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41. Anecdote - Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan - Srinivasa Ramanujan: 1729 that the value of Pi (a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.1415927)would thereafter be rounded up to four! ramanujan, srinivasa Aiyangar (1887 http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=4038 |
42. Anecdote - Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan - Mystical Mathematician 25.) ramanujan, srinivasa Aiyangar (18871920) Indian mystic and mathematiciannoted for his work on the analytical theory of numbers, elliptic functions http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=9985 |
43. Ramanujan, Srinivasa Aiyangar - Çok Yaþasýn Sayýlar Ýpuçlarý ramanujan, srinivasa Aiyangar, pencere dergisi, çok yasasin sayilaripuçlari. ramanujan, srinivasa Aiyangar çok yasasin http://www.penceredergisi.com/cys/cys.asp?cysID=20 |
44. Srinivasa Ramanujan srinivasa ramanujan. (Dec. B Berndt, srinivasa ramanujan, The American Scholar 58(1989), 234244. B Berndt and S Bhargava, ramanujan - For lowbrows, Amer. http://www.meta-religion.com/Mathematics/Biography/srinivasa_ramanujan.htm | |
45. Ramanujan, Srinivasa ramanujan, srinivasa, www.trellian.com Still searching the hard way? Try theFree Slider Search Toolbar and spend less time searching!! Sponsored Link. http://www.slider.com/Enc/R/Ra/Ramanujn.htm | |
46. The My Hero Project - Srinivasa Ramanujan PrintFriendly Version. SCIENCE HERO srinivasa ramanujan by Edward Ortiz. srinivasaramanujan made groundbreaking contributions to mathematics. http://myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=s_ramanujan |
47. The My Hero Project - Srinivasa Ramanujans_ramanujan SCIENCE HERO srinivasa ramanujan by Edward Ortiz. In the film GoodWill Hunting, the feisty Will Hunting solves tough math problems http://myhero.com/myhero/heroprint.asp?hero=s_ramanujan |
48. Go Daddy Software R. ramanujan, srinivasa (18871920). ramanujan, srinivasa 1. ramanujan tookill while visiting England and died soon after returning home to India. http://www.taxi-l.org/anecr.htm | |
49. Allmath.com - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math Click Here ramanujan, srinivasa. ramahnujan (18871920). Mathematician,born in Erode, India. The child of poor parents, he taught http://www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID&ID=26600 |
50. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article ramanujan, srinivasa. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; 1/10/2004. ramanujan,srinivasa ramanujan, srinivasa , 18891920, Indian mathematician. http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1E1:Ramanujn&num=11&ctrlInfo=Roun |
51. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results ramanujan, srinivasa The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 ramanujan,srinivasa ramanujan, srinivasa , 18891920, Indian mathematician http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
52. The World's Greatest Unknown Mathematician ......... What makes this story compelling is that srinivasa ramanujan, who was born in Indiain 1887 and lived to only 33, is a person largely unknown outside the world http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/rama/page.html | |
53. Auteur - Ramanujan, Srinivasa Translate this page Auteur ramanujan, srinivasa, 2 ramanujan, srinivasa (Principal) DistributeBy Tata Institute Research Of Bombay , Springer-Verlag 1984 Oeuvres RdC. http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Auteur.htm?numrec=061952779913450 |
54. Lexikon - Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist srinivasa Aiyangar ramanujan - Definition Erklärung Bedeutungvon srinivasa Aiyangar ramanujan. srinivasa Aiyangar ramanujan. http://www.net-lexikon.de/Srinivasa-Aiyangar-Ramanujan.html | |
55. NewsScan Publishing Inc. - NewsScan Daily Archives HONORARY SUBSCRIBER ramanujan, srinivasa. Today s Honorary Subscriberis srinivasa ramanujan (18871920), the great Indian mathematician. http://www.newsscan.com/cgi-bin/findit_view?table=honorary_subscriber&id=66 |
56. Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan Definition Meaning Information Explanation srinivasa Aiyangar ramanujan definition, meaning and explanation and moreabout srinivasa Aiyangar ramanujan. srinivasa Aiyangar ramanujan. http://www.free-definition.com/Srinivasa-Aiyangar-Ramanujan.html | |
57. Kennislink - Zoek geavanceerd, Blader verder op onderwerp, Stel je vraag! Beroemdewiskundigen srinivasa ramanujan ging aan wiskunde ten onder. http://www.kennislink.nl/web/show?id=100896 |
58. Peripheria - Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan (1887-1920) Translate this page srinivasa ramanujan, mathématicien hindou né le 22 décembre 1887 à Erode (unpetit village à 400Km au Sud-Est de Madras) en Inde, mort le 26 avril 1920 à http://www.peripheria.net/bios/ramanujan/ | |
59. Torinoscienza.it > Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan SrinivasaRamanujan , Cambridge University Press, 1927) e avrebbe scritto anche un http://www.torinoscienza.it/personaggi/apri?obj_id=222 |
60. Torinoscienza.it > Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan Translate this page Compagnia di San Paolo. srinivasa Iyengar ramanujan. srinivasa Iyengar ramanujanFonte http//turnbull.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/. Banner Trimestrale N. 3. http://www.torinoscienza.it/galleria_multimediale/apri?obj_id=1399 |
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