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         Recorde Robert:     more detail
  1. Welsh Mathematicians: Bertrand Russell, Elmer Rees, Brian Bowditch, Robert Recorde, David Williams, Thomas Jones, E. Brian Davies, Henry Owen
  2. Robert Recorde: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. The Grounde of Artes by Robert Recorde, 2009-09-28
  4. Robert Recorde's mathematical teaching and the anti-Aristotelian movement by Francis R Johnson, 1935
  5. The Castle of Knowledge by Robert Recorde, 2009-11-04
  6. The Pathway to Knowledge by Robert Recorde, 2009-10-16
  7. An Introduction by Robert Recorde, 2009-10-27
  8. The Pathway to Knowledg Containing the First Principles of Geometrie, as they may moste aptly be applied onto practise, bothe for use of instrumentes Geometricall, and astronomicall and also for proiection of plattes in ever kinde, and therefore much necessary for all sortes of men. by Robert. RECORDE, 1551
  9. The Whetstone of Witte by Robert Recorde, 2010-03-16

61. Weird Words: Zenzizenzizenzic
so much so that the Oxford English Dictionary only has one citation for it, froma famous work by the Welshborn mathematician robert recorde, The Whetstone of
WEIRD WORDS SECTION SECTION INDEX PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE OTHER SECTIONS ARTICLES REVIEWS TOPICAL WORDS TURNS OF PHRASE FINDING THINGS INDEX (COMPLETE) SEARCH THE SITE SURPRISE ME! WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBE NOW! GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIBE VIA RSS SUPPORT PAGES ABOUT THE AUTHOR CONTACT THE AUTHOR OTHER WORDS SITES PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ZENZIZENZIZENZIC The eighth power of a number. This word is long obsolete, so much so that the Oxford English Dictionary only has one citation for it, from a famous work by the Welsh-born mathematician Robert Recorde, The Whetstone of Wit , published in 1557. It turns up from time to time as one of those weird words which is best known for being held up as an example of a weird word. The root word, also obsolete, is zenzic . This was borrowed from German (the Germans were very big in algebra in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries). They got it from the medieval Italian word censo , which is a close relative of the Latin census . The Italians (who were big in algebra even earlier) used censo to translate the Arabic word censo , and later our English zenzic , was for a while the word for a squared number.

62. Articles: Signs For Sums
The person most responsible for introducing them to England, and so eventuallyto the Englishspeaking world, was robert recorde, a mathematician of the
ARTICLES SECTION SECTION INDEX PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE OTHER SECTIONS REVIEWS TOPICAL WORDS TURNS OF PHRASE WEIRD WORDS FINDING THINGS INDEX (COMPLETE) SEARCH THE SITE SURPRISE ME! WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBE NOW! GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIBE VIA RSS SUPPORT PAGES ABOUT THE AUTHOR CONTACT THE AUTHOR OTHER WORDS SITES PRONUNCIATION GUIDE SIGNS FOR SUMS Where our arithmetic symbols come from An older method was to use a counting frame such as the abacus. There was a long-running controversy in medieval times about which was faster, the counting frame or pencil and paper, and competitions were held between the two systems to try to decide the matter. There were even names for the disputing groups, abacists and algorists . The second word is closely related to our modern algorithm For those who did calculations using symbols, it was common in medieval times to indicate plus and minus by the letters p and m Rechnung uff allen Kauffmanschafften et Whetstone of Witte The word whetstone coss , then used in English for the unknown thing in algebra (and hence the cossic art or the rule of coss for algebra). This word had come through French from the Italian

63. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Relation
1, page 297). The equal symbol (=) was first used by robert recorde(c. 15101558) in 1557 in The Whetstone of Witte. He wrote, I
Earliest Uses of Symbols of Relation
Last updated: Dec. 28, 1998 Equality. In printed books before the modern equal sign, equality was usually expressed with a word, such as aequales, aequantur, esgale, faciunt, ghelijck, or gleich, and sometimes by the abbreviated form aeq (Cajori vol. 1, page 297). The equal symbol (=) was first used by Robert Recorde (c. 1510-1558) in 1557 in The Whetstone of Witte. He wrote, "I will sette as I doe often in woorke use, a paire of parralles, or Gemowe lines of one lengthe, thus : ==, bicause noe 2, thynges, can be moare equalle." Recorde used an elongated form of the present symbol. He proposed no other algebraic symbol (Cajori vol. 1, page 306). Here is an image of the page of The Whetstone of Witte on which the equal sign is introduced. The equal symbol did not appear in print again until 1618, when it appeared in an anonymous Appendix, very probably due to Oughtred, printed in Edward Wright's English translation of Napier's Descriptio. It reappeared 1631, when it was used by Thomas Harriot and William Oughtred (Cajori vol. 1, page 298). Cajori states (vol. 1, page 126):

64. Welcome To The Endon Mathematics Web Pages
It is in fact a sort of take off of some basic mathematics books written by a certainEnglishman called robert recorde (15101558) in the 16th century - the maths howtos.htm
Endon Mathematics Endon Home Maths Home Maths Howtos: The Anvil of Thought - Elementary mathematics for pupils, parents and others: by G. Moore] Number Algebra Handling Data Multiply and Divide by Powers of Ten. Algebra - the language of mathematics Geometry. How to use and Construct graphs and charts. ... Equations Presenting Data Ratios Formulae Loci. (Uses Geometer's Sketchpad) Rounding. Sequences. Probability Factors, Multiples, Primes. Irrational Numbers and Surds. Fitting Functions to Data At parents' evenings I am often asked to recommend suitable textbooks or helps for pupils who are studying for KS3 and GCSE. Apart from Revision guides and school textbooks there seems to be a dearth of books that explain, in detail how elementary mathematics actually works and that helps students to understand the principles of number, shape and space, algebra and handling data - the four major strands of modern mathematics in UK schools. (I haven't forgotten Using and Applying Mathematics - but that I've left to the preserve of the skilled teacher and other Mathematics Educationalists.) It was with this is mind that I started creating these web pages, with the hope that one day I could provide a booklet or book for pupils and their parents.

65. Microservice Net :: O Seu Provedor De Internet
Translate this page Scherer (Xuxa) venceu os 50m borboleta e igualou seu próprio recorde, sul-americano,no 19/5 robert Scheidt conquista heptacampeonato mundial na classe laser.

66. Bibliography/Words Cited: William H. Sherman, “Plotting Empire In Elizabethan T
Quinn, David B. and AN Ryan. England’s Sea Empire, 15501642 (LondonGeorge Allen Unwin, 1983). recorde, robert. The pathway
ABSTRACT: BIBLIOGRAPHY / WORKS CITED: Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms , 6th Edition (Fort Worth: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1993). Adams, Robert. Expeditionis Hispanorum In Angliam vera descriptio (Valladolid: Secretariado de Pulicaciones, Universidade de Valladolid, 1990). Irish Geographical Studies in Honour of E. Estyn Evans Andrews, Kenneth R. The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century, vol. 1 of The Oxford History of the British Empire , ed. Nicholas Canny (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998). America in European Consciousness, 1493-1750 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995). Best, George. A True Discourse of the late voyages of discouerie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northvveast, vunder the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall (London: Henry Bynnyman, 1578), in The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher, ed. Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Eloise McCaskill, 2 vol. (London: The Argonaut Press, 1938). Bigges, Walter.

