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         Ricci Matteo:     more books (98)
  1. Die Chinamission des Pater Matteo Ricci (German Edition) by Andreas Hönicke, 2007-07-25
  2. O Dicionário Portuguêse-Chinês de Mateo Ricci by Joseph Abraham Levi, 1998-11
  3. I Miei Ricordi, Volume 2 (Italian Edition) by Massimo D' Azeglio, Matteo Ricci, 2010-04-04
  4. I Miei Ricordi, Volume 1 (Italian Edition) by Massimo D' Azeglio, Matteo Ricci, 2010-03-25
  5. Della Istorie Di Erodoto V3 (1881) (Italian Edition) by Matteo Ricci, 2010-04-18
  6. Scritti Postumi Di Massimo D'azeglio (Italian Edition) by Massimo D' Azeglio, Matteo Ricci, 2010-02-16
  7. Scritti Postumi Di Massimo D'azeglio, Volume 1 (Italian Edition) by Massimo D' Azeglio, Matteo Ricci, 2010-03-20
  8. Matteo Ricci
  9. El Palacio De LA Memoria De Matteo Ricci (Spanish Edition) by Jonathan D. Spence, 2002-08
  10. Strange Names of God: The Missionary Translation of the Divine Name and the Chinese Responses to Matteo Ricci's "Shangti" in Late Ming China, 1583-1644.(Book ... Bulletin of Missionary Research by John T.P. Lai, 2007-01-01
  11. Stitching Porcelain: After Matteo Ricci in Sixteenth-Century China by Deborah Larsen, 1991
  12. Preaching Christ in Late Ming China, Jesuits' presentation of Christ from Matteo Ricci to Giulio Aleni by Gianni Criveller, 1997
  13. RICCI, MATTEO: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Religion</i> by Julia Ching, 2005
  14. Lettere Inedite Di Massimo D'azeglio A Suo Genero Matteo Ricci (1878) (Italian Edition) by Massimo D'Azeglio, 2010-09-10

21. Knights Of Columbus - Matteo Ricci Council #10119
The matteo ricci Council of Calgary, Alberta.
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Our History Our Present Executive Our Charter Members Our Current Members ... OLPH Church Bus Driver Schedule 2001 Matteo Ricci Council #10119 Calgary Chapter Homepage By: ProHealth Information Technologies Maintain By: SK John Luk
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23. Ricci, Matteo. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ricci, matteo. 1. See H. Bernard, matteo ricci’s Scientific Contribution to China (1937, repr.
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24. Ricci, Matteo
Pronunciation Key. ricci, matteo , 15521610, Italian missionary to China of 16thcentury Italian Jesuit matteo ricci ( Weekend Edition - Sunday (NPR))Heralding ricci; pope sets
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ricci, matteo (15521610), Italian missionary to China, was bOrn of a noble family at Macerata in the March of Ancona on the 7th of October 1552. matteo ricci.
RICCI, MATTEO (1552-1610), Italian missionary to China, was bOrn of a noble family at Macerata in the March of Ancona on the 7th of October 1552. After some education at a Jesuit college ,in his native town he went to study law at Rome, where in 1571, in opposition to his fathers wishes, he joined the Society of Jesus. In 1577 Ricci and other students offered themselves for the East Indian missions. Ricci, without visiting his family to take leave, proceeded to Portugal. His comrades were Rudolfo Acquaviva, Nicolas Spinola, Francesco Pasio and Michele Ruggieri, all afterwards, like Ricci himself, famous in the Jesuit annals. They arrived at Goa in September 1578. After four years spent in India, Ricci was summoned to the task of opening China to evangelization. During his stay here Ricci was convinced that a mistake had been made in adopting a dress resembling that of the bonzes, a class who were the objects either of superstition or of contempt. With the sanction of the visitor it was ordered that in future the missionaries should adopt the costumes of Chinese literates, and, in fact, they before long adoptedChinese manners altogether. Chang-chow, as a station, did not prove a happy selection, but it was not till 1595 that an opportunity occurred of travelling nOrthward. For some time Riccis residence was at Nan-changfu, the capital of Kiang-si; but in 1598 he was able to proceed under favorable conditions to Nan-king, and thence for the first time to Peking, which had all along been the goal of his missionary ambition. But circumstances were not then propitious, and the party had to return to Nan-king. The fame of the presents which they carried had, however, reached the court, and the Jesuits were summoned north again, and on the 24th of January 1601 they entered the capital. Wan-li, the emperor of the Ming dynasty, in those days lived in seclusion, and saw no one but his women and the eunuchs. But the missionaiies were summoned to the palace; their presents were immensely admired, and the emperor had the curiosity to send for portraits of the fathers themselves.

