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         Reye Theodor:     more books (16)
  1. Die Geometrie Der Lage, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-03-16
  2. Die Wirbelstürme, Tornados Und Wettersäulen in Der Erd-Atmosphäre Mit Berücksichtigung Der Stürme in Der Sonnen-Atmosphäre Dargestellt Und Wissenschaftlich Erklärt (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-02-26
  3. Die Geometrie Der Lage, Volumes 1-2 (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-02-13
  4. Die Geometrie Der Lage: Vorträge, Volume 1 (German Edition) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-11
  5. Synthetische Geometrie Der Kugeln Und Linearen Kugelsysteme Mit Einer Einleitung in Die Analytische Geometrie Der Kugelsysteme (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-03-20
  6. Lectures On The Geometry Of Position Part I by Theodor Reye, 2007-07-25
  7. Lectures on the geometry of position. By Dr. Theodor Reye.Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. by Michigan Historical Reprint Series, 2005-12-20
  8. Die Geometrie Der Lage (German Edition) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-10
  9. Die Geometrie der Lage by Theodor Reye, 2009-05-13
  10. Geometry of position by Theodor Reye, 1898
  11. Lecons Sur La Geometrie De Position, Part 2 (1882) (French Edition) by Theodor Reye, Octave Chemin, 2009-11-06
  12. Lectures on The Geometry of Position by Theodor Reye, 2009-05-20
  13. Die Geometrie Der Lage (German Edition) (2010 Reprint) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-26
  14. Die Geometrie der Lage (3 Volume Set) by Theodor Reye, 1899

41. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
Kurt (472*) Reiner, Irving (436) Remak, Robert (1039*) Remez, Evgeny (196*) Rényi,Alfréd (297*) Rey Pastor, Julio (404*) reye, theodor (309*) Reymond, Paul

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42. Sources For The Math Symbols And Words Pages
Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1878. reye, Karl theodor. Die Geometrie derLage, Ruempler, Hannover. Bd. 1 (1866), Bd. 2 (1868). Riccati, Vincenzo.
Sources for the Math Symbols and Words Pages
Abbott, David, general editor. The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists: Mathematicians. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1985. Asimov, Isaac. Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Ball, W. W. Rouse. A Short Account of the History of Mathematics. New York: Dover Publications, 1960. Ball, W. W. Rouse, and H. S. M. Coxeter. Mathematical Recreations and Essays, Thirteenth Edition. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1987. Bell, E. T. The Development of Mathematics. Bell, E. T. The Development of Mathematics. Dover. New York, 1972. Boyer, Carl B. A History of Mathematics. Burton, David M. The History of Mathematics - An Introduction. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1988. Cabill?n, Julio Gonz?lez (1959- ) is the author of numerous mathematics textbooks. He currently teaches Real Analysis at the German Institute DSM (Deutsche Schule Montevideo) in Uruguay. His main subject in mathematics is "q-Gaussian coefficients." Cajori, Florian. A History of Mathematics. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1919.

43. Earliest Uses Of Symbols From Geometry
In 1866, Karl theodor reye (18381919) proposed the plan of using capital lettersfor points, lower case letters for lines, and lower case Greek letters for
Earliest Uses of Symbols from Geometry
Last revision: July 4, 1999 Lettering of geometric figures. The designation of points, lines, and planes by a letter or letters was in vogue among the ancient Greeks and has been traced back to Hippocrates of Chios (about 440 B. C.) (Cajori vol. 1, page 420, attributed to Moritz Cantor). Lettering of triangles. Richard Rawlinson in a pamphlet prepared at Oxford sometime between 1655 and 1668 used A, B, C for the sides of a triangle and a, b, c for the opposite angles. In his notation, A was the largest side and C the smallest (Cajori vol. 2, page 162). Leonhard Euler and Thomas Simpson reintroduced this scheme many years later, Euler using it in 1753 in Histoire de l'acad?mie de Berlin (Cajori vol 2., page 162). Euler used capital letters for the angles. In 1866, Karl Theodor Reye (1838-1919) proposed the plan of using capital letters for points, lower case letters for lines, and lower case Greek letters for planes in a remarkable two-volume work on geometry, Die Geometrie der Lage (Cajori vol. 1, page 423).

44. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page Reiner, Irvine (1924 - 1986) Remez, Evgeny (1896 - 1975) Renyi, Alfred (1921 - 1970)Rey Pastor, Julio (1888 - 1962) reye, theodor (1838 - 1919) Reymond, Paul
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

45. Fashion And Mathematics
Continental Europe. One of the best books is Die Geometrie Der Lage,written in German by Prof Dr theodor reye. There were several
Fashion and Mathematics For about half a century I have been trying to find the explanation for some words, one of them being congruence as defined in Synthetic Geometry, all over the English language literature. The closest answer I ever came to was a footnote in the book by Veblen and Young on Projective Geometry. However, the explanation was in terms of algebra, and not in terms of Synthetic Geometry. Math World Wolfram has several web pages about congruence, but no explanation in terms of Synthetic Geometry. So, after some 50 years of searching no success. I very much doubt that I will ever find it. Some years ago I read that Newton-Leibniz controversy caused that mathematics in Britain was behind mathematics in Continental Europe for about one hundred years. Could Newton-Leibniz controversy be blamed that some words from Synthetic Geometry are non-existent in English language literature? Not likely. In my opinion Newton-Leibniz controversy which has long since been resolved, has nothing to do with some mathematical words not being in English language literature. The reason is probably the fashion which somehow crept into the world of mathematics. It became fashionable to concentrate at different times on different branches of mathematics. Geometry was largely neglected, and branches of geometry such as Descriptive Geometry and Synthetic Geometry were completely ignored. If there are mathematicians in English speaking countries who would like to find out about the words such as congruence, they would have to go a century back in time to find appropriate literature in Continental Europe. One of the best books is

46. Catàleg De Les Biblioteques De La UPC
Translate this page 1, Rey Veyga, Eugenio. 1, Rey, William JJ. 1, Reychler, Albert Jean. 2,reye, theodor. 1, reyer, Jürgen. 1, reyero, Carlos. 1, reyero Hernández,Carmen.

47. Rudolf Steiner - Science Bibliography
pubs Ginn Co. theodor reye, (1898) Lectures on the Geometry of Position.Trans TF Holgate, Macmillan Co, London. (Part 1 only
A Bibliography for anthroposophical and Goethean approaches to Science Compiled by David J. Heaf, 6th April 1999. Last amended 8 December 2001. Contents Rudolf Steiner Epistemological writings Books directly relevant to natural science Lectures relevant to the sciences and approaches to them ... Material for Waldorf School (Steiner School) Science Teaching Rudolf Steiner 'GA' designates the number in Rudolf Steiner's Gesamtausgabe (collected works). Epistemological writings Steiner, R. (1894) Die Philosophie der Freiheit - Grundzüge einer modernen Weltanschauung - Seelische Beobachtungresultate nach naturwissenschaftlischer Methode . Rudolf Steiner Verlag, GA 4, 1987. Translated by Rita Stebbing: The philosophy of freedom - a philosophy of spiritual activity - The basic elements of a modern world view - The result of observing the human soul as natural science observes nature. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1988. Download the Philosophy of Freedom (Philosophy of Spiritual Activity). Steiner, R. (1892) Wahrheit und Wissenschaft - Vorspiel einer 'Philosophie der Freiheit . Rudolf Steiner Verlag. GA 3, 1980. Translated by Rita Stebbing: Truth and Science, Rudolf Steiner Publications Inc. New York 1963

