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         Rheticus Georg Joachim:     more books (16)
  1. The First Copernican: Georg Joachim Rheticus and the Rise of the Copernican Revolution by Dennis Danielson, 2006-10-31
  2. People From Vorarlberg: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Christian Klien, Marc Girardelli, Anton Sutterlüty, Ramazan Özcan, Rudolf Von Ems
  3. Austrian People by Period: Austrian Renaissance Humanists, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Johannes Cuspinianus, Wolfgang Lazius
  4. 1574 Deaths: Charles Ix of France, Giorgio Vasari, Selim Ii, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Martin Helwig, Georg Major, Cosimo I De' Medici
  5. Austrian Astronomers: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Harold Furth, Thomas Gold, Georg Von Peuerbach, Otto E. Neugebauer, Johann Palisa
  6. 1514 Births: Andreas Vesalius, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Tahmasp I, Francis Knollys, Daniele Barbaro, Peter Carew, Francis Hastings
  7. Austrian Renaissance Humanists: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Johannes Cuspinianus, Wolfgang Lazius, Erasmus Oswald Schreckenfuchs, Andreas Stoberl
  8. Personnalité de Kosice: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Liste de Personnalités de Kosice, François Ii Rákóczi, Adolf Lang, Frantisek Knapík (French Edition)
  9. German Astrologers: Johannes Kepler, Albertus Magnus, Philipp Melanchthon, Franz Mesmer, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Regiomontanus, Guido Von List
  10. Mathématicien Autrichien: Kurt Gödel, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Heinrich Tietze, Wilhelm Blaschke, Franz Josef Von Gerstner, Johann Radon (French Edition)
  11. German Cartographers: Gerardus Mercator, Martin Waldseemüller, Sebastian Münster, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Hartmann Schedel, Johann Homann
  12. Naissance Dans le Vorarlberg: Hermann Gmeiner, Jean-Charles Krafft, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Stefan Sagmeister, Harald Kloser, Anita Wachter (French Edition)
  13. Astronome Autrichien: Johann Palisa, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Georg Von Purbach, Christopher Grienberger, Robert Von Sterneck, Wilhelm Von Biela (French Edition)
  14. Austrian Mathematicians: Kurt Gödel, Christian Doppler, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Leopold Vietoris, Karl Menger, Georg Von Peuerbach, Emil Artin

1. Georg Joachim Rheticus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Printable version Disclaimers. Not logged in. Log in Help. Georg Joachim Rheticus. Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in 1514 at Feldkirch, Austria and died in 1574 at Kosice, Hungary.
Georg Joachim Rheticus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit Copernicus in Frombork Warmia ). On the way he first went to

2. Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim Rheticus. Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was bornin 1514 at Feldkirch, Austria and died in 1574 at Kosice, Hungary.
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Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit Copernicus in Frombork Warmia ). On the way he first went to

3. Georg Joachim Rheticus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Georg Joachim Rheticus. Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in1514 at Feldkirch, Austria and died in 1574 at Kosice, Hungary.
Georg Joachim Rheticus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit Copernicus in Frombork Warmia ). On the way he first went to

4. Georg Joachim Rheticus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Georg Joachim Rheticus. Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in 1514at Feldkirch, Austria and died in 1574 at Kassa (now Kosice), Hungary.

5. Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim Rheticus. Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus byl narozenýv 1514 u Feldkirch, Rakousko a umrel v 1574 u Kosice, Madarsko.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus byl narozen v u Feldkirch, Rakousko a zemřel v u Kosice Maďarsko . On byl cartographer , navigačn­ a jin½ v½robce n¡stroje, l©kařsk½ praktik, učitel. Jeho otec měl l©kařskou praxi v Feldkirch. Když on byl vykon¡n Achilles Gasser převzal praxi. Gasser pom¡hal Rheticus pokračovat s jeho v½zkumem a byla siln¡ opora k němu. Rheticus přijal toto jm©no pro b½valou ř­mskou provincii Rhaetia a studoval u Feldkirch, Z � bohat½ a Univerzita Wittenberga , kde on přj­mal jeho M.. v 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , bohoslovec a pedagog, velmi pom¡hal Rheticus v trvaj­c­ch jmenov¡n­ch u několik univerzit. Během času Reformace Melanchthon reorganizoval cel½ Å¡kolsk½ syst©m Německa, reformovan½ a založen½ několik nov½ch univerzit. V 1536 Rheticus byl pom¡hal Melanchthon v přij­mat jmenov¡n­ do učitelsk©ho m­sta v astronomii a matematiky u Wittenberg univerzity. Dva roky pozdnějÅ¡­ Melanchthon zař­dil Rheticus k n¡vÅ¡těvě a studiu se zn¡m½mi astronomy dne. Rheticus vzal toto k n¡vÅ¡těvě Copernicus v Frombork Warmia ). Na cestě on nejprve Å¡el do

