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         Ricci Matteo:     more books (98)
  1. Following the Steps of Matteo Ricci to China by Written by Zhang Xiping, 1991
  2. Translators From Chinese: Matteo Ricci, Howard Goldblatt, Stanislas Julien, Marie-Jean-Léon, Marquis D'hervey de Saint Denys, Juan Cobo
  3. Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci
  4. Florentiner Studien (German Edition) by Paul Scheffer-Boichorst, Massimo D' Azeglio, et all 2009-12-31
  5. I Miei Ricordi, Volume 3 (Italian Edition) by Massimo D' Azeglio, Matteo Ricci, 2010-03-16
  6. De la amistad - Dell amicizia (Spanish and Italian Edition) by Matteo Ricci, Filippo Mignini, 2007-07-14
  7. Della Vita E Degli Studi Di Carlo Baudi Di Vesme (Italian Edition) by Matteo Ricci, 2010-05-25
  8. I Miei Ricordi (Italian Edition) by Massimo d' Azeglio, Matteo Ricci, 2010-01-11
  9. I Miei Ricordi, Di Massimo D'azeglio (Italian Edition) by Matteo Ricci, 2010-03-25
  10. Della Istorie Di Erodoto V3 (1881) (Italian Edition) by Matteo Ricci, 2010-09-10
  11. Della Istorie Di Erodoto V3 (1881) (Italian Edition) by Matteo Ricci, 2010-09-10
  12. Un ponte tra Cina e Europa: Matteo Ricci (Pagine di storia) (Italian Edition) by Enzo Mancini, 1990
  13. Un gesuita in Cina (1552-1610): Matteo Ricci dall'Italia a Pechino by Giulio Andreotti, 2001
  14. East-west synthesis: Matteo Ricci and Confucianism (Centre of Asian Studies occasional papers and monographs) by John D Young, 1980

81. 20-04-02 - Padre Matteo Ricci
Translate this page Emissione di un francobollo commemorativo di Padre matteo ricci, nel 450° anniversario della nascita. Data di emissione. 20 aprile 2002. Valore. € 0,41.

82. Scuola Feng Shui Matteo Ricci - Bologna
Translate this page Scuola Feng Shui matteo ricci - Bologna, Dipartimento di Architettura e Feng Shui Progettare con il Feng shui l’antica arte del

83. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Matteo Ricci (Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biographies reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on matteo ricci, Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biographies.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 01, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biographies ... Matteo Ricci
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Matteo Ricci, Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biographies
Related Category: Chinese And Taiwanese History, Biographies Matteo Ricci [mAt-t A O r E E Pronunciation Key True Doctrine of God, which was widely printed in China. See H. Bernard, Matteo Ricci's Scientific Contribution to China (1937, repr. 1973); L. J. Gallagher, China in the Sixteenth Century: The Journals of Matteo Ricci (1953); V. Cronin, The Wise Man from the West
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  • 84. Matteo Ricci ~ 1552-1610
    matteo ricci was born in Macerata, Italy in 1552. He entered the Jesuits and in 1883 he arrived in China. He became fluent in the
    Matteo Ricci was born in Macerata, Italy in 1552. He entered the Jesuits and in 1883 he arrived in China. He became fluent in the Chinese language, and adoped Chinese dress and a Chinese name, Li Ma-teu. He studied Chinese science and mathematics, and made western science and mathematics available to Chinese scholars.
    When he arrived in China he began to prepare a "Great Map of Ten Thousand Countries," a world map for China. In 1601 he moved to Beijing, and attended the court of Wan Li, and became the court mathematician. He published drafts of his map in 1584 and in 1600. The final version was made public in 1602.
    The map on the Italian stamp is not identified as Ricci's map, and it is not like the maps that are attributed to him. The southern continent in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is not like anything on any of those maps, nor does the string of islands across the bottom of the map appear on them. The image of Ricci on the stamp is that of a Chinese scholar, and also appears on a Chinese stamp with an armillary sphere.

