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         Rasiowa Helena:     more books (19)
  1. An Algebraic Approach to Non-Classical Logics. by Helena. Rasiowa, 1974-07
  2. Wstep Do Matematyki Wspolczesnej by Helena Rasiowa, 1984
  3. The Mathematics of Metamathematics by Helena and Roman Sikorski Rasiowa, 1963
  4. Mathematics of Mathematics by Helena Rasiowa, R Sikorski,
  5. Mathematics of Metamathematics by Helena Rasiowa;Co-AuthorsRoman Sikorski, 1970

21. Citations: Memorial Volume For Helena Rasiowa - 'Modal, Predicate, CSLI, Center,
B 'Modal Foundations for Predicate Logic', CSLI Research Report 94191, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. To appear in E. Orlowska, ed., Logic at Work, Logic
B 'Modal Foundations for Predicate Logic', CSLI Research Report 94-191, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. To appear in E. Orlowska, ed., Logic at Work, Memorial Volume for Helena Rasiowa , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
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This paper is cited in the following contexts: Modal Languages And Bounded Fragments Of Predicate Logic - Andréka, van Benthem, Németi (1996) (4 citations) (Correct) No context found.
B 'Modal Foundations for Predicate Logic', CSLI Research Report 94-191, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. To appear in E. Orlowska, ed., Logic at Work, Memorial Volume for Helena Rasiowa , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
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22. A Tribute To Professor Helena Rasiowa
A Tribute to Professor helena RasiowaMelvin FittingWe who work in science like to think the world is onethe world ofscience itself, which is universal and has no boundaries. Of course, it is not. so .

23. IEEE International Symposium On Multiple-Valued Logic 1996
Logics. 136 Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL). SpecialSession helena rasiowa, In Memoriam. G. Malinowski helena rasiowa
ISMVL 1996: Santiago de Compostela, Spain
26th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL 1996), May 19-31, 1996, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society, 1996, online publication:
Keynote Address I
Logic Design I
Logic I

24. University Of Illinois At UC Mathematics Library -- New Books: June
511.3 L82923. rasiowa, helena.; Orlowska, Ewa. Logic at work essays dedicated to the memory of helena rasiowa. New York PhysicaVerlag

25. Helena Rasiowa
name university year home submit about help helena rasiowa. Doctorate fromWarszaw University in unknown year Adviser Andrzej Mostowski Students,He

26. Family Photographs
Family Photographs. My Mother helena rasiowa ( GozdawaBaczalska) helena rasiowa's WWW Site (under construction) My Grandaunt Alina
Family Photographs
My Mother Helena Rasiowa
Helena Rasiowa's WWW Site (under construction)
My Grandaunt Alina

27. Index For The Letter R
Lyle; Randell, Brian; Ranjan, Desh; rasiowa, helena; Ravi, R. Ravi,SS;
This is the index into entries in the TCS Genealogy for names beginning with the letter R.
  • Rabani, Yuval
  • Rabin, Michael O.
  • Rabinovich, Alexander
  • Rackoff, Charles ...
  • Ryll-Nardzewski, Czeslaw
  • 28. Education World Search
    discusses his connection to Sir Isaac Newton as well as his travel to St helena to chart constellations rasiowa. helena. http//;$sessionid$SHUBCPQAAOA0PLAQBIK

    29. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Helena Rasiowa
    helena rasiowa Biography Ph.D. Uniwersytet Warszawski 1950. According to our currentonline database, helena rasiowa has 9 students and 17 descendants.

