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         Radon Johann:     more detail
  1. People From Decín: Vladimír Smicer, Karolína Kurková, Julius Arigi, Johann Radon, Vladimír Borovicka, Egon Klepsch, Tomás Cízek, Václav Vokolek
  2. Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen 2 Bände (Contemporary Mathematicians) (German Edition) (Vol 1 & 2) by GRUBER, HLAWKA, et all 1987-01-01
  3. Vienna University of Technology Faculty: Anton Zeilinger, Friedrich Hopfner, Heinz Zemanek, Gerhard Chroust, Justus Dahinden, Johann Radon
  4. Johann Radon: Collected Works by Peter M. Gruber, Johann Radon, 1987-11
  5. Mathématicien Autrichien: Kurt Gödel, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Heinrich Tietze, Wilhelm Blaschke, Franz Josef Von Gerstner, Johann Radon (French Edition)
  6. Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band 2 (German Edition) by GRUBER, HLAWKA, et all 1987-01-01
  7. Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band 1 (German Edition) by GRUBER, HLAWKA, et all 1987-01-01
  8. Radon?Riesz property: Normed Vector Space, Limit of a Sequence, Operator Norm, Weak Topology, Johann Radon, Banach Space, Frigyes Riesz, Hilbert Space, Functional Analysis, Schur's Property
  9. Radon?Riesz property: Normed Vector Space, Limit of a Sequence, Operator Norm, Weak Topology, Banach Space, Hilbert Space, Johann Radon, Frigyes Riesz, Functional Analysis

61. OST Inform@ion 03-2003 Inhalt/Impressum
johann radon Institut gegründet
Inform ion
for A ustrian R esearch S cience A broad
March 2003
Navigation durch den Inhalt:
In eigener Sache
Letter from the Editor Wilhelm Autischer: CSR Austria: Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen.
Ingrid Kohl , MIT Boston
Roland Vogl
, Stanford Law School
, MIT Boston
Karl Kothbauer
, Beth Israeli Medical Center New York
Kooperation Uni-Reform, Fachhochschulen
Studierenden-Sozialerhebung - Bakkalaureatsstudien in Leoben - Neue Studienrichtung "Wirtschaftsrecht" in Innsbruck - Johann Radon Institut gegründet - Universitätsräte vollständig - Erster Rektor nach dem UG 2002 gewählt - Mehr Frauenförderung - International University verliert Akkreditierung Sparten EU - Auszeichnungen für Wiener Wissenschafter - Marietta Blau, eine unbekannte "Größe" der österreichischen Physik - EU-Server - Österreich im Ausland - Stipendien und Universitäten - Stipendiendatenbanken - Studienwegweiser Österreich - Datenbanken zu Förderungen und Finanzierungen

62. Der Beitrag J. Radons Für Die Entwicklung Der Integralgeometrie
Translate this page analytischen Integralgeometrie und der mathematischen Grundlagen der Computer-Tomographie seit dem Erscheinen der bekannten Arbeit von johann radon in den
Preprint WOLFERSDORF, L. v.
Abstract .dvi .ps.gz

63. Science And Health / Math / Coding Theory /
http// johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied johann radon Institute for Computational and
Search Directory: You are in: Science and Health Math Coding Theory Suggested Categories:
Science and Health > Math > Coding Theory

Science and Health > Engineering and Technology > Coding Theory

Home Page of the Book The Art of Error Correcting Coding''

The web site of the book The Art of Error Correcting Coding Wiley, 2002 . Numerous routines related to decoding algorithms and perfomance analysis of error correcting codes. Included are turbo codes, low-density parity-check codes and other powerful techniques.
Site produced by: a Scientist/Researcher from an Educational Organization
Site contains: Academic Content
Coding theory
Publications for the coding gruop at Technical University of Denmark.
Site produced by: a Scientist/Researcher from a Research Institution
Site contains: Academic Content Designs, Codes, Cryptography and Graph theory The workshop was held in summer of 2001 and a number of papers presented at the conference have appeared in the Journal of Combinatorial Designs. Site produced by: a Professor/Lecturer from an Educational Organization

64. Radon - - Materiale Per Studenti
Translate this page CLICCA QUI radon Inoltre tesine pronte da copia incolla. e diseguaglianza le parole di una teoria qualche cenno storico l anomia johann wolfang goethe dagli
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Religione: Il diavolo nelle sacre scritture e ebraismo, radon

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Homepage le soluzioni la fine del colonialismo la nascita del terzo mondo fidia ... rappresentanza e partecipazione

65. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
Hungary Died 12 Dec 1965 in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA radon, johann radon Born 16 Dec 1887 in Tetschen, Bohemia (now Decin, Czech Republic) Died 25 May