    85. Matteo Ricci - Vorbild Für Eine Engere Zusammenarbeit Zwischen China Und Dem We
    Translate this page November 2001 matteo ricci - Vorbild für eine engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen China und dem Westen. Der 400. Jahrestag der Ankunft
    November 2001:
    Matteo Ricci - Vorbild für eine engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen China und dem Westen
    Der 400. Jahrestag der Ankunft des Jesuitenpaters Ricci in Beijing ist Anlaß für internationale Konferenzen zur Förderung des Austauschs zwischen europäisch-christlichem und chinesischem Gedankengut.
    Am 24.-25. Oktober wurde auf Initiative des Italienisch-Chinesischen Instituts in der Gregoriana-Universität in Rom ein internationaler Kongreß zum Thema "Matteo Ricci: Für einen Dialog zwischen China und Okzident" veranstaltet. Experten aus Italien und China, Politiker (u.a. Dr. Giulio Andreotti) und Vertreter der Kirche wie Kardinal Etchegarray waren zusammengekommen, um die Arbeit eines der bedeutendsten Sinologen Europas und Wegbereiters zwischen China und dem Okzident, des italienischen Jesuitenpaters Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), zu würdigen. Von den führenden Gelehrten Chinas geschätzt und von Kaiser Wang Li begünstigt, war Ricci 1601, vor genau 400 Jahren, für die letzte Phase seiner bis zu seinem Tode 1610 währenden, 28 Jahre langen Mission nach Beijing (Peking) gekommen. Mit den Ideen der europäischen Renaissance vertraut, war Ricci der erste Sinologe, der im 17. Jahrhundert Europa über sein umfassendes Werk darunter die von ihm herausgegebene erste Monographie Chinas Histoire de L'expedition chretienne au royaume de la Chine (Geschichte der christlichen Expedition im chinesischen Kaiserreich) einen systematischen Einblick in die Geschichte, Geographie, Kultur und Wirtschaft Chinas vermittelte.

    86. Matteo Ricci :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
    matteo ricci. Online Encyclopedia Map of the Far East by matteo ricci in 1602. matteo ricci (1552 1610) was a Italian
    Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Matteo Ricci
    Online Encyclopedia

    Map of the Far East by Matteo Ricci in 1602
    Matteo Ricci ) was a Italian Jesuit priest whose missionary in China since during the Ming Dynasty marked the beginning of modern Chinese Christianity . His introduction of western science , material and thoughts has inspired some traditional Confucianist literati and officials. Ricci arrived in south China in 1682, and he arrived at Beijing in where he presented himself at the Imperial court of Wanli Ricci is one of the Life magazine 's 100 most important people of the last millennium. See also: Religion in China This is a stub This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice

    87. »²¤j¥Xª©ªÀ³Ì·s®ø®§
    . . THE CULTIVATION OF VIRTUE in matteo ricci s The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven . 2004?3?/ NT600.
    ¸ê°T¥æ¬y »²¤j¼Ð»x²£«~ Ápµ¸§Ú­Ì ·j´M THE CULTIVATION OF VIRTUE in Matteo Ricci's "The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven"

    88. Legend And Legacy: Matteo Ricci And Others
    matteo ricci, the Jesuit missionary who visited China during the late Ming Dynasty, died almost four hundred years ago. And matteo ricci used the latter.
    01 April 2002 Legend and legacy: Matteo Ricci and others Matteo Ricci , the Jesuit missionary who visited China during the late Ming Dynasty, died almost four hundred years ago. However, the legendary figure in the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West has remained fascinating to scholars around the world and is the subject of numerous essays and books. At the International Conference on "Matteo Ricci and After: Four Centuries of Cultural Interactions between China and the West", the talks given at the panel discussions emphasized once again his unique position in history. Bulletin reports on some of the discussions. " Matteo Ricci can be described as a pivotal figure in history. Only through a thorough understanding of him can we learn about the subsequent historical development of China," said Zhu Weizheng , a professor in the Department of History at Fudan University in China, at the first panel discussion.

