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         Recorde Robert:     more detail
  1. Welsh Mathematicians: Bertrand Russell, Elmer Rees, Brian Bowditch, Robert Recorde, David Williams, Thomas Jones, E. Brian Davies, Henry Owen
  2. Robert Recorde: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. The Grounde of Artes by Robert Recorde, 2009-09-28
  4. Robert Recorde's mathematical teaching and the anti-Aristotelian movement by Francis R Johnson, 1935
  5. The Castle of Knowledge by Robert Recorde, 2009-11-04
  6. The Pathway to Knowledge by Robert Recorde, 2009-10-16
  7. An Introduction by Robert Recorde, 2009-10-27
  8. The Pathway to Knowledg Containing the First Principles of Geometrie, as they may moste aptly be applied onto practise, bothe for use of instrumentes Geometricall, and astronomicall and also for proiection of plattes in ever kinde, and therefore much necessary for all sortes of men. by Robert. RECORDE, 1551
  9. The Whetstone of Witte by Robert Recorde, 2010-03-16

81. Computing Before Computers
See also Differential analyzer Reckoning table, 1011 recorde, robert,12-13 Recursive function theory, 117, 119 Relational Machine.
Go to On Line Documents , Go to Go to Antique Computer home page This is a presentation of
Computing Before Computers
Edited by William Aspray
with contributions by
W. Aspray
A. G. Bromley
M. Campbell-Kelly
P.E. Ceruzzi
M. R. Williams
ISBN 0-8138-0047-1
1. Calculators-History. 2. Computers-History. I. Aspray, William.
Statement of permission to web publish Scanned, and processed into Adobe .PDF format by Ed Thelen September 2000 from a first edition copy lent by Michael R. Williams - one of the contributors. To make the contents of this 266 page book more accessable for Internet viewers:
  • the various chapters and sections are presented as separate files of 6 megabytes max each
  • the Table of Contents (linked to the sections) is presented below
  • the Index is presented below. (searchable by your browser)
  • each .PDF section is searchable by the Adobe Acrobat viewer - "Image on Text".
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................... vii
William Aspray Chapter One: Early Calculation
Michael R. Williams Chapter Two: Difference and Analytical Engines
Allan G. Bromley

82. As últimas Do Mundo Da Matemática
Prize Problems Goldbach s Conjecture $1,000,000 challenge Double Bubble ConjectureProved Novo recorde GIMPS Finds Its Fourth Prime!!!! robert J. Harley s
Novo recorde: 39th Known Mersenne Prime Found!!
Millennium Prize Problems
Goldbach's Conjecture: $1,000,000 challenge
Double Bubble Conjecture Proved
Novo recorde: GIMPS Finds Its Fourth Prime!!!!
Robert J. Harley's Group Solves Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Exercise
Leibniz's 333-year-old problem solved
de Archimedes
Fields Medalists / Nevanlinna Prize 1998
ten consecutive primes in arithmetic progression
37th Known Mersenne Prime Discovered!!! New Math. Record: primes in arithmetic progression BEAL'S CONJECTURE Falso alarme: CARMICHAEL'S CONJECTURE FILIP SAIDAK PROVES CARMICHAEL'S CONJECTURE New Amicable Pair record 2^2976221-1 is the 36th known Mersenne prime Erdos Numbers update TIMSS - Executive Summary GIMPS Discovers 35th Mersenne Prime O maior ICOSAEDRO do mundo Paul Erdos morreu dia 20/9/96
Novo recorde: 39th Known Mersenne Prime Found!!
-1 is now the Largest Known Prime December 6, 2001 > Michael Cameron, a 20 year-old volunteer in a worldwide research project called the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) , has discovered the largest known prime number using his PC and software by George Woltman and Entropia, Inc.

take from). In 1542 in the Ground of Artes robert recorde used rebate Than do I rebate 6 out of 8, there resteth 2. . In 1551
April 12, 2004
The site Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics provides just that, going into great detail where necessary about the history of the words used for concepts: SUBTRACT . When Fibonacci (1201) wishes to say "I subtract," he uses some of the various words meaning "I take": tollo, aufero , or accipio . Instead of saying "to subtract" he says "to extract." In English, Chaucer used abate around 1391 in Treatise on the Astrolabe : "Abate thanne thees degrees And minutes owt of 90" (OED2). In a manuscript written by Christian of Prag (c. 1400), the word "subtraction" is at first limited to cases in which there is no "borrowing." Cases in which "borrowing" occurs he puts under the title cautela (caution), and gives this caption the same prominence as subtractio In Practica (1539) Cardano used detrahere (to draw or take from). In 1542 in the Ground of Artes Robert Recorde used rebate In 1551 in Pathway to Knowledge Recorde used abate : "Introd., And if you abate euen portions from things that are equal, those partes that remain shall be equall also" (OED2). Digges (1572) writes "to subduce or substray any sume, is wittily to pull a lesse fro a bigger number."

