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         Rayleigh Lord:     more books (65)
  1. A reexamination of Lord Rayleigh's data on the airglow 5577 A[01] emission, (Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. Research report) by Gonzalo J Hernandez, 1963
  2. Scientific Papers by Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) Six Volumes bound as Three. 1869 - 1919 by Lord Rayleigh, 1964-01-01
  3. Argon, A New Constituent of the Atmosphere by Lord Rayleigh, 1896-01-01
  4. Scientific Papers Vol. III: 1887--1892, Vol. IV: 1892--1901 (In One Volume) by Lord (John William Strutt) Rayleigh, 1964
  5. An Experiment to Illustrate the Induction on Itself of an Electric Current by Lord Rayleigh, 1872
  7. The Advancement of Science: 1938. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Cambridge, Aug 17 - 24, 1938. by Lord Rayleigh, 1938
  8. Theory of Sound 2ND Edition Rev 2 Volumes by Lord Rayleigh, 1929
  9. Life of Sir J J Thomson 2ND Printing by Lord Rayleigh, 1943-01-01
  10. Argon, a New Constituent of the Atmosphere. Thin small folio, by Lord & RAMSAY, William RAYLEIGH, 1896
  14. Experiments with Lord Rayleigh's colour box by Arthur Schuster, 1891

61. Lord Raleigh 1842-1919
PIONEERS. OF ACOUSTICS. lord rayleigh 18421919. This One exception wasRobert Boyle - a distant relation. lord rayleigh at his desk. The
PIONEERS OF ACOUSTICS Lord Rayleigh 1842-1919 This article refers to John William Strutt as Rayleigh throughout, although he did not succeed to the title until he was 30 years old. He was one of the very few members of higher nobility to win fame as an outstanding scientist. His father was the second Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place, Witham in the county of Essex. It was a family that had little connection with science for its members were mostly landowners with extensive holdings and interests in the countryside. One exception was Robert Boyle - a distant relation. Lord Rayleigh
at his desk
The Rayleigh title was originally given to his grandmother, Charlotte, on her husband’s suggestion. Joseph Holden Strutt had declined personal honours throughout his life, and probably did not wish to be raised to the peerage as he would then have been obliged to resign his seat in the House of Commons. The title had been offered by George III in recognition of Joseph’s duties in the army and in Parliament. On Charlotte’s death in 1836, the title passed to their only son John James Strutt, who became the second Baron Rayleigh. John James Strutt, a deeply religious man, led the life of a country squire in Essex, north-east of London. Aged 46, he married Clara Elizabeth LaTouche Vicars, who was only 17 at the time. John William, their eldest son, was born on 12 November 1842 at Langford Grove, near Maldon, Essex.

62. Lord Robert John Rayleigh, 4th Baron Rayleigh (1875-1947), Experimental Physicis
National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for lord Robert John rayleigh, 4thBaron rayleigh including lord Robert John rayleigh, 4th Baron rayleigh by

63. Agnes Pockels & Lord Rayleigh
rayleigh, March 2. Brunswick, January 10. My lord, Will you kindly excusemy venturing to trouble you with a German letter on a scientific subject?
Nature, March 12 1891 Surface Tension I shall be obliged if you can find space for the accompanying translation of an interesting letter which I have received from a German lady, who with very homely appliances has arrived at valuable results respecting the behaviour of contaminated water surfaces. The earlier part of Miss Pockel's letter covers nearly the same ground as some of my own recent work, and in the main harmonizes with it. The later sections seem to me very suggestive, raising, if they do not fully answer, many important questions. I hope soon to find opportunity for repeating some of Miss Pockels' experiments. - RAYLEIGH, March 2. Brunswick, January 10. My lord, Will you kindly excuse my venturing to trouble you with a German letter on a scientific subject? Having heard of the fruitful researches carried on by you last year on the hitherto little understood properties of water surfaces, I thought it might interest you to know of my own observations on the subject. For various reasons I am not in a position to publish them in scientific periodicals, and I therefore adopt this means of communicating to you the most important of them. First, I will describe a simple method, which I have employed for several years, for increasing or diminishing the surface of a liquid in any proportion, by which its purity may be altered at pleasure.