67. R2E Micral
Translate this page 31. Real-Time. 31, 32, 33. Realisations Et Etudes Electroniques (R2E)Micral N.41. recorde, robert. 11, 12. Regoli Calcolatori. 11. Regolo Cilindrico Fuller.11.
R R2E Micral Rabdologia Radar Radio Electronics Radio Shack Rajchman, Jan Rancho Arm Rand Rand Corporation Rappresentazione Binaria Rca Rca (Radio Corp Of America) Rca 1802 Cosmac Rca 501 Rca Bizmac Rca Cosmac Elf Rca Cosmac Vip Rca Spectra 70 Reagan, Ronald Real-Time Realisations Et Etudes Electroniques (R2E)Micral N Recorde, Robert Regoli Calcolatori Regolo Cilindrico Fuller Regolo Circolare Atlas Regolo Circolare Fowler Regolo Circolare Loga Regolo Fuller Regolo Pickett Da 10 Pollici Rejewski, Marian Relay Interpolator RelŠ RelŠ Elettromagnetici Relè Remington Addo X 2353 Remington Addo X 4500 Remington Rand Remington Rand 74 Remington Rand Corporation Remington Rand Math-Matic Compiler Reti Elettriche Riconoscimento Del Parlato Risc Risc (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) Ritchie, Dennis Roberts, Ed Roberts, Edward Rockwell Rockwell Aim 65 Roosevelt, F.D. Rozycki, Jerzy Rpg (Report Program Generator) Rubinstein, Seymour Ruf Introptic Russell, Slug Russian Odhner

68. JEOPARDY! Game - December 3, 2003
$800 Tom (29) Back in the 16th century, robert recorde used 2 shortlines, one above the other, to create this sign. $800 - robert
Main htmlAdWH('7002326', '234', '60');
Lillie Salsberry , Librarian from Baton Rouge, LA
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JEOPARDY! Round - December 3, 2003
Click here for the correct responses. The number in parentheses preceding the clue denotes the order in which the clue was played. THE CIVIL WAR '70s HITS 2 MUCH "DEF" JAM TAILS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC $200 - Robert (1) This federal fort was still under construction when attacked by the Confederacy on April 12, 1861
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69. Early English Algebra
Early English Algebra. Picture of recorde In the first half of the 16th century,Cuthbert Tonstall (14741559) and robert recorde (1510?-1558) were two of the
Next: Algebra and Analytical Engines
Up: A Brief History of Algebra and Computing: An Eclectic Oxonian View
Previous: The Origins of Algebra
Early English Algebra
In the first half of the 16th century, Cuthbert Tonstall (1474-1559) and Robert Recorde (1510?-1558) were two of the foremost English mathematicians . They were the first mathematicians at the University of Cambridge whose lives have been recorded in any detail and as such may be considered founders of one of the most important centres of mathematics in the world. Both migrated to Oxford University during their careers. Robert Recorde, perhaps the more important of the two, became a Fellow of All Souls College at Oxford in 1531. The earliest use of the word algebra may be found in Recorde's Pathway of Knowledge (1551) in which he wrote: Also the rule of false position, with dyvers examples not onely vulgar, but some appertayning to the rule of Algebra. In 1557 he introduced the equality sign ` ' in his Whetstone of Witte , chosen ``bicause noe 2 thynges can be moare equalle'' (than two parallel lines of the same length). The symbols ` ' and ' were introduced for the first time in print in John Widman 's Arithmetic (Leipzig, 1489), but only came into general use in England after Recorde's

70. Mathematics At Balliol C13-16
Further information about Tonstall robert recorde (c15101558). Electeda Fellow at All Souls in 1531, circumstantial evidence also
Mathematics at Balliol College, Oxford
The Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Thomas Bradwardine (1290-1349)
A man known throughout Europe as "Doctor Profundus", Bradwardine wrote four books on pure mathematics: Arithmeticae Speculativa , on the theory of numbers, Tractatus de proportionibus, Geometria speculativa , and De quadratura circuli on geometry. The first statutes for Balliol required students to leave after graduating, and Bradwardine, like several other mathematicians, subsequently moved to Merton College. The "Merton School", which became famous for its study of dynamics and anticipated some of Newton's laws of motion, took their inspiration from Bradwardine's De proportionibus velocitatum in motibus of 1328. This work was also important for its study of non-linear power laws. He was Professor of Theology at Oxford, then Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral, and died of the Black Death shortly after becoming Archbishop of Canterbury. Further information about Bradwardine
Richard Swyneshed (13-1355)
Richard Swyneshed, known as