6. Georg Joachim Rheticus - Information
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Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit Copernicus in Frombork Warmia ). On the way he first went to

7. Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim Rheticus. Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was bornin 1514 at Feldkirch, Austria and died in 1574 at Kosice, Hungary.
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Georg Joachim Rheticus
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kosice Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch

8. Georg Joachim Rheticus --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. georg joachim rheticus. born Feb. 16, 1514, Feldkirch, Austria MLA style " georg joachim rheticus." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004

9. Rheticus
rheticus rA'tEkoos, gA'ôrk yOä'khim fun lou'khun Pronunciation Key. rheticus ( georg joachim von Lauchen), 1514
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
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10. Rheticus (1514-1574) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Austrian. rheticus (15141574) German name georg joachim von Lauchen and magician who was beheaded for sorcery. rheticus studied mathematics at Zürich, where he met Paracelsus
Branch of Science Astronomers Nationality Austrian
Rheticus (1514-1574)

. He was a strong believer in astrology, and sought out Copernicus to study under him. He became Copernicus's only student and spokesman. He published a popularization of Copernicus's theories entitled Narratio Prima in 1540. He also managed to convince Copernicus shortly before his death to allow publication of De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium. Unfortunately, he left publication in the hands of Lutheran minister Andreas Osiander who did not believe that Copernicus's theory represented a physical model. He added an unauthorized preface stating that the contents was merely a device to simplify calculations.
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Firenze Bonn

11. The Science Bookstore - Chronology
1512 AD. rheticus, georg. Born 2/15/1514. 1514 AD. rheticus, georg joachim. Died 12/4/1576

12. Rheticus
of such an execution was that his name could no longer be used, so rheticus s motherreverted to her maiden name and rheticus s became georg joachim de Porris.
Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus
Born: 16 Feb 1514 in Feldkirch, Austria
Died: 4 Dec 1574 in Kassa, Hungary (now Kosice)
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Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus 's father, Georg Iserin, was the town doctor in Feldkirch and also a government official. Rheticus was, therefore, born Georg Joachim Iserin. His mother, Thomasina de Porris, was Italian. He was taught by his father for the first 14 years of his life but, in 1528, his father was tried on a charge of sorcery, convicted and beheaded. One of the legal requirements of such an execution was that his name could no longer be used, so Rheticus's mother reverted to her maiden name and Rheticus's became Georg Joachim de Porris. 'De porris' means 'of the leeks' in Italian and, since Rheticus did not consider himself Italian he translated it into German 'von Lauchen' and called himself Georg Joachim von Lauchen. He later took the additional name of Rheticus after the Roman province of Rhaetia in which he had been born. Achilles Gasser took over the medical practice in Feldkirch after Rheticus's father was executed. He helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. After his father's execution, Rheticus studied at the Latin school in Feldkirch, then went to Zurich where he studied at the Frauenmuensterschule from 1528 to 1531. In 1533 he entered the University of Wittenberg receiving his M.A. from that university three years later on 27 April 1536.

13. Rheticus, George Joachim
rheticus, george joachim. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot Karl Heinz Burmeister, georg joachim rheticus 15141574, eine Bio- Bibliographie, vol
Catalog of the Scientific Community
Rheticus, George Joachim
Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
1. Dates
Born: Feldkirch, Austria, 16 Feb 1514
Died: Kassa, Hungary, 4 Dec 1574
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Physician, Government Official
Town physician, executed for sorcery when Rheticus was still a teenager.
I assume prosperous.
3. Nationality
Birth: Feldkirch, Austria
Career: Germany, Poland, Hungary
Death: Kassa, Hungary [now Czechoslovakia]
4. Education
Schooling: Wittenberg, M.A.; Zurich (Carol); Prague (Charles), M.D.
He was first taught by his father, a physician, who was beheaded for sorcery in 1528. He was then taught at the Feldkirch Latin school.
1528-31, he studied at the Frauenmuensterschule in Zuerich under Myconius.
1533, matriculated at the University of Wittenberg. No record of a B.A., but I assume one.
1536, received his M.A. from Wittenberg.
1547-8, studied medicine in Zuerich with Conrad Gesner.
1551-2, resumed study of medicine at the Univ. of Prague. Burmeister assumes he got an M.D.

