke ( Living - ) FABRI, Sofie ( Living - ) FABRY, Belinda ( Living - ) FACON, Maria Joanna ( EST ABT 1702 - ) FAES, . FAES, Adriaan FAES, Adriaan FAES, Adriaan ( Chr. 1752 - 1811) FAES, Adriana ( Chr. 1689 - 1772) FAES, Adriana FAES, Adriana ( Chr. 1737 - 1748) FAES, Adrianus FAES, Adrianus ( Chr. 1732 - 1803) FAES, Alfons Frans ( Living - ) FAES, Alfons ( 1884 - BEF 1941) FAES, Aloïs ( ABT 1920 - BEF 1992) FAES, Anna Elisabeth ( 1766 - ABT 1770) FAES, Anna ( EST ABT 1614 - ) FAES, Anna Catharina ( Chr. 1791 - 1873) FAES, Anna Catharina FAES, Anna Maria FAES, Anna Theresia FAES, Anna Catharina ( Chr. 1792 - 1838) FAES, Anna Theresia FAES, Anna Maria Catharina FAES, Anna ( Chr. 1782 - 1846) FAES, Anna Maria FAES, Arnoldus FAES, August Edward FAES, August Florent ( Living - ) FAES, August Louis Karel FAES, Augustinus FAES, Bart ( Living - ) FAES, Catharina FAES, Catharina FAES, Catharina ( Chr. 1684 - ) FAES, Catharina

55. AAC Database - Full View Of Document
Contents, Homiliae de Maria Virgine. Contents, adrianus IVPontifex romanus Contents, Odo Abbas Morimundensis Contents,
Sourasky Central Library
Full View of Document
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System No Author Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143? Unif-Tl [Historia ecclesiastica. 1890] Title Orderici Vitalis Angligenae Coenobii Uticensis Monachi Historia ecclesiastica / accurante J.-P. Migne Location
Parisiis : Apud Garnier ... et J.-P. Migne ..., 1890
1700 columns
Subject Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143? Historia ecclesiastica; Guerricus, Abbot of Igny, d. ca. 1157; Atto, Saint, Bishop of Pistoia, fl. 1153; Anastasius IV, Pope, d. 1154; ... Normandy (France)Church history 987-1515, Medieval periodSources;
Series Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina ; T.188
Note "Accedunt Anastasii IV, Adriani IV Romanorum pontificum epistolae et privilegia."
Note "Necnon Theobaldi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi, Attonis Pistoriensis, B. Amedei Lausannensis, Anselmi Havelbergensis, Gisleberti Porretani Pictaviensis ..., Guerrici Igniacensis, Odonis Morimundensis, Fastredi Claraevallensis,
Note Joannis Ciritae Tharaucani in Hispania, Gaufridi Claraevallensis, ... Hugonis Metelli, canonici regularis, gilberti de Hoilandia opuscula, diplomata, epistolae."On t.-p.

56. 130-9
She 2 ndly m. Emperor romanus IV Diogenes (106871). Duke John of Durazzo.+ 7 other children. adrianus m Zoë Ducaena. Nicephorus. Alexius. dau.
130-9 pages in ANCIENT ANCESTORS CATHERINE , m RICHARD, 2 nd Baron le POER (see under Power for descendants) ELLICE , m GERALD FITZJOHN FITZGERALD of Dromana (see under FitzGerald, Barons of Dromana for descendants) Thomas, d 1532 Margaret, m Richard Mór de Burgh, Lord of Upper Connaught Edmund, Bishop of Cashel BUTLER - Barons of Dunboyne THEOBALD, 4 th Butler , (see under Butler, Earls of Ormonde, for ancestors), m JOAN th dau of JOHN FITZPETER FITZGEOFFREY , Lord of Kirtling and Baron of Berkhampstead, Lord Justice of Scotland and ygst son of GEOFFREY FITZPIERS, Earl of Essex and Lord Justiciary of England. Theobald, 5 th Butler, b 1268/9, d unm 1299 EDMOND, 6 th Butler (heir to his brother), THOMAS le BOTILER THOMAS le BOTILER , slain at Battle of Mullingar 1329, knighted bef 1314, summoned to Parliament 1324 under the title Lord of Dunboyne . He m in 1308 SYNOLDA Le PETIT, LADY of DUNBOYNE and Molyngar , only child and heiress of WILLIAM Le PETIT, 6 th Lord of Dunboyne and Molyngar . (In the reign of Richard I, William Le Petyt, 1

