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         Rheticus Georg Joachim:     more books (16)
  1. Nom de Savant Latinisé: Nostradamus, Comenius, Johannes Trithemius, Abraham Ortelius, Hugo Grotius, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Beatus Rhenanus (French Edition)
  2. Three Copernican Treatises: The Commentariolus of Copernicus, the Letter Against Werner, the Narratio Prima of Rheticus (Records of Civilization, Sources and Studies, No. 30.) by Nicolaus Copernicus, Georg Joachim Rhaticus, 1971-06

21. Lauchen, Georg Joachim Von, Genannt Rheticus
Translate this page Lateinische Sprache - Lausecker, Karl (9/25). Laube, Heinrich, Lauda,Ernst. Lauchen, georg joachim von, genannt rheticus. Lauchen, georg
A B C D ... Lauda, Ernst
Lauchen, Georg Joachim von, genannt Rheticus
Lauchen, Georg Joachim von, genannt Rheticus, * 1514 Feldkirch ( Vorarlberg Slowakische Republik ), Astronom. Professor der Mathematik in Wittenberg; 1539-41 Mitarbeiter von Kopernikus, dessen Schriften er kommentierte. Begann die Berechnung 10-stelliger trigonometrischer Tafeln (1596 erschienen). Hinweise zum Lexikon Suche nach hierher verweisenden Seiten

22. Georg Joachim Rheticus - Encyclopedia Article About Georg Joachim Rheticus. Free
georg Herwegh encyclopedia article about georg Herwegh. Free georg Herwegh. Word Word. georg Herwegh was born in 1817 in Stuttgart.His father was an inkeeper. Joachim Rheticus
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Georg Joachim Rheticus
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in Centuries: 15th century - 16th century - 17th century Decades: 1460s 1470s 1480s 1490s 1500s - Years: 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 - Events
  • March - Louis XII of France makes peace with Emperor Maximilian
  • July - Peace between England and France
  • Melancholia I

Click the link for more information. at Feldkirch, Austria The Republic of Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe, a federation of nine states. Austria is bordered by Liechtenstein and Switzerland on the west, Italy and Slovenia on the south, Hungary and Slovakia on the east, and Germany and the Czech Republic on the north. Republik
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Click the link for more information. and died in Centuries: 15th century - 16th century - 17th century Decades: 1520s 1530s 1540s 1550s 1560s - Years: 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 -
  • April 14 - Battle of Mookerheyde. Spanish forces under Sancho de Avila defeat the rebel forces of Louis of Nassau. Louis is killed.
  • May 30 - On the death of King Charles IX of France, he is succeeded by his brother King Henry of Poland, who becomes King Henry III. His mother, Catherine de Medici, acts as Regent until Henry arrives from Poland.

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Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit

24. Rheticus
Translate this page georg joachim von Lauchen (aka /rheticus/RHETIKUS/RHÄTICUS/RHÄTIKUS)Born Feldkirch-Vorarlberg/Austria 16.Feb. 1514 Died Kassa 1574.

25. Rheticus
Translate this page georg joachim von Lauchen, rheticus. (1514-1576) Matemático alemánnacido en Feldkirch, un pueblo localizado en la provincia de
Georg Joachim von Lauchen, RHETICUS. (1514-1576)

26. Luther And Science
In the spring of that year, georg joachim rheticus, a professor of mathematicsat the University of Wittenberg, was granted a leave to visit Nicolaus

