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         Ricci Matteo:     more books (98)
  1. Benedicto XVI: Matteo Ricci y la inculturacion del Evangelio.(DOCUMENTOS): An article from: Mensaje by Unavailable, 2010-07-01
  2. Missionnaire Italien: Alphonse de Liguori, Antonio Zucchelli, Ippolito Desideri, Matteo Ricci, Roberto de Nobili, Alessandro Valignano (French Edition)
  3. Les Chercheurs de Dieu, tome 1 : Mère Teresa - Dom Bosco - Matteo Ricci by Marie-Noëlle Pichard, Pierre Dhombre, et all 1992-03-12
  4. Alessandro Valignano y Matteo Ricci, jesuitas mediadores entre dos mundos: Ambos misioneros marcaron una forma de hacer mision en la Compania de Jesus, ... An article from: Mensaje by Rafael Gaune, 2010-07-01
  5. Italian Jesuits: Robert Bellarmine, Charles Emmanuel Iv of Sardinia, Giulio Alenio, Lorenzo Magalotti, Alessandro Valignano, Matteo Ricci
  6. 1659 Births: Henry Purcell, Hyacinthe Rigaud, Georg Ernst Stahl, Charles Ancillon, William Wollaston, Sebastiano Ricci, Matteo Goffriller
  7. People From Macerata (City): Matteo Ricci, Giuseppe Tucci, Dino Pagliari, Giuseppe Gariboldi, Francesco Accarigi, Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni
  8. Translators to Latin: Matteo Ricci, Carolus Clusius, Robert Gentilis, Decimus Silanus, Jean Boivin the Younger, Arcadius Avellanus
  9. 1610 Deaths: Henry Iv of France, Caravaggio, Richard Bancroft, Matteo Ricci, Adam Elsheimer, Peter Love, Alonso de Sotomayor
  10. Explorateur de La Chine: Odoric de Pordenone, Matteo Ricci, Roy Chapman Andrews, Johann Grueber, Jorge Álvares (French Edition)
  11. Naissance à Macerata: Matteo Ricci, Dante Ferretti, Giuseppe Tucci, Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni, Lauro Rossi, Gino Bonichi (French Edition)
  12. Palácio da Memória de Matteo Ricci, O
  13. Ricci, Matteo15521610 Italian missionary to China: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students</i>
  14. Lettere Inedite Di Massimo D'azeglio A Suo Genero Matteo Ricci (1878) (Italian Edition) by Massimo D'Azeglio, 2010-09-10

61. - Die Religiöse Akkommodation Des Pater Matteo Ricci - Hauptsem
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Fachbereich: Ethik
Kategorie: Hauptseminararbeit (Hausarbeit)
Abgabedatum: September 2001 Seitenzahl: 20 Note: 1,0 Archivnummer: V11771 Diskussion zur Arbeit Es folgt ein kleiner Ausschnitt des gesamten Textes. Bei FIRSTGATE zahlen Sie einfach und sicher am Monatsende per Rechnung. Mehr Informationen. Infos zum Dateiformat. Es gelten unsere AGB. Thema: Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung 1.1. Forschungsgegenstand und Materiallage S. 3 1.2. Fragestellungen und Schwerpunkte der Arbeit S. 3 2. Riccis und die chinesischen Religionen 2.2. Riccis Beurteilung von Buddhismus und Taoismus S. 5 3. Akkommodation der Begriffe 3.1. Gottesbegriff 3.1.1. Geschichte und Gebrauch S. 8 3.1.3. Das Kruzifix und die Leidensgeschichte Christi S. 12 3.3. Die Seele S. 16 5. Literaturverzeichnis S. 20 6. Internetlinks S. 20 1. Einleitung 1.1. Forschungsgegenstand und Materiallage 1.2. Fragestellungen und Schwerpunkte der Arbeit 2. Riccis und die chinesischen Religionen

