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         Rasiowa Helena:     more books (19)
  1. Logic at Work: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Helena Rasiowa (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
  2. The mathematics of metamathematics (Polska Akademia Nauk. Monografie matematyczne) by Helena Rasiowa, 1963
  3. Mathematical problems in computation theory (Banach Center publications) (English and Russian Edition)
  4. Understanding Computers' Intelligence:Celebrating the 100th Volume of Fundamenta Informaticae in Honour of Helena Rasiowa by D. Niwinski, 2010-08-15
  5. Introduction to Modern Mathematics by Helena Rasiowa, 1973
  6. Fundamenta Informaticae - Vol 1, No 1
  7. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Banach Center Publications, Volume 2) by Helena Rasiowa, A Banachowski, 1977
  8. Lectures on infinitary logic and logics of programs (Quaderni. Serie III) by Helena Rasiowa, 1982
  9. The Mathematics of Metamathematics by Helena & Roman Sikorski Rasiowa, 1963-01-01
  10. Mathematics of Metamathematics.Second Edition Revised. by Helena Rasiowa, 1968
  11. A generalization of a formalized theory of fields of sets on nonclassical logics (Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Rozprawy matematyczne) by Helena Rasiowa, 1964

41. AMAST Links Vol. 02, Issue 01 - Whole-issue
helena rasiowa. helena rasiowa, descendant and member of the PolishSchool of Logic, died on 9 August, 1994. Born on 20 June 1917
Comments are welcome! date 10 February 1995
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Table of Contents
Helena Rasiowa
AMAST'95 Accepted Papers (update of [AL0101C1])
SIPL'95 Advance Program (update of [SIAN05p2-1])
2nd AMAST Workshop Real-Time Sys. (upd. [AL0103C1], deadline ext.)
6th Int'l Conf. on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR'95 (upd. [AL0101C3])
Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC'95 (upd. [AL0103C2])
2nd Int'l Workshop on Termination (upd. [AL0103C8], new dates)
Higher-Order Algebra, Logic and Term Rewriting, HOA'95
6th Annual Int'l Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC'95
IJCAI Workshop on Executable Modal and Temporal Logics, EMTL'95
Structures in Concurrency Theory, STRICT'95 (upd. [SIAN03p2-3])
Int'l Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD'95 [CB] 10th Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS-X [CC] 2nd Workshop Non-Standard Logics and logical aspects of CS, NSL'95 [CD] Workshop on Types for Program Analysis (next to TAPSOFT'95) [CE] 3rd Int'l Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, DEON'96

42. LookSmart - Directory - Other Mathematicians L-R
rasiowa, helena MacTutor History of Mathematics Read about this Austrian seducation in mathematics within a historical context in the 1940s.

43. Bibliografia
rasiowa, helena. (1994) Axiomaization and Completeness of Uncoumtably ValuedApproximation Logic, Studia Logica, Vol.53, No.2, 137160. Ralescu, Dan.
Bibliografia Su Introduzione Vaghezza Insiemi Fuzzy ... Paradossi [ Bibliografia ] Collegamenti
Adams, E.
The Logic of Almost All, Journal of Philosophical Logic 3, 3-17.
Akmajian, A., Demers, R., Farmer, A., Harnish, R.
Linguistica , Il Mulino.
Baldwin, J.F.
Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Reasoning , Internation Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 11, 465-480. A New Approach To Approximate Reasoning Using a Fuzzy Logic , Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2, 309-325. The Resolution of Two Paradoxes by Approximate Reasoning Using a Fuzzy Logic , Synthese, vol.44, 397-420.
Ballmer, Thomas T.
Fuzzy Grammatical Categories , in Ballmer e Pinkal (1983), 261-292. Approaching Vagueness (North-Holland, Amsterdam).
Local and fuzzy logics , in J.M.Dunn and G.Epstein (eds.) Modern Uses of Multiple-Value Logic, 103-165 (Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Bencivenga, Ermanno
(1976) (a cura di), Le Logiche Libere (Boringhieri, Torino). Una logica dei termini singolari (Boringhieri, Torino).
Birkhoff, G.
Lattice Theory (AMS Coll. Publ., Providence, Rhode Island)
Black , Max
Vagueness: An Exercise in Logical Analysis