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Donald H. Kobe
Donald H. Kobe is professor of physics at the University of North Texas.
I. Introduction
The first chapter of Genesis teaches that God created the heavens and the earth. Orthodox theologians have taught that this creation is ex nihilo, out of nothing. This mode of creation means that there is a qualitative difference between the creator and his creation. The universe and the creatures in it are not emanations or extensions of God's being and therefore, do not share divinity with God [2]. Nevertheless, humans were created in God's image. Human beings are, therefore, spiritual as well as physical beings who are capable of rational thought. God gave humans dominion over the creatures and authority to name them, which implies a systematic approach to nature. He commanded humans to subdue the earth (i.e., have stewardship over it), which can be interpreted as the Judeo-Christian imperative to engage in what we now call science. Modern science developed during the Renaissance and the Reformation. The role of the latter on the development of science has sometimes been said to have been negative. In this paper the views of Martin Luther and his followers toward science, especially astronomy, are examined. Although they have been criticized as being negative and obstructionist, this criticism is without justification. Luther's attitude toward science in general is dealt with in Section II. Section III deals with his attitude toward Copernicus. The attitude of some of Luther's followers towards Copernicus is discussed in Section IV. The conclusion is given in Section V.

27. Personajes Segunda Quincena De Febrero
Translate this page 2ª QUINCENA DE FEBRERO. Febrero 16. rheticus (georg joachim von Lauchen)(1514-76) Astrónomo y matemático nacido en Feldkirch, Austria.
Personajes de la Astronomía y la Astronáutica QUINCENA DE FEBRERO Febrero Rheticus (Georg Joachim von Lauchen)
Astrónomo y matemático nacido en Feldkirch, Austria. De los primeros en adoptar y difundir la teoría heliocéntrica de N. Copernico , y uno de los principales promotores para que el astrónomo polaco publicara su " De Revolutionibus ". Construyó las mejores tablas trigonométricas que existieron en su tiempo. Publicó: «Narratio Prima» (1540, adelanto de la tesis copernicana); «Ephemeris ex fundamentis Copernici» (1550); «Canon doctrinae triangulorum» (1551) y «Opus Palatinum de triangulis» (1596).
Luna: cráter Rhaeticus
Asteroide 15949 Rhaeticus Pierre Bouguer
Científico francés. Uno de los fundadores de la fotometría . Realizó algunas de las primeras mediciones fotométricas e investigó la absorción de luz en la atmósfera. Niño prodigio: a los 15 años enseñaba hidrografía en El Havre. Inventó el heliómetro y posteriormente el fotómetro . Descubrió que la intensidad de la luz en un medio transparente y uniforme decrece exponencialmente en función de la longitud de su trayectoria a través del medio ( ley de Bouguer
Luna: cráter Bouguer (Ø23 km, 52.3N 35.8W)

28. Nicolaus Copernicus Museum In Frombork
But, as the Bible tells us, Joshua told the Sun, not the Earth, to stop in its path!”georg joachim von Lauchen (rheticus), arrives at Frombork and begins
De Revolutionibus
Orbium Coelestium, Book 1, Chapter X
The first and the highest of all is the sphere of the fixed stars, which contains itself and everything, and is therefore immovable. It is unquestionably the place of the universe, to which the motion and position of all the other heavenly bodies are compared...
The sphere of the fixed stars is followed by the first of the planets, Saturn, which completes its circuit in 30 years. After Saturn, Jupiter accomplishes its revolution in 12 years. Then Mars revolves in 2 years. The annual revolution takes the series' fourth place, which contains the earth... together with the lunar sphere as an epicycle. In the fifth place Venus returns in 9 months. Lastly, the sixth place is held by Mercury, which revolves in a period of 80 days.
At rest, however, in the middle of everything is the sun, For in this most beautiful temple, who would place this lamp in another or better position than that from which it can light up the whole at the same time. For the sun is called by some people the lantern of the universe, its mind by others and its ruler by still others. Copernicus begins his cycle of observations of the planets with Mars.

