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         Reye Theodor:     more books (16)
  1. Die Geometrie Der Lage, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-03-16
  2. Die Wirbelstürme, Tornados Und Wettersäulen in Der Erd-Atmosphäre Mit Berücksichtigung Der Stürme in Der Sonnen-Atmosphäre Dargestellt Und Wissenschaftlich Erklärt (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-02-26
  3. Die Geometrie Der Lage, Volumes 1-2 (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-02-13
  4. Die Geometrie Der Lage: Vorträge, Volume 1 (German Edition) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-11
  5. Synthetische Geometrie Der Kugeln Und Linearen Kugelsysteme Mit Einer Einleitung in Die Analytische Geometrie Der Kugelsysteme (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-03-20
  6. Lectures On The Geometry Of Position Part I by Theodor Reye, 2007-07-25
  7. Lectures on the geometry of position. By Dr. Theodor Reye.Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. by Michigan Historical Reprint Series, 2005-12-20
  8. Die Geometrie Der Lage (German Edition) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-10
  9. Die Geometrie der Lage by Theodor Reye, 2009-05-13
  10. Geometry of position by Theodor Reye, 1898
  11. Lecons Sur La Geometrie De Position, Part 2 (1882) (French Edition) by Theodor Reye, Octave Chemin, 2009-11-06
  12. Lectures on The Geometry of Position by Theodor Reye, 2009-05-20
  13. Die Geometrie Der Lage (German Edition) (2010 Reprint) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-26
  14. Die Geometrie der Lage (3 Volume Set) by Theodor Reye, 1899

61. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians
Leo Königsberger (18371921). Maurice Lévy (1838-1910) *SB; George William Hill(1838-1914) *SB; theodor reye (1838-1919) *SB; Camille Jordan (1838-1921) *SB *MT.
Chronological List of Mathematicians
Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan
Table of Contents
1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below
List of Mathematicians
    1700 B.C.E.
  • Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT
    700 B.C.E.
  • Baudhayana (c. 700)
    600 B.C.E.
  • Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT
  • Apastamba (c. 600)
  • Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB
  • Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT
  • Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB
  • Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520)
    500 B.C.E.
  • Katyayana (c. 500)
  • Nabu-rimanni (c. 490)
  • Kidinu (c. 480)
  • Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT
  • Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT
  • Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT
  • Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB
  • Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT
  • Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB
  • Meton (c. 430) *SB

62. Germany - Allemagne - Deutschland
Translate this page theodor KOLDE, Dr., o. Professor d. histor. Theologie an der Universität Erlangen. TH.reye, Dr., o. Professor d. Mathematik an der Universität Strassburg.
Fol. 2
ERNST ABBE, Dr., o. Hon. Professor, Direktor d. Sternwarte u. d. meteorolog. Institutes, Direktor d. Carl Zeisschen Fabrik f. optische Instrumente, Jena.
WOLRAD EIGENBRODT, Dr. phil., Schriftsteller, Jena. Fol. 3.
REULEAUX, Dr., Geh. Regierungsrat, Professor, Berlin.
FRITZ SCHAPER, Professor, Bildhauer, Berlin. Fol. 4.
Fol. 5.
Fol. 6.
HEINR. BULTHAUPT, Dr.. Professor, Stadtbibliothekar in Bremen.
REINHOLD BEGAS, Professor, Bildhauer, Berlin.
Fol. 7.
OTTO HARNACK, Dr., o, Professor der Geschichte und Litt. an der Techn. Hochschule zu Darmstadt.
MAX RIEGER, Dr. phil., Darmstadt.
RICHARD LEPSIUS, Dr., Geh. Hofrat, o. Professor d. Mineral. u. Geologie an der Tech. Hochschule zu Darmstadt.
LEO V. WILLMANN, Professor f. Bau- u. Ingenieurswissenschaft an der Techn. Hochschule zu Darmstadt.
FELIX LINCKE, Geh. Baurat, o. Professor d. Maschinenbaukunde an der Techn. Hochschule, Darmstadt. Fol. 8.
PAUL WALLOT, Professor an der Technischen Hochschule zu Dresden.
ADOLF STERN, Dr., Professor an der Technischen Hochschule zu Dresden.

63. Hamburger Friedhöfe - Friedhof Ohlsdorf - Grabstätten Bekannter Persönlichkei
Translate this page Rautenberg, Prof. Dr. E. theodor, 1843-1913, Altertumsforscher, T13 (79-93). Repsold,Johann Adolf, 1838-1949, Instrumentenbauer, K4 (21-30). reye, Prof. Friedhof Ohlsdorf
Hans Albers
Wolfgang Borchert
Heinz Erhardt Der Friedhof Ohlsdorf ist die bedeutendste Begräbnisstätte für Hamburg. Bürgermeister, Senatoren, Dichter, Musiker, Schauspieler - viele bedeutende Persönlichkeiten haben auf dem Friedhof Ohlsdorf ihre letzte Ruhestätte gefunden. Kostenlos können Sie unseren Prospekt "Prominentengräber - dreizehn ausgewählte Grabstätten unvergessener Hamburger" hier anfordern: zur Prospektanforderung A B C ... XYZ Besuchen Sie auch die Seite Garten der Frauen
QR Daten Beruf Grablage Quistorf, Hermann Niederdeutscher Schriftsteller Raab, Kurt Schauspieler BQ, (371-372) Rademacher, Willy Max Rathgen, Prof. Karl Rausch, Karl-Gustav Gartenbaudirektor Rautenberg, Prof. Dr. E. Theodor Altertumsforscher Rave, Friedrich Christopher

64. P. Altmeyer Enzyklopädie Der Dermatologie, Venerologie, Allergologie, Umweltmed
Translate this page Reviparin-Natrium, reye-Morgan-Baral-Syndrom. reye-Sheehan-Syndrom, reye-Syndrom. Ruiter,Maximilian, Ruiter-Pompen-Weyers Syndrom. Rumpel, theodor, Rumpel-Leede-Test.
P. Altmeyer: Enzyklopädie der Dermatologie,
Venerologie, Allergologie, Umweltmedizin
A B C D ... Q R S T U V ... Rückfallfieber, europäisches

65. 02 Jul History This Date
1932 Manuel II, último rey de Portugal. 1924 Unos 250 muertos por disturbios enSão Paulo. 1919 theodor reye, German mathematician born on 20 June 1838.

deaths births , of JUL 02
[For Jul 02 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jul 12 1700s: Jul 13 1800s: Jul 14 1900~2099: Jul 15 ... 1'000'000th Corvette On a July 02:
2001 Artificial heart is implanted in patient.
Surgeons from the University of Louisville implant the first self-contained artificial heart, a titanium and plastic pump, into Robert Tools at Jewish Hospital. Doctors said they expect the new implant to extend the patient's life only a month or so. But the device is considered a technological leap from mechanical hearts used in the 1980s, which were attached by wires and tubes to machinery outside the body.
Drs. Laman Gray and Robert Dowling, who trained by implanting the pump in baby cows, performed the surgery. Surgical teams at four other hospitals around the country had been trained to do the surgery, but Louisville was first. Experts hope that the experimental heart, made by Abiomed Inc. of Danvers, Massachusetts, will lead to new hope for patients with failing hearts.
David M. Lederman

66. SCI-FI
v Campbelových osidlech uvízli Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, theodor Sturgeon,Alfred E autori, z nichž jmenujme alespon Lestera del reye a Clifforda
Pondìlí 5.11.2001
Svátek má Miriam



SF akce
Archiv vydání Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
2002-03-31: uzávìrka soutìže o Støíbøitìlesklý halmochron
2001-12-14: uzávìrka soutìže o loutnu barda Marigolda
2002-04-30: uzávìrka soutìže o nejlepší fantasy 2001-11-30: uzávìrka CKÈ
2001-11-30 uzávìrka soutìže RaMax 2001-10-31: uzávìrka soutìže TROLL 2001-09-10: uzávìrka soutìže o cenu Jima Dollara (do 18 let) SARDEN: sci-fi sekce NP + deník o SFFH šéfredaktor: Pagi , redakce: Zdenìk Rampas Interkom Vlado Ríša (Ikarie) kalendáø SF akcí stránky Ès. Fandomu Pagiho fotoalbum HLAVNÍ STRÁNKA LIDÉ: John W(ood) Campbell, Jr. - od spisovatele k redaktorovi (pagi) Letos uplynulo tøicet let od smrti èlovìka, který je mezi americkými autory SF považován za èlovìka, který dal žánru SF jeho tvar. Isaac Asimov napsal: Jan Kepler napsal první povídku, která znìla jako SF a ve které byla vzata v úvahu vìdecká fakta. Edgar Alan Poe jako první podchytil myšlenku nezbytných sociálních zmìn vyplývajících z pokroku ve vìdì a technologii. Jules Verne byl první, kdo se na psaní SF specializoval. Herbert George Wells byl prvním, kdo ze SF vytvoøil uznávané odvìtví literatury. Hugo Gernsback byl prvním, kdo zaèal vydávat èasopis výhradnì urèený pro SF a vytvoøil také základy trhu pro tuto literaturu. Ale oni všichni, bráno dohromady, jen položili základy. Tím, kdo na tìchto základech vystavìl konstrukci moderní SF v podobì, kterou nyní uznáváme, byl právì ...

67. Arch Dis Child -- Table Of Contents (63 [7])
Atypical presentation of subacute thyroiditis T Geva and R theodor Arch. Preadmissionantipyretics in reye s syndrome SM Hall, PA Plaster, JF Glasgow, and P

HELP FEEDBACK SUBSCRIPTIONS ... SEARCH TABLE OF CONTENTS Only Abstracts are available for this Arch Dis Child issue Other ADC Issues: ADC - July 1988 (Volume 63, Number 7). [Index by author] Find articles in this issue containing these words:
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To see an article , click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts , check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time , click its [Abstract] link. Papers: Perinatal nemesis
Arch. Dis. Child. 1988; 63: 699-700. Changes in fetal acid base status during intravascular transfusion
U Nicolini, J Santolaya, NM Fisk, C Hubinont, NK Kochenour, P Greco, and CH Rodeck
Arch. Dis. Child. 1988; 63: 710-714. [Abstract] Costs and benefits of neonatal intensive care
PO Pharoah, RC Stevenson, RW Cooke, and B Sandu
Arch. Dis. Child. 1988; 63: 715-718. [Abstract] Dilemmas associated with antenatally detected urinary tract abnormalities
AR Watson, D Readett, CS Nelson, L Kapila, and MJ Mayell
Arch. Dis. Child. 1988; 63: 719-722.

68. ..scifiworld.. John W(ood) Campbell, Jr. - Od Spisovatele K Redak
osidlech uvízli Isaac Asimov,Robert A. Heinlein, theodor Sturgeon, Alfred E i mnozídalší autori, z nichžjmenujme alespon Lestera del reye a Clifforda