84. Recorde
RECORDE Robert, gallois, 1510-1558 ("The Grounde of Artes", Le Fondement de l'Art , 1542), on lui doit (1557) l'invention du signe d'égalité, jumeaux Écrire a = b signifie que les objets pas discernables . Il suit de cette acception que : Ainsi x = 2 signifie que l'objet x n'est autre que le chiffre (nombre) 2. On dit que x 2 ou encore que x Oughtred : Bombelli Clavius

85. Sapo Infordesporto
Translate this page 04/04/2004 GOLFE. 48º Open Portugal. robert Karlsson bate recordedo campo da Penina. O sueco robert Karlsson estabeleceu um novoção/Modalidades/Golfe/noticiagolfe_gol

Livro de Regras


Hóquei em Patins

Barra Directo

GOLFE 48º Open Portugal Robert Karlsson bate recorde do campo da Penina O sueco Robert Karlsson estabeleceu um novo recorde do Campo da Penina (PAR 72), Alvor, com 64 pancadas, durante a quarta e última volta do 48º Open de Portugal. O anterior recorde do percurso, desenhado por Sir Henry Cotton e inaugurado em 1973, pertencia ao inglês Brian Davis e ao galês Philipe Price, com 65 pancadas, na 44ª edição do Open de Portugal. Karlsson, 35 anos, fez "eagle" no buraco 10 (PAR 5), sete "birdies" (2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 15 e 18) e apenas um "bogey", marcando no cartão 64 pancadas. Nas voltas anteriores, registou 69, 70 e 75 pancadas, o que lhe dá um agregado de 278, 10 abaixo do PAR. O resultado permite-lhe ascender provisoriamente ao quarto lugar, com o comando a pertencer neste momento ao inglês David Lynn e ao espanhol Miguel Angel Jimenez, com 12 abaixo do PAR. Fonte: Lusa
04/04/2004 GOLFE: 48º Open Portugal
Título para espanhol Jimenez
04/04/2004 GOLFE: 48º Open Portugal Robert Karlsson bate recorde do campo da Penina 03/04/2004 GOLFE: 48º Open Portugal Trio de comandantes após terceira volta 03/04/2004 GOLFE: Open Portugal Amen Corner admite candidatar-se ao Open da Madeira 03/04/2004 GOLFE: 48ª Open de Portugal Jimenez defende liderança após duas voltas 02/04/2004 GOLFE: 48º Open de Portugal Portugueses falham o "corte" 02/04/2004 GOLFE: 48ª Open de Portugal

86. :: Aventure-se :: Aconteceu : As Mentiras...
Translate this page Depois da fracassada tentativa, em 1906, de atingir o Pólo Norte - apesar do novorecorde alcançado -, robert Edwin Peary (1866-1954) conseguiu patrocínio
As mentiras... O único meio de transporte Por: João Paulo Barbosa
As evidências de que Cook mentia começavam a aparecer. Primeiro, porque dificilmente alguém se aventuraria em tal rota para comprovar sua veracidade. Segundo, porque ele deixou seu único companheiro europeu e a maior parte de seus esquimós esperando, seguindo viagem com apenas dois. Vale lembrar que todas as expedições que viajavam pelo Ártico eram superequipadas, tendo inclusive apoio externo de retaguarda. O relato de sua chegada ao Pólo Norte, em 21 de abril de 1908, parece ficção. As descrições eram muito otimistas, como por exemplo o dado de que avançavam quase 30 km por dia. Enfim, o anúncio de sua 'conquista', em 2 de setembro de 1909, gerou festa na mídia sensacionalista, mas exploradores famosos tiveram dúvidas quanto ao ocorrido e comitês foram abertos para investigar a expedição. Resultado: os documentos apresentados por Cook eram insatisfatórios. E, se ele tivesse feito o caminho escolhido, certamente descobriria uma ilha, a hoje conhecida ilha de Meighen. Ele nada disse a respeito. Para concluir, um dos partidários de Peary entrevistou os dois esquimós que acompanharam Cook e ambos afirmaram que nunca estiveram distantes mais de dois dias de viagem da costa. A experiência de Peary Depois da fracassada tentativa, em 1906, de atingir o Pólo Norte - apesar do novo recorde alcançado -, Robert Edwin Peary (1866-1954) conseguiu patrocínio para mais uma expedição, mas seus 50 anos de idade e seu debilitado estado físico estavam contra ele. Quase 800 milhas de ida até o Pólo Norte e mais a volta não seriam tarefa fácil. E Peary estava ciente de que seria a última tentativa.

