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         Rolle Michel:     more detail
  1. Michel Rolle: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  2. Ideologie und Propaganda: Die Rolle von Joseph Goebbels in der nationalsozialistischen Aussenpolitik bis 1939 (European university studies. Series III, History and allied studies) (German Edition) by Helmut Michels, 1992

1. Rolle
Michel Rolle. Born 21 April 1652 in Michel Rolle had little formaleducation being largely selfeducated. He worked as assistant to
Michel Rolle
Born: 21 April 1652 in Ambert, Basse-Auvergne, France
Died: 8 Nov 1719 in Paris, France
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Michel Rolle had little formal education being largely self-educated. He worked as assistant to several attorneys around Ambert, then in 1675 he went to Paris. In Paris he worked as a scribe, and arithmetical expert. Rolle worked on Diophantine analysis , algebra (using methods of Bachet involving use of the Euclidean algorithm ) and geometry. He published a work on the theory of equations. In 1682 he achieved a certain fame by solving a problem which had been publicly posed by Ozanam Rolle is best remembered, however, for 'Rolle's Theorem' which was published in an obscure book in 1691, using a method of Hudde in the proof. If f a f b then f ' x for some x with a x b Rolle described the calculus as a collection of ingenious fallacies . He invented the notation n x for the n th root of x . He also adopted the notion that if a b then b a in opposition to Descartes and others.

2. Rolle Michel
Catalog of the Scientific Community Rolle, Michel. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this Par M. Rolle, Michel ( 16521719) French mathematician MichelRolle was largely

3. Michel Rolle - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Printable version Disclaimers. Not logged in. Log in Help. Other languages Deutsch Français. Michel Rolle. to denote the nth root of x. Rolle was born in Ambert, BasseAuvergne; he died in Paris. Other languages Deutsch Français. Michel Rolle. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Michel Rolle ( April 21, 1652 - November 8, 1719) was a Frenchmathematician
Michel Rolle
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Michel Rolle April 21 November 8 ) was a French mathematician . He is best known for Rolle's theorem ). He also invented the nowadays standardized notation to denote the n :th root of x Rolle was born in Ambert Basse-Auvergne . In he moved from Ambert to Paris and in he was elected to join the Académie Royal des Sciences and became a Pensionnaire Géometre of the Académie ). He had then already been given a pension by Jean-Baptiste Colbert after solving one of Jacques Ozanam 's problems. Rolle was an early critic of calculus ; arguing that it was inaccurate and based upon unsound reason. He later changed his opinion. Rolle died in Paris.
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4. Michel Rolle - Encyclopedia Article About Michel Rolle. Free Access, No Registra
encyclopedia article about Michel Rolle. Michel Rolle in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Michel Rolle. Rolle
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Michel Rolle
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Michel Rolle April 21 April 21 is the 111th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (112th in leap years). There are 254 days remaining.
  • 753 BC - Romulus founds Rome (traditional).
  • 43 BC - Mark Antony is defeated in battle by consul Hirtius in the Battle of Mutina, who is killed.
  • 1792 - Tiradentes, revolutionary who was leading a movement for Brazil's independence, is hanged.

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  • April 6 - Dutch sailor Jan van Riebeeck establishes a resupply camp for the Dutch East India Company at the Cape of Good Hope, and founded Cape Town.
  • May 18 - Rhode Island passes the first law in North America making slavery illegal.
  • May 29 - First Anglo-Dutch War opening battle fought off Dover between Lt.-Admiral Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp's 42 Dutch ships and 21 English ships divided into two squadrons, one commanded by Robert Blake and the other by Nehemiah Bourne.

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5. 1691 In Science - Encyclopedia Article About 1691 In Science. Free Access, No Re
information. . Astronomy. Exploration. Mathematics. Michel rolle michelRolle (April 21, 1652 November 8, 1719) was a French mathematician. in science
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1691 in science
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The year 1691 CE in science For the journal named Science , visit Science (journal). Science (from scientia, Latin for "knowledge") refers to the systematic acquisition of new knowledge about nature and the body of already existing knowledge so gained. The scientific method is based on careful observation and the testing of theories by experiment. Science does not claim to make any statements about how nature actually "is", for the scientist should know that we can only make conclusions about our observations of nature. The development of Quantum Mechanics in the early 20th century showed us that our observations equate to interactions, and the incredible implications of wave-particle duality made "objectivity" in science practically impossible.
Click the link for more information. and technology Technology has more than one definition. One is the development and application of tools, machines, materials and processes that help to solve human problems. As a human activity, technology predates both science and engineering. The term technology thus often characterises inventions and gadgets using recently-discovered scientific principles and processes. However, even very old inventions such as the wheel exemplify technology.