69. San Juan Co, NM - 1930 Federal Census Index

109 Anschuetz, theodor Georg 1898 1898 Baptism 34 Anschuetz, theodor Georg 1898 127Difflin, Rebekah Melissa 1982 1982 Baptism 124 Difflin, reye Morris 1983
. INDEX TO EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH RECORDS: Vol 1, BAPTISM 1877-1996 Tawas City Michigan February 28 2001 Name DOB DOE Event Age Achtzehn, Albert 2m 1887 Death 2 Achtzehn, August R 1876 1889 Confirmation 3 Achtzehn, Elisabeth Ernstine Emma 1888 1888 Baptism 9 Achtzehn, Emma Dorothea 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Achtzehn, Ida Emma Clara 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Achtzehn, Martha 1873 1887 Confirmation 3 Achtzehn, Martha 1873 1889 Marriage 3 Adam, Anna Mina Dorothea May 1916 1929 Confirmation 36 Adam, Anna Mina Dorothea May 1916 1916 Baptism 58 Adam, Ida Martha 1918 1918 Baptism 60 Adrain, Michell April 1973 1973 Baptism 118 Adrain, Rachel Marie 1973 1975 Baptism 119 Adrain, Robert Charles III 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Afahl, Friedrich Karl 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Affeldt, Romann 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Affeldt, Wilhelm Friedrick 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Ahearne, Linda Mrs ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Ahonen, Elise Maria 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Ahonen, Frank 74y 1992 Death 54 Ahonen, Frank Werner 1918 1946 Confirmation 49 Alda, Erma ng 1945 Marriage 23 Alfred, Harold Osro 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Alstrom, Kenneth ng 1961 Marriage 32 Altenburg, Florence ng 1943 Marriage 23 Altorfer, Karl August 1896 1896 Baptism 29 Alva, Angel ng 1961 Marriage 43 Amloy, Alonzo ng 1910 Marriage 12 Amon, Kenneth Eduard 1916 1917 Baptism 59 Andersen, Carl Friedrich 1907 1907 Baptism 46 Anderson, Alice Mrs 1903 1938 Confirmation 42 Anderson, Clyde Edward 1927 1928 Baptism 68 Anderson, Esther ng 1921 Marriage 16 Anderson, Ida Maria 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Anderson, Lillian Miss ng 1933 Marriage 19 Andreas, Thomas Christ ng 1951 Marriage 26 Anschuetz, Adella ng 1930 Marriage 18 Anschuetz, Adella Viola 1912 1925 Confirmation 34 Anschuetz, Allen Charles 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Anschuetz, Allen Charles 1930 1944 Confirmation 46 Anschuetz, Andreas Walter 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Anschuetz, Andrew ng 1921 Marriage 16 Anschuetz, Andrew 97y 1989 Death 51 Anschuetz, Anna 1865 1893 Marriage 5 Anschuetz, Anna 85y 1945 Death 33 Anschuetz, Anton H 52y 1938 Death 28 Anschuetz, Anton, Heinrich 1886 1901 Confirmation 12 Anschuetz, Ardella Viola 1912 1912 Baptism 53 Anschuetz, Ardeth ng 1948 Marriage 25 Anschuetz, Ardith Rosamund 1925 1939 Confirmation 44 Anschuetz, Ardith Rosemond 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Anschuetz, Arline A ng 1940 Marriage 21 Anschuetz, Arline Alvina 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Anschuetz, Arline Alvina 1922 1935 Confirmation 40 Anschuetz, Arnhold Heinrich 1898 1912 Confirmation 23 Anschuetz, Arnold ng 1921 Marriage 16 Anschuetz, Arnold 69y 1968 Death 43 Anschuetz, Arthur 73y 1975 Death 46 Anschuetz, Arthur E 1935 1950 Confirmation 50 Anschuetz, Arthur E Jr 45y 1980 Death 47 Anschuetz, Arthur Ernst 1902 1915 Confirmation 26 Anschuetz, Arthur Ernst Jr 1935 1935 Baptism 76 Anschuetz, Arthur Ernst Jr ng 1960 Marriage 31 Anschuetz, Arthur Ernst Sr 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Anschuetz, Arthur Hamilton 1924 1938 Confirmation 43 Anschuetz, Arthur Mrs 29y 1931 Death 25 Anschuetz, Augusta L 80y 1979 Death 47 Anschuetz, Carol Lnnn 25y 1970 Death 44 Anschuetz, Carol Lynn 1945 1958 Confirmation 59 Anschuetz, Carol R ng 1964 Marriage 33 Anschuetz, Carol Ruth 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Anschuetz, Carol Ruth 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 Anschuetz, Carolyn Sue 1936 1961 Confirmation 85 Anschuetz, Chad Patrick 1988 1988 Baptism 129 Anschuetz, Charles 1947 1960 Confirmation 84 Anschuetz, Charles Herbert 1947 1947 Baptism 84 Anschuetz, Clifford ng 1950 Marriage 26 Anschuetz, Clifford Charles 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Anschuetz, Clifford Charles 1925 1939 Confirmation 44 Anschuetz, Clifford Melvin 1925 1939 Confirmation 44 Anschuetz, Clyde ng 1950 Marriage 26 Anschuetz, Clyde David 1922 1922 Baptism 91 Anschuetz, Clyde David ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Anschuetz, Clyde Elmer 1928 1928 Baptism 68 Anschuetz, Clyde Elmer 1928 1943 Confirmation 45 Anschuetz, Cynthia Lynn 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Anschuetz, Deann ng 1969 Marriage 34 Anschuetz, Debra Jean 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Anschuetz, Debra Jean ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Anschuetz, Debra Kay 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Anschuetz, Debra Kay ng 1971 Confirmation 69 Anschuetz, Debra Kay ng 1977 Marriage 37 Anschuetz, Dee Ann ng 1965 Confirmation 63 Anschuetz, Doris 1939 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Dorothy 1934 1976 Baptism 135 Anschuetz, Douglas ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Anschuetz, Douglas Friedrick 1962 1962 Baptism 110 Anschuetz, Edna 1907 1956 Baptism 96 Anschuetz, Edna 1907 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Edna Ella 1896 1911 Confirmation 22 Anschuetz, Eduard Roy 1955 1955 Baptism 95 Anschuetz, Edward C 1925 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Edward C 58y 1984 Death 50 Anschuetz, Edwin Amos 1887 1903 Confirmation 14 Anschuetz, Edwin Amos 34y 1922 Death 21 Anschuetz, Eilien ng 1943 Marriage 23 Anschuetz, Eleanor ng 1927 Marriage 17 Anschuetz, Eleonore Julie 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Anschuetz, Eleonore Julie 1894 1894 Confirmation 19 Anschuetz, Elmer Erich 1901 1901 Baptism 40 Anschuetz, Elmer Erich 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Anschuetz, Ernst Stephan 1861 1892 Marriage 4 Anschuetz, Ernst Stephen 79y 1940 Death 29 Anschuetz, Esther 83y 1980 Death 47 Anschuetz, Evelnn N 53y 1964 Death 41 Anschuetz, Ferdinand ng 1935 Marriage 20 Anschuetz, Ferdinand ng 1943 Marriage 23 Anschuetz, Ferdinand Gustav 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Anschuetz, Ferninand Mrs ng 1937 Death 28 Anschuetz, Frances Molly Leone 1925 1952 Confirmation 52 Anschuetz, Francis Molly Leone 1925 1952 Baptism 90 Anschuetz, Frieda ng 1920 Marriage 15 Anschuetz, Frieda Gertrud 1899 1914 Confirmation 25 Anschuetz, Garald ng 1961 Marriage 32 Anschuetz, Gary R G ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Anschuetz, Gary Russell 1955 1956 Baptism 96 Anschuetz, Gayle Pauline 1931 1957 Baptism 88 Anschuetz, Gayle Pauline 1931 1954 Confirmation 53 Anschuetz, George 78y 1934 Death 27 Anschuetz, Gerald Wayne 1938 1952 Confirmation 52 Anschuetz, Gerald Wayne Jr 1966 1966 Baptism 114 Anschuetz, Gerald Wayne Sr 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Anschuetz, Gladys ng 1950 Marriage 26 Anschuetz, Gladys Louise 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Anschuetz, Gladys Louise 1932 1945 Confirmation 47 Anschuetz, Hanna 1877 1900 Marriage 7 Anschuetz, Harold Carl 1934 1934 Baptism 76 Anschuetz, Harold Paul 1934 1949 Confirmation 50 Anschuetz, Harold Paul ng 1955 Marriage 29 Anschuetz, Helen ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Anschuetz, Helen Margaret ng 1988 Marriage 41 Anschuetz, Helena Ella 1896 1897 Baptism 32 Anschuetz, Henry (Charles) 88y 1951 Death 34 Anschuetz, Henry Mrs 68y 1931 Death 25 Anschuetz, Herman Mrs (Anna) 85y 1945 Death 32 Anschuetz, Ileen Lillian 1923 1923 Baptism 65 Anschuetz, Inez ng 1946 Marriage 24 Anschuetz, Inez Carol 1923 1923 Baptism 64 Anschuetz, Inez Carol 1923 1936 Confirmation 41 Anschuetz, Irma ng 1917 Marriage 14 Anschuetz, Irma Vera 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Anschuetz, Irma Vera 1895 1909 Confirmation 21 Anschuetz, James Raymond 1920 1920 Baptism 62 Anschuetz, Jared Owen 1988 1988 Baptism 129 Anschuetz, Johann 1867 1893 Marriage 5 Anschuetz, Johannes Leopold 77y 1907 Death 12 Anschuetz, John 69y 1937 Death 28 Anschuetz, John Mrs (Augusta) 58y 1934 Death 27 Anschuetz, Judith Lynn ng 1960 Marriage 32 Anschuetz, Judy 1940 1956 Baptism 96 Anschuetz, Judy 1940 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Julia ng 1908 Marriage 11 Anschuetz, Julia Louisa 1885 1899 Confirmation 12 Anschuetz, Karen R 37y 1989 Death 51 Anschuetz, Karen Rose ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Anschuetz, Larry James 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Anschuetz, Larry James 1943 1956 Confirmation 56 Anschuetz, Louisa Augusta 1899 1913 Confirmation 25 Anschuetz, Louise ng 1920 Marriage 15 Anschuetz, Margaret ng 1947 Marriage 24 Anschuetz, Margaret Lucille 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Anschuetz, Margaret Lucille 1926 1940 Confirmation 44 Anschuetz, Margaretha Barbara 79y 1916 Death 18 Anschuetz, Mary Lou 1989 1989 Baptism 129 Anschuetz, Michael P ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Anschuetz, Michael Paul 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Anschuetz, Nancy Jo 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Anschuetz, Nancy Jo ng 1974 Confirmation 72 Anschuetz, Patricia Ann 1937 1956 Baptism 96 Anschuetz, Patricia Ann 1939 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Paul E 82y 1968 Death 43 Anschuetz, Pauline 51y 1917 Death 18 Anschuetz, Penny Michell 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Anschuetz, Reinhold Carl 1905 1905 Baptism 45 Anschuetz, Reinhold Carl 5m 1906 Death 11 Anschuetz, Ronald Allen 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Anschuetz, Russel 1926 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Ruth 1932 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Ruth 62y 1995 Death 55 Anschuetz, Ruth Ann 1954 1956 Baptism 96 Anschuetz, Ruth Ann ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Anschuetz, Ryan Thomas 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Anschuetz, Sally 1932 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Sharon ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Anschuetz, Sharon Kay 1953 1955 Baptism 95 Anschuetz, Sheryl Lynn 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Anschuetz, Shirley ng 1954 Marriage 28 Anschuetz, Shirley A 1933 1948 Confirmation 49 Anschuetz, Shirley Ann 1933 1933 Baptism 74 Anschuetz, Steven ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Anschuetz, Steven Duane 1955 1955 Baptism 95 Anschuetz, Steven Duane ng 1976 Marriage 36 Anschuetz, Susan Lynn 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Anschuetz, Susan Lynn ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Anschuetz, Susan Lynn ng 1988 Marriage 41 Anschuetz, Tammy Rae 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Anschuetz, Tammy Rae ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Anschuetz, Tammy Rae ng 1981 Marriage 38 Anschuetz, Teresa Mary 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Anschuetz, Theodor Georg 1898 1898 Baptism 34 Anschuetz, Theodor Georg 1898 1912 Confirmation 23 Anschuetz, Theodore 83y 1982 Death 49 Anschuetz, Theodore E Jr 1938 1956 Confirmation 55 Anschuetz, Theodore E Jr 31y 1970 Death 44 Anschuetz, Theodore Ernst ng 1955 Marriage 28 Anschuetz, Theodore Jr 1938 1956 Baptism 97 Anschuetz, Theresa ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Anschuetz, Thomas Edward 1952 1953 Baptism 92 Anschuetz, Timothy A ng 1972 Confirmation 70 Anschuetz, Timothy Arnold 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Anschuetz, Timothy Arnold ng 1976 Marriage 36 Anschuetz, Timothy Mrs (Carol) ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Anschuetz, unknown child of m/m Heinrich ng 1907 Death 13 Anschuetz, Walter 74y 1970 Death 44 Anschuetz, Walter Edmund 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Anschuetz, Walter Edward 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Anschuetz, Walter Mrs (Rachel) 86y 1985 Death 50 Appler, David 1949 1975 Baptism 135 Appler, David Archer ng 1973 Marriage 35 Appler, Jacob Scott ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Appler, Jakob Scott 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Appler, Jenna M 1982 1982 Baptism 123 Appler, Jenna M ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Appler, Jillian Nadine ng 1991 Confirmation 80 Appler, Jilliann Nadine 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Argyle, Alma H ng 1938 Marriage 21 Arnold, Robert ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Arnold, Robert Mrs (Donna) ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Arnott, Sarah Sadie 75y 1961 Death 39 Arp, Mary Lou 1954 1954 Baptism 95 Asall, Hanna Elisabeth 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Asall, Johanna 22y 1884 Death 1 Asall, Luise Lydia 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Asall, Wilhelm P 1856 1895 Marriage 6 Austin, John ng 1980 Confirmation 76 A Babka, Barbara Kay 1944 1944 Baptism 83 Backus, Barbara Joan ng 1977 Marriage 37 Backus, Bonnie A ng 1990 Marriage 41 Backus, Bonnie Ann 1967 1967 Baptism 115 Backus, Bonnie Ann ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Backus, Brenda Lee ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Backus, Daniel Joseph 1970 1971 Baptism 117 Backus, Daniel Joseph ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Backus, David Allen 1970 1970 Baptism 117 Backus, David Allen ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Backus, David Allen ng 1992 Marriage 41 Backus, Donald ng 1996 Marriage 42 Backus, Donald A ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Backus, Donald Arthur ng 1981 Marriage 38 Backus, Donald Mrs (Roberta) ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Backus, Richard ng 1973 Confirmation 71 Backus, Richard C Sr 47y 1980 Death 48 Backus, Richard Charles ng 1977 Marriage 37 Backus, Roberta Rae Mrs (Don) 1961 1990 Baptism 135 Baker, Grace May ng 1961 Marriage 32 Balczum, Anna Szogas 1863 1887 Marriage 2 Baranek, Christopher Ray 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Baranek, Kayla Louise 1986 1986 Baptism 127 Baranek, Michael Edward 1979 1980 Baptism 123 Baranek, Trevor Johathan 1986 1986 Baptism 127 Barber, Earl Lee ng 1960 Marriage 32 Bariger, Clarence ng 1981 Death 48 Bariger, Clarence F 1911 1961 Confirmation 85 Bariger, Darlene Beverly 1935 1957 Confirmation 57 Bariger, Darlene Beverly ng 1957 Marriage 29 Bariger, David Darold 1944 1959 Confirmation 59 Barnes, Wilma A ng 1994 Marriage 42 Barry, Michael ng 1979 Marriage 38 Bauer, Martha 1874 1889 Confirmation 4 Bean, Anna ng 1929 Marriage 18 Bean, Anna Mary 1910 1924 Confirmation 33 Bean, Catherine S Mrs 85y 1974 Death 46 Bean, Clifford Russel 10d 1925 Death 22 Bean, Clifford Russell 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Bean, Dorothea Eugete 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Bean, Dorothy Eugeta 1912 1935 Confirmation 40 Bean, Elisabeth Katharina ng 1915 Death 17 Bean, Frank Elmer ng 1929 Confirmation 36 Bean, Franklin O 82y 1966 Death 42 Bean, June E ng 1877 Marriage 36 Bean, June Elizabeth 1925 1951 Baptism 89 Bean, June Elizabeth 1925 1951 Confirmation 51 Bean, Mary 2h 1921 Death 21 Bean, Nelson 54y 1974 Death 45 Bean, Nelson Franklin 1920 1920 Baptism 62 Bean, Nelson Franklin 1920 1934 Confirmation 40 Bean, Nelson Franklin ng 1946 Marriage 24 Bean, Rancy Kay ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Bean, Rancy Kay ng 1968 Marriage 34 Bean, Raymond Friedrick 1912 1927 Confirmation 35 Bean, Rose Mary Gertrude 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Bean, Rosemary ng 1949 Marriage 25 Bean, Rosemary Gertrude 1922 1935 Confirmation 40 Bean, Terry Van 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Bean, Terry Van ng 1967 Confirmation 65 Bean, Victor Julius Hermann 1909 1924 Confirmation 33 Bean, Wilford Marvin 1916 1916 Baptism 59 Bean, Wilfred Marvin 1916 1929 Confirmation 36 Beanch, Mere R ng 1948 Marriage 25 Beaumont, Rosette 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Becker, Karl Georg 1889 1889 Baptism 11 Becker, Lanee Christopher ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Becker, Martha 1919 1932 Confirmation 39 Becker, Paul Arthur 1951 1951 Baptism 89 Becker, Thomas Henry 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Bell, Clara May 1897 1898 Baptism 36 Bell, Otto Emil 1902 1903 Baptism 42 Bell, Theodore Rudolph 1896 1898 Baptism 36 Bellville, Brent William 1976 1976 Baptism 121 Benmark, Maynard ng 1954 Marriage 28 Bennett, Charotte May 1925 1958 Confirmation 58 Bennett, Deborah ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Bennett, Deborah Amy 1950 1962 Baptism 134 Bennett, Joseph 74y 1987 Death 51 Bennett, Joseph Enos 1912 1958 Confirmation 58 Bennett, Joseph Enos ng 1957 Marriage 30 Bennett, Joseph Mrs (Charlotte) 61y 1987 Death 51 Benson, Juliette Rene 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Benson, Robert Arthur 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Berchinback, Karen ng 1963 Marriage 33 Berg, Anna Emilie Christine 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Berg, Anna Emilie Christine 12y 1908 Death 13 Berg, Anongmus Masc ng 1894 Death 6 Berg, Emilie 64y 1921 Death 21 Berg, Hermann 1858 1893 Marriage 5 Berg, Otto Robert 1898 1912 Confirmation 23 Berg, Walter A ng 1939 Marriage 21 Berger, Daniel James 1973 1973 Baptism 118 Berlin, Dorothea Louise 1917 1917 Baptism 60 Berlin, Ruth Karoline 1913 1914 Baptism 56 Bertsch, Anongmus Masc ng 1896 Death 7 Bertsch, August 1868 1895 Marriage 6 Bertsch, August 38y 1906 Death 12 Bertsch, Donald Wm 1m 1936 Death 28 Bertsch, Frank 79y 1982 Death 49 Bertsch, Frank Richard 1928 1928 Baptism 68 Bertsch, Frank Richard 1928 1941 Confirmation 44 Bertsch, Franz Rudolph 1902 1903 Baptism 42 Bertsch, Freda 1936 1956 Confirmation 55 Bertsch, Katherine 1978 1978 Baptism 121 Bertsch, Lena ng 1908 Marriage 11 Bertsch, Louisa Augusta 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Bertsch, Louise Auguste 1897 1897 Baptism 34 Bertsch, Lydia Emilie 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Bertsch, Lydia Emilie 1900 1914 Confirmation 26 Bertsch, Mary Catherine 1933 1933 Baptism 74 Bertsch, Mary Catherine 1933 1947 Confirmation 48 Bertsch, Richard M ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Bertsch, Richard Michael 1955 1955 Baptism 96 Bertsch, Rodney ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Bertsch, Rodney Frank 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Bertsch, Tayer Marie 1993 1993 Baptism 132 Bertsch, Wilhelm Huge 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Bertsch, Wilhelm Hugo 1905 1918 Confirmation 29 Bessey, Clarence Edward 1932 1933 Baptism 74 Bessey, Harold Herbert 1936 1936 Baptism 76 Bessey, Jackie Lavernue 1938 1939 Baptism 79 Betsch, Viola ng 1937 Marriage 20 Beyer, Johan ng 1910 Marriage 12 Birkenbach, Irez Arlene 1923 1959 Confirmation 59 Birkenbach, Karen Frances 1946 1960 Baptism 107 Birkenbach, Karen Francis 1946 1960 Confirmation 84 Birkenbach, Linda Lou 1948 1960 Baptism 106 Birkenbach, Lola Jean 1950 1960 Baptism 106 Birkenbach, Terry Dean 1951 1960 Baptism 106 Bischer, Alma ng 1935 Marriage 20 Bischof, Luella Emilie Pauline 1905 1913 Baptism 55 Bishop, Lewis ng 1920 Marriage 15 Black, Gerald Ben 1929 1928 Baptism 69 Black, Willard James 1932 1933 Baptism 74 Blum, Geo ng 1940 Marriage 22 Blust, Brenda ng 1987 Marriage 40 Blust, Brenda Darleen 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Blust, Brenda Darlene ng 1974 Confirmation 72 Blust, Hal Robert ng 1987 Confirmation 78 Blust, Harold Andrew 1970 1970 Baptism 117 Blust, Harold Andrew ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Blust, Harold Andrew ng 1995 Marriage 42 Blust, Jo Ann 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Blust, Jo Ann Marie ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Blust, Robin Marie 1977 1987 Baptism 127 Blust, Tracy Ilene Lillian 1987 1987 Baptism 127 Bode, Dennis H ng 1967 Marriage 34 Boden, Dawn ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Boden, Jennifer ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Bogar, Gerald Thomas 1942 1954 Baptism 94 Bogar, Helen M A E 1913 1954 Baptism 93 Bogar, Lyndon Friederick 1908 1954 Baptism 93 Boger, Gerald Thomas 1942 1957 Confirmation 58 Boger, Gerald Thomas ng 1962 Marriage 33 Boger, Helen M A C 1913 1954 Confirmation 53 Boger, Lyndon Fredrick 1908 1954 Confirmation 53 Boldt, Albert Julius Herman 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Boldt, Arthur Georg 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Boldt, Arthur Georg 1886 1899 Confirmation 11 Boldt, Carl Francis 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Boldt, Edward Friedrich 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Boldt, Ella Metha Mathilda 1900 1913 Confirmation 25 Boldt, Emma Alvina 21y 1902 Death 9 Boldt, Emma Alvine 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Boldt, Emma Alwine 1889 1893 Confirmation 7 Boldt, Hebert Carl August 1896 1912 Confirmation 23 Boldt, Herbert Karl August 1894 1894 Baptism 30 Boldt, Hermann Richard 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Boldt, Hugo ng 1935 Marriage 20 Boldt, Hugo Wilhelm Martin 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Boldt, Karl Julius 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Boldt, Karl Julius 1892 1905 Confirmation 16 Boldt, Martha Augusta 1882 1882 Baptism 4 Boldt, Martha Augusta 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Boldt, Mollie A 82y 1957 Death 37 Boldt, Otto Gottlieb 1889 1889 Baptism 11 Boldt, Otto Gottlieb 2y 1891 Death 4 Boldt, Robert Albert 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Boldt, Wilhelm F 1871 1884 Confirmation 1 Boldt, Wilhelm Fr 1871 1893 Marriage 5 Boldt, Willard Paul Julius 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Boldt, William Reinhold 81y 1952 Death 35 Boquette, Melvin ng 1934 Marriage 20 Borouski, Augusta 1864 1884 Marriage 1 Borouski, Emilie 1859 1884 Marriage 1 Borouski, Hermine 1871 1884 Confirmation 1 Borouski, Hermine 1871 1888 Marriage 3 Borowski, A Mrs 71y 1898 Death 8 Borowski, Aug 89y 1920 Death 20 Bortulin, John ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Bortulin, John Ben ng 1972 Marriage 35 Bortulin, John Paul 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Bortulin, Melissa Kay 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Bottcher, Else Martha Augusta 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Bottcher, Franz Johann Otto 4y 1888 Death 3 Bottcher, Frieda Elsa Minna 1m 1888 Death 3 Bottcher, Frieda Else Minna 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Boughard, Esther A 69y 1976 Death 46 Bowden, Denylle Evelyn Alyse 1986 1992 Baptism 131 Bowen, Mary J ng 1967 Marriage 34 Bowlsby, Traci Lovina 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Bowlsby, Walter ng 1963 Marriage 33 Boyanowski, Emma Luise 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Boyanowski, Karl Friedrich 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Boyanowski, Wilhelm Christian 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Brandt, Caroline 84y 1904 Death 10 Brandt, Christine 74y 1886 Death 2 Brandt, Clare Luise 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Brandt, Elsa Martha Augusta 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Brandt, Emma Alwine 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Brandt, Emma Alwine 1880 1895 Confirmation 8 Brandt, Faungott 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Brandt, Friedrich Samuel 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Brandt, Karl Aug Joh 2y 1888 Death 3 Brandt, Karl August Johann 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Brandt, Minna Anna Emilie 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Brandt, Minna Anna Emilie 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Brandt, Roger ng 1979 Marriage 37 Brandt, Rosa Cacila 5y 1893 Death 5 Brandt, Rosa Cacilia 1887 1888 Baptism 9 Brandt, Wilhelm Albert Julius 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Brandt, Wilhelm Albert Julius 1883 1896 Confirmation 9 Braun, August 1873 1887 Confirmation 2 Braun, Augusta Caroline Rosa 1878 1891 Confirmation 6 Braun, Augusta Karoline Rosa 1878 1879 Baptism 1 Braun, Martha I A 1874 1889 Confirmation 4 Braun, Therese Adeline Wilhelmine 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Briggs, Joan Barbara 1936 1940 Baptism 79 Briggs, John Howard 1938 1940 Baptism 79 Briggs, Lillian Mrs 24y 1939 Death 29 Brigham, Floyd J ng 1972 Confirmation 70 Brigham, Floyd James 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Brigham, Heather Marie 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Brigham, James Charles 1986 1986 Baptism 127 Brigham, Jayne ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Brigham, John Ronson 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Brigham, Laurie L ng 1973 Confirmation 71 Brigham, Laurie Lee 1959 1960 Baptism 105 Brigham, Lisa Joy 1962 1962 Baptism 112 Brigham, Lisa Joy ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Brigham, Lloyd J ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Brigham, Margie Marie 1978 1982 Baptism 124 Brigham, Margie Marie ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Bright, Amanda Marlene 1988 1988 Baptism 128 Bright, Robert Gerard ng 1984 Marriage 39 Brinkman, Henry Jr ng 1943 Marriage 23 Brintnell, Jo Anne Edith 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Bronson, Christoher Jay ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Bronson, David Arnold ng 1979 Confirmation 75 Bronson, David Arnold ng 1985 Marriage 40 Bronson, Everett 1933 1978 Baptism 135 Bronson, Everett ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Bronson, Everett Ralph ng 1974 Marriage 36 Brookbank, Christopher Lee 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Brookbank, Jeffery Alan ng 1972 Marriage 35 Brooks, James ng 1965 Confirmation 64 Brooks, James E ng 1964 Marriage 33 Brooks, Jeffrey James 1967 1967 Baptism 115 Brown, Anna ng 1925 Marriage 17 Brown, Anna Mrs 1905 1930 Baptism 70 Brown, Arnold Carl 1936 1936 Baptism 76 Brown, Calvin Howard 1928 1928 Baptism 68 Brown, Calvin Howard ng 1949 Marriage 25 Brown, Clark Allan ng 1967 Confirmation 65 Brown, Eugene Kline 1927 1930 Baptism 70 Brown, Gwendolynn Ann ng 1959 Marriage 31 Brown, Harlan ng 1927 Marriage 17 Brown, Harlan C 1904 1938 Confirmation 42 Brown, Henry H ng 1920 Marriage 15 Brown, J S Mrs 85y 1944 Death 31 Brown, Junior Russell 1922 1930 Baptism 70 Brown, Kenneth Robert 1925 1930 Baptism 70 Brown, Leonard Richard 1920 1922 Baptism 64 Brown, Patricia ng 1956 Marriage 29 Brown, Virginia Jane 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Brussel, Joyce ng 1953 Marriage 28 Bublitz, Austyn Marie 1988 1988 Baptism 129 Bublitz, Dianna Mrs ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Bublitz, Donna Jean 1934 1947 Confirmation 48 Bublitz, Harold ng 1949 Marriage 25 Bublitz, Harold Charles 1927 1945 Confirmation 47 Bublitz, Jonathan Peter 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Bublitz, Joseph Robert 1883 1983 Baptism 124 Bublitz, Karl Mrs (Martha) 85y 1983 Death 49 Bublitz, Karl W ng 1942 Marriage 22 Bublitz, Karl William 59y 1958 Death 38 Bublitz, Molly Ann 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Bublitz, Morgan Richard 1990 1990 Baptism 130 Bublitz, Patricia A ng 1972 Confirmation 70 Bublitz, Patricia Ann 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Bublitz, Patricia Ann ng 1984 Marriage 39 Bublitz, Richard ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Bublitz, Richard Harold 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Bublitz, Richard Mrs (Diana) 1958 1985 Baptism 135 Bublitz, Robert Karl 1952 1952 Baptism 90 Bublitz, Robert Karl ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Buch, Albert Heinrich 1901 1902 Baptism 40 Buch, Albert Heinrich 1901 1916 Confirmation 27 Buch, Alberta Erna 1932 1932 Baptism 74 Buch, Alberta Erna 1932 1946 Confirmation 48 Buch, Alberta Erna ng 1956 Marriage 29 Buch, Aurelia Mrs 96y 1967 Death 42 Buch, Barbara Anne 1947 1947 Baptism 85 Buch, Beata Laura 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Buch, Beata Laura 1922 1935 Confirmation 40 Buch, Beata Laura ng 1949 Marriage 25 Buch, Carl Roland 1955 1955 Baptism 96 Buch, Christine Marie 1950 1950 Baptism 87 Buch, Dorothea Louise 1924 1924 Baptism 65 Buch, Dorothy ng 1949 Marriage 25 Buch, Dorothy Louise 1924 1937 Confirmation 42 Buch, Emil Aug 32y 1927 Death 23 Buch, Emil August 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Buch, Emil August 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Buch, Emil Henry 85y 1944 Death 31 Buch, Emilie ng 1911 Marriage 12 Buch, Emilie Augusta 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Buch, Emilie Auguste 1886 1901 Confirmation 12 Buch, Fred W 94y 1980 Death 48 Buch, Fredrick ng 1960 Marriage 31 Buch, Friedrich W ng 1917 Marriage 14 Buch, Friedrich Wilhelm 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Buch, Friedrich Wilhelm 1886 1901 Confirmation 12 Buch, Hedweg 24y 1915 Death 17 Buch, Hedwig 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Buch, Herbert Carl 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Buch, Herbert Carl 1912 1925 Confirmation 34 Buch, Ida Emilie Auguste 28y 1916 Death 18 Buch, Ida Pauline ng 1908 Marriage 11 Buch, Laura Caroline 65y 1957 Death 37 Buch, Marie W 92y 1992 Death 53 Buch, Martha A ng 1942 Marriage 22 Buch, Mildred Arlette 40y 1951 Death 34 Buch, Mona Leona 1916 1916 Baptism 58 Buch, Mona Leona ng 1916 Death 18 Buch, Otto Christian 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Buch, Otto Christian 1882 1898 Confirmation 10 Buch, Otto Christian 22y 1907 Death 12 Buch, Pauline Ida 1882 1883 Baptism 4 Buch, Robert Gerald 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Buch, Robert Gerald 14m 1927 Death 23 Buch, Roland R ng 1946 Marriage 24 Buch, Roland Reinhold 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Buch, Roland Reinhold 1919 1933 Confirmation 39 Buch, Roland Reinhold 39y 1958 Death 38 Buchholz, Agnes ng 1907 Marriage 10 Buchholz, Agnes Pauline 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Buchholz, Agnes Pauline 1887 1901 Confirmation 12 Buchholz, Albert 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Buchholz, Albert 3h 1886 Death 2 Buchholz, Augusta 87y 1952 Death 35 Buchholz, Daniel Otto Franz 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Buchholz, Daniel Otto Franz 20y 1914 Death 16 Buchholz, David Otto Franz 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Buchholz, Dean M 1924 1925 Baptism 66 Buchholz, Emil Martin August 1900 1990 Baptism 37 Buchholz, Emil Martin August 1900 1913 Confirmation 24 Buchholz, Ernst Karl 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Buchholz, Ernst Karl 1891 1904 Confirmation 15 Buchholz, Frieda ng 1920 Marriage 15 Buchholz, Frieda Auguste 1897 1897 Baptism 34 Buchholz, Frieda Kunigunde Auguste 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Buchholz, Hanna Elisabeth 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Buchholz, Hanna Elisabetha 1h 1885 Death 1 Buchholz, Heinrich Herman Julius 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Buchholz, Heinrich Hermann Julius 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Buchholz, Henry Leroy 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Buchholz, Johan Leopold 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Buchholz, Johannes Leopold 1895 1895 Baptism 29 Buchholz, Julius 1857 1884 Marriage 1 Buchholz, Julius 70y 1928 Death 23 Buchholz, Julius Emanuel 1901 1901 Baptism 40 Buchholz, Julius Emanuel 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Buchholz, Norma Gertrude 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Buchholz, Roderick Julius Emil 1915 1916 Baptism 59 Buchholz, Waldemar Wilhelm Paul 1904 1917 Confirmation 28 Buchholz, Waldemer Wilhelm 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Buck, Dorothea Augusta 37y 1896 Death 7 Bueschen, Alma ng 1933 Marriage 19 Bueschen, Alma Anna 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Bueschen, Alma Anna 1913 1926 Confirmation 34 Bueschen, Ella Helena 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Bueschen, Hilda 1917 1931 Confirmation 38 Bueschen, Hilda Marie 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Bueschen, Martha Maria 3y 1915 Death 17 Bueschen, Wilma Ileen 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Buffmyer, Natalie Sue ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Bunn, Deney ng 1925 Marriage 17 Burd, George 1893 1946 Confirmation 49 Burgeson, Amelia ng 1921 Marriage 16 Burrell, Alvera M ng 1979 Marriage 37 Burrell, Elmer J ng 1952 Marriage 27 Burrell, Frances L ng 1991 Marriage 41 Burrell, Jack ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Butzin, Kristopher Steven 1974 1989 Baptism 129 Butzin, Kristopher Steven ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Bygden, Emil ng 1921 Marriage 16 Bygden, Joseph ng 1921 Marriage 16 C Cadorette, Arthur 1904 1956 Confirmation 55 Cadorette, Arthur ng 1928 Marriage 18 Cadorette, Arthur Lawrence 1931 1931 Baptism 72 Cadorette, Arthur Lawrence 1931 1945 Confirmation 47 Cadorette, Arthur Lawrence ng 1951 Marriage 26 Cadorette, Arthur Sr 76y 1980 Death 48 Cadorette, Barbara J 1931 1956 Confirmation 55 Cadorette, Barbara J 1931 1956 Baptism 97 Cadorette, Beverly Ann 1939 1939 Baptism 99 Cadorette, Beverly Ann 1939 1954 Confirmation 54 Cadorette, Beverly Ann ng 1956 Marriage 29 Cadorette, Brenda Sue ng 1983 Marriage 39 Cadorette, Debarah Ann 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Cadorette, Deborah A ng 1971 Marriage 35 Cadorette, Deborah Ann ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Cadorette, Frederic E 1936 1950 Confirmation 50 Cadorette, Fredrich Eugene 22y 1958 Death 38 Cadorette, Friederick Eugene 1936 1937 Baptism 77 Cadorette, Jennifer Lynn 1966 1967 Baptism 115 Cadorette, Jennifer, Lynn ng 1982 Confirmation 77 Cadorette, John ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Cadorette, John Thomas 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Cadorette, John Thomas 8y 1942 Death 30 Cadorette, John Thomas Jr 1933 1934 Baptism 75 Cadorette, Kenneth Robert 1945 1946 Baptism 84 Cadorette, Kenneth Robert 1945 1960 Confirmation 84 Cadorette, Marilyn Mrs ng 1981 Confirmation 76 Cadorette, Robert John ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Cadorette, Steven A ng 1974 Confirmation 72 Cadorette, Steven Arthur 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Calafaty, Alexis Manes 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Calafaty, Allison Christine 1987 1987 Baptism 128 Call, Aivin Cheslie Jr ng 1984 Marriage 39 Call, Shann Rae 1987 1987 Baptism 128 Campbell, Ardis Mrs 63y 1964 Death 41 Card, Angela Briann 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Card, Carol ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Card, David ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Card, David Nels II 1990 1990 Baptism 130 Carl, Otto ng 1907 Marriage 10 Carpenter, Grace ng 1920 Marriage 15 Carswell, Kassie 1931 1954 Confirmation 53 Carswell, Marcia Lee 1955 1955 Baptism 95 Carswell, Nadine Beth 1957 1957 Baptism 99 Carswell, Rassie ng 1954 Marriage 28 Casey, Patricia ng 1982 Confirmation 77 Caves, Jean ng 1946 Marriage 24 Charters, Shella Mae 1935 1936 Baptism 76 Charters, Vicky Sue ng 1975 Marriage 36 Chester, Christopher Todd 1976 1976 Baptism 120 Chester, Goran Lee ng 1961 Marriage 43 Chester, Gordan L ng 1962 Baptism 134 Chester, Gordon L ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Cholcher, Anna Emilie 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Cholcher, Emma Minna Ida 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Cholcher, Lena Wilhelmine 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Cholger, Albert H 60y 1950 Death 34 Cholger, Albert Heinrich 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Cholger, Albert Heinrich 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Cholger, Albert Mrs (Frieda) 90y 1983 Death 49 Cholger, Alvin Martin 1913 1928 Confirmation 36 Cholger, Alvina ng 1939 Marriage 21 Cholger, Alvina Wilhelmine 1917 1935 Confirmation 41 Cholger, Alvine Wilhelmine 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Cholger, Amilia ng 1909 Marriage 11 Cholger, Anna C A 1875 1889 Confirmation 4 Cholger, Anongmus 3d 1903 Death 10 Cholger, Aug 81y 1928 Death 23 Cholger, August 1874 1887 Confirmation 2 Cholger, August Fredrick 83y 1957 Death 37 Cholger, August Mrs 79y 1929 Death 24 Cholger, August Mrs 90y 1966 Death 42 Cholger, Dennis ng 1962 Confirmation 62 Cholger, Dennis Harold 1948 1948 Baptism 85 Cholger, Dennis Harold ng 1975 Marriage 36 Cholger, Dennis Harold ng 1983 Marriage 39 Cholger, Dennis Mrs (Diane) ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Cholger, Eduard Carl August 1906 1906 Baptism 45 Cholger, Eduard Carl August 8d 1906 Death 11 Cholger, Eleanor ng 1947 Marriage 24 Cholger, Eleanore Anna 1923 1923 Baptism 65 Cholger, Elinor Anna 1923 1938 Confirmation 43 Cholger, Emil ng 1926 Marriage 17 Cholger, Emil Mrs (Martha) 73y 1971 Death 44 Cholger, Emil R 88y 