71. History Of Science - Bibliography - Renaissance Philosophies Of Nature - Dr Robe
NY Oxford UP, 1972. Lilley, Samuel. robert recorde and the Idea of Progress AHypothesis and Verification. Renaissance and Modern Studies 2 (1957) 337.
Select Bibliogrpahy - Occult, Magical, Esoteric - Early Modern
Dr Robert A. Hatch - University of Florida
Adams, R.P. 'The Social Responsibilities of Science in Utopia, New Atlantis, and After.' Journal of the History of Ideas Arrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius. Three Books on Occult Philosophy . Trans. J.F. London: 1651. Allen, Don C. 'The Degeneration of Man and Renaissance Pessimism.' Studies in Philology Allen, Don Cameron. The Star-Crossed Renaissance . Durham, N.C.: 1941. Allen, Michael J.B. 'Ficino's Lecture on the Good?' Renaissance Quarterly Amman, Peter J. 'The Musical Theory and Philosophy of Robert Fludd.' Journal of the Warburg Institute Anton, John P., ed. Naturalism and Historical Understandings: Essays on the Philosophy of John Herman Randall, Jr. Albany: 1967. Arber, Agnes. Herbals . Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1938. Auger, L. Gilles Personne de Roberval . Paris: 1962. Bainton, Roland H. Hunted heretic: The life and death of Michael Servetus, 1511-1553 . Boston: Beacon Press, 1953.

72. — Ye Olde Recorde Shoppe —
One of their best albums. LP, $15, G, THE GLOVE Blue Sunshine – UK, 1983.robert Smith and Budgie s tribute to Jack the Ripper. Spine is eroded in places.
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73. Philosophies Subsite
The Oxford English Dictionary has one citation for it, from a work bythe Welshborn mathematician robert recorde.published in 1557.
Zenzizenzizenzic The eighth power of a number. This word is long obsolete. The Oxford English Dictionary has one citation for it, from a work by the Welsh-born mathematician Robert Recorde.published in 1557. It turns up from time to time as one of those weird words which is best known for being held up as an example of a weird word. Even by Robert Recorde's time, there was no easy way of denoting the powers of numbers, a great hindrance to effective mathematics. The only term he had apart from the square was the cube, the third power of a number, and formulae were usually written out in words. Recorde, like his predecessors, represented a fourth power by the square of a square, zenzizenzic, which is just a condensed form of the Italian censo di censo, used by Leonardo of Pisa in his famous book Liber Abaci of 1202. An eighth power was by obvious extension zenzizenzizenzic. And similarly the sixth power was zenzicube, the square of a cube. None of these words survives in the language except as historical curiosities.

74. Robert Recorde
Gazeta Esportiva . Net História - Translate this page Com 61m, estabeleceu o novo recorde olímpico. 1936. Earle Meadows. 4m35. 1948.O. Guinn Smith. 4m30. 1952. robert Richards. 4m55. 1956. robert Richards. 4m56.
World History (home) Encyclopedia Index Localities Companies Surnames ... This Week in History
Robert Recorde
Robert Recorde (c. ) was a Welsh physician and mathematician. He introduced the "equals" sign (=). A member of a respectable family of Tenby, Wales, he entered the University of Oxford in about 1525, and was elected a fellow of All Souls' College in . Having adopted medicine as a profession, he went to the University of Cambridge to take the degree of M.D. in 1545. He afterwards returned to Oxford, where he publicly taught mathematics, as he had done prior to going to Cambridge. It appears that he afterwards went to London , and acted as physician to King Edward VI and to Queen Mary, to whom some of his books are dedicated. He was arrested for debt and died in the King's Bench prison, Southwark , in 1558. Recorde published several works upon mathematical subjects, chiefly in the form of dialogue between master and scholar, viz.:
  • The Grounde of Artes, teachings the Worke and Practise, of Arithmeticke, both in whole numbers and fractions The Pathway to Knowledge, containing the First Principles of Geometry ... bothe for the use of Instrumentes Geometricall and Astronomicall, and also for Projection of Plattes