6. :: UniverSiTor ::
Schwarz Karl Herman; Rutherford Ernest; rolle michel; Riemann GF Bernhard;

7. Michel Rolle | Mathe Board Lexikon
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Michel Rolle
Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung
Verbessern Mitmachen
Michel Rolle
Der französische Mathematiker Michel Rolle 21. April 8. November ) war Mitglied der Academie des sciences . Er untersuchte algebraische Gleichung en höheren Grades. In der Analysis bekannt ist der Satz von Rolle (1691) über stetige Funktionen:
Die Funktion f x ) ist im abgeschlossenen Intervall [ a b ] stetig und im offenen Intervall ( a b ) differenzierbar, f a f b
Es gibt mindestens eine Stelle z aus ( a b ) mit der Eigenschaft f z
Anschaulich bedeutet dies: An der Kurve f x ) gibt es zwischen zwei Nullstellen a und b mindestens eine Stelle mit der Steigung m = 0, d.h. mit waagerechter Tangente en:Michel Rolle fr:Michel Rolle Hits Verweisseiten Verlinkte Seiten Vielen Dank an " Wikipedia " für die freundliche Unterstützung!

8. Rolle
Translate this page rolle michel, français, 1652-1719. Provenant de son auvergne natale,Michel Rolle commence sa carrière à Paris comme simple copiste.
Varignon Exprimé en termes actuels, il s'énonce : Si f une fonction continue sur [a,b] et dérivable sur ]a,b[ telle que f(a) = f(b), il existe alors c de ]a,b[ tel que f '(c) = 0. Formulation de Rolle Leibniz limite du taux d'accroissement, ce sera le fait de d'Alembert . Dire que f' s'annule, c'est dire que la tangente
Théorème des accroissements finis accroissements finis Lagrange si f est continue sur [a,b] et dérivable sur ]a,b[ , il existe un réel c de ]a,b[ tel que : E la règle de L'Hospital La règle des signes
et tout particulièrement le célèbre « - par - donne + », ce qui lui vaudra les critiques de Descartes Cauchy et Legendre Bombelli Chuquet Brahmagupta Avec l'usage "moderne" des anneaux
  • (a + a') . b = . b = 0, donc : a . b + a' . b = 0. C'est dire que (a' . b)' = a . b a' . (b + b') = = a' . b + a' . b', donc a' . b' = (a' . b)' = a . b
en notation additive : (-a) . (-b) = a . b En classe de 5ème, on peut, à titre de travaux dirigés, procéder à la mise en place de la règle comme prolongement de la propriété de distributivité de la multiplication sur l'addition, en principe bien connue des élèves : n x (a + b) = n x a + n x b Par exemple : x x x 2 = 24 + 6 = 30 c'est aussi : 3 x Appliquons cette règle aux nombres négatifs : x x x 5 , par suite :

Translate this page Histoire des mathématiques - Rolle. rolle michel 1652-1719. Provenant de son auvergnenatale, Michel Rolle commence sa carrière à Paris comme simple copiste.
Histoire des math©matiques - Rolle ROLLE Michel
Provenant de son auvergne natale, Michel Rolle commence sa carri¨re   Paris comme simple copiste. Th©or¨me de Rolle (1691) : soit f une fonction continue sur [a,b] et d©rivable sur ]a,b[ telle que f(a) = f(b) : il existe c de ]a,b[ tel que f'(c) = 0. L'interpr©tation g©om©trique de cet important r©sultat : sous les hypoth¨ses d©crites, il existe un point c de ]a,b[ o¹ la tangente   la courbe est horizontale; f passe ainsi par un maximum ou un minimum. Formulation de Rolle (1691) : soit f(x) = une ©quation alg©brique enti¨re (polyn´me). Il ne peut exister plus d'une racine (r©elle) entre deux racines cons©cutives de sa d©riv©e (i.e. la d©riv©e de f). En cons©quence, du th©or¨me de Rolle, on a celui des accroissements finis attribu©   Lagrange : si f est continue sur [a,b] et d©rivable sur ]a,b[ , il existe un r©el c de ]a,b[ tel que : Et, en cons©quence, on peut ©noncer :

