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         Radon Johann:     more detail
  1. People From Decín: Vladimír Smicer, Karolína Kurková, Julius Arigi, Johann Radon, Vladimír Borovicka, Egon Klepsch, Tomás Cízek, Václav Vokolek
  2. Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen 2 Bände (Contemporary Mathematicians) (German Edition) (Vol 1 & 2) by GRUBER, HLAWKA, et all 1987-01-01
  3. Vienna University of Technology Faculty: Anton Zeilinger, Friedrich Hopfner, Heinz Zemanek, Gerhard Chroust, Justus Dahinden, Johann Radon
  4. Johann Radon: Collected Works by Peter M. Gruber, Johann Radon, 1987-11
  5. Mathématicien Autrichien: Kurt Gödel, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Heinrich Tietze, Wilhelm Blaschke, Franz Josef Von Gerstner, Johann Radon (French Edition)
  6. Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band 2 (German Edition) by GRUBER, HLAWKA, et all 1987-01-01
  7. Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen Band 1 (German Edition) by GRUBER, HLAWKA, et all 1987-01-01
  8. Radon?Riesz property: Normed Vector Space, Limit of a Sequence, Operator Norm, Weak Topology, Johann Radon, Banach Space, Frigyes Riesz, Hilbert Space, Functional Analysis, Schur's Property
  9. Radon?Riesz property: Normed Vector Space, Limit of a Sequence, Operator Norm, Weak Topology, Banach Space, Hilbert Space, Johann Radon, Frigyes Riesz, Functional Analysis

21. 75 Years Of Radon Transform; Paperback
75 Years of radon Transform. Paperback. 303 pages This volume celebrates the anniversary of Professor johann radon's publication of the paper on integral transform
75 Years of Radon Transform
English Books

German Books

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Sheet Music
75 Years of Radon Transform
303 pages
Published: December 1994
International Press
ISBN: 157146008X This item non-returnable. Order may not be canceled. This volume celebrates the anniversary of Professor Johann Radon's publication of the paper on integral transform. It documents the proceedings of the conference at the Erwin Schrodinger International Institute of Mathematical Physics, as well as historical and biographical information. PRODUCT CODE: 157146008X USA/Canada: US$ 131.70 Australia/NZ: A$ 210.80 Other Countries: US$ 145.40 convert to your currency Delivery costs included if your total order exceeds US$50. We do not charge your credit card until we ship your order. Government and corporate Purchase Orders accepted without prior account application. PLACE AN ORDER To prepare to buy this item click "add to cart" above. You can change or abandon your shopping cart at any time before checkout. CHECK ORDER STATUS Check on order progress and dispatch. CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR ORDER Please E-mail us within one hour The NetStoreUSA website is operated by Open Communications, Inc

22. Auteur - Radon, Johann

23. Johann Radon
johann radon v letech 18971905 navštevoval gymnázium v Litomericích a poté se rodina v roce 1905 odstehovala do Vídne, kde zahájil studium
Johann Karl Gustav Radon
Narozen: 16. prosince 1887 v Dìèínì
Zemøel: 25. kvìtna 1956 ve Vídni
Johann Radon v letech 1897-1905 nav¹tìvoval gymnázium v Litomìøicích a poté se rodina v roce 1905 odstìhovala do Vídnì, kde zahájil studium matematiky a fyziky na univerzitì. 18. února 1910 byl promován doktorem filozofie, kdy¾ obhájil práci Dne 11. èervna 1910 vykonal zkou¹ku uèitelské zpùsobilosti z matematiky a fyziky na støedních ¹kolách s nìmeckým vyuèovacím jazykem. V zimním semestru ¹kolního roku 1910/11 studoval s podporou stipendia vídeòské univerzity v Göttingen. Od 1. dubna 1911 do konce dubna 1912 byl asistentem matematiky na nìmecké technice v Brnì. Od 1. kvìtna ji¾ pùsobil jako asistent II. stolice matematiky na vídeòské technice u profesora Czubera . V roce 1914 byl jmenován soukromým docentem na vídeòské univerzitì, kdy¾ obhájil práci T heorie und Anwendungen der absolut additiven Mengenfunktionen . O rok pozdìji mu bylo venia docendi pøeneseno i na techniku. V roce 1919 ode¹el Radon jako mimoøádný profesor na univerzitu do Hamburku. V dùsledku toho odmítl jmenování na nìmecké technice v Brnì. V roce 1922 byl jmenován øádným profesorem na univerzitì v Greifswaldu a v roce 1925 nahradil na univerzitì v Erlangen svého nìkdej¹ího profesora na brnìnské technice Heinricha Tietzeho . Od roku 1928 byl profesorem na univerzitì ve Vratislavi. V roce 1945 pøed pøíchodem Rudé armády Vratislav opustil a uprchl do Innsbrucku. Od roku 1946 pùsobil na vídeòské univerzitì, kde byl v roce 1954 zvolen rektorem.

24. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Johann Radon
johann Karl August radon Biography Ph.D. Universität Wien 1910. According to our current online database, johann radon has 1 students and 40 descendants.

25. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of RAD
radon, B. Universität Innsbruck, 1948. radon, johann, Universität Wien, 1910. Radovic, Igor, Technische Universität Graz, 1996. RadtkeHarder geb.

26. Encyclopedia4U - Johann Radon - Encyclopedia Article
Encyclopedia4U List of mathematical topics (PR) - Encyclopedia O Rader s FFT algorithm Radian Radical (mathematics) Radical of an ideal Radiometric dating Radius Radix radon, johann radon-Nikodym
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Johann Radon
Johann Radon ) was a mathematician born in Litomerice in Bohemia (now Czech Republic ). He wrote a doctoral dissertation on calculus of variations in 1910, at the University of Vienna He is best known now for:
  • his part in the Radon-Nikodym theorem the Radon measure concept of measure as linear functional the Radon transform, in integral geometry , based on integration over hyperplanes - with application to scanners.
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    This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article " Johann Radon

27. Johann Radon Institut Feierlich Eröffnet
Translate this page johann radon Institut feierlich eröffnet. Dr. Peter Gruber, Hrsg. des wissenschaftlichen Werks von johann radon, Prof. Dr. Karl Sigmund, Vizepräs.
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Neben LH Dr. Josef Pühringer und Prof. Dr. Werner Welzig, Präs. d. Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, fanden Rektor Rudolf Ardelt, Dr. Knut Consemüller, Vorsitzender des Rats für Forschung & Technologieentwicklung, Prof. Dr. Peter Gruber, Hrsg. des wissenschaftlichen Werks von Johann Radon, Prof. Dr. Karl Sigmund, Vizepräs. des FWF, und Sektionschef Univ.Prof. Dr. Sigurd Höllinger vom bm:bwk treffende Worte zur Inbetriebnahme des neuen anwendungsorientierten Forschungszentrums. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Deuflhard, Präs. d. Konrad Zuse Zentrums für Informationstechnik Berlin, beeindruckte die rund 150 Gäste mit seinem Vortrag "Das Lächeln des Mathematikers". O.Univ.Prof. Dr. Heinz Engl, Direktor des neuen Akademieinstitutes, nützte die Chance, sein Team gemeinsam mit Prof. DDr. h.c. Bruno Buchberger, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Langer, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Larcher sowie Prof. Dr. Walter Schachermayr vorzustellen. Die Tochter von Johann Radon, Dr. Brigitte Bukovics, beschloss die gleungene Veranstaltung mit Eindrücken aus dem Leben ihres berühmten Vaters.
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28. Johann Radon Institut Für Angewandte Mathematik
Translate this page johann radon Institut für Angewandte Mathematik. An der johannes Kepler Universität beginnt das neue Jahr mit einem Durchbruch
"Mit diesem Institut werden die Aktivitäten im Bereich der anwendungsorientierten Grundlagenforschung auf eine längerfristige Basis gestellt", betont Prof. Dr. Werner Welzig, Präsident der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, "Für die Leitung des Johann Radon Forschungsinstituts konnten wir o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Heinz Engl gewinnen. Er ist auch einer der international angesehensten Vertreter auf dem Gebiet der Industriemathematik." Neben Prof. Engl, der am Institut auch eine Abteilung für "Inverse Probleme" leitet, übernehmen die Linzer Professoren Bruno Buchberger, Ulrich Langer und Gerhard Larcher die Leitung weiterer Abteilungen. Unterstützung aus Wien bekommt das Forschungsinstitut mit den Professoren Peter Markowich und Walter Schachermayer. Im Endausbau umfasst der Forschungsbetrieb des Johann Radon Institutes über 25 Postdoc-Stellen sowie 10 Stellen für Gastwissenschafter. Mittelfristig sollen am Institut etwa 60 Personen arbeiten.
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29. Johann Radon Institute For Computational And Applied Mathematics In Linz
johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics in Linz. Starting Jan. 1, 2003, the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics in Linz