44. University Of Illinois At UC Mathematics Library -- New Books: June 2001
511.3 L82923 rasiowa, helena.; Orlowska, Ewa. Logic at work essaysdedicated to the memory of helena rasiowa New York Physica

45. AAC Database - Full View Of Document
Title, Reasoning with incomplete information / edited by helena rasiowa and Ewa Orlowska.Location, Language, ENG. Ad.Author, rasiowa, helena. Ad.Author, Orlowska, Ewa.
Sourasky Central Library
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System No Title Reasoning with incomplete information / edited by Helena Rasiowa and Ewa Orlowska Location
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1997
226 p.
Subject Reasoning; Uncertainty; Logic, Symbolic and mathematical; Fuzzy sets; ... Set theory;
Series Studia logica [Periodical] ; V. 058, no. 1, 1997
Note Title from cover
Language ENG Ad.Author Rasiowa, Helena Ad.Author Orlowska, Ewa
Library use only - Click the icon to prepare the document for download to the

46. AAC Database - Short View Of Documents
1986. 5, 1248013, Raiffa, Howard, Decision analysis 1968. 6, 1428488,rasiowa, helena, Reasoning with incomplete information /, 1997. 7,
Sourasky Central Library
Short View of 7 Document(s)
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To mail a Bibliographic record in brief format to your E-mail account.
Bonatti, Luigi Uncertainty : Baldwin, Robert Law and uncertainty : Lockhart, Ted, 1946- Moral uncertainty and its consequences / Morley, C. D. Planning in turbulence / Raiffa, Howard Decision analysis : Rasiowa, Helena Reasoning with incomplete information / Dickinson, David G. Risk and uncertainty in economics :

47. Helena Ahola - ResearchIndex Document Query
huebner, helena.lindskog} Abstract This paper discusses rasiowa And Cecylia Rauszer Research On Logical.. Ahola

48. Citations Readings In Uncertain Reasoning - Shafer, Pearl
helena rasiowa And Cecylia Rauszer Research On Logical.. helena rasiowa is theauthor of more then 30 papers, two lecture notes ( HR63 HR72 and an .