29. Rheticus, L'astronomo
rheticus . Vediamo di conoscere meglio questo famosopersonaggio, georg joachim rheticus. Nato a Feldkirch nel 1514
Rheticus, l'astronomo
L'Associazione Astronomica Feltrina è da tutti conosciuta con il nome "Rheticus". Vediamo di conoscere meglio questo famoso personaggio, Georg Joachim Rheticus. magister artium Addirittura, l'edizione del De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium , che avvenne nel maggio 1543, venne preceduta nel 1540 dalla pubblicazione di un magistrale compendio dell'opera principale, la Narratio prima Narratio prima. Nota : testo estratto dal libro: "Vent'anni di astronomia a Feltre" di Gabriele Vanin, edizioni DBS. HOME

30. La Storia Dell'associazione Rheticus
georg joachim rheticus, il grande astronomoaustriaco del Cinquecento, unico discepolo del grande Copernico.
La Storia dell'Associazione Astronomica Feltrina "Rheticus"
il nucleo storico del GAF fu completo.
Con i piccoli strumenti a disposizione, ma utilizzati al meglio, servendosi anche di semplici macchine fotografiche, i sei cominciarono a osservare, in collaborazione con astronomi di Padova, le stelle variabili e le novae. Durante le prove di controllo di un programma di ricerca fotografica di novae, fu effettuata una prescoperta di una nova nella costellazione dello Scudo.
Nel 1989 il GAF cambiò nome e diventò Associazione Astronomica Feltrina Rheticus, sia perché il gruppo era ormai cresciuto, diventando un sodalizio con circa 60 soci, sia perché il termine "astrofili" non piaceva e veniva spesso frainteso dalla gente. L'associazione venne intitolata a Georg Joachim Rheticus, il grande astronomo austriaco del Cinquecento, unico discepolo del grande Copernico.
Durante gli anni Ottanta e Novanta nel campo della ricerca si sono compiute osservazioni sistematiche del Sole, svolte campagne di ripresa fotografica di tutti gli oggetti celesti princi-

31. Georg Joachim Rheticus
Article on georg joachim rheticus from, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index georg joachim rheticus.
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Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim Rheticus in the news Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit Copernicus in Frombork Warmia ). On the way he first went to

32. Rheticus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
rheticus. (georg joachim von Lauchen) (r ´t k s, g ´ôrk y ä´kh mf n lou´khn) (KEY) , 1514–76, German astronomer, mathematician, and first disciple of
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Rheticus (Georg Joachim von Lauchen) (r k s, g

33. Imago Mundi - Rheticus.
Translate this page rheticus (ou Rhaeticus), (georg joachim von Lauchen, surnommé rheticus (leRhétien)), astronome et mathématicien suisse, né à Feldkirch (anc.
Dictionnaire biographique Les gens Rheticus (ou Rhaeticus), (Georg Joachim von Lauchen Copernic De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium Si Aristote revenait au monde, Canon doctrinae triangulorum Valentinus Otho Opus palatinum de triangulis a G.-J.-R. coeptum Pitiscus Thesaurus mathematicus sive Canon sinuum,
Le Narratio de libris Revolutionum Copernici
Source : ETH-Bibliophil Voici ses autres ouvrages : Narratio de libris Revolutionum Copernici De Revolutionibus et en 1596 dans le Prodromus de Kepler Orationes de astronomia , etc. (Nuremberg, 1542); Ephemeris ex fundamentis Copernici Euclide
- J. Simler, Epitome bibtiothecae C. Gessneri ; Zurich, 1574, p 228. - J.- S. Bailly, Hist. de l'astronomie mod.; Paris, 1875, t. I, p. 361, et t. 11, p. 43. - Bernoulli, Hist. de l'Acad. de Berlin, ; Paris, an VII, t. 1, pp. 581 et 637. - Lalande, Bibliogr. astron .; Paris, 1803, p. 129. - J.-B.-J. Delambre, Hist. de l'astronomie mod .; Paris, 1821, 0. I, p. 138, et t. II, p. 2.- F. Hoefer, Hist. de l'astron.; Paris, 1870. p. 368. - Prowe, Nicolaus Coppernicus;

