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         Riesz Marcel:     more detail
  1. Marcel Riesz Collected Papers (French Edition) by Marcel Riesz, Lars Garding, et all 1988-10
  2. Collected Papers (English, German and French Edition) by Marcel Riesz, 1988-09-12
  3. Clifford Numbers and Spinors: with Riesz's Private Lectures to E. Folke Bolinder and a Historical Review by Pertti Lounesto (Fundamental Theories of Physics) by Marcel Riesz, 2010-11-02
  4. The general theory of Dirichlet's series by G H. 1877-1947 Hardy, Marcel Riesz, 2010-09-07
  5. Variations on a Theme of Frederic and Marcel Riesz
  6. On the first elements of relativity theory and quantum theory;: Lectures, winter 1954 by Marcel Riesz, 1954
  7. L'integrale de Riemann-Liouville et le Probleme de Cauchy (Extrait des Acta mathematica, Tome 81) by Marcel Riesz, 1948

81. Names
People whose names are embedded in Math Subject Classifcation (1991 version). This file is in several parts. 1. Short introduction 2. The list of names 3. Insightful or amusing comments about what can be found in the list. 3A.

82. RĂ©sultats De La Recherche
et le problème de Cauchy, Acta Math., t. 81, 1948 , p. 1-223.

83. List Of Publications
J. Sci Fac. CMU (1993) 83 87. 3. On the Fourier Transform of MarcelRiesz s ultra-hyperbolic Kernel J. Sci. Fac. CMU (1997) 4
List of publications 1. "On The Distribution Solutions of Ordinary Differentail Equation with polynomail Coefficients" J. Sci Fac. C.M.U. (1996) 23(2) 52 - 58.
2. "The Distribution Solution of the 3 rd order Euler Equation" J. Sci Fac. C.M.U. (1993) 83 - 87.
3. "On the Fourier Transform of Marcel Riesz's ultra-hyperbolic Kernel" J. Sci. Fac. C.M.U. (1997)
4. "On the Distribution and its Applications" The Proceeding in annual Conference in Mathematics 1996. King Mongkut institute of Technology, Ladkrabang, Thailand.
5. "On the Convoluation Equation related to the Ultra-hyperbolic Kernal" The Annual Meeting in Mathematics, 1997. Department of Mathematics, Thamasat University.
6. "On the Solutions of the n-Dimensional Diamond Operator" Applied Mathematics and Computation 88: 27 - 37 (1997) Elsevier Science Inc., New York. Ny 10010
7. "On the Distribution related to the ultra-hyperbolic equation" Computational and Applied Mathematics 84 (1997) Elsevier Science Inc. Amssterdam, The Natherlands.
8. "On the Diamond Distribution and its Applications" Applied Mathematics and Computation ( to appear) Elsevier Science Inc. New York Ny 10010.

84. Our Mathematical Ancestors
Translate this page Rohit Chadha. David Shale. K. Weierstrass HA Schwarz L. Fejer MarcelRiesz Einar Hille Irving E. Segal. Julius Shaneson. Karl Jacobi
Our Mathematical Ancestors (October 1999)
Christos Athanasiadis
Chebyscheff Markov Tamarkin Nelson Dunford Jacob T. Schwartz Gian-Carlo Rota Richard P. Stanley
Jonathan Block
Raoul Bott
Irene I. Bouw
F. Oort
Eugenio Calabi
Felix Klein Adolph Hurwitz) David Hilbert Erhard Schmidt Salomon Bochner
Thesis Students : R. J. Milgram, Carlos Ferraris, Salvador Gigena, Tom Sayin Ho, Jianfang Li, Xiuxiong Chen
Luca Capogna
J. J. v. Littrow N. Braschman P. L. Chebyshev G. F. Voronoi W. Sierpinski Antoni Zygmund Eugene Fabes
Ching-Li Chai
Brioschi Cremona Veronese G. Castelnuovo Oscar Zariski David Mumford
Thesis Students : Jeff Achter, Chia-Fu Yu
Ted Chinburg
Josef Stefan Ludwig Boltzmann Gustav Herglotz Emil Artin John T. Tate
Thesis Students : Sunghan Bae, Seyong Kim, David Solomon, Tom Schmidt, Tony Costa, Adebisi Agboola, Mike Rogers, George Pappas, Chi-Fong Lau, Seon-In Kwon, Caiqun Xiao, Shubin Hu, Matrias Atria, Darren Glass
Christopher Croke
E. H. Moore George David Birkhoff M. H. Stone Richard V. Kadison Richard Lashof
Thesis Students : Jin-Whan Yim, Jianguo Cao, Tobias Colding, Xiaobo Liu, Scott Pauls

85. Gallery Of Complex Analysts
Edensor Littlewood (18851977). Wilhelm Blaschke (1885-1962), MarcelRiesz (1886-1969), Ludwig Bieberbach (1886-1982). George Polya (1887
This is a gallery of the most influential figures in the history of complex analysis. Help me out with the missing names or pictures!
Simeon Denis Poisson
Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
Joseph Liouville
Pierre Alphonse Laurent
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
Victor Alexandre Puiseux
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann
Eughne Rouche
Lazarus Immanuel Fuchs
Felice Casorati Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan Karl Herman Amandus Schwarz Magnus Gosta Mittag-Leffler Felix Christian Klein Friedrich Hermann Schottky Carl Gustav Axel Harnack Jules Henri Poincare Giacinto Morera Charles Emile Picard Carle David Tolme Runge Edouard Jean-Baptiste Goursat Adolf Hurwitz Johan Ludwig William Valdemar Jensen Lars Edvard Phragmen Jacques Salomon Hadamard Ernst Leonard Lindelof Constantin Caratheodory Paul Antoine Aristide Montel Godfrey Harold Hardy Pierre Joseph Louis Fatou Frigyes Riesz Oskar Perron Paul Koebe Arnaud Denjoy John Edensor Littlewood Wilhelm Blaschke Marcel Riesz Ludwig Bieberbach George Polya Ivan Ivanovich Privalov Dmitrii Evgenevich Menshov Gaston Maurice Julia Karl Loewner Alexander Markowich Ostrowski Andre Bloch Stefan Bergman Tibor Rado Rolf Herman Nevanlinna Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentev Henri Paul Cartan Arne Beurling Lars Ahlfors Paul Julius Oswald Teichmuller Lipman Bers Lennart Carleson

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