helena rasiowa. Dr. JM Font (University of Barcelona, Spain) On thecontributions of helena rasiowa to Mathematical Logic Prof.
Back 26th. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC May 29 - 31, 1996. and 1996 Workshop on Post Binary Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI'96) May 28, 1996 Santiago de Compostela Spain ADVANCE PROGRAME Tuesday, May 28: 10:00: ISMVL'96 On-site Registration ULSI'96 Sessions 13:00: Lunch ULSI'96 Sessions 19:30: Guided visit to the Cathedral 20:30: Reception, Council of Santiago de Compostela Wednesday, May 29: 08:30 - 09:30 ISMVL'96 On-site Registration 09:30 - 09:45 Opening Remarks 09:45 - 10:45 Invited Address: "As you like them: Connectives in Fuzzy Logic" Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Claudi Alsina (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 - 12:45 Parallel Sessions 1A and 1B SESSION 1A: Switching Theory 11:30 Verification of Multi-valued Logic Networks Rolf Drechsler (University of Freiburg, Germany) 11:55 New Interpolation Algorithms for Multiple-Valued Reed-Muller Forms Zeljko Zilic, Zvonko G. Vranesic (University of Toronto, Canada) 12:20 Family of fast mixed arithmetic logic transforms for multiple-valued input binary functions Susanto Rahardja, Bogdan J. Falkowski (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) SESSION 1B: Logic I 11:30 Non-Archimedean Models of Lukasiewicz Logic Antonio Di Nola (University of Neaples, Italy) 11:55 A Necessary and sufficient condition for Lukasiewicz logic functions Noboru Takagi, Kyoichi Nakashima (Toyama Prefectural University), Masao Mukaidono (Meiji University, Japan) 12:20 Propositional skew Boolean logic R. J. Bignall, M. Spinks (Monash University, Australia) 13:00 Lunch Meeting of the Excecutive Committee 15:00 - 16:40 Parallel Sessions 2A and 2B SESSION 2A: Fault Modeling, Fault Diagnosis 15:00 Fault Diagnosis System based on Sensitivity Analysis and Fuzzy Logic Luis J. de Miguel, Margarita Mediavilla, Jose R. Peran (University of Valladolid) 15:25 Fault Models for the Multi-valued Current Mode Circuit Yeong-Jar Chang, Chung Len Lee (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) Jwu E Chen (Chung-Hwa Polytechnic Institute, Taiwan) 15:50 Testability of Generalized Reed-Muller Circuits Elena V. Dubrova, Jon C. Muzio (University of Victoria, Canada) 16:15 Design of One-Vector Testable Binary Systems Based on Ternary Logic Mou Hu (Shanghai Tiedao University, China) SESSION 2B: Decision Diagrams 15:00 Planarity in ROMDD's of Multiple-Valued Symmetric Functions Jon T. Butler, Jeffrey L. Nowlin (Naval Postgraduate School, USA) Tsutomu Sasao (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) 15:25 Multiple-valued Decision Diagrams with Symmetric Variable Nodes D.M. Miller (University of Victoria, Canada) N. Muranaka (Kansai University, Japan) 15:50 A Method to Represent Multiple-Output Switching Functions by using Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams Tsutomu Sasao (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) Jon Butler (Postgraduate Naval School, USA) 16:15 Complex spectral decision diagrams Bogdan J. Falkowski, Susanto Rahardja (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) 16:40 - 17:10 Coffee break 17:10 - 18:40 Parallel Sessions 3A and 3B SESSION 3A: Circuits, Logic Design I 17:10 A ternary systolic product-sum circuit for GF(3^m) using neuron MOSFETs Noriaki Muranaka (Kansai University, Japan) Shigenobu Arai (Nintendo Co., Ltd., Japan) Shigeru Imanishi (Kansai University, Japan) D. Michael Miller (University of Victoria, Canada) 17:35 New MVL-PLA Structures based on Current-mode CMOS Technology Mostafa Abd-El-Barr, Muhammad Nayyar Hasan (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia) 18:00 Design of highly parallel linear digital circuits based on a symbol-level redundancy Masami Nakajima, Michitaka Kameyama (Tohoku University, Japan) 18:25 On the Use of VHDL as a Multi-Valued Logic Simulator Come Rozon (Royal Military College of Canada) SESSION 3B: Logic II 17:10 Commodious Axiomatization of Quantifiers in Multiple-valued Logic Reiner Haehnle (University of Karlsruhe, Germany) 17:35 The Incidence Propagation Method Weiru Liu (University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Ireland) 18:00 Approximative Conjunctions Processing by the Multiple-valued Logic Herman Akdag, Myriam Mokhtari (University of Paris, France) 18:25 Intuistionistic Counterparts of Finite-Valued Logics Matthias Baaz (University of Viena, Austria) Christian Fermuller (Stanford University, USA) Thursday, May 30: 09:00 - 10:45 Special Session. "Helena Rasiowa. In memoriam" Invited Speakers: Prof. Dr. G. Malinowski (Lodz University, Poland) "Helena Rasiowa - a view of the academic trajectory and the influence upon Polish and international scientific community" Prof. Dr. J.M. Font (University of Barcelona, Spain) "On the contributions of Helena Rasiowa to Mathematical Logic" Prof. Dr. T. Sales (Polytechnical University of Cataluna, Spain) "From pure to approximate logic" 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 - 12:45 Parallel Sessions 4A and 4B SESSION 4A: Algebra I 11:30 Associativeness versus Recursiveness V. Cutello (University of Catania, Italy) E. Molina, J. Montero (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) 11:55 Rational Transitivity and its Models Hassan Bezzazi, Ramon Pino Perez (University of Lille, France) 12:20 Several Remarks on the Complexity of Set-Valued Switching Functions Dan A. Simovici (University of Massachusetts at Boston, USA) Corina Reischer (University of Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Canada) SESSION 4B: Artificial Intelligence, Reasoning. 11:30 Petri Net Representation of Fuzzy Reasoning under Incomplete Information Alberto Bugarin, P. Cari~nena, Senen Barro (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain) 11:55 Weight Structures for Approximate Reasoning with Weighted Expressions Stephan Lehmke (University of Dortmund, Germany) 12:20 Reasoning in inconsistent stratified knowledge bases Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade (University Paul Sabatier, France) 13:00 Lunch Meeting of the Symposium Committee 15:00 Excursion Friday, May 31: 09:45 - 10:45 Invited Address: "Inference in Fuzzy Logic via Generalized Constraint Propagation" Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lotfi A. Zadeh (University of California, Berkeley, USA) 10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 - 12:05 Parallel Sessions 5A and 5B SESSION 5A: Algebra II 11:15 On Isomorphisms between the Lattice of Tolerance Relations and Lattices of Clusterings Helmut Thiele (University of Dortmund, Germany) 11:40 An Algebraic Approach to Hyperalgebras Ivo G. Rosenberg (University of Montreal, Canada) SESSION 5B: Soft Computing 11:15 Wave-parallel computing technique for neural networks based on amplitude-modulated waves Yasushi Yuminaka, Yoshisato Sasaki (Gunma University, Japan) Takafumi Aoki, Tatsuo Higuchi (Tohoku University, Japan) 11:40 Design of multivalued circuits using genetic algorithms Wenjun Wang, Claudio Moraga (University of Dortmund, Germany) 12:10 - 12:55 Plenary Session 13:00 Lunch 15:00 - 16:40 Parallel Sessions 6A and 6B SESSION 6A: Circuits, Logic Design II 15:00 Quaternary Universal-Literal CAM for Cellular Logic Takahiro Hanyu, Manabu Arakaki, Michitaka Kameyama (Tohoku University, Japan) 15:25 Multi-Valued Decoder Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes in Current Tapping Mode Hao Tang and H. C. Lin (University of Maryland, USA) 15:50 Implementation of skew Boolean logic operations in peristaltic CCD Logic M. Spinks, R. J. Bignall (Monash University, Australia) 16:15 SESSION 6B: Devices 15:00 A literal gate using resonant-tunneling devices T. Waho, K. J. Chen, M. Yamamoto (NTT LSI Laboratories, Japan) 15:25 A Multiple-Valued Ferroelectric Content-Addressable Memory Ali Sheikholeslami, P. Glenn Gulak (University of Toronto, Canada) Takahiro Hanyu (Tohoku University, Japan) 15:50 Interband RTDs with Nanoelectronic HBT-LED Structures for Multiple-Valued Computation Lutz J. Micheel (Wright Laboratory, U.S. Air Force, USA) Hans L. Hartnagel (University of Darmstadt, Germany) 16:15 Low-Energy Logic Circuit Techniques for Multiple-Valued Logic K. Wayne Current, Vojin G. Oklobdzija, D. Maksimovic (University of California at Davis, USA) 16:40 - 17:10 Coffee Break 17:10 - 18:40 Parallel Sessions 7A and 7B SESSION 7A: Algebra III 17:10 Polynomial Completeness Criteria in Finite Boolean Algebras Boris A. Romov (New York, USA) 17:35 Techniques of Computing Logic Derivatives for MVL-Functions Vladimir Shmerko, S. Yanushkevich (Technical University of Szczecin, Poland) V. Levashenko, I. Bondar (Belarussian State Economic University, Republic of Belarus) 18:00 On the Lattice of Partial Clones on a Finite Set Lucien Haddad, Jean Fugere (Royal Military College of Canada) 18:25 The Deepest Repetition Free Decompositions of non-singular functions of finite-valued logics are almost coinciding Fedir Sokhatsky (Pedagogical Institute of Vinnytsia, Ukrainia) SESSION 7B: Logic III 17:10 DT - An Automated Theorem Prover for Multiple-Valued First-Order Predicate Logics Stefan Gerberding (University of Darmstadt, Germany) 17:35 Logic expressions of monotonic multiple-valued functions Kyoichi Nakashima, Yutaka Nakamura, Noboru Takagi (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan) 18:00 Efficiently irreducible bases in multiple-valued logic Grant Pogosyan (International Christian University, Japan) 18:25 The Logical not-Polynomial Forms to represent Multiple-valued Functions Elena Zaitseva, Tatyana Kalganova (Belarussian State Economic University, Republic of Belarus) Evgeny Kochergov (Institute on Problems of Criminology, Criminalistics and Forensic Expertise, Republic of Belarus) 20:00: Symposium Banquet Back