34. Copernicus's Book
Following the favourable reception of the Narratio Prima,the Nuremberg printerJohannes Petreius asked georg joachim rheticus to secure the printing of
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      Copernicus's Book
      Title page of Copernicus, De Revolutionibus, the last two words in the title, 'celestium orbium' were added without the knowledge of the author or editor, Rheticus. Image by kind permission of the Master and Fellows of Trinity College Cambridge. Large image (87K).
      Very large image (2.6M).
      Following the favourable reception of the Narratio Prima ,the Nuremberg printer Johannes Petreius asked Georg Joachim Rheticus to secure the printing of Copernicus' next work. Bearing books from the Petreius press as gifts, Rheticus made a trip to Frombork, which was successful. In 1542, Rheticus began supervising the publication of the De Revolutionibus in Nuremberg with Petreius, though he left before its completion to take up a post at the University of Leipzig. When it was finally published in March 1543, the De Revolutionibus contained an anonymous letter to the reader and two additional words to the title, celestium orbium ('of the celestial orbs'), which neither the author or Rheticus had intended.

35. Copernicus: Biography
A professor of mathematics at the University of Wittenberg, georg joachim rheticus(15141574) who was on a tour of visiting distinguished scholars, visited
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Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)
Regarded as one of the central figures of the so-called Scientific Revolution, Copernicus (1473-1543) postulated a heliostatic theory in his De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543). He did, however, maintain that planetary orbits were circular, and many believed that his system did not reflect the physical universe. Born in Torun, Poland, in 1473, Copernicus first studied astronomy and astrology at the University of Cracow (1491-94). Through his uncle, Lukas Watzenrode (1447-1512), who later became the bishop of Varmia (Ermland), he was elected a canon of the cathedral chapter of Frombork (Frauenburg). As part of his requirement as a canon, he matriculated in 1496 in the University of Bologna to study both canon and civil law. There, he lodged with and worked as an assistant to Domenico Maria the Ferrarese of Novara (1454-1504), professor of mathematics and astrology and also the official compiler of prognostications for the university. After briefly returning to Frombork, Copernicus studied medicine at the University of Padua (1501-3) and then moved on to the University of Ferrara where he obtained a doctorate in Canon Law (1503). He then returned to Varmia, where he was based for the rest of his life. He acted as medical advisor and secretary to his uncle at Heilsberg, and was later heavily involved with the administrative tasks in the diocese of Frombork.

36. The Galileo Project
Crato. Sources Karl Heinz Burmeister, georg joachim rheticus 15141574,eine Bio- Bibliographie, vol. I (Wiesbaden, 1967). QB36
Rheticus, George Joachim
1. Dates
Born: Feldkirch, Austria, 16 Feb 1514
Died: Kassa, Hungary, 4 Dec 1574
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Physician, Government Official
Town physician, executed for sorcery when Rheticus was still a teenager.
I assume prosperous.
3. Nationality
Birth: Feldkirch, Austria
Career: Germany, Poland, Hungary
Death: Kassa, Hungary [now Czechoslovakia]
4. Education
Schooling: Wittenberg, M.A.; Zurich (Carol); Prague (Charles), M.D.
He was first taught by his father, a physician, who was beheaded for sorcery in 1528. He was then taught at the Feldkirch Latin school.
1528-31, he studied at the Frauenmuensterschule in Zuerich under Myconius.
1533, matriculated at the University of Wittenberg. No record of a B.A., but I assume one.
1536, received his M.A. from Wittenberg.
1547-8, studied medicine in Zuerich with Conrad Gesner.
1551-2, resumed study of medicine at the Univ. of Prague. Burmeister assumes he got an M.D.
He may have studied medicine for a short time in Breslau under Crato.
5. Religion