Starting Jan. 1, 2003, the Austrian Academy of Sciences has established a research institute named after the famous Austrian mathematician Johann Radon, whose name is e.g. connected with the Radon transform, Radon measures and the Radon-Nikodym Theorem. The institute will do research in five groups:
  • Numerical Methods for Coupled Field Problems (Chair: Ulrich Langer) Inverse Problems (Chair: Heinz Engl) Symbolic Computation (Chair: Bruno Buchberger) Financial Mathematics (Chairs: Gerhard Larcher and Walter Schachermayer) Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (Chair: Peter Markowich).
We negotiate with further high-profile mathematicians about leading additional groups. The institute is housed in Linz (on the university campus), Heinz Engl has been appointed director. In addition to its own research (which will partly be interdisciplinary between the groups mentioned), the institute will run "special semesters" on specific application areas of mathematics. Outside visitors will be a core part of these special programs. Suggestions for topics are welcome. If the budget develops as planned, the institute will have at least 25 postdoc positions plus about 10 positions for visitors. Currently, the first positions are advertised (see On this webpage, you can also find details about our research program. Heinz W. Engl

30. LINGUIST List 15.1390: Comp Ling: PhD Position, Johann-Radon-Institue
From Florina Piroi Subject Computational Ling PhD Position, johann-radon-Institue (RICAM) johann radon Institute for
LINGUIST List 15.1390
Mon May 3 2004
Support: Comp Ling: PhD Position, Johann-Radon-Institue
Editor for this issue:
  • Florina Piroi, Computational Ling: PhD Position, Johann-Radon-Institue (RICAM)
    Message 1: Computational Ling: PhD Position, Johann-Radon-Institue (RICAM)
    Date: 9 Apr 2004 06:37:35 -0000
    Subject: Computational Ling: PhD Position, Johann-Radon-Institue (RICAM)
    Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of Austrian Academy of Sciences has received funds from Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF) for the project "Fixed point regularization schemes for nonlinear ill-posed problems and their discretization". Within this project two people can be employed as PhD-students for the period of 3 years. They should have Master's degree (or its equivalent) and strong background in Functional Analysis, Scientific Computing, or Computational Linguistics. The salary of successful candidate will be about 1100 euro per month (netto). To obtain additional information please contact Prof. Dr. Sergei V. Pereverzyev Johann-Radon-Institue (RICAM) Altenberger Strasse 69 e-mail:
  • 31. A Defence Of Johann Radon (Radon Transform In Treatment Planning)
    Phys. Med. Biol. 20 (September 1975) 839841 CORRESPONDENCE. A defence of johann radon (radon transform in treatment planning). JM Galvin and BE Bjarngard Dept.
    @import url(; Electronic Journals quick guide Journals sitemap: IOP home page IOP online services EJs HOME JOURNAL HOME   - Editorial information   - Scope   - Editorial board   - Submit an article   - Pricing and ordering   - Request sample copy   - Publishing team EJS EXTRA   - IOP Select   - IOP Physics Reviews   - BEC Matters! SEARCH   - Content finder   - Default searches AUTHORS   - Submit an article   - Status enquiry   - Get LaTeX class file   - Classification schemes   - Scope   - Editorial board   - How to get published REFEREES   - Submit referee report   - Become a referee   - Update personal details   - Classification schemes   - Scope   - Editorial board LIBRARIANS   - Register your institution   - Pricing and ordering   - Library branding   - How to link to IOP journals   - Librarian help USER OPTIONS   - Create account   - Lost password
    Create account Alerts Contact us ... Table of contents Phys. Med. Biol. (September 1975) 839-841 CORRESPONDENCE
    A defence of Johann Radon (Radon transform in treatment planning)
    J M Galvin and B E Bjarngard
    Dept. of Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    32. Wissenschaftskalender - DO 18. NOVEMBER 2004 (Textversion)
    Köpfe (Kurzbiographie - johann radon). 1887, Geboren am 16.12. in Tetschen ad Elbe. 1897, Tritt