75. Recorde Of PAS Hon. Members
8, Mr Yeo Kai Gee, 1984, 51, Mr. Tan Poh Heng, 1997. 9, Mr robert Tay CC, 1985,52, Mr. Kheng Fook Ling, 1997. 10, Mr Ng Teck Hee, 1985, 53, Mr. Tan Wee Meng,1997.
Records of APAS Members Home APAS FPAS Hon.PAS ... Hon.FPAS S/N Name Year S/N Name Year Mr Yon Chok Yin Ms. Yeo Lee Ching Mr Wang Yen Chat Mr. Seow Kee Kuan Mr Koulatsoglou(Greek) Mr. Lam Sun Hong Mr Lim Kim Seong Mr. Chew King Tai Mr Ong Hock Seng Mr. Yong Kai Chin Ms Peh Lan Moi Mr. Pun Yeow Meng Mr Yeo Boon Khee Mr. Teo Bee Yen Mr Yeo Kai Gee Mr. Tan Poh Heng Mr Robert Tay C.C. Mr. Kheng Fook Ling Mr Ng Teck Hee Mr. Tan Wee Meng Mr Chua Khong Huat Mr. Li Jie(China) Mr Teo Kok Tak Mr. Teo Giap Chiu Mr Choo Chee Seng Mr. Ong Thian Joo

76. "O Senhor Dos Anéis" Bate Recorde Histórico Do Oscar :: OSCAR 2004 :: Www.esta
recorde histórico do A frase de Denise robert, produtorado filme As Invasões Bárbaras, foi o mote da 76ª cerimônia de entrega
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"O Senhor dos Anéis" bate recorde histórico do Oscar A trilogia de O Senhor dos Anéis acumula 17 Oscars e se torna o conjunto de filmes mais premiado da história da Academia de Hollywood Reed Saxon/ AP Peter Jackson mostra o Oscar de O Senhor dos Anéis Veja Galeria de Fotos da 76ª festa do Oscar São Paulo - Ainda bem que eu não concorria com O Senhor dos Anéis . A frase de Denise Robert, produtora do filme As Invasões Bárbaras , foi o mote da 76ª cerimônia de entrega do Oscar. Aqueles que deram o azar de topar com algum indicado da superprodução entre os concorrentes tiveram que aceitar o que se dizia há semanas. A premiação da última parte de O Senhor dos Anéis seria desigual. Esta última parte, O Retorno do Rei , concorria com o peso de três anos, como um filme de nove horas de duração e com a condescendência da Academia de Hollywood. Peter Jackson filmou a trilogia de uma só vez e fez questão de anunciar, logo na estréia da primeira parte, que as duas restantes estavam prontas e já tinham data para estrear. A Academia então entendeu que em 2002 e em 2003 não seria ainda o momento de tratar de O Senhor dos Anéis com a devida atenção. Sendo assim, quem em 2004 o o enfrentou, perdeu, não necessariamente por mérito.

77. UPF - Àrea D'Història De La Ciència
recorde, robert (1557) The whetstone of witte , London. Sybrandt,Hansz (1617) Tractatus geometricus.., Amsterdam. References.
UPF - Àrea d'Història de la Ciència presentació personal docent i investigador línies de recerca docència    activitats    enllaços d'interès
International Workshop
"Science and Power during the Cold War in the European Periphery"
Barcelona, November 1-3, 2001
The contributions of German cossists in the 16th and early 17th century
The reduction of theoretically possible 27 types of quadratic equations to eight by Christoff Rudolff mirrors the concern about the domain of admissible (positive) values of the roots. When Michael Stifel a generation later had reduced the solution of these eight different types of quadratic equations to one single rule he lived up to the expectations of the clients of German reckoningmasters who were accustomed to receive recipelike algorithmic rules for the solution without any proof or even hint of an understanding. This form of algorithmic rules for the solution of a problem is still preserved in the rules for finding the tangent or extreme values of Fermat. An interesting case to test the extension of the domain of admissibles values for the roots of an equation is the reception of Cardano's rules for the solution of cubic equations in Germany. It can be shown that Michael Stifel and Johannes Junge, who both treated cubic equations, modified Cardano's rules in a way that the roots fell still in the domain of Euclidean irrationalities. Only in the early 17th century cossists like Johannes Faulhaber and Peter Roth, to whom we owe one form of the fundamental theorem of algebra, accepted radicals with exponent three, albeit no complex solutions like Bombelli in Italy. In Faulhaber's