66. Radontransformationen
Under hösten 1997 gav jag en liten kurs om radontransformationen. Denna transformation är uppkallad efter johann radon (18871956).
En kort kurs hösten 1997 av C. O. Kiselman
Under hösten 1997 gav jag en liten kurs om Radontransformationen. Denna transformation är uppkallad efter Johann Radon (1887-1956). Material om kursen finns som DVI-filer och PostScript-filer. DVI-filer PostScript-filer Senast ändrad 2000 05 31. Christer Kiselman,

67. Mathematics IV, Uppsala University
The radon transformation, introduced by johann radon in 1917, provides the mathematical foundation for computerized tomography (CT).
Research Groups Mathematics I Mathematics II Mathematics III Mathematics IV ... Research : Mathematics IV
Mathematics IV
The duality of convexity theory is applied to functions of complex variables to study the growth at infinity of entire functions in papers by Kiselman and Halvarsson. It is also being extended to lineal convexity, which is a kind of convexity intermediate between usual convexity and pseudoconvexity. As a natural counterpart to problems in complex convexity, real convexity is also being studied. New properties of fundamental phenomena have been discovered, e.g., how smooth a non-rotational movement of one smooth body upon another can be. This research is carried out in cooperation with Jan Boman of Stockholm University. Pontus Andersson has written an undergraduate thesis on the subject. There are now several young and active Ph.D. students in the program. Their work is directed towards analytic multifunctions, Dirichlet series, and growth properties of entire functions. Future research topics also include investigations of the Radon transformation and convolution operators.
Senior staff (age) Professor Christer Kiselman (1939) Docent Maciej Klimek (1954) Ph D students Odd Maad (1944)

68. FR 6.1 Mathematik (UdS): Ringvorlesung 2001 (Ausführliche Fassung)
johann radon zur Computertomographie von Prof. Alfred K. Louis. 1917 publizierte johann radon in den Berichten
Fachrichtung 6.1 Mathematik
Vorlesungen im Einzelnen
"Primzahlen von Euklid bis heute" von Prof. Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler
Primzahlen faszinieren Mathematiker seit dem Altertum. Die größten Geister wie Euler, Gauß und Riemann haben sich mit ihren Eigenschaften und ihrer Verteilung beschäftigt. In einem Streifzug durch die Jahrhunderte stellen wir ihre Erkenntnisse dar, wie man Primzahlen erzeugen, erkennen und beschreiben kann. Schließlich geben wir einen Überblick über aktuelle Rekorde (größte Primzahl, Primzahlzwillinge, etc.).
"200 Jahre Carl Friedrich Gauß: 'Disquisitiones arithmeticae' - ein epochemachendes Meisterwerk der Mathematik" von Prof. Olaf Neumann
Auf dem Hintergrund des Lebens- und Bildungsweges von Gauß (1777 - 1855) werden die Entstehungsgeschichte, der Inhalt und die bis in die Gegenwart reichende Wirkung seines zahlentheoretischen Meisterwerks "Disquisitiones arithmeticae" (zu deutsch: "Arithmetische Untersuchungen") von 1801 erläutert. Der Vortrag wendet sich an Schüler, Studenten, Lehrer und Diplom - Mathematiker und setzt keine speziellen Kenntnisse voraus.
"Von Johann Radon zur Computertomographie" von Prof.

69. Virtueller Stadtrundgang In Hamburg - Kulturgeschichte, Naturwissenschaft Und Te
Translate this page Molekularstrahlexperimente Rademacher, Hans (1892-1969) - Mathematiker, Professor an der Universität Hamburg 1922-1925 radon, johann Karl August (1887-1956
Fachbereich 11 - Mathematik
HVV Tel.: +49 40 42838-2094
D-20146 Hamburg Fax: +49 40 42838-5260
Virtueller Stadtrundgang in Hamburg
Kulturgeschichte Naturwissenschaften
und Verkehr
A B C ... Z
    Astronom, Astrophysiker
    Mathematiker, Rechenmeister oder Computerpionier/Informatiker
    Chemiker (auch chem. Industrie)
    Biologe, Zoologe, Botaniker
    Mediziner, Arzt, Physikus, Apotheker
    Geowissenschaftler, Seismologe, Kartograph, Meteorologe, Polarforscher, Seewarte
    Ingenieur, Techniker, Erfinder, Konstrukteur, Industrieller
Siehe auch:

70. To The Memory Of Heinrich Brauner
Translate this page Supervisor johann radon. Dr.phil. Among his academic teachers were johann radon, Edmund Hlawka, Nikolaus Hofreiter, Erwin Kruppa, and Walter Wunderlich.
To the Memory of
O.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Dr.techn.
Heinrich Brauner
Heinrich Brauner was born in Vienna on November 21st, 1928. His father, Franz Brauner, was then headmaster of a secondary school.
He married in 1958 and had four children.
After a long and severe disease Heinrich Brauner left us on June 1st, 1990.
Many of us remember him as an outstanding researcher and an excellent teacher. He gave his last lecture just three weeks before his decease. Studies, Degrees, Academic Career, and Positions Held
H. Brauner, around 1960.
H. Brauner, 1977.
A lecture on differential geometry, 1982. At a conference in Rein, 1983. A lecture at the Vienna University of Technology, 1984. H. Brauner after the Colloquium on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 1988. H. Brauner studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Vienna from 1946 until 1950. At the Vienna University of Technology he studied Descriptive Geometry and Technical Physics from 1947 until 1952.
  • First doctoral thesis: im euklidischen Raum R n University of Vienna, 1949. Supervisor: Johann Radon.