14. References For Rheticus
References for georg joachim rheticus. Ju A Belii, georg joachim rheticus studentand continuer of the work of Copernicus (Bulgarian), Fiz.-Mat. Spis.
References for Georg Joachim Rheticus
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Articles:
  • R C Archibald, The Canon Doctrinae Triangvlorvm (1551) of Rheticus (1514-1576), Math. Tables and Other Aids to Computation
  • R C Archibald, Rheticus, with special reference to his Opus Palatinum, Math. Tables and Other Aids to Computation
  • Ju A Belii, Georg Joachim Rheticus - student and continuer of the work of Copernicus (Bulgarian),
  • P Bockslaele, Adrianus Romanus and the trigonometric tables of Georg Joachim Rheticus, in S S Demidov et al. (eds), Amphora : Festschrift for Hans Wussing on the occasion of his 65th birthday (Basel- Boston- Berlin, 1992), 55-66.
  • K H Burmeister, Georg Joachim Rhetikus 1514-1574, eine Bio-Bibliographie II (Wiesbaden, 1967-68).
  • R Hooykaas, Rheticus's lost treatise on Holy Scripture and the motion of the Earth, Journal for the history of astronomy
  • E Rosen, Three Copernican Treatises. The Commentariolus of Copernicus. The Letter against Werner. The Narratio prima of Rheticus, Records of Civilization, Sources and Studies
  • 15. Rheticus
    Biography of georg joachim rheticus (15141574) georg joachim von Lauchen rheticus. Born 16 Feb 1514 in Feldkirch, Austria georg joachim von Lauchen rheticus's father, georg Iserin, was the
    Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus
    Born: 16 Feb 1514 in Feldkirch, Austria
    Died: 4 Dec 1574 in Kassa, Hungary (now Kosice)
    Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus 's father, Georg Iserin, was the town doctor in Feldkirch and also a government official. Rheticus was, therefore, born Georg Joachim Iserin. His mother, Thomasina de Porris, was Italian. He was taught by his father for the first 14 years of his life but, in 1528, his father was tried on a charge of sorcery, convicted and beheaded. One of the legal requirements of such an execution was that his name could no longer be used, so Rheticus's mother reverted to her maiden name and Rheticus's became Georg Joachim de Porris. 'De porris' means 'of the leeks' in Italian and, since Rheticus did not consider himself Italian he translated it into German 'von Lauchen' and called himself Georg Joachim von Lauchen. He later took the additional name of Rheticus after the Roman province of Rhaetia in which he had been born. Achilles Gasser took over the medical practice in Feldkirch after Rheticus's father was executed. He helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. After his father's execution, Rheticus studied at the Latin school in Feldkirch, then went to Zurich where he studied at the Frauenmuensterschule from 1528 to 1531. In 1533 he entered the University of Wittenberg receiving his M.A. from that university three years later on 27 April 1536.

    16. Encyclopædia Britannica
    rhason (garment), Rhäticus, georg joachim (Aus. astron.) see rheticus, georg joachim,Rhätikon Mountains (mts., Eur.), Rhazes (Pers. physic.) see Razi, ar,

    17. Education World Search Jungius.html. rheticus. georg joachim. http// history/Mathematicians/rheticus.html. rheticus, georg joachim Melchior Mag

    18. UofL - Georg Joachim Rheticus (1514-1576)
    georg joachim rheticus (15141576) Narratio Prima Excusum Gedani. Collection georg joachim rheticus (1514-1576) Narratio Prima Excusum Gedani.

    19. Rheticus Rhaeticus, Georg Joachim Eigentlich G.J. Von Lauchen
    Translate this page rheticus Rhaeticus, georg joachim eigentlich G. J. von Lauchen. rheticus(Rhaeticus), georg joachim (eigentlich G. J. von Lauchen), * 15.
    A B C D ... RHI AG
    Rheticus Rhaeticus, Georg Joachim eigentlich G. J. von Lauchen
    Rheticus (Rhaeticus), Georg Joachim ( eigentlich G. J. von Lauchen), * 15. 2. 1514 Feldkirch ( Vorarlberg Slowakische Republik ), Humanist, Astronom und Mathematiker. Wirkte an den Wittenberg, Leipzig und Wien. Seine berühmte Schrift "Narratio prima de libris revolutionum Copernici" (1540) fasste die Beobachtungen von Kopernikus zusammen, dessen Mitarbeiter und Schüler er war und dessen Werke auf seine Veranlassung gedruckt wurden. Er stellte wichtige trigonometrische Berechnungen an (Beginn einer 10-stelligen Tafel der goniometrischen Weitere Werke: Ephemeris ex fundamentis Copernici, 1550; Canon doctrinae triangulorum, 1551; Opus Palatinum de triangulis, 1596. Hinweise zum Lexikon Suche nach hierher verweisenden Seiten

    20. Search Results For Georg Von Bekesy - Encyclopædia Britannica
    Békésy, georg von. American physicist and physiologist who received the 1961 Nobel Prize for georg joachim von Lauchen rheticus. Biographical sketch of this Austrianborn astronomer von Bekesy&ct=&fuzzy=N

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