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         Ricci Matteo:     more books (98)
  1. Matteo Ricci's Scientific Contribution to China by Henri; translated by Edward Chalmers Werne Bernard, 1935-01-01
  2. Matteo Ricci, le sage venu de l'occident by Vincent Cronin, 2010-05-10
  3. The intricacies of accommodation: the proselytizing strategy of Matteo Ricci.(Essay): An article from: Journal of World History by Yu Liu, 2008-12-01
  4. Translators to Chinese: Matteo Ricci, Dharmakema, Mou Zongsan, Zhi Qian, Xu Zhimo, John Glasgow Kerr, Lucifer Chu, Xiao Shuxian, Bian Zhilin
  5. Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci -- 1994 publication by Spence, 1994
  6. The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 1985 publication. by Jonatan DSpnc, 1985
  7. Translators From Latin: Robert Arnauld d'Andilly, Demetrius Chalcondyles, Matteo Ricci, Alexander de Rhodes, Sergio Badilla Castillo
  8. Matteo Ricci: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  9. Jésuite Italien: Carlo Maria Martini, Antonio Zucchelli, Ippolito Desideri, Robert Bellarmin, Matteo Ricci, Giuseppe Pecci, Claudio Acquaviva (French Edition)
  10. Geograph (16. Jahrhundert): John Dee, Johannes Corputius, Ladislaus Sunthaym, Duarte Pacheco Pereira, Leo Africanus, Matteo Ricci (German Edition)
  11. Italian Cartographers: Amerigo Vespucci, Matteo Ricci, Piero Falchetta, Sebastian Cabot, Marcantonio Barbaro, Ardito Desio, Vincenzo Coronelli
  12. Jesuit China Missions: Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, Giulio Alenio, Kunyu Wanguo Quantu, Alessandro Valignano, Ferdinand Verbiest, Matteo Ricci
  13. THE Wise Man from the West Matteo Ricci and his missin to china by Vincetn Cronin, 1984
  14. Matteo Ricci, S.J., y la cultura China.(IGLESIA): An article from: Mensaje by Nicolas Standaer, 2010-05-01

41. Matteo Ricci
matteo ricci. matteo ricci. Sommario - I. Vita - II. Opere - III. Apostolato. I. VITA - matteo ricci, pioniere delle
INDICE STORIA MATTEO RICCI Sommario - I. Vita - II. Opere - III. Apostolato. I. VITA - Matteo Ricci, pioniere delle missioni cattoliche moderne di Cina, nasce a Macerata il 6 ottobre 1552, studia diritto per tre anni (1568-'71) e il 15 agosto 1572 entra nel noviziato dei gesuiti a S. Andrea al Quirinale. Nel Collegio Romano segue i corsi di retorica e filosofia, e quelli di matematica, astronomia, cosmografia e altre scienze esatte sotto il celebre P. Cristoforo Clavio, lo scienziato tedesco, il cui nome è legato alla riforma del Calendario detto gregoriano (1572-'77). Raggiunge Goa, la base portoghese in India, il 13 settembre 1578 e nel 1582 inizia gli studi di cinese a Macau, sulla costa sud della Cina. L'allora visitatore generale delle missioni gesuitiche d'Oriente, il P. Alessandro Valignano (1539-1606), si proponeva di preparare alcuni uomini per un eventuale inizio delle missioni cattoliche all'interno della Cina, e aveva in precedenza designato anche Michele Ruggieri (1542-1607), che dal 1579 si dedicava a Macau allo studio della lingua e delle istituzioni cinesi. Dal 10 settembre 1583, Ricci e Ruggieri possono risiedere a Zhaoqing (prov. del Guangdong), allora residenza del governatore del Guangdong-Guangxi. Entrano in cordiale relazione con i letterati del luogo, interessandoli anche con oggetti europei quali un mappamondo, orologi, ecc. Ottengono il permesso di edificare nella città una casa, e una chiesa, che intitolano al "Fior dei Santi", cioè alla Vergine Maria.