1980 Death 48 Cholger, Emil Rudolf Ludwig 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Cholger, Emil Rudolf Ludwig 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Cholger, Emilie Karoline Auguste 1886 1886 Baptism 8 Cholger, Emma Auguste Wilhelmine 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Cholger, Emma Minna Ida 1902 1918 Confirmation 29 Cholger, Emma Wilhelmine Auguste 14y 1897 Death 8 Cholger, Frieda M E ng 1940 Marriage 21 Cholger, Frieda Meta Etta 1920 1920 Baptism 61 Cholger, Frieda Meta Etta 1920 1935 Confirmation 41 Cholger, Georg Kal Jakob 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Cholger, Georg Karl Jacob 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Cholger, George 1919 1931 Confirmation 38 Cholger, George Henry 22y 1941 Death 29 Cholger, Gerald Donald 1953 1953 Baptism 93 Cholger, Gerry Donald ng 1967 Confirmation 65 Cholger, Harold ng 1947 Marriage 24 Cholger, Harold Albert 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Cholger, Harold Albert 1926 1944 Confirmation 46 Cholger, Hedwig ng 1948 Marriage 25 Cholger, Hedwig Dorothea 1922 1922 Baptism 63 Cholger, Hedwig Dorothea 1922 1938 Confirmation 43 Cholger, Heinrich August 1878 1893 Confirmation 6 Cholger, Herbert William 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Cholger, Herbert William 1915 1928 Confirmation 36 Cholger, Herbert William 1941 1955 Confirmation 54 Cholger, Johanna ng 1900 Marriage 8 Cholger, Julia M Mrs 87y 1975 Death 46 Cholger, Karen Lynn 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Cholger, Karen Lynn ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Cholger, Karen Lynn ng 1984 Marriage 39 Cholger, Karl August Ferdinand 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Cholger, Lena ng 1911 Marriage 12 Cholger, Lena Wilhelmine 2y 1908 Death 13 Cholger, Lilian Emilie Anna 1909 1910 Baptism 51 Cholger, Lillian ng 1928 Marriage 18 Cholger, Lillian Emilie Anna 1909 1926 Confirmation 34 Cholger, Lina Carolina Bertha 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Cholger, Lina Karline Bertha 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Cholger, Lydia 30y 1928 Death 23 Cholger, Marion Mrs 70y 1991 Death 53 Cholger, Marjori L ng 1949 Marriage 25 Cholger, Marjorie Louise 1928 1929 Baptism 68 Cholger, Marjorie Lucille 1928 1944 Confirmation 46 Cholger, Matthew Dennis 1985 1985 Baptism 125 Cholger, Megan Lee 1978 1978 Baptism 122 Cholger, Megan Lee ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Cholger, Mildred Irene 1920 1921 Baptism 62 Cholger, Mildred Irene 1920 1933 Confirmation 39 Cholger, Minna 1873 1887 Confirmation 2 Cholger, Minna 1873 1896 Marriage 7 Cholger, Rosa Wilhelmine 1880 1895 Confirmation 8 Cholger, Rose Wilhelmine 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Cholger, Ruth Lucile 1917 1930 Confirmation 37 Cholger, Sarah Lynn 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Cholger, Sarah Lynn ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Cholger, Tyler George 1945 1945 Baptism 83 Cholger, Tyler George 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Cholger, WIlhelm Friedrich 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Cholger, Wilhelm Friedrich 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Cholger, William F 94y 1976 Death 46 Cholger, William G ng 1972 Marriage 35 Cholger, William Grant 1952 1952 Baptism 90 Cholger, William Grant ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Chriss, Paul ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Clark, Roy John ng 1920 Marriage 15 Clark, Ruth Eleanor 1921 1921 Baptism 63 Clement, Carrie Cathleen ng 1980 Marriage 38 Clement, Thomas ng 1971 Marriage 38 Colden, Edmund Albert August 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Colden, William 1864 1889 Marriage 3 Cole, Daniel ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Cole, Hope ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Cole, James Peter ng 1993 Marriage 42 Cole, Nate Dominic Vincenty ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Coley, Victor ng 1906 Marriage 10 Collins, Phillip E ng 1949 Marriage 25 Collins, Steven Phillip 1954 1954 Baptism 95 Combs, Ethan Carter 1991 1991 Baptism 130 Conant, Lydia ng 1926 Marriage 17 Condom, Debra Ann ng 1973 Marriage 35 Conklin, Albert Friedrich 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Conklin, Albert Friedrick 1908 1921 Confirmation 31 Conklin, Donald Charles 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Conklin, Fred B ng 1906 Marriage 10 Conklin, Johanna Ida 37y 1925 Death 22 Conway, Mitchell Allyn 1958 1960 Baptism 107 Cook, John Charles 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Cook, Mary Jane 1959 1959 Baptism 103 Cook, Michael James 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Cooley, Andrew 65y 1907 Death 12 Corbin, Heather Lynn 1982 1985 Baptism 126 Corbin, Thomas Mrs (Julia) 1957 1985 Baptism 135 Corbin, Thomas Phillip 1974 1985 Baptism 125 Corbin, Thomas Phillip ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Corbin, Timothy Wayne 1978 1985 Baptism 125 Corbin, Timothy Wayne ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Cox, Ida M ng 1912 Marriage 13 Coyle, Cheryl Anne 1946 1946 Baptism 84 Coyle, Cheryl Anne 1946 1960 Confirmation 84 Coyle, Denise Lee ng 1991 Confirmation 80 Coyle, Dennise Lee 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Coyle, Dianne Marie 1945 1945 Baptism 83 Coyle, Gayle L ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Coyle, Gayle Lynn 1959 1959 Baptism 103 Coyle, Janell Lynn 1980 1980 Baptism 122 Coyle, Janell Lynn ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Coyle, Kelly Rae 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Coyle, Kelly Rae ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Coyle, Kelly Rae ng 1986 Marriage 40 Coyle, Michael John 1954 1954 Baptism 95 Coyle, Michael John ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Coyle, Michael John ng 1976 Marriage 36 Coyle, Michael Mrs (Bonita) ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Coyle, Paula 1952 1976 Baptism 135 Coyle, Scott Edward 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Coyle, Scott Edward ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Coyle, Tare Leslie 1986 1986 Baptism 126 Coyle, Thomas ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Coyle, Thomas Edward 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Coyle, Thomas Edward ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Coyle, Thomas Edward ng 1985 Marriage 40 Coyle, Thomas Edward ng 1974 Marriage 36 Cozad, Bruce Allen 1950 1950 Baptism 89 Cozad, Janet Marie 1949 1949 Baptism 86 Cozad, Marilyn Ann 1951 1952 Baptism 90 Cragg, Caroline Elizabeth ng 1960 Marriage 31 Cramer, James F 72y 1989 Death 51 Cross, Donald D ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Crossnoe, Alyssa Sue 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Crossnoe, Brandon Scott 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Crossnoe, Brian Neil 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Crossnoe, Donald ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Crossnoe, Donald Scott ng 1991 Marriage 41 Crum, Avera Ida 1919 1936 Confirmation 41 Crumm, Friedrich 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Cruse, Teril Nicole ng 1996 Marriage 42 D Dahms, Anna Wilhelmine Alwine 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Dahn, Beverly Jean 1933 1958 Confirmation 58 Daley, James Douglas ng 1960 Marriage 32 Daley, James Mrs (Beverly) 44y 1983 Death 49 Daley, Stanley James sb 1974 Death 46 Daly, Nancy Jane 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Daly, Thomas Allen 1951 1951 Baptism 89 Damerau, Augusta H 1870 1890 Marriage 3 Damerau, Emma Hermine Caroline 1893 1893 Baptism 21 Damerau, Martha Emilie 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Damerau, Minna Ottilie 1895 1895 Baptism 29 Damm, Eula Mrs (Herman) 78y 1988 Death 51 Damm, Herman 80y 1989 Death 51 Daniels, Carol Dorothy ng 1985 Marriage 40 Daniels, Catherine Louise 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Daniels, Dionn Jean 1950 1950 Baptism 86 Daseke, Gustav 50y 1914 Death 17 Daubert, Paul Richard 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Davis, Deborah Ann 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Davis, Jeffrey Paul 1957 1957 Baptism 99 Davis, Lisa Marie 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Davis, Roland Chester ng 1955 Marriage 28 Davis, Rolland Chester 1934 1954 Baptism 93 Davis, Rolland Chester 1934 1954 Confirmation 53 Davis, Trudy Ann 1948 1948 Baptism 85 Dawson, Barbara ng 1964 Marriage 33 Deacon, Emma Mrs ng 1920 Marriage 15 Deahano, Bonnabell G ng 1990 Marriage 41 Dean, Anna ng 1922 Marriage 16 DeBeau, Mark L ng 1973 Marriage 35 Deberu, Jennifer Lynn 1987 1987 Baptism 128 Deberu, Matthew Lawrence 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Deboever, Penny M ng 1990 Marriage 41 Decker, Shirley Elizabeth 1925 1936 Baptism 77 DeFisher, William John ng 1958 Marriage 30 Defisher, William John Jr 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Dehuke, Katherine Mrs 83y 1948 Death 33 Dellmer, Georg ng 1899 Marriage 7 Dellmer, Wilhlem 1876 1899 Marriage 7 Demock, Thelma Gertrude 1926 1926 Baptism 67 DePotty, Rose Elizabeth ng 1938 Marriage 21 Derges, Walter Adolf 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Derr, Alma ng 1942 Marriage 22 Dettmar, Ferdinand ng 1907 Marriage 10 Dettmer, Arthur ng 1920 Marriage 15 Dettmer, Arthur Georg Hermann 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Dettmer, Delia A ng 1901 Marriage 9 Dettmer, Emma Luise 1876 1889 Confirmation 4 Dettmer, Friedrich Albert 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Dettmer, Hubert Hugo Karl 1895 1895 Baptism 29 Dettmer, Ida 1873 1887 Confirmation 3 Dettmer, Johanna 1871 1884 Confirmation 1 Dettmer, Johanna 1871 1890 Marriage 4 Dettmer, Ottilie Aurelia 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Dettmer, Ottilie Aurelia 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Dettmer, Otto 1870 1884 Confirmation 1 Dettmer, Otto 1870 1892 Marriage 5 Deustedt, Glenoverne Gloria 1927 1942 Confirmation 45 Dewyse, Allen Edward 1986 1987 Baptism 128 DeWyse, Patricia A ng 1977 Marriage 37 DeWyse, Patricia Ann ng 1971 Confirmation 70 DeWyse, Sharon ng 1965 Confirmation 63 DeWyse, Sharon Marie ng 1970 Marriage 34 DeWyse, Timothy ng 1962 Confirmation 62 Diamond, Jon Jae 1957 1957 Baptism 102 Diamond, Sara Beth 1981 1982 Baptism 124 Diamond, Todd 1958 1958 Baptism 102 Diffenbach, Ralph ng 1911 Marriage 12 Difflin, Kalin Maurriece 1986 1986 Baptism 127 Difflin, Rebekah Melissa 1982 1982 Baptism 124 Difflin, Reye Morris 1983 1983 Baptism 124 Dikos, Rose ng 1950 Marriage 26 Dilworth, Lillian Pearl 1921 1921 Baptism 63 Dines, Jay ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Dinse, Betty ng 1945 Marriage 23 Diuse, Betty Jeane 1928 1944 Confirmation 46 Diuse, William Herman 1930 1944 Confirmation 46 Dmock, Esther Mrs ng 1931 Marriage 19 Dmock, Fred ng 1931 Marriage 19 Dohm, William ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Dohrman, Arthur ng 1968 Death 43 Doly, Joseph W 1925 1956 Confirmation 55 Dombrowske, Anna Olga 1889 1889 Baptism 12 Dombrowske, Athna May 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Dombrowski, Darenda Ann ng 1983 Marriage 39 Doty, Joseph 66y 1985 Death 50 Doty, Joseph M ng 1972 Marriage 35 Draeger, Albert 76y 1974 Death 45 Draeger, Albert Wilhelm 1897 1912 Confirmation 23 Draeger, Anna Ottilie Elvina 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Draeger, Auguste Ernstine Karoline 1884 1898 Confirmation 11 Draeger, Clara Louisa 1893 1908 Confirmation 19 Draeger, Colleen Verlaine 1937 1951 Confirmation 51 Draeger, Colleen Verlaine ng 1956 Marriage 29 Draeger, Emil Johannes 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Draeger, Emil Johannes 5y 1906 Death 12 Draeger, Esther Minna 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Draeger, Josephine Helena ng 1984 Marriage 40 Draeger, Julius August Martin 1899 1914 Confirmation 25 Draeger, Julius August Mathia 1899 1899 Baptism 36 Draeger, Louise Karoline 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Draeger, Martha Caroline Minna 1888 1901 Confirmation 13 Draeger, Rhea ng 1940 Marriage 22 Draeger, Ruth Isabel 1906 1906 Baptism 45 Draeger, Walter Georg 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Draeger, Walter Georg 3y 1906 Death 12 Draeger, Wilhelm 77y 1908 Death 13 Draeger, Yoanne Lucille 1935 1935 Baptism 76 Draeger, Yoanne Lucille 1935 1951 Confirmation 51 Draeger, Yvonne Lucille ng 1955 Marriage 28 Drager, Albert 1868 1883 Confirmation 1 Drager, Albert 1868 1892 Marriage 5 Drager, Albert Wilhelm 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Drager, Anna Ottilie Alwine 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Drager, Anongmus Masc ng 1893 Death 5 Drager, Auguste Karoline Ernstine 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Drager, Bertha 1867 1883 Confirmation 1 Drager, Bertha 1867 1887 Marriage 2 Drager, Christine 1870 1884 Confirmation 1 Drager, Clara Luise 1893 1893 Baptism 24 Drager, Colleen Virlahn 1937 1937 Baptism 77 Drager, Emilie 1866 1884 Marriage 1 Drager, Gottlieb 54y 1887 Death 2 Drager, Helen Jesephine Mrs 1901 1938 Confirmation 42 Drager, Luise Caroline 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Drager, Luise Caroline 1871 1885 Confirmation 2 Drager, Luise Caroline 1871 1888 Marriage 3 Drager, Martha Karoline Minna 1888 1888 Baptism 9 Drager, Rheas Loraine 1920 1938 Confirmation 42 Drager, Wilhelm 1830 1883 Marriage 1 Drager, Wilhelm Ferninand 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Drofke, Albert Hermann 1876 1891 Confirmation 5 Drofke, August Gustav 15y 1888 Death 3 Drofke, Max 1874 1887 Confirmation 2 Drofke, Max 20y 1894 Death 6 Drozke, Emilie 1850 1894 Marriage 6 Dye, Earl 73y 1993 Death 54 E Ebert, Albert Carl 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Ebert, Albert Carl 1905 1920 Confirmation 30 Ebert, Anna Wilhelmine 1899 1899 Baptism 36 Ebert, Anna Wilhelmine 1899 1913 Confirmation 24 Ebert, August 1860 1889 Marriage 3 Ebert, August 70y 1931 Death 25 Ebert, August Friedrich 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Ebert, August Friedrich 9y 1904 Death 11 Ebert, August Sr 60y 1893 Death 5 Ebert, Carl Rudolf 1907 1922 Confirmation 31 Ebert, Carl Rudolph 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Ebert, Emilie Pauline 1871 1885 Confirmation 2 Ebert, Emilie Wilhelmine 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Ebert, Emilie Wilhelmine 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Ebert, Herman Georg 1911 1911 Baptism 52 Ebert, Herman George 1911 1926 Confirmation 35 Ebert, Ida Bertha 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Ebert, Ida Bertha 1902 1917 Confirmation 28 Ebert, Johann 1858 1884 Marriage 1 Ebert, Johann Karl 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Ebert, John ng 1943 Death 30 Ebert, Joseph August 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Ebert, Maria Louisa 1901 1915 Confirmation 27 Ebert, Marie Louise 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Ebert, Martha Margaretha 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Ebert, Martha Margaretha 1893 1909 Confirmation 20 Ebert, Ottilie Hulda 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Ebert, Ottilie Hulda 1897 1912 Confirmation 23 Ebert, Wilhelm Albert 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Ebert, Wilhelm Albert 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Ebert, William A 79y 1971 Death 44 Eckert, Adela Lois 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Edgerton, Kristen Eileen ng 1979 Marriage 37 Edward, Emilie ng 1911 Marriage 12 Ehlert, Leo Wilhelm 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Eich, Charles 95y 1990 Death 52 Elfrig, Selora Minna 1888 1888 Baptism 11 Ellsworth, Harold ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Ellsworth, Harold 77y 1981 Death 48 Emmal, Albert Carl 1095 1905 Baptism 45 Engle, Ericka Lyn ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Engle, Ericka Lyn ng 1995 Marriage 42 Engle, Karen Francis ng 1977 Marriage 37 Engle, Laurie Joanne ng 1985 Marriage 40 Engle, Marcie Jo ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Engle, Marx ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Erickson, Gerals Walter ng 1980 Marriage 38 Etzel, Evan Christian 1994 1994 Baptism 133 Etzel, Gloria 66y 1994 Death 55 Etzel, Gregg ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Etzel, Leroy ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Etzel, Leroy Mrs (Gloria) ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Etzel, Linda Susan ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Evans, John Corbly ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Evril, Ann Esther 1942 1942 Baptism 81 Evril, Ann Esther 1942 1956 Confirmation 57 Evril, Clyde M 61y 1968 Death 43 Evril, Clyde Maxwell 1907 1946 Confirmation 49 F Fahselt, Dennis ng 1967 Confirmation 67 Fahselt, Diane Lynn ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Fahselt, Diane Lynn ng 1972 Marriage 35 Fahselt, Elmer Mrs (Alvera) 82y 1984 Death 50 Fahselt, Elmer O ng 1979 Marriage 37 Fahselt, Elmer O 90y 1987 Death 51 Fahselt, Roland ng 1967 Confirmation 67 Fahselt, Roland Mrs (Lorna) ng 1967 Confirmation 67 Fandrei, Wilhelmine 1861 1887 Marriage 2 Farnsworth, Floyd ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Farnsworth, Floyd Mrs (Mabel) ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Farnsworth, Justin Craig 1991 1991 Baptism 130 Faulkner, Charles Wayne ng 1959 Marriage 31 Faulkner, Laura Lee 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Fay, Margaret Louise ng 1962 Marriage 33 Felske, Connie Lou ng 1989 Marriage 41 Felske, Denise Lynn ng 1976 Marriage 36 Felske, Hannan Marie 1978 1979 Baptism 122 Felske, Loretta ng 1996 Marriage 42 Felske, Matthew Michael 1982 1982 Baptism 123 Felske, Michael ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Felske, Michael Andrew ng 1975 Marriage 36 Felske, Robert 61y 1992 Death 53 Felske, Wilhelmine 85y 1993 Death 16 Festerling, Henry W ng 1905 Marriage 9 Fetterhoff, James W ng 1970 Marriage 35 Fica, James David 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Fica, James David 1939 1939 Baptism 103 Fica, James David 1936 1959 Confirmation 59 Fica, James David ng 1956 Marriage 29 Fica, Kathryn Ann 1958 1958 Baptism 102 Fica, Robert Allen 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Fica, Suzanne Marie 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Fiedler, Clara Mrs 72y 1967 Death 42 Fiedler, Clarence 83y 1991 Death 53 Fiedler, Clarence Theodor Johann 1908 1908 Baptism 49 Fiedler, Elmer George 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Fiedler, Elsa Maria Augusta 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Fiedler, Elsa Marie Augusta 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Fiedler, Emma Hanna Augusta 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Fiedler, Friedrich August Johann 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Fiedler, Friedrich August Johann 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Fiedler, Georg August Emil 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Fiedler, George August 1896 1910 Confirmation 21 Fiedler, Johan 49y 1910 Death 14 Fiedler, Johann 1860 1886 Marriage 2 Fiedler, Johann Karl 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Fiedler, Karl Fredrick 67y 1961 Death 40 Fiedler, Karl Friedrich 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Fiedler, Karl Friedrich 1894 1908 Confirmation 18 Fiedler, Luise Minnie 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Fiedler, Martin F 71y 1969 Death 43 Fiedler, Martin Franz 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Fiedler, Martin Franz 1898 1912 Confirmation 23 Fiedler, Martin Mrs (Martha) 82y 1984 Death 50 Fiedler, Selma Minna Caroline 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Fiedler, Selma Minna Caroline 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Fiedler, Stella 76y 1993 Death 54 Finley, Donald R ng 1988 Marriage 41 Finnen, A Mrs 68y 1899 Death 9 Fischer, Johann Heinrich 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Fischer, Michael Thomas 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Flanagan, Sandra 1957 1975 Baptism 135 Flanagan, Sandra Kay ng 1975 Marriage 36 Fletcheo, Helene 1920 1956 Confirmation 55 Fletcher, Helena 1920 1956 Baptism 97 Fletcher, Thomas J 1952 1956 Baptism 96 Fletcher, Thomas J ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Fletcher, Tunney ng 1962 Confirmation 62 Foess, Arnold 69y 1990 Death 52 Foess, Naomi Joanna ng 1979 Confirmation 75 Foess, Naomi Joanna ng 1991 Marriage 41 Fox, Carol Jean 1948 1948 Baptism 86 Fox, Joseph W 1914 1956 Confirmation 56 Fox, Joseph Warner ng 1950 Marriage 26 Fox, Kathryn Ann 1947 1947 Baptism 85 Fox, Randall M 1914 1956 Confirmation 56 Fox, Randell Gary 1940 1954 Confirmation 54 Fox, Timothy Michael 1954 1954 Baptism 95 Francis, David A ng 1972 Confirmation 70 Francis, David Alan ng 1982 Marriage 39 Francis, Fred Mrs (Margaret) 72y 1984 Death 50 Francis, Kirk Alan 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Francis, Susanne ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Francis, Susanne Lee 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Francis, Susanne Lee ng 1980 Marriage 38 Frank, Amy Louise 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Frank, Andrea Lee 1973 1974 Baptism 119 Frank, Frieda ng 1977 Death 48 Frank, Gregory Scott 1960 1960 Baptism 106 Frank, Helene 1874 1897 Marriage 7 Frank, Larry James ng 1959 Marriage 31 Frank, Patricia Ann ng 1955 Marriage 29 Frank, Terry L ng 1968 Marriage 34 Frank, Terry Lee 1946 1971 Baptism 134 Frank, Terry Lee ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Franke, Ester Elisa 1892 1898 Baptism 36 Franke, Mary Mildred 1895 1898 Baptism 36 Frazer, Lois Fern ng 1941 Marriage 22 Freel, Cheryl Lynn 1966 1966 Baptism 115 Freel, Cheryl Lynn ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Freel, Cheryl Lynn ng 1991 Marriage 41 Freel, Dennis Lee 14d 1944 Death 31 Freel, Edward ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Freel, Edward Albert ng 1962 Marriage 33 Freel, James Albert 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Freel, James Albert ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Freeman, Paula Jean ng 1974 Marriage 36 Fregien, Linda D ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Fregien, Michael J ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Fregien, Michelle R ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Friedrichsen, Albert Justus 1905 1906 Baptism 45 Friedrichsen, Anna Christine 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Friedrichsen, Augusta Johanna 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Friedrichsen, Emma Marie 1894 1895 Baptism 27 Friedrichsen, Karl Heinrich 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Friedrichsen, Martha Dorothea 1903 1905 Baptism 44 Friedrichson, Sophia E ng 1899 Marriage 7 Frisch, Bertha Ann 1943 1943 Baptism 81 Frisch, Billie Jane 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Frisch, Emil Duane 1939 1939 Baptism 79 Frisch, Floyd ng 1937 Marriage 20 Frisch, Floyd Emil 1917 1934 Confirmation 40 Frisch, Leslie R ng 1939 Marriage 21 Frisch, Leslie Richard 1919 1934 Confirmation 40 Friske, Ryan James 1988 1988 Baptism 129 Fuerst, Carl Mrs (Amelia) 78y 1933 Death 26 Fuerst, Leonard ng 1933 Marriage 19 Fuhrman, Mary Ann ng 1959 Death 39 Furst, Otto Karl 1878 1893 Confirmation 6 G Gackstetter, Peter 80y 1951 Death 34 Gaither, Donald ng 1965 Marriage 33 Gansen, Cary Edward 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Gansen, Gary Edward ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Gansen, Gary Edward ng 1960 Marriage 31 Ganson, William Joseph 10h 1961 Death 39 Gaul, Albert Friedrich August 1881 1882 Baptism 3 Gaul, Carolina 74y 1921 Death 20 Gaul, Ella ng 1920 Marriage 15 Gaul, Ella Augusta 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Gaul, Ella Augusta 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Gaul, Emma Johana Bertha 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Gaul, Emma M ng 1902 Marriage 9 Gaul, Emma Mathilde 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Gaul, Emma Mathilde 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Gaul, Friederich ng 1934 Death 27 Gaul, Friedrich Karl Wilhelm 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Gaul, Herman 74y 1944 Death 31 Gaul, Hermann 1870 1884 Confirmation 1 Gaul, Hermann 1870 1895 Marriage 6 Gaul, Johann Theodor 1877 1877 Baptism 1 Gaul, Johann Theodor 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Gaul, Johanna Elisabeth 1890 1891 Baptism 17 Gaul, Johanna Elisabeth 1890 1905 Confirmation 16 Gaul, Maria 1879 1880 Baptism 2 Gaul, Marie 1879 1895 Confirmation 8 Gaul, Walter Herman 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Gaul, Walther Herman 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Gauthier, Ervin ng 1951 Marriage 27 Gauthier, Ervin Emerson 1913 1957 Baptism 99 Gauthier, Ervin Emerson 1913 1957 Confirmation 57 Gauthier, Kenneth Elgin 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Gauthier, Lois Ann 1958 1958 Baptism 102 Gertz, Mable Alice 1932 1933 Baptism 74 Gertz, Ruth Ellen 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Geschke, Marie 1871 1892 Marriage 4 Gibson, Wayne William 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Gikas, Paul ng 1952 Marriage 27 Gillispie, Opal ng 1939 Marriage 21 Gilmore, Minne Grace Marie 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Gilmore, Nettie Martha 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Gilmore, Wilmot Georg 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Gingerich, Carol Mrs ng 1986 Confirmation 78 Gingerich, Cassanore Leigh 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Gingerich, Daniel 1991 1991 Baptism 130 Gingerich, Diane Louise 1959 1959 Baptism 103 Gingerich, Dianel ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Gingerich, Dianne Louise ng 1980 Marriage 38 Gingerich, Donald Jr ng 1951 Marriage 26 Gingerich, Donald Leroy 1929 1951 Baptism 89 Gingerich, Donald Leroy 1929 1951 Confirmation 51 Gingerich, Donald Mark 1988 1988 Baptism 128 Gingerich, Mark S ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Gingerich, Mark Steven 1956 1956 Baptism 96 Gingerich, Mark Steven ng 1985 Marriage 40 Gingerich, Michael Donald 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Gingerich, Michael Donald ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Gingerich, Michael Donald ng 1973 Marriage 36 Gingerich, Michael Donald ng 1986 Marriage 40 Gingerich, Rhonda L ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Gingerich, Scott M ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Gingerich, Scott Matthew 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Glumm,Wilhelm F ng 1913 Marriage 13 Godecke, Alwine Wilhelmine 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Godecke, Anna Emma 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Godecke, August Karl Wil 1880 1895 Confirmation 7 Godecke, August Karl Wilhelm 1880 1881 Baptism 2 Godecke, Christian A 1875 1889 Confirmation 3 Godecke, Elvira Elisabeth 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Godecke, Ernstine 1872 1887 Confirmation 2 Godecke, Luise Wilhelmine 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Godecke, Luise Wilhelmine 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Goebel, Bradley Thomas ng 1973 Marriage 35 Goedecke, Alvera Elisabeth 1913 1929 Confirmation 37 Goedecke, Anna Dorothea 60y 1907 Death 12 Goedecke, Aug Andrew 1908 1921 Confirmation 31 Goedecke, August ng 1907 Marriage 10 Goedecke, August 80y 1961 Death 40 Goedecke, August Andreas 1908 1908 Baptism 49 Goedecke, August Andrew 44y 1952 Death 35 Goedecke, Barbara A 1933 1948 Confirmation 49 Goedecke, Barbara Ann 1934 1934 Baptism 75 Goedecke, Barbara Ann ng 1952 Marriage 27 Goedecke, Christian Fried Andreas 57y 1904 Death 10 Goedecke, Harold Georg 1911 1911 Baptism 52 Goedecke, Harold George 1911 1925 Confirmation 34 Goedecke, Joan E ng 1951 Marriage 27 Goedecke, Joan Elaine 1933 1933 Baptism 74 Goedecke, Joanne Elaine 1933 1946 Confirmation 48 Goedecke, Lornetta Maria 1915 1915 Baptism 58 Goedecke, Louise ng 1905 Marriage 9 Goedecke, Lyle Arthur 1921 1921 Baptism 63 Goedecke, Maria Eleonora 35y 1916 Death 18 Goedecke, Marion M 1910 1938 Confirmation 42 Goedecke, Russel Carl 1918 1918 Baptism 60 Goedecke, Walter Georg 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Goicke, Frank 87y 1931 Death 25 Goieke, Carolina 79y 1920 Death 20 Goike, Alwine 1873 1887 Confirmation 2 Goike, Alwine 1873 1891 Marriage 4 Goike, Franz 7y 1888 Death 3 Goike, Franz August Friedrich 1881 1881 Baptism 2 Goike, Ida Henriette 20y 1906 Death 11 Goike, Ida Nenriette 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Goike, Johanna 1865 1883 Marriage 1 Goike, Maria ng 1899 Marriage 7 Goike, Maria E J 1876 1889 Confirmation 4 Goike, Martha 1878 1899 Marriage 7 Goike, Martha Aug Wilh 1878 1891 Confirmation 6 Goike, Therese 1868 1883 Confirmation 1 Goike, Therese 1868 1886 Marriage 2 Goodman, Carl R ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Goodman, Carl Richard ng 1961 Marriage 31 Goodman, Esther Marie ng 1970 Marriage 34 Gosnell, Esther Marie ng 1961 Marriage 32 Gosnell, James Clarence Jr ng 1957 Marriage 30 Gottleber, ng 1933 Marriage 19 Gottleber, Alma Argyle 1918 1939 Confirmation 43 Gottleber, Esther Clara 1921 1921 Baptism 62 Gottleber, Esther Clara 1921 1934 Confirmation 40 Gottleber, Friedrich ng 1908 Marriage 11 Gottleber, Friedrich Johannes 1912 1912 Baptism 53 Gottleber, Friedrich Johannes 5m 1912 Death 15 Gottleber, Helen Edna ng 1939 Marriage 21 Gottleber, Helen Edna Eleonor 1913 1928 Confirmation 35 Gottleber, Helena Edna Eleonore 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Gottleber, Leonald Wm 1915 1930 Confirmation 37 Gottleber, Leonard 85y 1996 Death 55 Gottleber, Leonard Wilhelm 1915 1915 Baptism 58 Gottleber, Leonhard W ng 1938 Marriage 21 Gottleber, Martha Frieda Maria 1911 1911 Baptism 52 Gottleber, Maucy Lou 1948 1948 Baptism 85 Gottleber, Milton Walter 1923 1923 Baptism 64 Gottleber, Milton Walter 1923 1936 Confirmation 42 Gottleber, Nancy ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Gottleber, Nancy Jean ng 1973 Marriage 35 Gottleber, Neil Lavern 1940 1954 Confirmation 54 Gottleber, Neil Lavern ng 1977 Marriage 37 Gottleber, Neil Laverne 1940 1940 Baptism 80 Gottleber, Orvil Herman Karl 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Gottleber, Ruth Gertrude 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Gottleber, Ruth Gertrude 1919 1933 Confirmation 39 Gouleber, Martha Frieda Marie 1911 1924 Confirmation 33 Gouleber, Orville Herman Carl 1909 1924 Confirmation 33 Goupil, Clara L 68y 1977 Death 47 Goupil, Earl 1906 1944 Baptism 83 Goupil, Earl 1906 1945 Confirmation 47 Goupil, Earl ng 1929 Marriage 18 Goupil, Earl 60y 1967 Death 42 Goupil, Janet Kaye 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Goupil, Janet Kaye ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Goupil, Sandra Sue 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Goupil, Shirley Evelyn 1934 1954 Confirmation 53 Goupil, William ng 1953 Marriage 27 Goupil, William Earl 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Goupil, William Earl 1929 1943 Confirmation 45 Grabow, Albert Emil 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Grabow, Albert Emil 1899 1914 Confirmation 25 Grabow, Anongmus Masc ng 1897 Death 8 Grabow, Arthur Carl 1921 1921 Baptism 69 Grabow, August 1866 1883 Confirmation 1 Grabow, August 84y 1928 Death 24 Grabow, August Mrs (Augusta) 93y 1935 Death 27 Grabow, Augusta Albertina ng 1902 Marriage 9 Grabow, Augusta Albertine Ida 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Grabow, Augusta Albertine Ida 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Grabow, Bertha ng 1925 Marriage 17 Grabow, Bertha Mathilda 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Grabow, Bertha Mrs 41y 1902 Death 9 Grabow, Carl ng 1906 Marriage 10 Grabow, Carl Mrs (Emma) 44y 1929 Death 24 Grabow, Charles ng 1920 Marriage 15 Grabow, Donald Lee 1939 1939 Baptism 79 Grabow, Ella Flora 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Grabow, Emil August 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Grabow, Emil August 1901 1916 Confirmation 27 Grabow, Esther Bertha Maria 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Grabow, Friedrich Heinrich 1892 1893 Baptism 21 Grabow, Friedrich Heinrich 1892 1908 Confirmation 18 Grabow, He4inrich Herman 1884 1884 Baptism 5a Grabow, Heinrich 1875 1889 Confirmation 3 Grabow, Heinrich H 2m 1885 Death 1 Grabow, Henry 75y 1935 Death 27 Grabow, Henry H ng 1902 Marriage 9 Grabow, Hermann 1872 1887 Confirmation 2 Grabow, Hermann 1872 1894 Marriage 6 Grabow, Jakob Karl 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Grabow, Johanne 1942 1961 Confirmation 85 Grabow, John 1919 1931 Confirmation 38 Grabow, Joyce Helen 1934 1934 Baptism 75 Grabow, Joyce Helen 1934 1949 Confirmation 50 Grabow, Joyce Helen ng 1951 Marriage 27 Grabow, Lori Leigh 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Grabow, Mildred Elisabeth 1913 1913 Baptism 54 Grabow, Minna Anna 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Grabow, Minna Anna 1895 1911 Confirmation 22 Grabow, Minnie 1916 1931 Baptism 72 Grabow, Minnie 1916 1931 Confirmation 38 Grabow, Myrtle 1916 1931 Confirmation 38 Grabow, Otto 85y 1973 Death 45 Grabow, Otto Aug ng 1920 Marriage 15 Grabow, Otto August 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Grabow, Otto August 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Grabow, Otto Mrs 47y 1950 Death 33 Grabow, Richard William 1923 1923 Baptism 65 Grabow, Richard Wm 1923 1938 Confirmation 43 Grabow, Robert 1939 1956 Confirmation 56 Grabow, Robert Otto 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Grabow, Ruth Klara 1911 1911 Baptism 52 Grabow, Selma Auguste 1891 1891 Baptism 16 Grabow, Selma Auguste 1891 1906 Confirmation 17 Grabow, Wilhelm Rudolf 1900 1901 Baptism 39 Grabow, Wilhelm Rudolf 1900 1917 Confirmation 28 Grabow, William ng 1922 Marriage 16 Graf, Albert Herman 1907 1907 Baptism 46 Graf, Albert Hermann 1907 1921 Confirmation 31 Graf, Augusta Minna Anna 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Graf, Carl H ng 1914 Marriage 13 Graf, Clifford Harley 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Graf, Dona Faye Minna 1924 1924 Baptism 65 Graf, Elizabeth Margarettha Mrs 60y 1932 Death 26 Graf, Ella Johanna 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Graf, Ella Johanna 1903 1918 Confirmation 29 Graf, Emma ng 1927 Marriage 17 Graf, Emma Frieda 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Graf, Emma Frieda 1908 1923 Confirmation 32 Graf, Fedelis Johanna 1921 1922 Baptism 63 Graf, Fidalis Johanna 1921 1935 Confirmation 40 Graf, Gustaf Albert ng 1896 Death 7 Graf, Gustar Albert 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Graf, Gustav 1864 1888 Marriage 2 Graf, Gustav Karl 78y 1942 Death 30 Graf, Heinrich Herbert 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Graf, Henry Herbert 1915 1929 Confirmation 36 Graf, Ida Anna 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Graf, Ida Anna 1893 1908 Confirmation 19 Graf, Karl 72y 1895 Death 6 Graf, Karl Heinrich 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Graf, Karl Heinrich 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Graf, Louisa Augusta 1897 1912 Confirmation 23 Graf, Louise Auguste 1897 1897 Baptism 34 Graf, Lydia Ottilie 1901 1915 Confirmation 27 Graf, Lyle Francis 1931 1932 Baptism 73 Graf, Malitha 1918 1931 Confirmation 38 Graf, Martha 1918 1918 Baptism 60 Graf, Melvin Carl 1916 1929 Confirmation 36 Graf, Melvin Karl 1916 1916 Baptism 59 Graf, Mike 77y 1933 Death 26 Graf, Minna Emilie 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Graf, Minna Emilie 1895 1909 Confirmation 20 Graf, Olga Mathilda 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Graf, Olga Mathilda 1899 1913 Confirmation 24 Graf, Ottilie 1867 1886 Marriage 2 Graf, Sydia Ottilie 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Graf, Wilhelm August 1889 1889 Baptism 12 Graf, Wilhelm August 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Graf, Wilhelmine 79y 1910 Death 14 Grafe, Walter Max 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Gratopp, Ronald L ng 1954 Marriage 28 Grelenke, Anna 33y 1904 Death 11 Grelenke, Edna Louise 3m 1904 Death 10 Grenke, Edna Louise 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Groehler, Chr Mrs 60y 1898 Death 8 Groehler, Christoph 76y 1902 Death 9 Groff, Alisha Marie 1987 1987 Baptism 128 Groff, Betty Lou 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Groff, Carol ng 1996 Marriage 42 Groff, Charles Darwin ng 1966 Confirmation 64 Groff, Charles H 84y 1976 Death 46 Groff, Clifford 65y 1991 Death 53 Groff, Clifford Harlan ng 1949 Marriage 25 Groff, Clifford Harland 1925 1950 Confirmation 51 Groff, Darwin 64y 1993 Death 54 Groff, Darwin Emmanuel 1928 1928 Baptism 68 Groff, Donna 1935 1952 Confirmation 52 Groff, Donna May ng 1957 Marriage 30 Groff, Dorothy