62. Modern History Sourcebook: Hsu Kuang-chi: Memorial To Fra Matteo Ricci, 1617
Back to Modern History SourceBook. Modern History Sourcebook Hsu Kuangchi Memorial to Fra matteo ricci, 1617. Su Kwangki, guardian
Back to Modern History SourceBook
Modern History Sourcebook:
Hsu Kuang-chi:
Memorial to Fra Matteo Ricci, 1617
Su Kwangki, guardian and tutor of the sons of the Imperial house, and Chancellor of the National Institute, respectfully presents this memorial: All their inhabitants have been thus intensely watchful only lest they should, by falling into error, become guilty of sinning against the Lord of Heaven. Accordingly it is most clear and most manifest that their laws assuredly can cause men to do well. Such is the religion and such are the manners and customs set forth by your majesty's courtiers; and having repeatedly, and in the most thorough manner, examined their discourses and investigated their books, your majesty's servant knows that they are all perfectly free from error. Your majesty's servant has heard of Yu Yu, the ancient minister of Sijung, who gave support to the Tsin dynasty in its rise to greatness; and of Kinjihshin, the heir of Siyih, who became an illustrious statesman of the Han dynasty. If these men could be of essential service to the state, it was of no moment whether they came from far or not. Now with regard to all the writers of these two sects, the Buddhist and Rationalists, so imperfect are their doctrines and so incomplete their laws of instruction, that, during this long period of two hundred and fifty years (since the rise of our dynasty), they have not been able to realize the designs of our august sovereign in giving them his special countenance. Were the High Ruler worshiped as reverently as Buddha and Lao Zi, and were your majesty's courtiers received as indulgently as the priests of those two sects, their royal instruction would rise and flourish, and the principles of rectitude be carried to such a degree of perfection, as to transcend all that was witnessed in the times of Lao and Shun and their immediate successors.

63. No. 1226: Ricci's Memory Palace
Historian Jonathan Spence picks a strange perspective from which to tell the story of Jesuit missionary matteo ricci. ricci went
No. 1226:
by John H. Lienhard
Click here for audio of Episode 1226. Today, a memory palace in an odd place and the wrong time. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. H istorian Jonathan Spence picks a strange perspective from which to tell the story of Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci. Ricci went to China in 1582 and spent the remaining 32 years of his life there. The Jesuits were only a generation old when Ricci joined them. They'd been formed in answer to the Protestant Reformation, and they offered an energetic and intellectual response to everything that'd gone bad in the late medieval church. Ricci brought blazing intelligence to the task of learning who the Chinese were and how to bring Christianity to them. He learned their language, technology, and culture. Then, in 1596, Ricci wrote

64. Ricci Ancestors
matteo ricci A Jesuit mathematician who learned fluent Chinese and established the first successful mission in China after others had failed and been expelled

FABIO RICCI (1930 - 2002) Chemical Engineer, worked around the world for various global organizations, opening new chemical plants in Colombia, China, Brazil, Puerto Rico, and India. His talent is in communicating changed project schedules and outcomes for plants in trouble.
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FRANCO MARIA RICCI - Publisher in Italy. Best known for museum quality publication of precious art objects and rare text. Sought after as a power-publisher, with well-known authors citing FMR as their publisher.
LORENZO RICCI - (1703-1775) Leader of the Jesuits from 1758 until his death while incarcerated in 1775. The Vatican was intimidated by the aggressive nature of the order’s missionary ventures and promulgation of "heretic" scientific endeavors. Once his protector, Pope Clement XIII died, Lorenzo along with his staff were imprisoned in an attempt to crush the order. Lorenzo died two years later in Castel Sant’ Angelo in Rome.
LUIGI RICCI was a translator with his most notable translation being The Prince [Back] MASSIMO RICCI (1946 - ) was born in 1946 and is an Architect and instructor at the University of Florence. The cupola of Santa Maria Del Fiore of Florence is the largest existing brick structure in the world. The size of the dome required a new construction method, which Brunelleschi proposed, but insisted on keeping secret. Since the completion of the dome in 1436, no one has been able to figure out how the dome was constructed, including Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and others. In 1977 Ricci began puzzling over the problem and proposed a solution in 1982 which was mathematically proven correct in 1983, and a scale model was built in 1985.