In the 1900s convection was taken as one of the myriad things that John WilliamStrutt, lord rayleigh studied in his illustrious and prolific carrier.
Rayleigh - Bénard Convection
Arunn Narasimhan Laboratory for Porous Materials Applications
Mechanical Engineering Department
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX - 75275 0337, USA
Last update :
THE NATURE OF THE PROBLEM The most fascinating thing about convection is that even the simplest system undergoing convective motion cannot yet be given an exact analytical mathematical description. The partial differential equation(s) that describe the convective flow analytically have been studied for the past 200 years- with rewarding results - but the exact analytical solutions of these are yet to be found ! The nature of the theoretical difficulties can be understood well if we realize that even a simple system undergoing convective energy interaction requires a complete knowledge of the Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer involved in the process. A fluid layer heated from below, a supposedly simple system of convective interaction, experiences forces, that drive the convective flow, resulting from the buoyancy of the heated layer the magnitude of such forces depending on the temperature difference prevailing between the top and bottom portion of the fluid layer. The complexity is enhanced further by the fact that the temperature distribution is affected to a large extent by the convective flow itself, which carries heat from the bottom to the relatively colder top portion of the fluid. In other words the driving force which causes the flow itself is driven to modifications by the flow !

65. John William Strutt Rayleigh
Translate this page John William Strutt rayleigh. John William Strutt (später lord rayleigh)(*12. November 1842 in Langford Grove, Meldon, England, †30.
John William Strutt Rayleigh - Kostenloses Online-Lexikon
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John William Strutt Rayleigh
John William Strutt (später Lord Rayleigh 12. November 30. Juni bei Witham, England) war ein englischer Physiker ( Nobelpreis für Physik In der Kindheit war Rayleigh von schwächlicher Konstitution, seine Schulbesuche in Eton und Harrow waren deshalb nur von kurzer Dauer. Erste Zeichen einer gewissen mathematischen Begabung zeigte er im Internat von Reverend Warner, wo er auf den Universitätsbesuch vorbereitet wurde. ging er an Trinity College in Cambridge (England), um Mathematik zu studieren. Nach dem Abschluss erhielt er von bis ein Stipendium am Trinity College. musste er wegen eines rheumatischen Anfalls das Land verlassen, er reiste nach Ägypten und Griechenland. Nach seiner Rückkehr ein Jahr darauf verstarb sein Vater und Rayleigh hatte traditionsgemäß die Landwirtschaft der Familie zu übernehmen, die er an seinen jüngeren Bruder übergab. Jetzt konnte er sich wieder voll den Naturwissenschaften widmen. folgte er James Clerk Maxwell als Professor für Experimentalphysik und Leiter des Cavendish-Laboratoriums in Cambridge berufen.

66. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-LORD RAYLEIGH
Translate this page lord rayleigh. La Repubblica-19 DICEMBRE 2000 Rivoluzioni Come lafisica di Max Planck cambiò il mondo. di PIERGIORGIO ODIFREDDI.

LORD RAYLEIGH La Repubblica 19 DICEMBRE 2000
  • Rivoluzioni
    Come la fisica di Max Planck cambiò il mondo di PIERGIORGIO ODIFREDDI
  • 67. Essex Family Historian Names Index
    Ray. John, 09652. Ray. John, 10040. rayleigh, Lady, 06919. rayleigh, lord, 06917.rayleigh, lord, 06918. rayleigh, lord, 06919. rayleigh, lord, 06920. Rayment,,07730.
    Essex Family Historian Names Index Please allow a moment or two for the table to download Name Vol:Page Qui. Anna Qui. Lawrenci Qui. Maria Qui. Mary Qui. Roberti Qui. Thomae Qui. Thoms Quilter, Mary Quilter, Mary Quinn. Louisa Quinn. Michael Francis Quittenborne, Catherine Hannah Quittenbourne, Alice Wombwell Quittenbourne, George Wombwell Quittenbourne, Letitia Harriet Quittenbourne, Thomas Henry Quoy. Quy, Ann Quy, Edward Quy. Quye. Rachel Check Radley, Radley, Rafcliffe. George Rafe. Ann Railton, James Railton, John Railton, Mary Railton, Robert Railton, William Rainbird, Mr, Daniel Rainbow, Catharine Rainbow, Mary Rainbult, Elizabeth Rainbult, Mary Ann Rainbult, Mary Ann Rainbult, William Rainbult, William John Rainsburroar. Col Wm Rainsford, Maria

    68. Lateral Science - Strutt`s Allotropic Nitrogen
    lord rayleigh`S ACTIVE NITROGEN. What of nitrogen? Is not it`s apparentgreat simplicity of action all a sham? Michael Faraday.
    ACTIVE NITROGEN What of nitrogen? Is not it`s apparent great simplicity of action all a sham?
    Michael Faraday In 1910 R.J.Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) discovered that an electrical discharge in nitrogen gas produced "active nitrogen", an allotrope considered to be monatomic. The " whirling cloud of brilliant yellow light " produced by his apparatus reacted with quicksilver to produce explosive mercury nitride. From Modern Inorganic Chemistry , J.W.Mellor 1934
    From A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry , J.R.Partington 1946