48. B_Correspondent
Translate this page August 1863) reye, Melchior Georg Wilhelm, Kaufmann wurde Bürger in Hamburg (31. RopySB im 28ten Jahre (+ 8 / 1863) Rubbert, Carl theodor, Weinhändler, aus
back to the book list English page deutsche Seite
Namen und Nachrichten im Hamburger Correspondent
These Names I found in the daily Newspaper "Hamburger Correspondent" of 1863,
published in Hamburg
Baars , Maria Dorothea Auguste, 8 J. 6 M., beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Petri (23-29. 8.1863)
Ballauf , I. F. im 71ten Jahre (+ 8 / 1863)
Bauersachs Blancket Blum Bornhold Bosselmann , Joachim Gottlieb, 73 Jahre beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Jacobi (auf dem Peterskamp) (23-29. 8.1863) Brandenburg Bruhns , Catharina Margaretha 41 Jahre beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Jacobi (auf dem Peterskamp) (23-29. 8.1863) Bruns Cohn , Simon, 42 Jahre beerdigt auf dem Friedhof Deutsch-israelitische Gemeinde (23-29. 8.1863) Crabtree Cremer Cropp Daniel Debald , Anna Henrica, geb. Kinneke , 77 J. beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Petri (23-29. 8.1863) Desmann , Johann Peter 55 J., 6 Monate 14 Tage beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Catharinen (23-29. 8.1863) Diederichsen , Maria Elisabeth, geb. Kliefs , 83 Jahre, 14 tage beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Marien Magdalena und Heil. eist (23-29. 8.1863) Dittmer Ebeling Ericksen , Olof, 26 Jahre beerdigt auf dem Friedhof St. Catharinen (23-29. 8.1863)

49. Biographische Notizen Von Rudolf Fritsch
theodor reye erschienen in Neue Deutsche Biographie, Band 21, S. 481-482;
Biographische Notizen von Rudolf Fritsch

50. Finding Aid R For The "Landwirtschaftliches Addreßbuch Der Provinz Pommern"
Translate this page Paul Reske, Robert Reske, Siegfried Rettmann, Rudolf Retz, theodor Retzlaff, Abraham MaxRewoldt, KH Rex Rexilius, Emile Rexilius, Konrad reye, Joachim von
Finding Aid ( R ) for the
der Provinz Pommern
Latest Update: 4 January 2003
Background: (Under construction)
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Ted Fetkenheuer of Mesa Arizona for typing this Finding Aid into a computer. Ted can be contacted at . His Pommern ancestors include all persons named Fetkenheuer as well as Manske, von Petersdorf, Porath, Splittgerber, Sternke, Schumann, Strassmann, Wegener.
FAQ's: Yes ... please contact him if you are researching anyone with this name. No ... he does not have a copy of the book, so he is unable to do look-ups for you. Please don't ask him.
Source: This book, , is found in the open stacks on level B1 of the Family History Library at Salt Lake City, Utah (Dewey Decimal System call number 948.81 R24L 1938. It also was microfilmed in 1989 and can be found on FHL microfilm #1573108. No other sources of this book are known, although it is not considered to be a rare book in any sense.
This Finding Aid: This is one of an 18 file (web page) Finding Aid database for the full names of Pommern farmers living there in 1939 according to this book.
Namen en der (R)
Raabe, Hermann

51. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Bettazzi's Theorem
I doubt that he was influenced by theodor reye, but could conceive that he wassupervised by Heinrich Weber who held a chair at Strassburg from 1895 to his
Re: [HM] Bettazzi's theorem
Walter Felscher
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 19:56:37 +0200 (MEST)
Mr. James T.Smith asks
Huntington builds the real field from S more or less as
modern logic texts do. This doesn't quite amount to a
categoricity proof for the axioms for a complete ordered
field: you need to show there's essentially only one way to
construct the reals from the positive integers. Who
finally stated the theorem that way?
The theorem that any two complete ordered fields are
isomorphic is an obvious consequence of what, in my note
from April 23rd, I called Bettazzi's structure theorems: any two complete and densely ordered semigroups G, G' are isomorphic, and the isomorphism is unique once a, a' in G, G' are given to be mapped to each other (para 92-93) , any such G is the additive group of positive elements of a field, unique by choosing the multiplicative unit, and the

52. Famous Mathematicians With An R
Andrei Razmadze Robert Recorde Mina Rees Hans Reichenbach Kurt Reidemeister IrvingReiner Robert Remak Evgeny Remez Julio Rey Pastor theodor reye Paul du Bois
Mathematicians - R
Hans Rademacher
Richard Rado
Tibor Rado
Johann Radon

Johann Rahn
Cadambathur Rajagopal
Chidambaram Ramanujam
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Jesse Ramsden
Frank Ramsey
Peter Ramus Robert Rankin William Rankine Joseph Raphson Helena Rasiowa Andrei Razmadze Robert Recorde Mina Rees Hans Reichenbach Kurt Reidemeister Irving Reiner Robert Remak Evgeny Remez Julio Rey Pastor Theodor Reye Paul du Bois-Reymond Antoine-Andre Reynaud Charles Reyneau Osborne Reynolds Georges de Rham Georg Joachim Rheticus Vincenzo Riccati Matteo Ricci Michelangelo Ricci Georgorio Ricci-Curbastro Jules Richard Louis Richard Lewis Richardson Jean Richer Herbert Richmond G.F. Bernhard Riemann

53. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Eduard Rose
Dissertation Die Axiome der projektiven Geometrie linearer MannigfaltigkeitenAdvisor 1 Heinrich Weber Advisor 2 theodor reye No students known.

54. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Uwe-Peter Magener
Punktkoordinaten im Kugelgebüsch und ihre Anwendung auf die Nichteuklidische GeometrieAdvisor 1 Heinrich Weber Advisor 2 theodor reye No students known.

55. MSN Encarta - Encyclopédie - Médecine
kleptomanie * Klinefelter, syndrome de * Kocher, theodor * Kraepelin, Emil * Krafft résorcinol* respiration artificielle * rétrovirus * reye, syndrome deédecine.html
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encyclop©die Encarta Articles D©couvrez une s©lection d'articles de l'Encyclop©die Encarta. Histoire G©ographie Sciences humaines et sociales Musiques ... R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Sciences de la vie et de la Terre A abc¨s



B bact©ries
Balint, Michael


Barnard, Christiaan
Burnet, sir Frank Macfarlane

C caf©ine caillot sanguin calvitie cancer (m©decine) ... cytom©galovirus D daltonisme Dausset, Jean De Bakey, Michael Ellis Decroly, Ovide ... dyspepsie E Ebola, fi¨vre ©chographie ecz©ma Eijkman, Christiaan ... euthanasie F Fallope, Gabriel famine Fanon, Franz fatigue (m©decine) ... furoncle G gale gangr¨ne garrot gastrite ... gyn©cologie H Hahnemann, Samuel hallucination Harvey, William h©matologie ... hyst©rie I ibuprof¨ne ict¨re il©ite illusion (psychologie) ... Itard, Jean Marie Gaspard J Janet, Pierre jaunisse Jerne, Niels Kai Jung, Carl Gustav K Kaposi, sarcome de Kellogg, John Harvey kin©sith©rapie kleptomanie ... kyste L La Mettrie, Julien Offray de Lacan, Jacques Laennec, Ren© Lagache, Daniel ... lymphome M macrolides mal de dos maladie maladie de Chagas ... Marat, Jean-Paul

56. World Diptera Taxonomists -- R
Rathvon, Simon Snyder (18121891) Rattanarithikul, R Ratzeburg, Julius theodor Christian(1801 1821) Reuben, Rachel Reuter, Enzio Rafael (1867-1951) reye, E J
List of World Diptera Taxonomists R
A B C D ... Q R S T U V ... Richards, Owain Westmacott (1901-1984) Richet, Ren? Richter, V.A. - see Rikhter, V.A. Riedel, Max Paul Rognes, Knut Rohdendorf, Boris Borisovich Ruricola - see Curtis, J. This page last revised 12 November 2002 by nle

57. A/o Bibliography -- K-L
Soc. NSW 79 23346. (26 January). Lee, DJ EJ reye 1963. Lewis, DJ AL Dyce 1982.The subgenus Australophlebotomus theodor of Phlebotomus Rondani and Bert.
Australasian/Oceanian Diptera Catalog Bibliography K-L
Kaltenbach, J.H. 1858. Die deutschen Phytophagen aus der Klasse der Insekten. Fortsetzung. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der deutschen Pflanzengattungen (Buchstabe B). Verh. Naturforsch. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westfalens 15: 77-161. (31 December)+
[See Macgillavry (1939) for details of publication.] Kaltenbach, J.H. [1872]. Die Pflanzenfeinde aus der Klasse der Insekten. Ein nach Pflanzenfamilien geordnetes Handbuch smmtlicher auf den einheimischen Pflanzen bisher beobachteten Insekten zum Gebrauch fhr Entomologen, Insektensammler, Botaniker, Land- und Forstwirthe und Gartenfreunde . Hoffman, Stuttgart. viii + 848 p. (31 December)+
[Issued in 3 parts; though dated as 1874 on the cover, p. 1-288 were published in 1872; see Macgillavry (1939) for details of publication.] Kanervo, E. 1938. Zur Systematik und Phylogenie der westpalarktischen Eristalis -Arten (Dipt. Syrphidae) mit einer Revision derjenigen Finnlands. Ann. Univ. Turkuensis (A) 6(4), 54 p. (before June) Kaneshiro, K.Y. 1969. The

?) Kearns Shayer syndrome Kerckring, theodor Kerckring s center RenduOsler-Weber s disease) reye syndrome ?

