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61. (08001) - Minor Planet Name jesse ramsden (17351800) byl britským projektantem a výrobcem vysocepresných sextantu, teodolitu a dalích prístroju. http://www.hvezcb.cz/jmena/viewcz.php3?astnum=8001 |
62. BIOGRAFIA DI GIUSEPPE PIAZZI Translate this page Palermo e quella di Napoli, contribuì a migliorare le prestazioni dei telescopidel XIX secolo influenzando e coinvolgendo jesse ramsden, geniale costruttore http://www.pizzosuaro.it/biografia_di_giuseppe_piazzi.htm | |
63. Transit Of Venus - 18th Century jesse ramsden Sextant Private Collection. top. jesse ramsden , J.Sisson andBird made these instruments the illustrated instrument is by Bird. http://www.melbourneobservatory.com/18thCentury.htm | |
65. Astronomers R ramsden, jesse English telescope maker of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.His telescopes were in high demand by astronomers of the time. http://www.pa.msu.edu/people/horvatin/Astronomers/astronomers_r.htm | |
66. On-line Register Of Scientific Instruments ramsden 2 instruments. ramsden, jesse 8 instruments. ramsden, jesse (17351800)Flourished 1760-1800 5 instruments. ramsden, jesse; Londen 1 instrument. http://www.isin.org/browse.asp?subject=name&letter=R |
67. On-line Register Of Scientific Instruments Ramminger, Jacob 1 instrument. ramsden 2 instruments. ramsden, jesse 8instruments. ramsden, jesse (17351800) Flourished 1760-1800 5 instruments. http://www.isin.org/browse.asp?subject=name&letter=Qu |
68. Planetenkunde.de / Mond - Namen - Rimae Ramsden (Ramsden-Rillen) Translate this page ramsden-Rillen Benennung (IAU) im Jahr 1964 Benannt nach dem benachbarten Krater» ramsden Namensgeber jesse ramsden Britischer Instrumentenbauer (1735 http://www.astrolink.de/p012/p01204/p01204150100.htm | |
69. Ein Multimediales Nachschlagewerk - Die Erfinder - R ramsden,jesse, !735 bis 1800; Feinmechaniker und Optiker; Rankine, Wlliam http://www.sit.fraunhofer.de/schulen/materialien/lexikon_htm/erfin_R.htm | |
70. The Great Theodolite built. In 1775 jesse ramsden, (17351800) a most innovative Londoninstrument maker, completed his circular dividing engine. This http://www.surveyhistory.org/great_theodolite.htm | |
71. The Dividing Engine In 1773, jesse ramsden of England invented the circular dividing engine,an instrument which had a profound impact on Western history. http://www.surveyhistory.org/the_dividing_engine1.htm | |
72. Trades Directories John 1. Towlerton, George 1. Wilson, George Joiners 1. Binks, Henry Shopkeepers1. Bedford, George 1. Gill, John 1. Harpin, George 3. ramsden, jesse. http://www.ejgreen.freeserve.co.uk/td.htm | |
73. Latitude Longitude of an engine for dividing mathematical instruments, Londres, 1787 Reis,A...... Translate this page Sciences and Literature, by Abraham Rees, Londres, 1819 ramsden, jesse, http://www.cienciaviva.pt/latlong/anterior/nonio6.asp | |
74. Log Of Mystic Seaport: Index To Personal Names 44(3)78,; Ramsdell, Capt . 41(2)60,; ramsden, jesse 39(1)30,; Rand,Peter (Dr.) 20(2)60,; Randall, (Mr.) 19(3)103,; Randall, Capt . http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/initiative/LogPerson.cfm?alpha=r |
75. RSA Treasure Trails - The National Maritime Museum & Royal Observatory, Greenwic jesse ramsden (17311800) Sextant NAV1140 ITEM 8 Location HarrisonGallery, Flamsteed House, Royal Observatory. jesse ramsden, Sextant. http://www.thersa.org/250/maritime.asp | |
76. Ramsden Translate this page jesse ramsden (1735-1800) gründete 1762 in London eine Werkstatt füroptische Instrumente. Sein Hauptgeschäft lag in der Anfertigung http://www.achromat.de/html/tele/tele_ramsden.html | |
77. The Wedding jgwood. Beeswax Candles by Candles For jesse The Finest Beeswax Candles.Offering com. Jeff MacLeod ramsden, Scottish Bagpiper Jeff http://www.awebwedding.com/links/thewedding.html | |
78. Mahoganylongcase235 philosphical instrument maker at 199 Piccadilly. He took over the businessof jesse ramsden in Piccadilly when ramsden died in 1800. http://www.allan-smith-antique-clocks.co.uk/detailpages/bar101.htm |
79. Science And Society Picture Library Picture Library Keywords Astronomy Telescopes, Unidentified Universal Circles TelescopesGreat Circle Astronomical Instruments ramsden, jesse Berge, Matthew http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10415857 |
80. Science And Society Picture Library Science Society Picture Library Keywords Astronomy Telescopes, Refracting EquatorialsAstronomical Instruments Telescopes ramsden, jesse Shuckburgh, George http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10418963 |
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