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         Rasiowa Helena:     more books (19)
  1. Logic at Work: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Helena Rasiowa (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
  2. The mathematics of metamathematics (Polska Akademia Nauk. Monografie matematyczne) by Helena Rasiowa, 1963
  3. Mathematical problems in computation theory (Banach Center publications) (English and Russian Edition)
  4. Understanding Computers' Intelligence:Celebrating the 100th Volume of Fundamenta Informaticae in Honour of Helena Rasiowa by D. Niwinski, 2010-08-15
  5. Introduction to Modern Mathematics by Helena Rasiowa, 1973
  6. Fundamenta Informaticae - Vol 1, No 1
  7. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Banach Center Publications, Volume 2) by Helena Rasiowa, A Banachowski, 1977
  8. Lectures on infinitary logic and logics of programs (Quaderni. Serie III) by Helena Rasiowa, 1982
  9. The Mathematics of Metamathematics by Helena & Roman Sikorski Rasiowa, 1963-01-01
  10. Mathematics of Metamathematics.Second Edition Revised. by Helena Rasiowa, 1968
  11. A generalization of a formalized theory of fields of sets on nonclassical logics (Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Rozprawy matematyczne) by Helena Rasiowa, 1964

81. Philosophen R
Petrus; Ranke, Leopold von; rasiowa, helena; Ratzenhofer, Gustav;
  • Radischtschew, Alexander Nikolajewitsch Raghunatha, Siroman Rahner, Karl Rajgrodzki, Jakub Ramée, Pierre de la Ramsey, Frank Plumton Ramus, Petrus Ranke, Leopold von Rasiowa, Helena Ratzenhofer, Gustav Ravaisson-Mollieu, Félix Régis, Pierre Sylvain Regius, Henricus Rehmke, Johannes Reichenbach, Hans Reid, Thomas Reimarus, Hermann Samuel Reinhold, Ernst Reinhold, Karl Leonhard Reuchlin, Johannes Richard von St. Victor Rickert, Heinrich Riehl, Alois Robert von Melun Robinet, Jean Baptiste Robinson, Abraham Rohault, Jacques Rorty, Richard Rosenkranz, Karl Ross, William David Rothacker, Erich Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Roy, Hendrick van Royce, Josiah Rudnew, Wladimir Alexandrwitsch Rusbroek, Johannes Russell, Bertrand Rutkowski, Leonid Wassiliewitsch Rutski, Jan Ruysbroeck, Jan van Ryle, Gilbert
Aktualisiert durch sieber-online am:

82. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of R
Rashwan, Hamza, University of Waterloo, 1983. rasiowa, helena, UniwersytetWarszawski, 1950. Raskind, Wayne, University of Cambridge, 1984.

83. Women In Math: Biographies
R. Ragsdale, Virginia (18701945 ) rasiowa, helena Ratner, Marina (1938 - ) Reid,Nancy (1952 - ) Rees, Mina Spiegel (1902-1997) Rees, Mina (1902- ) Reid, Nancy

84. JANCL Summaries List
Abstracts Special Issue dedicate to the memory of helena rasiowa Guest editorEwa Orlowska Calculus of Contextual Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces Edward
go to volumes list
Liste of the summaries of the JANCL
List of Published Volumes
Vol. 10-No
Temporal logics with reference pointers and computation tree logics -Valentin Goranko
A temporal negative normal form which preserves implicants and implicates - Inma P. de Guzman, Manuel Encisco, Pablo Cordero
A multimodal logic for reasoning about complementarity -Ivo Düntsch, Beata Konikowska
On representability of neatly embeddable cylindric algebras -Miklos Ferenczi
HL2, an Inconsistency-adaptive and Inconsistency-resolving Logic for General Statements that might have Exceptions -Guido Vanackere
A framework for iterated revision -Konieczny, R. Pino Perez
A complete system of four-valued logic -P.H. Rodenburg
Unification and passive inference rules for modal logics -V.V. Rybakov, M. Terziler and C. Gencer
Vol. 10-No
Abstracts On theorem proving in annotated logics - Mi Lu, Jinzhao Wu SAT vs. translation based decision procedures for modal logics: a comparative evaluation - Enrico Giunchiglia, Fausto Giunchiglia, Roberto Sebastiani, Armando Tacchella Triangular Logic of Partial Toposes - Adam Obtulowic