Translate this page Poisson, Siméon Poussin, C de la Vallée. R. radon, johann. Reymond, Paul du Bois-. Riccati, Jacopo. Riemann, GF Bernhard Riesz, Frigyes Rudin, Mary Runge, Carle. S.
A Abel , Niels Henrik
, Abu Arrayhan
, Omar Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Archimedes of Syracuse Arf , Cahit Avicenna , Abu Ali B Baire , René-Louis Banach , Stefan Beg , Ulugh Berkeley , George Bernoulli, Daniel
Bernoulli, Jacob
... Bessel , Wilhelm Biruni , Abu al Bois Raymond , Paul du Bolzano , Bernhard Borel , Emile C Cantor , Georg
, Moritz Cauchy , Augustin-Louis Cayley , Arthur Chebyshev , Pafnuty Courant , Richard D d'Alembert , Jean da Vinci , Leonardo Darboux , Gaston de L'Hôpital , Guillaume De Morgan , Augustus de Wronski , Josef Dedekind , Richard du Bois-Reymond , Paul Duhamel , Jean-Marie E Egorov , Dimitri Einstein , Albert Euclid of Alexandria Euler , Leonhard F Fatou , Pierre Fischer , Ernst Fourier , Joseph Fréchet , Maurice Fredholm , Ivar Friedmann , Alexander Frobenius , Georg Fubini , Guido G Galerkin Boris Galileo Galilei Gauss , Carl Friedrich Goursat , Edouard H Hadamard , Jacques Hahn , Hans Halley , Edmond Hamilton, William

72. Departmental Colloquium
Abstract In 1921 johann radon published a proof of Helly s convexity theorem,using this lemma, aka radon s Theorem Any set of d+2 points in R^d can be split
Department of mathematics and statistics colloquium 1st colloquium of 2004 Professor Helge Tverberg
University of Bergen and ANU
March 3 Title On a generalization of Radon's convexity theorem,
and what it has led to. Abstract In 1921 Johann Radon published a proof of Helly's convexity theorem,using this lemma, aka Radon's Theorem: Any set of d+2 points in R^d can be split in two parts in such a way that the intersections of their convex hulls is nonempty. The convex hull of A is the intersection of all the convex sets in R^d containing A.
In 1964 I proved that with (p-1)(d+1)+1 points, there will be a similar splitting in p parts. This result has led to several generalizations and still open problems involving geometry,topology and finite set theory. The aim of the talk is to present Radon's proof, sketch how a result by Bernhard Neumann (1945) led to my proof and describe some of the ensuing developments.

73. List Of Mathematical Topics (P-R) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
mathematics) Radical of an ideal Radiometric dating Radius Radius of convergence Radius of gyration Radix radon, johann radon measure
List of mathematical topics (P-R)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
List of mathematical topics
D-F G-I ... M-O P-R S-U V-Z
Mathematicians ... edit
P-adic analysis P-adic number P-adic numbers P-branes ... edit
Q.E.D. QED project Q factor QR decomposition ... edit
RHS Rabin, Michael O. Rader's FFT algorithm Radian ... Repunit (factors) Residual: see errors and residuals in statistics Residue (complex analysis) Residue theorem Resonance ... Russell's paradox Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox

74. JKU Linz: Wissen
Translate this page radon Institut. johann radon Institut für Angewandte Mathematik der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften startet in Linz. Inhalt : Johann Radon Institut
An der Johannes Kepler Universität beginnt das Jahr 2003 mit einem Durchbruch auf dem Gebiet der computerorientierten und angewandten Mathematik: International bestärkt eröffnete die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften mit 1. Januar 2003 das Johann Radon Institut für Angewandte Mathematik in Linz. "Mit diesem Institut werden die Aktivitäten im Bereich der anwendungsorientierten Grundlagenforschung auf eine längerfristige Basis gestellt", betont Prof. Dr. Werner Welzig, Präsident der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, "Für die Leitung des Johann Radon Forschungsinstituts konnten wir Prof. Dr. Heinz Engl gewinnen. Er ist auch einer der international angesehensten Vertreter auf dem Gebiet der Industriemathematik." Neben Prof. Engl, der am Institut auch eine Abteilung für "Inverse Probleme" leitet, übernehmen die Linzer Professoren Bruno Buchberger, Ulrich Langer und Gerhard Larcher die Leitung weiterer Abteilungen. Unterstützung aus Wien bekommt das Forschungsinstitut mit den Professoren Peter Markowich und Walter Schachermayer. Im Endausbau umfasst der Forschungsbetrieb des Johann Radon Institutes über 25 Postdoc-Stellen sowie 10 Stellen für Gastwissenschafter. Mittelfristig sollen am Institut etwa 60 Personen arbeiten. Es handelt sich somit um eine Großforschungseinrichtung, die sich einer kontinuierlichen internationalen Evaluierung stellen wird. Ein international besetztes Kuratorium soll den guten Ruf der Linzer Angewandten Mathematik unterstützen.

