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         Qurra Thabit Ibn:     more books (24)
  1. Thabit ibn Qurra: Science and Philosophy in Ninth-Century Baghdad (Scientia Graeco-Arabica) by Roshdi Rashed, 2009-09-15
  2. Thabit ibn Qurra
  3. Astronome Arabe: Alhazen, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Taqi Al-Din, Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan Al-Hamdani, Ibn Al-Banna (French Edition)
  4. 826 Births: Saints Cyril and Methodius, Thabit Ibn Qurra, William of Septimania, Al-Mubarrad, Ansgarde of Burgundy
  5. Geboren 826: Wilhelm Von Septimanien, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Ansgard Von Burgund (German Edition)
  6. 9th-Century Scientists: 9th-Century Mathematicians, Al-Kindi, Banu Musa, Muhammad Ibn Jabir Al-Harrani Al-Battani, Thabit Ibn Qurra
  7. Mathématicien Arabe: Alhazen, Al-Kindi, Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Al-Qalasadi, Ahmad Ibn Yusuf (French Edition)
  8. Thabit ibn Qurra: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  9. Traducteur Vers L'arabe: Al-Khawarizmi, Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Hassan Koubeissi, Mahmoud Ben Othman (French Edition)
  10. 9th-Century Mathematicians: Al-Kindi, Banu Musa, Muhammad Ibn Jabir Al-Harrani Al-Battani, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Abu Ma'shar Al-Balkhi
  11. Translators to Syriac: Greek-syriac Translators, Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Masawaiyh, Sergius of Reshaina
  12. Greek-arabic Translators: Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sufi, Qusta Ibn Luqa, Al-ajjaj Ibn Yusuf Ibn Maar
  13. Abu'l Hasan Thabit ibn Qurra' ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani: Sabier von Harran, Buchreligion, Hermes Trismegistos, Hermetik, Haus der Weisheit, Aramäische Sprache (German Edition)
  14. 901: 901 Deaths, 901 Establishments, Thabit Ibn Qurra, List of State Leaders in 901, Adelaide of Paris, Muhammad Ibn Abi'l-Saj

THABIT IBN QURRA. (836901 CE). Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harraniwas born in the year 836 CE at Harran (present Turkey).
(836-901 C.E.)
Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 C.E. at Harran (present Turkey). As the name indicates he was basically a member of the Sabian sect, but the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir, impressed by his knowledge of languages, and realising his potential for a scientific career, selected him to join the scientific group at Baghdad that was being patronised by the Abbasid Caliphs. There, he studied under the famous Banu Musa brothers. It was in this setting that Thabit contributed to several branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in addition to translating a large number of works from Greek to Arabic. Later, he was patronised by the Abbasid Caliph al-M'utadid. After a long career of scholarship, Thabit died at Baghdad in 901 C.E. Thabit's major contribution lies in mathematics and astronomy. He was instrumental in extending the concept of traditional geometry to geometrical algebra and proposed several theories that led to the development of non-Euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, integral calculus and real numbers. He criticised a number of theorems of Euclid's elements and proposed important improvements. He applied arithmetical terminology to geometrical quantities, and studied several aspects of conic sections, notably those of parabola and ellipse. A number of his computations aimed at determining the surfaces and volumes of different types of bodies and constitute, in fact, the processes of integral calculus, as developed later.

2. Philosophers : Thabit Ibn Qurra
Thabit Ibn Qurra. Iranian Muslim Philosopher. 836901. Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwanal-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 AD at Harran (present Turkey).
Thabit Ibn Qurra
Iranian Muslim Philosopher
Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 A.D. at Harran (present Turkey). As the name indicates he was basically a member of the Sabian sect, but the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir, impressed by his knowledge of languages, and realising his potential for a scientific career, selected him to join the scientific group at Baghdad that was being patronised by the Abbasid Caliphs. There, he studied under the famous Banu Musa brothers. It was in this setting that Thabit contributed to several branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in addition to translating a large number of works from Greek to Arabic. Later, he was patronised by the Abbasid Caliph al-M'utadid. After a long career of scholarship, Thabit died at Baghdad in 901 A.D. Thabit's major contribution lies in mathematics and astronomy. He was instrumental in extending the concept of traditional geometry to geometrical algebra and proposed several theories that led to the development of non-Euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, integral calculus and real numbers. He criticised a number of theorems of Euclid's elements and proposed important improvements. He applied arithmetical terminology to geometrical quantities, and studied several aspects of conic sections, notably those of parabola and ellipse. A number of his computations aimed at determining the surfaces and volumes of different types of bodies and constitute, in fact, the processes of integral calculus, as developed later.

