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         Renyi Alfred:     more books (16)
  1. Probability Theory by Alfred Renyi, 2007-05-11
  2. Foundations of Probability (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Alfred Renyi, 2007-12-17
  3. Foundations of Probabilty by Alfred Rényi, 1970
  4. Floer Homology, Gauge Theory, and Low Dimensional Topology: Proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2004 Summer School, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, June 5-26, 2004 (Clay Mathematics Proceedings, Vol. 5)
  5. Dialogues on mathematics by Alfred Renyi, 1967
  6. Letters on Probability by Alfred Renyi, 1972-09
  7. A Diary on Information Theory (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) by Alfred Renyi, 1987-08
  8. Foundations of Probability (Holden-Day Series in Probability & Statistics) by Alfred Renyi, 1970
  9. Dialoge Uber Mathematik (Science & Civilization Series : No 22) by Alfred Renyi, 1980-01
  10. Dialogues on Mathematics by Alfred Renyi,
  11. Selected papers of Alfred Renyi by Alfred Renyi, 1976
  12. Naplo az informacioelmeletrol (Hungarian Edition) by Alfred Renyi, 1976
  13. Foundations of Probability. by Alfr-Ed R-Enyi, 1970-06
  14. Tagebuch Ueber Die Informationstheorie by Alfred Renyi, 1983-02

81. Renyi
The URL of this page is http//
Born: 30 March 1921 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 1 Feb 1970 in Budapest, Hungary Click the picture above
to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
for work on Cauchy Fourier series. He was taught by at Budapest, then he went to Russia and worked with Linnik on the theory of numbers, in particular working on the Goldbach conjecture . He discovered methods described by as at present one of the strongest methods of analytical number theory After returning to Hungary he worked on probability which was to be his main research topic throughout his life. He published joint work with on random graphs and also considered random space filling curves. Known by the nickname of Buba, he is best remembered for proving that every even integer is the sum of a prime and an almost prime number (one with only two prime factors), he is also remembered as the author of the anecdote a mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems developed the anecdote by describing weak coffee as fit only for lemmas Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (16 books/articles) A Quotation Mathematicians born in the same country Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
History Topics

Societies, honours, etc.

82. Renyi
Biography of Alfréd Rényi (19211970) Alfréd Rényi. Born 30 March 1921 in Budapest, Hungary Main index. Alfréd Rényi received a literary, rather than scientific, schooling
Born: 30 March 1921 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 1 Feb 1970 in Budapest, Hungary Click the picture above
to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
for work on Cauchy Fourier series. He was taught by at Budapest, then he went to Russia and worked with Linnik on the theory of numbers, in particular working on the Goldbach conjecture . He discovered methods described by as at present one of the strongest methods of analytical number theory After returning to Hungary he worked on probability which was to be his main research topic throughout his life. He published joint work with on random graphs and also considered random space filling curves. Known by the nickname of Buba, he is best remembered for proving that every even integer is the sum of a prime and an almost prime number (one with only two prime factors), he is also remembered as the author of the anecdote a mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems developed the anecdote by describing weak coffee as fit only for lemmas Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (16 books/articles) A Quotation Mathematicians born in the same country Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
History Topics

Societies, honours, etc.

83. Alfréd Rényi Institute Of Mathematics
Welcome to the. Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Please send suggestions to
* Text version *
Welcome to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Home

The Institute

- General

PhD program in mathematics Open positions (in Hungarian)
Information on research grants (in Hungarian)
Our Centre of Excellence project is finished
New project: Finite Structures - Marie Curie Host Fellowship for the Transfer of Knowledge is published in English as well Feeling gloomy?... Visit our Higher Mathematics research group headed by the uncomparable Dr. Huncut Mici. Forthcoming events Efim Zelmanov CMI Summer School on Floer Homology, Gauge Theory, and Low Dimensional Topology Current seminars (page in Hungarian) We have brushed up our web-site a bit. Please send suggestions to: Contact the webmaster

84. Alfréd Rényi Institute Of Mathematics
Workshop Series. We have brushed up our website a bit. Please sendsuggestions to Intézményünk országos
* Text version *
Welcome to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Home

The Institute

- General

PhD program in mathematics Open positions (in Hungarian)
Information on research grants (in Hungarian)
Our Centre of Excellence project is finished
New project: Finite Structures - Marie Curie Host Fellowship for the Transfer of Knowledge is published in English as well Feeling gloomy?... Visit our Higher Mathematics research group headed by the uncomparable Dr. Huncut Mici. Forthcoming events Efim Zelmanov CMI Summer School on Floer Homology, Gauge Theory, and Low Dimensional Topology Current seminars (page in Hungarian) We have brushed up our web-site a bit. Please send suggestions to: Contact the webmaster