26. Ricci, Matteo
ricci, matteo mättA'O rEt'chE Pronunciation Key. ricci, matteo , 15521610, Italian missionary to China. He entered the Society of Jesus, and in Rome he studied under Clavius.


Ricci, Matteo A O r E E Pronunciation Key Ricci, Matteo True Doctrine of God, which was widely printed in China. See H. Bernard, Matteo Ricci's Scientific Contribution to China (1937, repr. 1973); L. J. Gallagher, China in the Sixteenth Century: The Journals of Matteo Ricci (1953); V. Cronin, The Wise Man from the West The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Ricasoli, Bettino, Barone
Riccio, Andrea
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28. RICCI, Matteo
Translate this page ricci, matteo, Jesuit, Gründer der modernen Chinamission, * 6.10. 1552 in Macerata (Mark Ancona) als Sohn vornehmer Eltern, + 11.5. 1610 in Peking.
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Band VIII (1994) Spalten 181-185 Autor: Walter Demel Werke: Lit.: (London 1931 ); - Henri Bernard [-Maître], Aux portes de la Chine. Les missionnaires du XVI e e et XVIII e siècles, Louvain-Paris 1962; - George H. Dunne, Generation of Giants. The Story of the Jesuits in China in the last Decades of the Ming Dynasty, Notre Dame/Ind. 1962; - Otello Gentili, L'apostolo della Cina - P. M.R. S.J. (1552-1610), Macerata 1963 ; - Fernando Bortone, P. M.R. S. I.: il »Saggio d'occidente«, Roma 1965 ; - Ders., I Gesuiti alla corte di Pechino, Roma 1969; - René Étiemble, Les Jésuites en Chine (1552-1773). La Querelle des rites, Paris 1966; - Arnold H. Rowbotham, Missionary and Mandarin: The Jesuits at the Court of Peking, New York 1966 ; - George L. Harris, The Mission of M.R., S.J.: A Case Study of an Effort at Guided Cultural Change in The [sic] Sixteenth Century, in: Monumenta Serica 25 (1966) 1-168; - Paul Demiéville, The First Philosophic Contacts between Europe and China, in: Diogenes 58 (1967) 75-103; - Yves E. Raguin, Father R.s Presentation of Some Fundamental Theories of Buddhism, in: Chinese Culture 10 (1969) 37-43; - Paul A. Rule, Jesuit and Confucian? Chinese Religion in the Journals of M.R. S. J. 1583-1610, in: The Journal of Religious History 5 (1969) 105-124; - Ders., K'ung-tzu or Confucius. The Jesuit interpretation of Confucianism, Sydney-London-Boston 1986; - Nigel Cameron, Barbarians and Mandarins: Thirteen Centuries of Western Travelers in China, New York-Tokyo 1970; - Jacques Gernet, A propos des contacts entre la Chine et l'Europe aux XVII

29. Biografia De Ricci, Matteo
Translate this page ricci, matteo. (Macerata, 1552-Pekín, 1610) Misionero italiano. Jesuita en 1571, marchó a Extremo Oriente en 1577. En Pekín, el
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Ricci, Matteo (Macerata, 1552-Pekín, 1610) Misionero italiano. Jesuita en 1571, marchó a Extremo Oriente en 1577. En Pekín, el emperador le confió un cargo oficial como matemático y astrónomo. Fue el fundador de la misión católica en China y uno de los primeros sinólogos. Partiendo de los principios de la filosofía china, demostró que el cristianismo los realiza y sobrepasa. Sostenía también que los ritos celebrados en honor de Confucio y de los antepasados no tenían carácter idolátrico, opinión que fue criticada severamente en la controversia acerca de los ritos chinos . Dejó un libro de filosofía moral, que es un clásico de la literatura china. Son también muy importantes sus obras históricas y sus Comentarios Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

Sites Sermon Illustrations. Search Library Searched on keyword ricci, matteo No results found. Home, CT Mag,