3. Thabit Ibn Qurra - Encyclopedia Article About Thabit Ibn Qurra. Free Access, No
encyclopedia article about Thabit ibn Qurra. Thabit ibn Qurra in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Thabit ibn Qurra. ibn Qurra
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Thabit ibn Qurra
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani Centuries: 8th century - 9th century - 10th century Decades: 770s 780s 790s 800s 810s - Years: 821 822 823 824 825 - Events
  • The Danish king accepts Christianity.
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Click the link for more information. February 18 February 18 is the 49th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 316 days remaining (317 in leap years).
  • 1685 - Fort St. Louis is established by a Frenchman at Matagorda Bay thus forming the basis for France's claim to Texas.
  • 1841 - The first ongoing filibuster in the United States Senate begins and lasts until March 11.
  • 1848 - Battle of Montereau occurs.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 9th century - 10th century - 11th century Decades: 850s 860s 870s 880s 890s - Years: 896 897 898 899 900 - Events
  • Mesoamerican ballgame court dedicated at Uxmal
  • Kingdom of Taebong established in Korean peninsula
  • Fuzhou city was expanded with construction of a new city wall ("Luo City").

4. :: || :: Thabit Ibn Qurra :: || ::
Thabit ibn Qurra. The Hamdard Foundation 1983. Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabial-Harrani was born in the year 836 AD at Harran (present Turkey).
Thabit ibn Qurra
The Hamdard Foundation - 1983 Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 A.D. at Harran (present Turkey). As the name indicates he was basically a member of the Sabian sect (al-Sabi), but the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir, impressed by his knowledge of languages, and realising his potential for a scientific career, selected him to join the scientific group at Baghdad that was being patronised by the Abbasid Caliphs.
There, he studied under the famous Banu Musa brothers. It was in this setting that Thabit contributed to several branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in addition to translating a large number of works from Greek to Arabic. Later, he was patronised by the Abbasid Caliph al-M'utadid. After a long career of scholarship, Thabit died at Baghdad in 901 A.D. Thabit's major contribution lies in mathematics and astronomy. He was instrumental in extending the concept of traditional geometry to geometrical algebra and proposed several theories that led to the development of non-Euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, integral calculus and real numbers.
He criticised a number of theorems of Euclid's elements and proposed important improvements. He applied arithmetical terminology to geometrical quantities, and studied several aspects of conic sections, notably those of parabola and ellipse. A number of his computations aimed at determining the surfaces and volumes of different types of bodies and constitute, in fact, the processes of integral calculus, as developed later.

5. Thabit Ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra. Thabit ibn Qurra abu l Hasan ibn Marwan alSabial Harrani, (826 - Únor 18, 901) byl Arab astronom a matematik.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu ' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani šnor 18 ) byl Arab astronom a matematik . V Latina on byl zn¡m½ jak Thebit Thabit byl narozen½ v Harran (starožitnost Carrhae), Mesopotamia (nyn­ Turecko ). Na n¡vrhu Muhammada ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit připadl studium v Bagd¡d k Shakir m¡ bratry Bani Mussa. On vedl skupinu překladatelů, kdo se dostavil z pohanky pseudo Sabeans od Harran. Arabsk½ writters zm¡st Babylonian Sabeans od Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans v¡Å¾en½ hvězdy a z tohoto důvodu oni maj­ velmi brzy uk¡zan½ velk© z¡jmy pro astronomie a matematika . V dob¡ch muslimsk© nadřazenosti oni přij­mali jm©no Sabean z­skat podpory ze v½sad to byl povolen½ Ko'ran . Toto jm©no pozdnějÅ¡­ ramained a tato divn¡ sekta studovali interně okol­ hlavn­ho střediska Caliphate obděl¡vat polovinu 13th stolet­ , když Mongols zničili jejich posledn­ svatyni. Jejich zasluhuje si v duchovn­m a scientifical pole maj­ s ž¡dnou pochybnost­ pomohl jim dostat ochrana od Muslims . V rytmech al - Mutawakkil panov¡n­ jejich město se stalo centrem filozofick© a l©kařsk© Å¡koly, kter½ byl přen¡Å¡el od