42. “Matteo Ricci: Per Un Dialogo Tra Cina E Occidente” 
matteo ricci PER UN DIALOGO TRA CINA E OCCIDENTE. RAPPORTI. matteo ricci per un dialogo tra Cina e Occidente Roma, 24-25 ottobre 2001.
INDICE MONDO CINESE RAPPORTI "Matteo Ricci: per un dialogo tra Cina e Occidente"
Roma, 24-25 ottobre 2001 di Elisa Giunipero Il 24 e 25 ottobre scorsi si è svolto a Roma un convegno internazionale promosso dall'Istituto Italo Cinese per celebrare il quarto centenario dell'arrivo di Matteo Ricci a Pechino (1601/2001): a nessun altro straniero la dinastia Ming aveva mai concesso di abitare dentro le mura della capitale dell'impero. Il convegno è stato ospitato dalla Pontificia Università Gregoriana (anticamente Collegio Romano) dove studiò lo stesso Matteo Ricci.
Ad aprire i lavori un messaggio di Giovanni Paolo II ai convegnisti, letto dal Rettore della Gregoriana, padre Franco Imoda, messaggio tanto importante quanto inatteso. In esso il Papa ha chiesto perdono per gli errori commessi in passato da alcuni membri della chiesa cattolica nella loro azione in terra cinese, ha ricordato la sincera amicizia di Matteo Ricci e di molti missionari cattolici per la Cina e ha auspicato che vengano presto instaurate "vie concrete di comunicazione e collaborazione tra la Santa Sede e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese".
Al messaggio del Papa hanno fatto eco alcuni interventi che hanno toccato temi contemporanei. L'attualità della figura del missionario gesuita è stata infatti sottolineata dal Presidente dell'Istituto Italo Cinese, Cesare Romiti, dal card. Roger Etchegaray e da Giulio Andreotti, Presidente onorario dell'Istituto Italo Cinese.

43. Tomb Of Matteo Ricci (1610)
Tomb of matteo ricci (1610). matteo ricci s tomb is located two miles from the west gate of the Beijing city. The tomb is of the shape of a small hill.

    Tomb of Matteo Ricci (1610) Matteo Ricci's tomb is located two miles from the west gate of the Beijing city. The tomb is of the shape of a small hill. The title on the tomb reads, '1610, Pioneer of Christian Missionary'. There is a cross carved on the tomb with inscription in both Latin and Chinese. On the two sides are the tombs of Ferdinand Verbiest, and Jojann Adam Scall von Bell . Due to Ricci's achievements in China, the communist Chinese regards the tomb highly and has been doing a good job in up-keeping it and protecting the tomb from vandalism.
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44. O Dicionário Português-Chinês De Padre Matteo Ricci, S.J., (1552-1610)
Translate this page O Dicionário Português-Chinês de Padre matteo ricci, SJ, (1552-1610). O dicionário Português-Chinês de Padre matteo ricci, SJ, (1552-1610).
O Dicionário Português-Chinês de
Padre Matteo Ricci, S.J., (1552-1610)
Uma abordagem histórico-linguística
Joseph Abraham Levi
University Press of the South, Inc.
Published in the United States by:
University Press of the South, Inc.
5500 Prytania Street, Suite 421
New Orleans LA 70115 USA
Fax: (504) 866-2750
Tel: (504) 866-2791
web page: Printed on acid-free paper. Joseph Abraham Levi. O dicionário Português-Chinês de Padre Matteo Ricci, S.J., (1552-1610). Uma Abordagem Histórico-Linguística. First edition. Iberian Studies, 30. 135 p. Includes index and bibliography. Cover illustration: "Mapas-múndi e um chapéu de festa," Keith Fox, M.F.A. Aguarela, 11 x 14 ¾ polegadas. © 1987 Keith Fox, M.F.A. 1. China. 2. Jesuits. 3. Sixteenth Century. 4. Seventeenth Century. 5. Portuguese. 6. Chinese. 7. History. 8. Linguistics. 9. Dictionary. ISBN: 1-889431-38-9 (pbk.) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98-60776 Joseph Abraham Levi
is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the African American World Studies Program at the University of Iowa. He received his Ph.D. in Romance Philology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor of Portuguese at the University of Georgia. Esse trabalho é uma introdução ao, infelizmente, não tão famoso