    33. Wissenschaftskalender - DO 16. DEZEMBER 2004 (Textversion)
    Translate this page DO 16. DEZEMBER - johann radon, 1927 johann Köpfe (Kurzbiographie - johann radon). 1887, Geboren am 16.12. in Tetschen ad Elbe. 1897, Tritt

    34. - Site Profile For Johann Radon Institute For
    johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics Site Profile. Title johann radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics.
    @import url(; Search Directory Forum
    Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics Site Profile
    Title: Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics Description: Part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (–AW): research in applied and computational mathematics. Url: Category: Science/Math/Research/Institutes
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    35. Still Working On This One
    source. johann radon. lived from 1887 to 1956. johann radon worked out the mathematics of reconstructing a function from a set of projections in 1917.
    Johann Radon source Johann Radon lived from 1887 to 1956 He was alive during the Great Depression. Johann Radon worked out the mathematics of reconstructing a function from a set of projections in 1917. This decomposition of a function is now called the Radon transform. It is a large part of computed topography. Johann Radon did a great deal of work on the Calculus of variations and Measure theory. He also worked on Differential geometry. Differential geometry studies properties of manifolds which depend on being able to do differentiation.
    Examples of the properties studied are curvature and torsion for curves and various curvatures for surfaces. MATH!!! MATH!!! MATH!!! MATH!!! MATH!!! MATH!!! MATH!!!

    36. »»Radon Reviews««
    found. johann radon Collected Papers (Contemporary Mathematicians). Published in Hardcover by Birkhauser Verlag AG (December, 1987).
    Radon Reviews
    Related Subjects: Q-fever
    More Pages: Radon Page 1 Book reviews for "Radon" sorted by average review score: Indoor Radon: An Apca International Specialty Conference: Proceedings Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Information und Beteiligung bei Gesundheitsrisiken : am Beispiel eines Radonmessprogramms Published in Unknown Binding by G. Fischer (1993) Author: Barbara P. Hazard Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Installation and testing of indoor radon reduction techniques in 40 eastern Pennsylvania houses project summary (SuDoc EP 1.89/2:600/S 8-88/002) Published in Unknown Binding by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory (1988) Author: A. G. Scott Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Integral Geometry, Radon Transforms and Complex Analysis: Lectures Given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Venezia, Italy, June 3-12, 1996 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Springer-Verlag), 1684) Published in Paperback by Springer Verlag (June, 1998)

    37. Department Of Mathematics @ University Of Vienna
    o.Prof. Dr. johann Cigler. Phone ++43 1 4277 50621. Fax ++43 1 4277 9506. EMail Courses Current Term.