31. - Matteo Ricci , Curriculum Matteo Ricci, Storia Matteo Ricci, Vita Mat
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Matteo Ricci
curriculum vitae Matteo Ricci . amici, amicizie, amicizia, camicie, frasi amicizia, Matteo Ricci, amicizia frasi, incontri amicizia, storia Matteo Ricci, amicizia amore, vita Matteo Ricci annunci donne che cercano amicizia, amici Matteo Ricci
amici .it ... Vincenzo Rossi

32. - Matteo Moretti , Curriculum Matteo Moretti, Storia Matteo Moretti, Vi
Translate this page Marta Rossi - Martina Bianchi - Martina Bruno - Martina Rossi - matteo Bruno - matteo Esposito - matteo Greco - matteo Moretti - matteo ricci - matteo Rizzo

Matteo Moretti
curriculum vitae Matteo Moretti . amici, amicizie, amicizia, camicie, frasi amicizia, Matteo Moretti, amicizia frasi, incontri amicizia, storia Matteo Moretti, amicizia amore, vita Matteo Moretti annunci donne che cercano amicizia, amici Matteo Moretti
amici .it ... Vincenzo Rossi

33. Matteo Ricci - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
ricci Roundtable on the History of Christianity in China ricci, matteo ? (15521610). Religious Affiliation Society of Jesus (Roman Catholic). ricci, matteo ? ? ? (October 6, 1552-May 11, 1610).
Matteo Ricci
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Map of the Far East by Matteo Ricci in 1602 Matteo Ricci ) was a Italian Jesuit priest whose missionary activity in China during the Ming Dynasty marked the beginning of modern Chinese Christianity . His introduction of western science , material, and thoughts inspired some traditional Confucianist literati and officials. His writings also introduced China to Europe , portraying China in a generally favorable light. Ricci arrived in south China in , and he arrived at Beijing in , where he presented himself at the Imperial court of Wanli Ricci is one of Life magazine's 100 most important people of the last millennium.
See also Religion in China
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34. Ricci Roundtable On The History Of Christianity In China
Author ricci, matteo, 15521610. Imprint Macerata Centro Studi ricciani, 1985. Li Madou shuxin ji ? ? ? ? ? ?, Author ricci, matteo, 1552-1610.

35. Fondazione Matteo Ricci
Fondazione matteo ricci. matteo ricci. Scuola matteo ricci.
Cerca nei documenti: Home Fondazione Scuola Rivista ... Link - Webmaster - Ricerche

36. Matteo Ricci
Matteo Ricci, gesuita del 500, annoverato tra i cento uomini pùi famosi della storia dell'umanità, insieme a
pochi altri insigni personaggi italiani come Michelangelo Buonarroti, Leonardo da Vinci e Guglielmo Marconi.
le rotte culturali attraverso un poderoso lavoro di introduzione della civiltà cinese ai popoli dellOccidente
e della civiltà europea a quelli dell'Estremo Oriente.
Si fece cinese con i cinesi e, facendosi chiamare Li Ma Dou, tradusse il suo fervore missionario in un
imponente lavoro culturale che fornì i primi strumenti di vero dialogo tra le due civiltà, come il primo
dizionario di cinese per gli occidentali (che quattro secoli dopo viene ancora edito a Parigi a suo
nome) e numerose traduzioni in cinese di classici antichi e di testi scientifici europei del Rinascimento.
Morì in Cina onorato alla Corte Imperiale come astronomo e matematico.
La Fondazione Matteo Ricci è stata così denominata proprio perchè si vuole rifare al metodo Ricciano di affronto delle altre culture; quello della vera condivisione ed integrazione nel rispetto delle relative identità: VITA OPERE E PENSIERO Home Fondazione Scuola ... Link - Webmaster - Ricerche

37. Matteo Ricci
Translate this page matteo ricci Un matematico gesuita nel Celeste Impero di Sara Sesti, In questa pagina trovate la foto della Tomba di matteo ricci.
la rivista di
Matteo Ricci
Un matematico gesuita nel Celeste Impero
di Sara Sesti

Quattrocento anni fa, era l'anno 1601, Matteo Ricci , gesuita maceratese, entrava a Pechino preceduto dalla fama di "Uomo saggio dell'Occidente", per rimanervi fino alla morte nel 1610. Un anniversario ricordato questo ottobre in Cina da ben due convegni Nella Home Page della trovate le informazioni sul Convegno del 24-25 ottobre 2001 dedicato a Matteo Ricci.
Il papa ha citato il matematico in due suoi discorsi; li trovate ai seguenti indirizzi: e Conosciuto nel Celeste impero con il nome di Li Madou
In questa pagina trovate la foto della Tomba di Matteo Ricci. Uomo colto, coraggioso e pieno di carisma, Ricci - allievo a Roma del matematico e astronomo Cristoforo Clavio - tradusse in lingua mandarina testi di astronomia e matematica, tra cui (insieme al letterato Xu Guanxi) i primi sei libri degli Elementi il privilegio imperiale di un terreno di sepoltura , privilegio che fu infatti accordato.