65. Matteo Ricci
Translate this page Convegno internazionale. matteo ricci PER UN DIALOGO TRA CINA E OCCIDENTE. 24 - 25 OTTOBRE 2001. Dott. C. Romiti Cina e Occidente ripartire da matteo ricci.
Convegno internazionale MATTEO RICCI: PER UN DIALOGO TRA CINA E OCCIDENTE 24 - 25 OTTOBRE 2001 Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Aula Magna
P.zza della Pilotta, 4 Roma Mercoledì 24 Ottobre ore 16.00 Registrazione partecipanti ore 16.30 Saluti di Padre F.Imoda, S.J
Rettore Pontificia Università Gregoriana Dott. C. Romiti
Cina e Occidente: ripartire da Matteo Ricci Card R.Etchegaray
Matteo Ricci:la religione, il dialogo e il rispetto della cultura locale Prof. Gu Wei-Ming
Relazioni tra Cina e Santa Sede nel XVII secolo Padre J. Witek, S.J.
Matteo Ricci:la storia, il suo tempo Sen. G.Andreotti
Matteo Ricci, un precursore eccezionale Giovedì 25 Ottobre ore 9.00 Prof. P. Corradini
L'opera culturale e missionaria di Matteo Ricci in Cina Prof. Lin Jinshui
Stato attuale delle ricerche condotte in Cina sulla personalità ed il lavoro di Ricci Prof. G. Ricciardolo Le Lettere e i Commentari dalla Cina ore 11.00 Coffee break ore 11.30 Prof. Huang Shijian L'opera cartografica di Matteo Ricci: il planisfero pubblicato a echino 400 anni fa Prof. F.Rurale

66. Tomb Of Matteo Ricci
Tomb of matteo ricci, first Jesuit to successfully infiltrate China. The Jesuit order infiltrated the Chinese courts in the 17th
Tomb of Matteo Ricci, first Jesuit to successfully infiltrate China. The Jesuit order infiltrated the Chinese courts in the 17th Century to open China for the Roman Catholic missions. Here, a number of scholars believe, the Jesuits carried out their program of destroying and altering historical records of competing Christian sects. B.G. Wilkinson, Truth Triumphant, p.359-364 previous document back to Index next document Approaching the End You are Visitor since May 2002 Ansys Autocad Stress Gtstrudl

67. MSN Encarta - Ricci, Matteo
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Abonnentenartikel MSN Encarta Premium: Holen Sie sich diesen Artikel, 47.000 weitere Artikel, einen interaktiven Atlas, W¶rterb¼cher und vieles mehr f¼r 29,95€/Jahr (zuz¼glich Steuern). Lernen Sie mehr. Dieser Artikel ist ausschlieŸlich f¼r Abonnenten von MSN Encarta Premium verf¼gbar. Sind Sie schon Abonennt? Melden Sie sich oben an. Ricci, Matteo Ricci, Matteo (1552-1610), italienischer Jesuitenmissionar, der den Chinesen erstmals ein Bild der westlichen Welt und den Europ¤ern eine detaillierte... Multimedia M¶chten Sie noch mehr von Encarta? Werden Sie noch heute Abonnent, und Sie erhalten Zugriff auf:
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68. The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci
Rezensionen matteo ricci (15521616), an Italian Jesuit, entered China in 1583 to spread Catholicism in the largely Confucian country.
The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci
von Jonathan D. Spence