    30. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Helena Rasiowa
    The Mathematics Genealogy Project

    31. Helena Rasiowa: Vita
    VITA. NAME AND RANK helena rasiowa. Professor of Mathematics at the Universityof Warsaw, Poland. EDUCATION MA in Mathematics, University
    VITA NAME AND RANK : Helena Rasiowa Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warsaw, Poland EDUCATION M.A. in Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland ,1946 Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland, 1950 Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, l956 PERSONAL Place and Date of Birth: Vienna, Austria, June 20, 1917 Nationality : Polish Citizenship: Polish PROFESIONAL EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Assistant, 1946-49 Assistant Professor, 1950-54 Associate Professor, 1954-57 Professor, 1957-67 Full Professor, 1967-present Section Head, Foundations of Mathematics, 1964-70 Section Head , Mathematical Logic, 1970-present Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, 1958-60, 1962-66 Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics, 1968-78 POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTE Associate Professor, 1954-57 Professor, l957-63 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONALE DEL SUR, BAHIA BLANCA, ARGENTINA Visiting Professor, l958, June-September UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO , USA

    32. F99b Abstract
    On the contributions of helena rasiowa to Mathematical Logic. by Josep Maria Font.MultipleValued Logic, an International Journal, 4 (1999) 159-179. Abstract.
    On the contributions of Helena Rasiowa to Mathematical Logic
    by Josep Maria Font
    Multiple-Valued Logic, an International Journal, 4 (1999) 159-179
    After an overview of the main fields of mathematical logic where Rasiowa made significant contributions, the author analyzes with some detail the philosophical basis of Rasiowa's approach to the study of mathematical logic and the main technical points that characterize her contributions. In particular, it is shown that theses contributions are grounded on three key ideas of major Polish logicians, namely: (1) Lindenbaum's idea of treating the set of formulas as an abstract algebra. (2) Mostowski's idea of interpreting quantifiers as infinite conjunctions or disjunctions in the (ordered) set taken as model. (3) Tarski's idea of defining a logic in general as a finitary closure operator on the power set of the set of formulas, completed by Los' and Suszko's notion of "structurality" (invariance under substitutions). These ideas and Rasiowa's own constructions are described in their historical context.

    33. Banach Center Publications
    20, Singularities, Stanislaw Lojasiewicz, 1988, 498. 21, MathematicalProblems in Computation Theory, Grazyna Mirkowska, helena rasiowa, 1988,597.
    Banach Center Publications
    Part of the scientific activities of the Banach Center have been recorded in the Banach Center Publication series. It is a series of proceedings volumes, containing research and survey papers. Already sixty volumes appeared in the series. Here you can find the guidelines for publication in the BCP series and the hints for authors. List of BCP volumes No Title Editors Year Pages Mathematical Control Theory Szymon Dolecki, Czesław Olech, Jerzy Zabczyk Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science Antoni Mazurkiewicz, Zdzisław Pawlak Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods A. N. Tikhonov, F. Kuhnert, N. N. Kuznecov, K. Moszyński, A. Wakulicz Approximation Theory Zbigniew Ciesielski Probability Theory Zbigniew Ciesielski Mathematical Statistics Robert Bartoszyński, Jacek Koronacki, Ryszard Zieliński Discrete Mathematics J. L. Kulikowski, M. Michalewicz, S. V. Yablonskii, Yu. I. Zhuravlev Spectral Theory Wiesław Å»elazko Universal Algebra and Applications Tadeusz Traczyk Partial Differential Equations Bogdan Bojarski Complex Analysis Julian Ławrynowicz, J³zef Siciak