Louise 1939 1953 Confirmation 53 Groff, Dorothy Louise ng 1961 Marriage 32 Groff, Emily Nicole 1983 1983 Baptism 125 Groff, Fidalis J ng 1940 Marriage 22 Groff, Gary ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Groff, Gary Herbert 1950 1950 Baptism 86 Groff, Henry H 54y 1969 Death 43 Groff, Judy Kay 1957 1958 Baptism 101 Groff, Judy Kay ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Groff, Judy Kay ng 1977 Marriage 37 Groff, June Marie 1934 1958 Confirmation 59 Groff, Lela Johanna 69y 1964 Death 41 Groff, Lydia Mrs 73y 1973 Death 45 Groff, Lyle F Sr 64y 1996 Death 55 Groff, Lyle Francis 1935 1958 Confirmation 58 Groff, Lyle Francis ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Groff, Lyle Francis ng 1950 Marriage 30 Groff, Lyle Francis ng 1978 Marriage 37 Groff, Michelle Jeanette 1976 1976 Baptism 120 Groff, Patricia Jane 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Groff, Patricia Jane ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Groff, Tammie Lynn 1960 1960 Baptism 106 Groff, Tammie Lynn ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Groff, Tammie Lynn ng 1981 Marriage 39 Groff, Vicki ng 1965 Confirmation 63 Groff, Vicki June ng 1972 Marriage 38 Groff, Willard Albert 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Groff, William H 83y 1984 Death 50 Groff, William Lee Jr 1926 1953 Confirmation 53 Grohler, Laurentine 1867 1887 Marriage 2 Gronke, Anna ng 1906 Marriage 10 Gronke, Johann 1874 1891 Confirmation 5 Gronke, Johannes Friedrich 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Gronke, Mathilde 1873 1889 Confirmation 4 Gronke, Mathilde Bertha 1878 1891 Confirmation 6 Gronke, Otto 1869 1889 Confirmation 3 Gronke, Otto 1870 1896 Marriage 7 Gross, Donald D ng 1996 Marriage 42 Guerigerich, Julie Ann 1944 1944 Baptism 82 Guethuer, Wilhelm 84y 1903 Death 10 Gugel, Wilbert ng 1947 Marriage 24 Gustafson, Lois Maurin 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Gutmann, Karl 1851 1894 Marriage 6 H Haglaud, Marilyn 1919 1932 Confirmation 39 Haglund, Ann Amanda 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Haglund, Carlton J ng 1949 Marriage 25 Haglund, Carlton John 1921 1921 Baptism 63 Haglund, Carlton John 1921 1935 Confirmation 40 Haglund, Eino John 74y 1972 Death 48 Haglund, Eino Mrs (Elizabeth) 84y 1983 Death 49 Haglund, Gary ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Haglund, Gary John 1950 1950 Baptism 87 Haglund, Janise Marie 1952 1952 Baptism 90 Haglund, Janise Marie ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Haglund, Jean Wilhelmine 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Haglund, Jeanne Wilhelmine 1926 1939 Confirmation 44 Haglund, Josephine 50y 1912 Death 15 Haglund, Kristin E ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Haglund, Kristin Elisabeth 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Haglund, Lois Susanne 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Haglund, Lois Susanne 1930 1943 Confirmation 45 Haglund, Marylym Elisabeth 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Haglund, Rose Mary ng 1943 Marriage 23 Haglund, Suzanne ng 1952 Marriage 27 Halberstadt, Fred ng 1936 Marriage 20 Hale, Richard A ng 1996 Marriage 42 Hall, Laura Jean ng 1973 Marriage 35 Halstead, Anna Mrs 80y 1965 Death 41 Halstead, Ellsworth J ng 1967 Marriage 34 Haner, Judith Ann 1942 1942 Baptism 81 Haner, Selma Frieda 31y 1947 Death 33 Haner, Wayne Leroy 1940 1940 Baptism 80 Hanewald, Kathy Ann 1955 1957 Baptism 98 Harpold, John ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Harrer, Emil 72y 1966 Death 42 Harrer, Mary Mrs 73y 1970 Death 44 Harris, June E 54y 1979 Death 47 Harris, Ralph George ng 1977 Marriage 36 Harris, Robert Joseph ng 1972 Marriage 38 Hart, Kathi Marie 1964 1966 Baptism 115 Hart, Kurtis, Alan 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Hartley, Terry Lee 1945 1966 Baptism 134 Hartman, Carolyn I 66y 1992 Death 53 Hartmann, Emil Gustav Karl 1876 1891 Confirmation 5 Hartmann, Harold Julius 1908 1923 Confirmation 33 Hartmann, Julius ng 1908 Marriage 11 Hartmann, Otto Eduard 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Hauer, Wayne Leroy 1940 1955 Confirmation 54 Hausbach, Christ Friedr 1895 1909 Marriage 7 Hayes, Maurice Melvin 1927 1927 Baptism 67 Hayes, Nancy A ng 1979 Marriage 37 Hecht, Jestine 65y 1889 Death 3 Hefner, James ng 1966 Marriage 34 Heidberg, Hanna Maria 1916 1916 Baptism 58 Heiden, Franz ng 1910 Marriage 12 Heiden, Karl Johan Wilhelm Friedrich 63y 1911 Death 15 Heiden, Otto Robert 1889 1890 Baptism 14 Heierman, Diann ng 1961 Marriage 32 Heierman. Diann 1942 1961 Confirmation 85 Hein, Otto Johannes 1y 1899 Death 9 Heine, Annette D ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Heine, Charles Austin 1989 1989 Baptism 129 Heine, Christine Ann ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Heine, Gary A ng 1948 Confirmation 48 Heine, Harold H 78y 1977 Death 47 Heine, Harold Mrs (Dorothy) 85y 1986 Death 51 Heine, Karin Florence 1973 1973 Baptism 118 Heine, Karin Florence ng 1987 Confirmation 78 Heine, Karl Leonard 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Heine, Karl Leonard ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Heine, Katherina Johanna 1968 1968 Baptism 116 Heine, Katherina Johanna ng 1982 Confirmation 77 Heine, Kevin Rex ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Heine, Kristopher Harold ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Heinrich, Otto Johann 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Heinrich, Richard Hermann 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Heippauf, Paul 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Helberg, Helen Sophia 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Heldberg, Elizabeth Emilie 33y 1919 Death 19 Heldberg, Esther Maria Katharina 1907 1923 Confirmation 32 Heldberg, Gustav Herm Arthur Rud 1908 1923 Confirmation 32 Heldberg, Luetla Margaret 1911 1924 Confirmation 33 Heldberg, Richard Henry 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Helko, Patricia Ann ng 1972 Marriage 35 Helsel, Gerald Kenneth 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Helzheuer, Clara Maria Augusta 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Hempil, Lauren Kelly 1994 1994 Baptism 133 Henning, Carl C ng 1911 Marriage 12 Henning, Carl Joachun Gottlieb 1903 1917 Confirmation 28 Henning, Clara Regina 29y 1910 Death 14 Henning, Clara Regina Johanna 1900 1914 Confirmation 25 Henning, Esther Bertha Magdalena 1901 1916 Confirmation 27 Henning, Hannah Emilie Dorothea 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Henning, Hertha Aurelia 1921 1935 Confirmation 40 Henning, Ida Laura Arline 1917 1917 Baptism 60 Henning, Irmgard Auguste Ottilie 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Henning, Martin Samuel Herbert 10m 1909 Death 13 Henning, Melita Frieda Dorothea 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Henning, Theophil Walter John 1909 1909 Baptism 51 Henry, Elsie Mrs (John) 87y 1990 Death 52 Henry, Jennifer Lynn 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Henry, Jennifer, Lynn ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Henry, Johann 1857 1894 Marriage 6 Henry, John 1857 1888 Marriage 3 Henry, John Jr Mrs (Mary) ng 1967 Confirmation 67 Henry, John Kenneth 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Henry, John Kenneth ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Henry, John Kenneth ng 1996 Marriage 42 Henry, John L ng 1938 Marriage 21 Henry, John Leroy 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Henry, John Roy 1943 1943 Baptism 81 Henry, John Roy 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 Henry, Luise 22y 1893 Death 5 Henry, Milo Jakob Wilhelm 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Henry, Milo Jakob Wilhelm 5m 1892 Death 4 Henry, Murlin Albert Georg 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Henry, Temple Elmer John 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Henry, Temple Elmer John 1890 1909 Confirmation 20 Herman, Emilie 82y 1944 Death 32 Herman, Gustav Emil 73y 1941 Death 29 Herman, John August 62y 1958 Death 38 Herman, Richard William 94y 1951 Death 34 Herman, Thelma ng 1939 Marriage 21 Hermann, Atbertine 42y 1906 Death 11 Hermann, Charlotte 72y 1888 Death 2 Hermann, Emil G 1867 1890 Marriage 3 Hermann, Emilie Alwine 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Hermann, Emilie Alwine 1897 1991 Confirmation 22 Hermann, Georg August Wilhelm 1882 1882 Baptism 4 Hermann, Heinrich Karl Johann ng 1899 Baptism 36 Hermann, Herbert Julius 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Hermann, Herbert Julius 1891 1906 Confirmation 17 Hermann, Johan August Christian 1897 1911 Confirmation 21 Hermann, Johann August Christian 1896 1896 Baptism 29 Hermann, John 63y 1926 Death 22 Hermann, Martha Emma Emilie 1892 1892 Baptism 21 Hermann, Martha Emma Emilie 1892 1906 Confirmation 18 Hermann, Olga Margaretha 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Hermann, Paul Albert 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Hermann, Wilhelm Ferdinand 1890 1903 Confirmation 14 Hermann, Wilhelm Gustar 1892 1892 Baptism 21 Hermann, Wilhelm Gustav 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Hermann, Winefried Grace 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Herzberg, Anongmus Masc ng 1896 Death 7 Herzberg, Julius 1864 1891 Marriage 4 Herzberg, Julius Johann Emil 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Herzberg, Luise Martha 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Heyden, Amalie 1874 1893 Marriage 5 Heyden, Franz Friedrich Karl 1879 1893 Confirmation 6 Heyden, Meta Luise Hulda 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Heyn, Paul Martin 1940 1954 Confirmation 54 Heyn, Theodore Robert 1938 1952 Confirmation 52 Hick, Sandy ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Hicks, Sandy H 1971 1991 Baptism 135 Hicks, Sandy Heather ng 1992 Marriage 41 Hilbecht, Anton Wilhelm 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Hilbecht, Carl Hugo 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Hilbecht, Edmound 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Hilbecht, Robert Elias 1892 1895 Baptism 28 Hilbrecht, Karl 1863 1891 Marriage 4 Hiler, Florence ng 1936 Marriage 20 Hill, Mary Louise ng 1984 Marriage 39 Hiller, Emil 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Hiller, Emilie Mathilde 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Hiller, Emma Johanna 16y 1893 Death 5 Hiller, Ferninand 1889 1895 Confirmation 7 Hiller, Ottilie 40y 1892 Death 4 Hiller, Rudolf 1860 1892 Marriage 4 Hintz, Emilie 1857 1893 Marriage 5 Hinz, August 37y 1892 Death 5 Hinz, Ida Marie Gertrude 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Hoapala, Fred E ng 1953 Marriage 27 Hoffmann, Emma Emilie Josephine 1888 1889 Baptism 11 Hoffmann, Franz ng 1889 Death 3 Holloway, Albert ng 1922 Marriage 16 Holloway, Nellie ng 1908 Marriage 11 Holzheuer, Alwine 1875 1889 Confirmation 4 Holzheuer, Alwine 1875 1891 Marriage 4 Holzheuer, Bertha 1878 1891 Confirmation 5 Holzheuer, Brita Marie 1920 1920 Baptism 62 Holzheuer, Christian Johann Aug 3m 1893 Death 5 Holzheuer, Christian Johann August 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Holzheuer, E Mrs 78y 1898 Death 8 Holzheuer, Elias Sr 79y 1906 Death 11 Holzheuer, Elvira Rosa Augusta 1890 1890 Baptism 16 Holzheuer, Emil Elias Christian 1885 1886 Baptism 6 Holzheuer, Emil Elias Christian 1885 1901 Confirmation 12 Holzheuer, Emilie Wilhelmine ng 1915 Death 17 Holzheuer, Evira Rosa Augusta 3y 1893 Death 6 Holzheuer, Fredruick Wm 1909 1930 Confirmation 37 Holzheuer, Frieda Aurelia 1899 1899 Baptism 36 Holzheuer, Georg Henry 1911 1930 Confirmation 37 Holzheuer, Helen Pauline 1915 1930 Confirmation 37 Holzheuer, Hermine 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Holzheuer, Hugo 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Holzheuer, Hugo 1890 1905 Confirmation 16 Holzheuer, Hugo 28y 1918 Death 19 Holzheuer, Ida Clara 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Holzheuer, Karoline Anna Friedricke 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Holzheuer, Luise Caroline Hermine 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Holzheuer, Maria Bertha Ottilie 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Holzheuer, Martha ng 1930 Marriage 19 Holzheuer, Wilhelm August Christian 1888 1888 Baptism 9 Holzheuer, Wilhelm August Christian 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Horton, Wilhelmine 80y 1943 Death 30 Hosbach, Anna 1873 1887 Confirmation 3 Hosbach, Arnold C ng 1944 Marriage 23 Hosbach, Arnold Christian 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Hosbach, Arnold Christian 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Hosbach, Arnold Christian 1914 1927 Confirmation 35 Hosbach, Carol Lynn 1949 1949 Baptism 86 Hosbach, Christian 76y 1913 Death 16 Hosbach, Christian 93y 1969 Death 44 Hosbach, Clara E ng 1924 Marriage 17 Hosbach, Clara Ellen 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Hosbach, Clara Ellen 1902 1918 Confirmation 29 Hosbach, Eduard Heinrich 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Hosbach, Edward L ng 1924 Marriage 17 Hosbach, Eleonore Lydia 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Hosbach, Elisabeth 70y 1912 Death 15 Hosbach, Elisabetha M 1871 1885 Confirmation 2 Hosbach, Elisabetha Margaretha 1871 1888 Marriage 2 Hosbach, Elrietta ng 1943 Death 30 Hosbach, Friedrich Christian 1875 1891 Confirmation 5 Hosbach, Gerald Arthur 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Hosbach, Gerhard Heinrich 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Hosbach, Gerhard Heinrich 1900 1915 Confirmation 26 Hosbach, Heinrich 1866 1893 Marriage 5 Hosbach, Henry Mrs 78y 1944 Death 31 Hosbach, Herbert 73y 1982 Death 49 Hosbach, Herbert Carl 1909 1922 Confirmation 32 Hosbach, Herbert Karl 1909 1909 Baptism 49 Hosbach, Herman 71y 1965 Death 41 Hosbach, Herman Christian 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Hosbach, Herman Christian ng 1955 Marriage 28 Hosbach, Hermann Christian 1893 1893 Baptism 24 Hosbach, Ida Karoline 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Hosbach, Johann 1863 1884 Marriage 1 Hosbach, Johanna Louise 81y 1959 Death 38 Hosbach, John Henry 80y 1947 Death 32 Hosbach, Karoline ng 1908 Marriage 11 Hosbach, Karoline Wilhelmine 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Hosbach, Karoline Wilhelmine 1883 1898 Confirmation 11 Hosbach, Leonard 1918 1931 Confirmation 38 Hosbach, Leonard George 1918 1918 Baptism 60 Hosbach, Linda Sue 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Hosbach, Linda Sue ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Hosbach, Lydia Amalie 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Hosbach, Maria Emilie 1878 1893 Confirmation 7 Hosbach, Mathilda ng 1900 Marriage 8 Hosbach, Mathilde Regine 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Hosbach, Minna Laura 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Hosbach, Norma Anna 73y 1995 Death 55 Hosbach, Suzanne Marie 1955 1955 Baptism 96 Hosbach, unknown child of Christian ng 1907 Death 13 Hosbach, Wilhelm 1869 1883 Confirmation 1 Hosbach, Wilhelm 1869 1890 Marriage 4 Housbach, Clifford Eral 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Howard, Floyd ng 1954 Marriage 28 Howard, Martha A ng 1967 Marriage 34 Howell, Brian Recca ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Howell, Eric ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Howell, Floyd M ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Howell, Gretchen ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Howell, Gretchen Mary ng 1976 Marriage 36 Hull, Elwanda Joyce 1940 1954 Confirmation 53 Hull, Helen Estella 1937 1954 Confirmation 53 Hull, Wanda Joyce ng 1956 Marriage 29 Humbert, Keith A ng 1946 Marriage 24 Humphrey, Donald James 1944 1944 Baptism 82 Humphrey, Gary Stanley 1936 1936 Baptism 77 Humphrey, Gary Stanley 1936 1949 Confirmation 50 Humphrey, Herbert Michel 1947 1947 Baptism 84 Humphrey, Herbert Michael 1947 1961 Confirmation 85 Humphrey, Stanley J ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Humphrey, Stanley Jay 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Humphrey, Stanley Mrs (Mary) 70y 1987 Death 51 Humphrey, Susan ng 1965 Confirmation 63 Humphrey, Susan Rae 1951 1951 Baptism 88 Humprey, Donald James 1944 1958 Confirmation 59 Huss, Adolf Emil 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Huss, Friedrich Wilhelm 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Hutchinson, Wanda J ng 1966 Marriage 34 I Ingold, B Mrs 95y 1898 Death 8 Irish, Wm ng 1940 Marriage 22 Isola, Frances Alida ng 1955 Marriage 28 J Janego, James ng 1986 Confirmation 78 Janego, James Steven ng 1985 Marriage 40 Janson, Julius Eduard 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Jeska, Andreas 59y 1923 Death 21 Jeska, Helena ng 1920 Marriage 15 Jeske, Karl Herm 1897 1920 Confirmation 30 Jezewewski, Christian Robert 1994 1994 Baptism 133 Jezewski, Robert Lee ng 1992 Marriage 41 Johnson, ng 1951 Marriage 26 Johnson, Alice Barbara 1931 1932 Baptism 73 Johnson, Alvera ng 1952 Marriage 27 Johnson, Andrew Kenneth 1986 1987 Baptism 127 Johnson, Arnold Theodore 1922 1932 Baptism 73 Johnson, Colleen S ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Johnson, Colleen Sue ng 1982 Marriage 39 Johnson, Elsie May ng 1947 Marriage 24 Johnson, Everlyn 19y 1931 Death 25 Johnson, F Doyle 1892 1944 Baptism 82 Johnson, F Doyle 54y 1947 Death 32 Johnson, Helen Marie 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Johnson, Jason Robert 1982 1982 Baptism 124 Johnson, Jenilee Rae 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Johnson, Jo Anne ng 1991 Marriage 41 Johnson, Joanne Elaine 1934 1954 Confirmation 53 Johnson, Kirk Robert 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Johnson, Kirk Robert ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Johnson, Kirk Robert ng 1981 Marriage 39 Johnson, Larry W 1978 1986 Baptism 127 Johnson, Leonata Mabel ng 1939 Marriage 21 Johnson, Lisa-Rae Mrs ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Johnson, Richard Thomas 1920 1932 Baptism 73 Johnson, Robert D 56y 1989 Death 52 Johnson, Robert Doyle 1933 1949 Baptism 86 Johnson, Robert Doyle 1933 1949 Confirmation 50 Johnson, Robert Doyle ng 1954 Marriage 28 Johnson, Ryan Kirk 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Johnson, Terry L Jr 1974 1986 Baptism 127 Johnson, Terry Lee ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Johnson, Timothy Dale ng 1971 Confirmation 69 Johnson, Timothy Doyle 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Jones, Thomas M ng 1929 Marriage 18 Jones, Zoe Jean Katherine 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Joppich, Auguste Albertina Ida 1918 1919 Baptism 61 Joppich, Esther Dorothea 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Joppich, Esther Dorothea 1910 1924 Confirmation 33 Joppich, Harold Herm 8m 1921 Death 20 Joppich, Harold Hermann 1921 1921 Baptism 62 Joppich, Herman G ng 1902 Marriage 9 Joppich, Leona Josephine Auguste 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Joppich, Lydia ng 1925 Marriage 17 Joppich, Lydia Emilie Selva 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Joppich, Lydia Ida Emma 1904 1920 Confirmation 30 Joppich, Margareta Julia Auguste 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Joppich, Margareta Julia Auguste 1905 1920 Confirmation 30 Jordan, Clara Mrs ng 1936 Marriage 20 Jordan, Johnie C ng 1990 Marriage 41 Jordan, Marilee A ng 1972 Marriage 35 Jordon, Cody Lee 1991 1991 Baptism 131 Jordon, Eugene Clarence 1938 1939 Baptism 79 Jordon, Francis Lee 1947 1947 Baptism 85 Jordon, Minnie Aurelia 1917 1938 Confirmation 43 Jordon, Robert George 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Jordon, Tyler John 1994 1994 Baptism 133 Jorgensen, Terry Lee ng 1984 Marriage 39 Joyce, Eva 66y 1989 Death 52 Joyce, Lorna Louise ng 1974 Confirmation 73 K Kaatz, Raymond ng 1950 Marriage 26 Kaiser, Cindy ng 1996 Marriage 42 Kaisischke, Sally N ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Kamm, Donald Herbert ng 1947 Marriage 24 Karrer, Adeline Wilhelmine Louise 1900 1990 Baptism 38 Karus, Gustav ng 1900 Marriage 8 Kasischke Doris Bertha 20y 1932 Death 26 Kasischke, Ann Marie 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Kasischke, Ann Marie ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Kasischke, Charles E ng 1910 Marriage 12 Kasischke, Dale A ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Kasischke, Dale Arden 1958 1958 Baptism 102 Kasischke, Daniel Keith 1956 1957 Baptism 98 Kasischke, Daniel Keith ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Kasischke, David M ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Kasischke, David Martin 1955 1955 Baptism 95 Kasischke, Doris Bertha 1912 1912 Baptism 53 Kasischke, Doris Bertha 1912 1925 Confirmation 34 Kasischke, Emil ng 1904 Marriage 9 Kasischke, Emil 47y 1928 Death 23 Kasischke, Emil Ernst 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Kasischke, Emma H 88y 1973 Death 45 Kasischke, Ernst R ng 1908 Marriage 11 Kasischke, Janet Lee 1951 1952 Baptism 90 Kasischke, Janet Lee ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Kasischke, Kay ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Kasischke, Kay L ng 1966 Marriage 34 Kasischke, Kay Lynn 1948 1948 Baptism 85 Kasischke, Kurt R ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Kasischke, Kurt Randolph 1961 1961 Baptism 108 Kasischke, Martin 80y 1996 Death 56 Kasischke, Martin Carl 1915 1915 Baptism 58 Kasischke, Martin Carl 1915 1929 Confirmation 36 Kasischke, Martin Mrs ng 1948 Confirmation 49 Kasischke, Sally Noel 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Kasischke, Theda W 71y 1992 Death 54 Kasischke, Thomas ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Kasischke, Thomas Walter 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Kasischke, Walter August 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Kasischke, Walter August 1910 1922 Confirmation 32 Kasischki, Emil Ernst 1907 1920 Confirmation 30 Katterman, Helen ng 1929 Marriage 18 Katterman, Rita L 1934 1948 Confirmation 49 Kattermann, Jakob 83y 1931 Death 25 Katzel, Dennis Edwin ng 1960 Marriage 31 Keeler, Laurie Ann 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Kehrberg, Luther Marvin 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Kehrberg, Willard Everette 1920 1920 Baptism 62 Kehrman, Laura Ann 1963 1964 Baptism 112 Keller, ng 1951 Marriage 26 Keller, Clarence 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Keller, Franz ng 1900 Marriage 8 Keller, Owin Franz 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Keller, Richard Wilhelm 1909 1909 Baptism 51 Keller, Richard Wilhelm 1y 1911 Death 15 Kelly, Arleen Jane ng 1981 Marriage 38 Kendall Betty J ng 1955 Marriage 28 Kendall, Andrew michael 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Kendall, Barbara Jean 1932 1959 Confirmation 59 Kendall, Barbara Joan ng 1951 Marriage 26 Kendall, Bonnie Mrs ng 1981 Confirmation 76 Kendall, Brenda Sue 1963 1964 Baptism 113 Kendall, Brenda Sue 4y 1968 Death 43 Kendall, Brian Jay 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Kendall, Calvin Dale 1954 1957 Baptism 98 Kendall, Calvin Dale ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Kendall, Calvin Dale ng 1979 Marriage 37 Kendall, Carl B 65y 1992 Death 54 Kendall, Carl Burton 1927 1957 Baptism 99 Kendall, Carl Burton 1927 1957 Confirmation 57 Kendall, Cheryl ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Kendall, Cheryl Lynn 1949 1957 Baptism 98 Kendall, Cheryl Lynn ng 1972 Marriage 38 Kendall, Dale R ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Kendall, Dale Russell 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Kendall, Dave Samuel 1960 1960 Baptism 105 Kendall, David S ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Kendall, David S ng 1988 Marriage 40 Kendall, Elaine Mrs (Carl) 57y 1989 Death 52 Kendall, Gloria 1952 1973 Baptism 134 Kendall, Gloria ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Kendall, Gregg ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Kendall, Harry 1928 1959 Baptism 103 Kendall, Harry 1928 1959 Confirmation 59 Kendall, Harry 65y 1993 Death 54 Kendall, Inez Mildred 1930 1957 Baptism 99 Kendall, Irez Mildred 1930 1957 Confirmation 57 Kendall, Jeremy Eugene 1980 1980 Baptism 123 Kendall, Kathleen ng 1968 Confirmation 67 Kendall, Kathleen D ng 1972 Marriage 35 Kendall, Kathleen Diane 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Kendall, Kathleen Diane ng 1993 Marriage 42 Kendall, Lydia Auguste 1902 1902 Baptism 40 Kendall, Mark Allen 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Kendall, Melbourne Calvin 1925 1957 Baptism 99 Kendall, Melbourne Calvin 1925 1957 Confirmation 57 Kendall, Michael ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Kendall, Michael Carl 1950 1950 Baptism 88 Kendall, Michael Carl ng 1972 Marriage 38 Kendall, Milissa Marie 1981 1981 Baptism 123 Kendall, Reinhold August 1899 1900 Baptism 37 Kendall, Todd Carl 1987 1987 Baptism 128 Kendel, Selma K 4y 1899 Death 8 Kendra, Christine Annette ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Kerbitz, John ng 1903 Marriage 9 Kerwin, Sharon Lucillie ng 1958 Marriage 30 Ketcherside, Dorie Rita ng 1955 Marriage 28 Kieslin, Georg Eduard 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Kieslin, Karl Heinrich 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Kilburn, Diane Kay ng 1975 Marriage 36 Kilburn, Jennie ng 1919 Marriage 14 Kilian, Albert 65y 1895 Death 6 Kilian, Alex Herman Julius 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Kilian, Amalla 68y 1892 Death 4 Kilian, Carl Franz 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Kilian, Chester Edwin 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Kilian, Elmer Emil 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Kilian, Elmer Emil 1897 1912 Confirmation 23 Kilian, Eugenie Emilie Hermine 1891 1891 Baptism 18 KIlian, Eugenie Emilie Hermine 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Kilian, Georg Friedrich Albert 1895 1895 Baptism 29 Kilian, George Friedrich Albert 1895 1912 Confirmation 23 Kilian, Julius 1864 1888 Marriage 3 Kilian, Lydia Amalia 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Kilian, Lydia Amalia 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Kilian, Magareta Maria 1905 1905 Baptism 43 Kilian, Moritz A ng 1912 Marriage 13 Kilian, Moritz Adolf August 1898 1898 Baptism 12 Kilian, Moritz Adolf August 1889 1904 Confirmation 14 Kimmel, Ardis Grace ng 1945 Marriage 23 Kindall, Carl Burton ng 1949 Marriage 25 Kindall, Ella ng 1907 Marriage 10 Kindel, Elisa Frederika 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Kindel, Ella Hulda 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Kindel, Emilie Caroline Mrs 82y 1945 Death 32 Kindel, Ernst Joseph 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Kindel, Howard Carl 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Kindel, Hubert Harry 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Kindel, Johan Michael Georg 1912 1913 Baptism 55 Kindel, Ona Lee 1930 1962 Baptism 134 Kindel, Werner Wilhelm Eduard 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Kindell, Arthur Michael 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Kindell, Constance Dawn ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Kindell, Constrance Dawn 1948 1962 Baptism 134 Kindell, Georg Wilhelm Carl 1887 1901 Confirmation 12 Kindell, Georg Wilhelm Karl 1887 1887 Baptism 9 Kindell, Helena Frieda 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Kindell, Johann E 14d 1886 Death 2 Kindell, Johann Eduard 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Kindell, John M G ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Kindell, Maria 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Kindell, Ona Lee ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Kindell, Raymond Arthur 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Kindell, Verne Wm 47y 1961 Death 40 Kindell, Walter Otto Herman 1904 1904 Baptism 43 King, Joanne Elaine ng 1954 Marriage 28 Kinnon, Mary ng 1906 Marriage 10 Kinsky, Harold ng 1940 Marriage 22 Kinzel, August Albert 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Kinzel, Emma Maria 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Kinzel, Franz Anton 1880 1895 Confirmation 7 Kinzel, Ida Clara 1893 1894 Baptism 24 Kinzel, Ida Clara ng 1897 Death 8 Kinzel, Johann Gustav 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Kinzel, Joseph 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Kinzel, Lina Clara 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Kinzel, Ludwig Joseph 1876 1893 Confirmation 6 Kinzel, Wilhelmine Hermine 1886 1899 Confirmation 12 Kirby, Heather Renee 1982 1989 Baptism 129 Kitzmann, Emma Clara Helen 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Kitzmann, Ernst Emil 1881 1881 Baptism 3 Kitzmann, Gustav Theodor 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Kitzmann, Theodor Hermann 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Klein, Augusta Agnes 1889 1889 Baptism 11 Klein, Henrietta Mathilde Auguste 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Klein, Jakob Ludwig 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Klein, Lina Augusta Karoline 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Klinert, Charline Edith 1921 1928 Baptism 68 Klinert, Jeanette Faye 1933 1934 Baptism 75 Klingbeil, Alfred Reinhold Hermann 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Klinger, Martha 79y 1964 Death 41 Knok, Doris Anne ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Koboldt, Frederick 79y 1994 Death 55 Kobs, Adelia Clara 1d 1914 Death 17 Kobs, Andrew Dean 1979 1979 Baptism 122 Kobs, Andrew Dean ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Kobs, Arthur ng 1941 Marriage 22 Kobs, Arthur 91y 1991 Death 53 Kobs, Arthur J ng 1984 Marriage 40 Kobs, Arthur Julius Friedrich 1900 1915 Confirmation 26 Kobs, Arthur Mrs (Lois) 81y 1982 Death 49 Kobs, Aug 83y 1927 Death 23 Kobs, August Julius Johann 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Kobs, August Julius Johann 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Kobs, August Mrs 83y 1930 Death 24 Kobs, Augusta Johanna 1876 1889 Confirmation 4 Kobs, Augusta Johanna 1876 1893 Marriage 5 Kobs, Beverly Ann 1939 1939 Baptism 79 Kobs, Beverly Ann 1939 1953 Confirmation 52 Kobs, Beverly Ann ng 1960 Marriage 32 Kobs, Carl ng 1929 Marriage 18 Kobs, Carl Mrs 1898 1930 Confirmation 37 Kobs, Charles A 1917 1932 Confirmation 39 Kobs, Charles Clarence 1917 1917 Baptism 60 Kobs, Curtis ng 1968 Confirmation 68 Kobs, Curtis Allen 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Kobs, Curtis Allen ng 1975 Marriage 36 Kobs, Curtis Mrs (Vicky) ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Kobs, Dean Charles 1946 1946 Baptism 84 Kobs, Dean Mrs (Karen) ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Kobs, Debra Kay 1958 1959 Baptism 102 Kobs, Donald Lee 1930 1930 Baptism 70 Kobs, Donald Lee 1930 1943 Confirmation 45 Kobs, Donald Lee ng 1952 Marriage 27 Kobs, Donald Lee ng 1955 Marriage 28 Kobs, Eduard Aug Joh 9y 1889 Death 3 Kobs, Eduard August Johann 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Kobs, Eduard Gustav 1902 1902 Baptism 40 Kobs, Eduard Gustav 1902 1917 Confirmation 28 Kobs, Emma H ng 1915 Marriage 13 Kobs, Emma WIlhelmine Hulda 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Kobs, Emma Wilhelmine Hulda 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Kobs, Esther Alvira 1907 1907 Baptism 46 Kobs, Esther Elvira 1907 1921 Confirmation 31 Kobs, Georg Albert 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Kobs, Georg Albert 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Kobs, Gordon Earl 1932 1932 Baptism 74 Kobs, Gordon Earl 1932 1947 Confirmation 48 Kobs, Hanna Ottilie Caroline 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Kobs, Hanna Ottilie Karoline 1896 1911 Confirmation 22 Kobs, Heinrich Albert 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Kobs, Heinrich Albert 1898 1913 Confirmation 24 Kobs, Herbert John 1931 1931 Baptism 72 Kobs, Herbert John ng 1944 Confirmation 46 Kobs, Hulda 87y 1953 Death 35 Kobs, Ida ng 1902 Marriage 9 Kobs, Ida Christine 1879 1880 Baptism 2 Kobs, Ida Christine 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Kobs, Johan Julius 33y 1917 Death 19 Kobs, Johann Jr 1861 1886 Marriage 2 Kobs, Johann Julius 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Kobs, Johann Julius 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Kobs, John 82y 1943 Death 30 Kobs, John Aug 92y 1932 Death 26 Kobs, Josephine 92y 1994 Death 55 Kobs, Joshua Ryan ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Kobs, Joshua Rynn 1981 1981 Baptism 123 Kobs, Julia ng 1912 Marriage 13 Kobs, Julie 1873 1887 Confirmation 3 Kobs, Julie 15y 1888 Death 3 Kobs, Julie Maria Minna 1880 1880 Baptism 9 Kobs, Julie Maria Minna 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Kobs, Karl O 97y 1989 Death 52 Kobs, Karl Otto 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Kobs, Karl Otto 1891 1906 Confirmation 17 Kobs, Katherine Elizabeth 1992 1992 Baptism 131 Kobs, Lois Fern 1900 1976 Baptism 135 Kobs, Lucille ng 1948 Marriage 25 Kobs, Lucille Ruth 1921 1935 Confirmation 40 Kobs, Lucinda ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Kobs, Luise Henriette 56y 1902 Death 9 Kobs, Mabel C 81y 1980 Death 47 Kobs, Mable Celia Mrs 1898 1930 Baptism 71 Kobs, Mary Elizabeth 96y 1979 Death 47 Kobs, Mary Louise 1944 1944 Baptism 83 Kobs, Mary Louise 1944 1958 Confirmation 59 Kobs, Matthew Curtis ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Kobs, Okader Dean Charles 1946 1960 Confirmation 84 Kobs, Ottilie 1872 1887 Confirmation 2 Kobs, Ottilie 1872 1891 Marriage 4 Kobs, Otto 73y 1948 Death 33 Kobs, Otto Carl William 1909 1925 Confirmation 34 Kobs, Otto G ng 1902 Marriage 9 Kobs, Otto Georg 1874 1889 Confirmation 3 Kobs, Otto Karl Wilhelm 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Kobs, Otto Mrs (Gertrude) 72y 1984 Death 50 Kobs, Pamela Rae 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Kobs, Pamela Rae ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Kobs, Pamela Rae ng 1984 Marriage 39 Kobs, Patricia Jean 1947 1947 Baptism 85 Kobs, Patricia Jean 1947 1961 Confirmation 85 Kobs, Raymond ng 1945 Marriage 23 Kobs, Raymond Mrs ng 1948 Confirmation 49 Kobs, Raymond Richard 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Kobs, Raymond Richard 1919 1935 Confirmation 40 Kobs, Roxanne Elaine 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Kobs, Roxanne Elaine ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Kobs, Wilhelm Carl Jakob 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Kobs, Wilhelm Johann August 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Kobs, Wilhelm Karl Jakob 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Koehn, Howard Lee 1921 1938 Confirmation 42 Koenig, Wilhelm Gottf Karl 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Koepke, Allen Lee 1944 1944 Baptism 82 Koepke, Dale Laverne ng 1973 Marriage 35 Koepke, Dale Laverue 1950 1950 Baptism 88 Koepke, Debra Ann 1951 1976 Baptism 135 Koepke, Jason Thomas 1978 1979 Baptism 122 Koepke, Jason Thomas ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Koepke, Kelly Ann 1976 1987 Baptism 128 Koepke, Kelly Ann ng 1991 Confirmation 80 Koepke, Kenneth 23y 1957 Death 37 Koepke, Kenneth 24y 1974 Death 45 Koepke, Kenneth Charles 1934 1934 Baptism 75 Koepke, Kenneth Charles 1934 1947 Confirmation 48 Koepke, Kenneth Herbert 1948 1950 Baptism 87 Koepke, Kyle Dale 1974 1975 Baptism 119 Koepke, Kyle Dale ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Koepke, Laverue ng 1948 Confirmation 49 Koepke, Laverue J ng 1946 Marriage 24 Koepke, Melvin F ng 1948 Marriage 24 Koepke, Melvin Frederic 1929 1943 Confirmation 45 Koepke, Melvin Friedrich 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Koepke, Pamela ng 1968 Confirmation 68 Koepke, Pamela Kay 1954 1954 Baptism 95 Koepke, Paul ng 1922 Marriage 16 Koepke, Paul Mrs 49y 1950 Death 33 Koepke, Thomas Henry 1949 1950 Baptism 87 Koepke, Thomas Henry 3y 1953 Death 35 Koepke, Walter ng 1942 Marriage 22 Koepke, Walter Paul 1923 1936 Confirmation 41 Koerner, Franz Mrs 88y 1944 Death 31 Koester, Julius 56y 1913 Death 16 Kohn, Albert Friedrich Karl 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Kohn, Albert Friedrich Karl 1880 1895 Confirmation 7 Kohn, Allen Ellsworth 1926 1942 Confirmation 45 Kohn, Allen Ellsworth Jr 1951 1952 Baptism 90 Kohn, Alma May 1923 1942 Confirmation 45 Kohn, Andrew Thomas 1982 1982 Baptism 124 Kohn, Anna Maria Mathilda 1885 1898 Confirmation 11 Kohn, Anna Maria Mathilde 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Kohn, Arline Jean 1931 1931 Baptism 72 Kohn, Arthur Georg Dietrich 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Kohn, Arthur georg Dietrich 1902 1917 Confirmation 28 Kohn, August 1862 1883 Marriage 1 Kohn, Bertha ng 1903 Marriage 9 Kohn, Bertha Friedricke Carolina 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Kohn, Bertha Friedricke Caroline 1881 1881 Baptism 3 Kohn, Carl August Franz 54y 1916 Death 18 Kohn, Charilotte