Rezensionen: Matteo Ricci (1552-1616), an Italian Jesuit, entered China in 1583 to spread Catholicism in the largely Confucian country. In order to make a persuasive argument for the educated Chinese to abandon their traditional faith for the new one he was carrying, Ricci realized that he would have to prove the general superiority of Western culture. He did so by teaching young Confucian scholars tricks to increase their memory skillsan important advantage in a nation with countless laws and rituals that had to be learned by heart. Ricci attracted numerous students with this method; more important, Ricci came to have a sympathetic understanding for China that he communicated to Rome, and thence to the European nations at large. Spence's portrait of Ricci is a gem of historical writing. Gregory MacNamee Alle Rezensionen ansehen... Angebote zu The Memory Palace ab 1 Euro!
Siehe auch folgende Artikel: The Art of Memory von Frances A. Yates
Gedächtnis und Erinnern
von Frances A. Yates

69. Matteo Ricci
Translate this page matteo ricci (Sinologo, missionario Macerata 06/10/1552 - Pechino 11/05/1610). matteo ricci1.JPG (131006 byte). Primogenito di sette
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Matteo Ricci
(Sinologo, missionario Macerata 06/10/1552 - Pechino 11/05/1610) Primogenito di sette fratelli e quattro sorelle, apparteneva ad una delle famiglie più nobili di Macerata, dove studiò nel collegio dei Gesuiti e nel 1568 fu iniziato all'Università romana di giurisprudenza dal padre che lo voleva governatore presso la corte pontificia.
Contro il volere del padre però, nel 1571, inizio il noviziato nella Compagnia di Gesù a Roma.
Nel 1572 prese i voti, studiò lettere greche e lettere latine, segui il biennio di retorica e iniziò lo studio delle "scientiae naturales" presso la facoltà di filosofia del Collegio romano.
Nel 1577 manifestò la volontà di partire missionario e si diresse a Genova da cui partì alla volta di Lisbona unico imbarco obbligatorio per le missioni, ma dato che si poteva partire una sola volta l'anno, nel frattempo imparò il portoghese.
Nel 1578 riuscì finalmente a salpare per Goa che raggiunse solo dopo sei mesi di dura navigazione, e qui frequento il primo anno di teologia insegnando lettere nel collegio dei gesuiti e nel luglio del 1580 a 28 anni, fu ordinato sacerdote. Nel 1582 raggiunse Macao e imparò il cinese riuscendo a penetrare in quello che fino ad allora era considerato un territorio impervio per le tendenze xenofobe e sinocentriche di quel popolo.

70. Matematica - Rubriche - Lo Sapevate Che...
Translate this page matteo ricci. Clavius. ricci ed il compagno Paul Siu. Francobollo Cinese commemorativo. matteo ricci Un matematico gesuita nel Celeste Impero.
Matteo Ricci
Ricci ed il compagno Paul Siu
Francobollo Cinese commemorativo
Matteo Ricci
Un matematico gesuita nel Celeste Impero
Quattrocento anni fa - era l'anno 1601 - Matteo Ricci , gesuita maceratese, entrava a Pechino preceduto dalla fama di "Uomo saggio dell'Occidente", per rimanervi fino alla morte nel 1610.
Chi era Matteo Ricci?
Conosciuto nel Celeste impero con il nome di Li Madou Ricci Uomo colto, coraggioso e pieno di carisma, Ricci - allievo a Roma del matematico e astronomo Cristoforo Clavio - tradusse in lingua mandarina testi di astronomia e matematica, tra cui (insieme al letterato Xu Guanxi) i primi sei libri degli Elementi Raffinato conoscitore della lingua, tanto da compilare un dizionario cinese-portoghese, tradusse in latino i classici confuciani; fu autore di libri stampati e diffusi in Cina su temi religiosi e morali. In volgare scrisse Le mappe ricciane Ricci disegnò e fece stampare cinque versioni, via via più dettagliate, del suo famosissimo "mappamondo", capolavoro della cartografia dell'epoca: la prima a Zhaoqing nel 1584 e l'ultima a Pechino nel 1608, richiesta espressamente dall'imperatore Wanli. Molti dei nomi cinesi creati da Ricci per i paesi europei sono in uso ancora oggi.