75. From Mon Apr 5 011604 2004 Received From
ca) we apologize for multiple copies johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of Austrian Academy of Sciences has received
From Mon Apr 5 01:16:04 2004 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id BAA40131 for ; Mon, 5 Apr 2004 01:16:04 -0400 (EDT) Received: from (esh234.ESH.Uni-Linz.AC.AT []) by (8.12.6/8.12.6) with ESMTP id i355G1IQ079873 for ; Mon, 5 Apr 2004 01:16:02 -0400 (EDT) (envelope-from X-Server: Risc Linz Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 06:51:27 +0200 From: Florina Piroi X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) Reply-To: Florina Piroi Organization: RISC Linz X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Message-ID:

76. Dirk J. Struik (A Discussion In Alt.obituaries Newsgroup) By Antreas P. Hatzipol
and Hans Hahn worked with the students and Dozenten Kurt Goedel, Eduard Helly, Witold Hurewicz, Walther Mayer, Karl Menger, johann radon, Kurt Reidemeister
Dirk J. Struik (A discussion in alt.obituaries Newsgroup) by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
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Subject: Dirk J. Struik (A discussion in alt.obituaries Newsgroup) Author: Date: APH The Math Forum

77. Medizin KargerMediaCenter
radon, johann radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band 1. 135,56, GBP, in den Warenkorb legen, mehr Infos anzeigen.

78. SearchBug Directory: Science: Math: Research: Institutes
johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics http// Part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AW) research in
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79. 5 April: Fyi -- Phd Funding, Austria
johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of Austrian Academy of Sciences has received funds from Austrian National Science
5 April: fyi phd funding, Austria
Index of April 2004 Index of year: 2004 Full index
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
(RICAM) of Austrian Academy of Sciences has received funds from
Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF) for the project "Fixed
point regularization schemes for nonlinear ill-posed problems and
their discretization". Within this project two people can be employed
as PhD-students for the period of 3 years. They should have Master's
degree (or its equivalent) and strong background in Functional
Analysis and Scientific Computing. The salary of successful candidate
will be about 1100 euro per month (netto).
To obtain additional information please contact Prof. Dr. Sergei V. Pereverzyev Johann-Radon-Institue (RICAM) Altenberger Strasse 69 e-mail: Fax: +43/732/2468 5212 Phone: +43/732/2468 5215 internet: Full index

80. Genealogy Data
ROSS, Janessa radon Birth 29 DEC 1980 ROSS, Victoria Golden Birth 26 JUL ECKERT, johann D. Birth 9 NOV 1834 Hueffenhardt, Baden, Germany Death 8 NOV
Genealogy Data
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Birth : 28 SEP 1942 Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, Texas
Parents: Father: KLINKSIEK, Eddie
Mother: BARSCH, Laura
Family: Marriage: 12 MAY 1962 in Stonewall, Gillespie County, Texas
Spouse: KLEIN, Clarence John
Birth : 9 JUN 1935 Gillespie County, Texas
Parents: Father: KLEIN, Emil Frank
Mother: NEBGEN, Otilia
Children: KLEIN, Gregory
KLEIN, Regina Birth : 17 JAN 1967 Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, Texas
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JENSCHKE, Lydia Ida Birth : 21 OCT 1902 Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, Texas Family: Marriage: 9 JUL 1923 in Gillespie County, Texas Spouse: NEBGEN, Adolf Birth : 25 SEP 1900 Gillespie County, Texas Death : 12 JUL 1991 Boerne, TX Parents: Father: NEBGEN, Peter Dominic Mother: METZGER, Magdelina Children: NEBGEN, Agnes Ella NEBGEN, Julia Bertha NEBGEN, Marvin Carl NEBGEN, Alton Marcus ...
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ROSS, Golden D. Birth : 19 DEC 1917 Death : 2 NOV 1993 Spicewood, TX Family: Marriage: 17 MAY 1952 Spouse: NEBGEN, Agnes Ella

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