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Ramsden Jesse: more detail | ||||||
41. Info 2 For Ramsden Page Thornes, York, England Dwelling Brandy Carr Source FHL Film 1342105 PRO Ref RG11Piece 4581 Folio 10 Page 14 Rel Mar Age Occ Birthplace jesse ramsden Head M http://www.geocities.com/jccglass/yorks/raminfo4.html | |
42. Barometro Meteorologia Su Scovato! Translate this page 3- Meteorologia. 3.1. - Barometro con Termometro (ramsden) jesse ramsden, Londra,1789. mogano, vetro, mercurio. altezza complessiva = 1 m. stato discreto http://www.scovato.it/servizi/meteo/barometro meteorologia.html | |
43. Browse: View Similar Resources; jesse ramsden (17351800) View Full ICON Record URL http//micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/ramsden.htmlGrade Level 6-12 http://icontechlit.enc.org/external/icon_standard_browse_index/0,5275,version%3D |
44. Antique Telescope By Jesse Ramsden 18 th Century Telescope by jesse ramsden. This is a great example of a late18th century telescope by the famous instrument maker jesse ramsden. http://www.hubbletelescope.btinternet.co.uk/ramsden.shtml | |
45. Liceo Foscarini - Museo Virtuale Di Fisica: Macchina Elettrica Di Ramsden Translate this page vari perfezionamenti compiuti sulle macchine elettrostatiche a strisciamento ?rappresentatodal modello inventato verso il 1770 da jesse ramsden (1735 - 1800 http://www.liceofoscarini.it/fisica94/ramsden.html | |
46. Sito Ufficiale Translate this page Fu progettata e costruita presumibilmente verso il 1780 nellofficina del celebreottico e meccanico londinese ramsden-jesse (1735-1800), discepolo di J. http://www.igmi.org/Pages/strumenti.html | |
47. I3047: Sarah Ann HOGBEN (ABT 4 Nov 1824 - 18 Aug 1869) HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 12/20/2003 103249 AM GMT StandardTime. Mary ramsden. - . jesse Henry SAWYER. ABT 1862 - AFT 1881. http://www.dennishayden.me.uk/g0000547.html | |
48. Index 154. raking cornice molding, 552 72 Ralph, Bill, 541 37 Ramapo ManufacturingFactory, 531 14 ramsden, jesse, 553 112 rams horns http://www.eaiainfo.org/subQ2Z9702.htm | |
49. Manufacturers jesse ramsden (17351800). He was probably the best manufacturer of scientificinstruments of the 18th century, well known throughout Europe. http://albinoni.brera.unimi.it/HEAVENS/MUSEO/Schede/ramsden.html |
50. Costruttori Translate this page jesse ramsden (1735-1800). Fu probabilmente il miglior costruttore distrumenti scientifici del XVIII secolo, conosciuto in tutta Europa. http://albinoni.brera.unimi.it/CAELUM/MUSEO/Schede/ramsden.html |
51. CHS 12th Grade A Pass Parker, Santana Perham, Jared Platt, Mara Poole, Heather R Preston, Erica L Quinn,Jennifer Quinta, Kimberly R Radley, Dustin M ramsden, jesse Rasha, Stephanie http://www.camdenschools.org/chs/APass12-2.htm | |
52. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results travelled to observatories in England and France to obtain advice and equipment,and met such great astronomers as William Herschel, jesse ramsden and Nevil http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
53. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results not realized until a century later, when jesse ramsden noted that it also partlycancelled 14. EYES, BRIGHT Similes Dictionary; July 1, 1988 http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
54. Vision Engineering Optical Microscopy Glossary Of Terms R. ramsden, jesse (17351800) An English optician and inventor ofthe ramsden ocular. ramsden Eyepiece An ocular consisting of two http://www.visioneng.com/technology/glossary.htm | |
55. Making The Modern World - Theodolite This initial project subsequently grew into the national Ordnance Survey.jesse ramsden was one of the foremost instrumentmakers of his age. http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/on-line/mmw/theodolite.asp | |
56. Science Museum London - Treasures Dividing, or marking, the scales on the instruments by hand was slow and demanding,so that when in 1775 jesse ramsden produced a successful machine that could http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/on-line/treasure/objects/1932-22.asp | |
57. > > L'eStudiolo De Pèndulum > > Translate this page Materiales cobre, latón, vidrio, estaño, madera de bubinga y nogal americano,seda y cuero. Dimensiones h= 28cm. Diseño jesse ramsden, 1766. http://www.pendulum.es/estudiolo/electricidad_magnetismo.html | |
58. Ciência Em Portugal - Episódios of an engine fordividing mathematical instruments, Londres, 1787. Reis,A. Balcão...... Translate this page Rees, Londres, 1819. ramsden, jesse, http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/ciencia/e20e.html | |
59. Ciência Em Portugal - Episódios Translate this page Depois de tentativas, feitas por outros, jesse ramsden (1731-1800), entre 1768 e1773, concebeu e desenvolveu a máquina de dividir escalas circulares (Fig 2 http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/ciencia/e20.html | |
60. Die Entwicklung Des Meridiankreises 1700-1850 Translate this page Olaus Römer 2.2 Die Wiederentdeckung des Kreises für astronomische Meßinstrumentedurch Tobias Mayer 2.3 Die Kreisteilmaschinen von jesse ramsden 2.4 Die http://www.gnt-verlag.de/programm/21/inhalt.shtml | |
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