50. Detailed Record
• By helena rasiowa ; Roman Sikorski • Publisher Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Contents At head of title helena rasiowa and Roman Sikorski.
About WorldCat Help For Librarians The mathematics of metamathematics.
Helena Rasiowa Roman Sikorski
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51. References For Rasiowa
References for helena rasiowa. Articles W Bartol, E Orlowska and ASkowron, helena rasiowa, 1917 1994, Bull. European Association
References for Helena Rasiowa
  • W Bartol, E Orlowska and A Skowron, Helena Rasiowa, 1917 - 1994, Bull. European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Close this window or click this link to go back to Rasiowa
    Welcome page
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  • 52. Full Alphabetical Index
    Translate this page 258*) Ramanujan, Srinivasa (2798*) Ramsden, Jesse (112*) Ramsey, Frank (71*) Rankine,William (118*) Raphson, Joseph (765) rasiowa, helena (876*) Rayleigh
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    Click on a letter below to go to that part of this file. A B C D ... XYZ Click below to go to the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
    Abbe , Ernst (602*)
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    53. Oferta De Disciplinas Do Mestrado Em Sistemas E Computação
    Translate this page Topology Course Lecture Notes. Manuscript, http//www. 1997 rasiowa, helena.An Algebraic Approach to Non-Classical Logics. Ed. North Holland Pub.

