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61. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Sansthan Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishthan Rasiah, Rajah Rasicot, James Rasing, TheraRasinski, Timothy ~ Rasinski, Timothy V. rasiowa, helena Raskas, Bernard S http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0336.html | |
62. Onet.pl - Pasaz Rosset, 2001. Wstep Do Matematyki Wspólczesnej, helena rasiowa,2001. Wstep Do Matematyki Wspólczesnej, helena rasiowa, 2004. Wstep http://pasaz.onet.pl/b001e74affffffc0002304fc04fec2e5,3,lista_spec.html?&l=W |
63. Mathem_abbrev Ramanujan, Srinivasa Raphson, Joseph rasiowa, helena Rees, Mina RegiomontanusRham, Georges de, Rheticus, Georg Ricci, Matteo Ricci, Michelangelo Richmond http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
64. GAZETTE N°31 Translate this page des sciences) - rasiowa, helena / An algebraic approach to non-classical logics.-Amsterdam North-Holland Publishing Company, 1974.- 403 p. (Studies in logic http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/gazette/Annee99-00/31/ | |
65. Tetralemma Conundrums — F.E.J. Linton unpublished). R rasiowa, helena An Algebraic Approach to NonClassicalLogics. PWN, Warsaw (Poland), and North-Holland, Amsterdam,1974. http://fej.math.wes.home.att.net/SIPR_AMS-IndiaDocNetScape.htm | |
66. Tetralemma Conundrums - F.E.J. Linton 1997. R rasiowa, helena An Algebraic Approach to NonClassical Logics.PWN, Warsaw (Poland), and North-Holland, Amsterdam,1974. http://fej.math.wes.home.att.net/SIPR_AMS-IndiaDoc-MSIE.htm | |
67. Publications By Maarten Marx Modal logic of relations Yde Venema Maarten Marx In Logic At Work,Memorial Volume for helena rasiowa. Mosaics and stepby-step. http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~marx/papers.html |
68. Modal Logic Of Relations Publisher s info. Orlowska, E., Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland(Ed.) Logic at Work. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of helena rasiowa. http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~marx/pub/abstracts/sl96.html |
69. Documento Sin Título Translate this page 2535, QA 9/M4, INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL LOGIC, MENDELSON, ELLIOTT, 181043.2536, QA 9/R37 1970, THE MATHEMATICS OF METAMATHEMATICS, rasiowa, helena, 182101. http://desarrollo.uaemex.mx/sis/biblioteca/consulta/LibBib.asp?CveBib=24&PagAct= |
70. Fuzzy Archive: IEEE ISMVL '96 Preliminary Program 0900 1045 SPECIAL SESSION helena rasiowa. Dr. JM Font (University of Barcelona,Spain) On the contributions of helena rasiowa to Mathematical Logic . http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/marchives/fuzzy-mail96/0374.html | |
71. Tempmos Online author = Y. Venema and M. Marx , title = A Modal Logic of Relations , booktitle= Logicat Work Essays Dedicated to the Memory of helena rasiowa , editor= E http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/~mark/research/online/tempmos.html | |
72. Historical Notes (He stayed at the Stanford University for about two months, and the rest of thetime was spent mainly at UCLA.) Professor helena rasiowa (19171994) from the http://www.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/fmi/logic/skordev/history.htm | |
73. Andrzej Salwicki CV place University of Warsaw, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics.promotor prof. helena rasiowa. opponents prof.A.Mostowski, prof. http://www.univ-pau.fr/~salwicki/cvas95eng.html | |
74. LjV's Publis (Work: Publications) Symposium of Logic, Algebra and Computer Science, helena rasiowa in memoriam, Warsaw(Poland), December 1996 (4 pages). VW96a L. Vigneron and A. Wasilewska. http://www.loria.fr/~vigneron/Work/publis.html | |
75. Activities December 1996, Stefan Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland Lecturer at the Symposium onLOGIC, ALGEBRA and COMPUTER SCIENCE in memoriam of helena rasiowa, December 6 http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~jdix/activities.html | |
76. Bettina Beispiel Schrieb über Philosoph Translate this page Karl Rajgrodzki, Jakub Ramsey, Frank Plumpton Ramus, Petrus Ramée, Pierre de laRanke, Leopold von Rashdall, Hastings rasiowa, helena Ratzenhofer, Gustav http://www.a-blast.de/blast/Philosoph.html | |
77. NOEMA Authors Index Rand, Ayn Randall, Marilyn Rands, Alma Clara Rapaport, Elizabeth Raphael, Leyla Raphals,Lisa Raphals, Lisa Ann Rapp, Rayna rasiowa, helena Rasmussen, Maxine K http://macserver.ius.indiana.edu:591/humanities/philosophy/womeninphilo/FMPro?-D |
78. Contents, Volume 5 Modern Logic 5/3, July 1995. Wiktor BARTOL, Ewa ORLOWSKA Andrzej SKOWRON,helena rasiowa, 1917 1994, Modern Logic 5 (1995), 231 - 247. http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/pmilne/ml/abs5.html | |
79. Buechertipp24.de | Bücher | Computer | Internet 1904 | Bücher | Kaufen,bestell Translate this page Logic at Work. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of helena rasiowa (Studiesin Fuzziness and Soft Computing Vol. 24). by Ewa Orlowska http://www.buechertipp24.de/exec/books/Computer_und_Internet/124/1904/ | |
80. Ksiêgarnia Internetowa PWN helena rasiowa. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2003 r. ISBN 8301-13949-8 Wydanie TrzynasteObjetosc s. 304 Format 16,5x24 cm Oprawa Miekka. Cena 29,00, http://ksiegarnia.pwn.pl/3653_pozycja.html | |
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