6. Unparalleled Scientific Legacy Of Islam
4. THABIT IBN qurra thabit ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan alSabi al-Harraniwas born in the year 836 at Harran (present Turkey). As the name

7. Thabit Ibn Qurra - Information
An online Encyclopedia with information and facts Thabit ibn Qurra Information,and a wide range of other subjects. Thabit ibn Qurra - Information.
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sl:Tabit ibn Kora
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran . This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the

8. Geometry Connects Lesson 1 A Close Look At The Pythagorean
Activity 3 Bhaskara s Similarity Proof Thabit ibn qurra thabit ibn Qurrawas born in 826 AD in Harran, Mesopotamia and died in 901 in Bagdad.
Week 1 Pythagorean Theorem
Tues, 01/23
Faculty:   Susan Hagen/Lynn Reed
Location:   GE 2 Channel 24  Math 5614
Introduction Course Syllabus By Date ... Return Topic:  Lesson 1: A Close Look at the Pythagorean Theorem
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Standards of Learning
The student will solve practical problems involving right triangles by using the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse, properties of special right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry. Calculators will be used to solve problems and find decimal approximations for the solutions
Pre-Class Assignments
Be sure to Download the following Class activities. You may either download one file with all activities: Lesson 1 Activities (Note this file contains 11 pages) or continue on below where we list each activity separately with a description. Geometer's Sketchpad This file walks through the basics of using the Geometer's Sketchpad. After completing these exercises, on your own, try the assignments listed in the assignment area below. Sketchpad #1 The Pythagorean Theorem In this lesson, Lynn will take an historical, multicultural approach to the Pythagorean Theorem, looking at different proofs completed by different mathematicians at different times in different parts of the world. We have separated each proof activity into a different file.

9. Thabit Ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra. Thabit ibn Qurra abu l Hasan ibn Marwan alSabi al Harrani,(826 - February 18, 901) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician.
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit . Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran . This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the

10. Thabit
AlSabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani. Born 826 thabit ibn qurra wasa native of Harran and a member of the Sabian sect. The Sabian
Al-Sabi Thabit ibn Qurra al-Harrani
Born: 826 in Harran, Mesopotamia (now Turkey)
Died: 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
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Thabit ibn Qurra was a native of Harran and a member of the Sabian sect. The Sabian religious sect were star worshippers from Harran often confused with the Mandaeans (as they are in [1]). Of course being worshipers of the stars meant that there was strong motivation for the study of astronomy and the sect produced many quality astronomers and mathematicians. The sect, with strong Greek connections, had in earlier times adopted Greek culture, and it was common for members to speak Greek although after the conquest of the Sabians by Islam, they became Arabic speakers. There was another language spoken in southeastern Turkey, namely Syriac, which was based on the East Aramaic dialect of Edessa. This language was Thabit ibn Qurra's native language, but he was fluent in both Greek and Arabic. Some accounts say that Thabit was a money changer as a young man. This is quite possible but some historians do not agree. Certainly he inherited a large family fortune and must have come from a family of high standing in the community.