85. Rényi Alfréd
RÉNYI ALFRÉD ( 19211970) Debreceni és budapesti professzor, kétszeres Kossuthdíjas akadémikus. A magyar valószínségszámítási iskola megteremtje. A budapesti egyetemen FEJÉR LIPÓT tanította. rzi
Debreceni ©s budapesti professzor, k©tszeres Kossuth-d­jas akad©mikus. A magyar val³sz­nűs©gsz¡m­t¡si iskola megteremtője.
A budapesti egyetemen FEJ‰R LIP“T tan­totta. A h¡borº alatt munkaszolg¡lata miatt tanulm¡nyait meg kellett szak­tania. Szegeden v©gzett 1945-ben. Ekkor doktor¡lt RIESZ FRIGYES-n©l. A k¶vetkező ©vben szovjet aspirantºr¡ra ment. 1947-ben kandid¡lt Moszkv¡ban. 1949-ben a debreceni egyetem professzora lett. 1950-ben kinevezt©k az MTA Alkalmazott Matematikai Int©zet ©nek igazgat³j¡v¡. Emellett 1952-től az E¶tv¶s Lor¡nd Tudom¡nyegyetem val³sz­nűs©gsz¡m­t¡si tansz©k©t is vezette. Az akad©mia levelező tagja 1949-ben, rendes tagja pedig 1956-ban lett. Eml©k©t őrzi az Akad©mia ¡ltal alap­tott R©nyi Alfr©d-d­j.
A val³sz­nűs©gsz¡m­t¡s ©s inform¡ci³elm©let mellett elsősorban a sz¡melm©let probl©m¡i ©rdekelt©k. Tudom¡nyn©pszerűs­tő munk¡ss¡ga is jelentős. Dial³gusok a matematik¡r³l Levelek a val³sz­nűs©gről

86. DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Working Group On Algebraic And Geometric Methods In Combina
Nova Louka, Czech Republic Second Meeting Date April 6 7, 2004 Location AlfredRenyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary Third Meeting Date TBD Location TBD.
DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Working Group on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Combinatorics
Working Group Meetings:
First Meeting
Date: December 2 -6, 2002
Location: Samalova chata, Nova Louka, Czech Republic
Second Meeting
Date: April 6 - 7, 2004
Location: Alfred Renyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Third Meeting
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Gyula Katona , Alfred Renyi Institute,
, Alfred Renyi Institute
Attila Sali , Alfred Renyi Institute
DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Tripartite Partnership
Working Group Agenda:
This working group will concentrate on two broad areas of research: algebraic methods involving the study of homomorphisms of graphs, with special emphasis on problems arising from statistical physics, and problems of combinatorial geometry. The intersection of combinatorics and statistical physics has been an area of great activity over the past few years, fertilized by an exchange not only of techniques but of objectives. This interconnection was featured in a joint DIMACS-DIMATIA workshop on this topic. (See

87. - Informationstheorie
renyi wasthe acknowledged founder of the school of probabilists centered at the Math.
English Deutsch Fran§ais Kategorie:
Architektur Belletristik Comics ... Stichtwort: Autor: Titel: ISBN: Preisbereich: zu Buchposition: Grossbritannien Irland Deutschland Frankreich USA Resultate 81-100 von 164 Pierce, John R. - - Ph¤nomene der Kommunikation. Informationstheorie - Nachrichten¼bertragung - Kybernetik.
. Leinen. SU. 8 . 338 S. * (K).
Publizierte: Econ-Verlag, D¼sseldorf 1965
Preis: EUR 10.00 - mehr info
Buchposition: Deutschland
Fuchs, Walter R. - Knaurs Buch der Denkmaschinen. Informationstheorie und Kybernetik.

1. Aufl. Mit 200 Abb. 358 S. Ln. mit Umschl. 750gr. Umschl. minimal berieben
Publizierte: M¼nchen, Droemer Knaur, 1968.
Preis: EUR 15.00 - mehr info
Buchposition: Deutschland Bastian, Hans-Dieter: - Verfremdung und Verk?ndigung. Gibt es eine theologische Informationstheorie? 8¸. 77 S. Brosch. l.ber. Theologische Existenz Heute. Publizierte: M?nchen: Kaiser Verlag, 1965. Preis: EUR 11.00 -

88. Renyi
Alfréd Rényi. URL http// 30 March 1921 in Budapest, Hungary
Alfréd Rényi
Born: 30 March 1921 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 1 Feb 1970 in Budapest, Hungary
Click the picture above
to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Alfréd Rényi received a literary, rather than scientific, schooling. In 1944 he was forced to a Fascist Labour Camp but somehow managed to escape. He obtained false papers and hid for six months avoiding capture. During this time his parents were held prisoners in the Budapest ghetto. Alfréd rescued them with an extreme act of bravery:- Alfréd got hold of a soldier's uniform, walked into the ghetto, and marched his parents out. ... It requires familiarity with the circumstances to appreciate the skill and courage needed to perform these feats. At the end of World War II, Rényi obtained a Ph.D. at Szeged under F Riesz for work on Cauchy Fourier series. He was taught by Fejér at Budapest, then he went to Russia and worked with

89. Citations On Random Graphs - Erdos, Renyi (ResearchIndex)
III. RANDOM GRAPHS WITH ARBITRARY DEGREE DISTRIBUTIONS In 1959, Paul Erdos and AlfredRenyi published a seminal paper in which they introduced the concept of a

90. - Güvenli Alışveriş
AV Martinet, alfred Poor, Asım Kara¶meroÄ?lu. AY Badayev, alfredRenyi, Asım Mutlu. Aafke Brouwer, alfred Thayer Mahan, Asım Onat.