45. East Asian Studies Documents: Matteo Ricci On China
Center. East Asian Studies Documents. matteo ricci on China. Clerics such as matteo ricci found much to admire in Chinese civilization. Here
USC-UCLA Joint East Asian Studies Center East Asian Studies Documents Matteo Ricci on China Printing in China Journal selections on Chinese government Other Ricci resources Printing in China Source: The Diary of Matthew Ricci , in Matthew Ricci, China in the Sixteenth Century , trans Louis Gallagher, (New York: Random House, 1942, 1970), as excerpted in William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Speigelvogel, World History , (Mineapolis/St. Paul: West, 1994), p. 652. [Duiker Introduction] One of the first sources of information about China were the Jesuits who served at the Wing court in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Clerics such as Matteo Ricci found much to admire in Chinese civilization. Here Ricci expresses a keen interest in Chinese printing methods, which at that time were well in advance of the techniques used in the West. "The art of printing was practiced in China at a date somewhat earlier than that assigned to the beginning to printing in Europe, which was about 1405. It is quite certain that the Chinese knew the art of printing at least five centuries ago, and some of them assert that printing was known to their people before the beginning of the Christian era, about 50 BCE Their method of printing differs widely from that employed in Europe, and our method would be quite impracticable for them because of the exceedingly large number of Chinese characters and symbols, At present they cut their charcters in a reverse position and in a simplified form, on a comparatively' small tablet made for the most part from the wood of the pear tree or the apple tree, although at times the wood of the jujube tree is also used for this purpose.

46. MTA
ricci, matteo (1552, Macerata – 1610, Peking) itáliai születésu katolikus teológus, filozófus, természettudós és filológus, misszionárius
Az MTA Filozófiai Kutatóintézetének
RICCI, Matteo R. több dél-kínai tartományt keresett fel és jó kapcsolatokat épített ki a helyi hivatalnokokkal, 1601-tõl pedig tevékenységét a fõvárosban, Pekingben folytatta, ahol a császári udvar és maga az uralkodó is felfigyelt rá. R. a buddhista szerzetesek módjára öltözött és viselkedett, kínai nevet használt és messzemenõkig alkalmazkodott a birodalom értelmiségi rétegének életmódjához. Ennek köszönhetõen munkatársaival lehetõséget kapott a keresztény hit terjesztésére, amelynek eredményeképpen 1610-ben Pekingben már 2000 körül volt a missziójához tartozó keresztények száma. Térítõ munkája során R. tudatosan új módszert választott; a külsõségek, sõt a liturgia vonatkozásában is alkalmazkodott a kínai, elsõsorban a konfuciánus hagyományhoz. Ennek legfontosabb részét kínai nyelvû bibliafordítása bizonyította, amelynek lapjain bátran adta vissza a kínai ember számára idegen fogalmakat a hagyományos kínai vallás és kultúra kifejezéseivel és hasonlóan járt el rövid kínai katekizmusa kidolgozásakor is. Udvari emberként, mandarinná történõ kinevezése idején nagy népszerûségre tett szert, hiszen mintegy húsz kínai nyelvû munkájában számos olyan geometriai, matematikai, csillagászati ismeretet közvetített, amely idegen volt a kínai tudomány számára, tapasztalatairól pedig a keresztény olvasóközönség számára több útleírást, beszámolót is készített. Tevékenysége így vált a misszió

47. Seattle University - Matteo Ricci College
Home Learning and teaching Colleges and Schools matteo ricci College. Seattle University Home, Quick links

