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21. Mina Rees konnte den Admiralen frech antworten, wenn die Männer nicht durften.). http://www.frauen-informatik-geschichte.de/web/index.php?id=64 |
22. Forschungsförderung Translate this page zentralen Ausgangsfelder. Ein maßgebliche Rolle in diesem Zusammenhangspielte die Mathematikerin mina rees. Als technische Mitarbeiterin http://www.frauen-informatik-geschichte.de/web/index.php?id=79 |
23. Women In Computers 1970 s. mina rees. mina rees was born on August 2, 1902 in Cleveland,Ohio. Ms. rees earned her BA from Hunter College in 1923 and http://laika.ed.csuohio.edu/fall98/edb567/Women_in_computers/MinaRees.htm | |
24. AAAS History And Archives mina rees. 1902 1997. President of the Graduate School, City Universityof New York, 1969-1972. Discipline Mathematics. AAAS offices held http://archives.aaas.org/people.php?p_id=175 |
25. 2be Irish Directory: The Mina Rees Library - Ireland - Information On Irish Trav The mina rees Library. New York online resource library with over 6000 links. Websitehttp//library.gc.cuny.edu/research/irish.asp. Location United States. http://www.2beirish.com/2be/directory/category/319/site/395/ | |
26. 2be Irish Directory: Irish Studies - Ireland - Information On Irish Travel And T http//omega.cc.umb.edu/~irish/home.htm, MORE . The mina rees Library Themina rees Library New York online resource library with over 6000 links http://www.2beirish.com/2be/directory/category/319/ | |
27. IEEE Xplore Obituary Mina S. Rees Obituary mina S. rees This paper appears in Annals of the History of Computing,IEEE Publication Date JanMar 1998 On page(s) 65-66 Volume 20, Issue 1 ISSN http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abs_free.jsp?arNumber=646216 |
28. Mina mina rees Library mina rees Library. CUNY+, Databases, Interlibrary Loans, FullText Journals, Ask A Librarian . Library News mina rees Library Home. http://search.win.it/ricerca/m/mina.html | |
29. Invention History At The Lemelson Center: Archives Finding Aids 4, Reed, Irving (Tape 2), 12/19/72. 5, rees, mina (Tape 1), 3/19/69. 6, rees,mina (Tape 2), 9/14/72. 7, rees, mina (Tape 3), 10/20/72. 8, Rhodes, Ida,3/21/73. http://www.si.edu/lemelson/dig/computeroralhistory1.html | |
30. Invention History At The Lemelson Center: Archives Finding Aids Ream, Norman, 8/9/73. 19, 20, Reed, Irving S. 11/7/72. 31, rees, mina, 3/16/69 (7 ).Rhodes, Ida, 3/21/73. Reed, Irving, 11/7/72. rees, mina, 3/19/69. rees, mina, 9/14/72. http://www.si.edu/lemelson/dig/computeroralhistory5.html | |
31. References For Rees References for mina Spiegel rees. Articles R 267. P Fox, mina rees (1902),in Women of mathematics (Westport, CT, 1987), 175181. J http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ6E41.htm | |
32. The University Of Chicago Alumni Association J., SB20, MD24 (1961) Poulter, Thomas Charles, SB20, MD33 (1963) rees,Albert E., AM47, PhD50 rees, mina S., PhD31 (1971) Reinert, Msgr. http://www.alumni.uchicago.edu/awards-winners.html | |
33. A Guide To The Mathematical Association Of America. History Of American Mathemat Eisenhart, Churchill. Lewis, Albert C. Price, G. Baley (Griffith Baley), 1905.rees, mina. Reingold, Nathan, 1927-. Rosser, J. Barkley (John Barkley), 1907-. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00210/cah-00210.html | |
34. A Guide To The Mathematical Association Of America. History Of American Mathemat Price, G. Baley (Griffith Baley), 1905. rees, mina. Reingold, Nathan, 1927-.Rosser, J. Barkley (John Barkley), 1907-. Administrative Information. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00210/00210b.html | |
35. Mina Rees Server Hi There This is the index page. http://mina.gc.cuny.edu/ | |
36. Mina Rees Library - ILLiad FAQ If the lending library levies a charge for the loan of an item, MinaRees Library must pass part of the charge to the requester. http://mina.gc.cuny.edu/illiad/FAQ.html | |
37. Wars Change Lives Of mina rees, it used to be said that if you had a contract from the Officeof Naval Research, then basically you had her to thank for it. http://www.siam.org/siamnews/03-02/wars.htm | |
38. OP.se Lehtolainen Snöjungfrun Katy Gardner Att förlora Gemma Denise mina Exil Theodor sistesamurajen Björn Kumm Terrorismens historia Martin rees Summa 6 http://www.op.se/artikel.php?visa_id=162359&fakeMenuSections=&dontupdatemenu=&se |
39. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 436 1890. Reedy, George E.,1917 rees, mina Spiegel,1902- reese, FDreese, Pee Wee,1919- Reeve, Christopher,1952-Performances. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects436.html | |
40. Women In Math: Biographies R. Ragsdale, Virginia (18701945 ) Rasiowa, Helena Ratner, Marina (1938 - ) Reid,Nancy (1952 - ) rees, mina Spiegel (1902-1997) rees, mina (1902- ) Reid, Nancy http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~wmnmath/People/Biographies/R.html | |
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