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         Reye Theodor:     more books (16)
  1. Die Geometrie Der Lage, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-03-16
  2. Die Wirbelstürme, Tornados Und Wettersäulen in Der Erd-Atmosphäre Mit Berücksichtigung Der Stürme in Der Sonnen-Atmosphäre Dargestellt Und Wissenschaftlich Erklärt (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-02-26
  3. Die Geometrie Der Lage, Volumes 1-2 (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-02-13
  4. Die Geometrie Der Lage: Vorträge, Volume 1 (German Edition) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-11
  5. Synthetische Geometrie Der Kugeln Und Linearen Kugelsysteme Mit Einer Einleitung in Die Analytische Geometrie Der Kugelsysteme (German Edition) by Theodor Reye, 2010-03-20
  6. Lectures On The Geometry Of Position Part I by Theodor Reye, 2007-07-25
  7. Lectures on the geometry of position. By Dr. Theodor Reye.Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. by Michigan Historical Reprint Series, 2005-12-20
  8. Die Geometrie Der Lage (German Edition) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-10
  9. Die Geometrie der Lage by Theodor Reye, 2009-05-13
  10. Geometry of position by Theodor Reye, 1898
  11. Lecons Sur La Geometrie De Position, Part 2 (1882) (French Edition) by Theodor Reye, Octave Chemin, 2009-11-06
  12. Lectures on The Geometry of Position by Theodor Reye, 2009-05-20
  13. Die Geometrie Der Lage (German Edition) (2010 Reprint) by THEODOR REYE, 2010-01-26
  14. Die Geometrie der Lage (3 Volume Set) by Theodor Reye, 1899

1. Reye
Theodor Reye. Born 20 June 1838 in Ritzebüttel (near Cuxhaven), Germany Died2 July 1919 in Würzburg, Germany. Theodor Reye attended school in Hamburg.
Theodor Reye
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Theodor Reye habilitation thesis to the University of Zurich and then became a lecturer there in 1863. He lectured there on mathematical physics until 1870. Reye's early interest in mathematical physics and meteorology turned to an interest in geometry even while he held the lectureship in mathematical physics at Zurich. The reason for his change of area was that he was led towards geometry by his work in mechanics. This led him to graphical statics and von Staudt 's work on geometry. He published a two volume work on synthetics geometry Geometrie der Lage in 1866 and 1868. His work in geometry included a study of conics quadrics and projective geometry . A configuration of 12 points, 12 planes and 16 lines which he published in 1878 is named after him. W Burau writes in [1]:- Reye treated in detail the theory of conics and quadrics and of their linear systems... He was one of the leading geometers of his time, and he published a great deal on synthetic geometry. It is not unreasonable to ask why Reye's work is not better known today. Part of the reason must be that some of Reye's work was later interpreted in the geometry set up by

2. Poster Of Reye
Theodor Reye. lived from 1838 to 1919. Theodor Reye worked in Geometryand Projective Geometry. Find out more at http//wwwhistory
Theodor Reye lived from 1838 to 1919 Theodor Reye worked in Geometry and Projective Geometry. Find out more at

3. Poster Of Reye
Theodor Reye. lived from 1838 to 1919. Theodor Reye worked in Geometry and Projective Geometry. Find out more at http// history/ Mathematicians/Reye.html
Theodor Reye lived from 1838 to 1919 Theodor Reye worked in Geometry and Projective Geometry. Find out more at

4. PowerPoint Presentation
Theodor Reye. •Theodor Reye (1838 1919), Nemški geometer. •Znan po knjigiGeometrieder Lage (1866 in 1868). •Svojo konfiguracijo je objavil leta 1878.
Theodor Reye Theodor Reye ( Znan po knjigi: Geometrie der Lage in Svojo konfiguracijo je objavil leta

5. - Antiquarische Bücher, Gebrauchte Bücher, Vergriffene Bücher
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6. Biography-center - Letter R
.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Rey_Pastor. html. reye, theodor. Mathematicians/reye.html. Reymond, Paul du Bois
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7. Die Geometrie Der Lage. Vorträge Von Dr. Theodor Reye.
Die Geometrie der Lage. Vorträge von Dr. theodor reye. reye, theodor, 18381919. theodor, 1838-1919. reye

8. Leçons Sur La Géométrie De Position, Par Dr. Theodor Reye. Traduites
Leçons sur la géométrie de position, par Dr. theodor reye. Traduites de l'Allemand par O. Chemin. Translation of Die Geometrie der Lage. reye, theodor, 18381919. theodor, 1838-1919. reye

9. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Theodor Reye
IMPA. theodor reye Biography Dr.Phil. 1906, According to our currentonline database, theodor reye has 9 students and 9 descendants.

10. Reye
Biography of theodor reye (18381919) theodor reye. Born 20 June 1838 in Ritzebüttel (near Cuxhaven), Germany Next. Main index. theodor reye attended school in Hamburg
Theodor Reye
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Theodor Reye habilitation thesis to the University of Zurich and then became a lecturer there in 1863. He lectured there on mathematical physics until 1870. Reye's early interest in mathematical physics and meteorology turned to an interest in geometry even while he held the lectureship in mathematical physics at Zurich. The reason for his change of area was that he was led towards geometry by his work in mechanics. This led him to graphical statics and von Staudt 's work on geometry. He published a two volume work on synthetics geometry Geometrie der Lage in 1866 and 1868. His work in geometry included a study of conics quadrics and projective geometry . A configuration of 12 points, 12 planes and 16 lines which he published in 1878 is named after him. W Burau writes in [1]:- Reye treated in detail the theory of conics and quadrics and of their linear systems... He was one of the leading geometers of his time, and he published a great deal on synthetic geometry. It is not unreasonable to ask why Reye's work is not better known today. Part of the reason must be that some of Reye's work was later interpreted in the geometry set up by

11. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of REY
IMPA. There are 38 mathematicians whose last name begin with REY. reye,theodor, GeorgAugust-Universität Göttingen, 1861. reye, Stephen,

12. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of R
Maryland College Park. 1991. Radakovic, theodor. Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn Australian National University. 1985. reye, theodor. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

13. Table Of Contents
Die Geometrie der Lage theodor reye. Bibliographic description for this electronicdocument Die Geometrie der Lage . . VOLUME, 1. Abth. I. . VOLUME, 2. Abth. 1.
Die Geometrie der Lage
Theodor Reye
Bibliographic description for this electronic document

Die Geometrie der Lage

VOLUME 1. Abth. I VOLUME 2. Abth.
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14. Bibliographic Description
Table Of Contents for this electronic document Author reye, theodor. TitleDie Geometrie der Lage. Language de. Place of Publication Hannover.

Table Of Contents for this electronic document

Author: Reye, Theodor Title: Die Geometrie der Lage Language: de Place of Publication: Hannover Year of Publication: Publisher Rümpler
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15. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs
reye, theodor. Synthetische Geometrie der Kugeln und linearen Kugelsysteme, mit einer Einleitung in die analytische
Sorted by Title A B C ... PQ R S TU V W ... XYZ Authors "R" Rausenberger, Otto Reid, Legh Wilber Reiss, Michel Reye, Theodor Ricci Curbastro, Gregorio Riemann, Bernhard Riquier, Charles Roberts, Michael Robin, Gustave

16. Lectures On The Geometry Of Position. By Dr. Theodor Reye. Translated And Edited
Language, eng. Creator, reye, theodor, 18381919. Dublin Core Metadata. Language,eng. Creator, reye, theodor, 1838-1919. Link to other metadata formats.
OAI Header Identifier Datestamp OAI Header Identifier Datestamp Dublin Core Metadata Identifier;idno=ACV3406.0001.001 Publisher The Macmillan Company, Format sgml Rights These pages may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please go to for more information. Title Lectures on the geometry of position. By Dr. Theodor Reye. Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. Type text Date Subject Geometry, Projective Language mul Creator Reye, Theodor, 1838-1919. Dublin Core Metadata Identifier;idno=ACV3406.0001.001 Publisher The Macmillan Company, Format sgml Rights These pages may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please go to for more information. Title Lectures on the geometry of position. By Dr. Theodor Reye. Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate.

17. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs
Kugeln und linearen Kugelsysteme, mit einer Einleitung in die analytische Geometrie der Kugelsysteme. by reye, theodor
A B C D E ... R S T U V WXYZ Titles "S" Sammlung von Sätzen und Aufgaben zur systematischen und darstellenden Geometrie der Ebene in der Mittelschule (Volume 1)
by Fink, Karl Sammlung von Sätzen und Aufgaben zur systematischen und darstellenden Geometrie der Ebene in der Mittelschule (Volume 2)
by Fink, Karl Scherz Und Ernst In Der Mathematik
by Ahrens, W. A scrap-book of elementary mathematics; notes, recreations, essays
by White, William Frank Sechs vorträge über ausgewählte gegenstände aus der reinen mathematik und mathematischen physik, auf einladung der Wolfskehl-kommission der Königlichen gesellschaft der wissenschaften gehalten zu Göttingen vom 22.-28. april 1909
by Poincaré, Henri Serie di Fourier e altre rappresentazioni analitiche delle funzioni di una variabile reale
by Dini, Ulisse A short course in the theory of determinants
by Weld, Laenas Gifford Soap-bubbles and the forces which mould them
by Boys, C. V. Sochineniia A. N. Korkina, izdannyia pod red. prof. V. A. Steklova i akad. A. A. Markova, pri sodieiistvii prof. K. A. Posse, akad. A. M. Liapunova i prof. A. N. Krylova
by Korkin, Alexander Nikolaevich Solid Geometry
by Wentworth, George

18. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals
Translate this page 158, 1886. book. 24, GDZ, reye, theodor Die Geometrie der Lage, 446, 1866,book. 25, Michigan, reye, theodor Die Geometrie der Lage. 1886-1892. book.
DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
Contains links to 1798 digitized books (> 311353 pages )
and to 124 digitized journals (> 2403280 pages).

(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
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A similar list is offered at The database for this table is an ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) list , which may be parsed by this PERL script
If you want items to be added here, please send me the necessary data. Lists ordered by "Author name", "Title", or "Repository" are provided: (ordering by "Repository" gives a list of journals only. Sorting by "Author" gives lists only with those items - such as books - with an author entry.) Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type: GDZ Raatz, Josephus

19. ListRecords
und linearen Kugelsysteme mit einer Einleitung in die analytische Geometrie der Kugelsysteme.reye, theodor, 18381919.B

20. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals
reye, theodor), 1881-82. book. 71, Michigan,Lectures on the geometry of position. (by reye, theodor), 248, 1898. book.
DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
Contains links to 1798 digitized books (> 311353 pages )
and to 124 digitized journals (> 2403280 pages).

(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
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A similar list is offered at The database for this table is an ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) list , which may be parsed by this PERL script
If you want items to be added here, please send me the necessary data. Lists ordered by "Author name", "Title", or "Repository" are provided: (ordering by "Repository" gives a list of journals only. Sorting by "Author" gives lists only with those items - such as books - with an author entry.) Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type: Michigan La cinematica applicata alle macchine ad uso delle scuole d'applicazione per gli ingegneri degli ingegneri, e costruttori meccanici ...

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