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41. AMAST Links Vol. 02, Issue 01 - Whole-issue helena rasiowa. helena rasiowa, descendant and member of the PolishSchool of Logic, died on 9 August, 1994. Born on 20 June 1917 http://www.amast.org/archive/amast/links/v02/i01/AL0201.html | |
42. LookSmart - Directory - Other Mathematicians L-R rasiowa, helena MacTutor History of Mathematics Read about this Austrian seducation in mathematics within a historical context in the 1940s. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us328800/us518756/us554590/?&s |
43. Bibliografia rasiowa, helena. (1994) Axiomaization and Completeness of Uncoumtably ValuedApproximation Logic, Studia Logica, Vol.53, No.2, 137160. Ralescu, Dan. http://show.supereva.it/alberto.freeweb/tesi/bibliogr.htm | |
44. University Of Illinois At UC Mathematics Library -- New Books: June 2001 511.3 L82923 rasiowa, helena.; Orlowska, Ewa. Logic at work essaysdedicated to the memory of helena rasiowa New York Physica http://g118.grainger.uiuc.edu/mtxnewbook/nb2000_07.asp?month=June&year=2001&rcdS |
45. AAC Database - Full View Of Document Title, Reasoning with incomplete information / edited by helena rasiowa and Ewa Orlowska.Location, Language, ENG. Ad.Author, rasiowa, helena. Ad.Author, Orlowska, Ewa. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FULL/1428488 | |
46. AAC Database - Short View Of Documents 1986. 5, 1248013, Raiffa, Howard, Decision analysis 1968. 6, 1428488,rasiowa, helena, Reasoning with incomplete information /, 1997. 7, http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FIND-ACC/0757061 | |
47. Helena Ahola - ResearchIndex Document Query huebner, helena.lindskog}kau.se Abstract This paper discusses privacy.lindskog.ws/teachpet.pdfhelena rasiowa And Cecylia Rauszer Research On Logical.. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Helena Ahola |
48. Citations Readings In Uncertain Reasoning - Shafer, Pearl helena rasiowa And Cecylia Rauszer Research On Logical.. helena rasiowa is theauthor of more then 30 papers, two lecture notes ( HR63 HR72 and an . http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/12546/0 |
49. 26th. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC May 29 - 31 helena rasiowa. Dr. JM Font (University of Barcelona, Spain) On thecontributions of helena rasiowa to Mathematical Logic Prof. http://www.lsi-cad.com/ismvl/mvl96pro.html | |
50. Detailed Record By helena rasiowa ; Roman Sikorski Publisher Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Contents At head of title helena rasiowa and Roman Sikorski. http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/330a8dc705b5ae3b.html | |
51. References For Rasiowa References for helena rasiowa. Articles W Bartol, E Orlowska and ASkowron, helena rasiowa, 1917 1994, Bull. European Association http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ166E.htm | |
52. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 258*) Ramanujan, Srinivasa (2798*) Ramsden, Jesse (112*) Ramsey, Frank (71*) Rankine,William (118*) Raphson, Joseph (765) rasiowa, helena (876*) Rayleigh http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
53. Oferta De Disciplinas Do Mestrado Em Sistemas E Computação Translate this page Topology Course Lecture Notes. Manuscript, http//www. 1997 rasiowa, helena.An Algebraic Approach to Non-Classical Logics. Ed. North Holland Pub. http://www.ppgsc.ufrn.br/oferta041.html |
54. A Report On LACS A Tribute To Helena Rasiowa A Report on LACS a tribute to helena rasiowa. Logic, Algebra and ComputerScience. helena rasiowa. A Minisemester at Warsaw, December 222, 1996. http://www.iarcs.org.in/activities/newsletter/vol2-1/rasiowa.html | |
55. MIMUW - Wiktor Bartol H. rasiowa s and C. Rauszer s contribution to algebra, Logic, algebra and computerscience helena rasiowa and Cecylia Rauszer, in memoriam (Warsaw, 1995). http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/english/research/imat-publications/bartol.html | |
56. MIMUW - Andrzej Skowron To the memory of Prof. helena rasiowa, Fund. Inform. iii and 119-208. Or³owska,E.; Skowron, Andrzej helena rasiowa 1917-1994, Studia Logica 54 (1995), no. http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/english/research/imat-publications/skowron.html | |
57. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Mathematics - Mathematicia series. 19. rasiowa, helena MacTutor History of Mathematics http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicia Read http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=554590 |
58. }Ú×îñ Mathematical problems in computation theory / editors of the volume, Grazyna Mirkowska,helena rasiowa. (Banach Center publications ; v. 21) rasiowa, helena. http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?code=20878590&mode=1 |
59. Titel-SUCHE ISBN 3790811645 Logic at Work. Essays Dedicated to the Memoryof helena rasiowa (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Vol. http://www.ein-gutes-buch.de/TITEL/U57/V19/seite1.htm | |
60. Alibris: Metamathematics 7. The mathematics of metamathematics. by rasiowa, helena,and Sikorski, Roman buy used from $349.95! 8 http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Metamathematics | |
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