10. Christopher Lambert - Dirk Jasper Filmstarlexikon
Rolle Fred; 1986I love you (I Love You) Regie Marco Ferreri - rolle michel; 1987
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Christopher Lambert * 29. März 1957 in New York, NY, USA • Schauspieler, Produzent • Biographie Filmografie • Adresse: c/o Adelaide Production, 33, rue Marbeuf, F-75008 Paris •
Christopher Lambert ist als Sohn französischer Eltern in New York geboren und in Genf/Schweiz aufgewachsen. Er entdeckte sein Interesse für die Schauspielerei schon in sehr jungen Jahren, trotzdem begann er sein Arbeitsleben an der Londoner Börse. 1984, nachdem er bereits zwei Jahre am berühmten Pariser Konservatorium studiert hatte, spielte er die Hauptrolle im oscarprämierten Film Greystoke von Hugh Hudson . Diese Rolle brachte ihm internationale Beachtung und trieb seine Karriere voran. Ein Jahr später spielte Lambert in Luc Besson s Subway , für den er mit dem César , dem französischen Oscar, ausgezeichnet wurde. Andere bekannte Regisseure verpflichteten ihn. Er spielte in Elie Chorouquis Duett zu dritt neben Catherine Deneuve , in Marco Ferreris I Love You Agnieszka Hollands Der Priestermord und Michael Ciminos Der Sizilianer 1986 wurde er für die Hauptrolle in Highlander von Russel Mulcahy verpflichtet. Sein Co-Star war der Ex-Bond-Darsteller

11. Michel Rolle
Michel Rolle. Michel Rolle (April 21, 1652 November 8, 1719) was a French mathematician.Information about Michel Rolle with useful links and basic facts.
Michel Rolle
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About 'Michel Rolle'
Michel Rolle April 21 November 8 ) was a French mathematician . He is best known for Rolle's theorem ). He also invented the nowadays standardized notation[?] root born in Ambert[?] Basse-Auvergne[?] ; he died in Paris
In he moved from Ambert[?] to Paris and in he was elected to join the Académie Royal des Sciences[?] and became a Pensionnaire Géometre of the Académie ). He had then already been given a pension by Jean-Baptiste Colbert after solving one of Jacques Ozanams[?] problems.
Rolle was an early critic of calculus ; arguing that it was inacurate and based upon unsound reason . He later changed his opinion[?]
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  • Rolle.html

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12. Michel Rolle
Michel Rolle. Michel Rolle (Duben 21, 1652 Listopad 8, 1719) byl Francouzštinamatematik. On je nejlepší známý pro Rolleuv teorém (1691). Michel Rolle.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Michel Rolle
Michel Rolle Duben 21 Listopad 8 ) byl FrancouzÅ¡tina matematik . On je nejlepÅ¡­ zn¡m½ pro Rolleův teor©m ). On tak© smyÅ¡len½ nowadays normalizoval notace označit: th kořen . Rolle byl narozen½ v Ambert, Basse-Auvergne; on zemřel v Pař­Å¾ V on dojat½ od Ambert k Pař­Å¾ a v on byl rozhodl se spojit se Acad � mie kr¡lovsk½ des vědy a sluÅ¡el Pensionnaire G � ometre Acad � mie ). On měl pak už been dan½ penze Jean-Baptiste Colbert pot©, co platil jeden z Jacquese Ozanams probl©my. Rolle byl brzy kritik počet ; argumentovat, že to bylo inacurate a um­stěn½ na nezdrav½ důvod . On později změnil jeho n¡zor.
Extern­ spojen­

Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia poř­zen½ překladačem Eurotran . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

13. Unicorn Media RollenSuche
Translate this page rolle michel. Schauspieler, Rolle, Film, Jahr. Mario Adorf, Don Michele,Alle für die Mafia, (1996). Alan Alda, Michel, Sweet Liberty, (1985).

14. Definition Of Michel Rolle - WordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia
Michel Rolle. deMichel Rolle frMichel rolle michel Rolle (April 21, 1652 November 8, 1719) was a French mathematician. External Links. Michel Rolle.
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Michel Rolle
Encyclopedia Definition: Michel Rolle
de:Michel Rolle
fr:Michel Rolle Michel Rolle April 21 November 8 ) was a French mathematician . He is best known for Rolle's theorem ). He also invented the nowadays standardized notation root Rolle was born in Ambert Basse-Auvergne . In he moved from Ambert to Paris and in he was elected to join the Académie Royal des Sciences and became a Pensionnaire Géometre of the Académie ). He had then already been given a pension by Jean-Baptiste Colbert after solving one of Jacques Ozanam 's problems. Rolle was an early critic of calculus ; arguing that it was inaccurate and based upon unsound reason. He later changed his opinion. Rolle died in Paris.
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This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Michel Rolle"

15. Michel Rolle - Information
An online Encyclopedia with information and facts Michel Rolle Information,and a wide range of other subjects. Michel Rolle - Information. Michel Rolle.
Michel Rolle - Information Home
Mathematical and natural sciences