87. Cineminha - Robert Duvall
Translate this page robert DUVALL. Nome Completo robert Duvall. Signo Capricórnio. LocalSan Diego, Califórnia, EUA. Nascimento 1/5/1931. FILMES RELACIONADOS.

88. Home - Search Robert Cotton Library
Home Search robert Cotton Library. Books, 1 - 5. Library of Sirrobert Cotton the Mss by Colin Tite(Paperback - October 1994) cotton library

89. DVD - ''Kill Bill - Volume 1'', De Tarantino, Bate Recorde De Vendas Nos Estados
recorde devendas nos Estados Unidos Por Robledo Milani, editor do site

90. Headers.test, Title = C To English To C In Perl
If you run into any of those, a href= a href= a href= a href= a href= /a ahref= mailto
C2Eng2C, a.k.a. DeCSS and ReCSS, a.k.a the soon to come First Amendment File System, is available from these parts. A few reviews:
It ain't Hemingway, but at least it's pronounceable. Tim O'Reilly. Wow. It's like "What if ANSI C was designed by the COBOL committee?". Nathan Torkington.
So, you've heard of what I'm doing. You'd like to give it a go. Excellent. Obtaining and using Decss/Recss:
also available as

also available as
Here is the RCS archive for the scripts. Serious users will want a look at it.
Also, you will need to go to CPAN for Parse::RecDescent and Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate . You will need Perl 5.005 or better. Or, if you just want to see what it does, take a look at demunck.c and demunck.eng.
What is this all about?
Oh, boy, where would I begin? David Touretzky explains it better. Also, so does Emannuel Goldstein. Basically, an open source piece of computer source code is about to be censored off the net, and I had to do something about it. I also wrote an essay on the topic.

91. Philosophical Themes From CSL:
Notes. 1 For a more detailed account, see JJ O’Connor and EF Robertson, “RobertRecorde” The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive http//wwwhistory
Robert Record
(c. 1510 – 1558) Home Online Articles Links ... Recommend a Friend This essay gives a brief account of a passage from Robert Record’s The Ground of Artes . Following a few biographical details, we locate Record’s work relative to various mathematical traditions, comment on his work more generally and then move to consider the passage itself. vernacular tradition , being one of the first to write mathematical works in English. Record also belongs to the humanist and practical traditions . While his works “emphasized reason over authority,” they are not concerned with rigorously proving new theorems, but primarily with teaching useful mathematical techniques to his readers. The Ground of Artes (1543) on arithmetic, The Pathway to Knowledge (1551) on geometry, The Castle of Knowledge (1556) on astronomy and The Whetstone of Witte (1557) on algebra. The use of the vernacular, along with his engaging style made Record’s works unprecedentedly popular; The Ground of Artes went through some fifty printings, the last being in 1699, over 150 years after the book’s first appearance.

92. Chapter XIX, Page 3
pages. One more may be alluded to here his edition, in 1582, of RobertRecorde s arithmetical work, The Ground of Artes, etc. Dee
We spare the reader the long list of titles of Dee's own books, poured out in an almost continuous stream since The Art of Logicke, in English , printed 1547, during his college days. The only idle years as regards literary output, from then up to his departure for life abroad in 1583, seem to have been 1563, 1564, and 1566-9. The most important of his printed contributions to knowledge are mentioned in these pages. One more may be alluded to here - his edition, in 1582, of Robert Recorde's arithmetical work, The Ground of Artes , etc. Dee had probably known this accomplished physician, antiquary and mathematician at Cambridge, where Recorde was a tutor before 1545. Recorde was afterwards Comptroller of the Mint at Bristol, and Surveyor of Mines and Money to King Henry VIII., but he died a youngish and impoverished man, inthe King's Bench Prison, Southwark, in 1558. He introduced algebra into this country; was something of an astrologer and a good mathematician. His choice of titles for his books was ingenious. In The Whetstone of Witte (1557), the signs for

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