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         Rheticus Georg Joachim:     more books (16)
  1. The First Copernican: Georg Joachim Rheticus and the Rise of the Copernican Revolution by Dennis Danielson, 2006-10-31
  2. People From Vorarlberg: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Christian Klien, Marc Girardelli, Anton Sutterlüty, Ramazan Özcan, Rudolf Von Ems
  3. Austrian People by Period: Austrian Renaissance Humanists, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Johannes Cuspinianus, Wolfgang Lazius
  4. 1574 Deaths: Charles Ix of France, Giorgio Vasari, Selim Ii, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Martin Helwig, Georg Major, Cosimo I De' Medici
  5. Austrian Astronomers: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Harold Furth, Thomas Gold, Georg Von Peuerbach, Otto E. Neugebauer, Johann Palisa
  6. 1514 Births: Andreas Vesalius, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Tahmasp I, Francis Knollys, Daniele Barbaro, Peter Carew, Francis Hastings
  7. Austrian Renaissance Humanists: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Johannes Cuspinianus, Wolfgang Lazius, Erasmus Oswald Schreckenfuchs, Andreas Stoberl
  8. Personnalité de Kosice: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Liste de Personnalités de Kosice, François Ii Rákóczi, Adolf Lang, Frantisek Knapík (French Edition)
  9. German Astrologers: Johannes Kepler, Albertus Magnus, Philipp Melanchthon, Franz Mesmer, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Regiomontanus, Guido Von List
  10. Mathématicien Autrichien: Kurt Gödel, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Heinrich Tietze, Wilhelm Blaschke, Franz Josef Von Gerstner, Johann Radon (French Edition)
  11. German Cartographers: Gerardus Mercator, Martin Waldseemüller, Sebastian Münster, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Hartmann Schedel, Johann Homann
  12. Naissance Dans le Vorarlberg: Hermann Gmeiner, Jean-Charles Krafft, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Stefan Sagmeister, Harald Kloser, Anita Wachter (French Edition)
  13. Astronome Autrichien: Johann Palisa, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Georg Von Purbach, Christopher Grienberger, Robert Von Sterneck, Wilhelm Von Biela (French Edition)
  14. Austrian Mathematicians: Kurt Gödel, Christian Doppler, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Leopold Vietoris, Karl Menger, Georg Von Peuerbach, Emil Artin

81. El Oso And El Moreno » Another Assimilation Article
.. Published in Latin in 1540, the book is one of the few remaining first editionsof the Narratio prima by German mathematician georg joachim rheticus.
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El Oso and El Moreno
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Bluesocks in Tokyo: Fat folks
Bluesocks in Tokyo Wednesday, May 26, 2004 nmb Tuesday, May 4, 2004 An article in the NYT paints Chile as a South American underdog (not to mention oddball): unpopular, orderly, and lawful . ... I don t know enough about Chile to say what about this article, if anything, is suspect, but I am wary of its tone. ... For starters, it immediately identifies Chile as hypercapitalist (the author s exact word) and orderly though the author doesn t go so far as to explicitly tie these two together in any meaningful way and points out that these characteristics makes Chile atypical of its South American neighbors. ... This article 50 Plus Marketing.........

82. Book Review The American Historical Review, 107.5 The
Howell has looked at secondary actors as well; for example, on the Protestant sidewere the mathematician georg joachim rheticus, who helped pry Copernicus s
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Book Review
Europe: Early Modern and Modern
Kenneth J. Howell

83. Lecture 5
1538, georg joachim rheticus (15141575) arrived in Torun to study withCopernicus. 1540, rheticus published Narratio Prima (First Account).
Exploring the Cosmos
An Introduction to the History of Astronomy
Department of History
University of California, Irvine
Instructor: Dr. Barbara J. Becker Lecture 5.
Legacy of Arab Astronomy Abu Abdullah Al-Battani (858-929)
  • discovered movement of the sun's apogee evaluated the ecliptic's obliquity with great precision proved the variation of the apparent angular diameter of the sun suggested possibility of annular solar eclipses introduced spherical astronomy first to use expressions "sine" and "cosine" quoted by Copernicus
al-Mahani (b. 860)
  • predicted three lunar eclipses within an half hour's accuracy
Abd al-Rahman Al-Sufi (903-986)
  • Persian; worked in Baghdad compiled star catalogue of 1,018 stars wrote Kitab su-war al-kawakib Book on the Constellations of Fixed Stars described boundaries of constellations
Abul Wafa Muhammad al-Buzjani (940-997)
  • member of Baghdad School noted the irregularity of the Moon's highest altitude
Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (Alhazen) (965-1040)
  • critiqued aesthetic of Ptolemy's equant-deferent system felt that off-center circles and off-center motion violated spirit of uniform circular motion inspired the mathematical constructs of Al-Tusi and Al-Shatir
Abu Raihan al-Biruni (973-1048)
  • determined earth's circumference
Nur al-Din Ibn Ishaq al-Bitruji (Alpetragius) (d. 1204)