Friedericke Wilh 85y 1910 Death 14 Kohn, Conrad Rudolf 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Kohn, Conrad Rudolf 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Kohn, Eduard 1858 1884 Marriage 1 Kohn, Eduard 30y 1896 Death 7 Kohn, Emilie 1866 1900 Marriage 8 Kohn, Ernst Rudolf 1916 1916 Baptism 58 Kohn, Eva A ng 1911 Marriage 12 Kohn, Eva Karoline Bertha 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Kohn, Eve Caroline Bertha 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Kohn, Fred ng 1923 Marriage 16 Kohn, Fred ng ng Death 36 Kohn, Fred Mrs ng 1930 Confirmation 38 Kohn, Friedrich Karl Otto 1892 1892 Baptism 21 Kohn, Friedrich Karl Otto 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Kohn, Gale Lynn 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Kohn, Geo Mrs ng 1930 Confirmation 38 Kohn, Georg Karl Wilhelm 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Kohn, Georg Karl Wilhelm 1883 1898 Confirmation 10 Kohn, Georg W ng 1912 Marriage 13 Kohn, Georg William III 1949 1950 Baptism 89 Kohn, George ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Kohn, George Jr ng 1930 Confirmation 38 Kohn, George W 90y 1973 Death 45 Kohn, Hattie Lillian 59y 1957 Death 37 Kohn, Heinrich Eduard 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Kohn, Henry Edward 1904 1921 Confirmation 31 Kohn, Herbert Martin 1928 1931 Baptism 72 Kohn, Herbert Martin 1928 1942 Confirmation 45 Kohn, Herman Eduard Elmer 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Kohn, Herman Karl August 1887 1902 Confirmation 13 Kohn, Hermann Eduard Elmer 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Kohn, Hermann Edward Elmer 26y 1921 Death 20 Kohn, Hermann Karl August 1887 1887 Baptism 9 Kohn, Hulda Augusta Minna 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Kohn, Hulda Auguste Minna 13y 1905 Death 11 Kohn, Ida M Mrs 80y 1975 Death 46 Kohn, Ida Wilhelmine Caroline 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Kohn, Johanna Martha Augusta 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Kohn, Johanna Martha Auguste 7y 1905 Death 11 Kohn, Julius Friedrich 1889 1889 Baptism 12 Kohn, Julius Friedrich 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Kohn, Leighton Elwood 1934 1934 Baptism 75 Kohn, Leighton Thomas 1956 1957 Baptism 98 Kohn, Lieghton Elwood 1934 1951 Confirmation 51 Kohn, Lila Johanna 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Kohn, Lila Johanna 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Kohn, Lily ng 1914 Marriage 13 Kohn, Linda ng 1971 Marriage 38 Kohn, Linda Susanne 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Kohn, Linda Susanne ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Kohn, Luise Minna Emilie 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Kohn, Magdalena Anna 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Kohn, Magdalena Anna 1896 1912 Confirmation 23 Kohn, Maria Karoline Elisabeth 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Kohn, Maria Karoline Elisabeth 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Kohn, Martha ng 1910 Marriage 12 Kohn, Martha Johanna Ernstine 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Kohn, Martha Johanna Ernstine 1890 1903 Confirmation 14 Kohn, Mary ng 1906 Marriage 10 Kohn, Mathilda Anna Wilhelmine 1884 1898 Confirmation 11 Kohn, Mathilde Anna Minna 1884 1884 Baptism 5a Kohn, Michael Dean 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Kohn, Nancy Ann 1963 1964 Baptism 112 Kohn, Nancy Ann ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Kohn, Otto Ernst 1909 1909 Baptism 49 Kohn, Otto Ernst 2y 1909 Death 13 Kohn, Richard Arnold 1950 1950 Baptism 89 Kohn, Richard Arnold ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Kohn, Theodor Hugo 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Kohn, Theodor Hugo 1900 1915 Confirmation 26 Kohn, Viola 70y 1996 Death 56 Kohn, Viola Vernice 1926 1958 Baptism 101 Kohn, Viola Vernice 1926 1958 Confirmation 59 Kohn, Wilelmine Johanna Ernstine 1888 1888 Baptism 9 Kohn, Wilhelm 68y 1921 Death 20 Kohn, Wilhelm Herman Friedrich 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Kohn, Wilhelm Hermann Friedrich 1889 1889 Baptism 12 Kohn, Wilhelm Karl Hermann 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Kohn, Wilhelmine Ernstine Johanna 1888 1901 Confirmation 12 Kohn, Wilma Ann 1955 1956 Baptism 96 Kohnlein, Johann Georg 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Kohnlein, June Bella 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Konenske, Julie Lee 1961 1964 Baptism 113 Konenske, Lisa Lynn 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Konenski, Dennis Gary ng 1960 Marriage 32 Konig, Albert Franz 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Konig, Eleonore Emilie Martha 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Konig, Georg 1858 1883 Marriage 1 Konig, Georg Johann August 1886 1886 Baptism 7 Konig, Julius Leopold Franz 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Konig, Maria Augusta Rosalia 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Konig, Olga Maria Katharina 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Konig, Wilhelm Gottfried Karl 1884 1884 Baptism 5a Konn, Donna Jean 1935 1954 Confirmation 53 Korner, Franz 1838 1887 Marriage 2 Korner, lina 1872 1895 Marriage 6 Korner, Lina Augusta 1872 1889 Confirmation 4 Kosary, Louis ng 1922 Marriage 16 Koster, Anna Caroline Elisabeth 1892 1893 Baptism 21 Kowalke, Minna 1878 1893 Confirmation 7 Kranzusch, Ottilie 1870 1889 Marriage 3 Kreegier, Lucille ng 1946 Marriage 23 Kremer, Wendi Lynn 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Krenzusch, Luise 1865 1886 Marriage 2 Kress, Chad Michael 1983 1983 Baptism 125 Kress, Gerald Stephen ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Kress, Gerald Stephen Jr 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Kress, Jennifer ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Kress, Jennifer Lynn 1976 1976 Baptism 120 Kreter, Garfield Emil ng 1945 Marriage 23 Krohn, Ludwig 1858 1887 Marriage 2 Krohn, Margaretha Elisabeth 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Krueger, Albert P ng 1932 Marriage 19 Krueger, Albert Palmer 1934 1934 Baptism 75 Krueger, Albert Palmer 1934 1949 Confirmation 50 Krueger, Albert Paul Johan 1897 1913 Confirmation 24 Krueger, Albert Paul Johann 1897 1897 Baptism 34 Krueger, Barbara A ng 1996 Marriage 42 Krueger, Barbara Ann 1967 1967 Baptism 116 Krueger, Barbara Ann ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Krueger, Bertha 70y 1910 Death 14 Krueger, Beula Pauline Bertha 1916 1929 Confirmation 36 Krueger, Beulah ng 1940 Marriage 22 Krueger, Bula Pauline Bertha 1916 1916 Baptism 59 Krueger, Carl Friedrich 88y 1931 Death 25 Krueger, Carlene Joan 1935 1935 Baptism 76 Krueger, Clarence Herbert 1913 1913 Baptism 56 Krueger, Clarence Herbert 1913 1928 Confirmation 36 Krueger, Emil 24y 1925 Death 22 Krueger, Emil August Gustav 1901 1901 Baptism 40 Krueger, Emil August Gustav 1901 1917 Confirmation 28 Krueger, Herman George 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Krueger, Hermann George 1910 1925 Confirmation 34 Krueger, Hugo Eduard 1907 1907 Baptism 46 Krueger, Hugo Eduard 34y 1907 Death 12 Krueger, Jane ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Krueger, Jane Lydia Minne 1951 1951 Baptism 89 Krueger, Joan Marie 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Krueger, Joan Marie ng 1986 Confirmation 66 Krueger, Kari ng 1986 Confirmation 78 Krueger, Kari Lynn 1972 1972 Baptism 118 Krueger, Karl 71y 1942 Death 30 Krueger, Karl 30y 1993 Death 54 Krueger, Karl Georg Fried 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Krueger, Karl Glen 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Krueger, Karl Glen ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Krueger, Kristen Michelle 1976 1976 Baptism 120 Krueger, Kristen Michelle ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Krueger, Leo Friedrich 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Krueger, Leo Friedrick 1903 1921 Confirmation 31 Krueger, Leroy C 1936 1950 Confirmation 50 Krueger, Leroy Clarence ng 1961 Marriage 32 Krueger, Louis Walter 1908 1924 Confirmation 33 Krueger, Louis Walter 48y 1956 Death 36 Krueger, Ludwig Walter 1908 1908 Baptism 49 Krueger, Marie W ng 1960 Marriage 31 Krueger, Marion Mrs (Clarence) 73y 1988 Death 51 Krueger, Mary J ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Krueger, Minnie Cholger 90y 1963 Death 41 Krueger, Wilhelm Heinrich 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Krueger, Wilhelm Heinrich 1y 1906 Death 12 Krueger, William C ng 1969 Marriage 34 Krueger, William Charles 1941 1955 Confirmation 54 Krueger, Wm Charles Werth 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Kruger, Ida 1872 1894 Marriage 6 Kruger, Karl Albert 1870 1896 Marriage 7 Krum, Maria 39y 1913 Death 16 Krum, Marion Ellen 1929 1943 Confirmation 45 Krumm, Adella Viola 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Krumm, Adella Viola 1912 1926 Confirmation 34 Krumm, Albert 1869 1883 Confirmation 1 Krumm, Albert 1869 1896 Marriage 7 Krumm, Albert 64y 1933 Death 26 Krumm, Albert Ernst 1897 1898 Baptism 34 Krumm, Albert Ernst 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Krumm, Alfred Daniel 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Krumm, Alma M ng 1919 Marriage 14 Krumm, Alma Minna 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Krumm, Alma Minna 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Krumm, Alta Maud Mrs 1903 1945 Confirmation 47 Krumm, Alvin Edward 1927 1927 Baptism 68 Krumm, Alvin Edward 3W 1927 Death 23 Krumm, Alwine Ottilie 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Krumm, Anna Louisa 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Krumm, Anna Louisa 1899 1913 Confirmation 24 Krumm, Anna Mrs 1905 1930 Baptism 70 Krumm, Arland Duane 1937 1937 Baptism 77 Krumm, Arland Duane 1937 1951 Confirmation 51 Krumm, Arnold George 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Krumm, Arnold George 1907 1921 Confirmation 31 Krumm, Arthur Wilhelm 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Krumm, Arthur Wilhelm 1904 1918 Confirmation 28 Krumm, Aug W ng 1921 Marriage 15 Krumm, August 1871 1896 Marriage 7 Krumm, August 85y 1950 Death 33 Krumm, August G 1871 1887 Confirmation 2 Krumm, August Wil 1865 1890 Marriage 3 Krumm, August Wilhelm 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Krumm, August Wilhelm ng 1896 Death 7 Krumm, Auguste 44y 1920 Death 20 Krumm, Barbara Ann 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Krumm, Bertha 49y 1926 Death 22 Krumm, Bruce Alan 1936 1936 Baptism 76 Krumm, Carl 80y 1982 Death 49 Krumm, Carl Herman 1901 1901 Baptism 40 Krumm, Carl Herman 1901 1916 Confirmation 27 Krumm, Clara ng 1929 Marriage 18 Krumm, Clara Louisa 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Krumm, Clara Louisa 1909 1923 Confirmation 32 Krumm, David 62y 1907 Death 12 Krumm, Eduard Martin 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Krumm, Eduard Martin 1902 1916 Confirmation 27 Krumm, Edward ng 1925 Marriage 17 Krumm, Elisa Wilhelmine 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Krumm, Elise Helena 1901 1916 Confirmation 27 Krumm, Elsa Helene 1902 1902 Baptism 40 Krumm, Elsie ng 1920 Marriage 15 Krumm, Emil 1897 1897 Baptism 34 Krumm, Emil Gustav 1897 1912 Confirmation 23 Krumm, Emil Gustave 60y 1957 Death 37 Krumm, Emilie Anna 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Krumm, Emilie Anna 1884 1898 Confirmation 11 Krumm, Emilie Maria 1907 1907 Baptism 46 Krumm, Emilie Maria 1907 1922 Confirmation 31 Krumm, Emma ng 1922 Marriage 16 Krumm, Emma Lena 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Krumm, Emma Lena 1901 1915 Confirmation 27 Krumm, Ernst Heinrich 1908 1908 Baptism 49 Krumm, Ernst Heinrich 1908 1924 Confirmation 33 Krumm, Esther Louisa 1907 1923 Confirmation 32 Krumm, Esther Louise 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Krumm, Etna Ottilie 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Krumm, Etna Ottilie 1899 1914 Confirmation 25 Krumm, Frieda ng 1928 Marriage 18 Krumm, Frieda 90y 1996 Death 56 Krumm, Frieda Johanna 1910 1910 Baptism 52 Krumm, Frieda Johanna 1910 1926 Confirmation 35 Krumm, Georg Gustav 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Krumm, Gustav M 1875 1889 Confirmation 3 Krumm, Gustav Martin ng 1948 Death 33 Krumm, Harold Albert 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Krumm, Helen ng 1947 Marriage 24 Krumm, Helen Edith 1925 1941 Confirmation 44 Krumm, Ida Amalie 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Krumm, Ida Amalie 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 krumm, Irene Rosette 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Krumm, Irene Rosette 1904 1918 Confirmation 29 Krumm, Irma Auguste 1905 1919 Confirmation 29 Krumm, Jack Fredrick 3m 1929 Death 24 Krumm, Jerry Lee 1963 1963 Baptism 113 Krumm, Johan Albert Emil 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Krumm, Johann 1867 1891 Marriage 4 Krumm, Johann Albert Emil 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Krumm, John ng 1925 Marriage 17 Krumm, John 78y 1944 Death 31 Krumm, John Jr Mrs 1905 1930 Confirmation 37 Krumm, Joyce ng 1965 Confirmation 64 Krumm, Joycelyn 1937 1960 Confirmation 84 Krumm, Julius 1873 1887 Confirmation 2 Krumm, Kenneth Martin 1930 1930 Baptism 70 Krumm, Kenneth Roy 1930 1957 Baptism 99 Krumm, Kenneth Roy 1930 1957 Confirmation 57 Krumm, Kenneth Roy Jr 1960 1961 Baptism 109 Krumm, Larry ng 1965 Confirmation 64 Krumm, Larry Martin 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Krumm, Leona Amanda 1914 1914 Baptism 57 Krumm, Leona Amanda 1914 1927 Confirmation 35 Krumm, Loraine Mae 1927 1930 Baptism 70 Krumm, Louise M ng 1902 Marriage 9 Krumm, Lucille Ida 1912 1926 Confirmation 35 Krumm, Lucillie Ida 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Krumm, Lulu May 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Krumm, Margaret Willamena 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Krumm, Margareta Martha 1905 1905 Baptism 43 Krumm, Margareta Martha 1905 1918 Confirmation 29 Krumm, Maria Elisabeth 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Krumm, Maria Elisabeth 1917 1929 Confirmation 36 Krumm, Marion Arlene 1925 1930 Baptism 70 Krumm, Marion Ellen 1924 1924 Baptism 68 Krumm, Marion Ellen ng 1949 Marriage 25 Krumm, Mary Louise Caroline 78y 1955 Death 36 Krumm, Mathilde Ottilie 2m 1892 Death 4 Krumm, Meta Ottilie 1906 1906 Baptism 45 Krumm, Meta Ottilie 1906 1919 Confirmation 30 Krumm, Mildred Darlene 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Krumm, Mitchell Allen 1949 1949 Baptism 98 Krumm, Molly "Alta" Mrs (Wm ) 87y 1990 Death 52 Krumm, Orma Auguste 1905 1905 Baptism 45 Krumm, Reno Reinhold 1909 1910 Baptism 51 Krumm, Reno Reinhold 1909 1925 Confirmation 34 Krumm, Stillborn Infant ng 1938 Death 28 Krumm, Sue Ellen 1965 1965 Baptism 113 Krumm, Thelma Anne 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Krumm, Timothy Charles 1964 1967 Baptism 115 Krumm, Waldemar, Theodor 3m 1901 Death 9 Krumm, Waldermar Theodor 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Krumm, Walter ng 1925 Marriage 17 Krumm, Walter Theodor 1902 1902 Baptism 40 Krumm, Walther Theodor 1902 1916 Confirmation 27 Krumm, Wilhelm August 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Krumm, Wilhelm August 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Krumm, Wilhelmine 87y 1928 Death 23 Krumm, William A 86y 1980 Death 48 Krumm, William Joseph 1947 1956 Baptism 98 Krumm, Wm Joseph 1947 1961 Confirmation 85 Kuehl, Daniel ng 1981 Marriage 38 Kuhl, August Friedrich Eduard 1882 1882 Baptism 3 Kuhl, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Kuhne, Johanne F ng 1905 Marriage 10 Kunz, Augusta Maria 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Kunz, Matthaus 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Kunze, Emil 1864 1889 Marriage 3 Kussro, Elmer Carl Walter 1922 1935 Confirmation 40 Kussro, Herman Wm 1920 1935 Confirmation 41 Kussro, Lornetta L R 1924 1938 Confirmation 43 L LaFlure, Minnie Bertha Martha 61y 1951 Death 34 LaFlure, Verne 59y 1951 Death 34 LaHaye, Timothy ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Lahaye, Timothy Gerald ng 1986 Marriage 40 Lajore, Charles ng 1906 Marriage 10 Lake, Gaile P ng 1950 Marriage 26 Lake, Jason Robert ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Lake, Paul James ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Lake, Robert ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Lake, Robert Mrs (Paula) ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Lamb, Joan Louise 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Lamb, Joseph Louis ng 1970 Marriage 34 Lambert, Levina ng 1931 Marriage 19 Lane, Frieda Carol 1947 1947 Baptism 85 Lange, Hermann ng 1900 Marriage 8 Lange, Ludwig 85y 1905 Death 11 Lange, Norman ng 1946 Marriage 23 Lanzki, Julie 1862 1884 Marriage 1 Laubham, Katherine Mrs 97y 1982 Death 49 Lawrence, William H ng 1916 Marriage 14 Lean, David ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Lean, Dorothy ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Lean, William John ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Leawright, Samuel ng 1900 Marriage 8 Lee, Ida ng 1937 Marriage 20 Lee, Ruben 97y 1991 Death 53 Lee, Traci Lynn ng 1992 Marriage 41 Leeck, Ervin ng 1934 Marriage 19 Lehman, Eleanor ng 1928 Marriage 18 Lemke, Ernst Mrs ng 1924 Death 21 Lemuel, George Jr ng 1950 Marriage 26 Lemuel, Ronald George 1951 1951 Baptism 89 Lemuel, Vickie Lynn 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Levi, Wallace ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Lietzow, Heinrich ng 1900 Marriage 8 Lilly, Carson Renae 1992 1996 Baptism 113 Lilly, Jordon Elisabeth 1990 1996 Baptism 113 Litzow, C Mrs 79y 1898 Death 8 Loeffler, Brent Allen 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Loeffler, Brent Allen ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Loeffler, Brent Allen ng 1996 Marriage 42 Loeffler, Brian ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Loeffler, Franz Karl 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Loeffler, Georg Hugo 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Loeffler, Helena 35y 1909 Death 14 Loeffler, Katharina Lina Anna 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Loeffler, Kerry Ann 1975 1976 Baptism 120 Loeffler, Kirk Kris 1955 1955 Baptism 96 Loeffler, Kirk Kris ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Loeffler, Merill 1930 1956 Confirmation 56 Loeffler, Rodney Scott 1965 1965 Baptism 113 Loeffler, Rodney Scott ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Loeffler, Rosa Gertruth 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Loeffler, Stephan Leopold 1893 1909 Confirmation 20 Loeffler, Stephan Leopold 20y 1914 Death 16 Loeffler, Sylvester ng 1911 Marriage 12 Loeffler, Wilhelm Eduard 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Loffler, Anna Emma Luise 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Loffler, Anna Emma Luise ng 1897 Death 8 Loffler, Franz Karl 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Loffler, Katharina Lina Anna 1891 1892 Baptism 19 Loffler, Lydia Helene 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Loffler, Stephan Leopold 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Loffler, Susanna 28y 1897 Death 8 Loffler, Sylvester 1864 1897 Marriage 7 Lonsbury, Clifford Robert 1936 1937 Baptism 77 Lonsbury, Dorothy Louise 1932 1934 Baptism 75 Lonsbury, Earl Jerry 1928 1930 Baptism 70 Lonsbury, Margaret Mae 1926 1930 Baptism 70 Lonsbury, Richard Arthur 1930 1931 Baptism 72 Look, Agnes Alma 1906 1906 Baptism 45 Look, Agnes Alma 1906 1920 Confirmation 30 Look, Ann Betty 1968 1969 Baptism 116 Look, Ann Betty ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Look, Ann Betty ng 1993 Marriage 42 Look, Auguste 77y 1926 Death 22 Look, Bernard Walter 1929 1943 Confirmation 45 Look, Bernhard Walter 1929 1929 Baptism 70 Look, Bertha Albertine 1871 1892 Marriage 4 Look, Bertha Albertine 44y 1916 Death 18 Look, Bonnie Lou 1962 1962 Baptism 110 Look, Bonnie Lou ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Look, Bonnie Lou ng 1984 Marriage 39 Look, Carl ng 1929 Marriage 18 Look, Carl Albert 1908 1922 Confirmation 32 Look, Carl Jr Mrs 1912 1930 Confirmation 37 Look, Carl Sr Mrs (Bertha) 59y 1933 Death 26 Look, Dean W ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Look, Dean William ng 1981 Marriage 38 Look, Donald Herbert 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Look, Ella Louisa 1902 1916 Confirmation 28 Look, Ella Louise 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Look, Emma Mrs 86y 1969 Death 43 Look, Emma Wilhelmine Johanna 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Look, Ester Viola 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Look, Esther Clara 1910 1910 Baptism 52 Look, Esther Clara 1910 1924 Confirmation 33 Look, Esther Viola 1896 1909 Confirmation 21 Look, Frederic ng 1943 Marriage 23 Look, Frederick Gustave 90y 1934 Death 27 Look, Fredrick Wm 1922 1935 Confirmation 41 Look, Friedric William 1922 1922 Baptism 63 Look, Grace Edna 1904 1919 Confirmation 29 Look, Grace Ednan 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Look, Gustav Aug Friedr 2y 1891 Death 4 Look, Hedwig Auguste 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Look, Hedwig Martha 1908 1922 Confirmation 31 Look, Helen Margaret ng 1961 Marriage 32 Look, Herbert 63y 1993 Death 54 Look, Herbert D ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Look, Herbert L 1930 1960 Confirmation 84 Look, Herbert Lloyd ng 1957 Marriage 30 Look, Herbert Loyd 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Look, Holly ng 1979 Marriage 38 Look, Holly D ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Look, Holly Dorothy 1958 1959 Baptism 102 Look, Howard Carl 1931 1931 Baptism 72 Look, Howard Carl 1931 1945 Confirmation 47 Look, Howard Carl ng 1955 Marriage 29 Look, Inez Martha 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Look, Karl 1870 1893 Marriage 5 Look, Karl A 61y 1931 Death 25 Look, Karl Albert 1908 1909 Baptism 49 Look, Kathleen Mrs ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Look, Laueen Kelly 1994 1994 Baptism 133 Look, Lauria ng 1965 Confirmation 64 Look, Laurie J ng 1973 Marriage 35 Look, Lillian Emma 1904 1918 Confirmation 29 Look, Louisa Clara 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Look, Lyndsey Leigh 1993 1993 Baptism 132 Look, Lynn ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Look, Lynn D ng 1987 Marriage 40 Look, Lynn Dell 1960 1960 Baptism 106 Look, Martha 1873 1895 Marriage 6 Look, Martin Theodor 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Look, Martin Theodor 4d 1912 Death 15 Look, Mary 65y 1991 Death 53 Look, Mary M ng 1950 Confirmation 51 Look, Melanie Ann 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Look, Melanie Ann ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Look, Melanie Ann ng 1985 Marriage 40 Look, Merlin Carl 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Look, Merlin Carl ng 1951 Marriage 27 Look, Mertin 1932 1960 Confirmation 84 Look, Meta Amanda 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Look, Meta Amanda 1902 1916 Confirmation 28 Look, Michelle Ann 1992 1992 Baptism 132 Look, Otto Fredrick 80y 1961 Death 39 Look, Otto Friedrich Albert 1880 1893 Confirmation 6 Look, Pamela Ann 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Look, Randy H ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Look, Randy Howald 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Look, Randy Howard ng 1986 Marriage 40 Look, Richard ng 1917 Marriage 14 Look, Richard 72y 1966 Death 42 Look, Richard Friedrich Ernst 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Look, Richard Friedrich Ernst 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Look, Robert Merlin 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Look, Ruth Auguste 1900 1900 Baptism 45 Look, Ruth Auguste 1906 1920 Confirmation 30 Look, Scott Kenneth 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Look, Scott Kenneth ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Look, Shawn Bernard 1968 1968 Baptism 116 Look, Shawn Bernard ng 1982 Confirmation 77 Look, Shelly Kay 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Look, Shelly Kay ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Look, Shelly Kay ng 1987 Marriage 40 Look, Silian Emma 1904 1905 Baptism 43 Look, Tammi Marie 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Look, Tammi Marie ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Look, Tammi Marie ng 1984 Marriage 39 Look, Terri Jay 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Look, Theodor Wilhelm 36y 1911 Death 15 Look, Theodora ng 1936 Marriage 20 Look, Theodora Frieda 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Look, Theodore ng 1902 Marriage 9 Look, Vicki Lynn 1955 1955 Baptism 95 Look, Walter Friedrich 2y 1909 Death 14 Look, Walther Friedrich 1907 1907 Baptism 46 Look, Wilhelm Theodor 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Look, Wilhelm Theodor 1900 1914 Confirmation 25 Look, Willard Martin 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Look, Willard Martin 1m 1925 Death 22 Look, William Howard 1926 1927 Baptism 67 Look, William Theodore Sr 84y 1984 Death 50 Look, Wm Howard 1926 1941 Confirmation 44 Look, Wm Mrs (Olga) 82y 1982 Death 48 Loomis, Clay Allen 1995 1995 Baptism 133 Loomis, Erica Faith 1989 1989 Baptism 130 Loomis, Leighanna Paige 1992 1992 Baptism 132 Loomis, Ray Allen ng 1988 Marriage 41 Loper, Mary Joyce 1944 1969 Baptism 134 Loper, Mary Joyce ng 1969 Marriage 34 Ludtcke, Anne Johanna Adeline 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Ludtcke, August Heinrich Albert 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Ludtcke, Augusta 3M 1884 Death 1 Ludtcke, Augusta Johanna Caroline 1884 1888 Baptism 5 Ludtcke, Friedrich Fraugott Imanuel 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Ludtcke, Georg Nathanael Erich 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Ludtcke, Johanna 83y 1896 Death 7 Ludtcke, Karl Friedr Aug, 10m 1892 Death 4 Ludtcke, Karl Friedrich August 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Ludtcke, Wilhelm Karl Reinhold 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Ludtcke, Wilhelmine Emilie 1881 1881 Baptism 3 Ludtcke, Wilhelmine Emilie 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Ludtke, Johann Friedrich 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Ludtke, Louise 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Ludwig, Shirley W ng 1943 Marriage 22 Luedcke, Georg Nathaniel Erich 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Luedeke, Elisabeth Aurelia 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Luedtcke, Anna Johanna Adeline 1887 1901 Confirmation 12 Luedtcke, Wilhelm Carl Reinhold 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Luedtke, Aug Fried Herm 72y 1919 Death 19 Luedtke, August Heinrich Albert 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Luedtke, August Henry 62y 1957 Death 37 Luedtke, August Sr Mrs 75y 1929 Death 24 Luedtke, Dennis Friederic 1945 1945 Baptism 83 Luedtke, Elisabeth Amalie Evelyn 1898 1911 Confirmation 22 Luedtke, Fred Mrs (Louise) 90y 1986 Death 50 Luedtke, Frederick E ng 1943 Marriage 22 Luedtke, Frederick T 76y 1969 Death 43 Luedtke, Fredrick Ernst 1919 1933 Confirmation 39 Luedtke, Friederick Ernst 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Luedtke, Friedrich Frangott Imanuel 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Luedtke, Greg Alan 1953 1953 Baptism 93 Luedtke, Greg Alan ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Luedtke, Hugh Robert 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Luedtke, Hugh Robert ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Luedtke, Judith ng 1962 Confirmation 62 Luedtke, Judith Kay 1949 1949 Baptism 86 Luedtke, Kelsey Lynn 1988 1988 Baptism 129 Luedtke, Kevin Thomas 1957 1957 Baptism 99 Luedtke, Kevin Thomas ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Luedtke, Kimberly Anne 1991 1992 Baptism 132 Luedtke, Leo Carl 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Luedtke, Louise ng 1951 Marriage 26 Luedtke, Louise Faith 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Luedtke, Louise Faith 1932 1945 Confirmation 47 Luedtke, Martin Carl 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Luedtke, Martin Carl 1932 1946 Confirmation 48 Luedtke, Minna ng 1908 Marriage 11 Luedtke, Neil Edward 1923 1923 Baptism 64 Luedtke, Neil Edward 1923 1936 Confirmation 42 Luedtke, Ruth Alan 1953 1953 Baptism 61 Luedtke, Ruth Joanne 1934 1947 Confirmation 48 Luedtke, Ruth Joanne ng 1954 Marriage 28 Luedtke, Shirley 72y 1993 Death 54 Luitje, Frederick 91y 1991 Death 53 Luitje, Karl 80y 1983 Death 49 Lutz, David Wayne ng 1975 Marriage 36 M Maas, Friedricke 1872 1892 Marriage 5 MacDonald, Norma S ng 1984 Marriage 39 Machleit, Kathleen Gail ng 1981 Marriage 38 Mackinen, Esther Mary 1906 1906 Baptism 45 Mackinen, Katharine Elisabeth 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Mader, Evelyn ng 1963 Marriage 33 Mahan, Clifford ng 1972 Marriage 38 Malcolm, Coe Gertrud 1893 1897 Baptism 33 Malcolm, Gerldine Katharine 1895 1897 Baptism 33 Malcolm, Karl Elmer 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Malcolm, Wilhelm Cacilins 1889 1889 Baptism 11 Malcolm, William B 1861 1887 Marriage 2 Mallon, Marvin ng 1939 Marriage 21 Malon, Mary Grace Mrs ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Manon, Frank Mrs (Mary Grace) ng 1983 Baptism 135 Mark, Heinrich 73y 1909 Death 13 Mark, Margaret Louise ng 1937 Marriage 20 Marke, Auguste Antonia 1883 1898 Confirmation 10 Marke, Hermine Adolphine 1885 1898 Confirmation 10 Markert, Betty Jean 1964 1966 Baptism 115 Markert, Casper Mrs (Margaret) ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Markert, John Friedrick 1965 1966 Baptism 115 Markert, Lynn Marie ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Marks, Adolf Albert 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Marks, Augusta A ng 1909 Marriage 11 Marks, Friedrich Wilhelm 1891 1892 Baptism 19 Marks, Marie 63y 1924 Death 21 Marquardt, Caroline ng 1906 Marriage 10 Marquardt, Gottliebin 1854 1883 Marriage 1 Marquardt, Johann Franz 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Martin, Clifford George 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Martin, Folyd Carl 1920 1920 Baptism 62 Martin, Harold Walter 1919 1919 Baptism 61 Martin, Margareith ng 1921 Marriage 16 Martin, Shirley 1932 1952 Confirmation 52 Martin, Shirley Ann ng 1957 Marriage 29 Martin, Timothy Robert 1953 1953 Baptism 93 Marvinske, Helena Emma 1908 1909 Baptism 49 Marvinske, Helena Emma 1908 1923 Confirmation 32 Marvinske, Lena Augusta 38y 1911 Death 15 Marvinski, Friederika Henrietta 72y 1925 Death 22 Marvinski, Robert 67y 1919 Death 19 Marwinske, Helena Katharina Elisabeth 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Marwinske, Hugo O 90y 1974 Death 46 Marwinski, Hugo ng 1934 Marriage 19 Marwinski, Hugo O ng 1908 Marriage 11 Marwinski, Hugo Oswald 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Marwinski, Louise H 80y 1963 Death 41 Marwinski, Otto Robert 1879 1893 Confirmation 6 Marwinski, Otto Robert 76y 1955 Death 36 Marzinski, Louise 71y 1954 Death 36 Mashew, Richard A ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Mason, Ida Mrs 80y 1967 Death 42 Matchuret, Fred William 54y 1960 Death 39 May, Charotte May ng 1957 Marriage 30 Mayer, Charlie ng 1902 Marriage 9 Mayers, Friedrich Carl Wilhelm 1905 1905 Baptism 44 McArdle, Jillian Kaye 1991 1991 Baptism 131 McArdle, Kendea Janette 1994 1994 Baptism 133 McArdle, Kendra 1m 1994 Death 55 McCally, Beatrice C ng 1912 Marriage 13 McCardell, George W ng 1917 Marriage 14 McCardell, Willard Burton 1920 1920 Baptism 62 McCartney, Donald Bruce ng 1957 Marriage 30 McCoy, Brady Greg ng 1982 Marriage 39 McCoy, Christopher Ryan 1986 1986 Baptism 127 McCoy, Tyler Jared 1989 1989 Baptism 130 McDougald, John ng 1930 Marriage 19 McEwen, Jarold B 1930 1956 Confirmation 56 McEwen, Jerold B ng 1953 Marriage 27 McFadden, Louise Mrs ng 1934 Marriage 19 McGillis, Aimee Lynn 1972 1985 Baptism 126 McGillis, Aimee Lynn ng 1987 Confirmation 78 McGillis, Heather Mae ng 1990 Confirmation 80 McGillis, Quinn Michael 1978 1985 Baptism 126 McGillis, Sandra Mrs ng 1985 Confirmation 78 McKeen, Carolyn A 1934 1948 Confirmation 49 McKeen, Carolyn Ann 1934 1934 Baptism 75 McKeen, Russell ng 1929 Marriage 18 McKeen, Russell Lee 1931 1931 Baptism 72 McKindles, Bob ng 1993 Confirmation 82 McLean, Helen Catherine 68y 1961 Death 40 Mehnert, Frank H ng 1984 Marriage 39 Mehnert, Frank Mrs (Norma) ng 1987 Confirmation 79 Merritt, Rodney ng 1953 Confirmation 52 Meshew, Carly Ann 1992 1992 Baptism 132 Meshew, Jeremy Alan 1990 1990 Baptism 130 Meshew, Richard A ng 1987 Marriage 40 Meske, Agnes Helene 1891 1892 Baptism 19 Meske, Caroline Hermine 1896 1897 Baptism 34 Meske, Emma Emilie 1888 1888 Baptism 11 Michalko, Iris Marie 1937 1954 Confirmation 54 Michalko, Iris Marie ng 1956 Marriage 29 Michalko, Michael 1916 1954 Confirmation 54 Michalko, Michael ng 1953 Marriage 27 Michela, Laura Jeanne ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Michela, Lisa Marie ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Micholko, Ivan Dale 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Mielock, David L 1935 1961 Confirmation 85 Mielock, Kevin Stephen 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Miller, Amanda Jo Ann ng 1991 Confirmation 80 Miller, Amanda Joanne 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Miller, Andrea Marie 1982 1983 Baptism 124 Miller, Carl ng 1920 Marriage 15 Miller, Carl Friederick 1925 1927 Baptism 67 Miller, Christopher ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Miller, Christopher Brian ng 1970 Marriage 34 Miller, Darlene Sue ng 1961 Marriage 32 Miller, Dee Ellen ng 1960 Marriage 31 Miller, Elizabeth 86y 1959 Death 39 Miller, Erich E H 7m 1886 Death 2 Miller, Floreen Catherine 1911 1929 Confirmation 37 Miller, John August 77y 1947 Death 32 Miller, John Edward ng 1976 Marriage 36 Miller, John Edward Jr 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Miller, Leopold 91y 1929 Death 24 Miller, Lidiah Elaine 1979 1979 Baptism 122 Miller, Norma A ng 1944 Marriage 23 Miller, Randall Gill 5d 1980 Death 47 Miller, Ronald 25y 1977 Death 47 Miller, Ronald Dale ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Miller, Ronny Dale 1952 1952 Baptism 90 Minard, Darlene Sue ng 1961 Marriage 32 Mochring, Christine Mary 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Mochring, Jo Ann 1946 1947 Baptism 84 Mochring, John Friederic 1950 1950 Baptism 88 Mochring, Richard John 1945 1946 Baptism 83 Moehring, Herman W ng 1902 Marriage 9 Moeller, Carl E ng 1915 Marriage 13 Moeller, Jean Marie 1924 1938 Confirmation 43 Moeller, Kristine Marie ng 1985 Marriage 40 Moeller, Louise Mrs 76y 1974 Death 45 Moeller, Walter H ng 1970 Marriage 34 Monette, Faye Mary ng 1958 Marriage 30 Montgomery, Jason Alan 1979 1979 Baptism 122 Moon, Sherry D ng 1982 Marriage 39 Morgan, Dorothy Jean ng 1957 Marriage 30 Morley, James Samuel 1955 1976 Baptism 135 Morley, James Samuel ng 1976 Marriage 36 Morley, James Samuel Jr 1976 1976 Baptism 120 Morley, Jason Thomas 1978 1978 Baptism 122 Mowat, Lauret ng 1910 Marriage 12 Mroch, Jean Mary 1904 1950 Confirmation 51 Mroch, Martin 93y 1989 Death 52 Mroch, Martin L ng 1946 Marriage 24 Mroch, Martin Mrs (Jean) 83y 1987 Death 51 Mueller Lydia Ida Emma 1904 1920 Confirmation 30 Mueller, Adela Martha 1895 1909 Confirmation 21 Mueller, Adeline ng 1905 Marriage 9 Mueller, Adeline Martha 1887 1901 Confirmation 12 Mueller, Albert Johannes 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Mueller, Albert Johannes 1900 1914 Confirmation 25 Mueller, August Gottlieb 55y 1906 Death 11 Mueller, Bertha Alvina Amalie 17y 1908 Death 13 Mueller, Chelrl Lynn 1950 1950 Baptism 88 Mueller, Doris Louisa 1898 1911 Confirmation 22 Mueller, Dorothy L ng 1916 Marriage 14 Mueller, Elisabeth Emilie 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Mueller, Emilie ng 1900 Marriage 8 Mueller, Emilie Louise 1899 1899 Baptism 36 Mueller, Ernst C 1934 1948 Confirmation 48 Mueller, Florence Katharina 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Mueller, Friedrich Herman 1910 1911 Baptism 52 Mueller, Heinrich Julius 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Mueller, Herbert Louis 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Mueller, Hermann Gustav 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Mueller, Irma Margaretha 1900 1915 Confirmation 27 Mueller, Johana Mrs 77y 1928 Death 24 Mueller, Karl Aug Albert 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Mueller, Karl Clarence 1896 1909 Confirmation 20 Mueller, Katharina 80y 1921 Death 20 Mueller, Leonard F 1935 1950 Confirmation 50 Mueller, Lydia Ida Emma 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Mueller, Martha Ernstine Ema 8y 1900 Death 9 Mueller, Ottilie ng 1910 Marriage 12 Mueller, Ottilie Louisa 1889 1903 Confirmation 14 Mueller, Sharan Ann 1950 1950 Baptism 88 Mueller, Walter Heinrich 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Muller, Adela