Translate this page Corr. sc. f., 22 luglio 1972. (20 agosto 1901-16 gennaio 1988). reye Teodoro.Str. sc. (15 gennaio 1814-20 marzo 1895). SCHLOESING GG theodor. Str. sc.
ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ELENCO GENERALE DEI SOCI DELL'ACCADEMIA DAL 1870 P Q R S ... Z P PACCHIONI Giovanni. Corr. sc. m., 15 luglio 1935. (23 maggio 1867-18 ottobre 1946). PACE Biagio. Corr. sc. m., 11 luglio 1927. Naz. id., 4 febbraio 1947. (13 novembre 1889-27 settembre 1955). PACIFICI MAZZONI Emidio. Corr. sc. m., 17 giugno 1878. (13 dicembre 1834-15 agosto 1880). PACINI Franco. Corr. sc. f., 3 agosto 1984. Naz. id., 20 ottobre 1999. PACINOTTI Antonio. Corr. sc. f., 31 dicembre 1883. Naz. id., 2 agosto 1898. (17 giugno 1841-25 marzo 1912). PADOVA Ernesto. Corr. sc. f., 18 luglio 1891. (... 1845-9 marzo 1896). PADULA Fortunato. Corr. sc. f., 9 giugno 1872. (23 dicembre 1815-29 giugno 1881). PAGLIARO Antonio. Corr. sc. m., 2 agosto 1999. PAGLIARO Antonino. Corr. sc. m., 25 novembre 1952. Naz. id., 22 agosto 1966. (1 gennaio 1898-6 dicembre 1973). PAGNINI Marcello. Corr. sc. m., 28 luglio 2000. PAINLEVE Paul. Str. sc. f., 16 agosto 1906. (5 dicembre 1863-29 ottobre 1933). PAIS Ettore. Corr. sc. m., 20 luglio 1898. Naz. id., 31 agosto 1910. (27 luglio 1856-28 marzo 1939). PALADIN Livio. Corr. sc. m., 2 agosto 1999. (30 novembre 1933-2 aprile 2000).

60. Grabstätten Bedeutender Persönlichkeiten QR
Translate this page AC12 (164-165). Rautenberg, Prof. Dr. E. theodor. 1843 - 1913. Altertumsforscher.T13 (79-93). Instrumentenbauer. K4 (21-30). reye, Prof. Daniel W. 1833 - 1912.
Hamburger Friedhöfe Friedhof Ohlsdorf Chronik Feierräume ... Service
Grabstätten bekannter Persönlichkeiten
Der Friedhof Ohlsdorf ist die bedeutendste Begräbnisstätte für Hamburg. Bürgermeister, Senatoren, Dichter, Musiker, Schauspieler - viele bedeutende Persönlichkeiten haben auf dem Friedhof Ohlsdorf ihre letzte Ruhestätte gefunden. Wir haben Ihnen eine umfangreiche Auswahl weiterer Personen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge (nach Familiennamen) zusammengestellt: A B C D ... Inhalt Q R Daten Beruf Grablage
Links im Internet von anderen Anbietern Quistorf, Hermann Niederdeutscher Schriftsteller Raab, Kurt Schauspieler BQ, (371-372) Rademacher, Willy Max Mitbegründer der FDP Rathgen, Prof. Karl Gründungsrektor Uni Hamburg Rausch, Karl-Gustav Gartenbaudirektor Rautenberg, Prof. Dr. E. Theodor Altertumsforscher Rave, Friedrich Christopher Marinemaler Ree, Anita Landschafts-u. Portraitmalerin Gedächtnisfriedhof Ree, Dr. Anton

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