84. Vitalog - The Book Of Life : Nicolaus COPERNICUS (1473 - 1543) - Personal Data
The first description his heliocentric theory was published in 15401542 inthe Narratio Prima under the name of his pupil georg joachim rheticus.

85. Frombork Museum
georg joachim Rheticusim Druck, in welchen er die Theorie von Nicolaus Copernicus propagiert.
De Revolutionibus
- Buch I, Kapitel X.
"Die erste und oberste von allen Sphären ist die der Fixsterne, die sich selbst und alles andere enthält (...).
Es folgt als erster Planet der Saturn, der in dreißig Jahren seinen Umlauf vollendet. Hierauf Jupiter mit seinem zwölfjährigen Umlauf. Dann Mars, der in zwei Jahren seine Bahn durchläuft. Den vierten Platz in der Reihe nimmt der jährliche Kreislauf ein, in dem, wie wir gesagt haben, die Erde mit der Mondbahn als Enzykel enthalten ist. An fünfter Stelle kreist Venus in neun Monaten. Die sechste Stelle schließlich nimmt Merkur ein, der in einem Zeitraum von achtzig Tagen seinen Umlauf vollendet.
In der Mitte aber von allen steht die Sonne. Denn wer wollte diese Lauchte in diesem wunderschönenen Tempel an einen anderen oder besseren Ort setzen als dorthin, von wo aus sie das Ganze zugleich beleuchten kann! (...)". Beginn des Beobachtungszyklus der Planeten - Beobachtung des Mars. Beginnt das Buch I zu schreiben. Beobachtung der Sonnbahn, das Resultat derselben ist die Entdeckung, daß der Punkt der täglichen Sonnenbahn sich seit den Zeiten des Ptolomäus um über 30 Grad verschoben hat.

86. Jesse Kraai: The Newly-found Rheticus Lectures
Translate this page This article discusses a hitherto unknown set of lectures presumably given byGeorg joachim rheticus, and taken down by several students in Wittenberg.
Geschichte der Astronomie Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 1
The newly-found Rheticus lectures
Jesse Kraai, Bielefeld
Abstract This article discusses a hitherto unknown set of lectures presumably given by Georg Joachim Rheticus, and taken down by several students in Wittenberg. These lectures offer considerable insight into Rheticus' teaching activities shortly before the publication of De Revolutionibus (1543). The most salient aspects of this newly-found text may be summarized as follows: a) Rheticus was known among the students in Wittenberg as Joachimus Heliopolitanus, i.e. Joachim of the City of the Sun - a clear reference to Rheticus' stay in Frauenburg with Copernicus, b) Rheticus returned from his stay with Copernicus to Wittenberg for a short period of time in 1540 to fulfill his professorial obligations, and c) we have 155 folio pages which document Rheticus' introductory lectures on Astronomy. Zusammenfassung De Revolutionibus Bibliographische Angaben / Bibliographical details: Html-Version: Wolfgang R. Dick

87. ERG Saalfeld - Zur Bedeutung Der Beiden E. Reinhold
Translate this page Die erwähnten Astronomen und Mathematiker Erasmus Reinhold d. Ä. (1511-1553) undGeorg joachim von Jauchen, genannt rheticus (1514 bis etwa 1575) wirkten in
Aktuelles Unterricht E. Reinhold
Erasmus Reinhold
European Copernicanism to 1600
How far Joachim Rheticus' recently discovered treatise on holy scripture and the motion of the earth played any part in the reception of Copernicanism must be a matter for conjecture. It was not printed until 1651 and what ever happenend to its manuscript until then is entirelyunknown. But it was evidently not through Rheticus, but through alightly older colleague, that the cause of Copernicus was to be commended in Northern Europe. He was Erasmus Reinhold, Senior Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics at Wittenberg at the time that Rheticus held a Junior Professional Post in the same university.
Reinhold was the most influential astronomer in Northern Europe.
Erasmus Reinhold
Copernicanischen Theorie seine eigenen Tafeln, die Preussischen Tafeln auf.
ERG Saalfeld
HD. Kirmse Impressum ...

