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41. A. D. Bell: Ring Theorists By Name M-R reiner, irving MathSciNet Entry; Reiten, Idun MathSciNet Entry Idun Reiten (idunr@math.ntnu.no)Norwegian University of Science Technology, Trondheim http://www.uwm.edu/~adbell/RT/alphaMR.html | |
42. PROCEEDINGS OF SYMPOSIA IN PURE MATHEMATICS 20, Lewis, Donald J. (Ed.), 1969 Number theory institute, 1971. 21, reiner,irving (Ed.), Representation theory of finite groups and related topics, 1971. http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/AMS/node10.html | |
43. Fritz Reiner And The Art Of Economy As irving Kolodin put it in a 1964 memorial tribute, For reiner, knowing was anindispensable precondition to doing. Bernstein used to tell of how reiner http://www.classicalnotes.net/columns/reiner.html | |
44. Bibliography 14361476, reiner, irving, 1924-1986, Selected works / edited by GeraldJ. Janusz, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1989. Reissner http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=R& |
45. Documentclass{amsbook} \usepackage{amsrefs} \providecommand{\cyr} Phys.}, volume={142}, number={2}, pages={261\ndash 283}, } \bib{MR262519}{book}{author={Curtis, Charles~W.}, author={reiner, irving}, title={Representation http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/amsrefs/gktest.ltb |
46. Wiley Canada::Perturbation Methods Volume II DR Cox Planning of Experiments Harold SM Coxeter Introduction to Geometry,Second Edition Charles W. Curtis irving reiner Representation Theory of http://www.wiley.ca/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471399175.html | |
47. Uni Stuttgart - Fakultät Mathematik I drew a lot of profit, not only in the field of mathematics, but also personally,from my close contact with the Professors irving reiner, Urbana, Reinhold http://www.roggenkampmath.de/currvit/ | |
48. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg President The Double Career of James Polk by Dusinberre, William, Maximal Orders London Mathematical Society Monographs, 28 by reiner, irving, Kees Van http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-1521.html | |
49. FIÉ ®X Maximal Orders London Mathematical Society Monographs, 28(HRD) -US- reiner, irving/PublisherOxford Univ Pr Published 2003/03 ?Stock Title(US) US$120.00 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?KIO=1&W-KDC=FZ12&HITCN |
50. Wiley::Perturbation Methods DR Cox Planning of Experiments Harold SM Coxeter Introduction to Geometry, SecondEdition Charles W. Curtis irving reiner Representation Theory of Finite http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471399175.html | |
51. Recent Acquisitions practice. Springer, 2003. QA247 .R43 2003 reiner, irving. Maximal orders.Clarendon Press, 2003. QA274.2 .G75 2002 Grigoriu, Mircea. http://math.lib.umn.edu/may03.html |
52. OUP: Maximal Orders: Reiner irving reiner, (Late) Professor of Mathematics, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaignPrice £70.00 (Hardback) 0-19-852673-3 Publication date 16 January http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-852673-3 | |
53. MSS 29/29A, The Virgil Thomson Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of MSS 29/29A, The Virgil Thomson Papers in the irving S. Gilmore Music Libraryof Yale University. 19801981 3-2. reiner, Carlotta See reiner, Fritz. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/vt-s3-r.htm | |
54. MSS 35, The Henry Gilbert Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Yale 10 or more items. Folder 33/90, Reed, Frank L. 1917 Dec. reiner, Fritz. 1926 Nov 27. Schwab, Charles M. 1919 Dec 1. Schwerké, irving. no date. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/gil-s3.htm | |
55. Target : Entertainment : VHS Movies : Directors : ( R ) Ray, Satyajit Red, Eric Redford, Robert Reed, Carol Reeve, Christopher Reeves, Georgereiner, Carl reiner, Jeffrey reiner, Rob Reis, irving Reisz, Karel Reitman http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?node=167058 |
56. Fiszman/Gottlieb Family Tree - Aqwg29 Reicel married Mordche reiner on 1909 in Krzeszowice, Poland. Isidore Itzhak (Izio)FISZMAN Parents irving was born 30 Apr 1897 in Piotrkow, Poland. http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/lfiszman/aqwg29.htm | |
57. CBS News | Carl Reiner: 'My Anecdotal Life' | June 12, 2003 16:42:09 Rob reiner, and five grandchildren. Family makes an appearance in My AnecdotalLife as well. There are tender stories about parents Bessie and irving (mom http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/06/12/print/main558415.shtml | |
58. Kleene Math Library New Books - August 2003 QA247 R43 2003 c. 1 c. 2 reiner, irving. MAXIMAL ORDERS. London Mathematical Societymonographs; new ser., no. 28. Oxford; New York Clarendon Press, 2003. http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2003-08.htm | |
59. The Elements Of Integration And Lebesgue Measure By Robert G. Bartle (Author) (P to Modern Geometry, Second Edition Charles W. Curtis irving reiner RepresentationTheory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras Charles W. Curtis irving http://www.mathbook.com/c/Integrals_Calculus/The_Elements_of_Integration_and_Leb | |
60. Understanding Robust And Exploratory Data Analysis Harold SM Coxeter Introduction to Geometry, Second Edition. Charles W. Curtis irving reiner Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras. http://www.bookworkz.com/education/computational_and_graphical_statistics/047138 | |
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