    LOGIC, ALGEBRA AND COMPUTER SCIENCE helena rasiowa AND CECYLIA RAUSZER IN MEMORIAM.Warszawa, Poland June 10, 1995. 1. helena rasiowa and Cecylia Rauszer.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS This is a special issue of the Bulletin containing abstracts of the papers delivered at the special session
    Warszawa, Poland
    June 10, 1995
    Edited by Andrzej Skowron
    1. Helena Rasiowa and Cecylia Rauszer. Two generations in Logic , Wiktor Bartol [DVI] 2. Helena Rasiowa's list of publications [DVI] 3. Cecylia Rauszer's list of publications [DVI] 4. Abstracts of lectures
    4.1. An Algebraic Approach to Logics in Research Work of Helena Rasiowa and Cecylia Rauszer, Andrzej Jankowski [DVI]
    4.2. Proof-Theoretical Investigations of Helena Rasiowa, Ewa Orlowska
    4.3. Representation Theorems for Implicative Structures, Wojciech Buszkowski [DVI]
    4.4. Post Algebras in Helena Rasiowa's Explorations, Tadeusz Traczyk [DVI]
    4.5. Non-classical Logics in Quantum Mechanics and Phisics, Maciej Maczynski [DVI]
    4.6. Helena Rasiowa's and Cecylia Rauszer's Contribution to Algebra, Wiktor Bartol [DVI]
    4.7. Helena Rasiowa's and Cecylia Rauszer's Research on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, Zdzislaw Pawlak and Andrzej Skowron

    35. Instytut Filozofii U£
    rasiowa, helena, Wstep do matematyki wspólczesnej, PWN, rózne wydania. 4helena rasiowa, Wste p do matematyki wspólczesnej, PWN Warszawa 1968.
    Przedmioty podstawowe
    WPROWADZENIE DO FILOZOFII konwersatorium: 30 godzin; semestr I PROWADZ¥CY: prof. dr hab. Adam Nowaczyk WARUNKI ZALICZENIA: Aktywny udzia³ w dyskusji, pozytywna ocena pisemnych analiz tekstów. CEL ZAJÊÆ: Nabycie przez studentów pierwszego roku umiejêtnoœci czytania i interpretacji tekstów filozoficznych oraz wypowiadania siê w kwestiach filozoficznych zarówno w dysk u sji jak i na piœmie. PROPONOWANY TERMIN: poniedzia³e. 10.15-11.45, 12.00-13.30 (dwie grupy) PRO GRAM RAMOWY: Analiza wybranych fragmentów dzie³ filozoficznych reprezentuj¹cych ró¿ne epoki i style filozofowania. LITERATURA PODSTAWOWA: Niewielkie fragmenty dzie³ filozoficznych dostarczane w formie kserokopii; wœród nich teksty Arystotelesa, Kartezjusz a, Berkeley'a, Hume'a, Hegla, Bergso na i filozofów wspó³czesnych. WPROWADZENIE DO FILOZOFII warsztaty: 30 godzin; semestr I PROWADZ¥CY: prof. nadzw. dr hab. Aldona Pobojewska WARUNKI ZALICZENIA: Nie wiêcej ni¿ trzy nieobecnoœci, aktywny udzia³ w zajêc iach, napisanie relacji, streszczenia i rozprawki. CEL ZAJÊÆ: Zajêcia maj¹ za zadanie kszta³towanie u uczestników pewnego typu postawy poznawczej oraz wyrabianie u nich okreœlonych umiejêtnoœci niezbêdnych do zajmowania siê filozofi¹. Podejmowane s¹ próby kszta³towania:

    36. Helena Rasiowa-a View Of The Academic Trajectory And The Influence Upon Polish A
    Jantiago de Compostela, SPAIN. p. 144 helena rasiowaa view of the academic trajectoryand the influence upon Polish and international scientific community. PDF.
    26th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL '96) January 19 - 31, 1996 Jantiago de Compostela, SPAIN p. 144 Helena Rasiowa-a view of the academic trajectory and the influence upon Polish and international scientific community G. Malinowski Dept. of Logic, Lodz Univ., Poland The death of H. Rasiowa was a big loss for both, the Polish and the international scientific community. The life of Professor Rasiowa was passionately devoted to the development of logic, algebra and computer science and brought the fruits already reckoned among the results of the highest importance. The influence of her personality goes far beyond Poland and the group of logicians, mathematicians and computer scientists. Index Terms- ... computer science; Helena Rasiowa; logic; algebra; computer science; Professor Rasiowa; scientific community; academic trajectory The full text of ismvl is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and an web account