Translate this page Domherren beschäftigt war. Der Schlüssel heißt georg joachim RheticusLink , der der einzige Schüler Keplers war. Jener Vorarlberger

89. Rheintalflug Bei || Günstig Online Einkaufen. Schnäppchen,
Translate this page .. Z Reutter, georg derÄltere - Richter, Staatsorgane (14/25) Rhein-Main-Donau-KanalRheticus Rhaeticus, georg joachim eigentlich GJ von Lauchen Rheintalflug

90. Rheticus
rheticus 151476, German astronomer, mathematician, and first disciple of Copernicus. In 1540 he printed a summary of heliocentric ideas in the Narratio prima and in 1542 supervised publication

91. Wirüberuns
Translate this page Namensgeber ist der im Jahre 1514 in Feldkirch geborene Humanist GeorgJoachim rheticus. Derzeit hat der Verein etwa 750 Mitglieder.
Wir über uns Aus den Satzungen der Gesellschaft
Name, Sitz und Tätigkeitsbereich:
Der Verein führt den Namen "Rheticus-Gesellschaft", er hat seinen Sitz in 6800 Feldkirch und erstreckt seine Tätigkeit auf das Land Vorarlberg mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Vorarlberger Oberlandes. Der Verein, dessen Tätigkeit parteiunabhängig und nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet ist, bezweckt die Pflege, Förderung und Erforschung der Kultur, insbesondere der Geistes-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften. Die Rheticus - Gesellschaft wurde im Jahr 1976 auf Initiative des damaligen Kulturreferenten der Stadt Feldkirch gegründet. Namensgeber ist der im Jahre 1514 in Feldkirch geborene Humanist Georg Joachim Rheticus. Derzeit hat der Verein etwa 750 Mitglieder. Von aktiver Vereinsgeschichte zeugen über 34 Monographien, sowie die seit 1979 vierteljährlich erscheinenden Kulturinformationen "Rheticus" und das seit 1992 erscheinende "Kummenberg Heft". Mit zahlreichen Vorträgen, Exkursionen, Lesungen und Ausstellungen hat die Rheticus-Gesellschaft in den letzten Jahren die Vorarlberger Kulturszene wesentlich bereichert.

92. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
Belfast, Ireland Died 21 Feb 1912 in Watchet, Somerset, England rheticus, GeorgJoachim von Lauchen rheticus Born 16 Feb 1514 in Feldkirch, Austria Died 4

93. The Copernicus Quest
They tried to make a list of likely readers of De revolutionibus. georg JoachimRheticus, Copernicus s only disciple, surely would have been one.
Harvard University Harvard@Home Post.Harvard Home ... Donate
In This Issue November-December 2003 Contents
E-mail Updates Join our e-mail list to receive Editor's Highlights
November-December 2003 More features... Features The Copernicus Quest How an astrophysicist with a "collecting gene" became the world's authority on a revolutionary, allegedly unread book by Christopher Reed Owen Gingerich, Ph.D. '62, Copernicus looks over the shoulder of Gingerich, who has spent decades chasing the great one's work and has now chronicled the hunt in a sprightly book. The hunter's passport, along with evidence, discovered in his office, of a fondness for gastropods. Portrait and photographs of shells by Jim Harrison. Photomontage by Bartek Malysa Gingerich retired from teaching at the end of 1999 and took his farewell ride on the rocket cart at a reunion of former teaching fellows the next spring. But he is still obsessed by the book, as he has been for more than 30 years. It is the revolutionary work of Polish astronomer and cleric Nicolaus Copernicus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri sex

94. Astrohistoire
georg JoachimRheticus, grand admirateur de son travail, réussit à le convaincre de

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96. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biographies - Nicolaus Copernicus

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