37. | True Ozarks
history. Bruce Bradley displays georg joachim rheticus book NarratioPrima, published in 1540. John Sleezer / the Kansas City Star.$15million-83260.html
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Published May 9, 2004
$1.5 million paid for a book that altered history
Bruce Bradley displays Georg Joachim Rheticus' book "Narratio Prima," published in 1540.
John Sleezer / the Kansas City Star
By Eric Adler
The Kansas City Star
It is the rarest and most expensive book the Linda Hall Library of Science has ever bought. Carefully, Bruce Bradley, the library's curator of rare books, picked up the case and carried it into an adjoining room rich with the dark wood paneling of a grand library. He picked up a pair of white cotton gloves, slipped them on and opened the case. Gently, he removed a thin volume weighing a few ounces and placed it on a flat wood table. The book is 464 years old. "Doesn't look like such a big deal, does it?" Bradley said. Except, of course, that it helped change the world. Published in Latin in 1540, the book is one of the few remaining first editions of the "Narratio Prima" by German mathematician Georg Joachim Rheticus. Three years before famed astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus published "De Revolutionibus," the revolutionary treatise stating that the sun, and not the earth, was at the center of the universe, Rheticus published "Narratio Prima."

38. | True Ozarks
history. Bruce Bradley displays georg joachim rheticus book NarratioPrima, published in 1540. John Sleezer / the Kansas City Star.$15million-83260.html
Sponsored by:
May 9, 2004
$1.5 million paid for a book that altered history
Bruce Bradley displays Georg Joachim Rheticus' book 'Narratio Prima,' published in 1540.
John Sleezer / the Kansas City Star
By Eric Adler
The Kansas City Star
It is the rarest and most expensive book the Linda Hall Library of Science has ever bought. Carefully, Bruce Bradley, the library's curator of rare books, picked up the case and carried it into an adjoining room rich with the dark wood paneling of a grand library. He picked up a pair of white cotton gloves, slipped them on and opened the case. Gently, he removed a thin volume weighing a few ounces and placed it on a flat wood table. The book is 464 years old. "Doesn't look like such a big deal, does it?" Bradley said. Except, of course, that it helped change the world. Published in Latin in 1540, the book is one of the few remaining first editions of the "Narratio Prima" by German mathematician Georg Joachim Rheticus. Three years before famed astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus published "De Revolutionibus," the revolutionary treatise stating that the sun, and not the earth, was at the center of the universe, Rheticus published "Narratio Prima."

39. Narratio Prima
georg joachim rheticus. Nicholas Copernicus landmark work, De revolutionibus, mightnever have been published had it not been for georg joachim rheticus.
Back to the LHL Home Page Back to the Digital Services Home Page Georg Joachim Rheticus. Narratio Prima , 1540. About Narratio Prima Nicholas Copernicus' landmark work, De revolutionibus , might never have been published had it not been for Georg Joachim Rheticus. In the sixteenth century, Nicholas Copernicus proposed the theory that the sun, not the earth, is the center of the universe. Although he had begun a manuscript to explain his theory, he had not completed it. Rheticus, a mathematics teacher at Wittenberg who wanted to learn more about this new theory, traveled to Poland to visit Copernicus. During his stay with Copernicus, Rheticus wrote and published a preliminary announcement of Copernicus' theory and titled it Narratio Prima , or "First Account of the Book on Revolutions by the very learned and most excellent mathematician Nicholas Copernicus ." This book, published in 1540, is the first appearance of Copernican astronomy in print. It inspired Copernicus to complete the manuscript he had begun thirty years earlier, and to finally publish his master work in 1543. Linda Hall Library now holds first editions of both Copernicus' book and the much rarer Narratio Prima by Rheticus.

40. Narratio Prima
georg joachim rheticus. Narratio Prima, 1540. Front cover. larger view. front cover.title page. A2 recto page 1. order of the universe. manuscript correction.
Back to the LHL Home Page Back to the Digital Services Home Page Georg Joachim Rheticus. Narratio Prima , 1540. Front cover. larger view front cover title page A2 recto [page 1] ... back cover Jump to
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