Learning and teaching Colleges and Schools
Quick links... COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS @ SU - College of Arts and Sciences - Albers School of Business and Economics - School of Education - School of Law - Matteo Ricci College - School of Nursing - School of Science and Engineering - School of Theology and Ministry (All Academic programs A-Z) SERVICES AND DEPARTMENTS @ SU - Alumni Relations - Athletics Department - Bookstore - Housing and Food - Human Resources - Information Technology - Lemieux Library - Public Relations - Public Safety - Registrar's Office - Student Financial Services (All services A-Z)
Seattle University
900 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122-4340 (206) 296-6000

48. Matteo Ricci College Enrollment Breakdown, 1991-1999
matteo ricci College Enrollment Breakdown. Year, Total, Female, Male, Avg Age, FT, PT, matteo ricci College, 2001, 130, 69, 61, 19, 124, 6. 2000, 131, 75, 56, 20, 119, 12.
Matteo Ricci College
Enrollment Breakdown
Year Total Female Male Avg Age FT PT View Breakdown by Ethnicity View Breakdown by Class Level Matteo Ricci
Abbreviations: Avg Age: Average age of enrolled students
FT: Full-time
PT: Part-time

Year Total A/P Blk Hisp Mult NA Wht NRA Unk View Breakdown by Class Level Matteo Ricci
Abbreviations: A/P: Asian or Pacific Islander
Blk: Black/African-American, not Hispanic
Hisp: Hispanic
Mult: Multicultural (note: this designation was not available to students before 1998)
NA: Native American Wht: White, not Hispanic NRA: Non-Resident Alien Unk: Ethnicity unknown
Year Total Fr So Jr Sr View Breakdown by Ethnicity Matteo Ricci College Abbreviations: Fr: Freshman So: Sophomore Jr: Junior Sr: Senior PB: Post-Baccalaureate NM: Non-Matriculated Oth: Other (note: includes PB and NM students before 1998) Last Updated on 2/2002 By Bonita Kroon

49. MSN Encarta - Ricci, Matteo
Already a subscriber? Sign in above. ricci, matteo. Find more about ricci, matteo from, Other Features from Encarta. Search Encarta for ricci, matteo.
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Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Ricci, Matteo Ricci, Matteo (1552-1610), Italian Jesuit missionary, who gave the Chinese their first understanding of the West and provided Europeans with an... Related Items picture of Matteo Ricci Multimedia Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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50. Francis Xavier And Matteo Ricci
Global Christianity, Francis Xavier and matteo ricci (1506 1552) and (1552 - 1610). In 1583 the Jesuit matteo ricci reached China.
Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci
(1506 - 1552) and (1552 - 1610) Global Christianity
Roman Catholic missionaries to India and the Far East.

Matteo Ricci When the King of Portugal requested that missionaries be sent to colonies in the Orient, Ignatius of Loyola persecutions in Japan
Luther Seminary Photo courtesy of the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History.

51. China-bound Matteo Ricci Born
October 6, 1552 • matteo ricci Intrigued China. From That ia why matteo ricci was traveling disguised as a Buddhist monk. The
Christian History Institute tell a friend home contact us free newsletter ... get Glimpses BROWSE OUR INFO-PACKED PAGES Get our free newsletter. Order Glimpses or Kid's Glimpses. Who was born this day? It happened this day in church history. Back issues of Glimpses bulletins. Back issue of Kids' Glimpses Excerpts from Christian Heritage Library. Archive of earlier daily stories. Early church to 600 AD. Century-by-century thru church history. 100 most important church events. Supplemental stories. Stories behind famous sayings. Great Christian women. Dare we ask? Oddities and curiosities. Factoids: Interesting tidbits. Test your knowledge with these quizzes. Things to know about us. We need your support. Rate how we are doing. Best books. Where to find what in our site. Links to other sites. Index a b c d ... z
What Happened this Day in Church History
yesterday: council to calm a quarrel tomorrow: Lottie Moon reaches China FEATURES
From behind, the man who boarded the sampan bound for China looked like a Buddhist monk. Seen face to face, it came as a shock that he was a westerner. A Portuguese trader, perhaps? But no, he wasn't pushing wares. The intelligence stamped on his face suggested something more scholarly. And who knows what might be in his bag? In the 16th century, the Chinese prided themselves on being the most ancient civilization of the world, the only real civilization. They did not believe they had much to learn from foreigners. Chinese statesmen feared the destabilizing effects of religious innovations. Because of this, every attempt to introduce Christianity into China met with rejection. That ia why Matteo Ricci was traveling disguised as a Buddhist monk. The gospel had to get to Peking and he thought he had found the right lures. That's what was in his bag