71. Matteo Ricci, The Grand Design, And The Disaster Of The 'Rites Controversy'
9, 2001 of Executive Intelligence Review. matteo ricci, the Grand Design, and the Disaster of the Rites Controversy . by Michael Billington1
This article appears in the Nov. 9, 2001 of Executive Intelligence Review.
Matteo Ricci, the Grand Design, and
the Disaster of the 'Rites Controversy'
by Michael Billington The apology by Pope John Paul II for the past errors of the Catholic Church in its relations with China, and his appeal to Beijing to renew ties between the Vatican and the People's Republic of China (reproduced in this issue of EIR ), come at a time in which the Pope is playing a crucial role in the campaign to build an ecumenical alliance among the nations of Europe and Asia, as the only alternative to the descent into depression and war now threatening mankind. He chose to make this historic call in the name of Father Matteo Ricci, the Jesuit missionary who opened the first sustained Christian mission in China in 1581. The Pope described Father Ricci as "a precious connecting link between West and East, between European Renaissance culture and Chinese culture, and between the ancient and magnificent Chinese civilization and the world of Europe." As I shall briefly report here, Ricci's role was not limited to his own lifetime; rather, his ideas have been at the center of every subsequent effort to build a true alliance between the people of Europe and those of Asia, based on the principle of reason. As U.S. Democratic 2004 Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche said in his address to the Italian Institute for Asia, in Rome, on Oct. 16, an effort to build a world alliance among sovereign nations can never succeed if it is based on the mutual acceptance of each other's opinions, but only through a dialogue based upon a fundamental agreement on an

72. Catalogue Of The Catholic Central Library
Catalogue of the Catholic Central Library. List of titles in subject ricci, matteo, SJ. You searched for ricci, matteo, SJ . Church History ricci, matteo, SJ

73. Matteo Ricci
Découverte interactive...... Translate this page matteo ricci. Domaine. Type. Localisation. Langue. Didacticiel. Médiathèque monoposte (poste 9 à 10).
Matteo Ricci Domaine Type Localisation Langue Didacticiel Description : Langue : Chinois
Enregistrement/Impression : non

74. Christian Literature And Living
Copyright © 2001 MS Thirumalai. matteo ricci THE JOURNEY OF A JESUIT PRIEST IN THE MIDDLE KINGDOM. Miss Yiren Lu. 1. matteo ricci, UNPARALLELED JESUIT PRINCE.
Was blind, but now I see.
2 : 5 April 2003
We invite you to support this ministry. Contributions in support of this Ministry are tax-deductible. Kindly send your support to
Bethany Fellowship International
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Please write Thirumalai's Ministry in the memo column. BOOKS FOR YOU TO READ

75. Matteo Ricci
matteo ricci. Réalisateur Pasquale Squittieri Scénariste Giovanni Marchesi. Première sortie

76. Discoverers Web Alphabetical List R
matteo ricci (in Italian) The Illuminated Lantern Christianity in China 1 matteo ricci and the Jesuits Galileo Project ricci, matteo (factfile) matteo ricci
Pierre Esprit Radisson (France, 1636-1710)
1651: Captured by Iroquois. Escapes and lives as an interpreter in Fort Orange (present-day Albany) for some time.
1659-60: With Grosseilliers, makes a fur trading voyage to the north of Lake Superior, and hears that the area between Lake Superior and Hudson Bay was rich in beaver. Possibly reaches the upper Mississippi.
1661-3: With Grosseilliers, makes another fur trading expedition to the Lake Superior region and reaches James Bay.
1666: Having been fined for unlicensed fur trading, switches loyalty to England.
1668: Sets out on an English fur trading expedition to Hudson Bay, but is forced back by a storm near Ireland.
1674: Switches loyalty back to France, and later back to England.
The Virtual Museum of New-France: Pierre-Esprit Radisson. The Stateless Adventurer
Historic HBC: French version
The Hudson's Bay Company
John Rae (Scotland, 1813-1893)
1846: Maps the coast from Melville Peninsula to Boothia.
1847-9: Explores the coast between the Mackenzie and Coppermine Rivers, looking for Franklin.
1851: Looking for Franklin, explores the south coast of Victoria Island and Victoria Strait.