    54. A Report On LACS A Tribute To Helena Rasiowa
    A Report on LACS a tribute to helena rasiowa. Logic, Algebra and ComputerScience. helena rasiowa. A Minisemester at Warsaw, December 222, 1996.
    A Report on LACS : a tribute to Helena Rasiowa
    Logic, Algebra and Computer Science. Helena Rasiowa
    A Minisemester at Warsaw, December 222, 1996.
    Mohua Banerjee
    Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta E-mail:
    The atmosphere was easy-unlike that in a standard conference-and the long span of the meeting gave one a lot of scope for academic interaction. Quite a few participants were close associates/students of Rasiowa, and so during conversations, one caught glimpses of the great personality as well. It was a privilege to be a part of the assembly and also, to present our work on rough logic that follows Rasiowa's style of investigation. The participants were accommodated either at the Banach Center, or hotels of the University of Warsaw, and the organizers took great care to see to the comfort of each one (in particular that none froze!). In general too, considering the extremely hard time that the Polish are going through, one was amazed at the warmth exuded and help extended, even by the common person on the street. Among the audience, we had a number of bright young students (Polish, and others), shooting questions, and enjoying the proceedings. I remember a nice evening with some of them, trudging through the ice to a concert at the renowned Chopin School of Music, and then being amply rewarded by the concert itself-three well-performed piano concertos by students of the School. We also had long exchanges about the problems in our countries, specially those in the academic spheres. There did not seem to be many differences.