    38. Department Of Mathematics @ University Of Vienna
    and Hans Hahn worked with the students and Dozenten Kurt Gödel, Eduard Helly, Witold Hurewicz, Walther Mayer, Karl Menger, johann radon, Kurt Reidemeister
    Department of Mathematics
    Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    University of Vienna Local time Tue June 1 2004 10:28 am Deutsch English History of the Mathematics Institute Home Vacant Positions News The Institute ... Links The history of mathematics at the University of Vienna traces back to the year of foundation of the University of Vienna, 1365. As a part of the education in the Artistic Faculty , mathematics was, right from the beginning, an integral part of university life in Vienna. Among the most important mathematicians in that time there are Johann von Gmunden Georg von Peuerbach and in particular , who became later known, and famous, under the name of his origin, Regiomontanus . He was perhaps the leading mathematician of his time. For example, his trigonometric tables went with Christoph Columbus on his trip to the "new world". Also in the next period, until the end of the 17th century, several famous mathematicians worked at the University of Vienna: For example, the "mathematical poet" Konrad Celtis Johann Stabius who desigend the first (heart-shaped) map with correct representations of area

    39. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW
    Translate this page 11.214.769 12.910.227 13.311.736 3.469.375 3.721.609 3.830.818 3.920.616 3.953.907 4.539.088 7.921.596 8.813.570 8.958.397 9.128.651 radon, johann 3.023.497
    Ein freundliches Angebot des Hochschulbibliothekszentrums des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
    Radiotelevisione Italiana
    Radium bromatum
    Radius RadiÂc, ÏZarko RadiÏckov, Jordan D. RadiÏsÏcev, Aleksandr N. Radke, Marek Radlader Radlastmesser Radlastschwankung Radler, Max Radleuchter Radlinghausen RadliÂnska, Helena Radmarathon Radna Radnabenmotor Radnetzspinnen Radnóti, Miklós Rado, Richard Radom Radomski, Joseph Radomsko RadomyÂsl Wielki Radon Radon, Johann Radon-200 Radon-220 Radon-222 Radon-226 Radon-Integral Radon-Nikodym-Ableitung Radon-Transformation Radon-Transformierte Radonbelastung Radopholus similis Radoszyce Radrennbahn Radrennsport Radsatz Radschaufel Radschputen Radsport Radsportler Radsportverein Radstation Radtke, Peter Radtouristik Radulovic, Veronika Radwan, Kamal Radwandern Radwanderweg Radweg Radweg Berlin-Kopenhagen Radzinowicz, Leon Radzionków Radziwill Palace Radziwill, Franz

    40. Max Planck Institute For Meteorology
    johann Feichter. Dentener, F., J. Feichter and A. Jeuken, Simulation of radon 222 using online and off-line global models, Tellus 51b, 573-602, 1999.
    Home Staff Organisation Science ... Library
    Johann Feichter
    Phone: +49-40-41173-317
    Fax: +49-40-41173-298
    Room no. PE29
    Mailing Address
    Bundesstr. 55
    D-20146 Hamburg
    Biogeochemical System
    Research Group
    Atmospheric Aerosol
    Page Index
    Refereed publications:
    • Cristofanelli, P.; Bonasoni, P.; Collins, W.; Feichter, J. ; Forster, C.; James, P.; Kentarchos, A.; Kubik, P. W.; Land, C.; Meloen, J.; Roelofs, G. J.; Siegmund, P.; Sprenger, M.; Schnabel, C.; Stohl, A.; Tobler, L.; Tositti, L.; Trickl, T.; Zanis, P. (2003): Stratosphere-to-troposphere transport: A model and method evaluation J. Geophys. Res-Atmosphere  108 (D12) 8525. Land C., Feichter J. (2003): Stratosphere-troposphere exchange in a changing climate simulated with the general circulation model ECHAM4, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D12), 8523. Meloen, J., Siegmund P., van Velthoven P., Kelder H., Sprenger M., Wernli H., Kentarchos A., Roelofs G., Feichter J.

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