91. Library
ALFRÉD RÉNYI INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS. Home. People. General. information Management - Research. groups - Seminars and Conferences - Past conferences - PhD programs - Positions - Studia - Library -
* Text version *


The Institute

- General


92. Book Review: A Diary On Information Theory By Alfréd Rényi (ResearchIndex)
Erest students in mathematics. He believed the discussions served as vital teaching tools and stimuli for further research. R enyi was part of the tidal wave of interest in information theory
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(Enter summary) Abstract: erest students in mathematics. He believed the discussions served as vital teaching tools and stimuli for further research. R'enyi was part of the tidal wave of interest in information theory provoked by Claude Shannon's publications in the 1940s. The many papers with titles like "Information Theory, Photosynthesis, and Religion " actually published illustrate the tremendous and widespread initial interest in information theory. When R'enyi wrote his Diary, the initial wave of interest in... (Update) Similar documents (at the sentence level): Lisp Program-Size Complexity II - Chaitin (1992) (Correct) Active bibliography (related documents): More All Information-theoretic Incompleteness - Chaitin (1992) (Correct) ... (Correct) Similar documents based on text: More All (Correct) Interactions between objects: an aspect of object-oriented.. - Berger, Dery (1998)

93. J
Visible Ink, DetroitMathematician BiographyAlfréd RényiAlfréd Rényi was born in Budapest in 1921 nature of mathemat ics.Alfréd Rényi died in Budapest in 1970.Article

94. Descripteur - 01A65

95. ·j´Mµ²ªG¸Ô²Ó¸ê®Æ
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96. Descripteur - 60-03

97. Robert Ellis, Curriculum Vitae
of normal binary covering codes (pdf), submitted to the proceedings of the AlfredRenyi Institute Workshop in Extremal Graph Theory `03, Budapest, Hungary.
Robert B. Ellis, NSF VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Mathematics
College Station, TX 77843-3368
Dept. Fax: (979) 845-6028 office: (979) 845-7803
updated 5/14/04 Research Interests Degrees Awarded Professional Experience Publications and Preprints ... References Research Interests graph theory: spectral graph theory, chip-firing games, random walks;
combinatorics: covering codes, probabilistic methods, Renyi-Ulam games/adaptive coding
Degrees Awarded June, 2002 Ph.D., Mathematics, UC San Diego ; Thesis advisor: Fan Chung Graham
Thesis title: Chip-firing games with Dirichlet eigenvalues and discrete Green's functions July, 1996 M.S., Mathematics, Virginia Tech ; advisor: Clara Chan Dec., 1994 B.S., Mathematics, Virginia Tech
Professional Experience
9/02-present NSF VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics
Research mentor: Catherine Yan (Collaboration in probabilistic methods and Renyi-Ulam games) University of California San Diego Department of Mathematics Research Assistant (3 summers) for Fan Chung Research Assistant (3 quarters) for T. C. Hu

98. Recipe For The Week Of February 26 - March 3, 1996
To have Erdos as center is especially fitting since he and his compatriot AlfredRenyi developed a beautiful theory of random graphs that captures the
The Cook Book
Recipe for the week of February 26 - March 3 Ultimate Bacon: The Giant Component of a Complex Network
Let's take a break from our usual fare to discuss an amusing contest that I entered last weekend. Apparently, sometime within the past few years, MTV talk show host Jon Stewart devised a parlor game in which contestants are to link any movie star to Kevin Bacon by a chain of films that share performers. Thus we imagine actors as vertices in a large network, with edges between any two who have been in a movie together. The goal is to find the path of minimal length connecting x to Kevin Bacon, that length then being the Bacon number , which we denote here as B(x) . Quite a cult has grown up around this pastime, as witnessed by more than a dozen web pages now devoted to the game.
Now Brett Tjaden and Glenn Wasson at the University of Virginia have automated the calculation of B(x) at their Web site, The Oracle of Bacon . Their program, which makes use of the marvelous Internet Movie Database (IMDB), will compute the Bacon number of any performer you care to specify within a few seconds. Hard-core cultists seem threatened by the power of the Oracle, but the rest of us welcome this automation of what can be an arduous evaluation. For instance

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