    55. MIMUW - Wiktor Bartol
    H. rasiowa s and C. Rauszer s contribution to algebra, Logic, algebra and computerscience helena rasiowa and Cecylia Rauszer, in memoriam (Warsaw, 1995).
     Only in this directory English Pomoc Jak trafiæ? Zajêcia ... Institute of Mathematics faculty members publications
    Wiktor Bartol
    List of Publications
    Casasnovas, J.; Bartol, Wiktor; Rosselló, F.
    On the lattice of fuzzy weak subalgebras of a fuzzy partial algebra,
    NAFIPS-FLINT 2002 International Conference, New Orleans Proceedings, pp.34-39. Casasnovas, J.; Bartol, Wiktor; Rosselló, F.
    A characterization of the lattice of fuzzy weak subalgebras of a partial algebra,
    IPMU2002 International Conference, Annecy-France Proceedings, pp.1111-1118. Bartol, Wiktor; Miro, J.; Rossello, F.
    Sobre las clases de una tolerancia, II
    Jornades de Matematica Discreta i Algorismica Proceedings, Ciutat de Palma, 11-12.09.2000, pp.17-18. Balcerzyk, S.; Bartol, Wiktor; Or³owska, E.; Wieczorek, A.; Wojciechowska-Waszkiewicz, A.
    Jerzy £o¶ (19201998),
    Studia Logica (2000), no. 3, pp.301-314. Bartol, Wiktor; Caicedo, X.; Rossello, F.
    Syntactical content of finite approximations of partial algebras,
    Rough sets and current trends in computing (Warsaw, 1998), pp.408-415, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. , Springer, Berlin, 1998 Bartol, Wiktor

    56. MIMUW - Andrzej Skowron
    To the memory of Prof. helena rasiowa, Fund. Inform. iii and 119-208. Or³owska,E.; Skowron, Andrzej helena rasiowa 1917-1994, Studia Logica 54 (1995), no.
     Only in this directory English Pomoc Jak trafiæ? Zajêcia ... Institute of Mathematics faculty members publications
    Andrzej Skowron
    List of Publications
    Skowron, Andrzej
    Approximation spaces in rough neurocomputing,
    In: M. Inuiguchi, S. Tsumoto, S. Hirano (Eds.): Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing,
    Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (2003), Springer, pp.13-22. Skowron, Andrzej; Stepaniuk, J,; Peters, J.
    Towards discovery of relevant patterns from parameterized schemes of information granule construction,
    In: M. Inuiguchi, S. Tsumoto, S. Hirano (Eds.): Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing,
    Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (2003), Springer, pp.97-108.
    Skowron, Andrzej; Peters, J.; Synak, P.; Ramanna, S.
    Rough sets and information granulation,
    In: T. B. Bilgic, D. Baets, O. Kaynak (Eds.): Proceedings of 10th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Istambul, Turkey, June 30-July 2, 2003
    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Springer, pp.370-377. Pal, S.K.; Polkowski, L.; Skowron, Andrzej (Eds.) Rough-Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words

    57. - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Mathematics - Mathematicia
    series. 19. rasiowa, helena MacTutor History of Mathematics http// Read

    58. }‘Ú×î•ñ
    Mathematical problems in computation theory / editors of the volume, Grazyna Mirkowska,helena rasiowa. (Banach Center publications ; v. 21) rasiowa, helena.

    59. Titel-SUCHE
    ISBN 3790811645 Logic at Work. Essays Dedicated to the Memoryof helena rasiowa (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Vol.
    Inhalt, sortiert nach Titel

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