57. Genealogie Van Deuren
Paulina. Petrus. Josephina C. Ferdinandus.. adrianus. Anna M. Petrus. Cornelia.Joannes B. Felix. Carolus. Catharina. romanus. Coleta J. Anna M. Anna C. JoannaM. Alphonsus.
Genealogie Van Deuren (via de mannelijke lijn)
man vrouw Klik op een naam voor link naar tekst.



... Anna C

58. Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Hauman, adrianus Naissance 19 novembre 1698 à Temse (BE) Décès 23 octobre Wauman,Nicolaus romanus Naissance 27 novembre 1710 à Tielrode (BE) Décès
Claus, Jacobus
Claus, Josephus
Spiessens, Joanna Maria Catharina

Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Gordijn, Joanna Petronilla
Claus, Jean
Claus, Sophie
Claus, Dominicus
Claus, x
Claus, Coleta Claus, Charles Claus, Jeanne
De Bruyne, Joannes Francis
Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Claus, Maria Theresia Parents Claus, Josephus Spiessens, Joanna Maria Catharina Enfant(s) De Bruyne, Joannes Baptista De Bruyne, Isabella De Bruyne, Franciscus De Bruyne, Carolus De Bruyne, Carolus De Bruyne, Christine Virginie De Bruyne, Joseph De Bruyne, Ferdinand De Bruyne, Adrien De Bruyne, Eduard De Bruyne, Louis
Van Geertsom, Thomas
Naissance : avant 1690 Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Van Gheem, Anna Parents Van Gheem, Mattheus Van Raemdonck, Amelberga
Cuyt, Joannes Naissance : avant 1700 Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Van Gheem, Amelberga Parents Van Gheem, Mattheus Van Raemdonck, Amelberga
Van Gheem, Josephus Parents Van Gheem, Mattheus Van Raemdonck, Amelberga Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Keppens, Anna Maria Naissance : avant 1701
Van Gheem, Joannes Parents Van Gheem, Mattheus

59. : Annales Ceccanenses Pag 280
1. Martinus anno 1, mens. 5. 884. ind. 2. adrianus III. anno 1, mens. 4. 885. ind. 15.Stephanus anno 1, mens. 4. 898. ind. 1. romanus mens. 3, diebus 22. 899.

60. John Foxe's Book Of Martyrs
9. adrianus. 3. Formosus attending Sergius the pope do. Circa. An. 60. Steuen. 6.Next vnto this Steuen succeded one romanus, who forthwith repealed all that the
John Foxe's Book of Martyrs home introduction transcriptions apparatus ... help Book 1 page: Corrected pagination. The original page number is blank.   Corrected pagination. The original page number is blank. ACTES and Monumentes touching things DONE AND PRACTISED BY THE Prelats of the Romishe Churche, specially in this Realme of England and Scotland, from the yeare of our Lord a thousand vnto the tyme nowe present. Wherin is liuely declared þ e whole state of the Christian Church: with such persecutions, and horrible troubles, as haue haypened in these last and pearilous dayes. Faithfully gathered and collected according to the true copies and wrytings certificatory, aswell of them that suffered: as also of the others that were the doers and workers therof. by. I. F. I e time of these 500 yeres, since Sathan broke loose, had not so escaped and passed without memory, in the church of Christ. Wherof som yet not withstanding (praise to the Lorde therfore) haue ben reserued and remaine, Cicer. 2. de orato. Legem historiæ Parcialitie in popish historiographers.

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