78. Notes To Chapter VI
(7) Of the number of notices of reestimates that have recently appeared, probablythe fullest are robert recorde s Mathematical teaching, and the Anti
Notes to Chapter VI
(1) C.R. Ch. 4, pp. 11-12. "Her Majestie very gratiously took me to her service at Whitehall before her Coronation" (on the recommendations of Pembroke and Leicester) "At which tyme her Majestie used these wordes unto the said Lordes `Where my brother hath given him a crowne, I will give him a noble.'" Dee however, as will appear, received little material benefit from Elizabeth-similarly his friend, another scholar-Ascham, also very close to the Queen, perhaps more so than Dee, and holding an official position at Court, only received from her a salary of £20 p.a. until his death in 1568.
(2) C.R. Ch. 5, p. 21. It took place on the 14th Jan. 1559, which cannot be said to have been an unfortunate recommendation. Dee's services as a prognosticator do not on the whole appear to have been extensive, and the verdict is probably exaggerated at least as far as he is concerned, that "It was Queen Elizabeth and her famous Astrologer John Dee who did more than any persons to popularize astrology. Under them it became more or less of a court fad." (C. Camden Jr., Astrology in Shakespeare's Day , p. 45, Isis XIX, 1933, 26 ff.)

79. Re: [MPlayer-users] Help: Please Recorde Tomorrow European Parlamentdis
22 Re MPlayerusers Help Please recorde tomorrow European Parlamentdiscussionabout Software Patents!, robert Michel =. Prev
mplayer-users Top All Lists Advanced Date Prev ... Original
Re: [MPlayer-users] Help: Please recorde tomorrow European Parlamentdis
To "MPlayer user's list." < Subject Re: [MPlayer-users] Help: Please recorde tomorrow European Parlamentdiscussion about Software Patents! From Date Mon, 22 Sep 2003 23:25:21 +0200 In-reply-to References User-agent KMail/1.5.2 [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html] Salve! Excuse me to ask this two lists again to support us to fight against Software Patents. Tomorrow 23.09.2003 will be a discussion inside the European Parlament about this dangerous patents, the voting will be on Wednesday. Nico from mplayer-users was so kind to record the press confrence about Software Patens yesterday - he was sucsessfull, someone with a standalone receiver not - and we have no this DVB-S dump on the server of EBS.ts 22-Sep-2003 07:48 1.6G When sombody knows how to make 4 languages versions from it and to convert it into a smaler (but leagal) format, you are wellcome to download it

80. [MPlayer-users] Help: Please Recorde Tomorrow European Parlament Discuss
Thread. MPlayerusers Help Please recorde tomorrow European Parlamentdiscussion aboutSoftware Patents!, robert Michel = Re MPlayer
mplayer-users Top All Lists Advanced Date Prev ... Original
[MPlayer-users] Help: Please recorde tomorrow European Parlament discuss
To bxl@xxxxxxxx Subject [MPlayer-users] Help: Please recorde tomorrow European Parlament discussion aboutSoftware Patents! From Date Mon, 22 Sep 2003 18:50:52 +0200 User-agent KMail/1.5.2 [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html] Salve! Excuse me to ask this two lists again to support us to fight against Software Patents. Tomorrow 23.09.2003 will be a discussion inside the European Parlament about this dangerous patents, the voting will be on Wednesday. Nico from mplayer-users was so kind to record the press confrence about Software Patens yesterday - he was sucsessfull, someone with a standalone receiver not - and we have no this DVB-S dump on the server of Receiving informations: The good think is, that the EbS broadcasts are free, when it was not markt on the sheduale, that they are not: - " CONDITIONS OF USE Services are free of charge and free of rights for non-commercial purposes, ie services should be used for an informative reason, except when specifically mentioned. Where possible, we ask you to credit the 'European Commission'."

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