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         Ramus Peter:     more books (25)
  1. THE WAY TO GEOMETRY by Peter Ramus, 2009-07-21
  2. Ramus and Talon inventory: A short-title inventory of the published works of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (ca. 1510-1562) in their original ... invention (De inventione dialectica) by Walter J Ong, 1981
  3. Joannis Miltoni Angli Artis logicÆ plenior inftitutio: Ad Petri Rami methodum concinnata = A fuller institution of the arts of logic, arranged after the method of Peter Ramus by John Milton, 1935
  4. Renaissance Philosophy: New Translations of Lorenz Valla, Paul Cortese, Cajetan, T. Bacciliere, Juan Luis Vives, Peter Ramus
  5. Ramus and Talon inventory: A short-title inventory of the published works of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (ca.1510-1562) in their originaland ... altered forms with related material by Walter Jackson Ong, 1958
  6. Ramus and Talon Inventory; A Short-Title Inventory of the Published Works of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (ca. 1510-156) In Their Original and In Their Variously Altered Forms by Walter J., S.J. Ong, 1969
  7. Renaissance philosophy: New translations [of] : Lorenzo Valla, 1407-1457 ; Paul Cortese, 1465-1510 ; Cajetan (Thomas de Vio), 1469-1534 ; Tiberio Baccillieri, ... Vives, 1492-1540 ; Peter Ramus, 1515-1572
  8. Peter Ramus and the Confusion of Logic, Rhetoric, and Poetry (Contributions in Modern Philology, Number 2) by Norman E. Nelson, 1947
  9. Horace's Lyric Poetry: The Force of Humour (Ramus monographs) by Peter Connor, 1987-07
  10. Ramism in William Perkins' Theology (American University Studies Series VII, Theology and Religion) by Donald K. McKim, 1987-12-02

21. Charles Ramus Forrest - Biographies D Artistes - Introduction - La
Translate this page Au sujet de peter Winkworth. Herbert Caddy James Pattison Cockburn Richard DillonRobert Dudley Arthur Elliot Sarah Bond Farish Charles ramus Forrest William

22. THE RAMUS PAGE- (Peter Ramus - 1515-1572) - Biography - Bibliography - Informati
peter ramus (15151572) ramus - Biography - RA Hatch. ramus Bibliography - ramusBibliography - RA Hatch. ramus Chronology - ramus s Life - Chronology - RA Hatch.
The Ramus Page - Ramus Galilei - Biography - Bibliography - Information - Links - Dr Robert A. Hatch T H E R A M U S P A G E
Peter Ramus (1515-1572) Ramus - Biography - R.A. Hatch Ramus Bibliography - Ramus Bibliography - R.A. Hatch Ramus Chronology - Ramus's Life - Chronology - R.A. Hatch
The Scientific Revolution - Table of Contents


23. Matteo Ricci And The Art Of Memory
1.21. Minneskonsten efter antiken 1.21. Minneskonsten efter antiken.peter ramus and the art of memory. Nya media startsida. One
1.21. Minneskonsten efter antiken Peter Ramus and the art of memory One important proponent of the art of memory in the Renaissance was Matteo Ricci, the first Jesuit to visit China. His use of the art made a huge impression on the Confucian scholars of his day. The uses of spatiality - Mnemonic uses of space (SIMA, University of Manchester) NYA MEDIA OCH FALLET SOKRATES Jonathan Spence on Matteo Ricci's art of memory Nya media och fallet Sokrates

Photo Directory Home Page 47417 BRONZE OF peter ramus Ca 1890, France 16 .
Photo Directory
Home Page
Ca 1890, France

25. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken
Translate this page Ramsay, Allan, ango81350. Ramsey, Frank P. (Fachbibliothek), phig72800. ramus,peter (Fachbibliothek), phid72200. ramus, peter, relm68000. ramus, peter, rome77100.
[ULB-Hauptseite Katalog und Datenbanken Suche Bibliotheks-ABC ... Virtuelle Bibliothek, Hauptseite]
Autoren und Anonyma
A B C D ... Z
Raabe, Wilhelm Rabe, David W. Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph Rabelais, Francois (Fachbibliothek) Rabelais, Francois Rabelais, Francois / Gargantua et Pantagruel Rabelais, Francois / Sekundaerlit. zu mehreren Werken Rabener, Gottlieb W. Rabenschlacht Rabinovic Salom Rabinovic, Salom Rabinowitch, David Rabinowitsch, Schalom Raboi, Aizik Rabon, Israel Rabon, Jisroel Rabon, Yisroel Raboni, Giovanni (Fachbibliothek) Raboy, Aizik Raboy, Isaac Raboy, Yitskhok Rabutin-Chantal de Sevigne, Marie (Fachbibliothek) Rabutin-Chantal de Sevigne, Marie Racan, Honorat de B. Rachilde Rachmaninov, Sergej W. Rachmaninov, Sergej W. Rachmanov, Leonid N. Rachmanowa, Alja Racine, Jean Racine, Jean / Phedre, Sekundaerliteratur Racine, Jean / Sekundaerliteratur zu mehreren Werken Radbruch, Gustav (Fachbibliothek) Radcliffe, Ann Rade, Martin Radecki, Sigismund (Fachbibliothek) Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli (Fachbibliothek)

26. Peter N. And Ramus L.
peter N. and ramus L.

27. French Department - Dr. Peter Sharratt
peter Sharratt s research covers three main areas (i) Renaissance literature andthought, especially the work of peter ramus (Pierre de La Ramée) and his
Dr Peter Sharratt
B.A., M.Litt., (Durham), Ph.D. (Newcastle)
Honorary Fellow
Research interests
Hortulus Strabonis and his Analogia Microcosmi ad Macrocosmon : a medical and theological view of the other sex' which will appear in Ann Moss and Jennifer Britnell (eds.), Female Saints and Sinners Saintes et mondaines: France, 1450-1650 , Durham Modern Language Series, and an edition of Ramus's Latin commentary on Aristotle's Politics : 'Ramus's engagement with Aristotle's Politics : unfinished business' to be published in a collective work on Ramus edited by Kees Meerhoff and Jean-Claude Moisan. He is currently concentrating on Ramus on the university and is preparing a bibliography of Nancel's books and manuscripts; (ii) Renaissance art, especially the work of the Lyonnais engraver and book-illustrator, Bernard Salomon, on whom he is preparing a monograph. He has recently given papers on "Il Gran Cardinale, le Petit Bernard and the 1553 Entry into Carpentras" and "Bernard Salomon and the uses of engraving: people and places"; (iii) Modern and contemporary word and image studies, especially with relation to sculpture and literature.

28. Detailed Record
ramus and Talon inventory; a shorttitle inventory of the publishedworks of peter ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (ca. 1510
About WorldCat Help For Librarians Ramus and Talon inventory; a short-title inventory of the published works of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (ca. 1510-1562) in their original and in their variously altered forms. With related material: 1. The Ramist controversies: a descriptive catalogue. 2. Agricola check list: a short-title inventory of some printed editions and printed compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical invention (De inventione dialectica).
Walter J Ong
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WorldCat is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. on behalf of its member libraries.

29. The Galileo Project
ramus, peter 1. Dates Born Vermandois, 1515 Died Paris, 26 Aug.1572 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 57 2. Father Occupation
Ramus, Peter
1. Dates
Born: Vermandois, 1515
Died: Paris, 26 Aug. 1572
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Laborer
Ramus was born into a family that had lost its wealth but not its title of nobility with the sack of Liège in 1468. His father was a laborer.
I take this clearly to say that the family was poor.
3. Nationality
Birth: French
Career: French
Death: French
4. Education
Schooling: Paris, M.A.
After a primary education at home, he entered the College of Navarre and received his M.A. in 1536. He paid his way by working as a manservant.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic, Calvinist
In 1561, he embraced Calvinism with enthusiasm. In 1562 he published a plan of reform for the University of Paris, in which he proposed the study of the Old Testament in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek in the theological faculty. Late in 1562, when Calvinists were ordered out of Paris, he fled to Fontainebleau. He returned to Paris under the Peace of Amboise in 1563, and again fled Paris in 1567, taking refuge with the Prince de Condé. He returned to Paris to ask leave of the King to travel in Germany. From 1568 to 1570 he toured the protestant centers of Switzerland and Germany. Lured back to Paris in 1570 by the promises of tolerance, he received titles and salaries, but was banned from teaching.
While in the midst of a vast publication project he was caught by the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre and despite explicit royal protection he was cruelly murdered.

