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Robinson Julia Bowman: more detail | ||||
61. Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 F. Jessie MacWilliams, Ruth Aaronsom Bari. julia bowman robinson, OlgaAlexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya. Jane Cronin Scanlon, Yvonne ChoquetBruhat. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/oame/gtech2000x3a.html | |
62. Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 Emmy Noether. Twenthieth Century Grace Brewster Murray Hopper. julia bowman robinson.Mary F. Wheeler. Doris Schattschneider. Karen Uhlenbeck. *SunYung Alice Chang. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/oame/gtech2000x3b.html | |
63. WebGED Rodgers Family Data Page 1922 ) - male father Booth, Manning (*1887 - ) mother robinson, Cynthia (1891 ReynoldBascomb (1849 - 1929) mother McKendree, julia (1848 - 1921 bowman, ? http://www.geocities.com/mbrodgers/wga15.html |
64. December 2003 Uhlenbeck. 7 Mary Ellen Rudin, 8 julia bowman robinson, 9 Grace Hopper,10 Ada Lovelace, 11 Otto Szász, 12 Ludwig Sylow, 13 George Polya. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/December2003.html | |
65. Washington County, PA, Researcher Profiles, Jamey Batchrobinson. Email jameyb@hotmail.com; Posted Query on Sunday, August30, 1998 for surname(s) BATCH. Jim Batley. Sue bowman. julia Braughler. http://www.pa-roots.com/~washington/query/resa.html | |
66. Monthly Meeting Minutes September 5th, 2000 Present Pheobe Blackham, Deborah bowman, Darrelyn Davis,Christine Evans, julia Pearce, Naomi robinson, Carol Scholes, Terri Stettler http://www.hsdspd.state.ut.us/famcouncils/minutes.htm | |
67. I18064: Sarah (ABT 1798 - AFT 1 Jun 1870) NOGGLE, William 22y boarder, farm laborer b PA, parents b PA bowman, David 15y motherb OH , Mary J. 18y helps mother b OH , julia A. 14y Nancy J. robinson. http://www.foorgenealogy.com/d0000/g0000016.html | |
68. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Authors Sought F Nikolai Nikolaievich (18831950) Maclaurin, Colin (1698-1746) Markov, Andrei Andreevich(1856-1922) robinson, julia bowman (1919-1985) Sierpinski, Waclaw (1882 http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jun00/0204.html | |
69. Amherst College Biographical Record: Class Of 1839 Married May 1, 1848, julia A., da. Mich., 186769; Rochester, Mich., 1869-71; NewHaven, Mich., 1871-74; Nunica and robinson, Mich., 1874 Stone, William bowman. http://www.amherst.edu/~rjyanco/genealogy/acbiorecord/1839.html | |
70. Solomon Feferman Publications julia bowman robinson, December 8, 1919 July 30, 1985. Biographical Memoirsof the National Academy of Sciences 63, 453-478, 1994. What rests on what? http://math.stanford.edu/~feferman/publications.html | |
71. Varsity Match Results 20841, Cambridge 22017 Cambridge team julia Bleasedale*, Cath Archer (O) 57062. Matt Mahr (robinson, C) 71 Jesus, C) 7545 3. David bowman (St Catharine s http://www.drongo.org.uk/mark/stats/varsity_match_results.html | |
72. 03.01.95 - Gazette robinson was actively working and contributing new mathematics into his 80s.He published several joint papers with his wife, julia bowman robinson. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/berkeleyan/1995/0301/gazette.html | |
73. FERRIS STATE ANNOUNCES 2003-04 RECRUITING CLASS The group includes Darryl bowman (Baldwin), Kamitra Carrol Mott), BJ Meyers (Rockford),Chandra robinson (Warren/Mott Schuberg (Big Rapids) and julia Viel (Big http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/sports/track/0304recruits.htm | |
74. Julia In high school julia bowman stood alone as the only girl and the best student - in the junior and senior math classes. She had only one close friend and no boyfriends. Although she was to learn http://books.cambridge.org/0883855208.htm |
75. Descendents Of Cornelius Bowman Descendents of Cornelius bowman. The following information came from many sources, some is accurate and some is questionable GARRETT bowman and julia MORRIS Marriage November 22, 1903, Owsley http://www.acetipton.net/bowman.html | |
76. Biography-center - Letter R robinson, julia www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/robinson.htm; robinson, julia Bowmanwwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/robinson_julia.html; http://www.biography-center.com/r.html | |
77. Wissenschaft.de - HÖHENRAUSCH Translate this page Emmy Noether spricht mit einem Schmetterling über Muster, julia bowman Robinsondiagnostiziert als Therapeutin allergische Reaktionen gegen falsche http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissen/buchrezensionen/237149.html | |
78. Drew University Math/CS Newsletter Lauren Campbell, Professor Surace and Meghan Breechard. Who is this person? AnswerJulia bowman robinson. Questions? Comments? Contact the department chair. http://www.depts.drew.edu/math/MaCS-news-fall-2003.htm | |
79. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Julia Robinson Select a mirror NDSU (main) AMS Bielefeld Ole Miss IMPA. julia BowmanRobinson Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 1948. Dissertation http://www.genealogy.ams.org/html/id.phtml?id=32658 |
80. Julia L. Hurwitz, PhD julia L. Hurwitz, PhD. Sandlund T, Spiegel PH, Haik B, Hurwitz JL, Conley ME, BowmanLC, Benaim J, O Connell M, Fenyö EM, Hurwitz JL, Montefiori DC, robinson HL http://www.stjude.org/faculty/0,2512,407_2030_3860,00.html | |
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