Martha 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Muller, Adelia ng 1916 Marriage 14 Muller, Anna Augusta 1874 1889 Confirmation 4 Muller, Arthur Karl 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Muller, August Wilhelm Leopold 1878 1878 Baptism 1 Muller, Bertha 1877 1893 Marriage 5 Muller, Bertha Alwina Amalia 1890 1890 Baptism 16 Muller, Bertha Alwine Amalia 1890 1905 Confirmation 16 Muller, Carl August Albert 16y 1902 Death 9 Muller, Elisabeth Emilie 1897 1898 Baptism 34 Muller, Erich Emanuel Hermann 1886 1886 Baptism 6 Muller, Georg Emil 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Muller, Georg Emil 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Muller, Heinrich Julius 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Muller, Herman August Leopold 1m 1893 Death 5 Muller, Hermann August Leopold 1893 1893 Baptism 21 Muller, Hermann Wilhelm 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Muller, Ida Katharina Lydia 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Muller, Jakob 1867 1891 Marriage 4 Muller, Karl August Albert 1885 1885 Baptism 5a Muller, Karl Friedrich 1876 1891 Confirmation 5 Muller, Luise Hermine Auguste 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Muller, Martin Carl 1947 1947 Baptism 84 Muller, Otto Karl 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Muller, Otto Karl 1y 1893 Death 5 Muller, Wilhelm August Leopold 1878 1893 Confirmation 6 Murringer, Carrie A 1983 1992 Baptism 132 Murringer, Colleen Lorraine 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Murringer, David Duane 1970 1975 Baptism 120 Murringer, Karen ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Murringer, Mark Timothy 1959 1959 Baptism 103 Murringer, Matthew 1986 1992 Baptism 132 Murringer, Walter John 1930 1957 Baptism 99 Murringer, Walter John 1930 1957 Confirmation 57 Murringer, Walter John ng 1955 Marriage 28 Murringer, Walter John Jr 1956 1957 Baptism 98 N Nagel, Valerie Ann ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Nast, Heather Marie ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Neibert, Alldon 49y 1970 Death 44 Neibert, Alldon E 1920 1960 Baptism 106 Neibert, Alldon E 1920 1960 Confirmation 84 Neibert, Alldon Everrette ng 1959 Marriage 30 Neibert, Anita Ann 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Neibert, Anita Ann ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Neibert, Everett ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Neibert, Everett August ng 1980 Marriage 38 Neibert, Everrett August 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Neibert, Gary Alldon 1962 1962 Baptism 112 Neibert, Gary Alldon ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Neibert, Grace Edith ng 1974 Marriage 36 Neibert, Linda Edith 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Neibert, Linda Edith ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Neibert, Martha ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Neibert, Martha ng 1979 Marriage 37 Neibert, Martha Marie 1959 1959 Baptism 107 Neibert, Randt M 1924 1956 Confirmation 56 Neibert, Rants 1924 1956 Baptism 97 Nelson, Emanuel Bernhardt 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Neumann, August Wilhelm 1889 1890 Baptism 14 Neumann, Danielle Lee 1987 1988 Baptism 128 Neumann, Dennis Lee ng 1987 Marriage 40 Neumann, Elizabeth ng 1920 Marriage 15 Neumann, Elsa Emma Lena 1902 1916 Confirmation 28 Neumann, Elsa Emma Lina 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Neumann, Elsie L ng 1938 Marriage 21 Neumann, Fred Mrs 88y 1950 Death 34 Neumann, Frederick 77y 1975 Death 46 Neumann, Friedrich 1862 1889 Marriage 3 Neumann, Friedrich Carl 89y 1951 Death 35 Neumann, Friedrich Karl 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Neumann, Friedrich Karl 1896 1910 Confirmation 21 Neumann, Georg Albert 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Neumann, Georg Albert 1900 1914 Confirmation 25 Neumann, Harold Carl 1915 1916 Baptism 58 Neumann, Harold Carl 1915 1930 Confirmation 37 Neumann, Heinrich Christoph 1898 1913 Confirmation 24 Neumann, Henry C 70y 1968 Death 43 Neumann, Herman Gustav 1891 1904 Confirmation 15 Neumann, Hermann Gustar 1891 1891 Baptism 16 Neumann, Ida Ottilie 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Neumann, Ida Ottilie 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Neumann, Lade Alen 1990 1991 Baptism 131 Neumann, Margareta Bertha 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Neumann, Margareta Bertha 1905 1919 Confirmation 29 Neumann, Minna ng 1913 Marriage 13 Neumann, Minna Augusta 1892 1892 Baptism 21 Neumann, Minna Augusta 1892 1906 Confirmation 18 Neumann, Wilhelm August 1889 1904 Confirmation 14 Neumann, Wilhelm Carl 1913 1916 Baptism 58 Neumann, William Carl 1913 1927 Confirmation 35 Newman, Elizabeth Ann 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Newman, Kathleen Louise 1958 1959 Baptism 102 Newman, Ruth Ellen 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Newvine, Sandra Kay ng 1960 Marriage 31 Nicander, Julius 74y 1951 Death 34 Nichols, Wendy Lucille 1951 1952 Baptism 90 Nickell, Aurelia Marie 1982 1982 Baptism 124 Nickell, Daniel Victor 1981 1981 Baptism 123 Nickell, Daniel Victor ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Nickell, Elgin K ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Nickell, Iva ng 1966 Marriage 34 Nickell, Jason William 1982 1982 Baptism 124 Nickell, Jennifer Lyn 1978 1978 Baptism 122 Nickell, Jennifer Lyn ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Nickell, Jessica Rose 1980 1980 Baptism 123 Nickell, Rodney ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Nickell, Rodney Leroy ng 1977 Marriage 37 Nickell, Victor W ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Niedermeier, Eileen Louise 1950 1953 Baptism 93 Niederstadt, Earl 82y 1981 Death 48 Nielson, Fredrich Albert 66y 1958 Death 38 Nielson, Gary Allen ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Nieporte, Naomi ng 1933 Marriage 19 Niernberg, Charlotte M 82y 1992 Death 54 Niernberg, Theodore 78y 1986 Death 50 Nimmrich, Emil Friedrich 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Nimmrich, Minna Anna 1890 1890 Baptism 16 Norris, Chester 66y 1954 Death 36 Novak, Catherine Joy ng 1989 Confirmation 79 Novak, Helen Elizabeth ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Nowaczyk, Michael ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Nowaczyk, Michael ng 1989 Marriage 41 Nowaczyk, Steven Michael 1993 1993 Baptism 133 Nuemann, Christoph 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Nylund, Elisebeth Cordale 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Nylund, Esther Elvira Christine 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Nylund, Lila Anna 1893 1893 Baptism 22 O Oates, Carol Jean 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Oates, Carol Jean ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Oates, Clarence 1924 1996 Baptism 135 Oates, Clarence ng 1950 Marriage 26 Oates, Clarence E 1924 1956 Confirmation 56 Oates, Dennis Mark 1951 1952 Baptism 90 Oates, Dennis Mark ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Oates, James ng 1965 Confirmation 64 Oates, Janice Lu 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Oates, Janice Lu ng 1968 Confirmation 68 Oates, Jo Ann ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Oates, Jo Ann ng 1975 Marriage 36 Oates, Joann 1956 1956 Baptism 97 Oblender, Conrad ng 1933 Marriage 19 Odette, Robert Jr 1975 1990 Baptism 123 Oehring, Alicia Renee 1991 1991 Baptism 131 Oehring, Jennifer Lynne ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Oehring, Meredith Anne ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Oehrings, Michael David ng 1995 Confirmation 83 O'Farrel, James Reginald ng 1977 Marriage 37 Olar, Kedie Jean 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Olare, Norman Walter ng 1955 Marriage 28 Olsen, Bert Wm ng 1940 Marriage 21 Olsen, Brenda Sue 1942 1955 Confirmation 55 Olsen, Jennifer Lynn 1975 1975 Baptism 120 Olsen, Michelle Lea 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Olsen, William 1918 1931 Confirmation 38 Olsen, William Blair 1973 1973 Baptism 118 Olsen, William Julius 1951 1951 Baptism 89 Olsen, William Julius ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Olsen, Wm Jr ng 1970 Marriage 35 Olson, Brenda Sue 1942 1942 Baptism 81 Olson, David G ng 1945 Marriage 23 Opdycke, Randy Lee ng 1989 Marriage 41 P Pacholke, Pauline 1864 1892 Marriage 4 Padget, Ernst Vincent 1928 1932 Baptism 74 Padget, James ng 1933 Marriage 19 Padget, Robert Bruce 1927 1932 Baptism 74 Parks, Grace 83y 1970 Death 44 Parks, Grace May ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Parks, Willis James ng 1961 Marriage 32 Patterson, Harry Brentwood 1900 1960 Baptism 107 Patterson, Harry Brentwood 60y 1960 Death 39 Payea, Richard Paul ng 1972 Marriage 38 Peet, Helen M ng 1940 Marriage 22 Perkins, Ellen M ng 1970 Marriage 35 Perry, Frieda Olive ng 1935 Marriage 20 Perry, Glen Allan 1949 1950 Baptism 87 Perry, Ray Edward ng 1946 Marriage 24 Pfahl, Emil Gustav Hugo 1901 1914 Confirmation 25 Pfahl, Emma 34y 1926 Death 22 Pfahl, Emma Bertha Katharina 1891 1906 Confirmation 17 Pfahl, Louisa Ottilie 1896 1911 Confirmation 22 Pfahl, Martha Anna Lena 1895 1908 Confirmation 19 Pfahl, Otto Rudolf 1899 1914 Confirmation 25 Pfahl, Rudolf 1859 1888 Marriage 3 Pfahl, Rudolph 75y 1935 Death 27 Pfahl, Wilhelm August 1892 1908 Confirmation 18 Pfrhl, Emil Gustav Hugo 1901 1901 Baptism -7 Pfrhl, Emma Bertha 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Pfrhl, Friedrich Karl 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Pfrhl, Luise Ottilie 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Pfrhl, Martha Anna Lina 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Pfrhl, Otto Rudolph 1894 1899 Baptism 36 Pfrhl, Wilhelm August 1892 1893 Baptism 21 Phillips, Byron C ng 1919 Marriage 14 Phillips, David Michael 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Phillips, Dena Michelle 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Phillips, Donald Ross 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Phillips, Doris 1938 1960 Baptism 106 Phillips, Doris J 1938 1960 Confirmation 84 Phillips, Karen Lucille 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 Phillips, Kathleen 1944 1958 Confirmation 59 Phoble, Auguste Mrs 79y 1946 Death 32 Pick, Arthur Emil 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Pick, Arthur Emil 1903 1918 Confirmation 28 Pick, Eduard Alfred 1896 1912 Confirmation 23 Pick, Ernst Erich 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Pick, Ernst Erich 1905 1921 Confirmation 31 Pick, Irma Anna 1899 1915 Confirmation 27 Pick, Olga Arthur 1898 1898 Baptism 34 Pick, Olga Ottilie Alwina 1898 1913 Confirmation 24 Pick, Walter Wilfred 1911 1911 Baptism 52 Pickrahn, Ralph ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Pieper, Penny Arnold ng 1992 Marriage 41 Pierson, Cathy Lynn 1959 1960 Baptism 105 Pierson, Connie Sue 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Pierson, Dorothy Irene 1033 1935 Baptism 76 Pierson, Dorothy Irene 1933 1951 Confirmation 51 Pierson, Edith 77y 1964 Death 41 Pierson, Eleanor Emilie May 1907 1922 Confirmation 32 Pierson, Eleonora Emilie May 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Pierson, Elmer 67y 1944 Death 31 Pierson, Floyd ng 1966 Marriage 34 Pierson, Floyd Frederic 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Pierson, Floyd Frederic 1924 1942 Confirmation 45 Pierson, Floyd Mrs (Iva) ng 1967 Confirmation 67 Pierson, Frederic Carl 1959 1960 Baptism 105 Pierson, Frederick Karl 1936 1937 Baptism 77 Pierson, Fredrick Carl 1936 1952 Confirmation 51 Pierson, Geraldine ng 1946 Marriage 24 Pierson, Geraldine Edith 1924 1924 Baptism 65 Pierson, Geraldine Edith 1929 1942 Confirmation 45 Pierson, Harry ng 1931 Marriage 19 Pierson, Harry Elmer 1908 1909 Baptism 49 Pierson, Harry Elmer 1908 1922 Confirmation 32 Pierson, Joy Ethel 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Pierson, Joyce Edith 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Pierson, Judy ng 1963 Marriage 33 Pierson, Lavina may 1913 1938 Confirmation 43 Pierson, Lovina M 48y 1962 Death 41 Pierson, Margaret Ann 1838 1960 Confirmation 84 Pierson, Phyllis 1941 1959 Baptism 103 Pierson, Phyllis Eleanore 1941 1959 Confirmation 59 Pierson, Timothy Dean 1961 1961 Baptism 108 Pierson, Virginia Ann 1945 1959 Baptism 103 Pierson, Virginia Ann 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Pierson, Wilma Lucille 1934 1951 Confirmation 51 Pierson, Wima Lucille 1934 1935 Baptism 76 Piestow, Ellen ng 1902 Marriage 9 Pingel, Louis Rev 78y 1994 Death 55 Pipesh, Randy Scott 1961 1962 Baptism 110 Pipesh, Ronald Clayton 1957 1957 Baptism 99 Pipesh, Ronald Clayton 1934 1957 Confirmation 57 Pipesh, Ronald Clayton ng 1956 Marriage 29 PIpesh, Steven Ronald 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Poland, Michael Burt 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Pollard, Ethelwyn Clara 1913 1913 Baptism 54 Poppeck, Anna Caroline 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Poppeck, Freidrich Wilhelm 1887 1888 Baptism 11 Poppeck, Martha Friedricke 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Poppel, Alwine M T 1876 1891 Confirmation 5 Poppel, Bertha Augusta Luise 1890 1891 Baptism 16 Poppel, Johanna Maria 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Poppel, Otto Julius 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Poppel, Robert Julius 1878 1893 Confirmation 6 Prank, Anna 1871 1896 Marriage 7 Prec, Karen ng 1969 Confirmation 69 Price, Lisa-Rae ng 1981 Marriage 39 Price, Robert L ng 1966 Marriage 34 Priebe, Laura Jean 1947 1961 Confirmation 85 Priebe, Ronald Wesley 1946 1961 Confirmation 85 Pringle, Beulah Evelyn 1904 1953 Baptism 92 Pringle, Beverly F ng 1954 Marriage 28 Pringle, Beverly Fay 1935 1954 Baptism 93 Pringle, Beverly Fay 1935 1954 Confirmation 53 Pringle, Buelah Evelyn 1904 1954 Confirmation 53 Pringle, Friederich ng 1915 Marriage 13 Pringle, Norma Jean 1933 1954 Baptism 93 Pringle, Norma Jean 1933 1954 Confirmation 53 Pringle, Norma Jean ng 1953 Marriage 27 Pringle, Norma Jean ng 1955 Marriage 28 Proctor, George ng 1936 Marriage 20 Proper Marshall Mark 1929 1959 Confirmation 60 Proper, Mark Steven 1958 1958 Baptism 102 Proper, Marshall 1929 1929 Baptism 103 Proper, Marshall Mark ng 1956 Marriage 29 Proper, Myra Rae 1957 1958 Baptism 102 Proper, Orval Grant 1906 1962 Baptism 134 Proper, Orval Grant ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Proper, Ruby Ann 1910 1962 Baptism 134 Proper, Ruby Anna ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Proudfoot, James ng 1986 Confirmation 78 Proudfoot, James Arthur ng 1984 Marriage 39 Q Quandt, Elmer L ng 1994 Marriage 42 Quandt, Julie Melissa 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Quandt, Madeline Mrs (Elmer) 73y 1990 Death 52 Quandt, Mary Ellen ng 1972 Marriage 35 Quarters, Charles Edward Jr ng 1977 Marriage 37 Quarters, Kayla Marie 1996 1996 Baptism 133 Quarters, Tiffany Louise 1981 1981 Baptism 123 Quarters, Tiffany Louise ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Quarters, Trisha Lynn 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Quick, August, Eduard 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Quick, Eduard August 1883 1898 Confirmation 10 Quick, Emilie 37y 1884 Death 1 Quick, Emma 1877 1892 Marriage 4 Quick, Emma Johanna 1877 1889 Confirmation 4 Quick, Georg Albert 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Quick, Gustav August 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Quick, Gustav August 1m 1892 Death 4 Quick, Johann 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Quick, Johann 1879 1893 Confirmation 6 Quick, Johann 56y 1902 Death 10 Quick, Julius Gust 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Quick, Lilie Rose 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Quick, Lilie Rose 27y 1915 Death 17 Quick, Lisa Marie Christine 1981 1981 Baptism 123 Quick, Maria Anna 1883 1898 Confirmation 10 Quick, Mary Anna ng 1906 Marriage 10 Quick, Minne Lina Emilie 1888 1888 Baptism 9 Quick, Pauline Emilie Augusta 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Quick, Pauline Emilie Augusta 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Quick, Rosalia ng 1940 Marriage 21 Quick, Rudolf Julius Gustav 1881 1881 Baptism 2 Quick, Ruth Irene 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Quick, Wilhelmine Adeline Emilie 1888 1901 Confirmation 12 Quick, Willie Albert 1915 1915 Baptism 57 Quick, Willie Albert 2m 1915 Death 17 R Rainsberger, Carolyn Jane 1946 1946 Baptism 84 Rainsberger, Carolyn Jane 1946 1960 Confirmation 84 Rainsberger, Marilyn Ruth 1945 1945 Baptism 83 Rainsberger, Marilyn Ruth 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Rainsberger, Ruth H 49y 1971 Death 44 Rainsberger, Ruth Helen ng 1957 Marriage 30 Randall, Elizabeth Jeanne ng 1946 Marriage 24 Ranesbotton, Selma Augusta Helene 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Rapp, Kenneth ng 1966 Baptism 135 Rapp, Kenneth ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Rapp, Kenneth Elwood ng 1961 Marriage 32 Rapp, Kenneth W ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Rapp, Kenneth William 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Rapp, Lynette Kay 1961 1962 Baptism 110 Rapp, Lynette Kay ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Reaman, Elizabeth Kay 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Reaman, Erna Lou 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Reaman, Erna Lou 1929 1943 Confirmation 46 Reaman, Katherine Aug Charlotte 1920 1934 Confirmation 40 Reaman, Louis Wilhelm 64y 1959 Death 38 Reaman, Minnie Mrs 80y 1970 Death 44 Reaman, Verna ng 1950 Marriage 26 Reaman, Verna Minna 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Reaman, Verna Minna 1929 1943 Confirmation 46 Reamen, Katherine ng 1941 Marriage 22 Redaseller, Elmer Johann 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Redaseller, Elmer Johann 2y 1889 Death 3 Redlawsk, Edward Mrs 41y 1965 Death 41 Redlawsk, Fred ng 1965 Marriage 33 Redlawsk, Fredrich Barrett 1944 1957 Confirmation 58 Redler, Elmer George 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Reichert, Agnes Johanna Charlotte 1896 1896 Baptism 29 Reichert, Friedrich Johann Max 1897 1897 Baptism 33 Reichert, Luise Emilie Albertine 1892 1892 Baptism 21 Reichert, Wilhelm Karl Gustav 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Reif, Wm Mrs (Helen) 52y 1974 Death 46 Reimel, Michael James ng 1986 Marriage 40 Reimer, Helen ng 1943 Marriage 23 Reiners, Brian Todd ng 1991 Marriage 41 Reinke, Alfred Carl August 1897 1911 Confirmation 22 Reinke, Alfred Karl August 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Reinke, Augusta 57y 1896 Death 7 Reinke, Bertha Mrs ng 1921 Marriage 15 Reinke, Carl Henry 1911 1928 Confirmation 35 Reinke, Clara Elisabeth 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Reinke, Clara Elisabeth 1906 1920 Confirmation 30 Reinke, Ella Emilie 1893 1893 Baptism 24 Reinke, Emil Wilhelm 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Reinke, Ernst Wilhelm 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Reinke, Ervin Wilhelm 1909 1923 Confirmation 33 Reinke, Erwin Wilhelm 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Reinke, Friedrich 1857 1893 Marriage 5 Reinke, Friedrich 58y 1919 Death 19 Reinke, Friedrich August 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Reinke, Herman Friedr Georg 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Reinke, Herman Friedrich Georg 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Reinke, Ida Minna Emilie 1895 1909 Confirmation 20 Reinke, Ida Minne Emilie 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Reinke, Johanna Henrietta Emma 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Reinke, Johanna Henrietta Emma 1903 1918 Confirmation 29 Reinke, Josephine Caroline 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Reinke, Julius Albert Johann 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Reinke, Julius Albert Johannes 1899 1913 Confirmation 24 Reinke, Karl 60y 1883 Death 1 Reinke, Karl Heinrich 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Reinke, Luise Bertha 1899 1899 Baptism 12 Reinke, Luise Emma 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Reinke, Martha Friedrick 1890 1890 Baptism 16 Reinke, Martin Theodor 1914 1914 Baptism 57 Reinke, Martin Theodore 1914 1933 Confirmation 39 Remmo, Augusta ng 1894 Marriage 6 Rempert, Albert Ernst Edwin 1898 1899 Baptism 36 Rempert, Albert Ernst Edwin 1898 1914 Confirmation 25 Rempert, Betty ng 1962 Marriage 33 Rempert, Betty Lou 1942 1942 Baptism 81 Rempert, Betty Lou 1942 1956 Confirmation 57 Rempert, Carl ng 1943 Marriage 23 Rempert, Carl Louis 1914 1928 Confirmation 36 Rempert, Carl Ludwig 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Rempert, Carl Ludwig 1945 1945 Baptism 83 Rempert, Carl Ludwig 1945 1960 Confirmation 84 Rempert, Carl Sr 63y 1977 Death 46 Rempert, Carol ng 1972 Marriage 38 Rempert, Carol Ann 1949 1949 Baptism 86 Rempert, Carol Ann ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Rempert, Darleen ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Rempert, Darlene Clara 1949 1950 Baptism 86 Rempert, Eduard Rudolph Daniel 1896 1911 Confirmation 22 Rempert, Elisabeth Emilie Hedwig 1902 1902 Baptism 41 Rempert, Elisabeth Emilie Hedwig 1902 1916 Confirmation 28 Rempert, Emilie 56y 1919 Death 19 Rempert, Emir Atwood 1920 1921 Baptism 62 Rempert, Emir Atwood 3m 1921 Death 20 Rempert, Emma M ng 1929 Marriage 18 Rempert, Emma Maria Marina 1904 1919 Confirmation 29 Rempert, Emma Maria Martha 1904 1904 Baptism 43 Rempert, Ethel Blanch 1923 1936 Confirmation 41 Rempert, Ethel Blanche ng 1950 Marriage 26 Rempert, Ethel Branch 1923 1923 Baptism 65 Rempert, Evelyn Emma Margaret 1911 1925 Confirmation 34 Rempert, Floyd Alfred 1950 1951 Baptism 88 Rempert, Fred W 74y 1968 Death 42 Rempert, Frederic A III 4m 1949 Death 33 Rempert, Frederick A 87y 1974 Death 46 Rempert, Frederick A Jr 46y 1967 Death 42 Rempert, Frederick Albert Jr 1921 1921 Baptism 63 Rempert, Fredric Albert III 1949 1949 Baptism 86 Rempert, Fredrick Albert 1921 1935 Confirmation 41 Rempert, Friedrich Albert Paul 1887 1901 Confirmation 12 Rempert, Friedrich Wilhelm 1893 1908 Confirmation 18 Rempert, Harvey Edward 1919 1933 Confirmation 39 Rempert, Helene Mathilde Bertha 1889 1902 Confirmation 14 Rempert, Herbert 82y 1996 Death 55 Rempert, Herbert P ng 1940 Marriage 21 Rempert, Herbert Paul 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Rempert, Herbert Paul 1913 1928 Confirmation 36 Rempert, Herm 66y 1920 Death 20 Rempert, Herman Mrs 78y 1936 Death 28 Rempert, Hermine Augustine Ernest 74y 1954 Death 36 Rempert, Howard ng 1939 Marriage 21 Rempert, Howard Edward 1918 1918 Baptism 60 Rempert, Howard Edward 1918 1933 Confirmation 39 Rempert, Hulda 101y 1993 Death 54 Rempert, Leona Mathilda 1923 1923 Baptism 65 Rempert, Leona Matilda 1923 1937 Confirmation 42 Rempert, Maragretha Julia 1893 1908 Confirmation 19 Rempert, Martha 83y 1968 Death 43 Rempert, Martha Mathilda Auguste 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Rempert, Mary Ann 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Rempert, Mary Ann 1930 1944 Confirmation 46 Rempert, Mary Ann ng 1953 Marriage 27 Rempert, Mildred 1917 1931 Confirmation 38 Rempert, Mildred Clara 17y 1934 Death 27 Rempert, Olga Emilia 59y 1957 Death 37 Rempert, Olga Emilie Bertha 1898 1898 Baptism 34 Rempert, Olga Emilie Bertha 1898 1912 Confirmation 24 Rempert, Otto H 86y 1971 Death 44 Rempert, Otto Hermann 1880 1899 Confirmation 11 Rempert, Paul Johann August 1891 1906 Confirmation 17 Rempert, Reha Irene 1927 1941 Confirmation 44 Rempert, Rhea ng 1951 Marriage 27 Rempert, Rhea Irene 1927 1928 Baptism 68 Rempert, Rudolf Friedrick Julius 83y 1941 Death 29 Rempert, Rudolph Otto Eduard 1911 1912 Baptism 53 Rempert, Rudolph Otto Eduard 2m 1912 Death 15 Rempert, Selma C 81y 1971 Death 45 Rempert, Willard J ng 1964 Marriage 33 Rempert, Willard James 1942 1942 Baptism 81 Rempert, Willard James 1942 1957 Confirmation 58 Restovic, Yanho Franke ng 1996 Marriage 42 Richter, Albert Otto 72y 1951 Death 35 Rieger, Darlene Sue ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Rieger, Fredrick Carl ng 1961 Marriage 32 Rieger, Friederick Carl 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Rieger, Jo Ann Marie ng 1960 Marriage 31 Rieger, Joyce Faye ng 1959 Marriage 31 Riley, Jacqueline Joyce ng 1959 Confirmation 59 Riley, Jacqueline Joyce 15y 1959 Death 38 Risto, Laura Karoline 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Ristow, Clara 90y 1991 Death 53 Ristow, Elsa Klara 1900 1915 Confirmation 27 Ristow, Emma Hulda 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Ristow, Frieda Julia 1898 1912 Confirmation 24 Ristow, Ida ng 1908 Marriage 11 Ristow, Ida Maria 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Ristow, Ida Maria 1883 1896 Confirmation 9 Ristow, Johann Karl 76y 1933 Death 26 Ristow, John Carl 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Ristow, John Carl 1926 1941 Confirmation 44 Ristow, John Mrs 83y 1943 Death 30 Ristow, Laura C ng 1917 Marriage 14 Ristow, Martin R 26y 1965 Death 41 Ristow, Martin Reinhold 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Ristow, Martin Reinhold 1938 1953 Confirmation 52 Ristow, Martin Reinhold ng 1958 Marriage 30 Ristow, Minna Auguste 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Ristow, Olga W ng 1908 Marriage 11 Ristow, Olga Wilhelmine 1887 1887 Baptism 9 Ristow, Randy Martin 1958 1959 Baptism 102 Ristow, Raymond Edward 65y 1960 Death 39 Ristow, Reinhold Eduard 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Ristow, Robert Bruce 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Ristow, Robert Bruce 1944 1957 Confirmation 58 Ristow, Robert Bruce ng 1981 Marriage 38 Ristow, Sharon 1943 1960 Confirmation 84 Ristow, Virginia Clara 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Ristow, Virginia Clara 1925 1939 Confirmation 44 Ristow, Wendy Lucille 1960 1960 Baptism 105 Roach, Anita Marie 1936 1949 Confirmation 50 Roach, Annette Marie ng 1955 Marriage 28 Roach, Betty Jane 1928 1928 Baptism 68 Roach, Betty Jane 1928 1941 Confirmation 44 Roach, Donald Allen 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Roach, Donald Allen 1930 1945 Confirmation 47 Roach, Elsa Mrs (Wilber) 86y 1987 Death 51 Roach, Heinrich 1951 1953 Baptism 92 Roach, James 37y 1966 Death 42 Roach, James Ristow 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Roach, James Ristow 1929 1943 Confirmation 45 Roach, Richard Roland 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Roach, Richard Roland 1932 1946 Confirmation 48 Roach, Rox Jerry 1940 1940 Baptism 79 Roach, Roxey J ng 1965 Marriage 34 Roach, Roxey Jerry 1940 1954 Confirmation 54 Roach, Sandra Sue 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Roach, Sean David 1966 1966 Baptism 115 Roach, Shade Donald 1970 1973 Baptism 118 Roach, Tracy Marie 1m 1959 Death 38 Roberts, May ng 1909 Marriage 11 Rockhoff, David A ng 1977 Confirmation 74 Rockhoff, Jonathan J ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Rockhoff, Roger ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Rockhoff, Timothy P ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Roekle, Irma ng 1948 Marriage 25 Roekle, Irma Leona 1924 1937 Confirmation 42 Roekle, Novbert ng 1940 Marriage 22 Roekle, Victor Albert 1929 1943 Confirmation 45 Roekle, Werner John 1931 1945 Confirmation 47 Roepert, Arthur Ernst 1916 1916 Baptism 58 Roepert, Georg Julius Paul 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Roepert, George Jul Paul 69y 1917 Death 18 Roggenbuck, Mich 73y 1899 Death 9 Roggenouck, Anna 1863 1883 Marriage 1 Rohde, Albert Michael 1891 1904 Confirmation 15 Rohde, Albert, Michael 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Rohde, Augusta Emilie 1888 1889 Baptism 11 Rohde, Augusta Emilie 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Rohde, Augusta Mrs 82y 1940 Death 29 Rohde, Ella Johanna 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Rohde, Ella Johanna 1908 1921 Confirmation 31 Rohde, Emilie Ottilie 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Rohde, Emilie Ottilie 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Rohde, Hanna Ida 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Rohde, Hanna Ida ng 1896 Death 7 Rohde, Harry Carl 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Rohde, Johan Albert 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Rohde, Julius ng 1908 Marriage 11 Rohde, Julius 67y 1928 Death 23 Rohde, Julius Albert 1880 1895 Confirmation 8 Rohde, Karl August Geo 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Rohde, Karl August Georg 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Rohde, Minna Augusta 1886 1886 Baptism 8 Rohde, Olga Louisa 1899 1913 Confirmation 24 Rohde, Olga Luisa 1899 1899 Baptism 37 Rohde, Wilhelm Carl 30y 1912 Death 15 Rohde, Wilhelm Karl 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Romaine, Douglas Joseph 1931 1934 Baptism 75 Romaine, Joseph ng 1930 Marriage 19 Romaine, Shirley Rebeacah 1933 1934 Baptism 75 Ropert, Arthur E 1916 1957 Confirmation 57 Ropert, Gola ng 1972 Marriage 38 Ropert, Nana ng 1962 Confirmation 62 Ropert, Nana R ng 1968 Marriage 34 Ropert, Rita Ann 1960 1960 Baptism 105 Rose, Jeanine Ann ng 1981 Marriage 38 Ross, Dougles Harold 1947 1947 Baptism 84 Rousee, Marie 1930 1960 Confirmation 84 Rousse, Francis 1925 1960 Baptism 106 Rousse, Francis 1925 1960 Confirmation 84 Rousse, Francis 63y 1989 Death 52 Rousse, Hal Robert 1973 1973 Baptism 118 Rousse, Marie 1930 1960 Baptism 106 Rousse, Reginald E ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Rousse, Reginard Ernst 1962 1962 Baptism 110 Rousse, Reginard Ernst ng 1984 Marriage 39 Rousse, Ronald ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Rousse, Ronald Francis 1949 1960 Baptism 105 Rousse, Sherry I ng 1970 Marriage 35 Rousse, Sherry Ilene 1952 1960 Baptism 105 Rousse, Sherry Ilene ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Ruhnke, Elsa Ernstine Johanna 1882 1896 Confirmation 9 Ruhnke, Emilie 30y 1894 Death 6 Ruhnke, Lucile May 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Ruhnke, Otto ng 1909 Marriage 11 Ruhnke, Otto Moritz Herman 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Ruhnke, Otto Moritz Hermann 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Ruhnke, Theodor Otto 1912 1914 Baptism 56 Ruhnke, Virginia Margaretha 1910 1910 Baptism 52 Ruhuke, Otto Albert Reinhard 55y 1913 Death 16 Ruhuke, Virginia Margaretha ng 1914 Death 16 Sager, Sally 1942 1961 Confirmation 85 Sager, Sally Eve ng 1961 Marriage 32 Sailers, Norma Gene ng 1949 Marriage 25 Samuel, Roger 1934 1978 Baptism 135 Samuels, Jason A ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Samuels, Roger ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Samuels, Roger Aaron ng 1977 Marriage 37 Samuels, Roger Mrs (Kharla) ng 1987 Confirmation 79 Sandusky, Jacki Lynn ng 1978 Marriage 37 Sandusky, Jacki Miss ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Sandusky, Jackie Lynn 1958 1977 Baptism 135 Sarki, Amy Lynn 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Sarki, Erin Jessica 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Sarki, Robert Charles ng 1982 Marriage 39 Sarki, Trisha Robin 1987 1987 Baptism 128 Schaaf, Augusta ng 1921 Marriage 16 Schaaf, Dylan Anthony 1992 1992 Baptism 132 Schaaf, Shirley Evelyn ng 1953 Marriage 27 Schade, Laura ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Schade, Louisa 1970 1995 Baptism 135 Schalm, Charles ng 1981 Confirmation 76 Schalm, Charles W Sr 82y 1977 Death 46 Schalm, Edna Mrs 76y 1979 Death 48 Scharkow, Alexander 71y 1961 Death 39 Scharkow, Helene A ng 1965 Marriage 33 Scharkow, Peter ng 1963 Marriage 33 Schatz, Doris L 82y 1980 Death 47 Schatz, Henry 91y 1973 Death 45 Scheffler, Ottusine Karoline Jeanette 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Schenkel, Walter Mrs (Mable) 63y 1983 Death 49 Schepinsky, Pamela Kay 1953 1953 Baptism 93 Schermer, David L ng 1970 Confirmation 69 Scherret, Caroline Friedricke 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Scherret, Emil Herm Wil 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Scherret, Emma Emilie 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Scherret, Herman Otto 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Scherret, Justine 62y 1922 Death 21 Scherret, Karoline Friedricke 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Scherret, Lydia Emilie Wilhelmine 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Scherret, Maria Gottliebin 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Scherret, Martha Caroline 1892 1906 Confirmation 18 Scherret, Wilhelm 16y 1903 Death 10 Schiattone, Ronard ng 1972 Marriage 38 Schiler, Carl ng 1928 Marriage 18 Schiller, Albert Arthur 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Schiller, Lilie Minna Emilie 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Schiller, Otto Hermann 1891 1891 Baptism 16 Schillinger, Katharina 1855 1887 Marriage 2 Schirmer, David L ng 1969 Marriage 34 Schirmer, Deana Ann 1969 1969 Baptism 117 Schirmer, Deborah, Ann 1971 1971 Baptism 118 Schlender, Marie 1874 1891 Marriage 4 Schmaler, Albert Joachain M 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Schmalz, Augusta Emilie Mrs 68y 1929 Death 24 Schmalz, Carl William 1922 1922 Baptism 63 Schmalz, Carl Wm 1922 1936 Confirmation 41 Schmalz, Dorothea Marie 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Schmalz, Dorothea Marie 1925 1938 Confirmation 43 Schmalz, Eduard Carl Christian 27y 1913 Death 16 Schmalz, Ernst Rudolph 1892 1908 Confirmation 18 Schmalz, Ferdinand Johan Wilhelm 1894 1910 Confirmation 21 Schmalz, Ferdinand John W 59y 1953 Death 35 Schmalz, Helen Wilhelmine 67y 1954 Death 36 Schmalz, Helena Martha Wilh Aug 1888 1906 Confirmation 17 Schmalz, Ida Mrs 78y 1974 Death 44 Schmalz, Marie ng 1932 Marriage 19 Schmalz, Marie Wilhelmine 1900 1901 Baptism 39 Schmalz, Marie Wilhelmine 1901 1914 Confirmation 26 Schmalz, Martin Herman Ludwig 1891 1906 Confirmation 17 Schmalz, Rudolf Ernst 88y 1942 Death 30 Schmalz, Ruth Helen 1923 1923 Baptism 64 Schmalz, Ruth Helen 1923 1937 Confirmation 42 Schmalz, William ng 1921 Marriage 15 Schmalz, William 61y 1946 Death 32 Schmelter, Leo Wilhelm 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Schmelter, Wilhelm Otto 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Schmidt, Anna ng 1917 Marriage 14 Schmidt, Arthur Albert 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Schmidt, Auguste Marie 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Schmidt, Eduard Friedrich 1895 1895 Baptism 29 Schmidt, Hermann Otto 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Schmidt, Maria 1858 1884 Marriage 1 Schmilt, Debra A 20y 1972 Death 45 Schmoock, Irma Jenny Lycie 1891 1905 Confirmation 16 Schmook, Willy Paul 1900 1914 Confirmation 25 Schoenbeck, Ernst J 89y 1943 Death 30 Schoenbeck, Ernst Mrs (Eva) 81y 1936 Death 28 Schoenbeck, Louise Ottilie Laurentine 1896 1909 Confirmation 21 Schoenbeck, Marie 1876 1896 Marriage 7 Scholtz, Herman ng 1948 Marriage 25 Scholz, Arthur Max 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Schonbeck, Augusta 1871 1896 Marriage 7 Schonbeck, Auguste F W 1878 1891 Confirmation 6 Schonbeck, Emilie Martha 13y 1897 Death 8 Schonbeck, Ernst Julius Karl 1890 1890 Baptism 9 Schonbeck, Ernst Julius Karl 10h 1888 Death 2 Schonbeck, Johanna Hermine Hulda 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Schonbeck, Johanna Hermine Hulda 1892 1905 Confirmation 16 Schonbeck, Luise Ottilie Laurentine 1896 1896 Baptism 29 Schonbeck, Maria 1876 1889 Confirmation 4 Schonbeck, Minne Bertha Martha 1889 1896 Baptism 12 Schonbeck, Tempel Geor Friedrich 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Schonbeck, Tempil Georg Friedrich 2m 1894 Death 6 Schonbeck, Wilhelm Fried Alb 1880 1895 Confirmation 8 Schorminn, Jean Louise ng 1951 Marriage 26 Schram, Brenda Fay ng 1986 Marriage 40 Schramm, Alvina 75y 1926 Death 22 Schramm, Bertha 1873 1887 Confirmation 3 Schramm, Bertha 1873 1993 Marriage 5 Schramm, Emil A R 1875 1889 Confirmation 3 Schramm, Emma Augusta W 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Schramm, Emma Augusta Wilhelmine 1877 1878 Baptism 1 Schramm, Heinrich 43y 1887 Death 2 Schramm, Ida Alwina 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Schramm, Martha Emilie Amanda 1884 1884 Baptism 5 Schramm, Martha Emilie Amanda 1884 1898 Confirmation 10 Schramm, Martha Minna Franziska 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Schramm, Meta Minna 1880 1893 Confirmation 7 Schramm, Wilhelm Aug Karl 2y 1885 Death 1 Schramm, Wilhelm August Karl 1882 1882 Baptism 4 Schreiber, Emma 65y 1943 Death 30 Schroder, Augusta 1868 1883 Confirmation 1 Schroder, Augusta 1868 1890 Marriage 3 Schroder, Clara 1874 1887 Confirmation 3 Schroder, Clara 1874 1894 Marriage 6 Schroder, Georg Wilhelm 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Schroder, Gladys Eleanor 50y 1953 Death 35 Schroder, Jennie 28y 1896 Death 7 Schroder, Jeny Friedricke Margaretha 1895 1896 Baptism 29 Schroder, Martha Wilhelmine 1879 1879 Baptism 1 Schroder, Martha Wilhelmine 1879 1893 