30. Jahrbuch Der Freien Generation (Datenbank Des Deutschsprachigen
Guillaume; peter Kropotkin; Max Nettlau; Pierre ramus; Robert W. Service
Datenbank des deutschsprachigen Anarchismus - DadA
Abteilung: Periodika 1798 - 2001 ff.
Zur DadA-Startseite Alphabetische Titel-Liste DadA-Periodika, Dok.-Nr.: DA-P0001353
Jahrbuch der Freien Generation
Volkskalender und Dokumente der Weltanschauung des Sozialismus-Anarchismus; auch: ... des Anarchismus-Sozialismus
Motto: "Und Ich - Ich bin das Blitzen der Generationen durch sie, Samen der Welten, die noch werden ..." Edward Carpenter" (Bd.1: 1910:)
Karl Isda, Wien
Frankreich; Schweiz; Belgien Erscheinungszeitraum: 1910 - 1914, N.F. Bd.1 - 5 Erscheinungsweise: Format: 15 x 22,5 cm: Bd.1 (1910): 116 S.; Bd.2 (1911): 128 S.; Bd.3 (1912): 128 S.; Bd.4 (1913): 128 S.; Bd.5 (1915): 128 S. Die Freie Generation Bemerkungen: Repression: 1914: [Michail Bakunin]; "Bibliophil" (Pseud.); Ernest Crosby; James Guillaume; Peter Kropotkin; Max Nettlau; Pierre Ramus; Robert W. Service; Wladimir Tscherkesoff Standort: ZDB-Ident.: 532256; 532257 (VG) Literaturhinweise: Botz/Brandstetter, S. 86; Nettlau: Geschichte der Anarchie, Bd. 5, S. 238; Schepperle: Pierre Ramus, S. 27, Anm. 43, S. 276

31. Pierre Ramus Gesellschaft, Wien: Links Zu Themenverwandten Seiten
ramus di Rudolf Großmann peter Krapotkin. Sein Leben und
Pierre Ramus (1882-1942) - Das Werk
Übersicht I. Bibliografie Pierre Ramus (d.i. Rudolf Großmann); Pseudonyme: Libertarian, Clarent Morelight, Klarent Morleit, Pierre Ramus. Zusammengestellt von Reinhard Müller (Herausgeber) Der Zeitgeist. Revolutionäres illustriertes Monatsheft zur Aufklärung und Fortbildung des Volkes (New York), 1. Jg. (1901), 3 Nummern, mit der humoristischen Beilage Der Tramp (New York), 1. Jg. (1901). (Rudolf Großmann; mit F. Thaumazo [d.i. Frederic Loevius]) Karl Kautsky’s [!] sociale Revolution (Kritik seiner Broschüre „Die soziale Revolution“). New York: Allied Press [1902], 16 S. Nach vierzig Jahren. (28 September 1864 - 28 September 1904.) Ein historisches Gedenkblatt zur vierzigjährigen Grundung [recte: Gründung] der Internationalen Arbeiter Association. Von Pierre Ramus. London: Herausgegeben von dem Communistischen Arbeiter Bildungs Verein 1905 (= Bibliothek der Solidarität. 1.), 15 S. Zuerst in: Der freie Arbeiter (Berlin), 1. Jg., Nr. 38-40. Die Erste Internationale 1864. (1.-3. Tausend.) Berlin:

32. Pierre Ramus Gesellschaft, Wien: Links Zu Themenverwandten Seiten
Translate this page Pierre ramus-Symposion fand unter dem Titel “Pierre ramus und die waren OttwaldJohn, Adi Rasworschegg, Dieter Schrage, Gerhard Senft, peter Steyrer und
Pierre Ramus Gesellschaft - über uns