    69. Lord Rayleigh S 1916 Paper
    lord rayleigh s 1916 paper. rayleigh, lord, 1916 On convective currents in a horizontallayer of fluid when the higher temparture is on the under side, Phil.
    Lord Rayleigh's 1916 paper
    First get a copy of
    Rayleigh, Lord, 1916: On convective currents in a horizontal layer of fluid when the higher temparture is on the under side, Phil. Mag., 32, p. 529-546,
    or look up Rayleigh's Scientific Papers, 6, pp. 432-446. The main goal of the project is to understand Rayleigh's mathematical argument that expalins when a fluid being heated from the bottom experiences instabilities and begins to move in rolls.

    70. Robert Fitzsuain De Essex Lord Of Rayleigh Royal Standard-bearer(1080-1138)
    *Robert Fitzsuain de Essex lord of rayleigh Royal Standardbearer born about 1080Raleigh, Essex, England died 1132/40 father *Suain de Essex born about 1042
    Robert Fitzsuain de Essex Lord of Rayleigh Royal Standard-bearer
    born about 1080 Raleigh, Essex, England
    died 1132/40
    Suain de Essex

    born about 1042 Essex, England
    died about 1086
    unknown spouse: Gunnora Bigod born about 1096 Norfolk, England children: Henry de Essex Sheriff of Buckinghamshire and Bedford born about 1121 Essex, England died 1163 biographical and/or anecdotal: notes or source:

    71. Alphabetical Index To The Green-flash Pages
    ray diagrams for mirages. rayleigh, lord GF paper by 4th Baron rayleigh molecularscattering theory by 3rd Baron rayleigh. rays a fiction of optics.
    Alphabetical Index
    Note: Italicized links lead to the Glossary boldface links lead to the bibliography , and will take a while to load, as it's bigger than a megabyte. To see why I am trying this system, see the discussion of typographical conventions For a more organized guide to these Web pages, see the overview page. If you can't find what you are looking for, please let me know A B C ... Z
    Adams , J. C.
    explanation refuted by Mulder
    detailed explanation of actual visual effects
    air , refractivity and dispersion of
    Airy , G. B.
    aliases of journals
    angular units
    animations of green flashes
    Arago: (many bibliography entries; start with his paper with Biot
    astronomical refraction (see also the refraction physics page).
    avoiding eye injury in observing green flashes
    award from the Griffith Observatory (follow their ``Star Awards'' link, and look for March 12-18, 2000)
    bending of refracted rays in air
    introduction to
    full bibliography (over 1 MB, so slow to load!)
    Biot, J. B.:
    adventures in Spain with Arago
    astronomy textbook
    dispute with Faye about the use of terrestrial refraction measurements
    mirage monograph
    papers on refraction theory (see the Connaissance des Tems paper for full details)
    bleaching , retinal

    72. Le Physicien Lord Rayleigh A étudié Les Radiations Des Corps Noirs
    Translate this page Le physicien lord rayleigh a étudié les radiations des corps noirs.Il pensait que le champ électromagnétique est un ensemble
    n et de l = c/ n d r d l avec r p kT/ l k est la constante de Boltzmann = 1.38. 10 J.K r l diminue, r l

    73. Microlithography World - The Lithography Expert: The Rayleigh Depth Of Focus
    Describing the imaging capabilities of telescopes, lord rayleigh developedthe nowfamous rayleigh criteria for resolution and depth of focus.

    74. Rayleigh & Lodge On The Ether Of Space - Keelynet - 06/26/00
    1908 The Ether (Aether) of Space and auxiliary files by lord Rayleighand Sir Oliver Lodge courtesy of Bruce L. Rosenberg. Friday
    1908 - The Ether (Aether) of Space
    and auxiliary files
    by Lord Rayleigh and Sir Oliver Lodge
    courtesy of Bruce L. Rosenberg
    Friday, February 21, 1908
    O.M. P.C. M.A. D.C.L. LL.D. Sc.D. Pres.R.S., in the Chair
    SIR OLIVER LODGE, LL.D. D.Sc. F.R.S. M.R.I The Ether of Space
    THIRTY years ago Clerk Maxwell gave in this place a remarkable address on "Action at a Distance." It is reported in your Journal, Vol. VII., and to it I would direct attention. Most natural philosophers hold, and have held, that action at a distance across empty space is impossible-in other words, that matter cannot act where it is not, but only where it is. The question "where is it?" is a further question that may demand attention and require more than a superficial answer. For it can be argued on the hydrodynamic or vortex theory of matter, as well as on the electrical theory, that every atom of matter has a universal though nearly infinitesimal prevalence, and extends everywhere; since there is no definite sharp boundary or limiting periphery to the region disturbed by its existence. The lines of force of an isolated electric charge extend throughout illimitable space. And though a charge of opposite sign will curve and concentrate them, yet it is possible to deal with both charges, by the method of superposition, as if they each existed separately without the other. In that case, therefore, however far they reach, such nuclei clearly exert no "action at a distance" in the technical sense.