    37. On The Contributions Of Helena Rasiowa To Mathematical Logic
    Jantiago de Compostela, SPAIN. p. 147 On the contributions of helena Rasiowato mathematical logic. PDF. JM Font , Fac. of Math., Barcelona Univ., Spain.
    26th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL '96) January 19 - 31, 1996 Jantiago de Compostela, SPAIN p. 147 On the contributions of Helena Rasiowa to mathematical logic J.M. Font Fac. of Math., Barcelona Univ., Spain Summarizes the central aspects of the contributions of Helena Rasiowa (1917-1994) to the more traditional or classical part of Mathematical Logic. One could reasonably argue that all her original research properly belongs to Mathematical Logic, more precisely to the sub-field of Algebraic Logic. As a natural consequence of her previous work on non-classical logics, in the seventies she began to study several logics motivated by computational questions, but still the spirit of her original contributions retained the same algebraic flavour. Even the introductory book (1973) bears this mark: it contains elementary set theory with special attention to ordered sets, mathematical logic, and abstract algebra. Index Terms- formal logic; biographies; Helena Rasiowa; mathematical logic; abstract algebra; ordered sets; non-classical logics The full text of ismvl is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and an web account

    38. Helena --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
    , helena rasiowa University of St Andrews, Scotland Biographical , helena rasiowaUniversity of St Andrews Brief biography of this Polish mathematician. , St.

    39. Wstêp Do Matematyki Wspó³czesnej - Helena Rasiowa -
    autor helena rasiowa Tytul Wstep do matematyki wspólczesnej Nosnikdruk Dzial ksiazka Identyfikator 8301-13949-8 Wydawca PWN.
    autor: Helena Rasiowa
    Tytu³: Wstêp do matematyki wspó³czesnej
    No¶nik: druk
    Dzia³: ksi±¿ka
    Identyfikator: 83-01-13949-8
    Wydawca: PWN
    Jest to kolejne wznowienie podrêcznika znanego wielu pokoleniom studentów matematyki. Ksi±¿ka zawiera elementy teorii mnogo¶ci, logiki matematycznej i algebry abstrakcyjnej w zakresie zapewniaj±cym Czytelnikowi odpowiednie przygotowanie do studiowania matematyki.

    40. "Wstêp Do Matematyki Wspó³czesnej" - Helena Rasiowa
    Tytul Wstep do matematyki wspólczesnej. Autor helena rasiowa.Wyd. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1998, ISBN 8301-01373-7.
    Tytu³: Wstêp do matematyki wspó³czesnej Autor: Helena Rasiowa Wyd. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1998, ISBN 83-01-01373-7 Publikacja zawiera elementy teorii mnogoœci, logiki matematycznej i algegry abstrakcyjnej w zakresie zapewniaj¹cym odpowiednie przygotowanie do studiowania matematyki. Przeznaczona jest g³ównie dla studentów pierwszego roku matematyki na uniwersytetach do zajêæ z przedmiotu Wstêp do matematyki. SPIS TREŒCI Przedmowa Rozdzia³ I. Algebra zbiorów § 1. Pojêcie zbioru § 2. Suma zbiorów § 3. Iloczyn zbiorów. Prawa absorbcji i rozdzielnoœci § 4. Ró¿nica zbiorów. Zwi¹zki pomiêdzy ró¿nic¹ i dzia³aniami dodawania i mno¿enia zbiorów § 5. Przestrzeñ. Dope³nienie zbioru § 6*. Aksjomaty algebry zbiorów § 7*. Cia³a zbiorów § 8. Funkcje zdaniowe jednej zmiennej § 9*. Wzmianka o aksjomatach teorii mnogoœci § 10*. Uwagi o potrzebie aksjomatycznego ujêcia teorii mnogoœci i o teoriach aksjomatycznych Rozdzia³ II. Liczby naturalne. Dowody indukcyjne § 1(*). Aksjomatyczne ujêcie liczb naturalnych. Zasada indukcji

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