33. Start-Up Bibliography
MacIlmaine, Roland, trans. peter ramus The Logike, 1574 (Leeds The Scolar Press,1966). ramus, peter. Arguments in Rhetoric Against Quintilian trans.
A Start-up Bibliography
More to come. Check back soon! A Few Renaissance Rhetorics
Rhetoric, Historical Perspectives
  • Bizzell, Patricia and Bruce Herzberg, eds., The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present (Boston: St. Martin's P 1990).
  • Conley, Thomas M. Rhetoric in the European Tradition (NY: Longman, 1990). on reserve
  • Connors, Rober J., Lisa Ede, and Andrea A. Lundsford, eds., Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1984).
  • Crowley, Sharon. The Methodical Memory: Invention in Current-Traditional Rhetoric (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990). on reserve
    Kennedy, George A. trans. Aristotle On Rhetoric: A Theory of Civil Discourse (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991). on reserve
  • Classical Rhetoric and Its Christian and Secular Traditions from Ancient to Modern Times (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1980). on reserve
  • Kimball, Bruce A. Orators and Philosophers: A History of the Idea of Liberal Education (New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1986).
    McKeon, Richard.
  • 34. George Campbell And High Blair
    Westfall, Richard S. “ramus, peter.” Catalog of the Scientific Community.Dept. peter ramus.” Virtualology, A Virtual Education Project. 2000.
    George Campbell and Hugh Blair
    Week 13 April 10, 2002
    George Campbell The Philosophy of Rhetoric (excerpts) Chapters I IV V (all sections and parts), VII (all sections and parts), VIII IX X (all sections and parts) George Campbell Hugh Blair Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (Lectures I, II, and XIV) Hugh Blair
    Link to Susan Vineyard's Bibliography
    Angela “Thomas Wilson.” Renascence and Reformation . Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of English and AmericanLiterature Westfall, Richard S. “Ramus, Peter.” Catalog of the Scientific Community
    Ginger Albin
    Bain, Alexander. English Composition and Rhetoric: A Manual. 1866; American ed., rev. 1888. Rpt. New York: Appleton, 1980. Burke, Edmund. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful. Ed. James T. Boulton. 1757. Rpt. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1968.

    35. Philosophical Dictionary: Ramsey-Reification
    Recommended Reading Arguments in Rhetoric Against Quintilian Translationand Text of peter ramus s Rhetoricae Distinctiones in Quintilianum , tr.
    F A Q Dictionary ... Locke
    Ramsey, Frank Plumpton
    British mathematician and philosopher who contributed to the second edition of Russell and Whitehead 's Principia Mathematica . Ramsey's "Truth and Probability" (1926) and Foundations of Mathematics (1931) clarified the nature of semantic paradox, developed modern applications of the probability calculus , and introduced the redundancy theory of truth . He was an early admirer of Wittgenstein ,whose Tractatus Ramsey translated into English and whose return to England in 1929 he helped to arrange. Recommended Reading: Frank Plumpton Ramsey, Philosophical Papers at The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey at Also see MMT
    Ramus, Petrus
    French logician. In his Dialecticae Partitiones The Structure of Dialectic ) (1543), Ramus attacked the influence of Aristotelean thinking on education and philosophy, proposing an alternative method of reasoning that emphasized the invention of rhetorical dichotomies. This work was a significant influence on that of Bacon and Hobbes Recommended Reading: Arguments in Rhetoric Against Quintilian: Translation and Text of Peter Ramus's Rhetoricae Distinctiones in Quintilianum at

    36. Enciclopedia Católica
    Translate this page de Ramatha Rambler, The Periódico católico inglés Rameau, Jean-Philippe RamonNonato, San Ramos, Domingo de Ramsey, Abadía de ramus, peter Rancé, Jean

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    Maurus Magnentius, Beato ...
    Pintor (1483-1520)
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    Raimundo IV, de San-Gilles Raimundo de Sabunde Raimundo Diosdado Caballero Raimundo Lulio Raimundo Martini Raimundo VI Raimundo VII Rainaldo de Dassel Rajpootana Rale, Sebastian Ralph Crockett Ralph Milner, Venerable Ralph Sherwin, Beato Ramas, Domingo de Ramatha Rambler, The Rameau, Jean-Philippe Ramon Nonato, San Ramos, Domingo de Ramus, Peter Randall, James Ryder Raneiro Sacchoni Raphoe Raquel Raskolniks Rathborne, Joseph Ratherius de Verona Ratio Studiorum Rationale Ratisbon, Eberhard de Ratisbona Ratisbonne, Maria Alfonso Ratisbonne, Maria Teodoro Sacerdote converso (1802-1884) Ratramnus Ratzeburg, Antigua Sede de