    89. From Matteo Ricci To Cross-cultural Studies
    01 April 2002. From matteo ricci to crosscultural studies. To reinforce its commitment to cultural exchange and research, CityU launched
    01 April 2002 From Matteo Ricci to cross-cultural studies To reinforce its commitment to cultural exchange and research, CityU launched the Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies (CCS) (see related story) on 12 October 2001, following the establishment of the Chinese Civilisation Centre in 1998. "Due to unique historical and geographical reasons," said Professor Zhang Longxi , Director of the CCS and Chair Professor in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, "Hong Kong has become a meeting point of East and West. It is thus an ideal place to conduct research in cross-cultural interaction." To reinforce its commitment to cultural exchange and research, CityU launched the Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies (CCS) (see related story) on 12 October 2001, following the establishment of the Chinese Civilisation Centre in 1998. "Due to unique historical and geographical reasons," said Professor Zhang Longxi , Director of the CCS and Chair Professor in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, "Hong Kong has become a meeting point of East and West. It is thus an ideal place to conduct research in cross-cultural interaction."

    CHAPTER XI. THE ATTEMPT OF matteo ricci TO LINK. One passage in Ten Discourses by a Paradoxical Man describes the statement of Gong Dacan made on matteo ricci
    Matteo Ricci not only had a good command of Chinese, but also knew a great deal about Chinese customs and etiquette. He not only dressed in Confucianist style and called himself a "Western Confucianist" ( xiru ) with a square piece of cloth on his head, but also followed the etiquette of a Chinese scholar when meeting visitors. He made a careful study of ancient Chinese classics and records and regarded Confucius as a great man of wide knowledge. Of The Four Books (sishu ) which he translated he wrote that it "was written by the four great philosophers and is full of reasonable ethical thought." To his mind, "it is no use at all just to know our learning without the knowledge of theirs." But how did he treat Chinese culture? In a letter of February 15, 1609, to another missionary he wrote: As I have gradually illustrated, they (the Chinese) also appreciate very much the principle of filial piety, although one might hold different views. To date from its very beginning, they faithfully followed natural law in ancient times, just like the case in our country. In 1500, this nation did not simply worship any idols. Even though they did worship some, these idols were not so detestable as those worshipped by our Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Some of the gods were even very moral and well-known for their good conduct. As a matter of fact, in the most ancient and authoritative works of the literati, they only worshipped Heaven and Nature and their common master. When making a careful study of all these works, we may find few things contrary to reason, but instead, most of them are corresponding to reason. And their natural philosophers are no worse than anyone else.

    91. 441 World Map, Matteo Ricci, 1602
    Slide 441. world map, matteo ricci, 1602.
    Slide #441
    world map, Matteo Ricci, 1602

    92. The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci:Lots Of Good Books (Biography & Memoirs)
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    93. The Tomb Of Matteo Ricci
    The Tomb of matteo ricci. matteo ricci was born in 1552 of a noble Italian family. He first came to China in 1582 after studying the Chinese language in Macao.
    The Tomb of Matteo Ricci The tomb of the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci stands behind the French Church at 12 Maweigou (Horsetail Ditch) Road in the Fuchengmen district. Ricci died in Beijing in June 1610 at the age of 58. According to the code of the Ming Dynasty, foreigners who died in China had to be buried in Macao. The Jesuits made a special plea to the court, requesting a burial plot in Beijing in view of Ricci’ s contributions to China. Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty granted his permission and designated a Buddhist temple, which had been appropriated from a court eunuch for the purpose. In October of 1610, the Jesuit Father’ s remains were transferred to the tomb. Constructed of square bricks and surrounded by a brick wall, the tomb is entered through a decorative iron latticework gate. A pair of carved Ming stone vases still stands before the tomb, and a stone tiger from the same period stands outside the gate. Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 of a noble Italian family. He first came to China in 1582 after studying the Chinese language in Macao. He worked for a period in Zhaoqing, then the capital of Guangdong Province, and a number of other places before receiving permission to enter Beijing in 1601. Upon his arrival at eh capital, Ricci presented Emperor Wanli with maps of foreign countries, a chiming clock and other gifts, which induced the emperor to permit Ricci to carry on missionary work in Beijing, and to approve the building of the Southern Cathedral (Nantang), the first Catholic church in the city, near Xuanwumen.