85. Journal Of Applied Non-Classical Logics
Special Issue dedicated to the memory of helena rasiowa Guest editorEwa Orlowska. Calculus of Contextual Rough Sets in Contextual
Abstracts Vol. 8-No
Next Previous Summaries
Special Issue dedicated to the memory of Helena Rasiowa
Guest editor: Ewa Orlowska
Calculus of Contextual Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces Edward Bryniarski, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska
Abstract : The paper explicates the methods of approximation of set which were earlier put forth by the authors (1995a, 1995b) and by W. Marek and H. Rasiowa (1986). An essential part of this paper is devoted to presentation of a certain calculus of rough sets and contextual rough sets in contextual spaces.
Keywords : Generalized approximation spaces, approximating operations and sequences, rough sets, contextual rough sets, operations on rough sets and contextual rough sets, inclusion of two contextual rough sets.
Equational Reasoning in NonClassical Logics Marcelo Frias, Ewa Orlowska
Abstract : In this paper it is shown that a broad class of propositional logics can be interpreted in an equational logic based on fork algebras. This interpretability enables us to develop a fork-algebraic formalization of these logics and, as a consequence, to simulate nonclassical means of reasoning with equational theories of fork algebras.
Interpolation in Algebraizable Logics; Semantics for Non-normal Multi-modal Logic

86. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 258*) Ramanujan, Srinivasa (358*) Ramsden, Jesse (112*) Ramsey, Frank (71*) Rankine,William (118*) Raphson, Joseph (765) rasiowa, helena (876*) Rayleigh, Lord

87.  TO Twoja Ksi±¿ka
K. Rowling Swiat Jonesa, Philip K. Dick Historia mysli ekonomicznej, Ryszard BartkowiakWstep do matematyki wspólczesnej, helena rasiowa Socjologia (Znak
strona g³ówna promocje jak kupowaæ? moje konto ... kontakt
Wybierz dzia³ Powie¶ci Fantastyka i fantazy Sensacja Wspomnienia ... Jêzyki obce Informatyka Aplikacje Bazy danych Czasopisma Elektronika ... Systemy operacyjne newsletter polecamy Lektura obowi±zkowa dla studentów MBA i polskich menad¿erów...
Publikacja ta jest jedynym w swoim rodzaju kompendium wiedzy - zosta³a opracowana przez specjalistów zatrudnionych w zespole firmy Microsoft ...
Podaj tytu³ lub autora Liczba pozycji w koszyku: Strona g³ówna: Polecamy nowe ksi±¿ki:
Edukacja w Unii Europejskiej. Poradnik Paradyzja, Janusz A. Zajdel Do czytania pod prysznicem, Zygmunt Ka³u¿yñski W³adca Pier¶cieni albo kuszenie z³a, Isabelle Smadja Kurtyzany, Hickman Katie
Nowe ksi±¿ki techniczne i informatyczne:
Praktyczny kurs asemblera Prawo podatkowe w pytaniach i odpowiedziach VAT Komentarz, Bartosiewicz Adam, Kubacki Ryszard Kodeks drogowy, Tadeusz Fija³kowski Niebo Ilustrowany przewodnik
Ksi±¿ki, które warto przeczytaæ:
Uczniowie czarnoksiê¿nika. Nauka która zb³±dzi³a (czarna obwoluta), A.K. Dewdney Z archiwum tajnych technologii lotniczych, Bartosz Rdu³towski

88. Logikseminar Des DFKI, FBI Und MPI Einladung Zum Vortrag Zeit
Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw) rasiowaSikorski-style proof systemsfor nonclassical logics Zusammenfassung In 1960 helena rasiowa and Roman