Confirmation 7 Schroder, Otto Edward 1881 1881 Baptism 2 Schroder, Wilhelm 1873 1887 Confirmation 2 Schroder, Wilhelmine 1870 1884 Confirmation 1 Schroder, Wilhelmine 1870 1894 Marriage 6 Schroeder, Charles M ng 1911 Marriage 12 Schroeder, Edna Grace 1901 1901 Baptism 40 Schroeder, Frank J ng 1909 Marriage 11 Schroeder, Friedricke Charlotte L 69y 1910 Death 14 Schroeder, Gary Stephen ng 1958 Marriage 30 Schroeder, George Earl 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Schroeder, George William 75y 1953 Death 35 Schroeder, Gladys Eleanor 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Schroeder, Gladys Elemore 1904 1951 Confirmation 51 Schroeder, Herbert 79y 1989 Death 52 Schroeder, Herbert Arnold 1910 1910 Baptism 52 Schroeder, Herbert Wesley 1963 1965 Baptism 114 Schroeder, Lillian 1915 1930 Confirmation 38 Schroeder, Linda Lee 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Schroeder, Linda Lee 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 Schroeder, Martha E ng 1910 Marriage 12 Schroeder, Nellie 89y 1972 Death 45 Schroeder, Pamela Lynn 1963 1965 Baptism 114 Schroeder, Richard Albert 1958 1959 Baptism 102 Schroeder, Richard Dean 1937 1939 Baptism 79 Schroeder, Richard Dean 1937 1951 Confirmation 51 Schroeder, Richard Dean ng 1957 Marriage 30 Schroeder, Robin Mrs (Patricia) ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Schroeder, Robin Scot ng 1977 Marriage 37 Schroeder, Rodney Jay 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Schroeder, Ronald Jay ng 1959 Marriage 31 Schroeder, Ronold J 1938 1956 Confirmation 56 Schroeder, Tammy Ann 1961 1962 Baptism 110 Schroeder, Wilhelm Julius ng 1900 Marriage 8 Schroeder, Wilhelm Vaugh Heinrich 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Schroeder, William Julius 82y 1955 Death 36 Schuenewann, William 91y 1920 Death 20 Schulte, Bonita Mae ng 1976 Marriage 36 Schultz, Anna Wilhelmine 1878 1891 Confirmation 6 Schultz, Kevin Leroy ng 1988 Marriage 41 Schultz, Lillian E ng 1955 Marriage 29 Schultz, Wilhelm Friedrich 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Schultze, Magdalena 1875 1889 Confirmation 4 Schulz, Christine Molly 1990 1990 Baptism 130 Schulz, Herm ng 1920 Marriage 15 Schulz, Jamie Lynn 1984 1984 Baptism 125 Schulz, Mark A ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Schwartz, Frederich ng 1916 Marriage 14 Schweder, Wm Mrs 1883 1930 Confirmation 38 Schwichtenberg, Keith Edward ng 1980 Marriage 38 Scnmidt, Gustar Karl 1890 1890 Baptism 16 Scupholm, John ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Scupholm, John Mrs (Cherald) ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Seafert, Albert John 59y 1958 Death 37 Sebald, Aaron David 1966 1966 Baptism 115 Sebald, Joel Jeremy 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Sebald, Mark Donald 1959 1959 Baptism 103 Sebald, Nathan Leonard 1961 1961 Baptism 108 Sehade, Laura Ann ng 1995 Marriage 42 Shade, Haylee Kristen 1989 1995 Baptism 133 Shaffer, Floyd B Jr 1931 1961 Confirmation 85 Shaffer, Gerald ng 1963 Marriage 33 Shaffer, Shiloah Ann ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Shaffer, Shiloan Ann 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Shaffer, Shirley Olivia 1933 1954 Baptism 94 Shattuck, Mae Myrtle 52y 1960 Death 39 Shaver, Scott Rebert 1983 1987 Baptism 127 Shaver, Steven ng 1987 Confirmation 78 Shaver, Steven Douglas 1979 1987 Baptism 127 Shaver, Steven Douglas ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Shear, George ng 1936 Marriage 20 Sheldon, Janet ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Sheldon, Janet Ruth 1950 1950 Baptism 87 Sheldon, Kenneth Neil 1946 1960 Confirmation 84 Sheldon, Wiliam Carl 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Sheldon, Wm Carl ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Sherman, Arlie ng 1933 Marriage 19 Sherman, Arthur 79y 1983 Death 49 Shotwell, Edith Mrs ng 1930 Marriage 19 Shover, Connie ng 1996 Marriage 42 Shover, Ervin Gilbert ng 1957 Marriage 30 Sieloff, Ida Emilie Lydia 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Silk, Caroline ng 1961 Confirmation 85 Silk, Walter William ng 1960 Marriage 31 Silverthorn, June Marie ng 1958 Marriage 30 Simmons, Gary Allen ng 1984 Marriage 39 Simmons, Sarah Marie 1988 1988 Baptism 128 Simmons, Travis William 1992 1992 Baptism 132 Sinclair, Carol Jean ng 1977 Marriage 37 Sine, Vera ng 1945 Marriage 23 Skaggs, Joseph ng 1936 Marriage 20 Skaggs, Ruth Ellen 1937 1937 Baptism 77 Skirlow, Richard Stall ng 1949 Marriage 25 Skog, Gustav ng 1899 Marriage 7 Sloan, Mabel ng 1929 Marriage 18 Slosser, Donna P ng 1948 Marriage 24 Smith, Carlton Gerald ng 1992 Marriage 42 Smith, Gertrude Ora Belle 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Smith, Greg Ellie 1952 1952 Baptism 91 Smith, James Ardis ng 1960 Marriage 31 Smith, Lydia Mrs ng 1935 Marriage 20 Smith, Martin J ng 1907 Marriage 10 Smith, Patricia Leona ng 1977 Marriage 37 Smith, Selwyn ng 1925 Marriage 17 Smith,Valorie Mae 1951 1952 Baptism 91 Smithkey, LaVern 1946 1961 Confirmation 85 Solomon, John Clark ng 1973 Marriage 35 Solomon, William Clark 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Soults, Karen Ann 1965 1972 Baptism 118 Soults, Kenneth Warren 1967 1972 Baptism 118 Soults, Lyle R ng 1973 Confirmation 72 Soults, Mareen A ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Spain, Robert F ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Spain, Robert Francis ng 1972 Marriage 35 Spain, Tracie Lynn 1977 1977 Baptism 121 Spear, Rose ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Stack, Scott Edward ng 1995 Marriage 42 Stark, Arthur ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Stark, Arthur G ng 1937 Marriage 20 Stark, Arthur G 78y 1979 Death 47 Stark, Arthur Rudolf 1950 1950 Baptism 88 Stark, Clara Elsa 1908 1922 Confirmation 31 Stark, Clara Elsie 1940 1940 Baptism 80 Stark, Clara Elsie 1940 1954 Confirmation 54 Stark, Clara Elsie ng 1958 Marriage 30 Stark, Edna Ida Emilie 1905 1919 Confirmation 29 Stark, Elizabeth Sharon 1943 1943 Baptism 82 Stark, Elizabeth Sharon ng 1944 Death 31 Stark, Elsie Jane 1944 1944 Baptism 83 Stark, Elsie Jane 1944 1958 Confirmation 59 Stark, Erwin G P 52y 1949 Death 33 Stark, Erwin Georg Paul 1896 1910 Confirmation 21 Stark, Frieda Meta Johanna 1913 1926 Confirmation 35 Stark, Gertrude ng 1922 Marriage 16 Stark, Helen Gertrude 1943 1943 Baptism 81 Stark, Helen Gertrude 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 Stark, Helen Gertrude ng 1961 Marriage 43 Stark, Julius Ernst Carl 1910 1924 Confirmation 33 Stark, Julius Ernst Carl 20y 1931 Death 25 Stark, Marian Elisabeth 1924 1924 Baptism 65 Stark, Oscar Rud Wilh 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Stark, Rudolf Mrs ng 1942 Death 29 Stark, Rudolph Wilhelm 87y 1957 Death 37 Stark, Ruth Arlene 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Stark, Ruth Arlene ng 1957 Marriage 30 Stark, Viola 1915 1938 Confirmation 42 Stark, Walter A ng 1920 Marriage 15 Stark, Walther Johannes Albert 1898 1912 Confirmation 23 Starke, Arthur Otto Gustav 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Starke, Clara 1873 1887 Confirmation 3 Starke, Clara Elsa 1908 1908 Baptism 49 Starke, Edna Ida Emilie 1905 1905 Baptism 45 Starke, Erich Emil Julius 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Starke, Erich Emil Julius 4m 1894 Death 6 Starke, Erwin Georg Paul 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Starke, Frieda Metha Johana 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Starke, Friedrich Wilhelm 77y 1903 Death 10 Starke, Gertrude Frida 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Starke, Gertrude Frieda 1903 1917 Confirmation 28 Starke, Helena Adelina 1875 1889 Confirmation 4 Starke, Julius Ernst Karl 1910 1910 Baptism 52 Starke, Oskar Rudolf Wilhelm 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Starke, Phyllis Dorothea 1921 1921 Baptism 63 Starke, Rudolf 1869 1892 Marriage 4 Starke, Walter Johannes Albert 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Startsman, Ella 76y 1979 Death 48 Staudacher, Beverly L ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Staudacher, Beverly Lynn 1961 1961 Baptism 108 Staudacher, Beverly Lynn ng 1982 Marriage 39 Staudacher, Geo F ng 1957 Marriage 29 Staudacher, Shirley 61y 1994 Death 55 Staudscher, Timothy Robert ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Staweke, James George 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Staweke, James George 1944 1959 Confirmation 60 Staweke, James George ng 1978 Marriage 37 Staweke, John 1941 1956 Confirmation 56 Staweke, Nancy Ann 1954 1954 Baptism 94 Staweke, Nancy Ann 1942 1956 Confirmation 56 Staweke, Nicole Ann 1979 1979 Baptism 122 Steffen, Augusta 1872 1895 Marriage 6 Stein, Laura Marie ng 1986 Marriage 40 Steinberg, Else Anna Bertha 1898 1898 Baptism 35 Steinhardt, Else Margaretha 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Steinhardt, Rudolf 1865 1894 Marriage 6 Steinhurst, Adeline Emilie 1895 1895 Baptism 29 Steinhurst, Adeline Emilie 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Steinhurst, Adolf 1859 1887 Marriage 2 Steinhurst, Adolph 76y 1935 Death 27 Steinhurst, Alfred Willard 1903 1903 Baptism 42 Steinhurst, Alfred Willard 7y 1910 Death 14 Steinhurst, Arthur Wilhelm 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Steinhurst, Arthur Wilhelm 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Steinhurst, Becky Elaine 1956 1957 Baptism 98 Steinhurst, Betty Jean 1934 1957 Baptism 99 Steinhurst, Betty Jean 1934 1957 Confirmation 57 Steinhurst, Carl Friedrich Albert 1888 1902 Confirmation 13 Steinhurst, Carl J ng 1955 Marriage 28 Steinhurst, Carl Julius 1934 1935 Baptism 76 Steinhurst, Cindy Sue 1961 1962 Baptism 110 Steinhurst, Elaine ng 1949 Marriage 25 Steinhurst, Elaine Marian 1931 1944 Confirmation 46 Steinhurst, Elaine Marion 1931 1931 Baptism 72 Steinhurst, Eleanor Mrs ng 1929 Confirmation 37 Steinhurst, Eleanor Mrs 62y 1969 Death 43 Steinhurst, Else Margaretha 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Steinhurst, Emil Heinrich 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Steinhurst, Enst Arnold 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Steinhurst, Ernst ng 1939 Marriage 21 Steinhurst, Ernst Arnold 1905 1919 Confirmation 29 Steinhurst, Ernst Arnold 46y 1951 Death 34 Steinhurst, Ervin Elmer 1906 1920 Confirmation 30 Steinhurst, Erwin Elmer 1906 1906 Baptism 46 Steinhurst, Georg Robert 1897 1897 Baptism 34 Steinhurst, Georg Robert, 1897 1912 Confirmation 23 Steinhurst, Heinrich Emil 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Steinhurst, Henry Emil 43y 1934 Death 27 Steinhurst, Jeffery Eric 1960 1960 Baptism 107 Steinhurst, Julius ng 1928 Marriage 18 Steinhurst, Julius Erich August 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Steinhurst, Julius Erich August 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Steinhurst, Karl Friedrich Albert 1888 1888 Baptism 10 Steinhurst, Laurentine Mrs 61y 1928 Death 24 Steinhurst, Leo Theodor 1894 1894 Baptism 24 Steinhurst, Leo Theodor 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Steinhurst, Malinda Roselie Rosilgh 1909 1909 Baptism 49 Steinhurst, Malinda Rosilie Rosilga 1909 1922 Confirmation 32 Steinhurst, Mark William 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Steinhurst, Olga Louietta 1899 1913 Confirmation 24 Steinhurst, Robert ng 1953 Marriage 28 Steinhurst, Robert Ernst 1929 1929 Baptism 69 Steinhurst, Robert Ernst 1929 1944 Confirmation 46 Steinhurst, Tamara Marie 1958 1958 Baptism 102 Stensrud, Gretchen Naomi 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Stenzel, Ida 1872 1892 Marriage 5 Sterling, Jennifer Sunshine 1980 1980 Baptism 123 Sterling, Joshua James 1986 1987 Baptism 127 Sterling, Timothy Joel ng 1977 Marriage 37 Steusried, Donald E ng 1948 Confirmation 48 Stevenson, Dean T ng 1951 Marriage 27 Stewart, James Jr ng 1950 Marriage 26 Stewike, Nancy Ann ng 1962 Marriage 33 Stine, Raymond ng 1927 Marriage 17 StJames, Boyatau Victor 1943 1943 Baptism 81 StJames, Boynton Mrs (Karen) ng 1974 Confirmation 73 StJames, Boynton Victor 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 StJames, Darlene M 1937 1950 Confirmation 50 StJames, Darlene Margareth 1937 1937 Baptism 77 StJames, George ng 1919 Marriage 14 StJames, Jason Victor 1978 1978 Baptism 122 StJames, Jason Victor ng 1993 Confirmation 82 StJames, Jessica Marie 1973 1974 Baptism 119 StJames, Jessica Marie ng 1987 Confirmation 78 StJames, John B 62y 1971 Death 45 StJames, Margaret 90y 1995 Death 55 StJames, Theodore John 1940 1940 Baptism 80 StJames, Theodore John 1940 1954 Confirmation 54 Stonehouse, Barbara June 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Stonehouse, Charles ng 1960 Baptism 106 Stonehouse, Charles ng 1960 Confirmation 84 Stonehouse, Charles E 1965 1966 Baptism 114 Stonehouse, Jane Eileen 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Stonehouse, Jo Ellen 1958 1961 Baptism 108 Stonehouse, Shirley 1934 1960 Baptism 106 Stonehouse, Shirley 1934 1960 Confirmation 84 Stonehouse, Timothy Grant 1957 1961 Baptism 108 Storm, Wendee Louis ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Storms, Shirley Mrs 55y 1982 Death 49 Storms, Wenee Louise 1965 1985 Baptism 135 Strauer, Carol Judith 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Strauer, Carol Judith 1941 1954 Confirmation 54 Strauer, Carol Judith ng 1959 Marriage 31 Strauer, Dale Henry 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Strauer, Dale Henry 1938 1952 Confirmation 52 Strauer, Dale Henry ng 1975 Confirmation 73 Strauer, Dale Henry II 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Strauer, Dale Henry II ng 1983 Marriage 39 Strauer, Doreen M 1936 1950 Confirmation 50 Strauer, Doreen May 1936 1936 Baptism 77 Strauer, Doreen May ng 1954 Marriage 28 Strauer, Dorothea Eleonora May 1905 1905 Baptism 44 Strauer, Elaine ng 1954 Marriage 28 Strauer, Elaine Dorothea 1933 1933 Baptism 74 Strauer, Erin Louise ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Strauer, Evelina Christine Emilie 1902 1902 Baptism 40 Strauer, Fred Mrs (Elizabeth) ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Strauer, Frederick D ng 1977 Confirmation 75 Strauer, Geo Martin 1935 1949 Confirmation 50 Strauer, George Martin 1935 1935 Baptism 76 Strauer, George Martin ng 1960 Marriage 31 Strauer, Helen Lucille ng 1976 Marriage 36 Strauer, Jeremy Michael 1978 1983 Baptism 125 Strauer, Jeremy Michael ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Strauer, Kari Marie ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Strauer, Kevin G ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Strauer, Kimberly J ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Strauer, Kimberly Jean 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Strauer, Kolette Renee 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Strauer, Leona ng 1927 Marriage 18 Strauer, Leona Emilie 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Strauer, Nicholaus Ashley 1982 1983 Baptism 125 Strauer, Orvil George Eduard 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Strauer, Orville 86y 1995 Death 55 Strauer, Tarrie Marie ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Streuer, Amelia 78y 1944 Death 31 Streuer, Dorothea Eleonor May 1905 1919 Confirmation 29 Streuer, Elaine Dorothea 1933 1946 Confirmation 48 Streuer, Evelyn Christine 1902 1915 Confirmation 27 Streuer, Georg 1849 1900 Marriage 8 Streuer, Georg Heinr 66y 1916 Death 18 Streuer, Heinrich Georg 1892 1906 Confirmation 17 Streuer, Leona Emilie 1911 1925 Confirmation 34 Streuer, Orville George Edward 1908 1922 Confirmation 32 Stuart, Kenneth ng 1953 Marriage 27 Swartz, Elaine Emma 1934 1934 Baptism 75 Szatkowski, Charity ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Szatkowski, Charity Maye ng 1992 Marriage 41 Szatkowski, Dennis ng 1981 Confirmation 76 Szatkowski, Dennis Norman 1978 1978 Baptism 122 Szatkowski, Dennis Norman ng 1992 Confirmation 81 Szatkowski, Kelli Anne 1981 1981 Baptism 123 Szatkowski, Kelli Anne ng 1995 Confirmation 83 T Tarnosky, James Joseph 1943 1943 Baptism 81 Tarter, Delmarie Joyce ng 1973 Marriage 36 Taubert, E H ng 1945 Marriage 23 Taylor, Helen Elizabeth ng 1977 Marriage 37 Teschendorf, Anna Emilie 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Thiesch, Johann G ng 1905 Marriage 10 Thislsch, Maria 70y 1904 Death 10 Thomas, Harry ng 1947 Marriage 24 Thompson, E T ng 1900 Marriage 8 Thompson, Henry ng 1917 Marriage 14 Thompson, James D ng 1935 Marriage 20 Thornton, Alberta M ng 1972 Marriage 35 Thornton, Beverly Jean ng 1960 Marriage 31 Thornton, Erick Silas 1990 1990 Baptism 130 Thornton, Jack Mrs (Alberta) ng 1967 Confirmation 67 Thornton, John Charles ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Thornton, Patrice Mrs ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Thornton, Sarah Kathryn 1993 1993 Baptism 132 Thornton, Sheryl ng 1969 Confirmation 68 Thornton, Sheryl L ng 1973 Marriage 35 Thornton, Wm Scott ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Thunberg, Carl 71y 1990 Death 52 Thunberg, David Carl 1949 1949 Baptism 86 Thunberg, Dorothy 1923 1996 Baptism 135 Thunberg, James Robert 1955 1955 Baptism 95 Thunberg, Kelly Sue 1979 1979 Baptism 122 Thunberg, Kelly Sue ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Thunberg, Susan Jane 1946 1946 Baptism 84 Thunberg, Susan Jane 1946 1960 Confirmation 84 Thunberg, Toby James ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Thunberg, Todd David ng 1987 Confirmation 78 Timerck, Emma Johanna 1884 1884 Baptism 5a Timreck, Albert 1860 1884 Marriage 1 Timreck, Albert H 71y 1969 Death 43 Timreck, Albert Herman 1898 1912 Confirmation 23 Timreck, Albert Hermann 1898 1898 Baptism 34 Timreck, Albert Mrs (Norma) 83y 1985 Death 50 Timreck, Augusta Johanna 1881 1895 Confirmation 8 Timreck, Auguste Johanna ng 1900 Marriage 8 Timreck, C E 3y 1898 Death 8 Timreck, Charles Christian 1921 1935 Confirmation 41 Timreck, Clara Elisabeth 1895 1895 Baptism 28 Timreck, Eduard Albert 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Timreck, Eduard Albert 1894 1908 Confirmation 19 Timreck, Elisabeth Pauline 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Timreck, Elisabeth Pauline 1892 1906 Confirmation 18 Timreck, Emma ng 1904 Marriage 9 Timreck, Emma Hulda Augusta 1885 1885 Baptism 6 Timreck, Emma Johanna 6y 1891 Death 4 Timreck, Emmie Hulda Auguste 1885 1899 Confirmation 11 Timreck, Everlyn ng 1966 Confirmation 65 Timreck, Ferdinand Karl 81y 1932 Death 26 Timreck, Ferninand Mrs (Anna) 13y 1929 Death 24 Timreck, Frances Diane 1967 1967 Baptism 115 Timreck, Harold ng 1929 Confirmation 37 Timreck, Hedwig Helena 1889 1889 Baptism 11 Timreck, Hedwig Helena 1889 1902 Confirmation 13 Timreck, Herman August 1901 1915 Confirmation 26 Timreck, Ida ng 1921 Marriage 15 Timreck, Ida Ottilie Bertha 1893 1893 Baptism 22 Timreck, Ida Ottilie Bertha 1893 1908 Confirmation 19 Timreck, Jason Gregory ng 1994 Confirmation 82 Timreck, Jeffrey Carl ng 1991 Confirmation 80 Timreck, Jo Ann ng 1960 Marriage 31 Timreck, Joann Marian 1942 1956 Confirmation 56 Timreck, Johanna ng 1906 Marriage 10 Timreck, Johanna Ida 1888 1888 Baptism 9 Timreck, Johanna Ida 1888 1901 Confirmation 12 Timreck, John Marion 1942 1942 Baptism 81 Timreck, Karl Friedrick 87y 1941 Death 29 Timreck, Karl Mrs 87y 1947 Death 32 Timreck, Karl Wilhelm 1890 1904 Confirmation 15 Timreck, Karl William 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Timreck, Maria Emilie 1883 1883 Baptism 4 Timreck, Maria Emilie 1883 1898 Confirmation 10 Timreck, Maria Martha 1880 1880 Baptism 2 Timreck, Marie ng 1902 Marriage 9 Timreck, Martha ng 1907 Marriage 10 Timreck, Martha Augusta 1886 1886 Baptism 6 Timreck, Martha Auguste 1886 1899 Confirmation 11 Timreck, Meivin Mrs (Bonnie) ng 1990 Confirmation 80 Timreck, Melvin ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Timreck, Melvin A ng 1990 Marriage 41 Timreck, Otto August 1887 1887 Baptism 8 Timreck, Otto August 6y ng Death 5 Timreck, Otto Karl Wilhelm 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Timreck, Ronald ng 1963 Marriage 33 Timreck, Ronald Arthur 1969 1969 Baptism 116 Timreck, Ronald Harold 1943 1944 Baptism 82 Timreck, Ronald Harold 1943 1957 Confirmation 58 Timreck, Stella Kay 1965 1965 Baptism 114 Timreck, Susan Irene ng 1983 Confirmation 77 Timreck, Susan Irene ng 1986 Marriage 40 Timreck, Willard Hermann 1927 1927 Baptism 68 Timrick, Herman August 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Tinnin, Lois Jean 43 Marriage Tobia, John 72y 1993 Death 54 Toelle, F Mrs (Marian) 61y 1934 Death 27 Toelle, Fred 82y 1940 Death 29 Toelle, Frieda ng 1922 Marriage 16 Toney, Mae ng 1953 Marriage 27 Tree, Karen ng 1969 Marriage 34 Tripp, Wm Clare 1935 1938 Baptism 78 Trommer, Wilhelm ng 1909 Marriage 11 Trudel, Julie Ann 1962 1963 Baptism 112 Trudell, Elizabeth K ng 1975 Confirmation 74 Trudell, Elizabeth Kay ng 1976 Marriage 36 Trudell, Jeremy Joseph 1983 1983 Baptism 124 Trudell, Julie Ann ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Trudell, Terrance John 1966 1966 Baptism 115 Trudell, Theodore 111 ng 1975 Confirmation 74 Trudell, Timothy William 1964 1964 Baptism 113 Trudell, Timothy William ng 1979 Confirmation 76 Turner, Randolph Bruce 1953 1975 Baptism 135 U Ulman, Allen Vernon ng 1956 Marriage 29 Ulman, Carl 1916 1952 Baptism 90 Ulman, Carl 1916 1952 Confirmation 52 Ulman, Carl ng 1940 Marriage 22 Ulman, Craig 1976 1976 Baptism 121 Ulman, Dennis E ng 1971 Marriage 35 Ulman, Gary Howard 1942 1952 Baptism 90 Ulman, Gary Howard 1942 1955 Confirmation 54 Ulman, Helen Elizabeth ng 1954 Baptism 94 Ulman, John ng 1957 Baptism 99 Ulman, John ng 1957 Confirmation 57 Ulman, John 75y 1996 Death 56 Ulman, John Mrs 1916 1956 Confirmation 56 Ulman, Karen Lee 1953 1953 Baptism 92 Ulman, Karen Lee ng 1967 Confirmation 66 Ulman, Lori ng 1989 Marriage 41 Ulman, Lori Jane/Jean 1963 1963 Baptism 112 Ulman, Lori Jean ng 1977 Confirmation 75 Ulman, Marvin 1923 1952 Baptism 90 Ulman, Marvin 1923 1952 Confirmation 52 Ulman, Marvin ng 1951 Marriage 27 Ulman, Ruth ng 1951 Marriage 27 Ulman, Susan Ann 1962 1961 Baptism 111 Ulman, Susan Ann ng 1976 Confirmation 74 Ulman, Viola ng 1925 Marriage 17 Ulmann, Floyd ng 1927 Marriage 18 Ulmann, Helen ng 1963 Confirmation 62 Ulrich, Christine Ann 1957 1957 Baptism 98 Ulrich, Daniel James 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Ulrich, Elsie Lea 1938 1952 Confirmation 52 Unknown, (born in Chicago IL) 6y 1899 Death 9 V Vadnais, Wade Joseph ng 1986 Marriage 40 Van Horn, Hattie ng 1923 Marriage 16 Van Patten, Lillian ng 1925 Marriage 17 Van Sickle, June Elizabeth ng 1946 Marriage 24 Vanais, Tyler Joseph 1988 1988 Baptism 129 VanHorn, Ida Augusta 1918 1918 Baptism 60 VanHorn, Ileen Elleanor 1918 1918 Baptism 60 VanHorn, Lilian 1915 1915 Baptism 57 VanHorn, Lilian ng 1915 Death 17 VanHorn, Lloyd Ernst 1889 1915 Baptism 58 VanHorn, Richard Ernst 3m 1917 Death 18 VanHorn, Vicki 1959 1959 Baptism 104 VanHorn, Wayne Lloyd 1923 1923 Baptism 65 Vaughn, Nellie ng 1900 Marriage 8 Veit, Clifford Vincent 1911 1911 Baptism 53 Veit, Denise Kay 1947 1952 Baptism 91 Veit, Dennis Willard 1919 1920 Baptism 62 Veit, Dennis Willard Jr 1951 1952 Baptism 91 Veit, Lois Jenise Wilhelmine 1949 1952 Baptism 91 Veit, Peggy Eva 1923 1953 Confirmation 53 Veit, Vernon Erwin 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Voss, Margaret ng 1950 Marriage 26 Voss, Paul Arthur 1933 1933 Baptism 74 Voss, Ruth Christine 1931 1931 Baptism 72 W Waack, Gustav ng 1908 Marriage 11 Wachholz, Augusta 1867 1889 Marriage 3 Wahr, Johann 1858 1886 Marriage 2 Wainwright, Cory Benjamamin 1986 1986 Baptism 127 Wainwright, Kristi Nicole 1983 1983 Baptism 124 Wainwright, Matthew Carl ng 1995 Confirmation 83 Wainwright, William Charles III ng 1981 Marriage 39 Wallace, Helene Mrs 68y 1970 Death 44 Wallace, Levi 81y 1977 Death 48 Wallace, Levi G ng 1965 Marriage 33 Walter Carl Mrs (Anna) 56y 1931 Death 25 Walter, Karl 1850 1892 Marriage 4 Walters, Kathryn Mrs 75y 1990 Death 52 Walther, Karl 1876 1891 Confirmation 5 Wandersee, Ruth Lydia Emilie 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Wandersee, Viola Johanna Emma 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Warner, Beverly ng 1968 Confirmation 68 Warner, Mildred ng 1934 Marriage 20 Warner, Neil Raymond 1959 1959 Baptism 103 Warner, Sanda Beth 1962 1962 Baptism 110 Warren, Lynette ng 1965 Marriage 33 Wasney, Andrew ng 1985 Confirmation 78 Watson, Janet 60y 1957 Death 37 Watts, Carolyn Sue ng 1960 Marriage 31 Webb, William Henry ng 1901 Marriage 9 Weber, Caroline Michelle 1992 1992 Baptism 132 Weber, Eduard Ludwig 1896 1896 Baptism 30 Weber, Rachel Ann ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Wehr, John August 74y 1933 Death 26 Wehrman, Jack Bernard 1938 1958 Confirmation 59 Wehrman, Mary 1941 1960 Confirmation 84 Wehrman, Tamora Lee 1960 1960 Baptism 105 Wehrman, Verna Kay ng 1959 Confirmation 59 Weidel, Friedrich Robert 1892 1892 Baptism 19 Weidel, Hedwig Clara 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Weisenborn, Paul Christian 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Weiss, Wallace ng 1948 Marriage 25 Welsch, Agnes Karoline 1889 1889 Baptism 11 Welsch, Andrew James 1982 1988 Baptism 129 Welsch, Bertha Luise 1888 1888 Baptism 11 Welsch, Lina Emilie 1894 1894 Baptism 25 Welsch, Michael ng 1989 Confirmation 80 Welsch, Michael Mrs (Debra) ng 1989 Confirmation 80 Welsch, Minna Henrietta 1892 1892 Baptism 20 Welsch, Olga Ernstine 1890 1890 Baptism 16 Welsch, Peter John 1884 1888 Baptism 129 Wemert, Ethel ng 1955 Marriage 28 Wender, Victor Howard 1918 1919 Baptism 61 Wendt, Ernst George ng 1955 Marriage 29 Wesling, Anna 82y 1958 Death 38 Westphal, Mark Edward 1959 1960 Baptism 106 Whilenberg, Leo Murl ng 1962 Marriage 33 White, Michael James ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Wickert, Johannes J ng 1908 Marriage 11 Wickland, Erick, 1866 1894 Marriage 6 Wickland, Leroy Henry 1896 1896 Baptism 31 Wickland, Lillian Wilhelmine 1900 1914 Confirmation 26 Wickland, Lydia Wilhelmine 1900 1900 Baptism 38 Wickland, Roy Henry 1897 1913 Confirmation 25 Wickland, Sophia Ulrica Cora 1895 1895 Baptism 27 Wickland, Sophia Ulrica Cora 1895 1910 Confirmation 21 Wiergowski, Richard Anthony ng 1976 Marriage 36 Wihrman, Verna Kay ng 1960 Marriage 32 Wilhelm, Alvina 81y 1991 Death 53 Wille, Frank ng 1910 Marriage 12 Williams, Charles C ng 1960 Marriage 31 Willis, Anna ng 1940 Marriage 22 Wilson, Lindsey Elizabeth 1990 1990 Baptism 130 Wilson, Marian Arlene 1924 1948 Confirmation 49 Wilson, Marian Arlene ng 1946 Marriage 24 Wilson, Richard ng 1987 Confirmation 78 Wilson, Richard ng 1987 Marriage 40 Wilson, Richard Lee 1956 1997 Baptism 135 Winchell, Dale Lane 1964 1972 Baptism 118 Winchell, Genda Joan 1961 1972 Baptism 118 Winchell, Glenn ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Winchell, Joan Sandra 1944 1973 Baptism 134 Winchell, Joan Sandra ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Winchell, Sabrina Sue 1967 1972 Baptism 118 Witt, Albert Louis 1914 1930 Confirmation 37 Witt, Arthur Herman 1918 1933 Confirmation 39 Witt, Arthur Herman 20y 1937 Death 28 Witt, August Wm 1915 1930 Confirmation 37 Witt, Dora 1916 1931 Confirmation 38 Witt, Ed Ferd 66y 1941 Death 29 Witt, Eleanor Johanna 1921 1935 Confirmation 41 Witt, Elmer Hugo 1922 1936 Confirmation 42 Witt, Karoline ng 1946 Death 32 Witt, Reinhold Edward 1913 1928 Confirmation 35 Witzke, Ella Frieda 1926 1939 Confirmation 44 Witzke, Johanna Frieda 1920 1935 Confirmation 41 Witzke, Rose Mary Helen 1930 1930 Baptism 71 Witzke, Rosemarcy Helen ng 1950 Marriage 26 Witzke, Rosemary Helen 1930 1944 Confirmation 46 Woessner, Harry Norman ng 1956 Marriage 29 Woizeschke, Arthur E 1926 1940 Confirmation 44 Wojahn, Albert 77y 1986 Death 50 Wojahn, Albert Carl 1909 1924 Confirmation 33 Wojahn, Albert Karl 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Wojahn, Annette Sue 1974 1974 Baptism 119 Wojahn, Annette Sue ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Wojahn, Augusta Ottilie 1891 1891 Baptism 17 Wojahn, Auguste Ottilie 11y 1903 Death 10 Wojahn, Beoula Maria 1911 1911 Baptism 52 Wojahn, Beoula Maria 1911 1924 Confirmation 33 Wojahn, Carl Sr 73y 1909 Death 14 Wojahn, David ng 1969 Marriage 34 Wojahn, David Albert 1946 1947 Baptism 84 Wojahn, David Albert 1946 1961 Confirmation 85 Wojahn, David Mrs (Karen) 26y 1974 Death 45 Wojahn, Dorothea Ernstine 1906 1906 Baptism 45 Wojahn, Dorth Ernstine 1906 1920 Confirmation 30 Wojahn, Edna Hoxie 1915 1939 Confirmation 43 Wojahn, Eduard Max 1878 1891 Confirmation 5 Wojahn, Edward James 1938 1938 Baptism 78 Wojahn, Edward James 1938 1953 Confirmation 52 Wojahn, Edward M 90y 1968 Death 43 Wojahn, Ella A ng 1915 Marriage 13 Wojahn, Ella Lena Anna 1892 1908 Confirmation 19 Wojahn, Elsie 1920 1932 Confirmation 39 Wojahn, Elsie Zobeida 1920 1920 Baptism 62 Wojahn, Esther Marie 1939 1955 Confirmation 55 Wojahn, Esther Marie ng 1957 Marriage 30 Wojahn, Faith ng 1965 Marriage 33 Wojahn, Faith Ellen 1947 1947 Baptism 84 Wojahn, Faith Ellen 1947 1961 Confirmation 85 Wojahn, Friedrich 85y 1943 Death 31 Wojahn, Friedrich Gustav 1890 1890 Baptism 14 Wojahn, Friedrich Gustav 1890 1904 Confirmation 14 Wojahn, Friedrich Gustav 14y 1904 Death 10 Wojahn, Gail Ann 1968 1968 Baptism 116 Wojahn, Gale A 1934 1948 Confirmation 48 Wojahn, Georg August 1893 1893 Baptism 23 Wojahn, George A 84y 1977 Death 47 Wojahn, George August 1894 1909 Confirmation 20 Wojahn, George Charles 1945 1945 Baptism 83 Wojahn, George Charles 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Wojahn, Grace Edith 1937 1937 Baptism 77 Wojahn, Grace Edith 1937 1954 Confirmation 54 Wojahn, Grace Edith ng 1959 Marriage 30 Wojahn, Gustav ng 1905 Marriage 9 Wojahn, Gustav T 91y 1966 Death 42 Wojahn, Gustav Theodor 1875 1889 Confirmation 3 Wojahn, Harry ng 1962 Confirmation 61 Wojahn, Harry Mrs (Mary) ng 1968 Confirmation 68 Wojahn, Harry R ng 1967 Marriage 34 Wojahn, Harry Ray 1946 1951 Baptism 88 Wojahn, Heinrich Gustav 1882 1898 Confirmation 10 Wojahn, Henry ng 1964 Confirmation 63 Wojahn, Henry Ray 1950 1950 Baptism 87 Wojahn, Henry Ray ng 1972 Marriage 35 Wojahn, Hilda 1917 1931 Confirmation 38 Wojahn, Hilda ng 1936 Marriage 20 Wojahn, Hilda Louisa 1917 1917 Baptism 59 Wojahn, Hope ng 1966 Marriage 34 Wojahn, Hope Elaine 1947 1947 Baptism 84 Wojahn, Hope Elaine 1947 1961 Confirmation 85 Wojahn, Hugo ng 1937 Marriage 20 Wojahn, Hugo Friedrich 1913 1913 Baptism 55 Wojahn, Hugo Friedrich 1913 1926 Confirmation 35 Wojahn, Hugo Mrs 1917 1948 Confirmation 49 Wojahn, Ida Augusta 1894 1894 Baptism 26 Wojahn, Ida Emilie 7d 1894 Death 6 Wojahn, Iris M ng 1953 Marriage 27 Wojahn, Iris Marie 1937 1939 Baptism 79 Wojahn, James ng 1962 Confirmation 62 Wojahn, James Theodore 1947 1951 Baptism 88 Wojahn, Johann C Christian 1908 1908 Baptism 48 Wojahn, Johann Christian 1908 1923 Confirmation 32 Wojahn, Johanna ng 1934 Marriage 19 Wojahn, Johanna Maria 1912 1912 Baptism 53 Wojahn, Johanna Maria 1912 1926 Confirmation 35 Wojahn, John 87y 1995 Death 55 Wojahn, Karl 76y 1939 Death 28 Wojahn, Karl August 1864 1887 Marriage 2 Wojahn, Karl Mrs 80y 1946 Death 32 Wojahn, Katherine L ng 1988 Marriage 41 Wojahn, Katherine Lynn ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Wojahn, Keith A ng 1990 Marriage 41 Wojahn, Keith Allen ng 1978 Confirmation 75 Wojahn, Kenneth John 1941 1941 Baptism 80 Wojahn, Kenneth John ng 1961 Marriage 32 Wojahn, Kevin Lee 1966 1966 Baptism 115 Wojahn, Kevin Lee ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Wojahn, Lila ng 1963 Marriage 33 Wojahn, Lila Jane 1942 1956 Confirmation 57 Wojahn, Luicille Mrs (Albert) 76y 1988 Death 51 Wojahn, Lydia Augusta Aurelia 1898 1912 Confirmation 24 Wojahn, Lydia Augusta Minna 1898 1891 Baptism 35 Wojahn, Marie 21y 1892 Death 4 Wojahn, Marie W 1871 1885 Confirmation 2 Wojahn, Martha ng 1917 Marriage 14 Wojahn, Martha Pauline 53y 1959 Death 38 Wojahn, Mary H 93y 1980 Death 47 Wojahn, Minna Ida Augusta 1897 1897 Baptism 32 Wojahn, Minna Ida Augusta 1897 1912 Confirmation 24 Wojahn, Olga ng 1910 Marriage 12 Wojahn, Olga Maria Emilie 1889 1889 Baptism 13 Wojahn, Olga Maria Emilie 1889 1904 Confirmation 15 Wojahn, Pamela Dawn 1968 1968 Baptism 116 Wojahn, Pamela Dawn ng 1982 Confirmation 77 Wojahn, Patrick Henry 1973 1973 Baptism 118 Wojahn, Penny 1970 1991 Baptism 135 Wojahn, Penny ng 1991 Confirmation 81 Wojahn, Raymond 63y 1964 Death 41 Wojahn, Reinhold Heinrich 1901 1901 Baptism 39 Wojahn, Reinhold Heinrich 1901 1916 Confirmation 27 Wojahn, Rheinhold Mrs (Edna) 71y 1986 Death 50 Wojahn, Robert James 1970 1970 Baptism 117 Wojahn, Rosalie Ellen 1915 1950 Confirmation 51 Wojahn, Stephinie Sue 1971 1971 Baptism 117 Wojahn, Wilhelmine 1862 1889 Marriage 3 Wojahn, Wilhelmine 82y 1919 Death 19 Wojahn, Wilhelmine Augusta 1887 1889 Baptism 12 Wojahn, Wilhelmine Auguste 1887 1901 Confirmation 12 Wojahn, Wilhelmine Auguste ng 1907 Marriage 10 Wojahn, Willamina Mrs 86y 1966 Death 42 Wojahnm Fred Mrs ng 1933 Death 26 Wojan, Kenneth John 1941 1955 Confirmation 54 Wolf, Margarret Louise 1930 1930 Baptism 70 Wolfmann, son sb 1939 Death 28 Woods, Edwin Daniel ng 1993 Confirmation 82 Woodward, Elsie Mrs 93y 1990 Death 53 Wooliever, Karl Enos 1894 1896 Baptism 29 Wostmann, Emma 1884 1889 Baptism 12 Wostmann, Heinrich 1886 1889 Baptism 12 Wostmann, Karl 1883 1889 Baptism 12 Wostmann, Martha 1888 1889 Baptism 12 Wright, Albert Howard ng 1954 Marriage 28 Wuggazer, Arthur ng 1908 Marriage 11 Wuggazer, Carl L ng 1906 Marriage 10 Y Yanna, Fay Ann 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Yanna, Jean Ann ng 1978 Marriage 37 Yanna, Kathy Marie 1962 1962 Baptism 111 Yanna, Richard 1935 1956 Baptism 97 Yanna, Richard 1935 1956 Confirmation 56 Yanna, Richard J ng 1957 Marriage 29 Yoch, Luise Pauline 1890 1890 Baptism 15 Yoch, Minna Emma 1877 1891 Confirmation 5 Young, Betty Lou 1932 1945 Confirmation 47 Young, Dale ng 1965 Confirmation 64 Young, Donald Lee 1931 1945 Confirmation 47 Young, Edwin John ng 1957 Confirmation 58 Young, Jerry Wilfred 1945 1959 Confirmation 60 Young, Patricia 1934 1957 Confirmation 57 Young, Richard Lee ng 1971 Confirmation 70 Young, Ronald ng 1972 Confirmation 71 Young, Wilfred ng 1930 Marriage 18 Young, Wilfred George 1904 1959 Confirmation 60 Youngs, Alicia Marie ng 1996 Confirmation 83 Youngs, Amy Noel ng 1988 Confirmation 79 Youngs, Betty Lou 1932 1932 Baptism 73 Youngs, Betty Lou ng 1956 Marriage 29 Youngs, D' Anne Mrs ng 1986 Confirmation 78 Youngs, Dale Allen 1951 1951 Baptism 89 Youngs, Donald 62y 1994 Death 54 Youngs, Donald Lee ng 1955 Marriage 29 Youngs, Jennifer, Rebecca ng 1984 Confirmation 77 Youngs, Jo Ann Marie 1961 1961 Baptism 109 Youngs, Jo Ann Marie ng 1975 Confirmation 74 Youngs, Julie Ann ng 1976 Marriage 36 Youngs, Karen Ursula 1957 1957 Baptism 100 Youngs, Kimberlee Anne 1985 1985 Baptism 126 Youngs, Michael Lee 1960 1961 Baptism 108 Youngs, Patricia 1934 1957 Baptism 99 Youngs, Peter Axel 1959 1959 Baptism 104 Youngs, Richard Lee 1957 1957 Baptism 98 Youngs, Richard Lee ng 1979 Marriage 37 Youngs, Ronald Alan 1958 1958 Baptism 101 Youngs, Timothy Lee 1959 1960 Baptism 105 Youngs, Timothy Lee ng 1974 Confirmation 73 Youngs, Wilfred 1904 1959 Baptism 103 Youngs, Wilfred 62y 1967 Death 42 Z Zellmer, David Louis 1942 1956 Confirmation 56 Zellmer, Elisabetha Augusta Caroline 1891 1891 Baptism 18 Zellmer, Julius Friedrich Wilhelm 1893 1894 Baptism 24 Zellmer, Martha Malinde 68y 1960 Death 39 Zellmer, Nelmar W ng 1941 Marriage 22 Zellmer, Olga Pauline Mathilde 1892 1893 Baptism 21 Zellmer, Walter Rudoph 78y 1961 Death 40 Zelzar, Huldina (Helen) 91y 1990 Death 53 Zetzar, Shelly Renee ng 1980 Confirmation 76 Zetzar, Shelly Renee ng 1986 Marriage 40 Ziehl, Edward Hermann 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Ziehl, Leona Bertha 1925 1925 Baptism 66 Ziem, Lilli Alwine 1889 1890 Baptism 15 Zimmerman, Raymond ng 1948 Marriage 25 Zink, Michael Arthur 1968 1968 Baptism 116 Zink, Ruth A ng 1970 Marriage 34 Zollweg, Albert Walter 1914 1928 Confirmation 36 Zollweg, Carl Albert 1907 1921 Confirmation 31 Zollweg, Clara Johanna 1909 1923 Confirmation 32 Zollweg, Herbert H 1916 1932 Confirmation 39 Zollweg, Marion Martha 1924 1938 Confirmation 43 Zollweg, Martin Otto 1912 1927 Confirmation 35 Zollweg, Martin Otto ng 1938 Marriage 21 Zollweg, Mary Elizabeth Katherine 71y 1955 Death 36 Zollweg, Meta Maria 1910 1925 Confirmation 34 Zollweg, Norma Ruth 1926 1940 Confirmation 44 Zollweg, Otto ng 1906 Marriage 10 Zollweg, Otto Ferdinand 72y 1951 Death 35 Zollweg, Richard Theodore 1922 1935 Confirmation 41 Zollweg, Walter Victor 1920 1933 Confirmation 39 Zollwig, Clara Johanna 1909 1909 Baptism 50 Zollwig, Marian Martin 1924 1924 Baptism 65 Zollwig, Norma Ruth 1926 1926 Baptism 67 Zollwig, Richard Theodore 1922 1922 Baptism 64 Zollwig, Walter Victor 1920 1920 Baptism 61 Zolwig, Albert Waltha 1914 1914 Baptism 56 Zolwig, Carl Albert 1907 1907 Baptism 47 Zolwig, Herbert Heinrich 1916 1916 Baptism 58 Zolwig, Martin Otto 1912 1912 Baptism 54 Zolwig, Metha Maria 1910 1910 Baptism 51 Zuhldorf, Auguste 1866 1888 Marriage 3 MIGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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3), Billroth , (Christian Albert) theodor. , National reye s Syndrome FoundationOverview of this organization in Bryan, Ohio working to eradicate this disorder.

