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81. El Oso And El Moreno » Another Assimilation Article .. Published in Latin in 1540, the book is one of the few remaining first editionsof the Narratio prima by German mathematician georg joachim rheticus. http://www.el-oso.net/blog/archives/2004/05/04/another-assimilation-article/ | |
82. Book Review The American Historical Review, 107.5 The Howell has looked at secondary actors as well; for example, on the Protestant sidewere the mathematician georg joachim rheticus, who helped pry Copernicus s http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/107.5/br_119.html | |
83. Lecture 5 1538, georg joachim rheticus (15141575) arrived in Torun to study withCopernicus. 1540, rheticus published Narratio Prima (First Account). http://eee.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/ExploringtheCosmos/lecture5.html | |
84. Vitalog - The Book Of Life : Nicolaus COPERNICUS (1473 - 1543) - Personal Data The first description his heliocentric theory was published in 15401542 inthe Narratio Prima under the name of his pupil georg joachim rheticus. http://vitalog.com/cgi-bin/profile/content.cgi?id=1587 |
85. Frombork Museum georg joachim Rheticusim Druck, in welchen er die Theorie von Nicolaus Copernicus propagiert. http://www.frombork.art.pl/Nie08.htm | |
86. Jesse Kraai: The Newly-found Rheticus Lectures Translate this page This article discusses a hitherto unknown set of lectures presumably given byGeorg joachim rheticus, and taken down by several students in Wittenberg. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/acta/vol01/kraii.html | |
87. ERG Saalfeld - Zur Bedeutung Der Beiden E. Reinhold Translate this page Die erwähnten Astronomen und Mathematiker Erasmus Reinhold d. Ä. (1511-1553) undGeorg joachim von Jauchen, genannt rheticus (1514 bis etwa 1575) wirkten in http://www.erg.slf.th.schule.de/erasmus/buch.htm | |
88. Ureda - KOPERNIKANISCHE WENDE Translate this page Domherren beschäftigt war. Der Schlüssel heißt georg joachim RheticusLink , der der einzige Schüler Keplers war. Jener Vorarlberger http://www.ureda.de/php/lexikon/anzeige.php3?id=738 |
89. Rheintalflug Bei Www.1-einkaufen.de || Günstig Online Einkaufen. Schnäppchen, Translate this page .. Z Reutter, georg derÄltere - Richter, Staatsorgane (14/25) Rhein-Main-Donau-KanalRheticus Rhaeticus, georg joachim eigentlich GJ von Lauchen Rheintalflug http://www.1-einkaufen.de/index.php?keyword=rheintalflug&kat=99 |
90. Rheticus rheticus 151476, German astronomer, mathematician, and first disciple of Copernicus. In 1540 he printed a summary of heliocentric ideas in the Narratio prima and in 1542 supervised publication http://www.slider.com/enc/44000/Rheticus.htm |
91. Wirüberuns Translate this page Namensgeber ist der im Jahre 1514 in Feldkirch geborene Humanist GeorgJoachim rheticus. Derzeit hat der Verein etwa 750 Mitglieder. http://www.rheticus.com/wirueberuns.htm | |
92. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Belfast, Ireland Died 21 Feb 1912 in Watchet, Somerset, England rheticus, GeorgJoachim von Lauchen rheticus Born 16 Feb 1514 in Feldkirch, Austria Died 4 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=R |
93. The Copernicus Quest They tried to make a list of likely readers of De revolutionibus. georg JoachimRheticus, Copernicus s only disciple, surely would have been one. http://www.harvardmag.com/on-line/110301.html | |
94. Astrohistoire georg JoachimRheticus, grand admirateur de son travail, réussit à le convaincre de http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/planetica/astrohistoire/copernic.html | |
95. îÏ×ÁÑ áÓÔÒÏÌÏÇÉÞÅÓËÁÑ üÎÃÉËÌÏÐÅÄÉÑ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://encyclopedia.astrologer.ru/cgi-bin/guard/R/Rheticus.html |
96. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biographies - Nicolaus Copernicus http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/genscheda.asp?appl=SIM&xsl=biografia&lingua=ENG&c |
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