89. Csuhaj-Varjú Erzsébet
Logic, Algebra and Computer Science. helena rasiowa in memoriam . Minisemester,Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Warsaw, 1996. december 12.
Az utóbbi években tartott elõadások Descriptional Complexity Issues in Grammar Systems. Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems. 4th Workshop, 2002. augusztus 21-24, London, Ontario, Canada. ( meghívott tutorial Networks of language processors:bio-inspired models of computing. Workshop "Structural questions in neural networks". Computational Neuroscience Group, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2002. július 1-3. ( meghívott elõadó P-automata. Workshop of the European Molecular Computing Consortium, 2002. május 10-11, Metz. Watson-Crick D0L rendszerek hálózatai. A Számítástudomány Alapjai Tanszék, Szegedi Egyetem, 2002. március 26. On networks of Watson-Crick D0L systems. Institute of Informatics. Silesian University at Opava, Opava, 2001. november 26. Networks of Watson-Crick D0L systems. Department of Informatics. University of Potsdam, 2001. október 15. On the number of rules in components of cooperating distributed grammar systems with probabilities. Third International Workshop DCAGRS'2001, Bécs, 2001. július 21. Pipeline systems. Workshop of the European Molecular Computing Consortium, Madrid, 2001, május 11.

90. Selected Publications
Essays Dedicated to the Memory of helena rasiowa, E. Orlowska (ed.), SpringerPhysica Verlag 1998, 89108 (co-author A. Nonnengart) bibtex;
Last modified: document.write(document.lastModified);
Selected publications
  • Books
  • Volumes edited
  • Papers/chapters in books
  • Journal papers ...
  • Technical reports
    I. Books
  • Loglan . Scientific and Technical Publishers WNT, Warsaw, 1991 (co-author: J. Warpechowska). In Polish. [ bibtex
  • Introduction to automated deduction . Academic Pub. RM, Warsaw 1992. In Polish. [ bibtex
  • Reasoning in nonclassical logics. Theoretical Foundations . Academic Pub. PLJ, Warsaw 1995 (co-authors: L. Bolc, K. Dziewicki, P. Rychlik). In Polish. [ bibtex
  • Reasoning in nonclassical logics. Automated Methods . Academic Pub. PLJ, Warsaw, 1998 (co-authors: L. Bolc, K. Dziewicki, P. Rychlik). In Polish. [ bibtex
  • Knowledge Engineering. A Rough Set Approach . Springer Physica Verlag, 2003, to appear (co-authors: P. Doherty, W. Lukaszewicz, A. Skowron). [ bibtex
  • Return
    II. Volumes edited
  • Time and Logic. A Computational Approach . UCL Press Ltd., London 1995 (co-editor: L. Bolc) [ bibtex
  • Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium MFCS'96 . LNCS 1113, Springer-Verlag 1996 (co-editor: W. Penczek) [
  • 91. MAT.BIB @BOOK{aho-ulman, Author={A. Aho And J. Ullman}, Title={The
    and nets}, journal={Fundamenta Informatic\ae}, volume=11, number=4, year=1988,pages={357403}, } @INCOLLECTION{ras, author={helena rasiowa}, title={Many

    92. Stanford Philosophy Department: Faculty, Staff And Students
    work. Essays dedicated to the memory of helena rasiowa. HeidelbergPhysicaVerlag. Stud. Fuzziness Soft Comput. 24, 79-88 (1999).
    Grigori Mints
    Professor of Philosophy
    Office: Bld. 100, rm. 101A
    Department of Philosophy, Building 90
    Stanford University
    Stanford, CA 94305-2155
    Email: Education History
    Born: June 7, 1939, Leningrad (St. Petersburg) USSR
    Sc.D. Leningrad University, Leningrad, 1990 (Mathematics) Ph.D. Leningrad, 1965 (Mathematics) M.S. Leningrad University, 1961 (Mathematics) Areas of Interest Logic, especially proof theory; its applications to philosophy, computer science and linguistics; foundations of mathematics; philosophy of mathematics Selected Bibliography
    • A Short Introduction to Modal Logic Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, 1992, 91p.
    • Selected Papers in Proof Theory , Bibliopolis, Napoli, Italia and North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992.
    • A Short Introduction to Intuitionistic Logic , Kluwer Academic - Plenum Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 2000 Some articles after 1990:
    • "Gentzen-type Systems and Resolution Rules.Part I. Propositional Logic, "