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... fr:Michel Rolle Michel Rolle April 21 November 8 ) was a French mathematician . He is best known for Rolle's theorem ). He also invented the nowadays standardized notation root born in Ambert Basse-Auvergne ; he died in Paris In he moved from Ambert to Paris and in he was elected to join the Académie Royal des Sciences and became a Pensionnaire Géometre of the Académie ). He had then already been given a pension by Jean-Baptiste Colbert after solving one of Jacques Ozanams problems. Rolle was an early critic of calculus ; arguing that it was inaccurate and based upon unsound reason. He later changed his opinion.
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16. DIE ERSTEN SCHWUL-LESBISCHEN TV-SERIEN U.a. Montagskinder, Montagsgeschichten, V
Translate this page Fernsehen Philip Hudgson Biggy Van Blond Tunte Biggy Van Bretten schwul TV homo seriesoap Lori Anderson John R. Fitzsimons rolle michel Donato Plögert schwul
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Foto: Michael Rost ab 2000 Berlin Bohème Die Montags-Produktionen (Dokumentation) Von Mann zu Mann (Erotik-Soap) Montagsgeschichten ... Filmemacher Andreas Weiß und seine weiteren Produktionen Fernsehserie schwules Fernsehen in Deutschland schwule Soap Schwule Seifenoper schwule Serien schwule Soaps schwule Serie

17. Rolle, Michel (1652-1719) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Mathematicians. Nationality. French. rolle, michel (16521719) Additional biographies MacTutor (St. Andrews), Dublin Trinity College ©. Eric W. Weisstein. , (-) a polynomial version of the theorem today called rolle's theorem. rolle also strove to demonstrate that calculus gives
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality French
Rolle, Michel (1652-1719)

French mathematician who excelled at Diophantine analysis. He also published (1690), in which he established the notation for the n th root of a , proved that there are n n th roots and proved a polynomial version of the theorem today called Rolle's theorem Rolle also strove to demonstrate that calculus gives erroneous results.
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Dublin Trinity College

18. Rolle, Michel
rolle, michel (16521719). French mathematician michel rolle waslargely selfeducated in mathematics. He worked as an accountant
Rolle, Michel (16521719) French mathematician Michel Rolle was largely self-educated in mathematics. He worked as an accountant and studied algebra and the Diophantine equations whenever he found time. After Rolle produced an elegant solution to a recreational mathematics problem posed by Ozanam, Rolle received support for his mathematical research and positions in government service. In 1690 he published Trait d'alg bre , which contained advances in notation and methods for solving for the roots of equations. The next year, his follow-on work D monstration d'un e m thode pour resoudre les e g alitez de tous les degrez , contained the theorem that bears his name. When Rolle published his famous theorem in 1691, his goal was to show that between every two zeros of a polynomial function there always lies a zero of the polynomial's derivative. However, Rolle distrusted the new methods of calculus and spent considerable time and energy denouncing its use and attacking L’Hospital’s calculus book. It is ironic that Rolle is known today for his contribution to a field he tried to suppress.

19. Encyclopedia: Michel Rolle
Updated May 08, 2004. Encyclopedia michel rolle. michel rolle (April 21, 1652 November 8, 1719) was a French mathematician. External Links. michel rolle.

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  • Updated: May 08, 2004
    Encyclopedia : Michel Rolle
    Michel Rolle April 21 November 8 ) was a French mathematician. He is best known for Rolle's theorem ( ). He also invented the nowadays standardized notation
    to denote the n :th root of x
    Rolle was born in Ambert, Basse-Auvergne. In

    20. Rolle, Michel
    rolle, michel. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical him farther in the government, rolle felt unable to devote enough time
    Catalog of the Scientific Community
    Rolle, Michel
    Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
    1. Dates
    Born: Ambert (Basse-Auverne) 21 Apr. 1652
    Died: Paris, 8 Nov. 1719
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Merchant
    His father was a shopkeeper.
    No information on financial status.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: French
    Career: French
    Death: French
    4. Education
    Schooling: No University
    He received only a very elementary education. Later he taught himself algebra and Diophantine analysis.
    5. Religion
    Affiliation: Catholic
    6. Scientific Disciplines
    Primary: Mathematics
    Although his reputation rested on his skill in Diophantine analysis, his favorite area was the algebra of equations. In his Traité d'algèbre, which has remained famous, he used the method of "cascades" to separate the roots of an algebraic equation. He also displayed a certain vigor in the field of Cartesian geometry.
    He was a skillful algebraist who broke with the Cartesian techniques and opposed the infinitesimal analysis. His opposition was beneficial to the development of the study. In 1706 he finally reconciled himself to the value of the new techniques of the infinitesimal analysis.
    7. Means of Support

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