52. The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci
The Memory Palace of matteo ricci Search for books at The Memory Palace of matteo ricci.

Search High Volume Orders Links ... Yitzhak Rabin Additional Subjects David Downton Jose Ramon Fernandez The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon J. P. Cross ... 20th Century History
The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci
Written by Jonathan D. Spence
Published by Viking Press (June 1994)
ISBN 0140080988
Price $14.95
Book Description Matteo Ricci (1552-1616), an Italian Jesuit, entered China in 1583 to spread Catholicism in the largely Confucian country. In order to make a persuasive argument for the educated Chinese to abandon their traditional faith for the new one he was carrying, Ricci realized that he would have to prove the general superiority of Western culture. He did so by teaching young Confucian scholars tricks to increase their memory skillsan important advantage in a nation with countless laws and rituals that had to be learned by heart. Ricci attracted numerous students with this method; more important, Ricci came to have a sympathetic understanding for China that he communicated to Rome, and thence to the European nations at large. Spence's portrait of Ricci is a gem of historical writing. Gregory MacNamee Customer Reviews Having been hipped to the existence of the phenomenon of memorypalaces by the books of Thomas Harris, (I'd forgotten all about themafter reading one of Tom Wujec's earlier books) I was lookingforward to finding a how-to book on the subject.The Memory Palaces Of Matteo Ricci, however, is, again not it.I already felt burned by Francis Yates' "Art Of Memory", whichis more about Hermeticism than the purported subject.Interesting though it may be, the book is mainly about Ricci'slife and times as a Jesuit missionary in China, something I wouldhave gotten from any biography about the man, which in fact this is.There is some cursory mention made of the principles of using locifor the purpose of memory, but that's it. Not even Ricci's ownmethod is ananlyzed or discussed in great detail.

53. Matteo Ricci College - Encyclopedia Article About Matteo Ricci College. Free Acc
encyclopedia article about matteo ricci College. matteo ricci College in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. matteo ricci College. Ricci College
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Matteo Ricci College
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The Matteo Ricci College at Seattle University Seattle University is a Jesuit university located on Seattle, Washington's First Hill, the first Jesuit college to accept women (1933). It was founded in 1891 as the School of the Immaculate Conception by Father Victor Garrand and Father Adrian Sweere in Downtown Seattle. Two years later construction began on the First Hill campus. There was a name change to Seattle College in 1898, and 11 years later the college awarded its first BAs. Seattle College became Seattle University in 1948.
Click the link for more information. is an institution of higher learning open to students from Seattle Preparatory School and select other area high schools Secondary education , or secondary school , is a period of education which follows directly after primary education (such as middle school or elementary school), and which may be followed by tertiary or "post-secondary" education. The purpose of a secondary education can be to prepare for either higher education or vocational training. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of education, with middle school covering any gaps. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. Primary and secondary education together are sometimes (in particular, in Canada and the United States) referred to as "

54. Matteo Ricci --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, ricci , matteo Britannica Concise. born Oct. 6, 1552, Macerata, Papal States died May 11, 1610, China matteo ricci.