38. Matteo Ricci
matteo ricci PER UN DIALOGO TRA CINA E OCCIDENTE 1. Con intima gioia mi rivolgo a voi
Matteo Ricci
Il "rilancio", per così dire, è stato fatto nel 1982 per celebrare il quarto centenario del suo arrivo in Cina. In un discorso tenuto in quell'occasione alla
Matteo Ricci nasce a Macerata il 6 ottobre 1552, lo stesso anno in cui a Sanciano, di fronte a Canton, muore Francesco Xavier senza realizzare l'ambìto sogno di sbarcare nell' "Impero Celeste"; sarà proprio il Ricci, esatamente tret'anni dopo, a sstabilirsi nel territorio cinese e a fondare la prima missione cattolica a Sciaochin (oggi Zhaoqin).
A questi importanti contributi nel campo scientifico dobbiamo aggiungere quello nel campo specificamente religioso, come missionario dell'ancora giovane Compagnia di Gesù. Il suo metodo di evangelizzazione si può riassumere nella breve espressione «farsi cinese con i cinesi», cioè l' "inculturazione" linguistica, sociale, intellettuale e religiosa. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo si adeguò, anche nel modo di vivere esterno, alle usanze e tradizioni cinesi, cosa che non mancò di procurargli noie e critiche da altri missionari e talvolta anche dai confratelli.
G. Bellucci, S.J.

39. Matteo Ricci: Building The Palace
Welcome to the excerpt from Spence s The Memory Palace of matteo ricci on the server. matteo ricci, your host Patron.
Ricci Street Ricci Green Patron search ... bistro
Building the Palace
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Who was Matteo Ricci?

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Matteo Ricci on the Web
from The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci
Jonathan D. Spence
Viking, 1984 In 1596 Matteo Ricci taught the Chinese how to build a memory palace. He told them that the size of the palace would depend on how much they wanted to remember: the most ambitious construction would consist of several hundred buildings of all shapes and sizes; "the more there are the better it will be," said Ricci, though he added that one did not have to build on a grandiose scale right away. One could create modest palaces, or one could build less dramatic structures such as a temple compound, a cluster of government offices, a public hostel, or a merchants' meeting lodge. If one wished to begin on a still smaller scale, then one could erect a simple reception hall, a pavilion, or a studio. And if one wanted an intimate space one could use just the corner of a pavilion, or an altar in a temple, or even such a homely object as a wardrobe or a divan. In summarizing this memory system, he explained that these palaces, pavilions, divans were mental structures to be kept in one's head, not solid objects to be literally constructed out of "real" materials. Ricci suggested that there were three main options for such memory locations.

40. Matteo Ricci Maps On Ricci Green: Patron
Plutarch, Life of Theseus. matteo ricci s maps. up to the top of the page. matteo ricci, your host Patron. matteo ricci 1552 1610 Jesuit missionary.
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Matteo Ricci Maps
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In the time of Matteo Ricci

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Matteo Ricci's maps
Matteo Ricci's travels As geographers crowd into the edges of their maps parts of the world which they do not know about, adding notes in the margin to the effect that beyond this lies nothing but sandy deserts full of wild beasts, and unapproachable bogs.
Plutarch, Life of Theseus
Matteo Ricci's maps
The catalogue of Museo della Specola at the University of Bologna's Department of Astronomy has 16th Century maps, globes, and mathematical and astronomical instruments of the kind Matteo Ricci introduced to China. It also has two of his maps. The site uses frames, so this URL:
should get you to the correct frameset. Choose #65 Geographical map by Ricci. That page should show you this thumbnail of part of a world map he drew on rice paper in 1602. Clicking on it will display a larger (157K) image, well worth the wait. Carta Geografica Completa di tutti i Regni del Mondo
Complete Geographical Map of all the Regions of the World
by Matteo Ricci These are two of the six panels, showing the west coast of Africa on the left and the east coast of South America on the right.

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