    75. John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh – Poslední Koryfej Klasické Fyziky
    John William Strutt, lord rayleigh – poslední koryfej klasické fyziky. M.Kucharski, MIKROKOM sro, Pod Vinicí 622, 143 00 Praha 4. 1/ lord rayleigh.
    J ohn William Strutt, lord Rayleigh – poslední koryfej klasické fyziky
    M. Kucharski, MIKROKOM s.r.o., Pod Vinicí 622, 143 00 Praha 4
    „Jediná zásluha, kterou si uvìdomuji, je, že jsem mìl potìšení ze svého badání, a jakékoli výsledky, které souvisejí s mými výzkumy, jsou následkem toho, že mi bylo potìšením stát se fyzikem“ [2]. Tato skromná slova vyslovil lord Rayleigh pøi pøevzetí vyznamenání za zásluhy Order of Merit . Fyzika byla pro nìj posláním, kterému se vìnoval z èisté touhy po poznání. Pocházel z bohaté rodiny, mohl si užívat pohodlného a rozmarného života bohatého šlechtice, volil však øeholi vìdy. Rayleigh (1842–1919) byl jednou z nejvýznamnìjších postav vìdy konce XIX. století a lze ho srovnávat s H. Helmholtzem, J. C. Maxwellem nebo lordem Kelvinem. Patøil do vzácné skupiny fyzikù, kteøí se stejnì svobodnì cítili jak v oblasti matematické fyziky, tak i v oblasti fyziky experimentální. Umožnilo mu to dosáhnout vynikajících pùvodních vìdeckých výsledkù. Kromì epochálního díla Teorie zvuku publikoval pøes 400 prací, které lze zaøadit do matematiky, obecné mechaniky, pružnosti pevných látek, vlastností plynù, kinetické teorie plynù, kapilarity, hydrodynamiky, akustiky, termodynamiky, magnetismu, elektøiny a optiky. Jeho jméno žije v mnoha termínech, napø. Rayleighùv rozptyl, Rayleighùv-Jeansùv zákon, Rayleighùv interferometr, Rayleighovo rozlišovací kritérium, Rayleighova vzdálenost nebo v seizmologii Rayleighova vlna. Dokázal pracovat na více problémech souèasnì a nebylo to na úkor kvality nebo hloubky jejich zpracování. Napøíklad bìhem tøíletého období, kdy došlo k objevu argonu, pøispìl do vìdecké literatury dvanácti èlánky pojednávajícími o interferenci a rozptylu svìtla, o telefonu a jeho technických problémech a provádìl také mìøení prahu slyšitelnosti.

    76. Article: The Resolution Of A Telescope - Dawes, Rayleigh And Sparrow
    lord rayleigh now said that the ultimate resolution limit of a telescope is reachedwhen the center of one Airy Disk is just one radius away of the other one.

    77. Nobelovy Ceny Za Chemii A Fyziku
    Fyz. lord rayleigh (Londýn) za výzkumy hustot nejduležitejších plynua za objev argonu v souvislosti s temito výzkumy. 1905, Chem.
    Chem. J. H. van't HOFF (Berlín) za objevy zákonù chemické dynamiky a osmotického tlaku v roztocích. Fyz. (Mnichov) za objev významného záøení, posléze po nìm pojmenovaném. Chem. H. E. FISCHER (Berlín) za práce v oblasti syntézy cukrù a purinù. Fyz. H. A. LORENTZ (Leiden) a P. ZEEMAN (Amsterdam) za výzkumy vlivù magnetismu na záøivé jevy. Chem. S. A. ARRHENIUS (Stockholm) za práce v oblasti teorie elektrolytické disociace. Fyz. A. H. BECQUEREL (Paøíž) za objev spontánní radioaktivity;
    P. CURIE a Marie CURIE (Paøíž) za spoleèný výzkum radioaktivních jevù objevených H. A. Becquerelem. Chem. Sir W. RAMSAY (Londýn) za objev inertních plynných prvkù ve vzduchu a za urèení jejich místa v periodickém systému. Fyz. Lord RAYLEIGH (Londýn) za výzkumy hustot nejdùležitìjších plynù a za objev argonu v souvislosti s tìmito výzkumy. Chem. A. von BAEYER (Mnichov) za služby pokroku organické chemie a chemického prùmyslu prostøednictvím jeho prací na organických barvivech a hydroaromatických látkách. Fyz. P. LENARD (Kiel) za práce o katodovém záøení. Chem.

