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1. Syllogismos - Riccati Vincenzo Translate this page Matematica. A Letter by Vincenzo Riccati (1775). Una Lettera di VincenzoRiccati (1775). Padova. riccati vincenzo (1707-1775). p. 1 (nn). http://www.syllogismos.it/libristorici\riccativcuneo.htm | |
2. Syllogismos - Riccati Vincenzo Translate this page Matematica. A treatise by Vincenzo Riccati (1752). Un trattato di VincenzoRiccati (1752). Riccati riccati vincenzo (1707-1775). In this http://www.syllogismos.it/libristorici\riccativincenzo.htm | |
3. Mathematicians Born In Italy Translate this page Malfatti Mascheroni Maurolico Mengoli Monte Nightingale Pacioli Padoa Peano PieriPincherle, Plana Poleni Porta Jacopo riccati vincenzo Riccati Ricci-Curbastro http://www.archimedes-lab.org/borninItaly.html | |
4. Biography-center - Letter R mcs.stand.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/ riccati.html. riccati, vincenzo. www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/ Mathematicians/riccati_vincenzo.html. Ricci, Marco http://www.biography-center.com/r.html | |
5. Riccati_Vincenzo vincenzo riccati. vincenzo riccati was the second son of Jacopo riccatiand his early education was at home and from the Jesuits. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Riccati_Vincenzo.html | |
6. Riccati_Vincenzo Biography of vincenzo riccati (17071775) vincenzo riccati. Born 11 Jan 1707 in Castelfranco Veneto (near Treviso), Italy vincenzo riccati was the second son of Jacopo riccati and his early http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Riccati_Vincenzo.html | |
7. References For Riccati_Vincenzo References for vincenzo riccati. Articles GT Bagni, Differential equationsin the works of Jacopo and vincenzo riccati (Italian), Riv. Mat. Univ. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Riccati_Vincenzo.html | |
8. Riccati_Vincenzo Portrait vincenzo riccati. JOC/EFR September 2003 http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/ PictDisplay/riccati_vincenzo.html http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/PictDisplay/Riccati_Vincenzo.html | |
9. (ORESME, Nicole)., Nicole Oresme And The Medieval Geometry Of Qualities And Moti riccati, vincenzo. Dialogo dove ne Congressi di piu Giornate delleForze Vive e dell Azioni delle Forze Morte si tien Discorso. http://www.polybiblio.com/jahill/HillBibl-Selections692.0.html | |
10. RICCATI, Vincenzo;, Dialogo Dove Ne' Congressi Di Piu'giornate Delle Forze Vive delle Forze Vive e dell azioni delle Forze Morte si tien Discorso. http://www.polybiblio.com/basane/593.html | |
11. Biografia De Riccati, Vincenzo Translate this page riccati, vincenzo. (Castelfranco, 1707-Bolonia, 1775) Matemático italiano.Miembro de la Compañía de Jesús, ejerció la docencia en Bolonia. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/r/riccati_vincenzo.htm | |
12. Índice Alfabético - R Translate this page II el Bueno Ricardo III, llamado el Jorobado Ricardo, David Ricardos, Antonio Ricasoli,Bettino, barón riccati, Jacopo Francesco riccati, vincenzo Ricci o Rizi http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/r/index0009.htm | |
13. Sources For The Math Symbols And Words Pages riccati, vincenzo. Vincentii riccati Soc. Jesu Opusculorum ad res physicas, mathematicas pertinentium tomus primus http://members.aol.com/jeff570/sources.html | |
14. Jonathan A. Hill Catalogue 158W - Section 1, Items 1 - 17 Selections692. riccati, vincenzo.Dialogo dove ne' Congressi di piu' Giornate delle Forze Vive First edition. riccati (1707-75), a member of the distinguished mathematical family http://www.bookmarque.net/J.Hill/PageGenerator.cfm?CFID=89131&CFTOKEN=132480 |
15. Bibliography For Edward Waring Merril, London, 1760. vincenzo riccati. Esame del metodo, col quale il Chiarissimo Sig e filologici, XXI(XV), 1771. vincenzo riccati. Esame del metodo, col quale il Dottissimo Sig http://coldrain.net/lucas/waring-bib.html |
16. Provider Veneto (2) Su Scovato! Translate this page www.nelmiocomune.com 27 www.informacitta.it vincenzo riccati (ing).Castelfranco Veneto Provider. Punti PresenzaNettuno. Seven http://www.scovato.it/internet/internet_provider/provider Veneto-2.html | |
17. [HM] New Fermat Stamp; M For Slope (sorry) By Jeff Miller advised of a use of m for slope by vincenzo riccati. This of course is much earlier than 1842 earliest use I was aware of. riccati used y = mx + n http://mathforum.com/epigone/historia_matematica/rerdgrerkeld | |
18. List Of Mathematical Topics (P-R) Rhumb line Ribet Ribet, Ken A riccati equations Ricci curvature Ricciflow riccati, Jacopo Francesco riccati, vincenzo Rice s theorem http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_mathematical_topics__p_r_.html | |
19. WisFaq! Antwoord. Beste Alexander, Als Engels geen probleem voor je is kun jekijken op Jacopo riccati of zijn zoon vincenzo riccati Mvg Peter http://www.wisfaq.nl/showrecord3.asp?id=15528 |
20. Catalogo Articoli riccati, vincenzo Vincentii riccati De quarumdamformularum exponentialium integratione. De bononiensi scientiarum http://serials.cib.unibo.it/cgi-ser/start/it/spogli/ds-s.tcl?fasc_issn=1122-4150 |
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