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61. Encyclopedia: Georg Joachim Rheticus All pages. Everything you wanted to know about All pages but had Görtz. georg Henrik von Wright, georg Herwegh, georg joachim rheticus.georg Joseph Vogler, georg Ludwig von Maurer, georg Lukacs. georg http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Georg-Joachim-Rheticus | |
62. Sociedade Da Terra Redonda - Scientia: Astronomia No Renascimento Translate this page circulou apenas entre seus alunos e amigos, dentre os quais encontrava-se o matemáticoe astrônomo austríaco georg joachim von Lauchen (rheticus) (1514-1576 http://www.str.com.br/Scientia/astronomia3.htm | |
63. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Rheticus georg joachim rheticus who wrote the introduction to Copernicus work and gotit published in Nuremburg in 1543 is also credited with a posthumous work http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0031.html | |
64. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Rheticus georg joachim rheticus who wrote the introduction to Copernicus work and got itpublished in Nuremburg in 1543 is also credited with a posthumous work _Opus http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/sep98/0089.html | |
65. Vol 6 #2 316. Abstract. georg joachim rheticus (1514-1574) was central to thedevelopment and popularization of Copernicus heliocentric theory. http://www.cultureandcosmos.com/abstracts/vol_6_no_2_rheticus.htm | |
66. Nicholas Copernicus Translate this page Em 1539 chegou em Frauenburgo um jovem astrônomo, georg joachim (1514-1574),mas conhecido como rheticus, por ser originário de Rhaetia. http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/cop/ | |
67. OSSIANDER'S PREFACE The printing of the manuscript in Nürnberg was carried out under the general supervisionof georg joachim, known under the Latin name of rheticus, who was a http://condor.stcloudstate.edu/~physcrse/astr106/ossiander.html | |
68. Suggested Authors: HIST 320, Renaissance Creativity Phileno (ca. 15001575), theology; rheticus, georg joachim (1514-1574),science; Risner, Friedrich (d. 1580), science; Rio, Martin http://www.isu.edu/~owenjack/rencr/authors.html | |
69. SLS 17th Annual Conference In 1551, georg joachim rheticus (15141576), Copernicuss sole disciple, publishedhis biographical notes, and the first Copernicus portrait appeared 1574 in http://english.ttu.edu/SLS/slsAbstract/Panel_6/ConferenceAbstract_6C.html | |
70. Bionet Astrologie Translate this page nada más. El astrólogo georg joachim von Lauchen, llamado rheticus,estudió la doctrina copernicana. Copérnico, amargado, aceptó http://bionet.virtualmedia.es/Nuevo/articulos.asp?id=36&ttl=Copérnico |
71. Ortelius Bibliography rheticus, georg joachim (15141576) was a mathematician who worked with Schönerand Copernicus and disseminated Copernicans views in Narratio prima de http://www.orteliusmaps.com/ortbib/Ortbibsourcesr.htm | |
72. Encyclopedia4U - Georg Joachim Rheticus - Encyclopedia Article O ivljenju in delu Nikolaja Kopernika georg joachim von Lauchen (poznan tudi kot rheticus) ga je vseeno uspel prepricati,da je zacel pripravljati vecje in bolj podrobno delo, ki je kasneje http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/g/georg-joachim-rheticus.html | |
73. Uni Halle, FB Math./Inf., Virtual Museum georg joachim rheticus (1514-1574). http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/history/ | |
74. American Digest: Before Copernicus Published in Latin in 1540, the book is one of the few remaining first editionsof the Narratio prima by German mathematician georg joachim rheticus. http://www.americandigest.org/mt-archives/001175.html | |
75. Georg Werner [en] Letter Against Werner, the Narratio Prima of rheticus (Records of Civilization,Sources and Studies, No. 30.) by Nicolaus Copernicus, georg joachim De Libris http://www.archinform.net/arch/19192.htm | |
76. Of Lutheran's And Heliocentrism Gingrich doesn t go into detail about the arrival of the theory in Wittenberg buthe mentions georg joachim rheticus, the Lutheran mathematician and follower http://www.hypernote.com/C693235844/E1918793126/ | |
77. NCU - Patron georg joachim van Lauchen, known as rheticus, a young professor of mathematicsand astronomy at the University of Wittenberg, who came to Frombork in 1539 http://www.uni.torun.pl/en/university/patron/ | |
78. DLPS Error Page Finding Aid, Rhea (John) Letter. Finding Aid, rheticus (georg joachim)Manuscript. Finding Aid, Rhode Island Insurance Association Policy Book. http://kdl.kyvl.org/cgi/f/findaid/findaid-idx?page=Rb&c=kyead |
79. Digital Services Unit At The Linda Hall Library Predstavlennyia. Online Books and Exhibitions. georg joachim rheticus sNarratio Prima. george Catlin s North American Indian Portfolio. http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/services/digital/index.shtml | |
80. Narratio Prima to the Digital Services Home Page. georg joachim rheticus. NarratioPrima, 1540. Title page verso. larger view. front cover. title http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/services/digital/ebooks/rheticus/rheticus08.shtml | |
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