77. The Illuminated Lantern: Matteo Ricci And The Jesuits
ALL MOVIES in this category ». Christianity in China matteo ricci and the Jesuits ricci was a member or the Society of Jesus, also
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Related Movies Source of Love, The Ultimate Intelligence Final Justice Satan Returns ... Christianity in China
Matteo Ricci and the Jesuits Ricci was a member or the Society of Jesus, also called the Jesuits, founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola specifically to convert the heathen overseas. They conceived their mission as conquering the world for Christ. They placed great stress on education, and it was not by accident that Ricci was a deeply learned man with knowledge of a wide variety of subjects. Matteo Ricci was not the first Catholic missionary to enter China, that honor probably going to John of Montecorvino, a Franciscan, who went to the east in the first years of fourteenth century. He reports making many converts and staying at the court of the great Khan. But by the end of the fourteenth century, the Black Death devestated Europe and interest dissolved, while the eventual end of the Mongol empire and rise of the native Ming Dynasty rendered Central Asia impassible and China, having just expelled a foreign dynasty, inhospitable to further outside influences. Although John wrote in letters to Rome that he converted over six thousand, and built a church to minister to them, no trace remained by the time Matteo Ricci came to China at the turn of the 17th Century. When Ricci and his companions first entered China to preach in 1583 after rigorous study of the language while residing in Macao the year prior, they elected to dress in the same robes as a Buddhist priest, so that the people would understand they are people of religion. However, they soon realized that Buddhist priests had little social status in China, and in fact were considered to be lecherous drunks of ill repute. By 1594 Ricci decided to discard his grey robes and replace them with a scholar's robe. The transition was an immediate success with the literary class, who accepted him as an equal and thought highly of his knowledge, his friendliness, and his books, which he wrote in Chinese.

78. >>> <<< Primo Numero Della Nuova Rivista Del Matteo Ricci Institute
matteo ricci Institute di Macao.

79. >>> <<< A Film About Matteo Ricci, Bridge-builder Between China And
AsiaNews Asia News daily news from Asia, notizie dall Asia - A film about matteo ricci, bridge-builder between China and the West.

80. The University Of Scranton - Matteo Ricci, S.J.
matteo ricci, SJ. matteo ricci, SJ Click for a larger image.The Frontispiece. Rouleau, FA, ricci, matteo, The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 12 470-72.

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Matteo Ricci, S.J.
The Frontispiece
The Wise Man from the West .) Painted in 1610 by the Chinese brother Emmanuel Pereira (born Yu Wen-hui), who had learned his art from the Italian Jesuit, Giovanni Nicolao. The age is incorrect: Ricci died during his fifty-eighth year. Probably he himself believed he was older than that, for as ealy as 1571, when he entered the novitiate, he could not be certain whether his age was eighteen or nineteen. The portrait was taken to Rome in 1616 and displayed at the Jesuit house together with paintings of Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier. It still hangs there.
Who was Matteo Ricci?
Matteo Ricci was an Italian Jesuit priest and missionary, scientist, humanist, and educator–a Renaissance Man. He ranks as the most cultivated man of his time and "one of the most remarkable and brilliant men of history." The founder of the modern Chinese Church, Matteo Ricci is respected as a national figure even by the Chinese Communist Party. For Ricci, learning and academic excellence in the Jesuit way served as a magnet that could draw people to God. As with all things, learning comes from God, and finally, nothing is really secular. An authority on mathematics, astronomy, apologetics, literature, popular catechesis, poetry, and a lover of art and music, Ricci fascinated and attracted the Chinese intelligentsia. He approached evangelization primarily, but not solely, through the scientific apostolate.

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