55. Walking Map: (7) Grave Of Matteo Ricci
The Grave of matteo ricci A sight on the Walking Map of Beijing s West End. Brief introduction, photo, and details for visitors. (7) Grave of matteo ricci,
Grave of Matteo Ricci Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) was an Italian Jesuit mathematician who introduced Western learning to China during the Ming dynasty, impressing the Emperor with his accurate prediction of a solar eclipse. The grave is inside the Communist Party's Beijing City Committee Party School. ID (passport) may be required at the gate. Entry is by the main entrance in the north or by the southern gate, located on a side street. The northern gate is easiest to find. The grave is clearly visible inside its enclosure, but if you want a closer look, contact the school's International Exchange and Cooperation Office. 35 mins walk from the hotel via Xiyuan Hotel grounds. Tel: 6800 7279
Sites about Matteo Ricci and his grave: Matteo Ricci, SJ (1552 to 1610) and his contributions to science in China
Mathematicians: Matteo Ricci

Catholic Encclopedia: Matteo Ricci

China's Grave Memories
Back to Walking Map

56. Istituto Matteo Ricci
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57. MBA 604 Orange Seeds: Building The Palace
Building the Palace. In 1596 matteo ricci taught the Chinese how to build a memory palace. The Memory Palace of matteo ricci Jonathan D. Spence Viking, 1994.
Warning : This web at is two years old, it's unattended, and the links are rotting. However, in June 2000, the server recorded over 10,000 page requests during more than 3,000 visitor sessions from dozens of countries. Thus, I'm reluctant to take it down completely.
Get much of the info new and fresh: Ricci Street MBA 604 marketing
... discussion forum Building the Palace In 1596 Matteo Ricci taught the Chinese how to build a memory palace . He told them that the size of the palace would depend on how much they wanted to remember: the most ambitious construction would consist of several hundred buildings of all shapes and sizes; "the more there are the better it will be," said Ricci, though he added that one did not have to build on a grandiose scale right away. One could create modest palaces, or one could build less dramatic structures such as a temple compound, a cluster of government offices, a public hostel, or a merchants' meeting lodge. If one wished to begin on a still smaller scale, then one could erect a simple reception hall, a pavilion, or a studio. And if one wanted an intimate space one could use just the corner of a pavilion, or an altar in a temple, or even such a homely object as a wardrobe or a divan. In summarizing this memory system, he explained that these palaces, pavilions, divans were mental structures to be kept in one's head, not solid objects to be literally constructed out of "real" materials. Ricci suggested that there were three main options for such memory locations.

58. East Meets West - Matteo Ricci -
matteo ricci, a Jesuit priest, was the first missionary to China to make much of an impact, though the legacy he left had much more to do with science than

Asian History
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59. Jonathan Spence On Matteo Ricci's Art Of Memory
Jonathan Spence on matteo ricci s art of memory. Nya media startsida. In 1596 matteo ricci taught the Chinese how to build a memory palace.
1.21. Minneskonsten efter antiken Jonathan Spence on Matteo Ricci's art of memory In 1577, the Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci set out from Italy to bring Christian faith and Western thought to Ming dynasty China. To capture the complex emotional and religious drama of Ricci's extraodinary life, Jonathan Spence has shifted away from conventional biographical techniques, and he relates his subject's life to several images that Ricci himself created - four images derived from events in the Bible and others from a book on the art of memory that Ricci wrote in Chinese and circulated among members of the Ming dynasty's elite. From the Publisher of
Jonathan D. Spence: The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci Jonathan D. Spence: The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci (London: Penguin Books, 1984). NYA MEDIA OCH FALLET SOKRATES Thomas av Aquino och minneskonsten Peter Ramus och minneskonsten Giulio Camillos minnesteater Nya media och fallet Sokrates

60. Matteo Ricci And The Art Of Memory
Nya media startsida. One important proponent of the art of memory in the Renaissance was matteo ricci, the first Jesuit to visit China.
1.21. Minneskonsten efter antiken Peter Ramus and the art of memory One important proponent of the art of memory in the Renaissance was Matteo Ricci, the first Jesuit to visit China. His use of the art made a huge impression on the Confucian scholars of his day. The uses of spatiality - Mnemonic uses of space (SIMA, University of Manchester) NYA MEDIA OCH FALLET SOKRATES Jonathan Spence on Matteo Ricci's art of memory Nya media och fallet Sokrates

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