    37. Hudson Handicap 2003
    20th. September. peter ramus. Round 8. Team Winners. Iris Matthews, Bill Williams. 11th.October. peter ramus. Round 9. Team Winners. Bill Williams, peter ramus.
    HUDSON HANDICAP 2003 Click below to check out other results for 2003 SENIOR ROUND OF THE DAY JUNIOR ROUND OF THE DAY HUDSON HANDICAP SUMMER HANDICAP ... [Back to Results Main Page] Round 1 Spoon Winner 8th. February Kerry Bergman Round 1 Team Winners Jose Perez, Kris Pedersen, Tracy Slater, Rick Dalgarno Round 2 Spoon Winner 8th. March Kerry Bergman Round 2 Team Winners Ben Maher, Peter Ramus Mark O'Brien, Steve Clemments Round 3 Spoon Winner 12th. April Kerry Bergman Round 3 Team Winners Greg Gatt, Alan Poynton, Mark Feldman, Serena Steuart Round 4 Spoon Winner 10th. May Lalin Naidu Round 4 Team Winners Sandra Elliott, Bill Williams, Serena Steuart, Kerry Bergman Round 5 Spoon Winner 7th. June Serena Steuart Round 5 Team Winners Nick Ebb, Frank Sacco Mark Feldman, Peter Ramus Round 6 Spoon Winner 12th. July

    38. Summer Hcp 2001-2002
    2002. peter ramus. Round 8. 12th. 2002. peter ramus. Mvc026s.jpg (71238 bytes),peter ramus004.JPG (99293 bytes), Mvc-178s.jpg (60263 bytes), WELL DONE peter!!!!!
    SUMMER HANDICAP 2001/02 Click below to check out other results for 2002 SENIOR ROUND OF THE DAY JUNIOR ROUND OF THE DAY HUDSON HANDICAP SUMMER HANDICAP ... [Back to Results Main Page] Round 1 24 Nov. 2001 Annette Coutts Round 2 1st. Dec. 2001 Colin Chappell Round 3 8th. Dec. 2001 John Britton Round 4 15th. Dec. 2001 Peter Cave Round 5 22nd. Dec. 2001 Colin Chappell Round 6 29th. Dec. 2001 Annette Coutts Round 7 5th. Jan. 2002 Peter Ramus Round 8 12th. Jan. 2002 Peter Ramus WELL DONE PETER!!!!!!! in a ROW Round 9 19th. Jan. 2002 Peter Ramus Round 10 26th. Jan. 2002 Peter Ramus Round 11 2nd. Feb.. 2002 Peter Ramus THE SUMMER HANDICAP HAS CONCLUDED Check Club Calender to find out when the next SUMMER HANDICAP is scheduled UP LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER CHECK OUT OUR WEB HOST CLICK HERE This site created for Moorabbin Archery Club by Amron Webs MAIL Webmaster Bill Williams

    39. Pierre La Ramée, Dit Ramus
    Translate this page UP, 1960. Graves, FP peter ramus and the Educational Reformationof the Sixteenth Century, New York, MacMillan, 1912. Hooykaas, R
    Notice biographique
    Dialecticae partitiones de 1543 et ses Aristotelicae animadversiones
    P. Ramus : Aristotelicae animadversiones , Paris, 1543. P. Ramus : M. T. Ciceronis (...) somnium scipionis (...) cum notis , Paris, 1546. P. Ramus : M. T. Ciceronis De Fato liber (...) explicatus , Paris, Vascosan, 1550. P. Ramus : P. Rami oratio (...) anno 1551 , Paris, David, 1551. P. Ramus : Pro philosophia parisiensis Academiae disciplina oratio , Paris, Grandin, 1551. P. Ramus : , Paris, 1562. P. Ramus : Institutionum dialecticarum libri tres , Paris, David, 1552. P. Ramus : P. Ramii professoris regii et Audomari Talaei collectanae praefationes (...) , Paris, Vallesens, 1577. P. Ramus : Commentarium de Religione Christiana libri IV , Francfort, 1576. P. Ramus : Scholarum metaphysicarum in totidem metaphysicos libros Aristotelis , Francfort, 1583. P. Ramus : Petrus Ramus, Dialecticae Institutiones, Aristotelicae Animadversiones , Faksimile-Neudruck der Ausgaben Paris 1543, ed. W. Risse, Stuttgart, F. Fromann Vlg, 1964. P. Ramus :

    40. History Of Astronomy: Persons (R)
    Hist. Math.); Short biography. ramus, peter (15151572) Biographicaldata and references. Rankine, William John Macquorn (1820-1872
    History of Astronomy Persons
    History of Astronomy: Persons (R)
    Deutsche Fassung

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