    78. Stokes
    vede. lord rayleigh se narodil jako John William Strutt, prvorozenýsyn druhého barona rayleigha z Terling Planu. Jeho bezprostrední
    Slavní lidé, kteøí se zabývali akustikou
    John William Strutt, tøetí baron Rayleigh
    Autor knihy The Theory of Sound je výjimeènou osobností britské fyziky pøinejmenším proto, že zatímco máme èetné pøíklady mužù, jež nabyli šlechtického stavu odmìnou za svou výjimeènou vìdeckou práci, jen málokterý šlechtic zdìdivší svùj titul zasvìtil svùj život vìdì. Lord Rayleigh se narodil jako John William Strutt, prvorozený syn druhého barona Rayleigha z Terling Planu. Jeho bezprostøední pøedchùdci byli venkovští dobráci s minimálním èi žádným zájmem o vìdeckou èinnost, aèkoliv jedna z jeho babièek byla potomkem bratra Roberta Boyla. Ve svém dìtství Rayleigh neprojevoval žádnou pøedèasnou vyspìlost, ale oèividnì projevoval veliký zájem o svìt kolem sebe. Jeho vzdìlání bylo velmi èasto pøerušované. Krátké pobyty v Etonu a Harrowu byly pøerušeny z dùvodu špatného zdraví. Ètyøi roky pøed vstupem na univerzitu strávil v internátní škole vedené reverendem panem Warrenem v Highsteadu, kde se zaèaly projevovat jeho vlohy k matematice.
    Vrame se k Rayleighovi. Je zajímavé, že jeho první experimentální výzkumy se týkaly elektøiny a zabývaly se èinností promìnných proudù na galvanometru. Jeho výzkumy byly prezentovány v jeho první pøednášce pro Norwichské setkání Britské asociace pro rozvoj vìd v roce 1868. Ale už brzy poté byl ponoøen do úplnì jiné problematiky, napøíklad ve výzkumu barevného vidìní. Jeho druhou prací bylo pojednání o akustice, která zjevnì vznikla na základì jeho ètení Helmholtzovy slavné práce "O vjemu tónù" (1863). Od té doby se mezi ním a Maxwellem odehrávalo mnoho komunikace, protože Maxwell byl vždy dychtivý pomoci mladšímu kolegovi. Rayleighova experimentální práce byla provádìna v Terlingu, v improvizované laboratoøi. Pozdìji, když zdìdil pozùstalost, vybavil své pracovištì lépe.

    79. Idw - Von Tropfen Zu "Jets": Bestätigung Für Lord Rayleigh
    Translate this page Ebene geschieht. Das Resultat bestätigt die mehr als 100 Jahre altenTheorien des englischen Wissenschaftlers lord rayleigh. idw,

    80. Famous Colloid & Interface Scientists
    molecule is known as the Pockels point . rayleigh, lord See Strutt,John William. Smoluchowski, Marian (18721917) A physicist known
    Alphabetical Listing A- B C -D- E F G H -I-J- K L M -N-O- P -Q- R S T -U- V -W-X- Y Z Suggestions for inclusion ?
    Blodgett, Katharine (Burr)
    An industrial physicist and physical chemist who is known for her work in surface chemistry. She is especially known for her work in monomolecular and multilayer films (termed "Blodgett films") and her invention of non-reflecting ("invisible") glass, which is used in optical instruments.
    Brown, Robert
    Although primarily a botanist, Brown is known to colloid science for his 1827 discovery that dispersed particles in water move about randomly, even when the water itself appears motionless. The phenomenon, explained later by others, is due to bombardments of the particles by water molecules and is known as Brownian motion.
    Coulter, Wallace
    An electrical engineer best known as the discoverer of the Coulter principle, a sensing-zone method for automatically counting and sizing microscopic particles suspended in a liquid. He developed this into the "Coulter Counter" which was first applied to the complete blood count diagnostic test, and later applied to other colloids in a variety of other industries.
    Einstein, Albert

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