    93. Books Written In Polish
    QA37.2.R3713 1973 Introduction to modern mathematics. Translated by OlgierdWojtasiewicz rasiowa, helena. Amsterdam, NorthHolland Pub. Co., 1973.
    Books written in Polish
    Pure Sciences
    509.2 CUR DOR
    Maria Skodowska Curie.
    Hurwic, Józef.
    Warsaw : Polonia Publishing House, 1967.
    35 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 21 cm.
    515 KUR

    Introduction to calculus. Translated from the Polish by Julian Musielak.
    Kuratowski, Kazimierz, 1896-
    Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press [1969]
    336 p. illus. 23 cm.
    568.19 KIE
    Hunting for dinosaurs [by] Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska. Translated from the Polish. Kielan-Jaworowska, Zofia. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press [c1969] 1 v. (unpaged) illus. 18 x 24 cm.
    Applied Sciences, Technology
    644 G 1968 Map Lib Geological atlas of Poland. Editor in chief: Jerzy Znosko. Znosko, Jerzy. Warsaw, Geological Institute, 1968. [7] p., 10 fold. col. maps (in portfolio) 22 x 31 cm.
    Arts, Recreation and Sport
    791.437 POL Knife in the water / [original screenplay by Jerzy Skolimowski, Jakub Goldberg and Roman Polanski ; translated from the Polish by Boleslaw Sulik]. Repulsion / [original screenplay by Roman Polanski and Gerard Brach] and Cul-de-sac / [original screenplay Skolimowski, Jerzy.

    94. Protheo: Publications
    In Symposium of Logic, Algebra and Computer Science, helena Rasiowain memoriam, Warsaw (Poland), December 1996. (4 pages). bib .
    PROTHEO members' Publications
    Laurent Vigneron
    M. Rusinowitch and L. Vigneron. Associative Commutative Deduction. In E. Domenjoud and C. Kirchner, editors, Proceedings of 1st CCL Workshop , Le Val d'Ajol (France), 1992.
    L. Vigneron. Basic AC-Paramodulation. In F. Orejas, editor, Proceedings of 2nd CCL Workshop , La Escala (Spain), September 1993.
    L. Vigneron. Déduction automatique avec contraintes symboliques dans les théories équationnelles . Thèse de Doctorat d'Université, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1, novembre 1994.
    .ps.gz L. Vigneron. Superposition in AC Theories: Proof of Completeness by Semantic Trees. Technical Report 94-R-045, CRIN, Nancy (France), 1994.
    .ps.gz L. Vigneron. Déduction associative-commuattive avec contraintes. Journées du PRC Mécanisation du Raisonnement, Toulouse (France), février 1994.
    L. Vigneron. Déduction automatique modulo une théorie équationnelle régulière. Journées du PRC Mécanisation du Raisonnement, Chamrousse (France), novembre 1994.
    L. Vigneron. Déduction dans les théories équationnelles avec contraintes symboliques. Journées du GDR Programmation, Lille (France), septembre 1994.