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2492, 4748 Adonis (La Fontaine), 2139 Adoration of the Magi, The (Cernuda), 673Adorno, theodor, 4675 Adult See Matsuo Basho Basoalto, Neftalí Ricardo reye.

75. Die "Grundlagen" Als Programm
Translate this page Wilhelm Killing (1847-1923), Moritz Pasch (1843-1930), theodor reye (1838-1919),Hermann Wiener (1857-1939). Lebensdaten von David Hilbert Bitte hier klicken!
Hilberts "Grundlagen" als Programm
M.-M. Toepell:
In seiner Dissertation zeigt Michael-Markus Toepell an 4 Vorlesungsmanuskripten wichtige Stationen bei der Entstehung des Werkes auf:
  • "Projektive Geometrie" (SS 1891) "Die Grundlagen der Geometrie"

  • (SS 1894)
    (Ferienkurs Ostern 1898)
  • "Grundlagen der Euklidischen Geometrie"

  • (WS 1898/99)
Wilhelm Killing
Moritz Pasch

Theodor Reye

Hermann Wiener Lebensdaten von David Hilbert: Bitte hier klicken!
  • Grundlagen der Arithmetik (1900), Grundlagen der Physik (1915). Grundlagen der Mathematik (1934).
Von A. N. Kolmogoroff (1903-1987) wurde nach dem Vorbild der "Grundlagen" eine Axiomatik der
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Massive Kritik an den "Grundlagen" wurde von Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) 'Der Gottesbegriff wird durch folgende Axiome gegeben: b) ein Gott ist allwissend;

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Aug 1888 in Logrono, Spain Died 21 Feb 1962 in Buenos Aires, Argentina reye, Theodorreye Born 20 June 1838 in Ritzebüttel (near Cuxhaven), Germany Died 2

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mittels Buschwerk befestigter Weg durch Wiesengelände; reye =kleiner Bach.
Die Horner Straßennamen
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Die im Nordosten gelegene Gemeindewiese war bereits 1855 Austragungsort erster Pferderennen. Sie leiteten die große Geschichte der Horner Rennbahn ein.
ehem. Weg Nr. 52, Bei der Rennkoppel,
damals Teilstrecke der aus Wandsbek kommenden "Goethestraße" Rhiemsweg
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Ried = Rohr oder Schilf Riedstieg
11.5.1938 bis 1945
Ried = Rohr oder Schilf SA-Mann † Riedweg von-Stransky-Straße 11.5.1938 bis 1945 Ried = Rohr oder Schilf S A-Mann † Riedgrund Ried = Rohr oder Schilf Rudolf-Roß-Allee Rudolf Roß (1872-1951) Sandkamp benannt nach dem gleichnamigen Flurstück nördlich des Pagenfeldes Sandkampstieg Lippetwiete 1.12.1942 bis 1945 siehe Sandkamp Namensgebung unbekannt Sandkampweg Lippeweg 11.2.1940 bis 1945

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80. 02 Jul History This Date
Slaves take over slave ship . Tecumseh urges Amerindians to fight for their land . Carlos Menem is born . Battle of Gettysburg Day 2 . President incapacitated. VP promoted? . Civil Rights Act

deaths births , of JUL 02
[For Jul 02 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jul 12 1700s: Jul 13 1800s: Jul 14 1900~2099: Jul 15 ... 1'000'000th Corvette On a July 02:
2001 Artificial heart is implanted in patient.
Surgeons from the University of Louisville implant the first self-contained artificial heart, a titanium and plastic pump, into Robert Tools at Jewish Hospital. Doctors said they expect the new implant to extend the patient's life only a month or so. But the device is considered a technological leap from mechanical hearts used in the 1980s, which were attached by wires and tubes to machinery outside the body.
Drs. Laman Gray and Robert Dowling, who trained by implanting the pump in baby cows, performed the surgery. Surgical teams at four other hospitals around the country had been trained to do the surgery, but Louisville was first. Experts hope that the experimental heart, made by Abiomed Inc. of Danvers, Massachusetts, will lead to new hope for patients with failing hearts.
David M. Lederman

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