11. Thabit Ibn Qurra --  Encyclopædia Britannica
in full AlSabi' thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani Arab mathematician, astronomer, physician, and philosopher, a MLA style " thabit ibn qurra." Encyclopædia Britannica

12. - Great Books -
thabit ibn qurrah alHarrani ( 826-901) Browse Books, music, art. Books from Amazon Islamic Mathematics. Books from Alibris Islamic Mathematics. Related Music Links. Medieval Science. Library Catalogs This is the gold! thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 A.D the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir, impressed by his knowledge
Thabit ibn Qurrah al-Harrani
Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 A.D. at Harran (present Turkey). As the name indicates he was basically a member of the Sabian sect, but the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir, impressed by his knowledge of languages, and realising his potential for a scientific career, selected him to join the scientific group at Baghdad that was being patronised by the Abbasid Caliphs. There, he studied under the famous Banu Musa brothers. It was in this setting that Thabit contributed to several branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in addition to translating a large number of works from Greek to Arabic. Later, he was patronised by the Abbasid Caliph al-M'utadid. After a long career of scholarship, Thabit died at Baghdad in 901 A.D.
Thabit's major contribution lies in mathematics and astronomy. He was instrumental in extending the concept of traditional geometry to geometrical algebra and proposed several theories that led to the development of non-Euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, integral calculus and real numbers. He criticised a number of theorems of Euclid's elements and proposed important improvements. He applied arithmetical terminology to geometrical quantities, and studied several aspects of conic sections, notably those of parabola and ellipse. A number of his computations aimed at determining the surfaces and volumes of different types of bodies and constitute, in fact, the processes of integral calculus, as developed later.

13. Living Islam - Famous & Prominent Muslims - Men & Women In Islam
Ramlah Bint Abu Sufyan. Jamila bint thabit. Asma bint Yazid AbdurRahman AlKawakibi. thabit ibn qurra. Abul Hasan Al-Mawardi

L i v i n g I s l a m
...Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time...

Muslims who have inspired....

14. Ibrahim
Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra. Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of thabitibn qurra and studied geometry and in particular tangents to circles.
Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn Thabit ibn Qurra
Born: 908 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
Died: 946 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
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Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra and studied geometry and in particular tangents to circles. He also studied the apparent motion of the Sun and the geometry of shadows. There is no doubt that had he not died at the young age of thirty-eight, he would have achieved a degree of fame for his mathematical works going even beyond the opinion of Sezgin (see [5] and [6]) that he was:- ... one of the most important mathematicians in the medieval Islamic world. Perhaps his early death robbed him of the chance to make a contribution even more important than that of his famous grandfather. Ibrahim's most important work was on the quadrature of the parabola where he introduced a method of integration more general than that of Archimedes . His grandfather Thabit ibn Qurra had started to view integration in a different way to Archimedes but Ibrahim realised that al-Mahani had made improvements on what his father had achieved. To Ibrahim it was unacceptable that (see for example [1]):-

15. Thabit
Biography of thabit (836901) thabit ibn qurra was a native of Harran and a member of the Sabian sect This language was thabit ibn qurra's native language, but he was fluent in both Greek
Al-Sabi Thabit ibn Qurra al-Harrani
Born: 826 in Harran, Mesopotamia (now Turkey)
Died: 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
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to see a larger version Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Thabit ibn Qurra was a native of Harran and a member of the Sabian sect. The Sabian religious sect were star worshippers from Harran often confused with the Mandaeans (as they are in [1]). Of course being worshipers of the stars meant that there was strong motivation for the study of astronomy and the sect produced many quality astronomers and mathematicians. The sect, with strong Greek connections, had in earlier times adopted Greek culture, and it was common for members to speak Greek although after the conquest of the Sabians by Islam, they became Arabic speakers. There was another language spoken in southeastern Turkey, namely Syriac, which was based on the East Aramaic dialect of Edessa. This language was Thabit ibn Qurra's native language, but he was fluent in both Greek and Arabic. Some accounts say that Thabit was a money changer as a young man. This is quite possible but some historians do not agree. Certainly he inherited a large family fortune and must have come from a family of high standing in the community.

