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81. MATEMATICA: Srinivasa Ramanujan By Fajoy MATEMATICA srinivasa ramanujan by fajoy. reply to this message posta message on a new topic Back to Matematica Discussion Group http://mathforum.org/epigone/matematica/twunhimppland | |
82. About "Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar" The Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library. srinivasa ramanujan Aiyangar.Library Home Full Table of Contents Suggest a Link Library Help. http://mathforum.org/library/view/10298.html | |
83. Srinivasa Aaiyangar RAMANUJAN Translate this page srinivasa Aaiyangar ramanujan. Ce génie, passionné de mathématiquesest né le http://www.ac-orleans-tours.fr/maths-1/rallye/ral2004/ramanujan.htm | |
84. Srinivasa Aaiyangar RAMANUJAN Translate this page srinivasa Aaiyangar ramanujan. Ce génie, passionné de mathématiquesest né le 22 décembre 1887 dans la ville d Erode au sud http://www.ac-orleans-tours.fr/maths-1/rallye/ral2004/ramanujan_sol.htm | |
85. An Easy Entry To Ramanujans Magnificent Mathematical Palace Two revelations struck me after reading carefully K. Murukesapillaisreview of the book srinivasa ramanujan A Mathematical Genius (Curr. http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/may25/articles5.htm | |
86. Ramanujan Aiyangar Srinivasa Infinity ramanujan Aiyangar srinivasa Infinity Search for books at mathematicsbooks.org.mathematicsbooks.org. Home, , Search, , High Volume Orders, , Links, , ContactUs. http://mathematicsbooks.org/Ramanujan_Aiyangar_Srinivasa_Infinity.html | |
87. Ramanyjan - Germantown Academy Mathematica Biographies When do I get paid? Bibliography. srinivasa ramanujan Anurag Agarwal. May 18,1999. ramanujan, srinivasa, 1994. Columbia Univeristy Press. May 18, 1999. http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/academics/US/Math/Millar/Ramanujan/Stodola.htm | |
88. Ramanujan http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Ramanujan.html | |
89. TeleMath - ÌáèçìáôéêÜ êáé Öéëïôåëéóìüò The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.telemath.gr/mathematical_stamps/stamps_mathematicians/persons/ramanuj | |
90. Biography-center - Letter R Raman, Venkata www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1930/ramanbio.html; ramanujan, Srinivasawww-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/ramanujan.html; http://www.biography-center.com/r.html | |
91. Biographie.net - Buchstabe R Ramazotti, Eros www.rasscass.com/templ/te_bio.php?PID=630 RID=1; http://biographie.net/de/r.html | |
92. FreeIndia.Org - India Site Dedicated To Freedom Movement, Education, Culture, - thepower 3 + 9 to-the-power 3 ) and ( 12 to-the-power 3 + 1 to-the-power 3 ). SrinivasaRamanujan Born 22 Dec 1887 in Erode, Tamil Nadu state, India Died 79 http://www.freeindia.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=409 |
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