    95. Stanislaw M. Ulam Papers, 1916-1984
    Ulam Papers)//EN" "ulam.xml" /eadid filedesc titlestmt titleproper Stanislaw M.
    PUBLIC "-//American Philosophical Society Library//TEXT(US::PAAV::Ms Coll 54:: Stanislaw M. Ulam Papers)//EN" "ulam.xml" Stanislaw M. Ulam Papers rsc Support for processing the Ulam Papers was provided by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. American Philosophical Society EAD tagging February 2002 ENG, POL Stanislaw M. Ulam Papers American Philosophical Society English Ulam, Stanislaw M. (Stanislaw Marcin), 1909-1985 Sketches Ms. Coll. 54 36 linear feet American Philosophical Society 105 South Fifth Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386 A gifted mathematician, Polish-born Stanislaw Ulam made contributions to set theory, topology, mathematical logic, and number theory, but is most widely remembered for his work in fostering the technical development of thermonuclear weapons. He was associated with Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories for most of the years between 1943 and 1965, and thereafter with the University of Colorado. These papers include personal and professional correspondence, manuscripts of both published and unpublished works, and memorabilia. Stanislaw Ulam Stanislaw Ulam was gifted mathematician who, during the course of his career, made significant contributions to set theory, topology, ergodic theory, probability, cellular automata theory, the study of nonlinear processes, the function of real variables, mathematical logic, and number theory. Perhaps his greatest achievement was the development of the Monte Carlo method for solving complex mathematical problems by electronic random sampling, but he made equally noteworthy contributions in hydrodynamics (three-dimensional fluid flow), the development of nuclear propulsion for space flight (Project Orion), and in fields as disparate as physics, biology, and astronomy. Yet despite the breadth of his scholarship, Ulam is most often remembered for the central role he played in the early development of the American hydrogen bomb.

    96. GAZETTE N°16
    Next: About this document ...
    Département des Sciences Mathématiques
    Gazette N o
    - Semaine du 07/02/2000 au 11/02/2000 -
    Convergence d'une méthode de type proximal fondée sur la pénalisation exponentielle pour la programmation linéaire
    , mardi 8 février à 16h30, salle 331, , par R. Wolak.
    , jeudi 10 février à 14h00, salle 431, , par S. Foutou-Cupit (Université de Strasbourg).
    Sur la nature de la turbulence développée , par K. Gawedski (IHES).
    Déterminant (relatif) du laplacien sur les variétés non-compactes , par G. Carron (ENS Lyon).
    2. Groupes de travail.
    Problèmes non locaux en analyse variationnelle
    , mardi 8 février, à 17h en salle 431. Classes caractéristiques et singularités , jeudi 10 février, à 10h30, en salle 431. Sur les groupes arithmétiques , jeudi 10 février, à 15h15, en salle 431. Sur la courbure scalaire , vendredi 11 février, à 9h30, en salle 207. 3. Acquisitions de la Bibliothèque. - DELIGNE, Pierre et al. editors / Quantum Fields and strings : A course for mathematicians : volume 1 - Providence R.I. : A.M.S, 1999.

    97. Descripteur - 06Bxx
    Roman (Co-auteur) PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers Monografie matematyczne

    98. Grazyna Mirkowska CV
    Mathematics and Mechanics, Warsaw University promotor prof. HelenaRasiowa reviewers prof. Z. Pawlak, prof. A. Mostowski. Dr. Sc.
    Curriculum Vitae
    Publications Table of Contents CURRICULUM VITAE

    Professional career

    Organizer of international meetings
    name: Mirkowska-Salwicka first and middle name: Miroslawa Grazyna born: 23 kwietnia 1943r. Skarzysko-Kamienna POLAND address: 5, rue Pasteur Cadier, res. Chenes 2, 64000 Pau, France
    tel. family: married, 2 children citizenship: polish employed: professor at Université de Pau, Departement d'Informatique to Table of Contents
    1.1. Degrees
    title: Grammar of Curry's Formalism
    date: 23-06-1965
    place: Department of Mathematics and Physics, Warsaw University
    director: prof. dr hab. Z. Pawlak
    Ph.D. title: Algorithmic Logic and its applications in the theory of programs date: 12-06-1972 place: Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Warsaw University promotor: prof. Helena Rasiowa reviewers: prof. Z. Pawlak, prof. A. Mostowski Dr. Sc. (habilitation) title: PAL - Propositional Algorithmic Logic date: 15-06-1981 place:Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Warsaw University opponents: prof. E; Engeler, prof. H. Rasiowa, prof. A. Blikle

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