16. Pythagorean Theorem Proof (Thabit Ibn Qurra)
Pythagorean Theorem Proof (thabit ibn qurra) Proving a series of congruent triangles. Natalie

17. List Of People By Name: Ib - Encyclopedia Article About List Of People By Name:
ibn qurra, thabit thabit ibn qurra abu l Hasan ibn Marwan alSabi al Harrani,(826 - February 18, 901) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician. of people by name: Ib
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
List of people by name: Ib
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition
  • Ibarra
  • Ibarra, Nestor, Argentine writer and poet
  • Ibarra, Susie, musician
  • Ibba, Giovanni Delogu
  • Ibert, Jacques Jacques François Antoine Ibert (1890 - 1962) was a French composer of classical music. He studied under Paul Vidal at the paris Conservatoire and won the Prix de Rome in 1919 for his cantata Le poète et la fée . From 1937 he was director of the French Academy in Rome, and from 1955 to 1957 directed Paris's Opéra-Comique. He died in Paris. Ibert's music is considered to be typically quite "light" in character, often witty, colourfully orchestrated with attractive melodies. Although he was not a member of Les Six, his music shares some characteristics with theirs. His best known work is probably the orchestral
    Click the link for more information. , composer
  • ibn Abd al Wahhab, Muhammad Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (b. 1703 'Uyyainah, Najd, Arabia - d. 1792 al-Dir'yah) a theologian, and preacher of a puritanical, fundamentalist form of Islam known as the Wahhabi movement. He touted this theology as a "purified" form of Islam, which attempted to return all Muslims to what he believed were the "true" principles of Islam.
    Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab was educated in Medina (part of modern Saudi Arabia), and travelled in Iraq and later, Iran. It was in Iran that he began preaching against the Sufi Muslims then predominant in the region.

18. Ibrahim
Biography of Ibrahim ibn Sinan (908946) Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra. Born 908 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of thabit ibn qurra and studied geometry
Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn Thabit ibn Qurra
Born: 908 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
Died: 946 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Ibrahim ibn Sinan was a grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra and studied geometry and in particular tangents to circles. He also studied the apparent motion of the Sun and the geometry of shadows. There is no doubt that had he not died at the young age of thirty-eight, he would have achieved a degree of fame for his mathematical works going even beyond the opinion of Sezgin (see [5] and [6]) that he was:- ... one of the most important mathematicians in the medieval Islamic world. Perhaps his early death robbed him of the chance to make a contribution even more important than that of his famous grandfather. Ibrahim's most important work was on the quadrature of the parabola where he introduced a method of integration more general than that of Archimedes . His grandfather Thabit ibn Qurra had started to view integration in a different way to Archimedes but Ibrahim realised that al-Mahani had made improvements on what his father had achieved. To Ibrahim it was unacceptable that (see for example [1]):-

19. Personalities Noble
AlIdrisi. ibn al-Baitar. Abu Ali Hasan ibn al-Haitham. ibn al-Nafis. ibn Khaldun. ibn Din Rumi. Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari. thabit ibn qurra. Nasir al-Din
Personalities Noble Glimpses of Renowned Scientists and Thinkers of Muslim Era
Adviser to the President on Science and Technology HAKIM MOHAMMED SAID,
President, Hamdard Foundation Pakistan DR. Z.A. HASHMI,
Senior Scientist, National Science Council of Pakistan DR. RAZIUDDIN SIDDIQUI,
Secretary General, Pakistan Academy of Sciences DR. S.M.A SHAH,
National Sciences Council of Pakistan HAKIM NAIMUDDIN ZUBAIRI,
Director of Research (Academic), Hamdard Foundation Pakistan Muslim Era Series-1 Personalities Noble Glimpses of Renowned Scientist and Thinkers of Muslim Era Edited by: Hakim Mohammed Said Re Edited for Internet Publication National Sciences Council of Pakistan Hamdard Foundation Pakistan FOREWORD
Every Muslim who has even a brief acquaintance with Islamic History is aware that the Islamic Ideology and world-view provided, during the first few centuries Hijra, a most powerful source of inspiration, especially for the Muslim people's quest for knowledge. The Islamic spirit produced a radical transformation in the Arabian Peninsula, as well as among the countries where Islam took firm root in the immediately succeeding centuries. The rich contributions which Islam has made in the various branches of Science served as the basis for the development of modern science. Although many earlier western historians tended to ignore this fact, recent investigations have led to a wider recognition of the importance of the Muslim contributions, especially to the development of scientific thought and the scientific method.

20. Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica Index Topic. ArticleIndex Entry Maps. thabit ibn qurra (Arab math., physic., and philos.).

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