    1. NAME OF CDROM DATABASE, matteo ricci Multimedia CD. 2. DATE OF 1st ISSUE, 1995. 3. ISSUEING AGENCY, Chinese Didactics Technologies
    NAME OF CD-ROM DATABASE Matteo Ricci Multimedia CD DATE OF 1st ISSUE ISSUEING AGENCY Chinese Didactics Technologies (CDT) Group of University Paris 7 DISTRIBUTION French CD-ROM Megastore and other CD-ROM distributors Taipei, Taiwan Fax: 008862 7193040 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS IBM compat. with Windows; Macintosh NUMBER OF CDs one PRICE 275 Fr. (about 46 USD) SHORT DESCRIPTION I have not seen this product. From the French description and the article published in the conference volume on "Modernization of publishing and editing Chinese ancient texts" (Beijing, July 22-24, 1995) it is clearly a "first aid" and introduction into Chinese writing and Chinese characters. As it was developed by the Chinese Didactics Technologies Group of University Paris 7 the interface and the handbook are in French. The programm's purpose is to establish an "approach to the Chinese characters that would fully exploit in terms of animation the highly semantical and historical content of pictograms." (Beijing conference vol., Abstract p. 310).

    95. The Seattle Times: School Guide
    Seattle Preparatory School/matteo ricci College 2400 11th Ave. Up to 40 12thgraders attend Seattle University through matteo ricci program.

    96. Matteo Ricci College
    All. Search All Categories. Search Selected Category. Â 109 of 3127Â , GTCyberSource Record. Early College, matteo ricci College.

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    98. Hockey Sarzana - Tabellini Incontri Squadre Primavera - 2002-2003
    TABELLINI INCONTRI PRIMAVERA HOCKEY SARZANA - 2002/2003 Coppa Italia Primavera Zona 5 Girone B - 1^ giornata 1° incontro (posticipo) Viareggio (Varignano), 14.10.2002, 1900 AS Viareggio - Hockey Sarzana A Arbitro: Ferrari (Viareggio) Marcatori ASV HSA Cirami E. 4, Pinelli 3, Righetti AS VIAREGGIO : Limena Francesco (Toscano Emanuele), Limena Andrea, Vannucci Chiara, Vannucci Cinzia, Puosi Niccolò, Servi Daniele, Ballerini Davide HOCKEY SARZANA A : Berretta Mirko, Mazzei Andrea, Pinelli Alessio, Righetti Matteo, Cirami Emanuele, Cirami Luca Girone B - 1^ giornata 2° incontro (posticipo) Sarzana (Palestra Prov.), .10.2002, Hockey Sarzana B - CGC Viareggio Arbitro: Marcatori HSB Steffanini 3, De Rinaldis 3, Grassi 2 - CGC Ricci, Fortuna HOCKEY SARZANA B : Pastina Daniele, Rossi Alessandro, Grassi Marco, Di Donato Alessio, Steffanini Davide, De Rinaldis Francesco CGC VIAREGGIO : Bandieri Marco, Ricci Matteo, Fortuna Simone, Guidi Elia, Lenci Francesco, Brunelli Emiliano, Deinite Andrea, D'Anna Theo, Antonelli Massimo Girone B - 2^ giornata 1° incontro Viareggio (Varignano), 13.10.2002, 1500

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