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1. Puiseux Victor Alexandre Puiseux. Victor Puiseux s family moved to Lorraine when hewas only three years old and he was brought up in that region of France. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Puiseux.html | |
2. Poster Of Puiseux Victor Puiseux. lived from 1820 to 1883. Victor Puiseux worked on ellipticfunctions and studied computational methods in astronomy. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Puiseux.html | |
3. I00244.htm Translate this page puiseux victor. Sexe masculin. Naissance ven 15 avr 1887. PRÉCÉDENT - SUIVANT- INDEX DES NOMS - Créé par Heredis Mac - 1.6.2002. puiseux victor. http://www.wallon-pinault.org/WALLON/D00005/I00244.htm | |
4. I00243.htm PUISEUXVictor Mère JANNET Laure. Père puiseux victor Mère JANNET Laure. http://www.wallon-pinault.org/WALLON/D00005/I00243.htm | |
5. Astrologie Et Cartes Du Ciel De Personnages Célèbres : Célébrités Ou Stars Translate this page 05/1567 signe Gémeaux 12°45 et Ascendant Lion 18°10 FECHNER Gustav né le 19/04/1801signe Bélier 29°05 et Ascendant Balance 8°37 puiseux victor né le 16 http://www.astrotheme.fr/celebrites/pluton_poissons.htm | |
6. A.M.A. - Associazione Marchigiana Astrofili: I Personaggi Dell'Astronomia (O-Q) Translate this page puiseux victor-Alexandre Puiseux (1820-1883), matematico e astronomo francese.Purbach Georg von Purbach (1423-1461), astronomo e matematico austriaco. http://www.batsweb.org/ama/Dizionario/persOQ.htm | |
7. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Victor-Alexandre Puiseux (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12560a.htm | |
8. Puiseux, Victor A. (1820-1883) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog Astronomers. Branch of Science. Mathematicians. Nationality. French. Gender or Minority Status. Scientific Families. Biography Contributors. Barran. puiseux, victor A. ( 18201883) However, the http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/PuiseuxVictor.html | |
9. Puiseux, Pierre (1855-1928) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograp French astronomer and son of victor puiseux. He was educated at École Normale Supérieure, receiving his Ph.D lunar crater has been named in his honor. puiseux (victor) References http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/PuiseuxPierre.html | |
10. Famous People - P Puharich, Andrija. puiseux, Pierre Henri. puiseux, victor. Pujol, Jordi http://www.astrodatabank.com/Nms_p.htm | |
11. Biography-center - Letter P www.cyranos.ch/formele.htm prost. Protopopov, victor Pavlovich. www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/2247.html bio/p/puget/biograph.html. puiseux, victor. www-history.mcs.st-and.ac http://www.biography-center.com/p.html | |
12. Puiseux Biography of victor puiseux (18201883) victor Alexandre puiseux. Born 16 April 1820 in Argenteuil, Val-d'Oise, France victor puiseux's family moved to Lorraine when he was only three years http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Puiseux.html | |
13. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Index For P Publican Public Honesty (Decency) Pueblo Indians Puget, Pierre Pugh, George EllisPugin, Augustus Welby Northmore puiseux, victorAlexandre Pulaski, Casimir http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/p.htm |
14. The Science Bookstore - Search Store puiseux, victor. Memoire sur ;'Acceleration seculaire du mouvement de la Lune of major axes of the planetary orbits. puiseux taught at Rennes (18411844), at the new Faculty of http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/searchmain.asp?searchtype=Books by Keywords&a |
15. Biografia De Puiseux, Victor Translate this page puiseux, victor. (Argenteuil, 1820-Frontenay, 1883) Matemático yastrónomo francés. Profesor en las universidades de Rennes y http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/p/puiseux.htm | |
16. The Science Bookstore - Books puiseux, victor. Memoire sur ;'Acceleration seculaire du mouvement de la Lune of major axes of the planetary orbits. puiseux taught at Rennes (18411844), at the new Faculty of http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/bookmain.asp?pg=2&bookcat=Astronomy |
17. Índice Alfabético - P Translate this page Joan Puig, Manuel Puigblanch, Antonio Puigpardines, Berenguer de Puig-Rosado, FernandoPuigserver, Fabià Puigvert, Antonio puiseux, victor Pujades, Jerónimo http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/p/index0022.htm | |
18. Definition Of Victor Alexandre Puiseux - WordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia victor Alexandre puiseux. (This page does not yet exist. You License. Ituses material from the Wikipedia article victor Alexandre puiseux . http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Victor_Alexandre_Puiseux.html | |
19. Pages De Données Translate this page LAURENT, Vivianne Marie Madeleine (2316-, (contemporain).Retour à la page principale. puiseux, victor (44- http://antoine.schombourger.free.fr/web.schombo/pag147.htm | |
20. Pages De Données (contemporain). Retour à la page principale. puiseux, victor (44- http://antoine.schombourger.free.fr/web.schombo/pag175.htm | |
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