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Recorde Robert: more detail | ||||||||||
61. Weird Words: Zenzizenzizenzic so much so that the Oxford English Dictionary only has one citation for it, froma famous work by the Welshborn mathematician robert recorde, The Whetstone of http://www.quinion.com/words/weirdwords/ww-zen1.htm | |
62. Articles: Signs For Sums The person most responsible for introducing them to England, and so eventuallyto the Englishspeaking world, was robert recorde, a mathematician of the http://www.quinion.com/words/articles/signs.htm | |
63. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Relation 1, page 297). The equal symbol (=) was first used by robert recorde(c. 15101558) in 1557 in The Whetstone of Witte. He wrote, I http://mail.mcjh.kl.edu.tw/~chenkwn/mathword/relation.html | |
64. Welcome To The Endon Mathematics Web Pages It is in fact a sort of take off of some basic mathematics books written by a certainEnglishman called robert recorde (15101558) in the 16th century - the http://www.endon.staffs.sch.uk/depts/maths/endon maths howtos.htm | |
65. Microservice Net :: O Seu Provedor De Internet Translate this page Scherer (Xuxa) venceu os 50m borboleta e igualou seu próprio recorde, sul-americano,no 19/5 robert Scheidt conquista heptacampeonato mundial na classe laser. http://www.microservicenet.com.br/web/portal/esporte.asp?ID=2831 |
66. Bibliography/Words Cited: William H. Sherman, Plotting Empire In Elizabethan T Quinn, David B. and AN Ryan. Englands Sea Empire, 15501642 (LondonGeorge Allen Unwin, 1983). recorde, robert. The pathway http://www.newberry.org/nl/smith/nebenzahl/shermanbib.html | |
67. R2E Micral Translate this page 31. Real-Time. 31, 32, 33. Realisations Et Etudes Electroniques (R2E)Micral N.41. recorde, robert. 11, 12. Regoli Calcolatori. 11. Regolo Cilindrico Fuller.11. http://www.scuole.prato.it/dagomari/museo/htm/ind-r.htm | |
68. JEOPARDY! Game - December 3, 2003 $800 Tom (29) Back in the 16th century, robert recorde used 2 shortlines, one above the other, to create this sign. $800 - robert http://members.aol.com/tdciago/jeoparchive/120303.html | |
69. Early English Algebra Early English Algebra. Picture of recorde In the first half of the 16th century,Cuthbert Tonstall (14741559) and robert recorde (1510?-1558) were two of the http://vmoc.museophile.com/algebra/section3_2.html | |
70. Mathematics At Balliol C13-16 Further information about Tonstall robert recorde (c15101558). Electeda Fellow at All Souls in 1531, circumstantial evidence also http://users.ox.ac.uk/~kch/ballmath/early.html | |
71. History Of Science - Bibliography - Renaissance Philosophies Of Nature - Dr Robe NY Oxford UP, 1972. Lilley, Samuel. robert recorde and the Idea of Progress AHypothesis and Verification. Renaissance and Modern Studies 2 (1957) 337. http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Teaching/bibliogra | |
72. Ye Olde Recorde Shoppe One of their best albums. LP, $15, G, THE GLOVE Blue Sunshine UK, 1983.robert Smith and Budgie s tribute to Jack the Ripper. Spine is eroded in places. http://dejadu.com/vinyl.html | |
73. Philosophies Subsite The Oxford English Dictionary has one citation for it, from a work bythe Welshborn mathematician robert recorde.published in 1557. http://w1.660.telia.com/~u66017486/ph49.html | |
74. Robert Recorde Gazeta Esportiva . Net História - Translate this page Com 61m, estabeleceu o novo recorde olímpico. 1936. Earle Meadows. 4m35. 1948.O. Guinn Smith. 4m30. 1952. robert Richards. 4m55. 1956. robert Richards. 4m56. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/R/Robert-Recorde.htm | |
75. Recorde Of PAS Hon. Members 8, Mr Yeo Kai Gee, 1984, 51, Mr. Tan Poh Heng, 1997. 9, Mr robert Tay CC, 1985,52, Mr. Kheng Fook Ling, 1997. 10, Mr Ng Teck Hee, 1985, 53, Mr. Tan Wee Meng,1997. http://www.photoart-sg.com/pas/apas_records.htm | |
76. "O Senhor Dos Anéis" Bate Recorde Histórico Do Oscar :: OSCAR 2004 :: Www.esta recorde histórico do A frase de Denise robert, produtorado filme As Invasões Bárbaras, foi o mote da 76ª cerimônia de entrega http://www.estadao.com.br/divirtase/oscar2004/noticias/2004/mar/01/12.htm | |
77. UPF - Àrea D'Història De La Ciència recorde, robert (1557) The whetstone of witte , London. Sybrandt,Hansz (1617) Tractatus geometricus.., Amsterdam. References. http://www.upf.es/huma/hciencia/abstracts.htm | |
78. Notes To Chapter VI (7) Of the number of notices of reestimates that have recently appeared, probablythe fullest are robert recorde s Mathematical teaching, and the Anti http://www.johndee.org/calder/html/Notes6.html | |
79. Re: [MPlayer-users] Help: Please Recorde Tomorrow European Parlamentdis 22 Re MPlayerusers Help Please recorde tomorrow European Parlamentdiscussionabout Software Patents!, robert Michel =. Prev http://zebra.fh-weingarten.de/~maxi/html/mplayer-users/2003-09/msg00841.html | |
80. [MPlayer-users] Help: Please Recorde Tomorrow European Parlament Discuss Thread. MPlayerusers Help Please recorde tomorrow European Parlamentdiscussion aboutSoftware Patents!, robert Michel = Re MPlayer http://zebra.fh-weingarten.de/~maxi/html/mplayer-users/2003-09/msg00832.html | |
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